Normal stress
By using Hooke’s
The Flexure Formula
Mc My
σ max = σ ( y )=−
Iz Iz
Determine the internal moment M at the section
caused by the stress distribution (a) using the
flexure formula, (b) by finding the resultant of the
stress distribution using basic principles.
Determine the absolute maximum bending stress in the beam.
The Shear Formula ∫ ydA' = τ (tdx )
I z A'
1 dM
∫ M +dM
ydA' −∫
ydA ' − τ (tdx)=0 →τ = ( )∫ ydA '
I z t dx A'
A' z A'
Moment of the area A’ Q= ydA ' = y¯' A '
∫ τ=
about the neutral axis Izt
1 h 2
Q= y¯' A ' = ( − y )b
2 4
6V h V
τ = 3 ( − y2 ) τ =1.5
bh 4 max
Slope and Displacement by Integration Boundary and Continuity Conditions
dv ( x ) d v ( x)
θ ( x)= EI z 2
=M ( x)
dx dx
The cantilevered beam shown in Fig. a is subjected
to a vertical load P at its end. Determine the
equation of the elastic curve. EIz is constant.
Elastic strain energy for bending moment case
Slope and Displacement by Energy
Conservation Method
Conservation of Energy U =U
e i
L 2 L 2
M M dx
U i =∫ σ dV =∫
(∫ y dA) dx=∫
V 2E 0 2 EI z
0 2 EI z A
1 M2
M ' θC =∑ ∫ dx
2 i 0 2 EI z
Slope and Displacement by Castigliano’s Theorem
Determine the
displacement of
point B on the
beam shown in Fig.
EIZ is constant.
∂ M dx
v C =∑ ∫ M ( )
i 0 ∂ P n EI z Determine the
slope at point B
of the beam
shown in Fig. EIZ
is constant.
∂ M dx
θC =∑ ∫ M ( )
i 0 ∂ M ' EI z
Slope and Displacement by Mohr’s Integration
Determine the displacement
of point B on the beam shown
in Fig. EIZ is constant.
Li L
MM 1 i
MM 2
v C =∑ ∫ dx θC =∑ ∫ dx
i 0 EI z i 0 EI z
Slope and Displacement by Vereschagin’s method
If EIz = const. on Li and Mk
(k=1, 2) is a constant or
linear function
MM k S f
∫ dx= i i
0 EI z EI z
Determine the slope at point B of the beam
Determine the displacement of point B shown in Fig. EIZ is constant.
on the beam shown in Fig. EIZ is constant.
Statically Indeterminate Beams and Shafts—Method of Integration
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B,
then draw the shear and moment diagrams. EIz is constant.
Statically Indeterminate Beams and Shafts—Force method
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B,
then draw the shear and moment diagrams. EIz is constant.
Review problems
The beam shown in Fig. a has a cross-sectional area in the shape of a channel, Fig. b. Determine the
maximum bending stress that occurs in the beam at section a–a.
Review problems
The beam shown in Fig. a is made from two boards. Determine the maximum shear stress in the glue
necessary to hold the boards together along the seam where they are joined.
Review problems The beam in Fig. a is subjected to a load at its end.
Determine the displacement at C. EI is constant.
The simply supported beam shown in Fig. a is
subjected to the concentrated force. Determine the
maximum deflection of the beam. EI is constant.
Review problems
Determine the slope and deflection of end A of the
Determine the slope and deflection of end A of the
cantilevered beam. E = 200 GPa and Iz = 65.0(106 ) mm4.
cantilevered beam. E = 200 GPa and Iz = 65.0(106 ) mm4.
Review problems The loading on a floor beam used in the airplane is
shown. Use discontinuity functions and determine the
Determine the reactions at the supports A, B, and C; rections at the supports A and B , and then draw the
then draw the shear and moment diagrams. EIz is moment diagram for the beam.
Stress - Strain
Material: continuous, cohesive General State of Stress
Units: N/m2 = Pa
Stress: intensity of the internal force acting
N/mm2 = 106Pa = MPa
on a specific plane (area) passing through a
Normal Stress Shear Stress
Average Normal Stress in an Axially Loaded Bar
The bar has a constant width of 35 mm and a thickness of 10 mm.
N Determine the maximum average normal stress in the bar when
A it is subjected to the loading shown.
Mechanical properties of materials Stress-strain diagram
Hooke’s Law
E: the modulus of
elasticity or Young’s
G: the shear
modulus of
elasticity or the Poisson’s
modulus of rigidity ratio
Review problems The bar has a cross-sectional area A and is subjected
to the axial load P . Determine the average normal
If the joint is subjected to an axial force of P = 9 and average shear stresses acting over the shaded
kN, determine the averege shear stress section, which is oriented at θ from the horizontal.
developed in each of the 6-mm diameter bolts
between the plates and the members and along
each of the four shaded shear planes.
Review problems The rectangular plate is deformed into the shape
Part of a control linkage for an airplane shown by the dashed lines. Determine the average
consists of a rigid member CBD and a flexible normal strain along diagonal BD , and the average
cable AB. If a force is applied to the end D of shear strain at corner B .
the member and causes a normal strain in the
cable of 0.0035 mm/mm, determine the
displacement of point D. Originally the cable
is unstretched.
Internal Forces
Internal Resultant Loadings
In mechanics of materials, statics is primarily used to determine the resultant loadings that act within a
Internal forces
Normal force, N. This force acts perpendicular to the area. It is
Internal Resultant Loadings developed whenever the external loads tend to push or pull on the
two segments of the body.
Find the internal loading acting at cross Find the maximum internal loading acting
Sign convention section at E. on AE
Internal Resultant Loadings Bending moment, M. The bending moment is caused by the external
loads that tend to bend the body about an axis lying within the plane
of the area.
Support Reactions.
Equations of Equilibrium.
Functional method for constructing
shear and moment diagrams
x Δx dV dM
=w =V
dx dx
(7)V E =V D −S wDE (w ↓)
- +
(8)V E =V D + S wDE (w ↓)
- +
(9) M E = M D + S VDE
- +
Start V A =0
Check V E =0 +
M A =0 -
M E =0 +
V - Check V
(10) V =9/ 8
V =V =1/8
D + -
wa + -
(2)V E =V E +7/8=0
(6)V C =V C =1/ 8
(2)V +A=9/ 8 (10)
(7)V E =V D −S wDE (w ↓)
- +
V E =1/ 8−1=−7/8
+ +
(2)V B =1/8 (4) M C =2/ 8
(3) M A=0
+ m n 1/8 a
(10) (9) M =10/8 m= =1/8 a n=7/8 a
1/8+7/ 8
(10) (9) M E- =0
M (10)
(9) M =M + S
+ V Check M
2 B A CD -
wa -
M =9/ 8 (9) M =3/8 (9) M =49/128 + -
B +
(3) M E =M E =0
(3) M +B = M B- M =3/ 8
Review problems The cable will fail when subjected to a tension of 2
Determine the internal normal force, shear force, kN. Determine the largest vertical load P the frame
and moment at points D and E in the overhang will support and calculate the internal normal force,
beam. Point D is located just to the left of the shear force, and moment at the cross section
roller support at B. through point C for this loading.
Review problems The shaft is supported at its ends by two bearings A and B and
is subjected to the forces applied to the pulleys fixed to the
Determine the resultant internal loadings shaft. Determine the resultant internal loadings acting on the
acting on the cross section at B of the pipe cross section located at point C. The journal bearings at A and
B exert only x and z components of force on the shaft.
Review problems
Draw V and M
Strength of Materials
P=10kN P=10kN
P=10kN P=10kN
P=10kN P=10kN
d0 = 26 mm
P=10kN P=10kN
Axle car
Surface forces
acting on small area
Surface forces
acting on narrow
Review: Equilibrium of a Deformable Body
Support Reactions.
If the support prevents translation in a given direction, then a force must be developed on the
member in that direction. Likewise, if rotation is prevented, a couple moment must be exerted
on the member .
Review: Equilibrium of a Deformable Body
Equations of Equilibrium.
vector equations
balance of forces
balance of moments
scalar form
B 300(N/m)×4(m)=1200N BC 1.52 22 2.5( m)
XA AC 1.5
sin 0.6
BC 2.5
Forces acting on BC => Axial load problem on BC
m A 1200 2 FBC sin 2 0
FBC 2000 N B
2 0.6
Find the reactive forces
Equations of Equilibrium.
m z M C 4 2 0
M C 6kNm
The two solid steel shafts shown in Fig. a are coupled together using the meshed gears.
Determine the tangential reaction between the gears.
Find the reactive forces
1800N 1350N
Show the FBD and Find the reactive forces A B
1800N 1350N
300 mm 450 mm 375 mm
Reactive forces
X X 0 A
X A 0
Y Y Y 1800 1350 0
YA 405kN
m 1800 300 YB 750 1350 1125 0 Y 2745kN
Normal strain
Hooke’s Law
N ( x)
Elastic Deformation σ= Hooke’s Law N ( x) dδx
A ( x) dδδ=
How to determine δ = displacement of one dδδ σ =E ( x) ϵ E ( x ) A( x )
point on the bar relative to the other point ϵ=
dδx L
N ( x) dδx
For the entire length L of the bar, δ =∫
0 E ( x ) A( x )
Shear stress
τ max = τ=
Example The pipe has an inner diameter of 80 mm and an outer
diameter of 100 mm. If its end is tightened against the
The shaft is supported by two bearings and is
support at A using a torque wrench at B, determine the
subjected to three torques. Determine the shear
shear stress developed in the material at the inner and
stress developed at points A and B, located at
outer walls along the central portion of the pipe when the
section a-a of the shaft
80-N forces are applied to the wrench.
Power Transmission 1 W = 1 N.m/s
1 Hp = 745.7 W
A solid steel shaft AB , shown in Fig., is to be used to transmit 3750 W
from the motor M to which it is attached. If the shaft rotates at ω = 175
rpm and the steel has an allowable shear stress of τallow = 100 MPa,
determine the required diameter of the shaft
The gears attached to the fixed-end steel shaft are subjected to the
torques shown in Fig. a . If the shear modulus of elasticity is 80 Gpa and
the shaft has a diameter of 14 mm, determine the displacement of the
tooth P on gear A . The shaft turns freely within the bearing at B .
dx dx T ( x)
d ϕ =γ ρ = τ ρ = dx
Gγ Gγ ( x ) I C ( x )
angle of twist T ( x)
ϕ =∫ dx
(rad) 0 Gγ ( x ) I C ( x )
Statically Indeterminate Torque-Loaded Members
The solid steel shaft has a diameter of 20 mm. If it is
subjected to the two torques, determine the reactions at
the fixed supports A and B .
Review problems
The two solid steel shafts are coupled together using the
meshed gears. Determine the angle of twist of end A of
shaft AB when the torque 45 Nm is applied. Take G to be
80 GPa. Shaft AB is free to rotate within bearings E and F,
whereas shaft DC is fixed at D. Each shaft has a diameter of
20 mm.
Combined loadings
Review of stress analyses Torsional moment T leads to:
Shear force
Shear V leads
force to:to:
V leads
Once the normal and shear stress components for each loading
have been calculated, use the principal of superposition to
determine the resultant normal and shear stress components.
A force of 15 kN is applied to the edge of the member
shown in Fig. a. Neglect the weight of the member
and determine the state of stress at points B and C.
The member shown in Fig. a has a rectangular
cross section. Determine the state of stress that
the loading produces at point C.