Chemical Handling Procedure-Unitac

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Procedure for Chemical Handling


1 Introduction ..................................................................... 3
2 Definitions ....................................................................... 3
3 Responsibilities ................................................................. 4
3.1 Managers/Responsible person ....................................... 4
3.2 Individuals handling chemicals .......................................... 4
4 Requirements ................................................................... 4
4.1 General requirements .................................................... 4
4.2 Safety Data Sheets .................................................... 5
4.3 Marking and labeling ................................................. 5
4.4 Flammable and/or explosive materials ................................ 5
5 Medical fitness and response ...................................................... 5
6 Risk assessment and planning ..................................................... 6
7 Monitoring and review......................................................... 6
8 References ...................................................................... 6
9 Change information ............................................................ 6
1 Introduction

This standard describes the measures which shall be taken to enable safe and
environmental sound handling of chemicals, when working on behalf of Unitac.
This includes the following:

 Minimize the risks with handling of chemicals, wherever possible, by choosing

the safest possible alternative.

 Ensure that provisions are made to protect persons handling chemicals from
risks, as well as to protect the environment.

 Ensure that provisions made are meeting local legal applicable legislation for
chemical handling.

 Ensure that risks associated with working with chemicals are identified,
assessed, and effectively managed (e.g. hazards, exposure) as part of Risk

 Establish arrangements for the issue, use and storage of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).

 Establish arrangements for the issue, use and storage of protective

equipment for environment.

Where local legislation exceeds requirements in this instruction then local

legislative requirements shall apply. This applies to the chemical’s usage life
stages e.g. usage, storage and transport of chemicals. Waste management
derived from chemicals shall be classified as hazardous waste and is not covered
in this instruction.

2 Definitions
“Chemical handling” includes usage, storage and transport of chemicals.

“Local Safety Instruction” means a locally made safety instruction based on

information from the Safety Data Sheet and local conditions.

“Safety Data Sheet” means manufacturer information for commercial users

about the risks associated with a specific chemical and safety precautions that
shall be taken for safe use. The exact format of a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) may
vary depending on local regulations.
3 Responsibilities

3.1 Managers/Responsible person

Involved manager/responsible person shall ensure that:

 employees working with chemicals shall be appropriately trained and use
relevant Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),
 employees who suffer from known medical conditions that could be
exacerbated using certain chemicals, shall be excluded from work task
including such chemicals, and
 pregnant employees are not exposed to chemicals.

3.2 Individuals handling chemicals

Employees shall inform their employer of health conditions (or pregnancy) that
may be impacted by chemicals.

Anyone who handles chemicals must use the appropriate PPE, when this is
stipulated by the Safety Data Sheet and defined as a mitigating action in the risk

4 Requirements

4.1 General requirements

The following requirements shall apply:

 A workplace Chemical Administrator shall be appointed, and has the

following responsibilities:

- managing chemical storage place,

- maintaining chemical lists,
- conducting routine inspections, and
- training chemical users.

 A local risk assessment shall be made, risks mitigation/treatment plan

created, and relevant control measures applied before the use of a chemical.

 All chemicals used shall be

- listed,
- monitored and controlled (including where they are used.),
- kept in undamaged, marked, and suitable sealed containers, and
- stored, used and disposed of in accordance with applicable legislation
and its Safety Data Sheet.

Records of chemicals shall be made available on request

4.2 Safety Data Sheets

“Safety Data Sheet” means manufacturer information for commercial users

about the risks associated with a specific chemical and safety precautions that
shall be taken for safe use. The exact format of a Safety Data Sheet may vary
depending on local regulations.

Users of chemicals shall adhere to information and instructions contained in

Safety Data Sheets.

SDS shall include, as a minimum, information about properties of each chemical;

the physical, health, and environmental hazards; protective measures;
and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical.

Safety Data Sheets shall be:

 in the local language,

 readily available where the chemicals are used and stored,
 readily available, as a 2nd set, in case of an emergency, and
 kept current.

4.3 Marking and labeling

Chemicals shall always be correctly marked and labeled with the chemical name
and hazard symbols, including when transferred into smaller containers.

4.4 Flammable and/or explosive materials

Handling of hazardous, flammable and /or explosive materials shall only be done
following a comprehensive local risk assessment and implementation of control
measures in accordance with fire prevention.

Medical fitness and response

An employee’s health condition shall where legally permitted be a part of the

local risk assessment.

Employees shall inform their employer of known ailments, physical or otherwise

that may have a negatively impact on themselves or a work colleague while at
work. If an employee suffers from known medical conditions that could be
exacerbated using certain chemicals, they shall inform their line manager.
5 Risk assessment and planning
A local risk assessment of the chemical usage shall be done before the first use.
Such assessment shall include an evaluation of the need for training, the
employee’s health condition (where permitted), need of PPE, other control
measures including those stated in the Safety Data Sheet and the possible use of
less hazardous substitutes.

The local risk assessment shall be repeated if the conditions of the use change.
This could be a change of personnel, new hazard information, increased
exposure through increased use or other relevant changes in the working process
or environment.

6 Monitoring and review

A yearly evaluation of chemical usage shall be done to evaluate the feasibility of
substitution to less hazardous alternatives.

Adherence to this standard shall be monitored by reviewing and keeping

records of:

 Incident Statistics;
 Quantity and type of chemicals used at any workplace; and
 Training per employee and per chemical.

7 References
Lists of Banned and Restricted Substances

8 Change information
Summary of changes since last revision:

1 Introduction updated

2 Added paragraphs Definitions and Responsibilities

3 Workplace Chemical Administrator and responsibilities added to


4 Clarification in Safety Data Sheet paragraph

5 Added Medical fitness and response

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