Yashashvi Rastogi MIS Individual Assignment
Yashashvi Rastogi MIS Individual Assignment
Yashashvi Rastogi MIS Individual Assignment
Identification of the main problemThe case rolls around the technological impact on the future
of everyone. As well as the main issue discussed in this case was how technology helps to overcome
or mitigate the challenges created by itself. There are many challenges that are and will be created
by technology like greater income inequality, an increased risk of unemployment due to the
widespread use of new technologies, automation and online platform, it may also have a negative
impact on the bargaining power of users, customers and workers, and result into loss of privacy.
Finally, frontier technologies raise legal, regulatory and ethical challenges regarding the growing
decision making the power of devices and algorithms using machine learning and large scale data
Source: https://unctad.org/meetings/en/SessionalDocuments/tdb66_d5_en.pdf
Analysis and evaluation of the problemThere is a deep analysis in this case on how these
technologies will help to overcome the challenges made by them.
There are a broad six themes on which the impact both positive and negative of technologies are
discussed which are- job security, material living standards, health, education, equal opportunities,
and environmental sustainability.
Technology highlights both sides of impact. For example- While technology will increase the cost of
healthcare, it also improves efficiency in the system. Similarly, automation may displace many jobs
but it will be used to match employers and job seekers more effectively with the use of digital
Some categories of technologies that have the potential to be good and bring the most positive out
of it are- Data and AI, Connectivity and Platforms, Robotics, The internet of things, virtual and
augmented reality, digital fabrication. New material and biotech, Cleantech. Technology does
provide a tool kit of solutions to on-going problems in society we call it "Tech for Good".
Out of the above three categories have the significant potential to bring change in well-being overall
which are- Data and AI, Connectivity and Robotics. This is being found after studying 600 cases.
While on a keen look at environmental sustainability almost all technologies will help in a positive
manner in which the top one is cleantech and Data and AI. Technologies have multiple roles to play
in improving sustainability like-
Reduction in air and water pollution by curbing current pollution sources and preventing
future pollution
AI-based traffic management in cities, including optimizing traffic lights network to improve
the flow of cars and trucks, can reduce the impact of pollution on health by 3-15%
Electric utilities can use smart grid technology to optimize energy efficiency by 12 to 21%. AI
and IoT help to reduce energy consumption through automated management of operations.
Smart building technology relies on sensors and data analytics to optimize energy
consumption and monitor indoor air quality for improved physical well-being. Companies
such as Kingspan produce vacuum insulation panels that ensure the reduction in heat loss.
Artificial intelligence and robotics are expected to play a large role in waste processing,
ranging from food to electronic waste, by increasing the productivity of solid waste pickup.
Designing AI into the food system has the potential to transform agriculture and cut out
avoidable food waste with the help of conventional practices such as mono-cropping, the
blanket application of synthetic chemical fertilizers. It also helps retailers sell food before it
goes bad.
Finally, technology has a role to play in conserving biodiversity, AI-powered drones can help
monitor wildlife parks and identify the location of poachers, and similarly monitor for illegal
Technologies play a role in improving the equal opportunities for everyone is-
Technology seemed to have a positive impact on five groups: women, minorities, and people
with disabilities, LGBTI communities and the elderly. It can exacerbate inequality due to their
skill-biased nature.
Technologies can improve equality at work, including by revealing pay gaps and biases and
helping de-bias recruitment.
Technologies can also improve equal access to essential services. For example- mobile and
agency banking, biometrics, and cloud technology can contribute to increasing the diffusion
of microfinance to women and underserved populations.
Technology like Hoobox Robotics has developed a wheelchair that can be controlled by facial
expression, facilitating mobility using AI technology.
Technology is a tool that can help enforce inclusive legal rights, policies, and social norms.
Overall technology does play a very important role and can resolve future challenges.
These technologies are already applied in many fields and have both positive and negative impacts.
We all have to deal with the reality that the world is getting digital and we have to change ourselves
according to that and apply technology in such a manner that it provides the best result to all well-
Source: https://www.virgin.com/entrepreneur/technology-and-equal-opportunity-revolution
Some of the steps that are already been taken to face the challenges in environmental sustainability
New Delhi Smart's city- The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) announced its plans for
installing solar panels on the top of public schools and willing households. Whiles the plans
are not finalized yet, but officials are hoping to generate 1.7MW electricity from school
Washington and New York's Food app- Greenease, an app that directs users towards green
Johannesburg's Kinetic Walkway- Pavegan, a London based clean-tech company, developed
flooring that generates energy via people's footprint.
Source: https://www.firstcarbonsolutions.com/resources/newsletters/may-2015-the-role-of-
One startup, Textio, is using machine learning to debias job announcements that could
appeal more to men than women. One of its client Vodafon saw a 7% increase in female
One UK-based company, Gapsquare, provides instant reports of pay gaps across an
organization along with the insight that helps explain the gaps.
The digital platform uses to share positive narratives and support minorities, like awareness
about sexual harassment of women through the #metoo movement.
Management information system gives a foundation about how to take the effective
decision which impacts society in a better way. In MIS one of the topics was how the
infrastructure of any business organization helps to transform its strategy and its employee
thinking this shows how to develop an infrastructure which motivates the employee to learn
and develop new skills that help them to cope up with technology.
Radical Redesign is one of the levels of digitalization in which the Re innovation of business
takes place and business digitalize completely. This is exactly what business needs now to
implement technology in such a manner that it debarred all the challenges.
The macro-environment plays a significant role in the application of any technology
technique this implies that all the external factors will have to keep in mind while applying
any new technology.
Find the correct location to build any new technological system or we can say geographic
location also has an impact on building environmental sustainability.
To deal with the technological changes we need to be more creative, innovative, and smart
and keep on learning new skills and technologies from time to time.
Different technologies have been applied to gain the best use of technology itself and many
more are yet to come.