Media in Teaching

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Why Use Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning

Media can be used in almost any discipline to enhance learning, both in class, and also for out-of-
class assignments. Short film and television clips, written articles, and blog postings can be viewed
to reinforce concepts and spark discussion. Songs and music videos, especially when the lyrics are
made available, can be used to the same effect.

Research suggests that people learn abstract, new, and novel concepts more easily when they are
presented in both verbal and visual form (Salomon, 1979). Other empirical research shows that
visual media make concepts more accessible to a person than text media and help with later recall
(Cowen, 1984). In Willingham's (2009) research he asks a simple question to make his point, "Why
do students remember everything that's on television and forget what we lecture?" -- because visual
media helps students retain concepts and ideas. Bransford, Browning, and Cocking (1999, p 194)
also note the crucial role that technology plays for creating learning environments that extend the
possibilities of one-way communication media, such as movies, documentaries, television shows
and music into new areas that require interactive learning like visualizations and student-created
The Advantages of Using Media:
Many media sources (feature films, music videos, visualizations, news stories) have very high
production quality capable of showcasing complex ideas in a short period of time. This helps
develop quantitative reasoning. Learn more about this technique using the Teaching Quantitative
Reasoning with the News module.
Media offers both cognitive and affective experiences. It can provoke discussion, an assessment
of one's values, and an assessment of self if the scenes have strong emotional content.
The use of media sources help connect learners with events that are culturally relevant. As a result,
a positive consequence of utilizing media is that instructors must keep their materials and examples
News stories can be used to connect theories taught in the classroom with real world events and
The Advantages of Media for Students:
Popular media (films, music, YouTube) are a familiar medium to students that helps gain attention
and maintain student interest in the theories and concepts under discussion. Students can see the
theories and concepts in action. In more than a figurative sense, theories and concepts leap from
the screen.
Students can hone their analytical skills by analyzing media using the theories and concepts they
are studying.
The use of media in the classroom enables students to see concepts and new examples when they
are watching television, listening to music, or are at the movies with friends.
Students can experience worlds beyond their own, especially if the media is sharply different from
their local environment.

In addition to numerous advantages, there are also a number of cautions that faculty should keep
in mind in utilizing media. Using media requires a complete understanding of copyright law, an
appreciation of the workload involved, and some skill in recognizing content that will enhance
learning, instead of becoming a distraction.

The Use of Media in Teaching – Learning Process

Learning is a process to acquire knowledge. It needs hard work and sometimes will make students
frustrated and get bored, so that they lose their attention to a lesson. In this case, the use of media
in teaching- learning process is needed to attract students’ attention and to make teaching- learning
activities more interesting and also effective. The use of media in teaching- learning process is not
a new thing. Many teachers know that media will be helpful. Media give students something new,
but not all of teachers know how to implement it correctly, so sometimes media disturb learning
process instead of helping students in learning process. This situation causes a problem. The use
of media is questioning whether it really helps teaching- learning activities or not. Based on that
assumption, the writer wants to find out the fact of the use of media in teaching- learning process,
whether media can help teaching- learning process or not. By reading this article, readers will get
a real experience of the use of media, which can help learning process. Besides, they will also
know some obstacles that may arise from the use of media, how to overcome them, and detail
example of how to conduct teaching- learning process by using media, especially globe and map.
This article will provide an interview of a teacher’s experience in implementing media for teaching
social studies.
Media are the means for transferring or delivering messages. Li-Ling Kuo states that a medium is
called the educational medium when the medium transfers message for teaching (Li-Ling. 1996).
He adds that the use of media is important and it is impossible to coordinate teaching with learning
without using media (Li- Ling.1996). Media are flexible because they can be used for all level of
students and in all subjects. Teaching media also can encourage students to take more
responsibility for and control over their own learning, engage in joint planning of the syllabus, and
take longer-term perspectives on their own learning (Masterman. 1999). Since media give many
advantages, a teacher should consider a medium to be used in teaching- learning process.
Two weeks ago, I interviewed Ida Yudiarini, S. Pd. who is a teacher in Springfield International
Curriculum School, Semarang. The students of Springfield International Curriculum always use
English as their language to communicate in school. Ida has been working here for two years as a
class teacher of primary 2. In this class, there are six students and most of them are seven years
old. Ida, who also teaches social studies, said that she is happy to teach primary 2 class because
the students are very active and smart. They are always interested on every lesson, including social
study, and always give good response. The students have good motivation to learn. It can be seen
from their presence. They rarely do not come or come late to class. However, Ida said that teaching
children needs more patience. “Sometimes, the students make me angry, but sometimes they also
can make me laugh,” Ida said. Like any other children who like to play, the students of primary 2
class also do the same thing, especially when they get bored with the lesson. “When they are
fatigue, in their mind only play and play, while the lesson has not finished yet,” Ida added. Besides,
Ida admitted that getting students’ motivation would be hard if they are fatigue. In this case, she
usually uses media to attract her students’ motivation back. “Basically, media are needed in
teaching- learning process,” Ida said. According to her, teachers need to use media in teaching in
order to make teaching- learning process more interesting.
Ida, who was preparing materials for teaching when I interviewed, defines media as teachers’
helper tool in conducting the teaching- learning process. In her opinion, media can be
teachers’ best friend in teaching because they will help teachers to control students’ attention.
However, the teacher has to choose the right media, Ida said. A medium itself must be meaningful.
Similar to Li-Ling, what is meant by meaningful here is that medium should deliver the purpose
of teaching.
Discussing about media, Ida shared her experience in teaching her students using media. Ida told
me that she usually use media to teach social studies. “I use pictures from encyclopedia or else, a
globe, a map, and internet to teach social studies,” Ida said. She also explained how the lesson
conducted. First, she gave her students a brief explanation about Asia in general, such as location,
boundaries, regions, weather, crops, etc. using the map, globe, and pictures of crops. Then, she
asked her students one by one to come in front to point on the location of Asia on the globe and
on the map. “In the third meeting, I asked the students to make a project,” she explained. She
divided the class into groups of two students. Next, each group will choose a country in Asia by
picking a lottery. Then they had to search the information about the country from internet,
encyclopedia, or newspaper and then printed it. “I have prepared the internet and the students only
type the name of the country and then all information will be on their monitor.” Ida added that the
students had to find all-important information including the map, flag, landmark, famous
buildings, mountains, traditions, etc. After all done, the students stick their findings on the
cardboard and decorate. The last, they started the presentation. They have to tell others about the
country and how did they make the project (what are the sources, etc.) and the problem in doing
the project. “In this part of learning, the use of media is really helpful. They help me to give clear
information to the students. Besides, they also attract students’ attention,” Ida answered a question
about her reason of using media in teaching social studies.
When Ida was asked about her students’ responses of the use of media, she said that the students
were very excited to learn about Asia. “I came in to the class and put the media on my desk. Then
you know what did my students do? They came to my desk because they wanted to know what I
brought. They were so excited! I told them to go back to their seats and I will explain later,” Ida
described how excited her students were. According to Ida, since a globe and map tell exactly
where a place located, it helps students to have clear description of the real thing. It makes
teaching- learning process became more effective.
By using media in teaching, students’ improvement can be seen clearly. Ida said that the learning
result is different when she uses media to teach or not. The use of media leads students to learn by
doing. In other word we can say that in learning by doing process, students improve themselves
from know nothing to know something, from know something to understand the concept. When
students use media in learning then they will have the experience of learning and directly involve
in the learning process. It makes what they have acquired will be saved in their long- term memory.
As a result, students get good mark on certain subject and enhance their thinking skill. It is different
from the result of non- media learning that leads students to get good mark and rarely enhance
their thinking skill.
Similar to other learning processes, learning using media also has obstacles. Ida as a teacher also
experienced it. She said that there were some obstacles when she taught students using media. The
first obstacle was the letters on the globe, which are too small to be read by the students. When the
students were asked to point on the location on the globe, they got confused because it was hard
for them to read the small letters on the globe. The next obstacle was students became too interest
to the media. “Once I came to class with a globe, my students were too excited to the media I
brought. In break time, all of them wanted to touch the globe and then one of my students broke
it, so that I could not use the globe to explain the materials for a week,” Ida explained. Even though
there are a lot of obstacles, Ida said that she could overcome those obstacle. She overcame those
obstacles by changing the media. She replaced the globe with a map.
The use of media in teaching- learning process has also several advantages. Ida mentioned some
advantages. She said that media could raise the students’ interest of the lesson and media is
important to lead students’ attention. The last advantage, which is similar to Masterman’s opinion,
is that media increase students’ responsibility to control their own learning. In brief, we can say
that the use of media in teaching- learning activity is good.
From the interview, we can conclude that the use of media really helpful, but it depends on how
teachers implement them. Ida, a teacher of Springfield International Curriculum School shared her
experience of how to implement the media, especially a globe and map in the proper way. Media
can help teachers to get students’ attention back and to make learning process more effective.
Therefore, the use of media really helps both teachers and students in teaching- learning process.

Li- Ling KUO, Christine. 1991. The Importance of Educational Media in Teaching. Buletin of
Social Education, Volume 20, pp.61-88. (Accessed on February 28, 2006)
Masterman, Len. 1999. 18 Principles of Media Education.
s.cfm (Accessed on February 28, 2006)

What is Media Education?

Media education is that the method through that people become media literate - ready
to critically perceive the nature, techniques and impacts of media messages and productions.

In canadian schools, there exists a growing awareness as to firmly the got to connect classroom
learning towards the real world and also to bring media content directly into classroom for
analysis, analysis and discovery.

Media education acknowledges and builds inside the positive, creative and pleasurable dimensions
of fashionable culture. it incorporates production of media texts and essential thinking - decoding,
analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating media - to assist us navigate through an
increasingly complicated media landscape. that landscape includes not no more than traditional
and digital media, but in addition fashionable culture texts an example would be toys, fads,
fashion, shopping malls and theme parks.

Media education encourages an approach that would be continually probing, posing queries an
example would be : who is that the audience the most media production and why ? from whose
perspective could be a story being told ? how conduct the unique components and codes of a
definite genre affect almost everything that see, hear or scan ? how may totally different audiences
interpret the very same media production ?

Within the whole digital age, the principles of media education are the very same as
theyve continually been, other then the existence of cyberspace is adding new and
challenging queries. how, by way of example, does technology affect how we relate to others ? is
new technology enriching or undermining culture, learning but a sense of community ? what roles
do possession, management and access play ? what are the difficulties in regulating a worldwide,
borderless medium like the net ?

Media education isnt about having the very best answers : rather, its about asking the very
best queries. as a result of media problems are complicated and many times contradictory and
controversial, the educators role isnt to impart knowledge, other then to facilitate the procedure of
inquiry and dialogue.

This role as to firmly the teacher currently being a facilitator and co-learner within the student-
centred learning method is no more than the'>not only in the model for media education ; it
must conjointly become an accepted new essential pedagogy. these days, the chief challenges are
to locate and evaluate the very best data for ones desires and also to synthesize what one finds into
useful knowledge or communication. media education - with techniques of essential thinking,
creative communication and pc, visual and aural literacy skills at its core - could be a key half the
most 21st century approach to learning.
Key concepts for media literacy

Media educators base their teaching on key concepts of media literacy, that offer a
successful foundation for examining mass media and fashionable culture. these key concepts work
as filters that any media text has to work through so as for those to respond.

There may be variety of key concepts to settle on from. the majority of the current ones used by
media educators are as follows.

1. Media Are Constructions

Media product are rigorously constructed. these are created utilizing a purpose and given by
a specific perspective, using specific forms and modules. media literacy works towards
deconstructing these product, taking them apart to indicate how these are made and exploring
the choices and factors behind them.

2. Audiences Negotiate Meaning

all of us bring our own life experience, knowledge and attitudes towards the media we
encounter. every person is sensible of what they sees and hears in several ways. media literacy
encourages us to grasp how individual factors, an example would be age, gender, race and
social standing affect our interpretations of media.

3. Media Have Industrial Implications

most media production could be a business and should, thus, build a profit. additionally, media
industries belong to your powerful network of companies that exert influence on content and
distribution. queries of possession and management are central as a result of a relatively
small range of people management almost everything that watch, scan and hear within the
whole media.

4. Ideological Messages Underpin All Media

explicitly or implicitly, the mainstream media convey ideological messages and notions of
values, power and authority. in media literacy, what or who will be absent might
be additional vital than what or who will be included.

Education for media literacy often uses an inquiry-based pedagogic model that encourages
people to ask questions about what they watch, hear, and read. Media literacy education provides
tools to help people critically analyze messages, offers opportunities for learners to broaden their
experience of media, and helps them develop creative skills in making their own media
messages.Critical analysis can include identifying author, purpose and point of view, examining
construction techniques and genres, examining patterns of media representation, and
detecting propaganda, censorship, and bias in news and public affairs programming (and the
reasons for these). Media literacy education may explore how structural features—such as media
ownership, or its funding model affect the information presented.
The Types of Educational Media

In line with Rudy Brets, there will be 7 ( seven ) classification of media, namely :

1. Motion audio-visual media, like : silent film, a movie on tv, tv and animation.
2. Silent audio-visual media, like : slide.
3. Audio semi motion, like : writing moving voice.
4. Moving visual media, like : a silent movie.
5. Silent visual media, like : mute slide, print pages, photos.
6. Audio media, like radio, telephon, audio tape.
7. Print media, like books, modules.

Anderson (1976) classify media into 10 categories as follows:

No Media Categories Examples in Learning

I Audio Audio tapes, radio, CD, telephone
Textbooks, modules, brochures,
II Print
leaflets, pictures
Audio tapes that include written
III Audio-print
Proyeksi visual Overhead transparency (OHT),
silent Film frames (slides)
Audio visual
V Film frames (slides) voiced
projection silent
VI Visual Motion silent film
Audio Visual silent motion film, video / VCD,
motion, TV
VIII Physical Obects Real objects, models, specimens
Humans and the
IX Teacher, librarian, laboratory
CAI (Computer Assisted
Instructional = computer-assisted
X Computer
learning), CMI (Computer
Managed Instructional)

Of the grouping higher than, it may be concluded that the medium consists of :
1. Visual media : the media will simply be seen, an example would be : photos, pictures,
posters, cartoons, graphs etc..
2. Audio media : media which will simply be heard alone, an example would be audio
tapes, mp3, radio.
3. Audio visual media : media which will be heard in addition as seen, an example would be
: silent films, videos, tv, sound slides.
4. Multimedia : the media will present a whole media parts, an example would be :
animation. multimedia is usually synonymous with computers, internet and computer-
based learning.
5. Media reality : the real media that exist within the whole natural environment, whether or
not applied to a state of living or preserved, an example would be : animals, specimens,
herbarium etc..

Definition and Examples of Instructional Media Education According to Experts

Derived due to latin media happens to firmly be the plural of medium that literally suggests
that intermediary or introduction is an intermediary or introductory message onto
the recipient what it s all about supply. simultaneously of teaching and learning within the
whole classroom, media suggests that that functions currently being a suggests that of channeling
knowledge from teacher to students. learning model application fluency
bit additional determined too by learning media used. a few specialists supply a definition of
instructional media. the use of instructional media in quantitative and qualitative research is
additionally a very important live simultaneously of proving the hypothesis. schramm ( 1977
) urged that learning media happens to firmly be the messenger of technology which will be
applied for learning purposes.

Meanwhile, briggs ( 1977 ) argues that learning may be a suggests that of physical media to
offer content / learning materials inclusive of books, movies, videos thus on'>and so forth.
meanwhile, the national education associaton ( 1969 ) revealed that learning may be a suggests
that of communication media in print and purpose of view heard, as well as technology
hardware. on your 3 on high of opinion concluded that the instructional media
is something that might well be channeled messages, will stimulate the mind, feelings, and also
the willingness of students so to encourage the creation of learning method in self-learners.

Brown ( 1973 ) revealed that instructional media are utilized in learning activities will affect the
effectiveness of learning. initially, the media merely serves currently being a learning tool to teach
teachers used was visual aids. around mid-century, to -20 for utilization of visual features along
with the use of audio equipment, thus was born the audio-visual aids. in line with the event of
science and technology ( science and technology ), notably within the whole fields of education,
current use of assistive devices or media become increasingly widespread learning and
interactive, inclusive of the laptop and internet.
media has many functions, as well as :
Learning media will overcome the restrictions of experience possessed via the learners.
experience of each and every learner differs, betting on the factors that confirm the childs wealth
of experience, inclusive of the availability of books, melancong opportunities, thus on'>and so
forth. learning media will overcome these differences. if learners might not be brought onto
the immediate object being studied, then obyeknyalah brought to learners. objects noted within the
whole kind of a real, miniature, models, and type an image - an image that might well be presented
in audio visual and audial.
Learning media will transcend the limits on your classroom. a surprisingly large number of
things might not be experienced directly within the whole classroom via the students on an
object, which is certainly caused, as a result of : ( a ) the object is just too massive, ( b ) the object is
just too small, ( c ) the subject is moving too slowly ; ( d ) objects are moving too fast ; ( e ) the
object is just too complicated ; ( f ) that scan too delicate objects ; ( f ) objects containing
dangerous and high risk. across the use of appropriate media, then all objects that might well
be presented to students.
instructional media allows for direct interaction connecting learner and his environment.
media produces uniformity observations
media will instill the basic concepts correct, concrete, and realistic.
media arouse new desires and interests.
media awaken and stimulate the childs motivation to learn.
the media provides the integral experience / thorough on your concrete onto the abstract

There may be numerous different kinds of learning media, as well as :

Visual media : graphs, diagrams, charts, charts, posters, cartoons, comics

Audial media : radio, tape recorders, language labs, and also the like
Projected still media : slides ; over head projector ( ohp ), lcd projectors and also the like
Projected motion media : movies, tv, video ( vcd, dvd, vtr ), computers and also the like.
Study tour media : learning directly onto the object or study places like museums, temples, etc..

In line with the event of science and also the use of media, whether or not it's visual, audial,
projected projected still and motion media media might well be carried out jointly and
simultaneously through one device known as multi media. example : nowadays happens to
firmly be the use of computers is projected motion merely the'>not only in the media, other
then will draw on many different kinds of media who may be interactive.

Nature of Media Education

The media aforesaid instructional media literally suggests that an intermediary or an
introduction, whereas word learning is defined just like a condition that would be created to
facilitate make somebody do a learning activity. so, learning media emphasis by the position as
to firmly the media just like a vehicle for channeling messages or data learned to condition
somebody to learn. in alternative words, learning happens as soon as the learning materials (
learning matterial ) that a student obtained throughout the media. this is often in accordance in
the opinion of j. lesle briggs ( 1979 ) that states that instructional media clearly as the physical
suggests that of conveying instructional content.. books, films, videotapes, etc.. briggs more
stated media may be a tool to produce incentives for students ensuring that learning occurs.
whereas the effectiveness as to firmly the media, brown ( 1970 ) underlines that the media used
with either the teacher or student will affect the effectiveness as to firmly the teaching and
learning method.

Primarily based by the on prime of opinion, will develop a few understanding as to firmly the
position and of course the role and contribution of media in learning activities.

a few understanding of your new toy, among others : ( somewhat ) a container of media
messages by message supply or distributors wish forwarded onto the target or recipient as to
firmly the message. ( 2 ) instructional media applications primarily based by the rules of science
communication, that among alternative things aforesaid lasswell ( 1982 ) who says what in
roomates channels to whom in what effect often is described in detail as follows :

1. Who, who declared ? ( teachers, lecturers, instructors, fasilitatordan all of that serves
clearly as the sender as to firmly the message ).
2. What, message or plan / notion of what s delivered ( during this learning activity or material
suggests That instructional materials to remain delivered ).
3. That channels, by what channels, what media channels, media or suggests that something,
what it s all about was to remain conveyed.
4. To whom, to whom ( target, students, learners )
5. What effect, in the result or impact of what ?

As to firmly the parts on prime of, it looks that the target ( goal ) the most learning activity is that
the impact or results to remain accomplished within the whole learning activities. in educational
studies, the concept of was known from the name of meaningful learning experience, that may be
a meaningful learning experience
Just like a result the most learning activity ( instruction ). occurrence of meaningful learning is
inseparable direct from role as to firmly the media, particularly direct from position and
gathering. in general, the media have utility :

1. Clarify what it s all about that would be not too verbalistis.

2. Overcome the constraints of area, time, effort and resources senses.
3. Excite learning, additional direct interaction between pupils with learning resources.
4. Allows kids to learn independently in accordance in the talents and capabilities of visual,
auditory and kinesthetic.
5. Provide the exact stimuli, likening the experience and perceptions as to firmly the same

Additionally, the contribution of instructional media by kemp and dayton ( 1985 ) that the
delivery as to firmly the message often is standardized learning and teaching often is additional
engaging as follows :

1. Learning becomes additional interactive by applying the theory of learning

2. Implementation of learning time often is shortened
3. Quality of learning often is improved
4. The learning method normally takes place whenever and wherever required.
5. Students positive attitudes toward learning materials and of course the learning method
often is improved
6. Anomalies role of teachers in the direction of the positive

Characteristics and capabilities just concerning every one of them media ought to firmly be thought
of by teachers thus the fact that they will select that media in accordance in the conditions and
desires. as an example, audio cassette media, a media auditif who teaches topics like verbal
learning pronunciation ( pronunciation ) foreign language. media for teaching foreign languages
is quite right, as a result of as soon as the media is directly given while not frequent inaccuracies
in pronunciation, repetition thus on'>and so forth. creating media like audio tapes simple, it no
more than takes a tape recorder and speakers who will speak a foreign language, whereas the
utilization making use of the same tools also.

Selection of Educational Media

A successful and efficient media and fun certainly be a desire and would like for learning, the
media had the need to acquire as to actually the principles that ought to actually be thought
of within the whole choice with this media. there is a few argument and of course the method in
developing the media, though completely different method, fact is that there it's agreed
that every medium has its own benefits and disadvantages which should offer effect to afectifity
learning program. during this case there's nobody perfect medium, in alternative words can
possibly be applied to all things, all the characteristics as to actually the students and all
subjects, in spite of this, conditional and contextual nature of media as required.
In line using this, the approach taken often to examine the media as an integral half as to
actually the educational method that the focus can notice many elements, as well as :

1. Instructional goals, and that is what are the instructional objectives as

being accomplished within the learning activity. general instructional objective as to
actually the study ( tiu ) or special instructional objective ( ict ) can possibly
be analyzed what exactly is the appropriate medium to obtain that goal. if
we escort competency-based curriculum, we should pay consideration to :
the commonplace of competence, basic competence and particularly indicators.
2. Instructional content, learning materials, ie materials or study what will just
be taught within the whole instructional program. another consideration, as to actually the
substance and even the subject towards the extent as to actually the depth as
being accomplished, so we could think about what are the appropriate medium for
our delivery with this materials.
3. Learner characteristics, media familiarity and student characteristics. as well as reviewing
the properties and characteristics as to actually the media which can be applied is related
to the characteristics as to actually the students, each quantitatively ( variety ) or
qualitative ( quality, characteristic, and alternative habits ) as to actually the students upon
the media as being used.
4. Media choice, the quantity of media will be'>which might be compared as media choice is
essentially a decision-making method associated with a variety of media that exist or will
just be developed.
Whereas if we wish visiting design media, should go through 3 main stages, namely :
first, define the objective formulation phase, what media plan will just be developed, a few initial
preparation within the whole design of media-related : materials, materials, funds,
and alternative design aspects.
Second, develope the event phase, during this phase has already begun the actual
procedure of creating media which can be developed, in accordance with the initial phase and
third, the ultimate phase of analysis to assess media that are developed or made, after having
a pilot phase, revision, study online websites.

The Selection of Media

The attempt to select the best combination of media for education is an on going process, in all
parts of the world. Classroom teachers are deciding what methods are best to get the information
they are about to teach to their students’, if they should use video, computer or still picture, in
explaining a given task. Those decisions will have comparatively little impact on the educational
system as a whole although they may make a great difference in an individual class (Scramm 1977

A program committee of teachers, technologists, and producers of the Open University have to
face the decision of how many half-hours of television to request for a course just being
designed. This decision is much larger than those for the classroom teachers, because one period
of television cost a large sum of money and will be seen by thousands of university students.

An example of really big decisions in media selection is like the case of India . India had been
using mostly what could be called Little Media -puppets, filmstrips, and radio to reach to its largely
illiterate village people. In 1976 the Indian government made the decision to change the method
of reaching this illiterate people and took up using a satellite (AST-6) with which to beam
educational and development television into 2,400 of its remote villages. From puppets to direct
satellite broadcasting is 5,000 years in time and millions of dollars in cost (Scramm 1977 p.20).

CONTENTS • Introduction • Media • Types of Media • Uses In Learning Situation • Merits and
Demerits • Social Media • Advantages of Social Media

INTRODUCTION Media is everywhere, it has become a part of our daily life. Media is
everywhere, it has become a part of our daily life. Media is everywhere, it has become a part of
our daily life. Education and media are integral part of learning. They form a person and
transform society.

MEDIA • The word media comes from Latin plural “Medium”. Media may refers to
communications. Communications tools are used to store and deliver information for data. Media
are any devices that assist an instructor to transmit to a learner • facts • skills • attitudes •
knowledge • Appreciation or additional materials Are used when using a particular teaching
method to make learning easy. As it intend to help teacher in teaching and the learner to grasp
the concepts effectively.
TYPES There are four types of media: • Print media • Visual media • Audio media • Audio-
Visual media
PRINTED MEDIA Print media is one the oldest forms of instructional media that is
being used in learning process / classroom. Print media consist of hard copy. It includes
followings: • Books • Magazines • Newspaper • Journal • Web pages /blogs etc

VISUAL MEDIA It Includes : Photographs/picture maps Graphics Models

Game puzzle These make visual impression to the learner. They attract pupils attention
and aid concentration. And meaning is more illustrate then verbal explanation. A single
picture is equal to 1000 words in meaning to a listener. The real word or words is helped
by seeing concrete objects.
AUDIO-VISUAL MEDIA • Audiovisual (AV) means possessing both a sound and a
visual component, such as slide- tape presentations, films,television, programs. •
Audiovisual Aids are any device which can be used to make the learning experience more
concrete, more realistic and more dynamic. Classification of AV Aids 1. Projected Aid 2.
Non-projected Aid


media was first used to describe newspaper more than two centuries ago. • Instructors can
engage students and produce more meaningful ad deep experience by using films, televisons,
popuar music, literature, documentaries etc. • Media allows the instructor to facilitate the transfer
of expert knowledge to novice learners.

Existing media resources can also be used to engage students and facilitate active learning
strategies • Student-created media involves a high degree of engagement; promotes individual
learning, social interaction and immersion; and is highly customizable and collaborative (
Yowell and Rhoten,2009)

WHYE USE MEDIA IN LEARNING AND TEACHING • Media can be used in almost any
displine to enhance learning, both in class and also for out of class assignments. • Research
suggests that people can learn abstract, new and noval concepts more easily from visual form
(Saloman, 1979) • Willingham’s (2009) research he asks simple question “why students
remember everything that’s on television and forgot what we lecture?” Because visual media
helps students retian concepts and ideas.

The cucial role that technology plays for creating learning enviroments that extend the
possibilities of one-way communication media, such as movies, television shows and music into
new areas that require interactive learning like visualization and student created content.
(Bransford, Browning and cocking 1999, p194)

HOW TO USE MEDIA IN LEARNING AND TEACHING • Media complements instructor led
learning by encouraging students to listen music reap print aterial or watching documentary . In
this approach instructor facilitate the learner. • Media can also be student generated .These asks
the student to step into the role of the teacher and create content that will engage learners and
help them to master concepts. • Social media can also be used to enhance teaching and learning
and it includes varied online technology tools that allow people to communicate easily via the
internet to share the information and resources

CAUTIONS While using media in your courses several concerns should be noticed One question
arises is concern about copyright issues. Using media oftentimes requires additional work (e.g.
prepositioning a Dvd it at the start of a scene before class, digitizing media for playback on a
computer and making sure that AV aids work properly.) Utilizing media takes time awy from
other classroom acitivites. Instructors need to decide whether the media makes its point
effecintly and with enough effect to warrant the use of class time . Media senses (e.g.
humor,terror and language) may distract some students from the theories and concepts.

ADVANTAGES OF USING MEDIA Many media sources (films, music, visualization, news
stories) have very high production quality capable of showcasing comples ideas in a short period
of time.This develop Quantitative reasoning. Media offers both congnitive and affective
experiences. It can provoke discussion, an assessment of ones’s values and assessment of self if
the scence have emotional content. The users of media help connect learner with events that are
culturally relevant.

ADVANTAGES OF MEDIA FOR STUDENT Students can experience worls beyond their
own. The use of media in the classroom enables students to see concepts and new examples
when they are watching television, listening to music etc Students can improve their analytical
skills by analyzing media using theories and concepts they are studying. Popular media
(facebook, youtube etc) are a familier medium to students that helps gain attention and maintain
student interest.

SOCIAL MEDIA Social media includes varied online technology tools that allow people to
communicate easily via internet to share information and resources. The dramtic growth of
social media creates new opportunities for engaging incudes sites such as facbook,
myspace etc. It rapidly changing the way of interacting with each other.

ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL MEDIA • Interaction using social media provides students with a
sense of belonging and creates bonds between students and their peers and between students and
the instructor • Social media content creators must protect copyrights of others • Clear grading
criteria must be provided to students to encourage their participation in the use of social media. •
Students likely have some prior familiarity with sites such facebook or myspace loweing the
learning curve associated with using new technology.students involve in projects can blog about
their experience.

Types of Educational Multimedia Resources

Multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media formats. Whenever text, audio, still
images, animation, video and interactivity are combined together, the result is multimedia.
Slides, for example, are multimedia as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and
other types.
Below you will find a list of various multimedia formats used in educational contexts. Click each
one to see an explanation and some examples.


 Slideshow or Presentation
A slide show is a presentation of a series of still images on a projection screen or electronic
display device, typically in a prearranged sequence. The changes may be automatic and at
regular intervals or they may be manually controlled by a presenter or the viewer. Slide shows
originally consisted of a series of individual photographic slides projected onto a screen with
a slide projector. When referring to the video or computer-based visual equivalent, in which the
slides are not individual physical objects, the term is often written as one word, slideshow.

A slide show may be a presentation of images purely for their own visual interest or artistic
value, sometimes unaccompanied by description or text, or it may be used to clarify or reinforce
information, ideas, comments, solutions or suggestions which are presented verbally. Slide
shows are sometimes still conducted by a presenter using an apparatus such as a carousel slide
projector or an overhead projector, but now the use of an electronic video display device and
a computer running presentation software is typical.

A well-organized slide show allows a presenter to fit visual images to an oral presentation. The
old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" holds true, in that a single image can save a
presenter from speaking a paragraph of descriptive details. As with any public speaking or
lecturing, a certain amount of talent, experience, and rehearsal is required to make a successful
slide show presentation.
Presentation software is most commonly used in the business world, where millions of
presentations are created daily.[citation needed] Another very important area where it is used is for
instructional purposes, usually with the intention of creating a dynamic, audiovisual presentation.
The relevant points to the entire presentation are put on slides, and accompany a spoken
Slide shows have artistic uses as well, such as being used as a screensaver, or to provide dynamic
imagery for a museum presentation, for example, or in installation art. David Byrne, among
others, has created PowerPoint art.

 Prezi
Prezi is a presentation software company founded in 2009, with offices in Budapest, San
Francisco, and Riga. As of April 2018, Prezi had more than 100 million users who had created
more than 325 million public presentations that have been viewed over 3.5 billion times.

The word prezi is the short form of "presentation" in Hungarian.

The company's flagship platform is a visual storytelling software alternative to traditional slide-
based presentation formats. Prezi presentations feature a map-like overview that lets users pan
between topics, zoom in on details, and pull back to reveal context.

 Diagrams
A diagram type is a diagram with a specific shape and methodology, relatively independent of
any field of application. Now there is no general accepted classification of diagrams. This gallery
only gives an impression of the types of diagrams in the Commons at present.

General diagram types are diagrams with specific shapes and methodology present with multiple
specific types in multiple fields of application.

 Infographics
Infographics are one of a few effective ways to get your message across in the field of education
— from presenting lessons in the classroom to homework and essays to presenting data for your
college research.

 Podcast\
A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio files that a user can download in order to listen.
Alternatively, the word "podcast" may refer to the individual component of such a series or to an
individual media file.[1]
Podcasting often uses a subscription model, whereby new episodes
automatically download via web syndication to a user's own local computer, mobile application,
or portable media player.[2]
Ben Hammersley originally suggested the word "podcast" as a portmanteau of "iPod" (a brand
of media player) and "broadcast"[3][4] in 2004.
ommunities use collaborative podcasts to support multiple contributors podcasting through
generally simplified processes, and without having to host their own individual feeds. A
community podcast can also allow members of the community (related to the podcast topic) to
contribute to the podcast in many different ways. This method was first used for a series of
podcasts hosted by the Regional Educational Technology Center at Fordham University in
2005.[citation needed] Anders Gronstedt explores how businesses like IBM and EMC use podcasts as
an employee training and communication channel.

 Screen capture
screen capture may refer to:

 Screenshot, an image file which shows the content of a computer's screen at the moment of
 Screencast, also known as a video screen capture, a digital recording of computer screen
output, often containing audio narration

 Lecture Capture
Lecture capture is a system which allows you to make automatic recordings of your lectures or
presentations without having to set up a camera, microphone, or other recording equipment. The
system allows you to record audio, the projected screen, and the video camera feed. It is
available in some teaching spaces on campus (see Locations link on the right Quick Links
panel). Please make a booking two working days in advance via the form on IT Service
Desk, and the system will automatically start recording at the requested time and location. After
this, you can make recordings available to your students by adding a link via 'Add Activity or
Resource' on Moodle.

Lecture capture is an umbrella term describing any technology that allows instructors to record
their lectures and make them available online.
This technology has evolved from simple iPhone recordings and screen castings to fully
comprehensive software that integrates into content and learning management systems, as well
as video platforms.
While not a replacement for in-class instruction, lecture capture systems offer three important

 An alternative for when students miss class

 An opportunity for content review
 Ready content for online course development

 Talking head
 a person on television or in a film who is shown merely speaking, as in an interview: term
suggesting a dull or unimaginative presentation
 the image of a person, usually with only the head and upper body visible, talking to the
camera, as in a documentary, news show, or similar work.

 Animation
Animation is a method in which pictures are manipulated to appear as moving images.
In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be
photographed and exhibited on film. Today, most animations are made with computer-generated
imagery (CGI). Computer animation can be very detailed 3D animation, while 2D computer
animation can be used for stylistic reasons, low bandwidth or faster real-time renderings. Other
common animation methods apply a stop motion technique to two and three-dimensional objects
like paper cutouts, puppets or clay figures.
Commonly the effect of animation is achieved by a rapid succession of sequential images that
minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to
rely on the phi phenomenon and beta movement, but the exact causes are still
uncertain. Analog mechanical animation media that rely on the rapid display of sequential images
include the phénakisticope, zoetrope, flip book, praxinoscope and film. Television and video are
popular electronic animation media that originally were analog and now operate digitally. For
display on the computer, techniques like animated GIF and Flash animation were developed.
Animation is more pervasive than many people realize. Apart from short films, feature films,
animated GIF's and other media dedicated to the display of moving images, animation is also
heavily used for video games, motion graphics and special effects. Animation is also prevalent in
information technology interfaces.[1]
The physical movement of image parts through simple mechanics – in for instance the moving
images in magic lantern shows – can also be considered animation. The mechanical manipulation
of puppets and objects to emulate living beings has a very long history in automata. Automata
were popularized by Disney as animatronics.
Animators are artists who specialize in creating animation.

 Webinars and Online meetings
 Moodle activities
 Blogs
 Interactive Content


There are different ways to classify media.

1. Print media, non-print media, and electronic media

Print media. They include: books, journals, magazines, newspapers, workbook, and textbooks

Non-print media: they include: projected and non-projected media

Electronic media: they include: Audio media, Visual media and Audio-Visual

2. Projected media & non-projected media

Projected media: they require light source for projection. E.g. film projector slides etc.

Non-projected media: they do not require light source. They include 3dimensional objects,
2dimensional objects, prints, charts, models etc.

3. Audio media, Visual media & Audio-visual

Audio media: this form of media carry sounds alone. E.g. audio tapes, record player,
Visual media: These are the ones that can be seen. E.g. TV, computer, white board

Audio-Visual: this term refers to those instructional materials which provide students with
audio and visual experiences by appearing to the hearing and seeing senses at the same time.
E.g. TV, video tapes, closed circuit television (CCTV).
4. Hardware and software

Hardware: this the classification of machines or equipment used in the instructional process. It
is upon these gadgets that the software is transmitted. E.g. Television set, tape recorder etc.
Software: this classification consists of all materials used with the machine. They are the real
carrier of knowledge or information. They include, films, tapes transparencies.

Types of Media used in Teaching and Learning for its conducive Environment
Media are any devices that assist an instructor to transmit to a learner facts, skills ,attitudes
,knowledge and appreciation or additional materials used when using a particular teaching
method to make learning easy ,as it intend to help both the teacher to teach more reflectively and
the learner to grasp the concepts more effectively .

There are four types of media which are print, visual, audio and audio-visual
Printed Media
These include text books, magazines, newspapers, journal, bulletins, web pages, blogs
They help learners to get more information through reading widely, research and providing more
enjoyment from various sources of facts.
It is important to identify all the reading materials before issuing them to children. The
use of internet should be monitored both at home and school to protect children from being
involved in illicit materials which may take them away from their learning focus.
Guide children from what to read so as to achieve the aims and objectives of the subject.
If there is variety of material selection the teacher must identify that suits every learner's
capabilities, i.e. slow, medium and fast.

Visual Media
These composed of photographs, graphics, pictures, maps, models, spacemen, game
puzzle, artifacts, wall charts etc.
These make visual impression to the learner. They attract pupils' attention and aid
concentration, as they illustrate meaning more directly and quickly than through verbal
It was discovered that a single picture is equivalent to 1000 words in meaning to a listener. It
cuts down unnecessary talking time hence supplement the voice.
Visual impact in learners enhanced making associated language memorable. The real
meaning of words is helped by seeing concrete objects.
The simplification of color and shapes as it clarify its complexity. The learner then
stimulated to think diligently and ask questions and enhanced learning environment’s
Avoid too much use of visual as they may take pupils' attention because of color admiration.
Audio -visual Media (Video and film):
Because of the visual element is attractive and commands attention.
The sounds produced is much easier to understand the facial impressions, gestures, physical
background shown and learning becomes doer to real life situation.
It is very important to preview any programs and assess its worth to class situation, time, and its
content value and how to operate it more effectively to benefit all children in learning the

These attracts attention and concentration because of being concrete in nature and appeal
more to children ,since they are at concrete operational stage.
They are also good at firsthand experience where pupils use hands on approach.
They mustn't scaring pupils, but user friendly. Live ones should be return to its habitat after use
to consider the ethical aspects.

The Resource Person/best Speaker

An expert in the area of specialist with useful skills ,who can be a craftsman ,elderly
woman, police officer ,Artist etc.
The pupils’ attention and interest is captured as they want to know much about the man's
skills. The teacher did something good by bringing the community to the classroom situation.
When the teacher should plan ahead and inform the resource person in time in order for him to
prepare the lesson and give the limits so that the objectives of the lesson to be achieved. The
school administrators should also informed to receive a visitor.

Selection of Instructional Media

It is teacher's responsibility to select appropriate media available and interrelates the
components to the curriculum by considering the following:
 Should be purposeful that is help to achieve the objective of the lesson.
 Should be concrete to be understood by learners and entertaining.
 Media should be challenging and stimulating in thinking and varied or diverse in
interests abilities of the pupils.
 Must be affordable, less costly and effectively co-relate subjects of the
• It is recognized that conventional media technologies can no longer meet the needs of
our teaching and learning processes; as a result they are being replaced by multimedia
• This technology provides a learning environment that is self-paced, learner-controlled
and individualized.
• Technology” is simply defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “a body of
knowledge which when used or applied helps in solving problems”.
• One can then agree, from the literal point of view, that educational technology means
“application of a body of knowledge (technology) to solving educational problems.
• There are many ways of classifying instructional materials.
• They maybe perceived according to the levels of technology – low-level or high level
technology materials.
• They may also be grouped according to the senses they stimulate – visual media, audio
media and audio visual media, or classified as projected and non-projected media.
• They can be further classified as printed and non-printed media etc. In fact, there is no
rigid form of classification.
1. Wall Charts
2. Flip Charts
3. Panel Board
4. Magnetic Board
5. Models
6. Flippets
7. Dioramas
8. Specimens
9. Real Objects
10. Posters
11. Pictures
12. Graphics
1. Overhead Projector
2. Film strip Projector
3 Opaque Projector
4. Slide Projectors
5. Cameras
6. Radio Cassette Recorders
7. Computers
8. Microfilm recorder
9. Television set
10. Transparency Maker
11. Radio set
1. Computer Programmes e.g. microsoft office documents
2. realia
3. models
4. Slides
5. Microfilms
6. Transparencies
7. Video Films
8. Audio Cassettes
• Books
• Handouts
• Journals -eg ZJER journals
• Dictionaries – eg Oxford,
• Encyclopedia- eg New world encyclopedia
• Newspapers- eg Herald, Kwayedza
• Magazines- People magazine

• Ellington and Race (1993) also divided Educational Media into Visual, Audio and
Audio Visual like this:

Audio Media
• These are teaching-learning devices that appeal to the auditory sense. They consist of
radio sets; audio recording machines such as audiotapes, disc machines, telephone and
Visual Media
• These are instructional media that appeal to the sense of seeing (eyes). Most graphics are
in this family of instructional media. They include: pictures, photographs, diagrams,
charts and cartoons, still pictures such as slides, filmstrips and transparencies.
• These are instructional materials that have the capacity to provide issues in form of
pictures and audio effect, in form of commentaries on the pictures simultaneously.
• Examples of media in this category are: the television, videotape player, filmstrip/slides
with in-built or synchronized sound.
Broadcast - Telecommunication Media
• These are media through which information is disseminated usually to the mass of people
or audience that are scattered over a wide distance.
• Common among the family of mass media are: the radio, the television, and the
• The two former ones are in electronic forms while the latter is the printed form.


• Projected media belong to a group of • These aids do not require any projection
instructional resources which can only be on screen.
accessed by means of projecting their content • non-projected ones don’t require any
on the screen or wall using a projector machine electric equipment
specifically designed for the purpose. • non-projected visuals are static.
Gwarinda(2002) • non-projected visuals are not expensive,
• Therefore, projected media are usually a and much easier to use in instruction
combination of software and the corresponding
• projected visuals require electronic equipment
• projected visuals are expensive and may not be
readily available to teachers especially those
who are living in the remote areas


The use of instructional materials calls into play the senses of sight and touch in addition to only
the sense of hearing. The more the number of senses involved in the learning process, the more
enduring the learning results.
• Instructional materials serve to concretize otherwise abstract concepts and ideas.
• Instructional media help in magnifying or reducing objects for classroom use.
• Experience that may not otherwise be available are provided via media.
• Terms and concepts that are abstract are best illustrated through the use of instructional
• Increase the rate of learning and at the same time allows the teacher to use more time on
other gainful activities.
• With the use of instructional media, individualization of learning becomes a reality.
• Instructional media provide a common framework of experience to a large number of
learners. Eg tele -video lessons, PC conferencing mode
• The touch screen and voice recognition/communication devices for the special education
• Instructional media gain and hold the attention of learners.
• A popular proverb says that monotony kills interest and variety is the spice of life.
• You also remember that a picture speaks more than a thousand words!
References `
• Heinich R.; Molenda M, and Rossell J. D. (1985). Instructional Media and the New
Technologies of Instruction. John Wiley and Sons.
• Brecht, H.D. et al (2008) Enabling Comprehensive Teaching Strategy: Video Lectures,
Journal of Info Tech, Edu, Vol. 7, 1-10,,2/6/10.
• Rwambiwa, J,P. (2001) Instructional media and technology. Harare: Zimbabwe Open
• Gwarinda,T,C.(2002) The practice of teaching. Harare: The College Press Publishers.

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