Akon 10.12.18

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Date Type Location Observations Recommendations Corrective Action Status

1982 10/12/18 Observation SS Poor housekeeping inside SS building switch gear room - Provide housekeeping Corrective Action Open

1983 10/12/18 Observation PIB No guard rail provided west side of PIB access - Provide guard rail Corrective Action Open

1984 10/12/18 Observation SRU Site garbage with waste soil stacked in SRU. - Remove it from site Corrective Action Open

It was observed that unwanted scaffolding material still

1985 10/12/18 Observation ROAD O
found lying at road O area.
- Remove it from the site Corrective Action Open

It was observed that Akon unwanted dewatering hoses

1986 10/12/18 Observation ROAD 34
were found along the Road 34 area.
- Need to remove it from the site. Corrective Action Open

It was observed that excavated material at Road 30 for - Need to remove the excavated
1987 10/12/18 Observation ROAD 30
the foundation was found left unattended. material from the site.
Corrective Action Open

Akon worker named Olacay Yuncay involved in paint

1988 10/12/18 Observation SS activity at top level scaffolding of east side SS outerwall - Give him verbal warning Corrective Action Open
without tie-off his harness
- Area safety must supervise the
activity carefully.
Akon carpenter cutting plywood without wearing face
1989 10/12/18 Observation CFU
shield in CFU PR area
- Provide face shield before executing Corrective Action Open
the activity.

1990 10/12/18 Observation TCF Akon garbage skips overflowed in TCF area - Remove all the waste ASAP Corrective Action Open

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