Rubric For Simulation Based CIA

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Rubric for Simulation based CIA

This would be a group assignment involving teams of 2 or 3 students each, depending on the
class size. Each team would be required to run a simulation on Capital Budgeting. Apart from
running the simulation, each team would also be required to submit a report detailing the
rationale behind the choices made. Each team would be assessed on the basis of value created
(7.5 marks) as well as the quality of the report (7.5 marks). Members of the same team may be
graded differently based on their contribution to the assignment. Mentioned below is the rubric
that would be used for evaluating the reports. Any attempts to copy the simulation runs of the
other teams, or to plagiarise from their reports would be viewed seriously and suitably

Performance Area Outstanding Good Average Needs Improvement

Concepts explained Concepts explained Concepts Poor understanding of
unambiguously and with some ambiguous and not the concepts
Conceptual complete in all ambiguity; one or completely clear
Clarity respects two points missed (1) (0)
Analysis & Very well analysed Good analysis Relatively poor Poor analysis
Explanation (3) analysis
(2) (0)
Very well Reasonably well Somewhat well Poorly structured,
structured, very structured, structured, poorly presented and
Report Structure well presented and reasonably well somewhat well not at all easy to read
& Presentation extremely easy to presented and easy presented and and understand
read and to read and somewhat easy to
understand understand read and (0)
(3) (2)

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