This document lists various standards and testing methods for Volkswagen, including standards for density, melting temperature, melt mass-flow rate, breaking stress, flexural strength, impact strength, vicat softening temperature, material FTIR analysis, elevated temperature behavior, low temperature behavior, resistance to aging, paint coating, thermal conditioning, formaldehyde emissions, odor, lightfastness, tackiness, environmental cycling, crosscut adhesion, and aging at elevated temperature. It provides contact information for Applied Technical Services, an engineering testing and inspection company that can perform these tests.
This document lists various standards and testing methods for Volkswagen, including standards for density, melting temperature, melt mass-flow rate, breaking stress, flexural strength, impact strength, vicat softening temperature, material FTIR analysis, elevated temperature behavior, low temperature behavior, resistance to aging, paint coating, thermal conditioning, formaldehyde emissions, odor, lightfastness, tackiness, environmental cycling, crosscut adhesion, and aging at elevated temperature. It provides contact information for Applied Technical Services, an engineering testing and inspection company that can perform these tests.
This document lists various standards and testing methods for Volkswagen, including standards for density, melting temperature, melt mass-flow rate, breaking stress, flexural strength, impact strength, vicat softening temperature, material FTIR analysis, elevated temperature behavior, low temperature behavior, resistance to aging, paint coating, thermal conditioning, formaldehyde emissions, odor, lightfastness, tackiness, environmental cycling, crosscut adhesion, and aging at elevated temperature. It provides contact information for Applied Technical Services, an engineering testing and inspection company that can perform these tests.
This document lists various standards and testing methods for Volkswagen, including standards for density, melting temperature, melt mass-flow rate, breaking stress, flexural strength, impact strength, vicat softening temperature, material FTIR analysis, elevated temperature behavior, low temperature behavior, resistance to aging, paint coating, thermal conditioning, formaldehyde emissions, odor, lightfastness, tackiness, environmental cycling, crosscut adhesion, and aging at elevated temperature. It provides contact information for Applied Technical Services, an engineering testing and inspection company that can perform these tests.
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(DIN 53479) DIN EN ISO 1183-1 ................................................. DENSITY
ISO 11357 / DSC METHOD (SUBSTITUTED FOR ISO 3146) ..... MELTING TEMPERATURE DIN EN ISO 1133-A, CODE T ....................................................... MELT MASS-FLOW RATE DIN EN ISO 1172 ......................................................................... IGNITION RESIDUE DIN EN ISO 527-1 ....................................................................... BREAKING STRESS DIN EN ISO 527-2 ........................................................................ YIELD STRESS, TENSILE STRENGTH DIN EN ISO 178 ........................................................................... FLEXURAL STRENGTH DIN EN ISO 178 ........................................................................... A. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY - ROOM TEMPERATURE ........................................................................... B. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY - HIGH TEMPERATURE ........................................................................... C. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY - LOW TEMPERATURE DIN EN ISO 179-1/1EU; DIN EN ISO 179-1 ................................ UN-NOTCHED IMPACT STRENGTH/(CHARPY) IMPACT RESISTANCE DIN EN ISO 179-1/1EA; DIN EN ISO 179-1 ................................ NOTCHED IMPACT STRENGTH /CHARPY IMPACT RESISTANCE DIN EN ISO 306/A50 OR B50 ..................................................... VICAT SOFTENING TEMPERATURE/ DIMENSIONAL STABILITY ASTM El 252-98 (2013) .............................................................. MATERIAL FTIR DIN 53497 ................................................................................... ELEVATED TEMPERATURE BEHAVIOR DIN 53491 ................................................................................... ELEVATED TEMPERATURE BEHAVIOR DIN 53497 ................................................................................... LOW TEMPERATURE BEHAVIOR PV 3905 ....................................................................................... BALL DROP TEST PV 3929 ....................................................................................... KALAHARI TEST PV 3930 ....................................................................................... FLORIDA TEST ....................................................................................... RESISTANCE TO AGING ....................................................................................... RESISTANCE TO AGENTS TL211 .......................................................................................... PAINT COATING TL226 .......................................................................................... THERMAL CONDITIONING PV 3925 ....................................................................................... FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS PV 3341 ....................................................................................... EMISSION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS/TOTAL EMISSIONSNOC vw 50180 .................................................................................... 1111