Riddles - Science
Riddles - Science
Riddles - Science
6. I hiss . I can be poisonous .
I am long . I have a forked tongue.
11. I am bbrown . I have a mane .
I like toe at zebras . I roar.
16. I can swim . I can´t fly . I eat fish . I am a
bird .
20.I can be hard or soft.You can put me on your
bread.Sometimes I have holes.
25. I am a tropical fruit . I have a rough orange
and Brown skin .
I have pointed leaves on top.
29. Many people think that I am a vegetable but
I am actually a fruit . People like to use me to
make spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce.
38. I´m small , black and yellow . I´ve got two
wings and six legs . I make honey.
(A tongue)