B. Ed. (1st Year) - Paper-III - (Topic - Insight Theory)
B. Ed. (1st Year) - Paper-III - (Topic - Insight Theory)
B. Ed. (1st Year) - Paper-III - (Topic - Insight Theory)
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
B.Ed.-(1st year)
Course-: III-Learning and Teaching
I. Introduction
Max Wertheimer is the father of Gestalt Theory. Later on, Wertheimer’s
theory was further refined and developed by Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler.
C.V.Good defines gestalt-configration, total structure, form or shape, a term
designating an undivided articulate as a whole that cannot be made by the more
addition of independent elements, the nature of each element depending on its
relationship to the whole. The term ‘gestalt’ means a whole, a total composition.
According to this theory, an individual learns an object as a whole, a single entity,
not in parts or bits. In other words, an individual’s understanding of an object
comprehends the whole object, not merely parts or bits of the object. This theory
can be summed up in the succinct statement: ‘The whole is greater than the sum of
its parts.’
V. Characteristics of Insight
The above mentioned experiments make it quite obvious that learning by
insight has certain characteristics of its own. They are briefly as follows;
1. Insight is sudden.
2. Insight alters perception.
3. Old objects appear in new patterns and organization by virtue of insight.
4. Insight is relative to the intellectual level. The higher species of animals
including human beings have more insight than the members of lower species.
5. In insight, understanding is more useful than dexterity of hands.
6. Previous experience is of assistance in insight. An organized perception is an
essential factor in learning.
7. Maturity also affects insight as evidenced by the smoother working of insight in
older age than in adolescence.
8. If the pieces essential for the solution of the puzzle are present together when
perceived, insight comes about earlier.
9. Learning by insight is associative learning. Insight appears suddenly after the
manipulation of thoughts or objects for a small, through significant length of time.
10. The insight gained in particular circumstances is of assistance in other
VIII. Criticism
Some of the main objections against the gestalt theory are the following;
1. Gestalt is a composite of Psychology and Philosophy of Education.
2. Every kind of learning for example; reading, writing, speaking etc., cannot be
satisfactorily explained by the laws of Gestalt.
3. Some scholars opine that the insight inherent in gestalt cannot be ascribed to
children and animals because they lack power of thought. However it is often
observed in daily life that even very young infants display insight in many of their
4. Trial and error is an essential element in gestalt at one stage or the other