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Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations of Education

ational Council of Educational Research and Training
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi- 110016


This catalogue is a reference guide to the two thousand tests in Education, Psychology
and allied areas, available in the National Library of Educational & Psychological Tests
(NLEPT), located in the Department of Educational Psychology & Foundations of Education,
NCERT, New Delhi. The NLEPT is a Library-cum-Depository of a rare collection of
specimen sets of published and unpublished Indian and foreign tests. It caters to the
reference needs of test users and test developers in the country. The tests cover most of the
important areas of concern such as intelligence, ability and aptitude, interest, values,
personality, achievement, creativity, learning, guidance and counselling, industrial
psychology, etc.

For the purpose of ready reference to the catalogue, the tests have been classified area
wise. The tests have been assigned "NTL Code Nos" which may be used for requisitioning
them. For detailed guidance regarding the tests, the reader may like to refer to the various
test bulletins and Indian Measurement Handbooks that have been prepared by the Library.

Some resource materials in the area of testing are also available in the NLEPT. The
same have been listed in this catalogue under the heading Reference Material and Literature
on Testing.

Photocopying or duplicating the test booklets is strictly not allowed. Hence no

requests to this effect may be made.

The reader is advised to fill up the required proforma when using the library. Further
information having a bearing on the development of the Test Library, e.g., information about
new tests, purpose of referring the tests, specific requirements not being met, etc. may be
supplied at the end of the proforma.

We wish our readers a great success in their test-related pursuits.





Intelligence 4
Ability & Aptitude 10
Achievement 15
Adjustment 18
Learning 20
Creativity 21
Personality 22
Attitude 35
Self-Concept/Self-Esteem/Self Perception 40
Interest 42
Values 44
Counselling & Guidance 46
Child Development and Family Atmosphere 49
Industrial Psychology and Management 51
Socio-Economic Status 53
Reference Material & Literature on Testing 55


Intelligence 58
Ability & Aptitude 64
Achievement 74
Learning 81
Creativity 83
Personality and Adjustment 84
Values & Attitude 92
Self-Concept/Self-Esteem 93
Interest 94
Counselling & Guidance 96
Child Development and Family Atmosphere 100
Industrial Psychology and Management 101
Reference Material & Literature on Testing 102



S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author (s)

1. NTL–107 A Group Intelligence Test (In Hindi) Prayag Mehta


2. NTL–112 Wechsler Adult Performance Pr Ramalingaswamy

Intelligence Scale

3. NTL–160 Culture Fair Intelligence Test (a S. Rao & R.N. Singh

Measure of ‘g’), scale-2 Forms A & B
(Hindi version)

4. NTL–173 Test of "g" Culture Fair Intelligence S. Rao

Test, Scale -3 Form A & B (Hindi

5. NTL–177 Mixed type Group Test of Intelligence P.N. Mehrotra

(Verbal and Nonverbal) (Hindi)

6. NTL–245 Group Test of Intelligence Pramila Ahuja

7. NTL–246 Verbal Intelligence Test (Hindi Version) R.K. Ojha &

K. Roy Chowdhury

8. NTL–248 Sharma Draw A Bicycle Test of T.R. Sharma

Intelligence (Age group11-16 years)

9. NTL–250 Group Test of Intelligence (13-17+ G.C. Ahuja


10. NTL–251 Draw-a-Man Test for Indian Children (2 Pramila Phatak

½ - 15 ½ years)

11. NTL–252 Human Figure Drawing Test or Draw-a- A.N. Misra

man test

12. NTL–303 Verbal Intelligence Test R.K.Ojha &

K.Ray Chowdhury

13. NTL–304 Group Test of Intelligence Pramila Ahuja

14. NTL–330 Concept Formation Test Kamal Dwivedi

15. NTL–339 A Group Test of Intelligence for R.K. Tandon

children (2/70) (Hindi)
16. NTL–340 The Group Test of General Mental R.K. Tandon
Ability 20/52

17. NTL–347 CIE Individual Scale of Intelligence Central Institute of
3+ to 11+ Education, Delhi

18. NTL–349 CIE Group Test of Intelligence (11-12) Central Institute of

(Hindi) Education, Delhi

19. NTL–350 CIE Verbal Group Test of Intelligence Central Institute of

(13+) (Hindi) Education, Delhi

20. NTL–351 CIE Verbal Group Test of Intelligence Central Institute of

(14+) (Hindi) Education, Delhi

21. NTL–352 CIE Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence Central Institute of

(Hindi) Education, Delhi

22. NTL–353 The Group General Mental Ability Test S. Jalota

NTL-706 (GMAT) (8th - 11th Standard) (Hindi)
23. NTL–400 Indian Adaptation of Binet Simon Scale S.K. Kulshrestha

24. NTL–401 Otis Self Administering Test of Mental N.S. Chauhan &
Ability (Indian Adaptation) (Hindi) Govind Tiwari

25. NTL–431 Gujarati Adaptation of the Wechsler M.C. Bhatt

Intelligence Scale for Children

26. NTL–432 Group Test of Intelligence for Standard K.G. Desai & M.C. Bhatt
VIII to XII (Gujarati)

27. NTL–458 Vithoba Paknikar Performance Tests for K.K. Paknikar

the Blind

28. NTL–463 Indian Intelligence Test (Hindi) R.P. Gupta

29. NTL–478 Bhatia’s Performance Test of C.M. Bhatia


30. NTL–531 Chandra Mohini Budhi Parikshan (11th Chandra Mohini

& 12th standard) (Hindi)

31. NTL–532 A Pictorial Monograph of Motor and Pramila Phatak

Mental Development of Indian Babies
from 1 to 30 months

32. NTL–539 Chandra Mohini Budhi Parikshan Chandra Mohini

33. NTL–645 Test of General Mental Ability (or M.C. Joshi
Intelligence) (Hindi)

34. NTL–704 Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale M.C. Joshi
of Intelligence (WPPSI)

35. NTL–705 General Mental Ability Test for R.P. Srivastava &
Children (for 7-11 years) Kiran Saksena

36. NTL -707 A Group Test of Intelligence for adults R.K.Tandon

37. NTL–708 Social Intelligence Scale (SIS) N.K.Chadha &

Usha Ganesan

38. NTL–709 Developmental Screening Test (DST) J. Bharath Raj

39. NTL–710 General Mental Alertness Test (GMAT) R.P. Srivastava

(Hindi & English)

40. NTL–711 Non-Verbal Intelligence Test Atmananda Sharma

41. NTL–712 The Revised Bhatia’s Short Battery S.K. Verma

Of Performance Tests of Intelligence

42. NTL–746 Test of General Intelligence Verbal Ram Naresh Singh

Numerical & Abstract Reasoning Test

43. NTL–775 Non-Verbal Test I by J.W.Jenkins Central Institute of

(10-12 years) (Hindi adaptation) Education, Delhi

44. NTL–846 Buddhi Mapak Prashan Patrika Department of Psychology

Prantiya Shikshan
Mahavidyalaya (PSM),

45. NTL–921 Verbal Group Test of Intelligence Central Institute of

Terman Merrill and others (Hindi Education, Delhi
adaptation, 11 - 14 years)

46. NTL–947 Verbal Group Test of Intelligence Test- Bureau of Psychology,

BPT-7 (revised) For age group 13 plus Allahabad, UP

47. NTL–956 General Knowledge & General Bureau of Psychology,

Intelligence Test Allahabad, UP

48. NTL–962 A Group Intelligence Test (Hindi) Prayag Mehta

49. NTL–972 Baroda Studies in Mental Measurement M.S. University, Baroda

50. NTL–981 The test of General Intelligence Bureau of Psychology,

51. NTL–927 Non-Verbal Test Bureau of Psychology,

52. NTL–930 General Intelligence Test (Marathi) Anant Pathak

53. NTL–1121 The Test of General Intelligence (Hindi) Education & Vocational
Guidance Bureau, Patna

54. NTL–1122 Space Test B.P.S.T. 1 (Budhi Pariksha) Bureau of Psychology,

(Hindi) Allahabad

55. NTL–1123 A Group Test of Intelligence (Verbal) Teachers' College, Mysore

(For High School Students) (Tamil)

56. NTL–1124 The Bihar Test of General S.M. Mohsin


57. NTL–1126 The Allahabad Intelligence Test Sohan Lall

58. NTL–1128 Intelligence Test (Adults) Bureau of Psychology,

Uttar Pradesh

59. NTL–1129 The P.S.M. General Intelligence Test Jabalpur

60. NTL–1130 A Report of Hindi Translation and Dwarka Pershad

Adaptation of ‘WAIS-R’ Verbal Scale Santosh K.Verma

61. NTL–1177 Humanities Group Test of General Mohan Chandra Joshi

Mental Ability (Hindi)

62. NTL–1179 The Help I.Q. Computer K.N. Saxena

63. NTL–1180 Verbal Group Test of Intelligence (13+) Central Institute of

Education, Delhi

64. NTL–1181 Non-Verbal Test I by J.W.Jenkins (10- Central Institute of

12 years) (Hindi adaptation) Education, Delhi

65. NTL–1205 Samanya Budhi Pariksha (Hindi) Age State Bureau of Educational
11+ & Vocational Guidance,
Gwalior, MP

66. NTL–1210 Budhi Pariksha (Verbal Group Test of Bureau of Psychology,

Intelligence) 12 Plus Allahabad

67. NTL-1211 Non-Verbal Test (Hindi) Bureau of Psychology, UP,
Adapted by Constructed by
D.A.Pidgeon, B.Sc.

68. NTL–1212 General Intelligence Test Pannalal Shrimali

69. NTL–1217 Verbal Group Test of Intelligence Bureau of Psychology,

Age Group 13 Plus Allahabad

70. NTL–1219 Stanford Binet Budhi Pariksha Bureau of Psychology,


71. NTL–1225 A.E.M. Test for Intelligence American Evangelical

Cooperation (Hindi) Ages 7-10 Mission, Raipur, M.P.

72. NTL–1238 Test of General Intelligence (Hindi) Educational & Vocational

Bureau, Bihar

73. NTL–1239 Budhi Pariksha (Hindi) Bureau of Psychology


74. NTL–1270 CIE Individual Scale of Intelligence Central Institute of

(Adapted from Terman Merril & Others) Education, Delhi

75. NTL–1279 NCERT General Ability Test NCERT

76. NTL–1337 Individual Intelligence Test Battery S.C.P. Institute, Allahabad

Age 5+ (Hindi)

77. NTL–1365 Non-Verbal Group Tests of Intelligence Department of Psychology

(Tamil) University of Madras

78. NTL-1369 Draw-a-Man Test for Indian Children Pramila Phatak

79. NTL–1374 Marathi Budhi Mapan Pariksha M.N. Kulkarni


80. NTL–1375 Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence G.H. Nafde

81. NTL–1376 Intelligence Test (Bangla) G. H. Nafde

82. NTL–1428 KoHs Block Design Test National Psychological

Corporation, Agra

83. NTL–1429 Seguin Form Board (S.F.B) S.K. Goel

84. NTL–1510 Non-Language Test of Intelligence S.Chatterji, Mangula
Mukerjee, Rumki Gupta

85. NTL–1577 Indian Child Intelligence Test Usha Khire

86. NTL–1636 I AM - A Software for Intelligence and Jnana Prabodhini's Institute

Aptitude Measurement Test. of Psychology, Pune

87. NTL–1638 Revised Bhatia’s Short Battery of C.M. Bhatia

Performance Tests of Intelligence for

88. NTL–1651 Indian Adaptation of Wechsler’s Adult Prabha Ramalingaswamy

Performance Intelligence Scale

89. NTL-1679 Emotional Intelligence Scale Anakool H.S.Sanjyot

90. NTL-1680 Social Intelligence Scale N.K.Chadha and

Usha Ganesan

91. NTL-1681 General Mental Alertness Test (GMAT) R.P.Srivastava

92. NTL-1682 PGI Battery for Assessment of Mental Adarsh Kohli, S.K.Verma
Efficiency in the Elderly & Dwarka Pershad

93. NTL-1819 Indian Norms for Raven’s Standard C.G.Deshpande,

Progressive matrices J.M.Ojha

94. NTL-1826 Swarup-Mehta Test of thinking Smriti Swarup

Strategies D.H.Mehta

95. NTL-1846 Meta Cognition Inventory Punita Govil

96. NTL-1851 Emotional Intelligence Inventory S.K.Mangal

Shubhra Mangal

97. NTL-1857 Spiritual Quotient (SQ): An Assessment Chittranjan N. Daftuar

Tool Nira Manghrani


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–105 A Battery of Mechanical Aptitude Test Atmananda Sharma

2. NTL–114 Scientific Knowledge and Aptitude Test S. Chatterji & Mukerjee

3. NTL–121 Scientific Aptitude Test Battery K.K. Agarwal

4. NTL–174 Teaching Aptitude Test (Hindi) Jai Prakash &

R.P. Srivastava

5. NTL–193 Differential Aptitude Tests Form LH J.M. Ojha

(Indian Adaptation)

6. NTL–203 A Battery of Clerical Aptitude Tests Kiran Gupta


7. NTL–247 Problem Solving Ability Test (Hindi) L.N. Dubey

8. NTL–249 Reasoning Ability Test (Hindi) L.N. Dubey

9. NTL–288 Scientific Aptitude Test for College A.K.P. Sinha

Students (Hindi)

10. NTL–289 Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (Hindi) R.P. Singh

11. NTL–297 Teacher Rating Scale R.C. Deva

12. NTL–298 General Teaching Competency Scale B.K. Passi

13. NTL–329 Construction and Standardization of a D. Pershad

Clinical Test of Memory

14. NTL–330 Concept Formation Test (Hindi) K. Dwivedi

15. NTL–331 Non-Verbal Concept Formation Test G. Tiwari

16. NTL–395 P.G.I. Memory Scale D. Pershad & N.N. Wig

17. NTL–396 Teacher Effectiveness Scale Pramod Kumar

18. NTL–418 The General Science Test (Hindi) Jai Prakash

19. NTL–419 Indore Teaching Assessment Scale B.K. Passi, M. Deshmukh

& S.K. Sharma

20. NTL–433 Desai Speed & Accuracy Test (Gujarati) K.G. Desai

21. NTL–451 Problem Solving Ability Test (Hindi) Roop Rekha Garg

22. NTL–459 Engineering Aptitude Test Battery Form Swarn Pratap


23. NTL–460 Engineering Aptitude Test Battery Form Swarn Pratap


24. NTL–481 Langer-Paliwal scale of Psycho-Physical T.R. Paliwal


25. NTL–519 Teacher Effectiveness Scale (Hindi) Pramod Kumar &

D.N. Mutha

26. NTL–619 Engineering Aptitude Test Battery Swarn Pratap

(Form A + Form B)

27. NTL–620 Reasoning Ability Test (Hindi) K. Bayati

28. NTL–713 Problem Solving Concept Formation S.K. Dixit


29. NTL–738 Communal Prejudice Scale Qamar Jahan

30. NTL–847 General Hindi Test Department of Psychology,

Allahabad University

31. NTL–945 Non-Verbal Science Selection Test S.K. Roy Chaudhury

32. NTL–957 Talent Test Battery NCERT, New Delhi

33. NTL-1088 Scholastic Aptitude Test NCERT, New Delhi

34. NTL-1209 Non-Verbal Science Selection Test S.K. Roy Chaudhary

35. NTL–220 Space Test Bureau of Psychology,


36. NTL-1282 Talent Project (Tests) NIE (NCERT)

37. NTL–1283 Battery of Talent Test N.N. Sen

38. NTL–1285 Reading Ability Test Prabhjot

39. NTL–1300 PGI Battery of Brain Dysfunction D. Pershad

40. NTL–1307 Inventory of Factors Influencing M.L. Kamlesh
Sports Career

41. NTL–1309 Adaption of Weinstain's Noise P. Bhatia

Sensitivity Scale

42. NTL–1364 The Orissa Test of Clerical Aptitude D. Khadanga

43. NTL–1377 Teacher Efficiency Inventory M.S. University of Baroda

44. NTL–1382 Test of Literary Aptitude (Oriya) R.C. Das

45. NTL–1424 Art Judgement Test Anil Ambasana

46. NTL–1433 Reading Comprehension Test (RCT) P. Ahuja

47. NTL–1434 Test of Higher Mental Ability in D.N. Sansawal


48. NTL–1452 Reading Ability Test (Hindi) Prabhjot

49. NTL–1481 Teaching Aptitude Test Battery S. Karim, & A.K. Dixit

50. NTL–1486 Teaching Aptitude Test Geeta Tiwari

51. NTL–1487 Reasoning Ability Test Sadhna Bhatnagar

52. NTL–1491 Study Materials (The First National All India Institute of
Training Workshop in Clinical Medical Sciences

53. NTL–1492 Prajnaman Kasotimala (Guil Ford): Jnana Probodhini Pune

Tests of Figural Cognition Test Battery -do-
Tests of Figural Memory -do-
Tests of Figural Divergent Production -do-
Tests of Figural Convergent Production -do-
Tests of Figural Evaluation -do-
Tests of Symbolic Divergent Production -do-
Tests of Symbolic Memory -do-
Tests of Symbolic Convergent -do-
Production -do-
Tests of Symbolic Evaluation -do-
Tests of Semantic Cognition -do-
Tests of Semantic Memory -do-
Tests of Semantic Divergent Production -do-
Tests of Semantic Convergent -do-
Production -do-
Tests of Semantic Evaluation -do-
Tests of Behavioural Cognition -do-
Tests of Behavioural Memory -do-
Tests of Behavioural Divergent -do-

Tests of Behavioural Convergent -do-
Tests of Behavioural Evaluation -do-
A Battery of Tests (Reports for S.No. -do-
Construction of Tests (Reports for
S.N. 16-20)
Tests of Numerical Ability

54. NTL–1542 Reasoning Ability in Science Anuradha Joshi

55. NTL–1550 Duncan's Sales Aptitude Test (Hindi) Malay Kapoor

56. NTL–1552 David's Battery of Differential Abilities M. Kapoor

57. NTL–1554 Battery of Process Based Tests in S.N.L. Bhargav

Physics (BPBTP)

58. NTL–1574 Noise Adaptation Scale Ramji Sriwastava

59. NTL–1580 Memory Test for Intolerance of M. Misra


60. NTL–1581 Concept Attainment Test A. Joshi

61. NTL–1582 Reading Test (Hindi) Jamuna Lal

62. NTL–1583 The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale S.P. Malhotra


63. NTL–1584 The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale S.P. Malhotra


64. NTL–1611 David Battery of Differential Abilities Psy-Com Services

(Handbook for DBDA)

65. NTL–1612 AIIMS Comprehensive Neuro- AIIMS

Psychological Battery in Hindi

66. NTL–1614 Deo-Mohan Projective Test of P. Deo & Asha Mohan

Achievement Motivation(DACM)

67. NTL–1652 A Scale for Reading Writing skills for N. Singh

Pre Primary School Children

68 NTL–1653 Engineering Aptitude Test Battery Swarn Pratap

69. NTL–1654 Engineering Aptitude Test Battery Swarn Pratap

70. NTL-1683 Cognitive Style Inventory Praveen Kumar Jha
71. NTL-1751 Mechanical Ability and Information Psy-Com Service

72 NTL-1752 Teaching Aptitude Scale Psy-Com Service

73. NTL-1762 A Battery of Clerical Aptitude Test Kiran Gupta


74. NTL-1816 AIIMS Comprehensive Surya Gupta etal

Neuropsychological Battery in Hindi
75. NTL-1827 Behavioural Checklist for Screening the Smriti Swarup
Learning Disabled D.H.Mehta

76. NTL-1837 Developmental Screeing Test (DST) J.Bharath Raj

77. NTL-1840 Revision of Differential Aptitude Test J.M.Ojha

for Higher Secondary Schools

78. NTL-1843 Test of Higher Mental Ability in D.N.Dansanwal

Science Anuradha Josh


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–348 C.I.E. Hindi Yogyata Pariksha for C.I.E

Class VIII

2 NTL–398 School Progress Record L.N. Dubey

3. NTL–467 Mother Tongue Test B.K. Srivastava

4. NTL–526 Statistics Achievement Test (Hindi) R.C. Deva

5. NTL–720 General Classroom Achievement Test A.K. Singh &

(GCAT) A. Sen Gupta

6. NTL–721 Hindi Achievement Test L.N. Dubey

7. NTL–722 Adult Education Achievement Test V.V. Malaya

8. NTL–723 Diagnostic Test and Decimal System V.P. Sharma &

& Percentage J.P. Shukla

9. NTL–948 Coimbatore Achievement Test (Social R.K. Mission


10. NTL–1039 English Test B.R.C. Agra

11. NTL–1054 General Science Achievement Test J.S. Gupta

12. NTL–1074 Achievement Test (Gujarati) Psychological Research

Institute, Bombay

13. NTL–1093 Mathematics Tests B.R. College of

Education Agra

14. NTL-1101 Mathematics (Tamil) R.K.Mission

15. NTL–1105 Achievement Test Folder (General S.I.B. Kerala


16. NTL–1106 Achievement Test Folder (Social S.I.B. Kerala


17. NTL–1107 Achievement Test Folder (General S.I.B. Kerala


18. NTL–1108 Mother Tongue Test S. Shukla

19. NTL–1112 IEA Questionnaire S. Shukla

20. NTL–1113 IEA Questionnaire S. Shukla

21. NTL–1114 IEA Science Test S. Shukla

22. NTL–1178 General Science Test (Vigyan K.N. Saxena


23. NTL–1214 Coimbatore Standard Test in Social R.M. Vidyalaya,

Studies Coimbatore

24. NTL–1218 Hindi Yogyata Pariksha Bureau of Psychology,


25. NTL–1287 Adult Education Achievement Test V. Malaya


26. NTL–1380 Chemistry Educational & Vocational

Guidance Bureau, Patna

27. NTL–1427 PGI Achievement Value Index D.K. Menon

28. NTL–1523 Biology Achievement Test Saroj Arora

29. NTL–1524 Physics Achievement Test S.H.S. Bhargava

30. NTL–1553 Mathematics Achievement Test L.N. Dubey

31. NTL–1614 Deo-Mohan Projective Test of P. Deo & A. Mohan

Achievement Motivation (NACH)

32. NTL–1615 Deo-Mohan Achievement P. Deo & A. Mohan

Motivation (D-ACM) Scale

33. NTL–1671 Target Dart Test (Grouping Method) Rajamanickam

34. NTL–1672 Target Dart Test (Application Rajamanickam


35. NTL-1727 Achievement Motive Test V.P.Bhargava

36. NTL-1729 Tiwari Achievement Motive Scale S.N.Tiwari

37. NTL-1730 Sharma Academic Achievement T.R.Sharma

Motivation Test

38. NTL-1763 The Nagrik Shastra Yogyata Durga Srivastava

Pareeksha (Hindi)

39. NTL-1764 Achievement Test in Home Science Indra Kapoor

40. NTL-1765 Achievement Test in Hindi Kalplata Pandey

41. NTL-1766 Achievement Test of Mathematics Madhu Asthana & Kiran

(Hindi) Bala Verma


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–115 The School Adjustment Inventory Nirmal Kumar &

M. Bhagia

2. NTL–122 Adjustment Inventory for School A.K.P. Sinha & R.P. Singh
Students (Hindi)

3. NTL–124 The Adjustment Inventory(student form) Har Mohan Singh

4. NTL–134 A Battery of Pre Adolescent Personality U. Pareek & others

Tests: A Pre Adolescent Adjustment
Scale (Hindi)

5. NTL–144 Marital Adjustment Questionnaire Pramod Kumar &

Kanchana Rohtagi

6. NTL–263 Adjustment Inventory for College A.K.P. Sinha

Students (Hindi)

7. NTL–264 Marital Adjustment Inventory Form A H.M. Singh


8. NTL–267 Deva's Social Adjustment Inventory R.C. Deva

9. NTL–299 Adjustment Inventory (Hindi) R. Srivastava

10. NTL–305 The Adjustment Inventory (Hindi) D.N. Srivastava

11. NTL–323 Vineland Social Maturity Scale A.J.Malin

12. NTL–342 Personality Adjustment Inventory C.P. Sharma

NTL–454 (English)

13. NTL–343 Personality Adjustment Inventory C.P. Sharma

NTL–453 (Hindi)

14. NTL–438 Social Adjustment Inventory (Gujarati) Kusum K. Bhatt

15. NTL–461 Adolescent Adjustment Analyzer A. Pandey


16. NTL–462 Youth Adjustment Analyzer M.D. Bengalee

17. NTL–522 Teacher Adjustment Inventory (Hindi S.K. Mangal

and English)

18. NTL–569 Revised Adjustment Inventory P. Kumar

19. NTL–639 Asthana Adjustment Inventory H.S. Asthana

20. NTL–1010 Adjustment Inventory V.K. Mittal

21. NTL–1022 Mohsin-Shamsad's Bill Adjustment S.M. Mohsin &

Inventory S. Hussain

22. NTL–1102 Personality Adjustment Inventory Muslim University Aligarh

23. NTL–1404 Teacher Adjustment Inventory S.K. Mangal

24. NTL–1405 Teacher Adjustment Inventory (Hindi) S.K. Mangal

25. NTL–1548 Global Adjustment Scale (Student Psy-Com Services


26. NTL–1549 Global Adjustment Scale (Adult Form) Psy-Com Services

27. NTL–1592 Parasparik Samband Prashnawali G.P. Mathur

28. NTL–1604 High School Adjustment Inventory A.K. Singh

29. NTL–1610 Adjustment Inventory for College A.K.P. Sinha &

Students (AICS) R.P. Singh

30. NTL-1700 Emotional Maturity Scale Y.Singh & M.Bhargava

31. NTL-1767 Adjustment Inventory Nilima Deka

32. NTL-1831 Peer Pressure Scale Sandeep Singh,

Sunil Saini
33. NTL-1872 Personal Adjustment Inventory(PAI) C.J.Deshpande


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–598 Learning Environment Inventory Rampal Singh


2. NTL–638 Battery of Process Based in Physics S.N.L. Bhargava


3. NTL–909 The Teachers Rating Scale Screening P. Mohite

for Learning Difficulties

4. NTL–1475 Style of Learning and Thinking D. Venkataraman

5. NTL–1652 A Scale of Reading Writing Skills for N. Singh

Pre-Primary School children

6. NTL–1671 Target Dart Test (Grouping Method) Rajamanickam

7. NTL–1672 Target Dart Test (Application Method) Rajamanickam

8. NTL-1795 Verbal Learning of Meaningful & Non Bina Srivastava

meaningful (Hindi)

9. NTL-1847 Academic Anxiety Scale for Children A.K.Singh

A. Sengupta

10. NTL-1855 Specific Learning Disability Screening Uday K. Sinha

Questionnaire (SLD-SQ)

11. NTL-1867 Specific Learning Disability: Dr. Manju Mehta and

Comprehensive Diagnostic Battery Dr.Rajesh Sagar
(Age Range: 6 to 13years )


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–271 Passi Tests of Creativity (English & B.K. Passi


2. NTL–272 Verbal Test of Creative Thinking Baqer Mehdi


3. NTL–273 Non-Verbal Test of Creative Thinking Baqer Mehdi

(English & Hindi)

4. NTL–332 Creativity Test (Hindi) N.S. Chauhan &

G. Tiwari

5. NTL–574 Majumdar Scientific Creativity Test Part S.K. Majumdar

I & II

6. NTL–717 Verbal Test of Scientific Creativity V.P. Sharma &

(VTSC) J.P. Shukla

7. NTL–718 Divergent Production Abilities K.N. Sharma

8. NTL–719 Language Creativity Test B.K. Passi &

(Hindi/English) S.P. Malhotra

9. NTL–1286 Language Creativity Test S.P. Malhotra

10. NTL–1476 Language Creativity Test (Hindi) S.P. Malhotra

11. NTL–1477 Language Creativity Test (English) S.P. Malhotra

12. NTL-1576 Passi-Usha Test of Creative Problem B.K.Passi &

Solving Usha Kumar

13. NTL-1684 Mental Imagery Questionnaire M.Rajamanic Kumar

14. NTL-1685 Children’s Curiosity Scale (CCS) Rajiv Kumar

15. NTL-1865 Passi-Usha Test of Creative Problem B. K. Passi and Usha

Solving (PUTCPS) Kumar


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–101 Aggression Questionn aire G.C. Pati

2. NTL–103 D-P Scale (Dependence Proneness) J.B.P. Sinha


3. NTL–104 Ego-Strength Scale (Hindi) Q. Hasan

4. NTL–120 Prolonged Deprivation Scale (PDS) Girishwar Misra &

(Hindi) L.B. Tripathi

5. NTL–126 Security-Insecurity (S-I) Inventory Govind Tiwari &

H.M. Singh

6. NTL–127 Level of Aspiration Test V.P. Bhargava

7. NTL–129 Level of Aspiration H.M. Singh & G. Tiwari

8. NTL–132 The Inferiority & Insecurity G.C. Pati

Questionnaires (Inferiority

9. NTL–133 The Inferiority & Insecurity G.C. Pati

Questionnaires (Insecurity

10. NTL–134 Battery of Pre-Adolescent Personality Udai Pareek, T.V. Rao,

Tests P.Ramalingaswamy,
B.R. Sharma

11. NTL–135 Pre-Adolescent Dependency Scale Udai Pareek, T.V. Rao,

Form A & B P.Ramalingaswamy,
B.R. Sharma

12. NTL–136 Pre-Adolescent Class Trust Scale Udai Pareek, T.V.Rao,

B.R. Sharma

13. NTL–137 Pre-Adolescent Initiative Questionnaire Udai Pareek, T.V.Rao,

B.R. Sharma

14. NTL–138 Pre-Adolescent Activity Level Scale Udai Pareek, T.V.Rao,

(PAALS) P.Ramalingaswamy,
B.R. Sharma

15. NTL–139 Pre-Adolescent Level of Aspiration U. Pareek, T.V. Rao,
NTL–140 Test (PALAT-RP) B.R. Sharma &
NTL–141 PALAT-R P.Ramalingaswamy

16. NTL–143 Manual for the Battery of Pre- U. Pareek

Adolescent Persoanlity Test

17. NTL–154 Sinha Anxiety Scale (Hindi) Durganand Sinha

18. NTL–155 Dutt Personality Inventory (In Hindi & N.K. Dutt

19. NTL–156 Fear in Children Inventory (Hindi) C.B. Dwivedi

20. NTL–157 Children's Personality Questionnaire S.D. Kapoor & Sharadamba

(CPQ) Hindi Version Form A1 & A2 Rao

21. NTL–163 16 P.F. Test (Hindi) Form A & B S.D. Kapoor

22. NTL–164 Jr. Sr. High School Personality S.D. Kapoor &
questionnaire (HSPQ) (Hindi) K.K. Mehrotra

23. NTL–169 Contact Personality Factor Test S.S. Srivastava &

(Hindi) Form A & B S.D. Kapoor

24. NTL–180 Stewart Maturity Scale T.V. Rao & A.J. Stewart

25. NTL–190 Children's Apperception Test (C.A.T.) Uma Choudhury

NTL- 827 (Indian Adaptation)

26. NTL–191 Thematic Apperception Test (T.A.T.) Uma Chowdhury

27. NTL–253 Kundu Introversion Extraversion Ramnath Kundu


28. NTL–254 Personality Differential (A Measure of K.G. Agrawal

Self Concept)
(English & Hindi)

29. NTL–255 Personality differential(PD) (Full Scale) K.G. Agarwal

30. NTL–256 The Indian Adaptation of Lowenfeld B.B. Chatterjee
Mosaic Test

31. NTL–257 Eysenck's Maudsley Personality S.S. Jalota &

NTL–1402 Inventory (Hindi version) S.D. Kapoor

32. NTL–258 Personality Inventory (Extroversion- Y. Singh
Introversion Scale) (Hindi)

33. NTL–259 Introversion-Extroversion Inventory P.F. Aziz & R. Agnihotry


34. NTL–260 What Kind of Person Are You? Test B. Nisha & K. Gupta

35. NTL–261 Indian F- Scale (A measure of L.I. Bhushan


36. NTL–262 Self-Disclosure Inventory for V. Sinha

Adolescents (Hindi)

37. NTL–265 Sinha's Comprehensive Anxiety Test A.K.P. Sinha


38. NTL–266 Test -Anxiety Scale (Hindi) V.P. Sharma

39. NTL–268 Kundu's Neurotic Personality Inventory Ramnath Kundu


40. NTL–269 Youth Problem Inventory (Hindi) M. Verma

41. NTL–270 Emotional Maturity Scale (Hindi) Y. Singh & M. Bhargava

42. NTL–283 Superstition Scale (Hindi) L.N. Dubey

43. NTL–284 Comprehensive Value Scale (Hindi) K.G. Aggarwal

44. NTL–287 Measurement of Value Orientation M. Ojha

Affected by Movies (Hindi)

45. NTL–290 Level of Aspiration Test M.A. Shah

46. NTL–292 Moral Judgement Test (Hindi) D.N. Sinha

47. NTL–302 The Self Reporting Inventory for S.P. Kulshrestha

Extroversion and Introversion (Hindi)

48. NTL–306 Anxiety Scale (Hindi) D.N. Srivastava &

G. Tiwari

49. NTL–307 Anxiety Scale (English) D.N. Srivastava &

G. Tiwari

50. NTL–308 Frustration Test (Hindi) N.S. Chauhan &

G.P. Tiwari

51. NTL–309 Frustration Test (English) N.S. Chauhan &
G.P. Tiwari

52. NTL–310 Verbal Frustration Test (VFT) B.C. Muthayya

53. NTL–311 Ascendence -Submission Scale K. Dwivedi

54. NTL–312 Ascendence -Submission Scale K. Dwivedi

55. NTL–324 Liar & Criminal Detection Test H.G. Singh

56. NTL–325 The Neyman-Kohilstedt Diagnostic Test Jai Prakash

for Introversion-Extroversion (Hindi)

57. NTL–326 Behavioural Deviance Scale (for boys) N.S. Chauhan


58. NTL–327 Behavioural Deviance Scale (for boys) N.S. Chauhan


59. NTL–328 Behavioural Deviance Scale (for girls) N.S. Chauhan


60. NTL–341 MultiVariable Personality Inventory B.C. Muthayya

61. NTL–344 Personality Need Inventory (English) C.P. Sharma


62. NTL–345 Personality Need Inventory (Hindi) C.P. Sharma


63. NTL–359 Construction & Standardization of P.G.I S.K. Verma & N.N. Wig
Health Questionnaire, N-2

64. NTL–363 The Indian Adaptation of Rosenzweig Udai Pareek

Picture-Frustration Study for Children

65. NTL–392 Approval Motive Scale N.K.M. Tripathi &

L.B. Tripathi

66. NTL–404 Sociometric Test (Hindi) Vishva Bandhu Chatterji

67. NTL–410 Sportsman-Spirit Test L.N. Dubey

68. NTL–411 Prestige Suggestion Test (Hindi) APRC's Research Product


69. NTL–413 Flexibility- Rigidity Scale V.P. Bhargava &

F.B. Ansari

70. NTL–414 Sentence Completion Test (Hindi) G. Tiwari

71. NTL–423 A Test of Measure of Humour (for B.C. Muthayya

College Students & Adults)

72. NTL–424 Multivariable Personality Inventory B.C. Muthayya

73. NTL–434 Pupils Problem Checklist (Gujarati) J.N. Shah

74. NTL–435 Self Analysis Questionnaire (Gujarati) H. Badami & C. Badami

75. NTL–441 Self Perception Inventory (Gujarati) Kusum K. Bhatt

76. NTL–452 Problem Check List N. Bhagia

77. NTL–464 Political Efficacy Alienation Scale A. Tambar


78. NTL–465 Political Efficacy Alienation Scale A. Tambar


79. NTL–481 Langer Paliwal Scale of Psycho- T.R.P. Paliwal

Physical Strain

80. NTL–517 Leadership Preference Scale L.I. Bhushan

81. NTL–521 Change Proneness Inventory M.M.Mukhopadhyay

82. NTL–529 Personal Inventory M.N. Palsane

83. NTL–530 Persistence Questionnaire Nisha Dhawan &

D. Sinha

84. NTL–571 Aapka Vyaktitva: Ek Naidanik janch V.D. Misra

(Your Personality: A Clinical

85. NTL–572 Vyaktitva, Ek Panchpakshiya V.D. Misra


86. NTL–590 Emotional Maturity Scale (English & R. Pal


87. NTL–591 Hostility Scale (English & Hindi) R. Pal

88. NTL–592 Aggression Scale (English & Hindi) R. Pal

89. NTL–596 Persistence Questionnaire (Hindi) Nisha Dhawan

90. NTL–599 Manifest Anxiety Scale for Children T. Naquvi
(English & Hindi)

91. NTL–601 Multi-Dimensional Personality M.R. Aggarwal

Inventory (Hindi)

92. NTL–603 Motivation Analysis Test (English & S.D. Kapoor


93. NTL–607 A Verbal Measure of Risk Taking T. Naquvi


94. NTL–608 Choice-Dilemmas Questionnaire S.M. Yousuf

(Measure of Risk Taking Behaviour)

95. NTL–609 Behaviour Prediction Scale (Hindi) S.M. Yousuf

96. NTL–610 Social Distance Scale (Hindi & English) Kamal Dwivedi

97. NTL–611 Locus of Control (for Primary Children) Roma Pal

(English & Hindi)

98. NTL–612 Locus of Control Scale (for Roma Pal

Adolescents and Adults)

99. NTL–617 Ways of life Questionnaire (Hindi) Govind Tiwari

100. NTL–625 Dimensions of Temperament Scale N.K. Chadha

101. NTL–629 Defence Mechanism Inventory (Hindi) N.R. Mrinal

102. NTL–630 CMI Health Questionnaire (Male & N.N. Wig

Female) (Hindi)

103. NTL–631 Presumptive Stressful Life Events Scale Gurmeet Singh, Dalbir
Kaur & Harsharan Kaur

104. NTL–632 Anxiety Scale for Children (Hindi) A. Kumar

105. NTL–636 Children's Approval Seeking Test N.K.M. Tripathi


106. NTL–729 Malhotra Temperament Schedule S. Malhotra &

A. Malhotra

107. NTL–730 Youth Problem Inventory Mithilesh Verma

108. NTL–731 Fear Check List Ravinder Kaur

109. NTL–732 Bisht Battery of Stress Scale Abha Rani Bisht

110. NTL–733 Violence and Non-Violence Reaction V.K. Mittal


111. NTL–740 The L.A. Coding Test A. Ansari

112. NTL–801 Kundu's Neurotic Personality Inventory R.N. Kundu

113. NTL–1132 L.D. Proneness Scale M.L. Lidhoo

114. NTL–1280 Kishore Vyaktitva Talika (Hindi) V.K. Singh

115. NTL–1284 Personality Trait Inventory N.N. Sen

116. NTL–1292 Sociogenic Need Satisfaction Scale N.S. Chauhan

117. NTL–1293 Approval Motive Scale N.K.M. Tripathi

118. NTL–1294 Children's Approval Seeking Test N.K.M. Tripathi

119. NTL–1298 Comprehensive Scale of Tension R. Bharadwaj

120. NTL–1301 Medico Psychological Questionnaire J. Bharath Raj

121. NTL–1302 Impulsiveness Scale S.N. Rai

122. NTL–1303 Conformity Behaviour S.N. Rai

123. NTL–1304 A Scale of Machiavellianism (IV Scale) S.N. Rai

124. NTL–1308 Sexuality Scale Pramod Kumar

125. NTL–1310 Tiwari Change Proneness Scale (Hindi) P.S. Tiwari

126. NTL–1373 S.R.A. Youth Inventory P.T. Raval

127. NTL–1390 Clinical Analysis Questionnaire S.D. Kapoor

128. NTL–1392 Motivation Analysis Test (Hindi) S.D. Kapoor

129. NTL–1394 Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire S.D. Kapoor


130. NTL–1396 Eight State Questionnaire Psycho-Centre,

New Delhi

131. NTL–1397 Eight State Questionnaire (Hindi) Psycho-Centre,

New Delhi

132. NTL–1398 Rao's Social Maturity Scale (Hindi) Nalini Rao

133. NTL–1399 Rao's Social Maturity Scale Naline Rao

134. NTL–1400 Dimensions of Temperament Scale N.K. Chadha

135. NTL–1406 P.G.I. Health Questionnaire S.K. Verma

136. NTL–1407 C.M.I. Health Questionnaire (Hindi) N.N. Wig

NTL- 1551

137. NTL–1408 Dysfunction Analysis Questionnaire Dwarka Pershad

138. NTL–1409 Psycho-Physiological State Inventory Sanjay Vohra

139. NTL–1418 Dimensions of Friendship Scale S. Chandra

140. NTL–1419 Dimensions of Rigidity Scale N.K. Chadha

141. NTL–1420 Teacher's Role Conflict Inventory Pramila Prasad

142. NTL–1422 Rotter's Locus of Control Scale Anand Kumar

143. NTL–1425 R.C.E.B. Tools for Secondary Class S.P. Anand

1. Mental Health Scale
2. Personality Development

144. NTL–1466 Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Psy-Com Services

Personality Series (Adult)

145. NTL–1467 -do- (MAP Format) -do-

146. NTL–1468 -do- (Children) -do-

147. NTL–1469 -do- (Primary Level) -do-

148. NTL–1470 State Trait Anxiety Test Psy-Com Services

149. NTL–1471 Levenson's Locus of Control Scale Sanjay Vohra

150. NTL–1472 Vineland Social Maturity Scale A.J. Malin

151. NTL–1478 Children's Personality Questionnaire S.D. Kapoor


152. NTL–1488 Manifest Anxiety Scale D.N. Srivastava

153. NTL–1489 Children Personality Questionnaire Medha Kumthekar &
Aparna Joshi

154. NTL–1490 The AIIMS Comprehensive Surya Gupta

Neurophychological Battery

155. NTL–1495 Personality Inventory Jnana Prabodhini Pune

156. NTL–1507 Children's personality (C.P.Q.) (Hindi) Rao & Kapoor

157. NTL–1540 The Test for Social Acceptability S.L. Chopra

Among Peers

158. NTL–1541 Machiavellianism Scale S.N. Rai & Manula upta

159. NTL–1548 Global Adjustment Scale (Student Psy-Com Services

160. NTL–1549 Global Adjustment Scale (Adult Form) Psy-Com Serivces

161. NTL–1560 Emotional Competence Scale R. Bharadwaj

162. NTL–1564 Social Distance Scale K. Dewedi
Shobha Bhatnagar
Usha Asthana

163. NTL–1565 Social Competence Scale V.P. Sharma &

Prabha Shukla

164. NTL–1566 Machiavellianism Scale S.N. Rai &

Manjula Gupta

165. NTL–1567 Intolerance of Ambiguity Scale P. Sarin

166. NTL–1572 Life Satisfaction Scale Q.G. Alam &

R. Srivastava

167. NTL–1575 Life Satisfaction Scale P. Singh & G. Joseph

168. NTL–1580 Memory Test for Intolerance of M. Misra


169. NTL–1583 The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale S.P. Malhotra


170. NTL–1584 The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale S.P. Malhotra


171. NTL–1587 Reactionism Radicalism Scale Sucheta Kumari

172. NTL–1588 Comprehensive Modernization S.P. Ahluwalia and Ashok
Inventory Kalia

173. NTL–1589 Collters Rigidity Scale J.S. Mathur

174. NTL–1591 Childrens Curiosity Scale R. Kumar

175. NTL–1593 Behaviour Orientation Scale P. Kumar Jha

176. NTL–1594 Perceived Loneliness Scale P. Kumar Jha

177. NTL–1595 Social Maturity Scale R.P. Srivastava

178. NTL–1596 Emotional Stability Test for children A.S. Gupta

179. NTL–1598 Scale for Assessing Social Disadvantage A.S. Gupta

180. NTL–1599 Dimensional Personality Inventory M. Bhargava

181. NTL–1600 Excitability Rating Scale K. Sinha

182. NTL–1601 Risk Taking Questionnaire V. Sinha

183. NTL–1602 PGI General Well Being Measures S.K. Verma

184. NTL–1603 Emotional Stability Test for Children A.S. Gupta

185. NTL–1605 Self-Control Scale A.K. Singh &

A. Sen Gupta

186. NTL–1606 Mental Health Battery A.K. Singh &

A. Sen Gupta

187. NTL–1619 Moral Judgment Test (MJT) D. Sinha &

Meera Verma

188. NTL–1620 Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Psy-Com Services

Personality (MAP, Form-A)

189. NTL–1621 Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Psy-Com Services

Personality (MAP Form-T)

190. NTL–1622 Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Psy-Com Services

Personality (MAP Form-T)

191. NTL–1623 Multi-Dimensional Assesment of Psy-Com Services

Personality (MAP Form-C)

192. NTL–1625 Workers Personality Scale Psy-Com Services

193. NTL–1626 Somatic Inkblot Series (SIS-II & Video) W.A. Cassell and
B.L. Dubey
194. NTL–1627 Developmental Screening Test (DST J. Bharat Raj

195. NTL–1663 Coulter's Rigidity Scale I.S. Muhar &

Prabha Bhatia

196. NTL–1664 The Modernization Scale Raghavendra S. Singh,

A.N. Tripathi &
Ramjeet Lal

197. NTL-1665 Dimensions of Rigidity Scale N.K. Chadha

198. NTL–1666 Comprehensive Modernization S.P. Ahluwalia


199. NTL–1667 Tiwari Change Proneness Scale P.S.Tiwari

200. NTL-1707 Type A/B Behavioural Pattern Scale Upinder Dhar

201. NTL-1708 Differential Personality Inventory A.K.Singh

202. NTL-1709 Tripathi Personal Preference Scale R.P.Tripathi

203. NTL-1710 Social Preference and Social Behaviour N.C.Joshi & Pandey

204. NTL-1711 Punctuality Scale Alam and Srivastava

205. NTL-1712 Obedient and Disobedient Tendency C.S.Mehta & Hasnain


206. NTL-1713 Risk Taking Questionnaire P.N.Arora & Sinha

207. NTL-1722 Indian Adaptation of Thematic Test L.P.Mehrotra

Apperception Test

208. NTL-1723 Free Association Test (Words List Mahesh Sharma

Method) Bharat Varchney

209. NTL-1724 Need Pattern Scale Seema Singh

210. NTL-1725 Social Motive Scale R.N.Singh & M.Bhargava

211. NTL-1726 Approval Motive Scale K.M.Tripathi &


212. NTL-1728 Children’s Approval Seeking Test K.M.Tripathi &
Ravi Ambont

213. NTL-1731 Impulse Control Scale Anjali Srivastava

214. NTL-1732 Test of Reaction to Frustration S.N.Dubey

215. NTL-1733 A study of Teacher’s Reactions to N.K.Goyal

Frustrations in School situations

216. NTL-1734 Reactions to Frustration Scale B.N.Dixit

217. NTL-1735 Measurement to Frustration Tolerance S.N.Rai

218. NTL-1736 Bisht Battery of Stress Scale Abha Rani

219. NTL-1737 State-Trait Anxiety Test MAP Series

220. NTL-1738 Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test A.K.P.Sinha

221. NTL-1739 Comprehensive Anxiety Test H.Sharma

222. NTL-1740 Indian Adaptation of Saran Son’s A.Kumar

General Anxiety Scale for School

223. NTL-1741 Academic Anxiety Scale for Children A.K.Singh

224. NTL-1742 Test Anxiety Scale V.P.Sharma

225. NTL-1743 Test Anxiety for Children A. Kumar

226. NTL-1744 Death Anxiety Scale U.Dhar & S.Mehta &


227. NTL-1745 Fear of Personal Death Scale M.Rajamanik

228. NTL-1746 Security–Insecurity Scale Beena Shah

229. NTL-1748 P.G.I. Memory Scale D. Pershad

230. NTL-1749 Mental Health Inventory Jagdish Srivastava

231. NTL-1750 Mental Health Checklist Pramod Kumar

232. NTL-1753 Emotional Stability Questionnaire Psy.Com Services

233. NTL-1760 Mental Fatigue (Hindi) D.D.Joshi

234. NTL-1793 Social Competence Scale (SCS) V.P.Sharma, Prabha Shukla
and Kiran Shukla

235. NTL-1772 Measuring Decision making Capacity of Ashok Kr. Pandey

Educational Administrators

236. NTL-1773 Mohsin Security Insecurity Test S.M.Mohsin

237. NTL-1774 Sense of Responsibility Scale (Hindi) Sarla Pandey

238. NTL-1776 Coping Strategies Scale (English & A.K.Srivastava


239. NTL-1778 Test Anxiety Inventory (Hindi) Anup Sud & Prerna Sud

240. NTL-1782 Deprivation Scale (Hindi) S.K.Pal, K.S.Misra and

Kalplata Pandey

241. NTL-1869 Autism Spectrum Disorder Uday Kumar Sinha

Questionnaire (ASDQ)
242. NTL-1874 Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale Pallavi Bhatnagar
(ADSS-BSPSA) English
243. NTL-1876 Big Five Personality Inventory (BFPI) Arun Kumar Singh and
Hindi Ashok Kumar
244. NTL-1877 P.G.I. General Well-being Measure S.K.Verma and Anita
(PGIGW-VV) Hindi/English Verma


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–119 Teacher Attitude Inventory (TAI) S.P. Ahluwalia

2. NTL–148 The Indian Caste Stereotype Check-list Sheo Nath Singh


3. NTL–149 The Indian Caste -Prejudice Scale Sheo Nath Singh

(ICPS)( (Hindi)

4. NTL-150 Mohsin C- Scale S.M. Mohsin

5. NTL–151 Mohsin N. Scales Form A & B (Hindi) S.M. Mohsin

6. NTL–152 Mohsin N. Likert Scale (Hindi) S.M. Mohsin

7. NTL–153 Mohsin N. Thurstone Scale (Hindi) S.M. Mohsin

8. NTL–277 Teacher Attitude Inventory S.P. Ahluwalia


9. NTL–279 Sex Behavioural Attitude Inventory Yashvir Singh


10. NTL–280 The Modernization Scale (Hindi & R.S. Singh


11. NTL–281 Attitude Scale Towards Family Planning M.A. Hakim


12. NTL–282 Science Attitude Scale (Hindi) Avinash Grewal

13. NTL–300 Sex Behaviour Attitude Inventory Y. Singh


14. NTL–301 Religiosity Scale (Hindi) L.I. Bhushan

15. NTL–313 Rao's School Attitude Inventory D. Gopal Rao

16. NTL–315 Radical-Conservative Attitude Scale L. N. Dubey


17. NTL–316 Attitude Scale for Physical Education G.P. Thakur &
(Hindi) Manju Thakur

18. NTL–317 Scale for Measurement of Attitude B.A. Parikh
Towards Internal Evaluation

19. NTL–318 Measurement of Attitude towards NCC B.A. Parikh


20. NTL–319 Attitude Scale for Locating Pro and K.D. Kapoor

21. NTL–320 Attitude Scale for Locating Pro & Anti- K.D. Kapoor
Management (Hindi)

22. NTL–321 Sodhi Attitude Scales for Measuring T.S. Sodhi

Attitudes of Hr. Sec./H.S. Students

23. NTL–322 Attitude Scale of Religion R.K. Tandon &

B.K. Tandon

24. NTL–406 Parental Attitude Research Instrument Uma Saxena

(Indian Adaptation)

25. NTL–407 Parental Attitude Research Instrument Uma Saxena

(Mother Form) (Hindi) Indian

26. NTL–442 Perceived Parental Perception Kumkum K. Bhatt

Inventory (Gujarati)

27. NTL–466 Family Planning Attitude Inventory M.B. Paliwal

28. NTL–524 Hamarey Dristicona (Attitude Scale) N.S. Chauhan

NTL-1641 (Hindi)

29. NTL–575 Attitude Scale Towards Teaching B.K. Srivastava


30. NTL–576 Marriage Attitude Scale Pramod Kumar

31. NTL–613 Caste Stereotypes Test (English/Hindi) Roma Pal

32. NTL–614 Intergeneration Conflict Scale Roma Pal

33. NTL–615 A Battery of Modernization Scale Roma Pal & Radha Pandey
(English & Hindi)

34. NTL–616 A Battery of Test for Measuring Social Rama Tiwari Radha Pandey
Change (English & Hindi) & Roma Pal

35. NTL–623 Teacher Attitude Scale (English) J.C. Goyal

36. NTL–624 Attitude Scale Towards Education S.L. Chopra


37. NTL–641 Indian Caste Prejudice Scale (Hindi) Sheo Nath Singh &
Ram Naresh Prasad

38. NTL–642 Attitude Towards Communication Job O.S. Rathore

39. NTL–643 Study Habits & Attitudes (Hindi) M.C. Joshi & J. Pandey

40. NTL–1118 Personal Value Questionnaire G.P. Sherry

41. NTL–1288 Redicalism-Conservatism Questionnaire V.K. Mittal

42. NTL–1289 A Scale for Measuring Attitude T.R. Sharma

Towards Educational Administration

43. NTL–1291 Social Conformity Scale T.S. Dhapola &

S.N. Singh

44. NTL–1384 Questionnaire for Drivers and Aligarh University, Aligarh

Conductors (Hindi/Urdu)

45. NTL–1425 R.C.E.B. Tools for Secondary Class S.P. Anand

Students: Attitude Towards Studies

46. NTL–1444 Attitude Scale towards Small Family & T.S. Sodhi & Guru Dev
Population Education (ASSFPE) Sharma

47. NTL–1445 Career & Family Values Scale Sadhna Tanwar

48. NTL–1446 A.P.R.C. Comprehensive Attitude Scale Kulvinder Singh

49. NTL–1447 Attitude Scale toward Religion Sandhya Sharma

50. NTL–1448 Family Planning Attitude Scale D.N. Sharma

51. NTL–1449 Equality of Women Attitude Scale Rama Tiwari

52. NTL–1527 Secular Attitude Scale Anshu Mehra

53. NTL–1528 Religious Attitude Scale Rajamanickam

54. NTL–1557 Secular Attitude Scale Anshu Mehra & Drgananda


55. NTL–1585 Sexual Attitude Scale A. Abraham

56. NTL–1586 Attitude Towards Androgynization of Abha Rani Bisht

Roles Scales

57. NTL–1590 Measures of Approving Parents N.K. Tripathi

58. NTL–1642 Attitude Scale towards Family Planning M.A. Hakim & Y. Singh

59. NTL–1645 Secular Attitude Scale (Hindi) A. Mehra & D. Sinha

60. NTL–1646 Sex Behaviour Attitude Inventory Y. Singh


61. NTL–1647 Sex Myth Checklist (Hindi) P. Kumar

62. NTL–1648 Sex Differentiation Roles Adjectives A.R. Bisht


63. NTL–1649 Religiosity Scale L.I. Bhusan

64. NTL–1657 Attitude Scale Towards Family Planning T.S. Sodhi &
and Population Education Guru Dev Sharma

65. NTL–1658 Family Planning and Birth Control M. Rajamanickam

Attitude Scale

66. NTL–1659 Sexual Attitude Scale Amit Abraham

67. NTL–1660 Science Attitude Scale A. Grewal

68. NTL–1661 Attitude Scale towards Education S. L. Chopar

69. NTL–1662 Dowry Attitude Scale R.R. Sharma

70. NTL–1663 Coulter's Rigidity Scale I.S. Muhar & P. Bhatia

71. NTL–1664 The Modernization Scale Raghavendra S. Singh,

A.N. Tripathi, Ramjee Lal

72. NTL–1665 Dimensions of Rigidity Scale N.K. Chadha

73. NTL–1666 Comprehensive Modernization S.P. Ahluwalia

74. NTL–1668 Opinionnaire Towards Divorce P.S.N. Tiwari

75. NTL- 1669 Reactionism Radicalism Scale M. Rajamanickam

76. NTL–1670 Religious Attitude Scale M. Rajamanickam

77. NTL–1673 Optimistic Pessimistic Attitude Scale D.S. Parasar

78. NTL–1674 Marriage Attitude Scale Pramod Kumar

79. NTL-1686 Test of Study Habits and Attitude C.P.Mathur

80. NTL-1688 Parental Attitude Scale Towards Pre- S.Venkatesan

School Education

81. NTL-1689 Attitude Scale Towards Religion R.K.Kohli

82. NTL-1690 Attitude Scale Towards Education S.L.Chopra

83. NTL-1692 Science Attitude Scale A.Grewal

84. NTL-1754 Long Employee Attitude Scale H.C.Ganguli

85. NTL-1789 Study of Caste Prejudice (Hindi) Trilok Singh Dhipola

86. NTL-1790 Social Perception (Hindi) Bina Srivastava

87. NTL-1791 Attitude Scale Towards Home and R.K.Saraswat


88. NTL-1792 Fundamental Rights Attitude Scale Kamla Kant Tiwari

(FRAS) (Hindi)

89. NTL-1794 Person Perception Study of Primacy Bina Srivastava

Effect (Hindi)

90. NTL-1845 Teacher’s Attitude Scale Towards Arti Anand

Teaching and Teacher Student
Relationship Harbam Singh


S.NO Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–100 Self Confidence Inventory (English) M. Basavanna


2. NTL–128 Self Concept Scale for Children (Hindi) H. Singh &

S. Singh

3. NTL–391 Swatva Bodh Parikshan (A test of G.P. Sherry &

Self concept) R.P. Verma

4. NTL–402 Self-Concept Scale M.R. Rastogi

5. NTL–403 Self Esteem Inventory (Hindi) M.S. Prasad &

G.P. Thakur

6. NTL–429 Mohsin Self-Concept Inventory S.M. Mohsin

7. NTL–435 Self-Analysis Questionnaire (Gujarati) H. Badami &

C. Badami
8. NTL–441 Self-Perception Inventory (Gujarati Kusum K. Bhatt

9. NTL–585 (A) Self Concept Scale N.K. Chaddha

10. NTL–587 Personally Perceived Self Inventory Lalita Sharma


11. NTL–588 Socially Perceived Self Inventory Lalita Sharma

12. NTL–627 Self Concept Questionnaire (English R.K. Saraswat

& Hindi)

13. NTL–628 Kakkar Self Acceptance Inventory S.B. Kakkar

14. NTL–1296 Self Confidence Inventory D.D. Pandey

15. NTL–1403 Self Concept List Pratibha Deo

16. NTL–611 Locus of Control Scale for Primary Roma Pal

children (English & Hindi)

17. NTL–612 Locus of Control Scale (for Adolescents Roma Pal

and Adults)

18. NTL–1422 Rotter's Locus of Control Scale Anand Kumar

19. NTL–1483 Don-Dinkmeyer's Self-Concept Scale Govind Tiwari and

Rakesh Kumar

20. NTL-1714 Locus of Control N.Hasnain and Joshi

21. NTL-1715 Scale Meaning Self Perception (SMSP) K.G.Agarwal

22. NTL-1716 Self Actualisation Inventory K.N.Sharma

23. NTL-1717 Self Perception Adjective Checklist K.N.Sharma

24. NTL-1718 Self Control Scale A.K.Singh & Alpana Sen

25. NTL-1719 Self Confidence Inventory Rekha Agnihotry

26. NTL-1720 Self Disclosure Inventory Virendra Sinha


27. NTL-1721 Self Disclosure Inventoryn (Adults) Virendra Sinha

28. NTL-1787 Battle's Self Esteem Inventory for Anand Kumar

Children (SEIC)

29. NTL-1788 Self Concept Rating Scale R.K.Saraswat

30. NTL-1777 General Self Efficacy Scale (Hindi & Shonali Sud

31. NTL-1779 Self Confidence Inventory (English) M.Basavanna


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–106 Interest Record Raghuraj Pal Singh

2. NTL–108 Chatterji's Non-language Preference S. Chatterji


3. NTL–275 Educational Interest Record (Hindi) S.P. Kulshrestha

4. NTL–276 Vocational Interest record (Hindi) S.P. Kulshrestha

5. NTL–278 Student Liking Scale (English/Hindi) S.P. Malhotra

6. NTL–334 Educational Interest Record (Hindi) V.P. Bansal &

D.N. Srivastava

7. NTL–335 Educational Interest Record (English) V.P. Bansal &

D.N. Srivastava

8. NTL–336 Vocational Interest Record (Hindi) B.P. Bansal &

D.N. Srivastava

9. NTL–337 Vocational Interest Record (Hindi) Kamal Dwivedi

10. NTL–417 Vocational Interest Record B.P. Bansal


11. NTL–437 Vocational Interest Inventory (Gujarati) H. Badami

12. NTL–468 Tripathi Personal Preference Schedule R.R. Tripathi

13. NTL–602 NCERT Interest Inventory (Senior NCERT, New Delhi


14. NTL–725 Interest Inventory for Girls T.S. Sodhi &

H. Bhatnagar

15. NTL–726 Political Interest Scale S.K. Singh &

B.B. Pandey
16. NTL–1053 Interest Inventory (Hindi) P.S. Mahavidyalaya

17. NTL–1277 NCERT Interest Inventory (Junior NCERT, New Delhi

18. NTL–1381 Curricular Interest Inventory R.C. Das

19. NTL–1431 Science Interest Test (SIT) L.N. Dubey

20. NTL–1474 Comprehensive Interest Schedule Sanjay Vohra

21. NTL–1525 Multiphasic Interest Inventory S.K. Bawa

22. NTL–1555 Multi-Polar Interest Questionnaire Kapoor & Singh

23. NTL–1640 Comprehensive Interest Schedule S. Vohra

24. NTL–1655 Multiphasic Interest Inventory (MII) S.K.Bawa

25. NTL-1768 The Interest Parisuchi in Hindi (Ruchi- S.P.Kulshrestha


26. NTL-1844 Multi Factor Interest Questionnaire S.D.Kapoor



S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–284 Comprehensive Value Scale (Hindi) K.G. Agrawal

2. NTL–285 Value Test (Measurement of Study of R.K. Ojha

NTL–389 Values) (Hindi)

3. NTL–286 Value Test (Hindi) S.N. Upadhaya

4. NTL–287 Measurement of Value Orientation M. Ojha

Affected by Movies

5. NTL–390 Personal Values Questionnaire G.P. Sherry

(PVC) (Hindi and English)

6. NTL–399 Study of Values (Hindi/English) H.M. Singh &

A.D. Sharma

7. NTL–420 Teacher Values Inventory H.L. Singh &

S.P. Ahluwalia

8. NTL–457 The Test of Democratic Values S.P. Kulshrestha

9. NTL–523 The Value-Orientation Scale (Hindi) N.S. Chauhan &

S. Aurora

10. NTL–589 Value Test Shashi Gilani

11. NTL–618 Values Test (Hindi/English) K. Dwivedi

12. NTL–1443 Differential Values Questionnaire RekhaRani Agrawal


13. NTL–1450 Teachers Value Inventory Shamim Karim

14. NTL–1454 Careers & Family Value Scale Sadhna Tanwar

15. NTL–1485 Brief Scale of Vales Yashvir Singh

16. NTL–1526 Comprehensive Values Scale K.G.Agarwal

NTL- 1556

17. NTL–1597 Moral Values Scale A. S. Gupta

18. NTL–1607 Moral Values Scale A.Sen Gupta & A.K.Singh

19. NTL-1639 Value Conflict Scale R.L.Bhardwaj

20. NTL-1643 Comprehensive Value Scale (CVS) K.G. Agarwal

21. NTL-1702 Moral Judgement Test Durganand Sinha & Meena


22. NTL-1703 Altruism Scale S.N.Rai & S.Singh

23. NTL-1780 Children Value Inventory Shankar Saran Srivastava

Kamala Ray
Tej Narayan Singh

24. NTL-1781 The Religion Scale in Hindi Sheo Nath Singh

Ram Naresh Prasad

25. NTL-1769 Study of Values in Hindi S.P.Kulshrestha


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–123 Occupational Aspiration Scale J.S. Grewal

2. NTL–125 Study Habits Inventory (Hindi) B.V. Patel

3. NTL–201 Achievement Values & Anxiety Prayag Mehta

Inventory (English)

4. NTL–202 Achievement Values & Anxiety Prayag Mehta

Inventory (Hindi)
5. NTL–397 Classroom Boundary Questionnaire Badrun Nisha &
Kiran Gupta

6. NTL–421 Educational Aspiration Scale V.P. Sharma &

(Form V) Anuradha Gupta

7. NTL–422 Educational Aspiration Scale Anuradha Gupta

(Form D)

8. NTL–518 Guidance Needs Inventory J.S. Grewal


9. NTL–520 Study Involvement Inventory (Hindi) Asha Bhatnagar

10. NTL–525 Indian Classifactory System of S.S. Chadha

Vocational Expression

11. NTL–646 Vocational Preferences (Hindi) Meera M. Joshi

12. NTL–724 Vocational Attitude Maturity Scale Manju Mehta

13. NTL–727 Study Habit Inventory M.N. Palsane

14. NTL–728 Guidance Needs of Destitute Children Saheb Singh

15. NTL–736 Career Maturity Inventory (Hindi) Nirmala Gupta

NTL-1811 Career Maturity Inventory (English)

16. NTL–1216 Sociological-Schedule Bureau of Psychology,

Uttar Pradesh

17. NTL–1297 Academic Anxiety Scale for Children A.K. Singh

18. NTL–1378 Occupational Interest Inventory State Bureau of Guidance,

19. NTL–1379 Vocational Preference Record Allahabad

20. NTL–1383 Vocational Interest Inventory V. Gopal

21. NTL–1415 Study Habit Inventory (English) M. Mukhopadhyay

22. NTL–1416 Study Habit Inventory (Hindi) M. Mukhopadhyay

23. NTL–1421 Educational Aspiration Scale N.P. Sharma

24. NTL–1425 R.C.E.B. Tools for Secondary Class S.P. Anand

1. Motivation for Studies
2. Study Habits

25. NTL–1430 Vocational Expression Blank (Boys) S.S. Chadha

26. NTL–1480 School Environment Inventory Karuna Shonker Misra

27. NTL–1484 Occupational Aspiration Scale A.K. Srivastava

28. NTL–1494 School Inventory Jnana Prabodhini Pune

29. NTL–1530 Deo-Mohan Projective Test of Pratibha Deo

Achievement Motivation
30. NTL–1531 Socio-Emotional School Climate Renuka Kumari

31. NTL–1535 Academic Climate Description M.L. Shah


32. NTL–1536 School Environment Inventory K.S. Misra

33. NTL–1537 Educational Problems Questionnaire for Beena Shah


34. NTL–1573 Inventory of Factors Influencing sports M.L. Kamlesh

35. NTL–1644 Indian classification System of S.S. Chadha
Vocational Expression

36. NTL–1656 Level of Aspiration Measurement T.S. Sodhi

37. NTL-1687 Level of Aspiration Measure Mahesh Bhargava &

38. NTL-1761 Study Habits and Attitude Test (Hindi)

M.C.Joshi & Jagdish
39. NTL-1770 Student Problems Inventory (Hindi & Harkant D.Badami

40. NTL-1796 Level of Aspiration Test (Hindi) P.P.Srivastava

41. NTL-1797 Cumulative Record Card for Guidance R.K.Saraswat

and Counselling

42. NTL-1811 Career Maturity Inventory (English) Originally prepared by John

O’ Crites Indian Adaptation
by Dr. Nirmala Gupta

43. NTL-1838 Problem Check List M.C.Joshi

Jagadish Pandey

44. NTL-1852 Career Preference Record (CPR BB) Vivek Bhargava

English/Hindi Rajshree Bhargava
45. NTL-1858 Social Networking Addiction Scale Md. Ghazi Shahnawaz
(SNAS) Nivedita Ganguli
Manchong Limlunthang
46. NTL-1868 Scale for Assessing Academic Stress Uday Kumar Sinha
(SAAS) English (Age Range:
47. NTL-1875 Stress Inventory for School Students Seema Rani and
(SISS-SS) Hindi Basant Bahadur Singh


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–291 Parent-Child Relationship Scale (Hindi) H.C. Sharma &

N.S. Chauhan

2. NTL–394 Family Relationship Inventory G.P. Sherry & J.C. Sinha


3. NTL–405 Parental Disciplinary Practices Scale R.R. Garg


4. NTL–408 Parent-Child Relation Test (Hindi) Govind Tiwari

5. NTL–409 Traditional Family Ideology Scale B.C. Muthayya

6. NTL–436 Family Adjustment Inventory (Gujarati) H. Badami

7. NTL–640 Mohsin Parent Child Inventory (Hindi) S.M. Mohsin

8. NTL–735 Family Relationship Inventory (Hindi) G.P. Sherry & J.C. Sinha

9. NTL–1290 Parental Encouragement Scale R.R. Sharma

10. NTL–1306 Home Environment Inventory P. Mohite

11. NTL–1451 Developmental Screening Test (Hindi) J. Bharath Raj

12. NTL–1473 Parent Child Relationship Scale Nalini Rao


13. NTL–1482 Parental Disciplinary Practices Scale Rooprekha Garg

14. NTL–1493 Home Inventory Jnana Probodhini Pune

15. NTL–1559 Multi-Dimensional Parenting Scale N.S. Chauhan &

C.P. Kokhar

16. NTL–1568 Family Environment Inventory H. Bhatia &

N.K. Chadha

17. NTL–1569 Home Environment Inventory K.S. Misra

18. NTL–1570 Sharma's Adolescents School M. Sharma

Satisfaction Inventory

19. NTL–1571 Family Climate Scale Beena Shah

20. NTL–1590 Measures of Approving Parents N.K. Tripathi

21. NTL–1618 Family Relationship Inventory J.P. Sherry &

J. C. Sinha

22. NTL-1691 Parenting Scale R.L.Bharadwaj

23. NTL-1693 Parenting Encouragement Scale R.S.Sharma

24. NTL-1694 Family Pathology Scale V.Veeraghvan & A.Dogra

25. NTL-1695 The Test of Social Acceptability Among

Peers S.L.Chopra

26. NTL-1696 Interpersonal Judgement S.N.Rai & C.S.Mehta

27. NTL-1697 Conformity Behaviour S.N.Rai

28. NTL-1698 Social Loafing (Facilitation) Scale A.Q.Alam and Ramji


29. NTL-1699 Dimensions of Friendship Scale S.Chanda and N.K.Chadha

30. NTL-1700 Emotional Maturity Scale Y.Singh & M.Bhargava

31. NTL-1701 Emotional Competency Scale R.Bhardwaj & H.Sharma

32. NTL-1702 Moral Judgement Test Durganand Sinha

Meera Verma
33. NTL-1856 Specific Learning Disability : Manju Mehta
Comprehensive Diagnostic Battery Rajesh Sagar
34. NTL-1870 RINPAS Family Relations Test : A Dr.Amool Ranjan,
Projective Test for Children Dr. Masroor Jahan and
Dr. Jay Kumar Ranjan


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–161 School Organizational Climate Motilal Sharma

Description Questionnaire (Hindi &

2. NTL–274 A Comprehensive Scale of V.P. Sharma

Entrepreneurship (English)

3. NTL–412 Job Satisfaction Scale (JSC) B.C. Muthayya

4. NTL–485 Paliwal Job Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction T.R. Paliwal


5. NTL–536 Organizational Climate Questionnaire Somnath Chattopadhyay

6. NTL–537 Work Motivation Questionnaire K.G. Aggarwal


7. NTL–570 Job Satisfaction Questionnaire Pramod Kumar

(For Teacher)

8. NTL–1410 A Comprehensive Scale of V.P. Sharma


9. NTL–1411 Job Satisfaction Scale Amar Singh

10. NTL–1412 Role Stress Scale Udai Pareek

11. NTL–1413 Organisation Role Pics Udai Pareek

12. NTL–1414 Performance Appraisal Form Psycho Services New Delhi

13. NTL–1538 Occupational Stress Scale A.K. Srivastava

14. NTL–1539 Work Alienation Scale Madhu Asthana & Kiran


15. NTL–1561 Organisational Climate Inventory Somnath Chuttopadhyay &

R.G. Agarwal

16. NTL–1562 Role Ambiguity Scale A.K. Pandey

17. NTL–1563 Work Alienation Scale Madhu Asthana &

Kiran Bala

18. NTL–1624 Work Motivation Questionnaire K.G. Agarwal

19. NTL–1625 Worker's Personality Scale Psy-Com Services

20. NTL-1786 Will to win Questionnaire Anand Kumar &


21. NTL-1771 Teacher Evaluation Questionnaire Madhu Asthana

(TEQ) Sandhya Agrawal

22. NTL-1775 Student Ratings of Teaching Shashikala Deshpande

Effectiveness Scale

23. NTL-1785 Scientist's Job Satisfaction Scale V.K.Mudgil &

Smita Jaiswal


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–147 The Socio-Economic Status Rating S.Narain Rao


2. NTL–159 Socio-Economic Status Scale S. Jalota, R.N. Pandey, S.D.

Questionnaire Kapoor &
(SESSQ-Urban) (Hindi) R.N. Singh

3. NTL–175 Socio-Economic Status Scale S.D. Kapoor &

Questionnaire (SESSQ-Urban) H.C. Kocher

4. NTL–176 Socio-Economic Status Scale S.Jalota, R.N. Pandey,

Questionnaire(SESSQ-Urban) (Hindi) S.D. Kapoor &
R.N. Singh

5. NTL–188 Socio-Economic Status Scale (Urban) B. Kuppuswamy

(Hindi Version form B)

6. NTL–293 Socio-Economic status Scale (Urban) G.P. Srivastava


7. NTL–294 Socio-Economic Status Scale (Urban) S.P. Kulshrestha

(Hindi) Form A & B

8. NTL–295 Socio-Economic Status Scale (Hindi) S.P. Kulshrestha


9. NTL–393 Socio-Economic Status Scale R.L. Bhardwaj, Shama

Gupta & N.S. Chauhan

10. NTL–447 Socio-Economic Status Scale (Rural) R.A. Singh &

(Hindi) S.K. Saxena

11. NTL–448 Socio-Economic Status Scale (Urban) R.A. Singh &

(Hindi) S.K. Saxena

12. NTL–449 Social Class Evaluation Scale (Urban) R.N. Pandey


13. NTL–450 Socio-Economic Status Scale (Rural) Udai Pareek

14. NTL–963 Socio-Economic Status Scale (Rural) R. Pareek

15. NTL–1299 Scale for Assessing Social Disadvantage Manju Sinha

16. NTL–1532 Socio-Economic Status Scale Rajeev Bharadwaj

17. NTL–1533 Socio-Economic Schedule T.S. Sodhi

18. NTL–1534 Kakkar Socio Economic Status Scale S.B. Kakkar

19. NTL–1598 Scale for Assessing Social Disadvantage A.S. Gupta

20. NTL-1704 Prolonged Deprivation Scale G.Mishra and


21. NTL-1705 Family Scale P.Bhatnagar and


22. NTL-1706 Self-expression Inventory R.P.Verma and



S No. Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL-111 Handbook of Psychological and Social U. Pareek & T. V. Rao


2. NTL-113 Directory of Indian Behavioural Science U. Pareek

Research (Vol. I & II)

3. NTL-131 Hanbook of Psychological and Social U. Pareek & T. V. Rao


4. NTL-146 Perimetric Chart M. Basvanna

5. NTL- 195 Item Analysis Chart and Instructions A. Edwin Harper,

B. Dass Gupta &
S. P. Sangal

6. NTL-196 Transformation of Raw Scores in to A. M. Shrikant Rao

Percentile Ranks and Normalized
Standard Scores

7. NTL-274 A Comprehensive Scale of V. P. Sharma


8. NTL-296 Classroom Boundary Questionnaire B. Nisha


9. NTL-430 Innovative Educational T. S. Avinashlingam


10. NTL-573 Indo-Dutch Project for Child Welfare National Institute of

Community Development

11. NTL-714 Mental Retradation & Learning S. K. Goel & A. K. Sen

12. NTL-715 Psycho-Educational Research in Mental S. K. Goel & A. K. Sen


13. NTL-716 The Concept and Assessment D. Pershad


14. NTL-734 A Self-Evaluating Scale of State Trait R. R. Trapathi

and Free Floating

15. NTL-909 The Teacher’s Rating Scale Screening P. Mohite
for Learning Difficulties

16. NTL-910 Have Tool Will Measure T. S. Saraswathi,

V. Shah & Amita Verma

17. NTL-1207 Baroda Studies in Mental Measurement T. P. Lele, R. S. Thakar

(group Test of Intelligence)

18. NTL-1278 Manovigyan Paribhasha Kosh (hindi) Publication Division Govt.

of India

19. NTL-1305 Woman Social Freedom Scale L. I. Bhusan

20. NTL-1320 Local Norms on the Revised Minnesota Baqer Mehdi

Paper Form Board Test

21. NTL-1423 Indian Mental Measurement Hand Book NCERT

(Intelligence & Aptitude Test)

22. NTL-1496 A Handbook for Administering Jnana Probodhini Pune

Psychological Test

23. NTL-1675 Handbook of Value Attitude Interest NCERT

Measurement in India

24. NTL-1676 Handbook of Personality Measurement NC ERT

in India

25. NTL-1828 Principles of Questionnaire Debdulal Dutta Roy

Development with Empirical Studies

26. NTL-1879 Educational and Vocational Guidance in S.K.Kochhar

Secondary Schools

27. NTL-1880 Anger Management-Paperback-Hindi Swati Y.Bhave


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–109 Progressive Matrices for Children J.C. Raven

NTL–952 (Coloured)

2. NTL–110 Standard Progressive Matrices J.C. Raven


3. NTL–116 Wechsler Memory Scale Form I & II David Wechsler

4. NTL–170 Culture Fair (or Free) Intelligence Test R.B. Cattell


5. NTL–171 Culture Fair Intelligence Test Scale-2 R.B. Cattell

(Form A & B)

6. NTL–172 Culture Fair Intelligence Tests Scale-2 R.B. Cattell

&3(Form A & B)

7. NTL–227 Henmon-Nelson Tests of Mental Ability Tom A. Lamke &

M.J. Nelson
8. NTL–236 Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement T.C. Kahn

9. NTL–242 Kahn Intelligence Test T.C. Kahn

10. NTL–360 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale D. Wechsler

11. NTL–361 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale D. Wechsler

of Intelligence (WPPSI)

12. NTL–362 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children D. Wechsler

13. NTL–362 Columbia Mental Maturity Scale B.B. Burgemeister

14. NTL-373 Raven’s Progressive matrices and J.C.Raven

Vocabulary Scales

15. NTL–374 Revised Beta Examination C.E. Kellogg &


16. NTL–376 Wesman Personnel Classification Test Alexander G. Wesman

Form A, B, & C

17. NTL–415 Daneshill Intelligence test R. Macdonald

18. NTL–426 Advanced Progressive Matrices Set I, II J.C. Raven

19. NTL–439 The Chicago Non-Verbal Examination A.W. Brown

20. NTL–440 Goldstein-Schreerer Tests of abstract K. Goldstein

and concrete Behaviour

21. NTL–474 Intelligence Testing for Visually C.J.V. Kolk

Impaired Persons

22. NTL–499 Manuals for Ravens Progressive J.C. Raven

Matrices and Vocabulary Scales

23. NTL–506 Educational applications of the WISC- C.L. Nicholson,

R. A Handbook of Interpretive C.L. Alcorn
Strategies and Remedial

24. NTL–510 Slosson Intelligence Test and Oral R.L. Slosson

Reading Test for Children and Adults

25. NTL–563 Group Embedded Figures Test P.K. Oltman

26. NTL–567 The D48 Test (A Non-Verbal J.D. Black

Intelligence Test)

27. NTL–577 Pictorial Test of Intelligence J.L. French

28. NTL–750 Canadian Intelligence Examination H. Amoss

29. NTL–752 Otis Self-Administering test of Mental A.S. Otis


30. NTL–754 Social Intelligence Test F.A. Moss

31. NTL–780 A Point Scale of Performance test G. Arthur

32. NTL–781 Non-Language Multi-Mental test E.L. Terman

33. NTL–783 SRA Verbal & Non-Verbal Forms R.N. McMurry

34. NTL–784 Moray House Adult Intelligence Test M.H.T.

(Verbal Reasoning)

35. NTL–795 The Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental R. Stutsman


36. NTL–810 California test of Mental Maturity E.T. Sullivan

37. NTL–812 Leiter Adult Intelligence Scale R.G. Leiter

38. NTL–817 Pintner-Paterson Performance Tests H. Pintner

39. NTL–818 Chicago Non-Verbal Examination A.Q. Brown

40. NTL–823 Test of Mental Efficiency B. Babook

41. NTL–836 Modified Alpha Examination F.L. Wells

42. NTL–843 Engle Psychology Test T.L. Engle

43. NTL–862 Revised Beta Examination C.E. Kellogg

44. NTL–869 Essential Junior Intelligence Test F.J. Schonell

45. NTL–883 Metropolitan Readiness Tests G.H. Hildreth, L. Nellie

M.A. Griffifths

46. NTL–887 Thurstone Test of Mental Alertness L.L. Thurstone

47. NTL–896 Ohio State University Psychological H.A. Toops


48. NTL–934 The Henmon-Nelson Tests of Mental V.A.C. Womon


49. NTL–955 Minnesota Pre-School Scale E.T.S

50. NTL–1003 Picture Intelligence Test M.S. Mellone

51. NTL–1007 Army General Classification Test S.R.A.

52. NTL–1008 The Simple Group Intelligence Scale C.A. Richardson

53. NTL–1016 Social Intelligence Test F.A. Moss

54. NTL–1020 Revised Alpha Examination Form F.L. Wells

55. NTL–1033 Terman McNemar Test of Mental ability L.M. Terman

56. NTL–1062 Detroit Advanced Intelligence Test H.J. Baker

57. NTL–1063 ACER Advanced Test B-40 ACER

58. NTL–1064 General Ability Test (Intermediate) ACER


59. NTL-1262 General Ability Test (Advanced M) ACET

60. NTL–1069 ACER Intermediate Test-D ACER

61. NTL–1075 ACER Intermediate Test-A ACER

62. NTL–1076 Otis Quick Scoring Mental Ability Test A.S. Otis

63. NTL–1078 Group Test of Intelligence T.P. Tomilson

64. NTL–1110 The Quick Picture Vocabulary Test R.B. Ammons &
(Monograph Supplement I – VII) C.H.Ammons

65. NTL–1125 Elementary Reading General Ability W. Reed


66. NTL–1150 A Measure of Intelligence C. Spearman

67. NTL–1151 Methods and Experiments in Mental C.A. Richardson


68. NTL–1165 Measurement of Intelligence by F.L. Goodenough


69. NTL–1187 Pintner General Ability Test-Form A R. Pintner

70. NTL–1188 Pintner General Ability Test-Form L R. Pintner

71. NTL–1201 Goodenough Intelligence Test F.L. Goodenough

72. NTL–1203 Kuhlmann-Anderson Test F. Kuhlmann &

R.G. Anderson

73. NTL–1204 A Culture-Free Test R.B. Cattell

74. NTL–1208 Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test I. Lorge

75. NTL–1229 Holzinger-Crowder Uni-Factor Test K.J. Holzinger

76. NTL–1233 Davis-Ells test of General Intelligence A. Davis & Kenneth Eells
or Problem-Solving Ability

77. NTL–1235 Simplex GNV2 Intelligence Test C.A. Richardson

78. NTL–1236 Simplex Jr. 'A' Intelligence Test C.A. Richardson

79. NTL–1237 Simplex Jr. 'A' Intelligence Test C.A. Richardson

80. NTL–1241 ACER Junior 'A' Test ACER

81. NTL–1244 Northumber land Mental Test G.H. Thomson

82. NTL–1245 Simple GNV Intelligence Test C.A. Richardson

83. NTL–1259 General test N and Advanced Test N ACER

84. NTL–1260 Group Test of Intelligence ACER

85. NTL–1261 Otis Self Administering Test-Form ACER

A, B, C, D

86. NTL–1263 Intermediate Test C ACER

87. NTL–1264 ACER Junior B Test ACER


88. NTL–1265 Army Alpha Examination E.C. Bregman

89. NTL–1266 Carnegie Mental Ability Test G.U. Cleeton

90. NTL–1272 Pintner General Ability Test Form B R. Pintner

91. NTL–1273 Otis Quick Scoring Mental Ability Test A.S. Otis
(New Edition)

92. NTL–1274 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children D. Wechsler

93. NTL–1275 Cornell-Cox Performance Ability Scale E.L. Cornell

94. NTL- 1311 H.T.P. Test Issac Jalles

95. NTL–1312 Public School Primary Intelligence Test H.J. Baker

96. NTL–1316 Otis Quick Scoring Mental Ability A.S. Otis

Tests: Beta Test Form A

97. NTL- 1325 Series of Emergency Scales G.H. Kent & A. Vermont

98. NTL–1330 The Measurement of Efficiency of C.H. Staelting Co., Chicago

Mental Functioning

99. NTL–1333 The Merrill Palmer Scale of Mental C.H. Staelting Co., Chicago

100. NTL–1338 Leiter International Performance Scale R. C. Leiter

101. NTL–1371 The Leiter Adult Intelligence C.H. Staltin

102. NTL–1385 Goodenough Intelligence Test Florence L. Goodenough

103. NTL- 1543 Standard Progressive Matrices J.C. Raven

104. NTL–1544 Ravens Progressive Matrices & General J.C. Raven

Overview Manual

105. NTL–1545 Coloured Progressive Matrices J.C. Raven

106. NTL–1633 Mental Status Checklist for Adolescents Edward H. Dougherty;


107. NTL–1634 Mental Status Checklist for Children E. H.Dougherty &

J. A.Schinka

108. NTL-1678 Raven’s Advanced Progressive J. C. Raven

Materials (APM)

109. NTL-1812 Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test Jack A.Naglieri

Indian Administration

110. NTL-1815 The MIDAS (Multiple Intelligence C.Branton Shearer

Developmental Assessment Scale)

111. NTL-1820 Wechsler Memory Scale (Third edition David Wechsler

(with Indian Norms)

112. NTL-1821 Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test Alan S.Kaufman

(KBIT2) Second Edition Nadeen L.Kaufman


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–182 Test of Mechanical Comprehension G.K. Bennett

(Form AA)

2. NTL–183 Mechanical Comprehension Test G.K. Bennett

(Form BB)

3. NTL–184 Mechanical Comprehension Test G.K. Bennett

(Form CC)

4. NTL–187 Gray Oral Reading Tests William S. Gray &

H.M. Robinson

5. NTL–197 The Multi-Aptitude Test Forms A and B E.E. Cureton

6. NTL–199 Aptitudes Associates Test of Sales M.M. Bruce


7. NTL–216 Lowa Tests of Basic Skills A.N. Hieronymus,

NTL–220 E.F. Lindquist &

8. NTL–217 The Berclay Early Childhood Skill L.K. Berclay &

Assessment System J.R. Berclay

9. NTL–220.2 Cognitive Abilities Test Form 3 R.L. Thorndike &

(Grade 3-12) E. Hagen

10. NTL–225 Office Information & Skills Test G. Elizabeth Ripka

11. NTL–226 Musical Aptitude Profile Edwin Gordon

12. NTL–230 Occupational Aptitudes A.A. Abbatiello

13. NTL–232 Memory -for- Designs Test B.S. Kendall

14. NTL–237 Full-Range Picture Vocabulary Test R.B. Ammones &

NTL–958 H.S. Ammones

15. NTL–238 Proverbs Test Donald R. Gorham

16. NTL–241 It Scale for Children (ITSC) D.G. Brown

17. NTL–243 Aptitudes Checklist

243 Exploring Career Decision David W. Winefordner

– Making
243.1 Exploring Career Decision- David W. Winefordner
Making (Teacher Edition)

243.2 Activities for Exploring Appalachia Educational

Decsion - making Laboratory, Inc.

243.3 Career Information System David W. Winefordner

Professional Manual

243.4 Worker Trait Group Field Appalachia Educational

Content Notebook Laboratory, Inc.

243.6 Career Information System David W. Winefordner

243.7 Individualized Activities Appalachia Educational
for Career Exploration Laboratory, Inc.

243.8 Work Activities Checklist Appalachia Educational

Laboratory, Inc.
243.9 Work Situation Checklist Appalachia Educational
Laboratory, Inc.
243.9 A Aptitudes Checklist Appalachia Educational
Laboratory, Inc.

243.9C Worker Trait Group David W. Winefordner

18. NTL–364 Differential Aptitude Tests G.K. Bennett &

H.G. Seashore

19. NTL–365 Differential Aptitude Tests forms S&T H.G. Seashore

20. NTL–377 Typing Test for Business (Form A&B) J.E. Deppelt,
A.D. Hartman, &
F.B. Krawchick

21. NTL–378 Modern Language Aptitude Test John B. Carroll

22. NTL–379 General Clerical Test The Psychological


23. NTL–381 Minnesota Clerical Test D.M. Andrew &
G. Paterson

24. NTL–382 The Multi-Aptitude Test (Forms A&B) E.E. Cureton

25. NTL–384 San Francisco Vocational Competency S. Levine


26. NTL–385 Business Judgement Test Martin M. Bruce

27. NTL–386 Clerical Skills Series M.M. Bruce

28. NTL–387 Sales Comprehension Test M.M. Bruce

29. NTL–388 Test of Social Insight M.M. Bruce

30. NTL–427 Scott Company Mental Alertness Test Scott Company

31. NTL–428 Horn Art Aptitude Inventory Charles C. Horn

32. NTL–443 Bender-Gestalt Test L. Bender

33. NTL–444 Visual Retention Test Arthur L. Benton

34. NTL–470 The Stanford Multi-Modality Imagery W.L. Dauterman


35. NTL–472 Development Assessment of J.B. Chase

Handicapped Infants and Young
Children: with Special Attention to
Visually Impaired

36. NTL–473 Devereux Scales as Behavioral L.J. Ross

Measures of visually Impaired
Residential Students

37. NTL–491 Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking G. Watson &

Appraisal (Form Y.M.) E.M. Glasser

38. NTL–497 Development Test of Visual Perception M. Frostig

39. NTL–511 Slosson Drawing Coordination test for R.L. Slosson

Children and Adults

40. NTL–512A Seashore Measures of Musical Talents C.E. Seashore

41. NTL–513 Harris Tests of Lateral Dominance A.J. Harris

42. NTL–514 ABC Vision Test for Ocular Dominance W.R. Miles

43. NTL–540 Illionois Test of Psycholinguistic S.A. Kirk


44. NTL–551 Auditory Discrimination Test J.M. Wepman

45. NTL–552 Developmental Test of Visual W. Letever


46. NTL–553 Motor-Free Visual Perception Test R.P. Colarusso &

D.D. Hammill

47. NTL–558 Ross Test of Higher Cognitive John D. Ross


48. NTL–568 The Chapin Social Insight test H.G. Gough &
F.S. Chapin

49. NTL–584 California PreSchool Social Samuel Levine

Competency Scale

50. NTL–606 General Aptitude Test Battery U.S. Department of Labour,


51. NTL–697 Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Kit K.M. Dunu

52. NTL–743 Name Comparison Test J.L. Otis

53. NTL–747 Horn Art Aptitude Inventory C.C. Horn

54. NTL–751 'O' Corner Tweezer Dexterity Test C.H. Staelting Co., Chicago

55. NTL–755 Color Vision Test E. Freeman

56. NTL–756 Minnesota Assembly Test E. Freeman

57. NTL–757 Iowa Plane Geometry Aptitude Test H.A. Greene

58. NTL–758 'O' Corner Finger Dexterity Test C.H. Stoelting Co., Chicago

59. NTL–769 Motor Capacity Test B.W. Edmiston

60. NTL–770 Minnesota Clerical Test D.M. Andrew

61. NTL–772 Differential Aptitude Test Battery G.K. Bennett

62. NTL–773 Work Knowledge Test (Adult Form) ACER

63. NTL–774 Pacific Word Knowledge Test I.G. Ord

64. NTL–776 Mechanical Comprehension Test W.A. Owens

65. NTL–777 Minnesota Paper Form Board Test B. Likert

66. NTL–782 Mechanical Comprehension Test G.K. Bennett

67. NTL–785 Minnesota Spatial Relations Test M.R. Trabue

68. NTL–786 Design Judgement Test M. Graves

69. NTL–791 Purdue Clerical Adaptability Test C.H. Lawshe

70. NTL–799 Mechanical Comprehension Test C.K. Bennett

(Form BB)

71. NTL–803 Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test H.A. Greene

72. NTL–804 1. Filing Test (Form A) J.L. Otis

2. Tabulation Test (Form B)

73. NTL–811 Vision, Hearing & Motor Coordination E.T. Sullivan


74. NTL–821 Clerical Aptitude Test A. Kobal

75. NTL–822 A.C.S. Cooperative Examination in T.A. Ashford

Quantitative Analysis

76. NTL–824 Cooperative Mathematics Test O. Orshansky

77. NTL–826 Cooperative Literary Comprehensive M. Wills

and Appreciation Test

78. NTL–828 Brueckner Diagnostic test in Fractions L.J. Brueckner

79. NTL–829 Cooperative Science Test P.E. Kambly

80. NTL–830 SRA Primary Mental Abilities L.L. Thurstone

81. NTL–832 Seattle Algebra Test H.B. Jeffery

82. NTL–833 The Maze Test S.D. Portues

83. NTL–835 Survey Test in Plane Geometry H.R. Douglass

84. NTL–839 SRA Mechanical Aptitudes R. Bellows, Henry

85. NTL–841 Durost Centre Word Mastery Test W.N. Durost

86. NTL–855 Kwalwasser Test of Music Information J. Kwalwasser

and Appreciation

87. NTL–858 Knauber Art Ability Test A.J. Knauber

88. NTL–863 Stenquist Assembling Tests of General J.L. Stenquist

Mechanical Ability

89. NTL–864 Personnel Tests for Industry A.G. Wesman,

R. Madden

90. NTL–867 Arithmetic Computation Test M.Richard

91. NTL–872 Cooperative General Science Test C.A. Pearson

92. NTL–885 Arithmetic Essentials Test J.T. Sea

93. NTL–888 Handy Pack Speech Tests S. Stenchfield

94. NTL–894 Memory for Design Test F.K. Graham

95. NTL–899 Gates Primary Reading Test J.T. Shea

96. NTL–900 Detroit Word Recognition Test E.F. Oglesby

97. NTL–901 Michigan Vocabulary Profile Test E.B. Greene

98. NTL–903 Cooperative World History Test F.H. Stutz

99. NTL–906 Passalong Test W.P. Alexander

100. NTL–908 A.C.S. Cooperative Chemistry Test in T.A. Ashford

Qualitative Analysis

101. NTL–916 Visual Retention Test A.L. Benton

102. NTL–919 Aptitude Tests for Occupations W.S. Poeder

103. NTL–929 Memory for Designs Test F. Graham & B. Kendall

104. NTL–930 Wechsler Memory Scale D. Wechsler

105. NTL–939 SRA language skills M.W. Richardson

106. NTL–940 Reading Comprehensive Test L.D. Crow

107. NTL–941 Reading Test M. Daren

108. NTL–943 Reading Comprehension Test R.K. Speer

109. NTL–946 Daren Diagnostic Reading Test M. Daren

110. NTL–949 Survey of Space Relations Ability H.E. Case

111. NTL–954 Stenographic Aptitude Test W.L. Deemer

112. NTL–960 Pre-Engineering Ability Test ETS

113. NTL–961 French Listening Comprehension Test ETS

114. NTL–975 Small Parts Dexterity Test John E.

115. NTL–979 Macquarrie Test for Mechanical Ability T.W. Macquarrie

116. NTL–994 Engineering and Physical Science B.V. Moore

Aptitude Test

117. NTL–997 Teacher's Performance Record A.S. Barr

118. NTL–998 Concept Mastery Test L.M. Terman

119. NTL–999 SRA Clerical Aptitude Test Richardson

120. NTL–1000 SRA Dictation Skills M.W. Richardson

121. NTL–1014 Vocabulary Test R.K. Speer

122. NTL–1018 Spelling Test for Clerical Workers L.J. Otis

123. NTL–1019 Speed and Accuracy Test A.C.E.R.

124. NTL–1024 The Basic Sight Word Test F.W. Dalch

125. NTL–1026 Oberlin Test of Music & Art E.T.S

126. NTL–1040 Yale Educational Aptitude Test Battery A.B. Crawford

127. NTL–1043 Comprehensive Examination in M.P. Claytor


128. NTL–1049 Vocational Aptitude Examination G.U. Cleeton

129. NTL–1056 Prognostic Test of Mechanical Abilities J. Wayne

130. NTL–1058 Facts About Science Test G. Stice

131. NTL–1061 General Office Clerical Test United Business Education

Association Washington

132. NTL–1065 Kelly Greene Reading Comprehension V.H. Kelley & A. Greene

133. NTL–1072 Mental Alertness Test ETS

134. NTL–1073 Wide Range Vocabulary Test C.R. Atwell

135. NTL–1081 Tests of General Educational ACE


136. NTL–1084 The Multi-Aptitude Test, Form A & B E. Cureton

137. NTL–1085 First Year Type Writing Test M. Englehart

138. NTL–1091 Multiple Aptitude Test D. Segal

139. NTL–1094 California Reading Test E.W. Tiegs & W.W. Clark

140. NTL–1096 Traxler High School Reading Test A.E. Traxler

141. NTL–1116 Test of English Usage H.D. Rinsland

142. NTL–1119 Lee Test of Geometric Aptitude J.M. Lee

143. NTL–1120 Elementary Reading Speed R. Swerdlin


144. NTL–1127 A Point Scale of Performance Test G. Arthur

145. NTL–1171 Cooperative School and College Ability ETS


146. NTL–1175 Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking G. Watson


147. NTL–1191 Gates Basic Reading Test A.I. Gates

148. NTL–1192 Nelson Denny Reading Test M.J. Nelson

149. NTL–1247 Mechanical Comprehension Test ACER

150. NTL–1252 Gates Reading Readiness Test A.I. Gates

151. NTL–1253 ACER Reading Test ACER

152. NTL–1254 Silent Reading Test ACER

153. NTL–1267 Iowa Every Pupil Test of Basic Skills H.F. Spitzer

154. NTL–1316 Otis quick Scoring Mental Ability Test A.S. Otis

155. NTL–1317 Word Recognition Scoring Sheet Follett Publishing Co.


156. NTL–1324 Number Comparison Test (Form A) J.L. Otis & Lovisew

157. NTL–1330 The Measurement of Efficiency of C.H. Staelting Co., Chicago

Mental Functioning

158. NTL–1331 Strenberg Dexterity Test E.L. Strenberg

159. NTL–1332 Verbal Reasoning Test University of London Press

160. NTL–1336 S.R.A. Verbal Form T. Gwim

161. NTL–1363 Carnell Cox Performance Ability Tests E.L. Carnell

(only Form)

162. NTL–1366 Minnesota Mechanical Assembly C.H. Staellting Co.,

Tests (only Form) Chicago

163. NTL- 1367 Brown Carlsen Listening Jones I. Brown &

Comprehension Test G. Robert Carlsen

164. NTL–1387 Color Memory Test Burnham-Clark-Munsell

165. NTL–1433 Cognitive Abilities Test Levels A to F Robert L.Throndike,

E.Hagen & N. Francs

166. NTL–1436 Recognition Memory Test Elizabeth K. Warrington

167. NTL–1438 Critical Reasoning Tests Pauline Smith &

Obris Whetton

168. NTL–1439 Basic Skills Tests Pauline Smith &

Obris Whetton

169. NTL–1459 Factor Tests of Social Intelligence Maween O. Sullivan

170. NTL–1461 The Problem Solving Inventory P.P. Heppner

171. NTL–1463 Schail-Thurston Adult Mental Abilities K. Warnerschail

172. NTL–1503 Cognitive Diagnostic Battery Stanley R. Kay

173. NTL–1509 Cognitive Behaviour Rating J. Michael William

174. NTL–1515 Khatena-Morse Multi-talent E. Paul Torrance

Perception Inventory

175. NTL–1547 Mill-Hill Vocabulary Scale J. C. Raven

176. NTL-1613 Seguin Form Board Test Saguin

177. NTL-1614 The Problem Solving Inventory P.P.Happnre

178. NTL-1616 Social Behaviour Adjustment Inventory M.S.Thomas

179. NTL-1630 The Problem Solving Inventory P. P. Happnre

180. NTL-1631 Social Skills in the Class Room M.S.Thomas

181. NTL-1632 Social Behaviour Assessment Inventory M.S.Thomas

182. NTL-1636 IAMA Software for Intelligence Allen L. Hammer
Aptitude Measurement Test

183. NTL-1759 The Dyslexia Screening Test (DST) A.J.Fawcett and


184. NTL-1783 Screening Assessment for Gifted Susan K. Johnsen &

Elementary and Middle School Students Anne L.Corn
(IInd Edition)

185. NTL-1806 Teacher Observation Scales for Don McAlpine and

Identifying Children with Special Neil Reid

186. NTL-1849 The Dyslexia Screening Test – Junior Angela J.Fawcell

India Edition (DST-J India) Rod I. Nicolson

187. NTL-1850 Social Skills Improvement System Frank M.Gresham

Stephen N.Elliott


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–210 The Wide Range Achievement Test J.F. Jastak &

S.R. Jastak

2. NTL–212 Peabody Individual Achievement Test L.M. Dunn &

Vol. I (Mathematics Reading F.C. Markwardt
Recognition) Vol. II (Reading-

3. NTL–220 The Test of Achievement and Dale P. Scannell

Proficiency (Form I) Levels 15-18

4. NTL–223 Elementary School Test Evaluations R. Hooppner

5. NTL–224 Agribusiness Achievement Test R.L. Peterson

6. NTL–372 Student Evaluation Scale(SES) W.T. Martin &

Sue Martin

7. NTL–476 College Qualification Tests G.K. Bennett

8. NTL–550 The Educational Evaluation Kit Wretha Peterson

9. NTL–741 National Achievement Tests-Geography R.K. Speer & S. Smith

(Form A&B)

10. NTL–742 Every Pupil Test-Geography (Grade IV, M.E. Bain

V, VI & VII)

11. NTL–744 Every Pupil Test-Contemporary Affairs C.H. Roberts

(Grade 7-12)

12. NTL–745 National Achievement Test-Chemistry L.D. Crow

13. NTL–753 Iowa High School Content Examination D.B.S. Tuit, H.A. Greene,
G.M. Ruch &
G.M. Durring

14. NTL–760 Durring Physics Test M.Gordon

15. NTL–762 Cooperative Reading Comprehensive F.B. Davis


16. NTL–766 English Usage Test A.C.E.R

17. NTL–771 Lankton Algebra Test R.S. Lankton

18. NTL–778 Cooperative American Government Test E.T.S.

19. NTL–779 Cooperative Test on Foreign Affairs E.T.S.

20. NTL–787 Essential High School Content Battery D.P. Harry

21. NTL–788 Biology Test E.T.S.

22. NTL–789 Functional Evaluation in Mathematics W.A. Brownell

23. NTL–792 Arithmetic Reasoning Test J.L. Otis

24. NTL–794 Cooperative reading Comprehension A.C.E.R.

Test (Form M)

25. NTL–797 The Algebra Readiness Test W.R. Lueck

26. NTL–798 High School Reading Test (Form A, B) R.K. Speer

27. NTL–802 Blyth Second Year Algebra Test M.I. Blyth

28. NTL–805 Social Studies Test R.K. Speer

29. NTL–806 Stanford Achievement Test R.L. Kelley

30. NTL–807 Ohio Scholarship Test-Arithmetic I.L. Armitage

31. NTL–808 American History Test R.K. Speer

32. NTL–809 Cooperative Chemistry J.F. Castka

33. NTL–816 Sequential Tests of Educational E.T.S.


34. NTL–819 Davis Test of Functional Competence in D.J. Davis


35. NTL–831 Arithmetical Reasoning Test A.J. Cardall

36. NTL–832 Iowa Tests of Educational Development Science Research

Associates, Chicago

37. NTL–834 Achievement Examination for L.B. Eakins

Secondary Schools (Elementary Algebra
‘Form 3’)

38. NTL–837 Iowa Placement Examination Physics C.J. Lapp

39. NTL–838 Diagnostic Chart for Individual G.T. Bushwell L.John

Difficulties–Fundamental Process in

40. NTL–842 Peltier-Durost Civics and Citizenship C.L. Peltier


41. NTL–845 A Brief Survey of Arithmetic Skills A.E. Traxler

42. NTL–848 Shaycoft Plane Geometry Test M.F. Shaycoft

43. NTL–853 Essential High School Development D.P. Harry

44. NTL–860 Arithmetic Test D.E.R.

45. NTL–861 Arithmetic Test A.C.E.R.

46. NTL–866 Anderson Chemistry Test K.E. Anderson

47. NTL–868 Read General Science Test J.R. Read

48. NTL–871 Arithmetic Test R.K. Speear

49. NTL–876 Orleans Geometry Prognosis Test J.B. Orleans

50. NTL–882 Cooperative American History Test H.D. Berg

51. NTL–886 Diagnostic Reading Test B.M. Bear

52. NTL–889 Larson-Green Unit Tests H.A. Greene

C. Woody &
53. NTL–890 Mixed Fundamentals in Arithmetic W.A. McCall

54. NTL–891 Test on Understanding Science W.W. Cooley

55. NTL–895 French Test for Performance in State University of Iowa

Knowledge of Sports

56. NTL–914 Achievement Test (Third Grade M. McCullough &

Readiness Test) David H. Russell

57. NTL–920 General Science Test R.K. Speer

58. NTL–935 California Algebra Aptitude Test M. McCrum

59. NTL–936 Jamia Achievement Test IRE

60. NTL–937 American School Achievement Test W.E. Pratt

61. NTL–938 History and Civics Test R.K. Speer

62. NTL–959 National Achievement Tests-Municipal R.K. Speer


63. NTL–968 California Achievement Test E.W. Tiegs

64. NTL–971 Modern School Achievement Test A.I. Gates

65. NTL–974 Spelling Test H.K. Speer

66. NTL–976 Test of the Physical Science Study E.T.S.


67. NTL–977 Dunning Physics Test G.M. Dunning

68. NTL–980 Wallesley Spelling Scale T.G. Alper

69. NTL–982 Words for Writing A to Z Spellers U.S.A.

70. NTL–988 Snader General Mathematics Test D.W. Snader

71. NTL–990 Ohio State University Psychological H.A. Toops


72. NTL–992 Los Angeles Diagnostic Tests- C. Armstrong

Fundamentals of Arithmetic

73. NTL–993 Number Fact Check Sheet R. Cochrane

74. NTL–995 Seattle Plane Geometry Test H.B. Jeffery

75. NTL–996 Metropolitan Achievement Test R.D. Alien

76. NTL–1001 Graded Arithmetic Mathematics Test R.E. Vernon

77. NTL–1004 Cooperative Algebra Test R.S. Lankton

78. NTL–1005 California Arithmetic Test E.W. Tiegs

79. NTL–1013 Test for High School Entrants L.D. Grow

80. NTL–1015 20th Century Test for First Year Algebra Bentoh Review pub. Co.

81. NTL–1023 Achievement Examination for W.W. Cook
Secondary School

82. NTL–1028 Geometry Attainment Test R.D. Walton

83. NTL–1035 Greene-Stapp Language Ability Test H.A. Greene

84. NTL–1038 Health and Safety Education Test L.D. Crow

85. NTL–1042 Nelson Biology Test C.H. Nelson

86. NTL–1045 Larson-Greene Unit Tests in First Year H.A. Greene


87. NTL–1050 California Tests in Social and Related G.S. Adams


88. NTL–1055 Reader Achievement Test M.M. Cullough

89. NTL–1066 Cooperative Social Studies Test E.T.S.

90. NTL–1077 Brueckner Diagnostic Test in Whole L.J. Bureckner


91. NTL–1080 Minnesota High School Achievement ETB, Washington


92. NTL–1089 Elementary School Mathematics Tests A. Wesley

93. NTL–1090 First Year Shorthand Test H. Dukes

94. NTL–1095 American Civics and Govt. Test M.M. Chambers

95. NTL–1098 Lane-Greene Unit Test in Plane O. Lane


96. NTL–1099 Crary American History Test R.W. Crary

97. NTL–1103 Illinois Plane Geometry Test C.H. Schutter

98. NTL–1104 Cooperative Biology Test P.E. Kambly

99. NTL–1111 International Association for the W.G. Center

Evaluation of Educational Achievement

100. NTL–1131 Surveys of Achievement E.W. Tiegs & W.W. Clark

101. NTL–1134 Tertiary Education Entrance Project- A.C.E.R.

talent Battery

102. NTL–1140 Instructional Test in Algebra Raleigh Schorling

103. NTL–1142 Instructional Test in Geometry F.C. Bishop

104. NTL–1170 Cooperative Sequential Test of E.T.S.

Educational Progress

105. NTL–1176 Instructional Tests in General Science E.R. Glenn

106. NTL–1183 Modified Alpha Examination Form g The Psychological corp.

Wells N.Y.

107. NTL–1189 Woody McCall Fundamentals in C. Woody


108. NTL–1190 Columbia Vocabulary Test Irene Gansl &

Henry E. Garrett

109. NTL–1193 Basic Skills in Arithmetic Test W.L. Wrinkle

110. NTL–1194 Cooperative Mathematics Test for High A.H. Darnell

School Students

111. NTL–1195 Cooperative English Test E.T.S.

112. NTL–1196 Cooperative Test for College Students E.T.S.

113. NTL–1199 Cummings Word History Test H.H. Cummings

114. NTL–1215 Diagnostic Test in Vulgar Fractions, F.J. Schonell

Decimal Fractions and percentages

115. NTL–1224 Wesley Tests in Social and Political E.B. Wesley


116. NTL–1227 Barrett Byan-Schrammel English Test E.R. Barrett

117. NTL–1230 Problems of Democracy Test S.E. Diamond

118. NTL–1234 Orleans Algebra Prognosis Test J.B. Orleans

119. NTL–1242 Spelling Test A.C.E.R.

120. NTL–1243 Square Test A.C.E.R.

121. NTL–1248 Civics Vocabulary Test S.A. Bayner

122. NTL–1256 ACER Number Cards A.C.E.R.

123. NTL–1257 Easy Steps in Arithmetic E.W. Seville (ACER)

124. NTL–1315 Coordinated Scales of Attainment ETB

125. NTL–1319 Metropolitan Achievement Test G.H. Hildreth

126. NTL–1321 Midwest High School Achievement H. Haberman &

Examinations (Economic Geography Gearge H. Selke
‘Form A’)

127. NTL–1323 Fundamentals of Arithmetic Test C. Armstrong

128. NTL–1335 Essential High School Content Battery D.P. Henry

129. NTL–1388 Sequential Test of Progress Essay Test E.T.S.

130. NTL-1805 ACES Academic Competence James C DiPerna and

Evaluation Scales Stephen N. Elliott


S. No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–181 Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (Form A.E. Boehm


2. NTL–219 The Barclay Learning Needs J.R. Barclay

Assessment Inventory

3. NTL–498 The Pupil Rating Scale Revised H.R. Myklebust

Screening for Learning Disabilities

4. NTL–502 Durrell Analysis of Reading Difficulty D.D. Durrell

5. NTL–503. The Slow Learner in the Classroom N.C. Kephart

(Second Edition)

6. NTL–508 Sklar Aphasia Scale M. Sklar

7. NTL–541 ITPA Clinical Interpretation and T.P. Lombardi &

Remediation E.J. Lombardi

8. NTL–545 Learning-Style inventory Paul J. Malcom

9. NTL–554 Jordan Left- Right Reversal Test B.J. Jordan

10. NTL–555 Weller-Strawser Scales of Adaptive Carol Weller

Behaviour for the Learning Disabled

11. NTL–582 Profile of Basic Learning Abilities R.E. Valett

12. NTL–813 Iowa Silent Reading Test H.A. Greene

13. NTL–870 The Developmental Reading Tests G.L. Bond

14. NTL–902 Purdue Blueprint Reading Test H.F. Own

15. NTL–917 Primary Reading Test W.E. Stayton

16. NTL–926 SRA Reader Record G.T. Buswell

17. NTL–931 Durrell Analysis of Reading Difficulty D.D. Durrell

18. NTL–942 Michigan Speed of Reading Test E.B. Greene

19. NTL–944 Learning Styles Inventory D.K. Kolb

20. NTL–1082 Diagnostic Reading Examination M. Monroe

21. NTL–1228 Brown-Carlsen Listening J.I. Brown

Comprehension Test

22. NTL–1251 Individual Reading Test A.C.E.R.

23. NTL-1516 Style of Learning and Thinking E.Paul Torrance

24. NTL-1835 Test of Early Reading Ability (3rd Ed.) Dr.Kim Reid, Wayne
P.Hvesho &
Donald D.Hammill

25. NTL-1848 The Learning Disiabilities Diagnostic D. Hammill

Inventory (LDDI) B.Bryant


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–528 Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking E. Paul Torrance


2. NTL–547 Group Inventory for Finding Creative Sylvia R. Rimm


3. NTL–1513 Torrance Monograph E. Paul Torrance

4. NTL–1514 Khatena Torrance Creative Perception Joe Khatena David T.


5. NTL–1517 Thinking Creatively in Action and E. Paul Torrance


6. NTL–1519 Verbal Torrance Tests Creative E. Paul Torrance

Thinking Words

7. NTL–1520 Thinking Creatively with Sounds and Joe Khatena


8. NTL-1882 Creativity Assessment Packet (CAP) Frank Williams

S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–130 Jr. Sr. High School Personality R.B. Cattell &

Questionnaire (HSPQ) D.L. Cattell

2. NTL–158 Early School Personality Questionnaire R.W. Coan

(ESPQ) (English)

3. NTL–162 Sixteen Personality Factor Raymond B. Cattell &

Questionnaire (Form A&B) Herbert W.Eber

4. NTL–165 IPAT Children's Personality R.B. Porter &

Questionnaire (CPQ) (Form A&B) R.B. Cattell

5. NTL–166 IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire R.B. Cattell

NTL-167 (A.S.Q.)

6. NTL–168 Contact Personality Factor Test (Form R.B. Cattell


7. NTL–178 Holtzman Inkblot Technique Combined W.H. Holtzman

Set (Form A&B)

8. NTL–179 Make a Picture Story Test E.S. Shneidmen

9. NTL–185 Edwards Personal Preference Schedule A.L. Edwards

10. NTL–186 Vineland Social Maturity Scale Edgar A. Doll

11. NTL–189 Omnibus Personality Inventory P.Heist & G.Yonge

12. NTL–192 Polyfactorial Study of Personality M.M. Bruce

13. NTL–198 Test of Social Insight (Youth and Adult M.M. Bruce

14. NTL–211 The Gerontological Apperception Test R.L. Wolk & R.B. Wolk

15. NTL–218 The Barclay Classroom Climate J.R. Barclay


16. NTL–221 The Devereux Behaviour Rating Scales G. Spivack & J. Spotts
(i) Devereux Adolescent Behaviour
(ii) Devereux Child Behaviour
(iii) Devereux elementary School

17. NTL–229 Study of Values (A Scale for Measuring Gordon W. Allport,
NTL-950 the Dominant Interest in Personality Philip E.Vernon and
Gardner Lindzey

18. NTL–231 The Senior Apperception technique L. Bellak & S.S. Bellak

19. NTL–233 The Group Personality Projective Test R.N. Cassel

20. NTL–234 The Id, Ego, Super Ego Test L.A. Dombrose &
M. Slobin

21. NTL–323 Vineland Social Maturity Scale A.J. Malin

22. NTL–358 Psychology Manual for Ka-Ro Inkblot Y. Kataguchi


23. NTL–366 The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank J.B. Rotter

24. NTL–367 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality S.R. Hathaway &

Inventory (MMPI) (Individual Form) J.C. Mckinley

25. NTL–371 Sentence Completion Test F.S. Irvin

26. NTL–416 Deeside Picture Test W.G. Emmett

27. NTL–425 Rorschach Test H. Rorschach

28. NTL–443 Bender-Gestalt Test L. Bender

29. NTL–445 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality S.R. Hathaway &

Inventory (Revised 1967) J.K. Mckinley

30. NTL–469 The Anxiety Scale for the Blind R.E. Hardy

31. NTL–471 A Social Maturity Scale for Blind Pre- K.E. Maxfield &
School Children S. Bucholz

32. NTL–475 Mooney Problem Checklists(Form C.H. R. L. Mooney

and J and Adult)

33. NTL–477 Minnesota Test for Differential H. Schuell

Diagnosis Aphasia

34. NTL–483 Class Atmosphere Scale S. Silbergeld

35. NTL–484 Group Atmosphere Scale S. Silbergeld

36. NTL–487 The Affective Perception Inventory A.T. Soares,
(1) Primary L.M. Soares &
(2) Intermediate Louise M. Soares
(3) Advanced Levels

37. NTL–504 The Anxiety Scale for the Blind R.E. Hardy

38. NTL–505 The Minnesota Percepto-Diagnostic G.B. Fuller


39. NTL–515 Children's Apperception Test L. Bellak & S.S. Bellak

40. NTL–516 Thematic Apperception Test H.A. Murrary

41. NTL–535 Personality Tests and Reviews O.K. Buros

42. NTL–546 Wide Range Intelligence-Personality J.F. Jastak


43. NTL–562 Test Anxiety Inventory H.P. Gonzalez,

C.J. Taylor, G.R. Ross &
W.D. Anton

44. NTL–564 Test of Behavioural Rigidity K.W. Schaie

45. NTL–566 Bem Sex-Role Inventory Sandra Lipsitz Bem


46. NTL–569A The Quality of School Life J.L. Epstein

47. NTL–581 Classroom Environment Scale E.J. Trickett

48. NTL–585 Balthazar Scales of Adaptive Behaviour E.E. Balthazar

49. NTL–586 Maslow Security Insecurity Scale A.L. Maslow

50. NTL–593 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory C.D. Spielberger

51. NTL–594 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for C.D. Spielberger

NTL–700 Children

52. NTL–595 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 'Form I.B. Myers


53. NTL–604 Clinical analysis Questionnaire R.B. Cattell &

K.H. Delhess

54. NTL–698 The Jesness Inventory Carl F. Jesness

55. NTL–701 Bells Adjustment Inventory Student H.M. Bell

56. NTL–739 Maslach Burnout Inventory Christina Maslach

57. NTL–749 IES Test-(Photo-Analysis) L.A. Dombrose &

S. Slobin

58. NTL–759 Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality S.R. Hathaway


59. NTL–761 Thematic Apperception Test H. Murray

60. NTL–764 California Test of Personality W.W. Clark

61. NTL–767 SRA Youth Inventory SRA

62. NTL–790 Character and Personality Test (Boys & A. Press


63. NTL–793 Handwriting Scale L. Payres

64. NTL–796 Psychiatric Rating Scales J.R. Wittenlorn

65. NTL–825 Johnson Temperament Analysis R.H. Johnson

66. NTL–844 Kent Rosanaff Free Association Test K. Rosanaff

67. NTL–854 Mooney Problem Checklist R.L. Mooney

68. NTL–856 IES Picture Title Test L.A. Dombrose

69. NTL–859 Personality Schedule L.L. Thurstone

70. NTL–865 IES-Arrow-Dot Test L.A. Dombrose

71. NTL–874 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire R.B. Cattell

72. NTL–875 Proverbs Test D.R. Gorham

73. NTL–878 Rorschach Psycho-Diagnostic Test H. Bern

74. NTL–892 Minnesota Inventory of Social E.G. Williamson


75. NTL–897 Syracuse Scales of Social Relations E.F. Gardner

76. NTL–898 The Alcado Test Morse P. Manson

77. NTL–904 Horn-Hellersberg Test (The Individual's E. Hellersberg
Relation to reality in our Culture)

78. NTL–905 The Case of Mickey Murphy W.R. Baller

79. NTL–911 Adjustment Inventory H.M. Bell

80. NTL–912 Pseudo Isochromatic Plates L.H. Hardy

81. NTL–915 Fatigue Scales Kit Psychometric Affiliates

82. NTL–922 Curtis Completion Form J.W. Curtis

83. NTL–923 IPAT Humor Test of Personality R.B. Cattell

84. NTL–924 Affectivity Interview Blank E. Mechem

85. NTL–925 Minnesota T-S-E- Inventory C. Evans &

T.R. McConnell

86. NTL–927 Easel Age Scale B. Lantz

87. NTL–928 Kilander Health Knowledge Test H.F. Kilander

88. NTL–932 Heston Personal Adjustment Inventory J.C. Heston

89. NTL–953 The Manson Evaluation M.P. Manson

90. NTL–966 The Hunt Minnesota Test for Organic H.F. Hunt
Brain Damage

91. NTL–983 The Blacky Pictures G.S. Blum

92. NTL–1006 Make a Picture Story Test E.S. Shneidman

93. NTL–1011 Adaptability Test J. Tiffin

94. NTL–1012 Gordon Personal Profile L.V. Gordon

95. NTL–1017 Thurstone Temperament Schedule L.L. Thurstone

96. NTL–1025 Evaluation of Personality traits Through B.E.P.A.

TAT Pictures

97. NTL–1029 The Personality Survey P.M. Symonds

98. NTL–1034 The Life Adjustment Inventory R.C. Dell

99. NTL–1036 Stamp Behaviour Study Technique I.M. Stamp

100. NTL–1046 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator I.B. Myers

101. NTL–1047 Personal Health Inventory O.E. Byrd

102. NTL–1048 Patient's Self History O.E. Byrd

103. NTL–1051 Behaviour Cards-Record Sheet R.M. Stogdill

104. NTL–1086 Visual Motor Gestalt Test L. Bender

105. NTL–1092 Personality Inventory R.G. Bernreuter

106. NTL–1117 Test of Basic Assumptions M. Levit

107. NTL–1200 S.R.A. Youth Inventory H.H. Remmers

108. NTL–1222 Rorschach Individual Record Blanks B.K. Lopper

109. NTL–1223 The A-S Reaction Study G.W. Allport

110. NTL–1250 Children's Picture Test E. Battle

111. NTL–1311 H.T.P. Test Issac Jolles

112. NTL–1322 Completion of Drawings M.Richard & P.Philip

113. NTL–1327 Rosenzweig P.F. Study S. Rosenzweig & U.Pareek


114. NTL–1368 Rating Scale for Pupil Adjustment S.R.A.

115. NTL–1372 Test of Insight into Human Motives H.D. Sargent

116. NTL–1386 Szondi Test Versuchsieifer

117. NTL–1389 Clinical Analysis Questionnaire R.B. Cattell

118. NTL–1391 Motivation Analysis Test Raymond B. Cattell & John

L. Horn

119. NTL–1393 IPAT Depression Scale (Personal Samuel E. Kru

Assessment Inventory)

120. NTL–1395 Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire R.B. Cattell

121. NTL–1401 IPAT Humor Test of Personality R.B. Cattell

122. NTL–1458 Social Skill Inventory Ronald E. Riggio

123. NTL–1479 Children's Personality Questionnaire P. Cattell

124. NTL–1498 Daily Stress Inventory Philip J. Brantley

125. NTL–1499 The Stroop Neuropsychological Max R. Trenerry Bruce

Screening Test Crosson

126. NTL–1500 Psychological Pain Inventory C.J. Getto & R.K. Heaton

127. NTL–1505 Reynold's Adolescent Depression Scale William M. Reynold

128. NTL–1506 Children's Personality Questionnaire Cattell


129. NTL–1578 State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory Charles D. Splilberger

130. NTL- 1608 Using the Myer Briggs Type Indicator Myer & Briggs

131. NTL- 1616 Maudsley Personality Inventory H.J.Eysenck

132. NTL- 1617 Eysencks Personality Questionnaire H.J.Eysenck

133. NTL- 1629 A Gudie to the development & Use of I.B.Myers

the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator

134. NTL- 1635 Myer-Briggs Type Indicator I.B.Myers


135. NTL- 1637 Myer-Briggs Type Indicator in I.B.Myers


136. NTL- 1723 Free Association Test (100 Words List Jung & Kent

137. NTL- 1747 Problem Solving Concept Formation Hoffman & Kaisenien

138. NTL-1755 Student Teacher Relationship Scale Inventory Kit

139. NTL-1756 Revised Behaviour Problem Checklist Herbert C.Quay &

Donald R.Peterson
140. NTL-1758 Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) Wendy Lord

141. NTL-1801 Emotional Problems Scales (EPS) H.Thompson Prout
Douglas C.Strohmer
142. NTL-1784 Social Emotional Dimensions Scale Jerry B.Hullon &
(2nd Edition) Timothy G.Roberts

143. NTL-1803 Resiliency Scales for Children and Sandra Prince-Embury

Adolescents - A Profile of Personal

144. NTL-1804 AARS Adolescent Anger Rating Scale DeAnna Mckinnie Burney,
145. NTL-1807 Depression and Anxiety in Youth Scale Phyllis L.Newcomer Edna
Brian R.Bryant

146. NTL-1808 Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment William M Reynolds, Ph.D.

Screening Inventory

147. NTL-1809 Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale - William M.Reynolds, Ph.D.

2nd Edition

148. NTL-1834 Behaviour Rating Inventory of Gerald A.Gioia, Peter

Executive Function K.Isqwith,
Steven C.Evu and Lawren

149. NTL-1839 Children’s Measure of Obsessive- C.R.Reynolds and

Compulsive Symptoms (CMOCS) R.B.Livingston

150. NTL-1842 Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) M.B.Frisch

151. NTL-1859 NEOTM Inventories for the Robert R.McCrae

1. NEOTM Personality Inventory-3 Paul T.Costa
2. NEOTM Five-Factor Inventory-3
3. NEOTM Personality Inventory-
Revised (NEO-PI-RTM)

152. NTL-1861 Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Cecil R. Reynolds and Bert
Scale O. Richmond

153. NTL-1871 Sacks’ Sentence Completion Test Sacks

154. NTL-1873 Test Anxiety Inventory – Sampler Set Charles D. Spielberger
155. NTL-1881 Friedman Well-Being Scale Philip H. Friedman
156. NTL-1883 Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Raymond W.Novaco
157. NTL-1884 College Adjustment Scales William D.Anton and
James R.Reed


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–229 Study of Values Gordon W.Allport,

Philip E.Vernon &
Gardner Lindzey

2. NTL–369 Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory W.W. Cook & C.H. Leeds

3. NTL–800 Teacher Opinionnaire on Democracy E. Ledbelter

4. NTL–1087 VC Attitude Inventory & V.C. Figure M. Conover

Preference Test

5. NTL–1462 ABUSE Risk Inventory for Women Bonnie L, Yegidis

6. NTL- 1609 The Values Scale Donald E.Super & Dorthy,


7. NTL-1650 Rokeach Value Survey understanding M.Rokeach

Human Values


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–486 Self Perception Inventory A.T. Soares &

L.M. Soares

2. NTL–544 Tennessee Self Concept Scale W.H. Fitts

3. NTL–579 Self-Esteem Inventories Stanley Coopersmith

4. NTL–699 Self Esteem Inventories Stanley-Coopersmith

(School & Adult Form)

5. NTL-1442 Self-Perception Inventory Willicom T.Mortin

6. NTL–1464 Behavioural Academic Self Esteem Stanley Coopersmith

7. NTL-1802 The Multi-dimensional Self Esteem Edword J.O' Brien and

Inventory (MSEI) Seymour Epstein

8. NTL-1817 Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale Nancy E.Betz and Gail


9. NTL-1832 Self Esteem Index Linda Brown & Jacquelyn


10. NTL-1862 Eating Disorder Inventory - Third Edition David M.Garner


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–117 Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory K.E. Clark &

D.P. Campbell

2. NTL–118 Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory E.K. Strong

3. NTL–215 Wide Range interest-Opinion Test J.F. Jastak & S. Jastak

4. NTL–222 School Interest Inventory W.C. Cottle

5. NTL–368 Thurstone Interest Schedule L.L. Thurstone

6. NTL–383 Work Environment Preference Schedule L.V. Gordon

7. NTL–507 Milwaukee Academic Interest Inventory A.R. Baggaley

8. NTL–512 A&W Vocational Preference Index J.D. Widmayer &

M.J. Allard

9. NTL–549 Group Inventory for Finding Interests Sylvia B. Rimm

10. NTL–583 Vocational Preference Inventory John L. Holland

11. NTL–748 Vocational Interest Inventory (Men- G.U. Cleeton


12. NTL–765 Rothwell-Miller Interest Blank J.W. Rothwell

13. NTL–815 Geist Picture Interest Inventory H. Geist

14. NTL–820 Strong Vocational Interest Blank E.K. Strong

15. NTL–850 Kuder Preference Record G.F. Kuder

16. NTL–913 Thurstone Interest Schedule L.L. Thurstone

17. NTL–967 The Meier Arts Tests-I Art Judgement N.C. Meier

18. NTL–985 Inventory of Interest R.W. Edmiston

19. NTL–989 Brainard Occupational Preference P.P. Brainard


20. NTL–1002 Interest Index ETS California

21. NTL–1009 The School Inventory H.M. Bell

22. NTL–1044 Personality and Interest Inventory G. Hildreth

23. NTL–1071 Job Analysis and Interest Measurement ETS

24. NTL–1182 Brainard Occupational Preference P.D. Brainard


25. NTL–1271 Interest Questionnaire O.K. Garrestson

26. NTL–1326 The Leiter Adaptation of The Painted The Psychological Service
Cube Test Center Press, Washington

27. NTL-1800 How Well do you know your interests John H.Coleman
Harold T.Fagin


S.No Code NO. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–194 Survey of Study Habits & Attitudes William F. Brown &

(SSHA) (Forms C & H) Wayne H.Holtzman

2. NTL–200 Career Counselling Personal Data M.M. Bruce


3. NTL–204 Administering the Career Skills C.E.E.B. U.S.A.

Assessment Program (Self Evaluation
and Development Skills)

4. NTL–205 Career Assessment Skills Program C.E.E.B. U.S.A.

(Career Awareness Skill)

5. NTL–206 Career Skills Assessment Program C.E.E.B. U.S.A.

(Career Decision Making Skills)

6. NTL–207 Career Skills Assessment Program C.E.E.B. U.S.A.

(Employment Seeking Skills)

7. NTL–208 Career Skills Assessment Program C.E.E.B. U.S.A.

(Work Effectiveness skills)

8. NTL–209 Career Skills Assessment Program C.E.E.B. U.S.A.

(Personal Economic Skills)

9. NTL–213 Developing Understanding of self and American Guidance

Others Service, Minnesota

10. NTL–214 Jastak Wide Range Employment J.F. Jastak

Sample Test

11. NTL–228 The Dailey Vocational Tests John T. Dailey

12. NTL–239 Vocational Apperception Test R.B. Ammonos

(Advanced Form)

13. NTL–244 Worker Trait Group Index to David W. Winefordner

Occupational Outlook

14. NTL–244.1 Worker Trait Group Index to David W. Winefordner

Occupational Outlook Handbook

15. NTL–244.2 Worker Trait Group Index to David W. Winefordner
Occupational Outlook Handbook

16. NTL–244.3 Worker Trait Group Index to the David W. Winefordner

Encyclopedia of Careers

17. NTL–244.4 Worker Trait Group Index to the 1978 David W. Winefordner
Encyclopedia of Careers

18. NTL–244.5 School Subject Occupation Index David W. Winefordner

19. NTL–244.6 Worker Trait Group Chart David W. Winefordner

20. NTL–346 Survey of School Attitudes T.P. Hogan

21. NTL–446 Minnesota Counselling Inventory R.F. Berdie &

W.L. Layton

22. NTL–490 Gordon Occupational Check List L.V. Gordon

23. NTL–493 Improving Personnel Selection B. Balinsky

Through Effective Interviewing

24. NTL–534 Vocational Tests & Reviews O.K. Buros

25. NTL–548 Career Adaptive Behaviour Inventory T.P. Lombardi

26. NTL–578 Student Developmental Task R.B. Winston


27. NTL–586 Career Development Inventory D.E. Super & Others

28. NTL–703 Career Development Inventory A.S. Thompson

29. NTL–737 Vocational Exploration & Insight Kit. J.L. Holland

30. NTL–768 Biographical Inventory for Students L. Siegel

31. NTL–857 Cumulative Record for Jr. & Sr. ACE


32. NTL–918 V.G.C. Object Visualization Indicator V.G.C.

33. NTL–932 Survey of Study habits & Attitudes W.F. Brown


34. NTL–973 How I Counsel S.C. Benz &
H.H. Remmers

35. NTL–1009 The School Inventory G. Hildreith

36. NTL–1041 Ontario School Record System Guidance Service Branch


37. NTL–1052 The New Patterson Test and Study R.G. Patterson

38. NTL–1067 Cumulative Guidance Record Guidance Service Branch,


39. NTL–1226 Spitzer Study Skills Test H.F. Spitzer

40. NTL–1334 Pre Counselling Inventory A. Schmilding

41. NTL–1437 Modern Occupational Skills Test C.J. Blinkharm,

R. Wood & J. Hall

42. NTL–1440 The Life Experiences Check List Alastair Ager

43. NTL–1441 How Well Do You Know Your Self? Thomas N. Jenkins
& John H. Coleman

44. NTL–1453 Dictionary of Holland Occupational John L. Holland


45. NTL–1454 My Vocational Situations John L. Holland

46. NTL–1501 Holland Self Directed Search John L. Holland

47. NTL–1502 Dictionary of Holland Occupational Gary D. Cattfradso

Codes John L. Holland

48. NTL–1504 Children's Academic Intrinsic Adele Eskeles

Motivation Inventory

49. NTL–1508 Career Decision Scale Samual H. Osipow

50. NTL–1512 Creative Counselling Techniques Jacobs

51. NTL–1546 APM & MHV Scale Occupational Raven

User's Guide

52. NTL–1579 Career Attitudes and Strategies John L. Holland

53. NTL-1757 Occupational Motivation PAR


54. NTL-1799 School Referral Form Use Bruce R. Amble

55. NTL-1829 The Communication Checklist – Self D.V.M.Bishop

Report (CC-SR) A.J.O.Whitehouse

56. NTL-1830 Career Thoughts Inventory James P.Sampson

Gary W.Pterson
Janet G.Lenz
Robert E.Saunders

57. NTL-1854 Career Decision Scale (CDS) Samuel H.Osipow

58. NTL-1863 Suicide Probability Scale (Age Group John G. Cull and Wayne S.
14+) Gill
59. NTL-1864 Adult Substance Abuse Subtle Linda E. Lazowski
Screening Inventory – 4 (SASSI-4) Kristin S.Kimmell
Adult Scarlett L.Baker


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–488 Parenthood Motivation E.P. Kirchner

2. NTL–565 Family Environment Scale R.H. Moos & B.S. Moos

3. NTL–1133 A Test of Family Attitude L. Johnson

4. NTL–1370 Illinois Inventory of Parent Opinion H.C. Hand

5. NTL–1511 Measures of Psychological Gwen A. Hawley


6. NTL-1810 Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents Peter L Sheras, PhD

Richard R.Abidin EdD
Timothy R.Konold, PhD

7. NTL-1833 Measures of Psycho-social Development Gwen A.Hawley

8. NTL-1866 The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Gary G. Brannigan and

Second Edition (Bender-Gestalt II) Scott L. Decker


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–370 Supervisory Practices Test Revised M.M. Bruce

2. NTL–495 Interview's Training Form Psy. Corp.

3. NTL–496 The Industrial Sentence Completion M.M. Bruce


4. NTL–1138 Personnel Management in School C.S. Petty


5. NTL–1455 Fleishman Job Analysis Survey Edwin A. Fleishman

6. NTL–1456 Work Environment Scale Rudolf H. Moss

7. NTL–1497 Occupational Stress Inventory Samual H. Osibow &

Arnold R. Spokane

8. NTL-1853 Occupational Stress Indicator Cooper, Sloan, Williams


S.No Code No. Title of the Test Author(s)

1. NTL–195 Item Analysis Chart and Instructions A.Edwin Harper,

B. Dass Gupta &
S.P. Sangal

2. NTL–240 Famous Sayings Bernard M. Bass

3. NTL–489 The Interviewer's Manual H.H. Morgan

4. NTL–500 Experimental & Quasi-Experimental D.T. Campbell &

Designs for Research J.C. Stanley

5. NTL–501 Standards for Educational & Psychological American Psychological

NTL–509 Tests Association

6. NTL–533 Seventh Mental Measurement Year Book O.K. Buros

Vol. I & II

7. NTL–557 The Individual Educational Programme James J. Lynn

(1978) Level I and Level II

8. NTL–605 Second Handbook of Psychological and D.M. Pestonjee

Social Instruments

9. NTL-880 Mental Examiners Handbook F.L.Wells & J.Ruesch

10. NTL–893 How I Teach (Analysis of IDA Teaching B. Kelley


11. NTL–965 Metzger's Table of 10,000 Square roots MT. Metzger

12. NTL–1070 How Supervise? Q.W. File and


13. NTL–1097 Ready Reckoner for Percentile Ranks Bureau of Educational

and Vocational
Guidance, Bangalore

14. NTL–1109 Civic Education Bulletin I.E.A.

15. NTL–1115 C-D Hand Correlation Chart E.E. Cureton

16. NTL–1135 Teaching Pupils to Think M.S.S.C. New York

17. NTL–1136 Teaching Basic Fields of Knowledge -do-

18. NTL–1137 Teaching and Learning English as a C.C. Fries

Foreign language

19. NTL–1139 The Dynamics of School Community R.F. Combell


20. NTL–1141 Test Service Bulletins R.T. Lennon

21. NTL–1149 Dictionary of Education C.V. Good

22. NTL–1155 Modern Biology T.J. Moon

23. NTL–1156 Special Education for the Exceptional M.E. Frampton

24. NTL–1157 Supervising Instructions in Secondary R.C. Hommock


25. NTL–1158 Education for Social Competence I.J. Quillen

26. NTL–1159 The Adaptable School C.H. Kumpf

27. NTL–1162 Elementary School Student Teaching G. Max wingo

28. NTL–1163 Financial Aid for College Students R.C. Maltingly


29. NTL–1164 Patterns of Culture Ruth Benedict

30. NTL–1166 Measurement and Evaluation T.L. Torgerson

31. NTL–1167 Learning From Problems R.M. Hall

32. NTL–1168 Measurement and Evaluation in R.L. Thorndike

Psychology and Education

33. NTL–1172 Concise Oxford Dictionary H.N. Fowler

34. NTL–1173 Baltimore Age Calculator J.L. Stenquist

35. NTL–1174 Correlation Chart W.N. Durest

36. NTL–1184 High School Testing Programmes S.R.A.

37. NTL–1185 S.R.A. Better Reading Books E.A. Simpson

38. NTL–1186 How to Use the Reading Acceleration E.A. Simpson

39. NTL–1207 Baroda Studies in Mental Measurement T.P.Lele, R.S.Thakar

(Group Test of Intelligence)

40. NTL–1231 Normal Percentile Chart A.S. Otis

41. NTL–1232 Test Service Note Book P.T. Lennon

42. NTL–1281 Applied General Statistics Croxton & Cowden

43. NTL–1318 Group dimensions Descriptions J.K. Hemphill &

Questionnaire Charles M. Westie

44. NTL–1339 Native Language English Proficiency & P.K. Altman &
the Structure of the Test of English as a B. Thomas
Foreign Language (Research Report)

45. NTL–1340 The Interaction of Student Major Field G.R. Hale

Group & Test Content in TOFEL
Reading Comprehension

46. NTL–1341 Non Response Bias in the G.R.E. Jeriler Grandy

Background Questionnaire

47. NTL–1342 Multiple-Choice Close Items & The G.A. Hali & D.A. Rock
Test of English as a Foreign Language

48. NTL–1343 Exploiting Collateral Information in the J.M. Robert

Estimation of Item Parameters (Report)

49. NTL–1344 Randomization Based Inferences About J.M. Robert

Latent Variables from Complex
Samples (Report)

50. NTL–1345 Specifying Optimum Examiners for M.L. Stocking

Item Parameter Estimation in Item
Response Theory (Report)

51. NTL–1346 The Role of Collateral Information R.J. Mistivy &

about Examiners in Item Parameter K.M. Scechan
Estimation (Report)

52. NTL–1347 The Equivalence of Scores from J.M. Mazzeo

Automated & Conventional and
Psychological Tests (Report)

53. NTL–1348 The National Hispanic Scholar Awards B. Chuclewell
Programme (Report)

54. NTL–1349 Sex Difference in SAT Scores (Report) N.W. Burton, C.Lewis, and

55. NTL–1350 Diagnostic Assessment in Instruction G.A. Farehand

(Research Report)

56. NTL–1351 A Comparison of the Structural Rick Morgen

Relationships Among Readings,
Listening, Writing & Speaking
(Research Report)

57. NTL–1352 A Study of the Comparability of Scores Linda Cook

obtained on the A.T.P. Mathematics
level I & II Tests (Report)

58. NTL–1353 Measurement Science & Training C. Victor Bunder Son


59. NTL–1354 Clusters as the unit of Analysis in R.E. Bennett

Differential item Functioning (Report)

60. NTL–1355 Understanding Document Literacy I.S. Kirsch

Variables Underlying the Performance
of Young Adults (Report)

61. NTL–1356 The Influence of Reading Patterns on I.S. Kirsch

the Proficiencies of Young Adults

62. NTL–1357 Grade Level of Performance on Care G.E. Demauro

Battery (Report)

63. NTL–1358 Analysis of Differential Item R. Zwick & K.Ercikan

Functioning in the NAEP History
Assessment (Report)

64. NTL–1359 Confidence Bands for the Three E.M. Lord

Parameter Logistic Item Response
Curve (Report)

65. NTL–1360 Sex Group Membership as a Factor in R.E. Bdneett &

Handicapped Students GRE General D.A. Rock
Test Performance (Report)

66. NTL–1361 Adjusting Scores on Examinations S.A. Livingston
Offering a Choice of Essay Questions

67. NTL–1417 Common Wealth Universities Year A.C.U.

Book (1990)

68. NTL-1521 Mentor’s Guide and Peroteges E.Paul Torrance


69. NTL-1813 Essentials of Assessment Report Eligabeth O.Lichtenberger

Writing Nancy Mather
Nadeen L.Kaufman
Alan S.Kaufman

70. NTL-1814 Third Hand Book of Psychological and D.M.Pestonjee

Social Instruments (Two volumes)

71. NTL-1818 The Cambridge Dictionary of David Matsumoto


72. NTL-1822 Designing Elementary Instruction & John Badgett

Assessment (using Cognitive domain) Edwin P.christmann

73. NTL-1823 Developing Performance – based Nancy P.Gallavan

assessment (Grade K-5)

74. NTL-1824 Developing Performance – Based Nancy P.Gallavan

assessment (Grade 6-12)

75. NTL-1825 Designing Middle & High School John Badgett

Instruction & Assessment (using Edwin P.christmann
Cognitive domain)

76. NTL-1836 Making Vocational Choices (3rd Ed.) John L.Holland

77. NTL-1841 Psychometric Assessment, Statistics and B.Johnson and

Report Writing – An Introduction for G.H. Johnson
Psychologisits, Teacher and Health
78. NTL-1878 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of American Psychiatric
Mental Disorders, 5th Edn.2017 (DSM- Association (APA)


S.No. Title Author (s)

1. Achievement Orientation Inventory -

2. An Adapted Form of Browns Imagery Saeeduzzafar

3. A Shorter Version of Sinha’s W.A. Self Analysis S.R.Khan


4. An Adapted Form of Kraeplin’s Imagery Test Saeeduzafar

5. Thinking Creatively with Words Muslim University,

Aligarh, 1969

6. The Internal-External Control Inventory Qamar Hasan

7. Intolerance of Ambiguity Scale -do-

8. The Dogmatism Scale -do-

9. Ego Strength Scale -do-

10. Sentence Completion Test B.N.Mukherjee

11. S.D. Employees Inventory D.M.Pestonjee

12. Thinking Creatively with Pictures

13. Home Environment Scale Sarla Jawa

14. School Environment Scale (Hindi,English) -

15. Conformity Scale (Final) -

16. Suggestibility Scale (Final) -

17. The Retardate Attitude Questionnaire (RAQ) -

18. College Characteristics Questionnaire -

19. Process Appraising Scale of Teacher Effectiveness A.G.Bhalwankar &

(PASTE) A.N.Joshi, 1980

20. Family Attitude Questionnaire (FAQ) -

21. Background Information Sheet M.Trew

22. The Competency List -

23. A Numerical Ability Test for High School Students R.P.Shah, 1971

24. -Purpose in Life Inventory J.N.U.

-Self-Concept Inventory
-Environment Assessment Inventory

25. Numerical Ability Test for High School Students R.P.Shah


26. Tests of Creativity (Verbal & Non Verbal Mohana Sekhar, 1977

27. Secondary Teachers Aptitude Test B.M.Upadhyaya

28. Religious & Secular Concept Test -

29. Test of Sibling Relationship -

30. Religious & Secular Concept Test -

31. Teachers Attitude Inventory R.C.Gupta

32. Verbal Test of Creative Thinking S.B.Bhattachharya

33. Sense of Responsibility Scale Uma Rani Gaur

34. Student leadership Attitude Inventory Bhagwat Singh

Nk= usrkvksa ds xq.kksa dk losZ{k.k

35. Home Environment Scale (Hindi) S.L.Jain

36. Work-value Inventory A.Vasantha

37. Student Unrest (Checklist) (Hindi) R.Upadhya

38. Self Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness by S.L.Safat

Secondary School Teachers

39. Achievement Anxiety Scale for Children K.L.Pandit

40. Adolescents Satisfaction Scale (Hindi) Meenakshi Sharma

41. Sharma Draw-a-Bicycle Test of Intelligence T.R.Sharma

42. School Environment -

43. School Socio-Cultural Identification Profile (SSCIP) S.P.Kulshrestha


44. Academic Qualifications & Experience Scale for -


45. Mier Test of Creativity (Hindi) -

46. Vocational Anxiety Scale Gurbaksh Lal

47. Career Maturity Inventory -

48. Discipline-Indiscipline Inventory Pratibha Deo

49. Adjustment Inventory for the University Students Muenchana,

Rengchai, 1979

50. Creativity Test in Physical Sciences S.M.Gupta

51. Student Environment Scale S.Kumari

52. Non-Verbal Group Test of General Ability N.Trivedi

53. Mathematics Attitude Scale Patna University

54. A Teaching Aptitude Test (For Elementary School Patna University


55. Personality Adjustment Inventory R.P.Singh

56. A Dimensional Study of Values S.P.Kulshrestha

57. Hindi Adaptation of Allport Vernon Lindzey Study Madhuri Verma

of Values

58. Mysore Personality Inventory B.Krishnan

59. Cyclothymes-Schizothymes Questionnaire -do-

60. Value Test Gopala Swamy

61. Attitude Scale on Divorce & Widow Remarriage M.N.Kamala

62. Arithmetic for School Going Children (Test in V.P.Sharma etal

63. Visuo Motor Performance Test V.P.Sharma

64. Reading for School Going Children Test V.P.Sharma

65. Vigyan Gyanarjan Pariksha Pratima Singh

66. 1. Case Prejudice Scale -

2. Attitude Survey Scale

67. A Study of Relationship between Values & -

Modernity -
1. Biographical Inventory
Modernity Scale

68. 1.Dependence Proneness Scale -

2.Internal External Control Scale -

69. The Manifest Anxiety Scale -

70. An Inventory of Vocational Values -

71. 1.Manifest Aggression Scale -

2.Alcoholic Sale -

72. Personality Adjustment Pritam Singh

73. Budner Tolerance Intolerance of Ambiguity Scale -

74. The Rigidity Scale -

75. Hindi Adaptation of Bell’s Adjustment Inventory -

76. Rao’s School Adjustment Inventory S.Narayana Rao

77. S.V.U. Personality Scale -do-

78. A Study of Vocational Needs S.Narayana Rao

79. Study of Values (Telegu) -do-

80. Study of Student Opinions -do-

81. Moral Judgement Test (Telegu) -do-

82. Attitude Towards Governmental Family Planning -do-

83. Academic Adjustment Inventory S.Narayana Rao

84. Adjustment in Marriage -

85. Parent Attitude Inventory -

86. Satisfaction in Life -

87. Attitude Towards Fate -

88. Study of Fears in Children Usha Rani Sidana

89. Attitude Towards Family Planning -

90. Moral Judgement Test for Children Meera Verma

91. Pictorial Construction Test A.K.Verma

92. Mysore Teacher Attitude Scales P.R.Nayar

93. Personality Study of Student leadership Pramod Kumar

94. Rangachar Satya Murthy Selection Battery (General M.S.Satya Murthy

Mental Ability Test)

95. Test Battery on Moral Development -

96. Conservation Radicalism Scale Promila Nath

97. Scholastic Aptitude Test Kantha Mani

98. Silent Readings and Vocabulary Tests Sreekanta Rao

99. Perceived Parental Behaviour Inventory (Self- Shashi Kala

concept rating scale)

100. Mysore Aptitude Test Battery Parashiva Murthy

101. Life Change Measure B.R.Bhejwal

102. The Scholastic Aptitude Test M.A.Dave

103. A Scale to Measure Utility Perceptions of Print S.G.Jondhale


104. A Scale to Measure Teaching Effectiveness M.A.Munshi

105. Construction and Standardisation of An Art A.D.Ambasana
Judgement Test

106. Memory Test K.M.Donga

107. Saxena Hostility Scale A.K.Saxena

108. Measurement of Authoritarian Traits in India V.K.Varma

109. Proverbs and Similarity Tests A.K.Suri

110. Psychoticism Questionnaire M.Arora

111. P.G.I. Locus of Control Scale D.K.Menon & M.N.Wig

112. Attitude Towards Science, Religion, Politico- Utkal University

Economic and Educational issues (Questionnaires)

113. Occupational Stereotypes & Preferences (Oriya) Utkal University

Manual in English

114. Work Motivation Questionnaire for Hospitals Agarwal, K.G.

115. Perceived Socialization Practices Inventory M.L.Rao

116. Home Adjustment Inventory -

117. Scale for Measuring Self Perception K.G.Agarwal

118. Post Experimental Questionnaire & Observation -


119. Inventory of General Hostility H.C.Kocher

120. Children’s Adjustment Inventory: Personal-Data University of Madras


121. Rigidity Picture Test -

122. An Interview Schedule for Assessing Attachment -

Behaviour of Infants

123. The Wallach & Kogan’s Creativity Instruments -


124. The Verbal Projection Test -

125. Under-Employment Rating Scale University of Madras

126. Story Writing Test of Time Perspective Adesh Agarwal

127. Traditional Value Scale University of Madras

128. Personal Data Schedule -

129. Bernberg’s Human Relations Inventory -

130. Development of a New Scale of Approval Motive N.K.M.Tripathi

131. Personality Inventory Shanmugam

132. Attitude Scale -

133. Self Disclosure Inventory -

134. Leadership Preference Scale -

135. Rehfisch’s Scale of Personality Rigidity (R. Scale) -

136. Maudsley personality Inventory (Hindi Version) -

137. Self Concept Inventory -

138. Super Market Attitude Scale K.Rajendra

139. Consumer Preference Scale (Role Play Experiment) R.Rajendra

140. Vetter’s Radicalism-Conservatism Scale (Modified) M.Rajamanickam

141. Religious Attitude Scale M.Rajamanickam

142. Perception and Comprehension of Certain Types of R.C.Mishra

Pictorial Materials

143. Religious Attitude Scale (Likert type) M.Rajamanickam

144. Measurement of Job Involvement Scale U.N.Agarwal

145. Stress and Coping Mechanisms of Physically O.P.Srivastava

Handicapped Children:
-Behaviour Inventory
-Problem Checklist
-Problem-Solving Behaviour Checklist
-Opinion Checklist

146. Fraternalistic Relative Deprivation & Styles of M.J.Ansari
conflict resolution (FRD Scale, Ethnic Identity Scale,
Preference for Conflict Resolution Measure)

147. A Study of the Effect of Social power Need K.A.Bohra

Dimension & Incentive on Ingratiation (Scales to
measure Organizational Perception, Need Dimension
Perceived Power, etc.)

148. Social Distance Scale Najma Naqvi

149. Picture Frustration Study University of Madras

150. Test of Non-Violence Manisha Sen

151. A Composite Scale of Authoritarianism V.K.Kaul

152. Quality of Working Life Inventory P.Sinha & O.B.Sayeed

153. W.A.I.S.R. Verbal Scale (Adaptation in Hindi) Dwarka Pershad &


154. Health Questionnaire N.N.Wig

155. Super Ego, Paranoia & Depression Scale N.N.Wig

156. P.G.I. Disability Scale N.N.Wig

157. Extraversion-Introversion Inventory Hundal &


158. Value Scale -do-

159. Anxiety Scale S.Santhankrishnan

160. Inventory for Information Acquisition Strategies S.A.Dixit

161. Depressive Affect Scale Vyas

162. Self Esteem Scale -do-

163. Adolescent Aggression Scale Nidhi Srivastava

164. Study Habits Inventory Joyco Arhanha

165. Language Ability Test -do-

166. Ohio Social Acceptance Scale (Adaptation) -do-

167. Mastery Learning Strategy Tests -do-

168. Job Analysis Scale for Higher Secondary Teachers R.S.Mani

169. Test of Parental Cordial Relations V.V.Jogawar

170. Test of Acceptance of the Child by Parents & Test of -do-

Acceptance of the Parents by the Child

171. Test of Democratic Attitude of the Parents -do-

172. Visual Function Scale P.G.I.Chandigarh

173. Gesell’s Drawing Tests -do-

174. Developmental Screening Test -do-

175. Mothers Attitude to Spasticity Scale -do-

176. Mothers Problem Rating Scale -do-

177. Glasgow Coma Scale -do-

178. Glasgow Outcome Scale -do-

179. Achievement Test in Science Light R.N.Aggarwal

180. Achievement Test in Science Concepts (Physics) Mohd. Miyan

related to (1) Calestial Sphere (2) Measurement (3)

181. Opinionnaire about T.V. Lessons for Principals, -do-

Teacher’s students

182. Achievement Test in Home Science for Class XII N.K.Chadda

183. Achievement in Home Science Class IX D.Joshi

184. Administrative Practices Rating Scale Virendra Singh

185 Family Adjustment Inventory for Working Women V.V.Singh

186. Problem Check list for Working Women V.V.Singh

187. Development of Test Items in Psychology At +2 M.C.Jain


188. Jurisprudential Inquiry Ability Instrument S.P.Pandey

189. Sociometric Status Scale S.P.Pandey

190. Social Value Test -do-

191. Job Performance Scale Saya Narayana

192. Organisational Climate -do-

193. Knowledge Test -do-

194. Pre-Achievement Test B.N.Sujatha

195. Post-Achievement Test -do-

196. Skill Test (Individual) -do-

197. Skill Test (Group) -do-

198. Questionnaires on Pupils : - (a) Perception of School L.N.Konwar

Socialization Practices (b) Interview Schedule on
Family Socialization Practices

199. Socio-Economic Status Scales L.N.Konwar

200. Altruism Scale R.K.Tyagi

201. Development of Educational Requirements Scale S.Dhanasekaren

202. Achievement Motivation Test NCERT

203. Opinnionnaire on the Role of Cultural Factors in University of Kerala

Educational Development

204. School Life Aspects Questionnaire -do-

205. My views on Education Through Correspondence -do-


206. A Scale for Measuring Satisfaction and Raj Kumar Kadian

Dissatisfaction About The Research work Among
the Research Scholars

207. Questionnaire to Find out the Population Awareness Gopal Rao

of Teachers & Their Reaction to the Introduction of
Population Education in Schools

208. Anxiety Scale for Children -

209. Test Norms: (Indian)

1. Standard Progressive Matrices Raven
2. Interest Record R.P.Singh
3. Test of General Mental Ability Jalota
4. Samuhik Budhi Parikshan Mehta
5. Group test of General mental Ability Jalota
6. Revised Minesota Paper from Board Test
7. DAT (Abstract Reasoning Test)
8. Mechanical Aptitude Test Battery Sharma
9. DAT Numerical Ability Test
10. NIIP Test 70/23

210. 1. Semantic Check List B.N.Roy

2. Psycho-analytic Personality (Hindi) -do-
3. Teacher Behaviour Study Schedule -do-
4. ETV Impressionnaire for the Students -do-
5. Home Work Study Schedules -do-
6. General Aptitude & Personality Inventory
7. Psycho-analytic Personality Inventory -do-
(English) -do-
8. Social Integration Attitude Scale

211. Test in English Vocabulary C.I.E.

212. Who Am I? -do-

213. Reading Ability Test NCERT

214. Mother’s Problem Rating Scale S.K.Gambhir

215. Attitude Scale (Mothers Attitude Towards Spastic -do-


216. P.G.I. Visual Function Scale Rastogi & Jain

217. Role of Head of the Department Questionnaire Ashwani Kumar Gaur

218. Sex Role Inventory (SRI) M.N.Palsane

219. Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) -do-

220. S.R.A. Sex Role Acceptance -do-

221. A Semantic Differential Scale -do-

222. Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire -do-

223. Supplementary Information About Cycle (SIMC) -do-

224. BIS -do-

225. Parents Stress Measuring Scale -do-

226. Educational Aspiration Inventory S.R.Venakatramaiah

227. Attitude Scale Towards Equality of Women -do-

228. Socio-Economic Status Scale -do-

229. Group Intelligence Test Krishna Rano

230. Problem Solving Ability Test in Science for High -do-

School Student

231. Technical Information About Scientific Creativity -do-


232. Value Test Shashi Sharma

233. Creativity Test NEHU University

234. Adaptation of Modernity Attitude Scale C.L.Anand & M.A.Sudhir

235. Socio-Economic Status Index (SESI) W.L.Warner

236. House Hold Data Sheet (HDS) Nehru University


237. Science Achievement Test (SAT) -do-

238. Science Attitude Scale (SAS) -do-

239 Problem Solving Ability Test (PSAT) -do-

240. Quality of Working Life (QWL) Scale P.Vijaya Kumar

241. Employee Commitment Scale -do-

242. Adolescent Attitude Scale -do-

243. Disabled Adjustment Inventory -do-

244. Parent Attitude Survey Osmania University

245. Adolescent Adjustment Inventory -do-

246. R.A. Inventory Osmania University

247. A Measure of Principal’s Effectiveness -

248. Teacher’s Political Ideology Scale A.M.U.Aligarh

249. Teacher’s Educational Viewpoint Scale -do-

250. Teacher’s Educational Viewpoint Scale -do-

(Developmental Tools)

251. Word Test of Creative Thinking A.Mishra

Lk`जनात्मrक �चंतन का शािब्दक पर��ण
252. Rearing Up Practice Questionnaire P.D.Juyal & T.Singh

253. Social Integration Scale A.R.Bisht

254. Social Responsibility Scale -do-

255. Adolescent Attitude Scale N.Y. Reddy

256. Vocational Preference Inventory R.Bala Krishan

257. Test of Spatial Ability B.C.Shah

258. Disciplined–In disciplined Scale R.S.Wangu


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