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ARMM history City and Basilan, scatteredly Lanao del Sur, Sulu, Tawi-

spoken around Zamboanga del Tawi and Basilan.

 The Autonomous Region Sur,Zamboanga del
Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, parts
in Muslim Mindanao
of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The dialect
(ARMM) was created a Zamboangueño Chavacano is one
few years after the Aquino Topography
of the six dialects of Chavacano
administration initiated (whose native speakers are known MAGUINDANAO
dialogues with the Moro as the Latino Zamboangueño). The province of Maguindanao can
National Liberation Front other spoken dialects be divided into two physiographic
to resolve the Muslim of Chavacano Language are the units. There are the southwest
secessionist problem. following: Cotabateñ in Cotabato
cluster and Maguindanao lowland.
 ARMM was created in City and Castellano
Abakay in Davao Region. The southwest mountain clusters
1989 by virtue of The include the two big groups of
Organic Act for the mountain elevation: Binace and
Settlers now form the majority, with
Autonomous Region in 63% of the population; Moro are Bilit. They are separated by the
Muslim Mindanao (RA 32% of the population; 5% are valley of MTUGAR RIVER which
6734). In a plebiscite, only Lumads and most of them flow northwest into Moro Gulf and
four provinces out of the intermarried with the Settlers. The Liwasid River which flow into the
several areas proposed to native Maguindanaon and other Mindanao Sea. The Maguindanao
be included in ARMM native Moro or Lumad groups of lowland includes the north
opted to join the area of Mindanao have a culture that is extremity of Cotabato basin
autonomy: Maguindanao, different from the main culture of northeast of the provincial
Lanao del Sur, Sulu and the Philippines.
highlands. The area is generally
Tawi-Tawi. sloping from the foot of hills to
relatively flat as it approaches the
Culture sea and materials derived from the
weathering and erosion of adjacent
Mindanao is the most culturally emergent land mass.
diverse island in
the Philippines where people of The biggest and longest river in
different languages, tribes and  Amid escalating hostilities Mindanao is the Rio Grande de
races meet. As the Moro and between government Mindanao. The northeast boundary
Lumad alliance provided an forces and the MNLF in of the province and as much the
effective resistance the 1970s, President west banks are within the province,
to Spanish Colonialism, Mindanao Marcos issued a jurisdiction.
became a melting pot of different proclamation forming an
cultures, it creates a more distinct Autonomous Region in the This river meanders with flood
culture which is not present in Southern Philippines.
other island groups in the country. rains developed at place together
However, in a plebiscite, with extensive delta, which makes
Mindanao has been the seat of two
great Sultanates namely
the people opted against it it immediate vicinity marshy. It
the Sultanate of Sulu and and chose to remain in the drains westward into the Mindanao
the Sultanate of existing Western and Sea. Several smaller streams and
Maguindanao along with the most Central Mindanao regions. creeks are perennial type while the
hispanized city in Asia, strategic  In 1979, Batas Pambansa rest are intermittent.
Zamboanga City. A considerable No. 20 created the
number of Buddhist and Taoist Regional Autonomous The province falls under Type IV
temples and the indigenous tribes Government in Western characterized by more or less even
known as Lumad people which and Central Mindanao distribution of rainfall throughout
makes it more diverse. regions. the year. Its climate is comfortable.
 RA 9054 amended RA The average temperature
Due to the continuous re
settlement programs[6] by the 6734 in 2001. The range from 25.9 degree
Central Government in amended law expanded centigrade to 26.5 degree
Manila, Cebuano is spoken by the ARMM's area of centigrade. The coldest months
majority of people in Mindanao. autonomy. In a plebiscite, are from November to January.
Cebuano is generally the first Basilan and Marawi City The soil of the province is
language in most regions, except (in Lanao del Sur) opted to classified into various types
for the Bangsamoro areas on the join ARMM. according to land forms and
west coast and among  RA 9054 lapsed into law, landscapes. There are various
the Lumads. Tagalog is also widely without the signature of broad landform types based on
spoken among the topography, location, elevation and
people. Hiligaynon or Ilonggo is
President Arroyo.
widely spoken in South  In 2006, a new province morphology like plains, hills and
was carved out of mountains.
Cotabato and a large part
of Cotabato Province. English is Maguindanao: Shariff
also widely spoken. Kabunsuan. Shariff LANAO DEL SUR
Kabunsuan became the Generally, the topography of the
The Spanish- sixth province of ARMM, provinces is 60% rolling and 40%
based creole, Zamboangueño joining Maguindanao, plain. It is gifted with enormous
Chavacano is the main language water bodies with Lake Lanao as
spoken in Zamboanga the biggest. Among its big rivers
are those of Masiu, Taraka, TAWI-TAWI banks, 2 commercial and 1 rural
Rugnan, Ramain, and Lalabuan. The Tawi-Tawi archipelago is banks.
There are also other smaller rivers comprised of islands settled on top
which could be tapped for irrigation of a huge sea mountain. Among The investment opportunities in
purpose. the islands, Tawi-Tawi has the Basilan revolve around the
least rugged relief. Its major peaks agricultural and marine resources.
The climate of the province is which include Mt. Datu Sali, St. Production and processing of
classified as Type IV which is Sitangkai and Mt. Baluk Sampan rubber, coconuts, coffee and
characterized by more or less even do not go beyond 600 ft. These marine products ranks high based
distribution of rainfall throughout peaks but across the main island on product market mix. Also
the year. Dry season is observed Tawi-Tawi from north to south. manufacturer of rubber wood
during the months from January to products, such as furniture , tiles,
March and maximum rain period is There are two rivers in the area-the gloves, conveyor belts and latex.
from May to October. Malum and Luuk. Malum is the
biggest river. It serves as the Fiestival
The mean temperature of the transporatation passage of the
province is from 21 to 27 degree residents in the upper area and
centigrade. also a drainage. It originates from
Mt. Bulungan, Mt. Binwang and Mt.
The soil type prevailing in the Datu Sali and flows Southwesterly
province are silt, loam and Las receiving Magsagao Stream and
Catellanas Complex. Specifically, its boundary.
the municipalities of Masiu, Butig
Lumbutan, Lumbayanague, Underground water in the islands
Bayang, Binidayan, Gannassi, of South Ubian, Tandubas, Sapa-
Pualas, Sultan Gumander, Sapa, Bongao, Simunul, Sitangkai
Malabang, Calanugas, Marogong, and Turtle islands is impossible
Balabagan, Kapatagan, Wao, since these islands are rocky. The
Bumbaran, Madalum and municipalities of Languyan,
Madamba have silt loam soil type. balimbing, Panglima Sugala, and
The clay loam soil type are found
in the municipalities of Ramain,
Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi have their
own underground water table
Kalilang sa
Bubong, Buadipuso-Buntong,
Mulundo, Taraka, Tamparan,
because these areas have a great
volume of soil and watershed that
Poona Bayabao, Lumba Bayabao, can hold water for many years.
and Maguing. Adtaya clay loam The climate of the province except A festival held every April
soil type is prevalent in the for the municipalities of South 15th commemorating the
Municipalities of Saguiaran, Ubian and Sibutu Island belongs to charter anniversary
Piagapo, Tugaya, Balindong and type 1 with maximum rainfall from celebration of Marawi City
Bacolod Grande, the soil type is La May to August. highlights of the festival are
Castellana Complex.
Qur’an Reading Contest,
presentation of colorful
Muslim songs and dances,
BASILAN Islamic Quiz Bee, exhibits of
The Sulu archipelago is marked by
a number of mountain ranges that The province of Basilan occupies a Maranao crafts, native
traverse the mid-section of the total land area of 2,217.8 square delicacies, traditional games
island of Jolo from east to west. kilometers. The terrain ranges from and musical instruments
The mountain chain includes Mt. undulating to rolling and becomes competition.
Tumantangis, about 812 ft., Mt. moderately steep towards the
Pula, about 281 ft., Mt. Kangangan interior of the province. About 70%
about 663 ft. and Mt. Datu with 100 of the land is devoted to agriculture
ft. Siasi Island is also hilly. The and planted extensively with
other islands, such as Pangutaran coconuts, rubber and coffee. Other
are coral formation resulting to low, crops includes palay, corn, cacao,
swampy, flat and forested areas. cassava, African oil palm and black
However, numerous palces around pepper. The provincial waters are
the reef-sorrounded island afford laden with grouper, tuna, squid,
anchorages. octopus, and marlin. While inland
The province of Sulu, being known fish ponds are stocked with
for its shining land and moody sea milkfish, prawns and shrimps.
lies on the southernmost part of Basilan has the only lobster
the Philippines, with islands of fattening and culture operations in
varying terrains, which source is of the region. Local road networks is
volcanic origin while others are 865 kilometers that links all
from coral formation with low,
forested and swampy areas.
barangays and municipalities and
about 50% of the roads are Pakaradjaan
categorized as all weather roads.
The province has 3 government
Celebrated annually from of Golden Friendship, Cagayan de
March 1 to March 7 to Oro is popular in turones de mani.
commemorate the It is made by crushed peanut
coated with honey and wrapped in
anniversary of the Province
waffer.The mouthwatering pastel
of Basilan. of Camiguin island is also gaining
popularity.In Iligan City is also
popular in greaseless peanut and
marinated wild pig, dipped in hot
and spicy pinakurat. Binaki
in Bukidnon is also famous,it
Meguyaya sounds weird but it is taste
delicious.It is made by young corn,
Festival milk,sugar and wrapped in fresh
Amidst Upi’s triumphs,
abundance and prosperity is The ARMM region is famous in rice
delicacies, namely; duldul, pastil,
the conceptualization of
katilapan, pawa. Native dishes like
Meguyaya Festival, Upians’ chicken with cury powder. In
way of expressing gratitude addition is the Muslim delicacies
for all the bounties. are putrid, sinigang na baka and
Meguyaya is a threeweek tinadtag.
celebration which culminates In Gensan, tuna delicacies tuna
Kariyala Festival every 22nd of December. hotdog, tuna longganisa, tuna
tocino.Aside from tuna, Banggsi (
Kalilang and Kariyala both flying fish) in Sarangganiprepared
mean “merrymaking and in many ways- fried and kinilaw or
thanksgiving” This universal
expression of thanksgiving
for the triumphs, abundance,
FOODS with coconut milk.Tasty crab also
one of delicacies in part of the
Mindanao foods are exotic,using a
prosperity or any form of no. of spices, namely: chili, onion,
blessings received. The and ginger. In general, Mindanao
celebration of this is festival cuisine is a mixture of Spanish and
are similar to Lami-Lamihan Malay influence.One of the most
of Lamitan, Basilan and common ingredients used
Meguyaya of Upi, by Mindanaoans in their daily food
preparation is coconut milk. Aside
Maguindanao. This
from the fact that coconut
celebration of life is held is abundant in the region, it also
every 3rd week of February adds a distinctive taste.
(Wao, Lanao del Sur).
Zamboanga Peninsula is the
biggest area in the country that
influenced by the Spanish. One of
their example produced that bears
the Spanish mark is Spanish
sardines, one of the famous
product in Dipolog
City, Zamboanga del Norte.Your
trip inZamboanga never complete
without the taste of their
famouscuracha. In addition of
Zamboangas delicacies Zambo
rolls or lokot- lokot.

sa Maguindanao Agusan del Sur of Caraga this

region is best recommended for
the sweet tooth,One of their sweet
A celebration of the Inaul delicacies namely: Salvaro ( dry
Fabric, handwoven art that cassava) Peanut biscuit other
symbolizes the social status, called cay-cay, and other Durian
bravery and valor, and pride products.
and dignity of the people of
Northen Mindanao was attracting
Maguindanao. Celebrated
with the tourist in beautiful tourist
annually from February 9 to spots aside from that it is also
February 14 famous in foods as well. The City

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