Introduction To Hindustan Unilever Limited: Supply Chain Management Solution For Hindustan Unilever: Case Study

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Supply Chain Management Solution for Hindustan Unilever: Case



In the summer of 1888, visitors to the Kolkata harbour noticed crates
full of Sunlight soap bars, embossed with the words "Made in England
by Lever Brothers". With it, began an era of marketing branded Fast
Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). Soon after followed Lifebuoy in
1895 and other famous brands like Pears, Lux and Vim. Vanaspati
was launched in 1918 and the famous Dalda brand came to the
market in 1937.

Existing Situation

With nearly 1000 products, HLL distributes them nationally through a

network of four warehouses, more than 40 agents, 7,500 wholesalers and
a number of large institutional customers.

HLL, in its endeavor to move from the existing push-based planning

system to a pull-based system, wanted to build a Supply Chain
Management (SCM) solution that would ensure informed decisions are
made during procurement, manufacturing, replenishment and
distribution. Specifically, the distribution operation was suffering
because of a high margin of errors. There were frequent instances of
excess finished-goods inventory reaching HLL’s distribution centers.
This problem was compounded by increasing instances of out-of-stock
inventory, which led to demand-supply mismatches. Finally, the system
was not able to handle the dynamic nature of the company’s source-
destination network, and adversely affected the demand-fulfillment
HLL needed a solution that could provide visibility across its supply
chain. Considering the diverse nature of the company’s customer base,
the solution needed to prioritize the demand-fulfillment process based on
individual profiles. The company also required precise vehicle loading
plans for the source-destination lane in tune with its dynamic network.

Tool Selection

In an effort to streamline its distribution network, HLL initiated a

comprehensive project to seamlessly integrate its supply chain and
promote collaboration. The key objectives of the initiative were:

Implementation of a Supply Chain Planning and Optimization Tool.

Development and implementation of a Web-enabled solution to extend
visibility across the company’s network of wholesalers.

Adexa’s collaboration Suite 5.0 (Supply Chain Planner and Strategic

Planner) was selected as the tool for production, distribution and
materials functions. The Supply Chain Planner’s (SCP) powerful
constraint-based planning capability delivers detailed-level plans. On the
other hand, Strategic Planner allows HLL to decide on the product mix
and manufacturing locations, and optimizes the source-destination
network, on a long-term basis.

Our Approach

Mind Tree has a portfolio of process models, management tools, and

operational best practices, which can be customized to address any SCM
engagement. Mind Tree has a specific methodology for Adexa. Adexa-
certified consultants from Mind Tree worked closely with HLL’s IT
application team and consultants from Adexa in designing a detailed
system architecture, system building and model, and system-verification

MindTree evaluated the key supply-chain processes for each of HLL’s
lines of business. The solution is geared to fulfill supply and demand. It
gives precise production plans for all the factories and a replenishment-
based distribution plan for all the distribution centers. All entities in the
supply chain were modeled on the Adexa collaboration suite. The key
inputs for building the SCM model were distribution demand for all
stock keeping units (SKUs); factory-wise capacities; and linkages
between the distribution centers, finished goods warehouses, factories
and suppliers.

With inputs from HLL’s team, MindTree contributed towards modeling

the following requirements with respect to key resource and material

Shop-floor complexities (SKU-specific levels for bill of material,

resource and capacity constraints) to arrive at a feasible production plan
using discrete and continuous modes of consumption.
Site-specific holidays as capacity patterns.
Collaborative production planning optimizing individual plan
utilization, time fences, customized threshold logic, and post-processing
time for quality clearance at plants.
Equitable demand fulfillment (both planned and extraordinary) for
finished goods based on customer prioritization across the supply chain.
Periods of cover and safety stock at distribution centers for SKU
rationalization, handling consumer promotions, etc.
Handling in-transits on source-destination lane.
Meeting the demands from individual whole sellers by direct dispatches
from factories.
Precise vehicle load plans for shipments from the factories and
Dynamic allocation of source factories to each distribution center.
Data integration between the SCP and ERP systems was addressed with
the implementation of MFG/PRO.
Implemented specific requirements through plug-in business rules in
Supply Chain Planner such as work-order sizing and method
(production/transportation) selection.

For implementing the requirements mentioned above, MindTree

developed an exclusive set of the following algorithms:

Demand prioritization and equalization logic, based on pre-

determined “starvation levels”.
Balancing and scheduling logic.
Transportation logic.
Vehicle loadability logic.

This Adexa implementation has improved HLL’s proactive planning
capability and manufacturing and distribution efficiency, which have
helped ensure a more responsive supply chain. The solution has also
helped the company gain visibility across its supply chain, reduce
distribution lead-time, and minimize the total supply-chain cost.

Stock availability, measured in terms of Stock Service Index, has

significantly increased, moving from 65% to 90%. The company has
also realized a more equitable distribution of stocks with overall mal-
distribution reducing from 19% to 6% of total volume transported.
Manual intervention has come down from 40% to sub-zero levels. Direct
dispatches from the factories to the wholesaler network have increased.
Finally, in terms of volume, indirect dispatches from finished goods
warehouses have come down from a range between 70-80% to between

Tools Used
Sun Solaris (OS), Windows NT, Adexa collaboration 5.0 (Supply Chain
Planner and Strategic Planner) and TCL/UCL.

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