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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of

a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Cox’s Bazar International University

Faculty of Business Administration

Assignment Topic
Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality
Sector a study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Course Title: Knowledge Management

Course Code: HRM-5205

Submitted to:
ASM Saifur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Administration
Cox’s Bazar International University

Submitted by:
Bay of Bengal Group
Faculty of Business Administration
Cox’s Bazar International University

Date of Submission: 13th December, 2019

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 1
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Group Members Name

• Md. Mehedi Hasan (EMBA-11 Batch)

• ID No: 190111600105

• Md. Rasel Alam (EMBA-11 Batch)

• ID No: 190111600099

• Nor Mohammad (RMBA-09 Batch)

• ID No: 190092000088

• Senowara Begum (RMBA-09 Batch)

• ID No: 190092000085

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 2
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Letter of Transmittal
13th December, 2019

Farma Siddique
Faculty of Business Administration
Cox’s Bazar International University

Subject: To submit an assignment report on Human Resource Information System

Practice in Today Organization

Dear Madam,
This is to inform you that we have completed our assignment on “Human Resource
Information System Practice in Today Organization”. This report was assigned to us as a
partial requirement of the “Human Resource Information System”.

We came through many obstacles and enjoyable experiences while making the Assignment
Paper. In the coming years, the valuable experience we have gained while completing this
assignment will surely benefit us. This assignment paper has given us a prospect to apply our
views, ideas, and communication skills.

Here we tried our best to give an overview about the concept of menu planning. We also tried
to find out the topic questions and tried to recommend an outline to deal with this risk. We
can assure that the given information Paper is real and not imaginary is of academic interest.
We have tried sincerely and honestly to follow the given rules and convert our awareness and
knowledge in writing this report. We have worked significantly and enjoyed this project work
and gladly attend any of your calls to clarify points, if necessary.

In preparing this report we have followed the instructions of yours. We expect and appreciate
your cooperation and we hope you will call upon us with any arising information or queries
related to this assignment. We will be glad to clarify any discrepancy that may arise.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Group Leader (Signature)

Bay of Bengal Group
Faculty of Business Administration ______________________
Cox’s Bazar International University

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 3
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

At the beginning, we would like to carry and express our sincere gratitude to Almighty Allah
for giving us the mental strength & the physical ability to complete the given task based on
Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization within the given
time period. This assignment report is a buildup of many people’s endeavor and effort. So,
we would like to express sincere gratitude to each and every one who contributed us towards
preparing & making this assignment paper successful.

First of all, we would like to express our Sincere & Immense gratitude to our course teacher
Farha Siddique, Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration, Cox’s Bazar International
University. We are deeply indebted to her for whole hearted support to us during the
observation period. Her valuable information & supports helped us a lot to prepare the report
in a well-organized manner.

We understand that, the report may or will be considered as invalid if it is discovered or

found that this report is not our basic work and the contents, information and materials which
are provided are plagiarized or borrowed.

Group Leader (Signature)

Bay of Bengal Group
Faculty of Business Administration ______________________
Cox’s Bazar International University

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 4
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Fast changing markets, industries, and services require Relata Limited in Bangladesh
environments capable of constant adaptation with bright new ideas and reduced time-to-
market. Under these competitive reality, HRM has a more critical role than ever because new
forms of business require new ways of involving people.
Pharmaceuticals industries is one of the sector with high tech equipment and professionals
which have wide range of facilities of huge potential pharmaceuticals formulation which
creates the self-sufficiency in the economy. The prime focus of the Bangladesh government is
to minimize import dependency of basic drugs and improve manufacturing capability of active
pharmaceutical ingredients, base materials and other Allied industry inputs.
HR professionals must analyze social, economic, political-legal, and technological
environment opportunities to redesign HRM processes and practices that are key success
factors to the Relata Limited in Bangladesh mission and objectives.
To respond to these challenges, HRM has been forced to adopt new logics and most HR
managers must forget habits and ways of thinking and acting outdated. On the other hand,
they should help Relata Limited in Bangladesh to define their strategies and build programs
to develop their human capital.
In this context, information systems have increased the efficiency of HRM through more
effective recruitment methods, organizational communication, employee involvement, and
increased skills of HR managers. From there, human resource management areas must relate
human capital strategies to the most appropriate technological solutions. It means creating an
HR organization focused on interconnecting people with business strategy to achieve rapid
adaptation to changing needs common to people and business. These same needs begin to
make HR necessary.
However, not all HR professionals work in strategic HRM. Many still find themselves
pressured and seeing their time spent with day-to-day concerns. It is critical to get rid of the
administrative burden or at least to mitigate it, to optimize your time and your contribution to
the Relata Limited in Bangladesh.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 5
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Objective of the Study:

The objective of the report is to gather practical knowledge and experience about various HR
activities performed by the different sectors of HR Department using HRIS in Renata Limited
and how it has an effect on its organizational performance.
This study attempts to pursue the following tasks:
 To get a brief view about HRIS, how it helps HR division and its operation, understand
the HR function done through it and the impact on organizational performance.
 To understand how satisfied employees are with the current HRIS system with some
changes in HR policies.
 To know effectiveness of the HR policies and how much benefits employee are getting.
 To identify the pitfalls in the existing system and recommend some changes that
could be increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
 How HRIS gives a new dimension in strategic activities of Renata limited and its
competitive position.
Scope of the Study:
Pharmaceutical industry is currently one of the leading business sectors of Bangladesh. In
past two decades it has seen tremendous growth in term of business profit and efficiency.
Renata limited being part of this growing industry is one of leading pharmaceutical
organization of our county. Preparation of this report gave an in depth idea about how this
company is maintaining their HRIS System for a better management. This report is a sum of
my 3 months of experience with the organization and their HR division. It was a privilege to
practically working with the HR team and learns about their organization and how they are
regulating their activities.
Limitations of the Study:
Time constraint
Time constraint was one of the major drawbacks while doing this report. As my focus was on
understanding the different aspects of the HRIS and how influencing it is for the organization
performance, I needed more time for the observation. Moreover I had to be busy with my
assigned work and official activities. Also due to a comparatively short period of time I believe
that I did not have enough time to conduct more in-depth observation and gather more
knowledge and data before working on this report.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 6
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Confidentiality of sensitive information

Due to many of the information regarding the organization structure and the product itself were
confidential and secretive, there might be some information gap left in the report at some
Lack of knowledge for corporate world
Lack of in depth knowledge regarding the real world corporate activities was one of the biggest
limitations while doing this report. It took some time for me to adapt with the new environment
and get adjust to the daily work schedule.
Industry Overview:
Renata Limited (formerly Pfizer Laboratories (Bangladesh) Limited) is one of the top 10
market player in term of revenues and market share. Renata basically manufactures and
marketing the human pharmaceuticals and animal health products and their lion share of
income comes from it. They are also engaged in animal therapeutics and nutrition products
manufacturing. Renata currently employs more than 5000 employee in the organization who
are working in their three manufacturing sites in Mirpur, Rajendrapur and Bhaluka.
In 1972 it has started its journey as a foreign company Pfizer (Bangladesh) Limited and proved
service for 21 years. As one of the subsidiary of Pfizer Corporation, it serves for two decades
however in late 1990s Pfizer had shifted its focus from formulations to research. This
transformation divested their attention and interest from many countries including Bangladesh.
The situation leaded to transfer of ownership and Pfizer transferred the ownership of its
Bangladesh operations to local shareholders, and the name of the company was changed to
Renata Limited. Renata ltd is manufacturing about 300 generic pharmaceutical products
including hormones, contraceptives, anti-cancer drugs, oral preparations, cephalosporin,
parenteral preparations as well as other conventional drugs. In addition, they are also
producing about 95 animal therapeutics and nutrition products. Renata Limited and BRAC
one of the leading NGO get an aid of US$2.9 million from GAIN (The Global Alliance for
Improved Nutrition) to develop and operate an innovative business model to produce and
deliver multi-nutrient powders to vulnerable infants in Bangladesh.
Company Profiles:
Under the Companies Act 1913, Pfizer Laboratories (Bangladesh) first started its journey as a
public limited company in 1972. On 12 May, 1979 it was listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange.
Subsequently, the company was renamed as Renata Limited in 1993. The corporate head office
of the Company is situated at Plot # 1, Milk Vita Road, Section-7, Mirpur, and Dhaka - 1216.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 7
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Our Vision & Mission:

To establish Renata permanently among the best of innovative branded generic companies.
To provide maximum value to our customers, shareholders, colleagues, and communities
where we live and work.
Approach to quality
The endurance of a company’s reputation depends upon the quality of work it does rather than
the quality. Hence, the appreciation of quality must be instinctive, and our commitment to
quality must be total.
Our Corporate Values:
The values the organization abides are:
 Customer Focus: Customer satisfaction is the main reason behind all our activities.
 Integrity: We conform to the highest ethical standards.
 Social Responsibility: We make active efforts to improve the welfare of our
 Building Leaders: Renata cannot grow without leadership in all spheres of our
activities. Therefore creating leaders is a key priority.
 The Corporate Family: We recognize that people are the cornerstone of Renata’s
success. We are one big family where each of us expects to be treated fairly and with
Corporate Social Responsibility:
The main focus of corporate social responsibility of Renata is caring for the employees,
assisting disadvantaged members of our society, and building a sustainable community and
environment. This includes:
Healthcare for employees and their families: The Renata health program covers all
permanent employees, their spouses, and children. This comprehensive program includes
surgery, hospitalization, as well as routine doctor visits.
Support to charitable organizations: JAAGO Foundation is a non-profit organization that
works to provide education to children from socially and economically disadvantaged

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 8
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Scholarship for meritorious students: HOPES (Helping Organization for Promising and
Energetic Students) runs a scholarship program for meritorious students. Renata Limited
sponsored students for studying medicine under the aegis of this program.
Women’s empowerment: In 2015, Wasfia Nazreen became the first Bangladeshi to scale all
the seven summits. Earlier, Renata supported her expeditions to Mount Elbrus and Everest.
Carstenz Pyramid, the final climb of her seven summits expedition was also sponsored by
Financial assistance to ex-employee and their families: From time to time Renata Limited
provided financial assistance to ex-employees and their children.
Financial Trend:

Turnover (Net)
Turnover (Net)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure (a): Turnover (net)

Gross Profit


Turnover (Net)


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure (b): Gross Profit (net)

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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019





Figure (c): Non-Profit





Axis Title





2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Dividend 200 300 400 500 600 700

Figure (d): Dividend

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 10
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Human Resource Information System (HRIS):

Human resource information system is a software solution which is a blessing for Relata
Limited in Bangladesh that help to automate and manage their HR activities. It improve the
capability of the human resource department to more effectively plan, control and manage
HR cost, achieve improved efficiency and the quality HR works. It also helps in decision
making which improve productivity of employee and managerial works. It is designed to
integrate with database to enrich the flexibility with comprehensive array of features and
powerful reporting functions and analysis capabilities that are important to manage
workforce. It is important to choose right system which customize to meet Relata Limited in
Bangladesh specific and unique needs and will grow with the Relata Limited in Bangladesh.
Practice of HRIS:
The journey of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) can be traced back to the 1950s
and 1960s when the first automated payroll system was introduced. Back then, with the
increasing importance of Information Technology (IT) applications in Human Resource
(HR), the functioning of HR department has been undergoing a radical change in strategic
HR decision making. During the 1990s, extensive studies were undertaken on the advantages
of introducing HRIS in a Relata Limited in Bangladesh and its influence on the overall
human resource strategies and business planning. Now, it is confined to not only the
administrative milieu but changed to an academic content so that future human resources can
get a strong base of early learning.
So, the concept 'HRIS' is a systematic, customized and integrated software solution designed
for storing data and information about the human resources of an Relata Limited in
Bangladesh regarding the performance of the people, processes and key Relata Limited in
Bangladesh strategies by automating key HR processes like employee profile, absence report,
salary administration, recruitment, training, manpower planning, performance appraisal and
job analysis & design.
The application of HRIS is widespread but in comparison the scope of learning is limited. So,
it is the high time to introduce the HRIS course in academic learning. Some institutions are
running this course for Human Resource Management (HRM) major graduates only.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 11
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Importance of HRIS:
HRIS can give back hours of the HR administrator’s day that was previously spent attending
to routine employee requests. By implementing HRIS solution it make HRD more efficient. It
is not wise to use your HR to be the dusty repository of info locked in the filling cabinet that is
not transform into relevant data. Despite working as record keeper HR can use in more planning
and leadership strategy.
Helps to make a better decision: To be a leading business it is necessary to make
better decision which hinges on the right people getting access to proper information at
the exact moment that needed. As relay of decision making workforce are involve and
this is important to know who works in the Relata Limited in Bangladesh, what are
the skills they have, what unique skills they bring in the plan, benefit cost, how they
can be an asset that can contribute in the success of the Relata Limited in Bangladesh.
Enrich communication process: HRIS is also a communication process and saves
paper by providing an easily-accessible, centralized location for company policies,
announcements, and links to external URL’s. Employee activities such as time-off
requests and W-4 form changes can be automated, resulting in faster approvals and less
Comprehensive Solution: HRIS is a comprehensive solution where enter
information only once for many HR-related employee tasks and similarly need to
update only one place when employee information changes can be automated,
resulting in faster approvals and less paperwork.
Comprehensive Solution: HRIS is a comprehensive solution where enter
information only once for many HR-related employee tasks and similarly need to
update only one place when employee information changes.
Integration of data: HRIS gives wings in different parts of the system which create an
easiest bridge and can ‘talk to each other’ allowing more meaningful reporting and
analysis capabilities, including internal evaluations and audits and preparation of data
for outsiders.
Accuracy: The rate of accuracy increases as the data are updates regular basis,
employee can check it and make request if any changes are needed.
Self-service: HRIS itself serve as a great timesaver for HR. Employees may enter the
system to change data (for example, change their own addresses) and managers and
supervisors may enter the system to enter data (for example, performance reviews) or

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 12
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

to retrieve data without bothering HR. Even making application are lots of easier and
hazard free.
Automated reminders: Systems can schedule events, such as performance appraisals
and benefit deadlines, automatically notifying and nudging if actions have not been
Hosting of company-related documents: HRIS system can host such materials as
employee handbooks, procedures, and safety guidelines. The materials are easily
updated in one place.
Benefits administration: This includes enrollment, notices, changes, and reporting.
Recruiting management: That includes applicant tracking, management, and

Integration of HRIS and HRMS:

To win in the competitive business field it is necessary to make the combination of HRIS and
HRMS so to do so most current HR systems combine functionality of HRMS and HRIS. The
best human resources software and applications will streamline HRMS and HRIS tasks into
one robust system which allows users to take care of all the necessary HR tasks with a few
simple keystrokes because of the robust capabilities of this cloud delivered solution. To track
and manage at a variety of levels from individual to department to business units up to
company-wide this solution gives advance reporting capabilities. The combined power of
HRMS and HRIS in recruitment gives a real-time collaboration functions so that data can be
accessed with pre-set permissions by the manager that needs it, when they need it, without
involving an HR gatekeeper.

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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Functions of HRMS Systems:

The function of the human resources department input a long time in tracking employee
histories, skills, abilities, salaries, and accomplishments. Replacing certain processes with
various levels of HRMS systems can distribute information management responsibilities so
that the bulk of information gathering is not delegated strictly to HR. By allowing employees
to update personal information and perform other tasks that makes information more accurate
and HR professionals are not impeded. Each module performs a separate function within the
HRMS that helps with information gathering or tracking.
HRMS modules functions are:
 Managing payroll
 Recruitment and onboarding
 Gathering, storing, and accessing employee information
 Keeping attendance records and tracking absenteeism
 Performance evaluation
 Training and development
 Benefits administration
 Learning management
 Employee self-service
 Employee scheduling
 Analytics and informed decision making
Cost and Benefits of HRIS
Investing in an HRMS system, integrated with performance management, learning &
training, tools for decision support, self-service portals and more is an investment in the most
important asset of the RLBD its employees. The return on the investment in employees can
turn a struggling RLBD into a winner. Beckers & Bsat (2002) indicates five factor to install
HRIS system in a RLBD.
HRIS improve competitiveness through developing and enhancing HR practices.
Generate or create a greater number and variety of HRM reports.
Shift the focus of HR to strategies human resource management.
HRM makes employees part of HRIS.
Reengineering the entire HRM\personnel department\section of RLBD.

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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Empress HRIS:
Now comes the full fledge HR software where mainly whole HR activities runs. The software
for human resource information system is basically known as human resource management
system for RLBD and they name it empress which is developed by a local vendor. Regular
HR operational tasks are done through it. Through the application of this software RLBD tracks
and manages its workforce information which gives HR professionals a better analyze over
workforce staffing, productivity and come up with a better management design. This is the core
HR function software.
Analysis on the usage of Empress HRIS in RLBD:
As a part of my project I will focus on the Empress HRIS the full fledge HR software and how
it gives the HR professional in RLBD head office a new dimension of working process In the
HRIS they include many HR component.
The major function are given below:

Figure: Major functions of EMPRESS HRIS solution

Employee Management:
RLBD has fully automated HRIS system where all the information about an employee from
the start to end were kept in records. The employee of human resource department can enter
new data, modify previous data and enquire previous data. This is very sensitive issue so the
person needs to be careful when entering every data. Employee management documents are
provided. I have managed almost 1500 employee’s personal information through human
resource management system. Through this system RLBD manages employee basic and
personal information, beneficiary and other facilities:

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 15
Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

File index management

Personal Information
Address, contact information and emergency contact
Education and employee skills
Training details and professional certification
Employment history
Promotion/ Increment and Other Changes
Field force mapping
Attendance Management:
HRD fully monitors attendance management through biometric process. An attendance card
is tagged against each employee ID. When an employee joins assign HR takes their finger
print in the device and introduce it in the back-end. Through finger key access each and every
employee needs to press while enter and out from the office. As per policy of RLBD office
time is form 8.30 am to 5.00 pm and employee need arrive office on time and when they
enter the office and punch the finger entry time recorded automatically and attendance report
will show in the employee account. Same as the entry time when they punch out time
automatically recorded and overtime also recorded in the account if there are any. HRD
regularly tracks the attendance process and do adjust if requires and make repots of the
A screenshot of attendance management of HRD is given below:
Attendance date and time schedule:
Individual daily Attendance
Monthly Attendance:
Attendance adjustment:
Outstation application:
Leave Management:
HRD manages all the leave records and leave sanction as per service policy. In employee
account there is section where the amount of days that employee can spend as they need during
service year and remaining leave balance are recorded. A screenshot of that provided below:
Types of leave
Privilege Leave
Sick Leave

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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Casual Leave
Maternity Leave
Leave without pay
Special Sick leave
Casual and sick leave
Training Management:
As training history are recorded in every employees profile and HR personal can see the
summary of that such as who is getting which training, the start and end time. It facilitates the
training need analysis. For every organization employee development is long term assets which
can achieve through proper training and education. After need analysis they arrange needed
training for employees. Some of the training programs are MS excel training, NLP training,
Celebrity meet, ERP and Empress software usage training, micro consultant training, SCM
training, HR Labor law, stress management training etc. All the training schedule and document
are record and prepared by HRD.
Recruitment Management:
The whole recruitment management facilitate through HRMS. All the new and replacement as
well as internal recruitment are handle through it. All applicant related information are recorded
in software and managing CV, any expertise and experience related document easy through it.
HR personal enter all the document in the database and save it. The process is shown in
Appendix C. It facilitate making assessment paper of recruitment and others.
Vehicle Management:
RLBD provides personal cars to all employees with the grade manager II and above, for their
use while they are employed at the company. Company also offer pool services to its
permanent employees with the grade officer and above up to senior additional manager. Based
on the vehicle availability, employees may avail van pool with pick and drop, second lift and
sixth day pick and drop services which are only avail for employees who are not reside in
immediate area (north Mirpur 10 circle through Mirpur 12).
Pick and drop service: Eligible employee picked near their home at designated pick up
locations. They will also be drop at the same location at the end of the schedule time.
Site Name Reporting time Ending time Second Lift Time
Head Office 8.30 am 5.00 pm 7.30 pm
Mirpur Plant 8.00 am 5.00 pm 7.30 pm & 9.30 pm
Rajendrapur Plant 8.00 am 4.30 pm 7.30 pm & 9.30 pm

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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Employees are notified earlier by HR respondent through mail about the time, vehicle and the
chauffer. Vehicle will be at the designated place to pick up at the exact time and for drop off it
leave RLBD premises 10 minutes after the site specific ending time.
Sixth day pick and drop services also available for employees for the sixth working day.
Employee who wishes to avail this service needs to apply for vehicle requisition for sixth day
in vehicle section and it will automatically go to department in charge and HRD for approvals.
After getting approval HR personnel tag the vehicle id, driver name and contact and start and
end time.
New Applicants: New employee can apply for the vehicle requisition through his empress
employee account. In vehicle section there is an option available ‘vehicle requisition’ after
clicking it they will find new applicant option.
Second lift: Second lift is provided for employee who stays past official working hours. For
second lift employee from their employee account goes to vehicle section request for the
second lift with time and location that goes to HR respondents. HR respondent then tags the
vehicle id, driver name and contact, date and time for the employee and notify them.
Route change: For any changes in pick and drop services employee must need to fill vehicle
route change in vehicle section and apply for it. It will go to head of department and HRD for
approvals. After getting the application HR personnel will check the seat availability and he
will notify whether it is accepted or not within 1 week of submitting the form
Official use of vehicle within Dhaka city and out of Dhaka city: Pool service are also
available for official use of within and out of Dhaka city on working days from the hours 9.30
am to 4.00 pm for head office and from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm for plant. For that employees
need to apply for vehicle requisition of official use of vehicle within Dhaka city or out of
Dhaka city. After applying it goes for the department in charge approval then goes to HRD
for approvals. HR personnel will requisite it and tag the information and notify the employee.
Driver Setting: All the driver information along with valid documents are registered in
software as well as the information summary. Here, driver id, name, assign vehicle no,
contact information, emergency information, location, blood group, driving license, expire
date and type of license all are recorded. So it is easy for HR personnel to tag the information
in time of requisition.

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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

Expense and Reimbursement: In this section of vehicle management all the expense and
reimbursement are recorded. While assign HR personnel inputs the vehicle no. all the
information related to it comes up then he records all the expenses and reimbursements by
inputting the dates. He inputs the expenses for gas, octane, servicing, tire, denting and
painting, general maintenance, battery, Parking, toll and others per vehicle and makes the
total amount of expenses. He also updates all the bill paper in software.
The most important part to discuss is the findings in this RLBD. It was my first ever
encounter with the corporate world so my observation might lack precision in identifying the
problems which might not be an actual problem in the context of regular corporate
environment. Regarding this report I have interviewed our Senior Deputy Manager of HRD
Mr. Md. Fuad Hasan Lotus who is in charge in designing the whole HRIS with his HR team
and Senior Assistant manager Jansher –Al- Sabah Khan who is also part of the team.
Also for getting the proper scenario of the implication of HRIS in RLBD I have conducted a
survey where employees from various departments of RLBD participated.
According to Mr. Md. Fuad Hasan Lotus, Senior Deputy Manager, and Human
Resource Division, Corporate Headquarters, and RLBD.
Initially it is a huge challenge to setup this software when three other software are in parallel
running. Before this software the organization had Oracle to run their entire organization
information system. It was really an effective and hi tech software that made the organization
more efficient. But in the existing ERP suite there was no access for employee personal
database management system. To ensure that employee has better access to their personal
information and requirements this EMPRESS software is launched along with ERP system. It
is also a huge task to match the existing database with Empress Solution. As they also introduce
the self-service, it is mandatory to ensure the data accuracy unless it will create hazard situation
between HR and other employees. Furthermore, the biggest challenge is to convince the end
user because there is a reluctance among personnel to go completely online. It also acquired a
great amount of time and effort to design a totally new software and customize it. This software
developed on several phrases and coherent multiple plan. Sometimes they need to change the
whole plan and start from the beginning and make another plan. There were many policy and
culture barrier which initially effects the design. Many senior officers were reluctant to this
changes. This cultural shift is a huge barrier and overcome it is a huge challenge for the HRD.

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Assignment Topics: Human Resource Information System Practice in Today Organization of
a study on Relata Limited in Bangladesh

According to Mr. Jansher –Al- Sabah Khan, Senior Assistant Manager, Human
Resource Division, Corporate Headquarters, RLBD
First steps towards a change itself is a challenge. As it is a software solution sometimes bug
occurs, sometimes a new technical difficulties comes and it halts the working process. He also
added that communication and make employees understand the benefits of the system is a
challenge. Sometimes they resist towards the change and also company policy creates some
barriers. Furthermore he added that when they started to manage through HRIS some did not
want to use it for instance, they did not want to go through process of vehicle requisition, when
they introduce attendance management some employees are reluctant as everything goes on
record, shows late, early leaving. Gradually they understand long term gaining when HRD
arranged some session with them, make them understand whole policy and others. In some
cases resources are limited so as manpower for instance vehicle requisition but the demand is
more so HRD need to decline those request which leads to some clashes. There is a constraint
in budget whereas the application that need to be added are vast so they need to execute the
whole plan within the budget. Lastly, he mentioned that they are still working to make this
software more automated and stable.
Findings & Analysis:
To get the proper scenario how the employees adapt the HRIS and how the self-service system
work for them, I have made a questionnaire and get the response from the employees of
As HRD makes some changes in current HR policies, do you think it is sufficient for the

As HRD makes some changes in current HR policies, do you think it is

sufficient for the employees?

As HRD makes some changes in current HR policies, do you think it is sufficient for the employees?

About 85% are satisfies with the current HR policies.

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Do they follow international HR standards?

Do they follow international HR standards?



According to the questionnaire survey 65% answered positively about their following
international standard.

Does the current management make you satisfy?

Does the current management make you



Other Almost
Yes 15% 15%

Yes No Almost

According to the response 80% are satisfied whereas 5% response negatively and 15% are
almost satisfy.

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Do you think the software is efficiently working for the employees?





According to the response 85% thinks it is efficiently working

Are you comfortable while using current information system?

Are you comfortable while using current

information system?




Yes No Little Difficulties

75% employees answer positively where as 18% are having some difficulties

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Do you thing this information system is standard in this competitive field?

Do you thing this information system is standard in

this competitive field?
Do you thing this information system is standard in this competitive field?



Yes No

Around 80% thinks it is standard for the competitive field

Our Observation:
RLBD HR organizes regular training session for the employees to ensure employee
development which is a very positive side of the RLBD as well as for the employees.
Every month the RLBD organizes celebrity training session where the Sales force
employees gets the opportunity to share their thoughts and struggles with the guest
and the guest also shares their real life experience which not only motivates them
rather helps them in the long run.
The existing Oracle based ERP which is implemented in the RLBD is a very broad
software where there is no free access for every employees. So that it was not possible
to provide different HR supports to every employees through this ERP system.
As the Empress HRIS software is still in the finalization stage, while working I faced
many technical issues. But the upside of this situation is through this occurrence the
organization could know where the problem is in the software and immediate
measures can be taken to solve the bugs in the software.
The Empress HRIS (Human Resource Information System) software is accessible
only for the employee of Officer and above level. For security measures this software
can only be used in the RLBD Network only. Employee cannot use the software in
open network.

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In the existing Oracle based ERP system the end users didn’t have the access to their
personal management system. The employees had to contact the concerned authority
manually or through over phone to know about their leave, attendance, vehicle
information and other regular information. This was a lengthy, time and resource
consuming process.
Sometimes there are mismatch of information provided from the employees end in the
documents that are provided. Sometimes the information doesn’t match with the
supporting documents or there are no information at all. These created hindrance and
confusion while working thus slowing down the other process.
As this organization is operating for a long time there have been many changes and
updates being made in the employee information system. While updating the new
software there were many information boxes that requires to be filled up however as
they were not necessary in the past, many employee didn’t have it. So Due to the
change of Employee Information format over the time there are mismatch in the
provided information and present scenario.
The confusion with information happened due to lack of supervision from the
divisional end. There are some certain documents an employee needs to provide at the
time of joining. It is the duty of the concerned authority to ensure that the employee is
providing the necessary documents and information given in those documents are
Though this organization is being operating for very long time they were not equipped
with the job descriptions which was affecting the organization’s efficiency in growing
the business and mapping the responsibilities of different employees in the long run.
Human Resources Division has introduced the Role Profile Project to make the
organizational procedures more structured as well as mapping the RLBD works,
responsibilities, requirements and competencies. The idea of maintaining role profile is
relatively new in this RLBD context, so this is very difficult to merge all the old and
raw data and unstructured job descriptions in to the new role profile format.
While doing role profiling I came across some role profile where the job responsibility
doesn’t align with the required job skills or knowledge. If necessary initiatives is not
taken this can create complexity in the future.
Too much usage of papers is taking up lots of space, resource and expenditure.

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Effect on organization performance

The effect of HR practice on RLBD practice is a much talked about and one of the most
important aspect of Human Resource Management Theory. In an organization different HR
activity has different kinds of impact on the organization performance. During my 3 months
tenure in the RLBD we have observed different activity that has very positive impact on the
organization employee management system With the help of this HRIS software the
organization can have better access to the employee management which will help the
organization to analyze their performance and give feedback on that. From employee end, the
employee can access their personal information’s by their own portal which they couldn’t
have done earlier. They can easily check their attendance, apply for leave or vehicle
requisition directly through the software. These will save them from unnecessary waste of time
and paper work. They won’t be needed to leave their work and go to the concerned personnel
to ask for their basic information. This step will motivate the employee as they will feel
empowered and more connected to the RLBD. This will also have a positive impact on the
organization as the employee will feel that RLBD is thinking about their comfort and ease.
This will make employee satisfied with the RLBD thus leaving a positive mindset on
employee which will in the long run increase the RLBD performance. Role profiling of
employee is another important aspect that we have observed in this RLBD which has
immense positive impact on RLBD performance. Having a role profile helps the organization
to evaluate employee performance. It also helps the employee to know what is expected from
them and what are their responsibilities and their KPI. This enhances employee performance
thus increasing the RLBD overall performance.
Training is also a huge part of HR activities and employee enhancement. RLBD regularly
arrange many training session to enhance their employee skills and advancement. In this
competitive era of business scenarios are constantly changing. It is necessary to stay up to
date with the newest culture and technology. Training sessions help the employee to do so
and it helps to enhance the RLBD performance.

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Here in this part, we came up with the following recommendations that might help RLBD to
increase their efficiency and make the RLBD more structured and stronger.
The end user should be given necessary access so that they can have better access to
their personal management system. It will make them feel authorized and important to
the RLBD.
Regular follow up of the software will help to maintain the efficiency and achieve the
project vision.
As the both of the software is running simultaneously, the RLBD should arrange more
training sessions for the employee to have better knowledge on the software.
The management should give more focus on employee advancement training along
with training on system. The technological side is ever changing and to sustain in this
competitive era, it is necessary for the employee to have enough competency.
Management should ensure proper supervision of employee information record
system. The supervisors should be more careful about the documents employee is
providing and the information that it carries.
The job profile needs to be more up to dated and the employee should have a clear
knowledge about it. On occurrence of any major change in the duties and
responsibilities, the employee must be informed and trained.
The organization is now focusing on the structured role profile of the employee which is
a very good step in increasing RLBD efficiency. It needs to be ensured that the job
responsibility is matching the employee caliber and skills.
The role profile should align with the required set of skills and knowledge a particular
position demands.
The RLBD is heading towards the go green concept of management. They should take
more measures like this to lessen the usage of paper than before.
It would be really beneficial if the RLBD introduces a different talent management
department under HR division. The HR division has different aspects of duties to
fulfill beside the basic recruitment and selection process. If there is a different
department, it can provide its entire focus on hiring and retaining talents for the

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For any RLBD HRM is an enormous and imperative part. The proper implementation of the
HR practices and activities helps the RLBD in the long run by increasing employee
performance that is why RLBD always gives high priority in the overall HRM practices.
The proper implementation of the HR practices and activities helps the RLBD in the long run
by increasing employee performance. HRIS (Human resource information system) plays a
dynamic part, when it comes to the total performance of the RLBD. Investing in a HRIS that
harmonize with the RLBD goals, objectives and values is the investment of its long term
goals, profit and success. It is link with the advancement of the employees and employee
advancement has the direct impact on RLBD performance. It is necessary to focus on
employee betterment so that they are competent enough. Moreover, if organization focuses
on employee betterment, employee will feel more connected to the RLBD thus having a
positive impact on their performance which will in future enhance RLBD performance and
HRIS is adding values to achieve it.

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 Appendix A: Employee management forms
 Appendix B: Employee employment history
 Appendix C: Recruitment management
Questionnaire for end user (RLBD Employees from head office)
As HR makes some changes in current HR policies, do you think it is sufficient for
the employees?
Do they follow international HR standards?
Does the current management make you satisfy?
Do you think the software is efficiently working for the employees?
Are you comfortable while using current information system?
Do you thing this information system is standard in this competitive field?

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