YMCA Development Center, 1/1 Pioneer Road,
Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
[Hygiene Material]
Issued Ref.: BLAST/Admin/762/0820
Issued On: 5, August, 2020
1. Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) has been allocated
funds and intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the Contract for which this
Quotation Document is issued.
2. The Quotation shall be prepared and submitted using the ‘RFQ Document’.
3. The Quotation shall be completed properly, duly signed and dated on each page by the authorized signatory
and submitted by the date stated to the address as specified in Para 5 below.
4. Securities such as Quotation Security (i.e. the traditionally termed Earnest Money, Tender Security) and
Performance Security maybe required for submission of the Quotation and delivery of the Goods (if awarded)
5. Quotations shall be made through electronic mail in a single pdf file and shall be submitted to
purchase@blast.org.bd or send hard copy to BLAST Head Office, 3rd Floor, YMCA Bhaban, Kakril,
Dhaka 1000 on or before 12, August, 2020,03:00 PM. Quotations received later than the time specified
herein shall not be accepted.
6. Quotations shall be received through electronic mail in a single pdf file by the Purchaser duly marked as stated
in Para 5 above and all Quotations thus received shall be sent to the Evaluation Committee for evaluation by
the same date of closing the Quotation.
7. The Purchaser may extend the deadline for submission of Quotations on justifiably acceptable grounds duly
recorded subject to a threshold of ten (10) days.
8. All Quotations must be valid for a period of at least sixty (60) days from the closing date of the Quotation.
9. No public opening of Quotations received by the closing date shall be held.
10. The Quotationer’s rates or prices shall be inclusive of profit, transportation cost and overhead and, all kinds of
taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other charges to be paid under the Applicable Law, if the Contract is awarded.
11. Rates shall be quoted and, subsequent payments under this Contract shall be made in BDT. The price offered
by the Quotationer/Tenderer, if accepted shall remain fixed for the duration of the Contract.
12. Tender security issued by any scheduled bank, 3% of the total quoted value on each lot to be submitted by the
quotationer/tenderer in the form of pay order or DD in favor of “Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services
Trust”.Any unsuccessful Tenderer’s Tender Security will be discharged or returned as soon as possible. The
Tender Security of the successful Tenderer will be discharged upon the Tenderer’s furnishing of the
performance security and signing of the Agreement/Purchase Order/Contract. Tender security may be forfeited
if successful tenderers/quotationers refuse to accept a signing the Agreement/Purchase Order/Contract or fail to
furnish Performance Security.
13. One Quotationer is allowed to participate in all seven lots or less under the name of one
organisation/proprietorship as desire. The Quotationer must quote all items in a lot; failure to quote all items in
single lot will found non-responsive.
14. The Quotationer shall have the legal capacity to enter into a contract. The Quotationer, in support of its
qualifications, shall be required to submit scanned copies of the latest documents related to
a) Valid Trade License,
b) Tax Identification Number (TIN),
c) VAT Registration Number,
d) Bank Solvency Certificate/Bank statement (most recent 6 months),
e) Minimum 2 years of general experience (purchase orders/contract agreement before July, 2018) and
experience in supplying similar goods may get priority (Purchase orders/contract agreement),
f) Tender Security (3%) on each lot,
without which the Quotation may be considered non-responsive.
15. Quotations shall be evaluated by the organisation’s Procurement Evaluation Committee based on information
and documents submitted with the Quotations and in connection with the BLAST Procurement Guidelines
2018. Quotations will be evaluated based on each lot; one vendor may be awarded for a maximum 2 lots. .
If a particular Vendor offers the lowest quotations for more than two Lots, BLAST will award the contract to
that vendor for those two specific Lots, combination of which will provide maximum benefit to BLAST
considering the award of contracts for all the Lots.
16. Hygiene Materials will be delivered in a total of 15 districts on the basis of regional zones for each lot – see
Appendix 1.
17. In the case of anomalies between unit rates or prices and the total amount quoted, the unit rates or prices shall
prevail. In case of discrepancy between words and figures the former will govern. The Quotationer shall
remain bound to accept the arithmetic corrections made by the Evaluation Committee.
18. The supply of goods and related services shall be completed within 10 days from the date of issuing the
Purchase Order.
19. The Purchase Order that constitutes the contract binding upon the Supplier and the Purchaser shall be issued
within three (3) days of receipt of approval from the Approving Authority.
20. The Purchaser reserves the right to reject all the Quotations or annul the procurement proceedings.
1. Notice Board.
2. Office File
Quotation Submission Letter
Md. Amzad Hossain
Deputy Director, Finance, BLAST
YMCA Development Center, 1/1 Pioneer Road,
Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
I/We, the undersigned, offer to execute in conformity with the Terms and Conditions for delivery of the Goods and
related services named [Hygiene Material], Lot No:……….
My/Our Quotation shall remain valid for the period stated in the RFQ Document and it shall remain binding upon
us and may be accepted at any time prior to the expiration of its validity period.
I/We declare that I/we have the legal capacity to enter into a contract with you, and have not been declared
ineligible by the Government of Bangladesh on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices. Furthermore, I/we am/are aware of para 18 of the Terms and Conditions and pledge not to indulge in
such practices in competing for or completion of delivery of Goods.
I/We am/are not submitting more than one Quotation in this RFQ process in my/our own name or other name or in
different names. I/We understand that the Purchase Order issued by you shall constitute the Contract and will be
binding upon me/us.
I/We have examined and have no reservations to the RFQ Document issued by you on [insert date.......................]
I/We understand that you reserve the right to reject all the Quotations or annul the procurement proceedings
without incurring any liability to me/us.
Price Schedule for Goods and Related Services
Issued Ref.: BLAST/Admin/762/0820
Issued On: 8 August, 2020
Lot Unit Price
Total Price
Sl. Including
Description of Goods Unit Qty Including VAT &
No. VAT & IT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
01 Soaps - Germ killing Soap Bar Pcs 1464
(without glycerin ) Size: 150 gram
02 Hand sanitizers- Size: 200 ml Pcs 985
03 Disinfected 2 in one mechanical Pcs 10
spray machines- 18 litre capacity,
spray in both manually and
2 automatically, Body: Hard Plastic,
Nozzle: yes, Handle: Yes,
Charger: Yes, pressure release
valve, Working Pressure : 0.25-
04 HTH chlorine disinfected Pcs 10
(Bleaching Powder)-
Size: 40 KG Dram
Grand Total (BDT)
Total BDT in word (Including VAT & IT):
Lot Unit Price
Total Price
Sl. Including
Description of Goods Unit Qty Including VAT &
No. VAT & IT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
01 Soaps - Germ killing Soap Bar Pcs 2152
(without glycerin ) Size: 150 gram
02 Hand sanitizers- Size: 200 ml Pcs 1170
03 Disinfected 2 in one mechanical Pcs 14
spray machines- 18 litter capacity,
spray in both manually and
4 automatically, Body: Hard Plastic,
Nozzle: yes, Handle: Yes,
Charger: Yes, pressure release
valve, Working Pressure : 0.25-
04 HTH chlorine disinfected Pcs 14
(Bleaching Powder)-
Size: 40 KG Dram
Grand Total (BDT)
Total BDT in word (Including VAT & IT):
Lot Unit Price
Total Price
Sl. Including
Description of Goods Unit Qty Including VAT &
No. VAT & IT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
01 Soaps - Germ killing Soap Bar Pcs 776
(without glycerine) Size: 150 gram
02 Hand sanitizers- Size: 200 ml Pcs 470
03 Disinfected 2 in one mechanical Pcs 6
spray machines- 18 litre capacity,
spray in both manually and
6 automatically, Body: Hard Plastic,
Nozzle: yes, Handle: Yes,
Charger: Yes, pressure release
valve, Working Pressure : 0.25-
04 HTH chlorine disinfected Pcs 6
(Bleaching Powder)-
Size: 40 KG Dram
Grand Total (BDT)
Total BDT in word (Including VAT & IT):
Goods to be supplied to As per Appendix 1and 2
Delivery Offered [...........days] from the date of issuing purchase order
[Insert number] number corrections made by me/us have been duly initialed in this Price Schedule. My/Our
Offer is valid until ……………. [insert Quotation Validity date].
1. Cols. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5to be filled in by the Purchaser and Cols. 6&7 by the Quotationer.
2. Rates or Prices shall include profit and overhead and, all kinds of taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other charges earlier paid or to
be paid under the Applicable Law, if the Contract is awarded; including transportation, insurance etc. whatsoever up to the
point of delivery of goods and related services in all respects to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.
Technical Specification of the Goods Required
Issued Ref.: BLAST/Admin/762/0820
Issued On: 8 August, 2020
Lot No:...............
Sl. Technical Specification and Standards for required Full Technical Specification
No. goods and related services and Standards offered by the Quotationer
1 2 3
01 Soaps - Germ killing Soap Bar (without
glycerine) Size: 150 gram
Sl. Technical Specification and Standards for required Full Technical Specification
No. goods and related services and Standards offered by the Quotationer
1 2 3
I/We declare to supply Goods and related services offered by me/us fully in compliance with the Technical
Specifications and Standards mentioned hereinabove.
Name of Quotationer
1. Quotationer should mention Lot no. Quotationer may participate in a maximum of three lots under the name of one
company/organisation or proprietorship.
2. Cols. 1 & 2 to be filled in by the Purchaser and Col. 3 by the Quotationer.
3. Specifications are to be filled in by the Purchaser. A set of precise and clear specifications is a pre-requisite for
Quotations to respond realistically and competitively to the requirements of the Purchaser. In the context of
competitive Quotations, the specifications shall be prepared to permit the widest possible competition and, at the
same time, present a clear statement of the required standards of workmanship, materials, and performance of the
goods and related services to be procured. The specifications should require that all items, materials and accessories
to be included or incorporated in the goods be new, unused and of most recent or current models, and that they
include or incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials.
4. Technical Specifications of the Goods and related services shall be in compliance with the requirements of the
Purchaser specified in this document.
Terms and Conditions
[Hygiene Material]
1. Terms and Conditions contained herein shall be binding upon both the Purchaser and the Supplier for the
purpose of administration and management of this Contract.
2. Implementation and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall, in general, be under the purview of
Procurement Procedures of BLAST.
3. The Supplier shall have to complete the delivery in all respects within [10 days] of issuing the Purchase
Order in conformity with the Terms and Conditions.
4. The Supplier shall be entitled to an extension of the Delivery Schedule if the Purchaser delays in receiving
the goods and related services or if a Force Majeure situation occurs or for any other reasons acceptable to
the Purchaser on justifiable grounds duly recorded. Apart from that, the Liquidated Damage shall be
calculated at 0.5% per week or part thereof for delays from mentioned delivery date until actual delivery, up
to a maximum deduction of 5% from the contract price.
5. Performance security issued by any scheduled bank, at 5% of total contract value shall be submitted by the
winning vendor on each awarded lot in the form of pay order or DD in favor of the “Bangladesh Legal
Aid and Services Trust”. The performance security may be refunded after successful completion of supply.
Performance security may be forfeited if the vendor fails to deliver the total quantity and fails to provide
goods as per specifications.
6. All delivery under the Contract shall at all times be open to examination, inspection, measurement, testing,
commissioning, and supervision of the Purchaser or his/her authorized representative.
7. The Purchaser shall check and verify the delivery made by the Supplier in conformity with the Technical
Specifications and notify the Supplier of any defects found.
8. If the Goods are found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the specifications, the Purchaser
may reject the supplies by giving due notice to the Supplier, with reasons.
9. The Supplier shall be entirely responsible for payment of all taxes, duties, fees, and such other levies under
the Applicable Law.
10. Notwithstanding any other practice, the payment shall be based on the actual delivery of goods on the basis
of the quantity of each item of Goods in accordance with the Priced Schedule and Specifications. 100% of
the Contract price of the Goods and related services shall be paid in A/C payee cheque after submission and
acceptance of the Delivery Challan.
11. The Supplier’s rates or prices shall be inclusive of profit and overhead and all kinds of taxes, duties, fees,
levies, and other charges to be paid under the Applicable Law.
12. The Supplier shall remain liable to fulfil the obligations under the Applicable Law.
13. The Supplier shall keep the Purchaser harmless and indemnify the Purchaser from any claim, loss of property
or life to himself/herself, his/her workmen or staff, any staff of the Purchaser or any third party while
delivering the Goods and related services.
14. Any claim arising out of a delivery of goods and related services shall be settled by the Supplier at his/her
own cost and responsibility.
15. The Quantity may change based on circumstances by the purchaser, but the vendor is not allowed to change
any quoted unit price due to changing of quantity.
16. No modification to Scope of Supply and no Variations to the quantities ordered as per purchase order shall
be permitted under any circumstances by the supplier.
17. The Purchaser shall amend the Contract incorporating required approved changes subsequently introduced to
the original Terms and Conditions in line with the applicable law, where necessary.
18. The Purchaser may, by written notice sent to the Supplier, terminate the Contract in whole or in part at any
time, if the Supplier:
a. fails to deliver Goods and related services as per Delivery Schedule and Specifications.
b. in the judgement of the Purchaser, has engaged in any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in competing for or in delivery of goods and related services.
c. fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract.
19. The Purchaser and the Supplier shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all possible disputes arising out
of or in connection with this Contract or its interpretation.
20. The Supplier shall be subject to, and aware of a provision on corruption, fraudulence, collusion and coercion
with the applicable law.
বাংলা ভর্ াসন)
১. এই চুি� �শাসন ও পিরচালনার উেদ্দে� ে�তার এবং সরবরাহকারী উভয়েকই এখােন অ�ভুর্� থাকা শতর্ ািদ এবং শতর্ াবলী বা�তামূ লক থাকেব।
২. এই শতর্ াবলী বা�বায়ন ও �া�া সাধারণভােব �াে�র �কিউরমে� প�তির আওতায় থাকেব।
৩. সরবরাহকারীেক শতর্ ািদ ও শতর্ াবলী েমেন �য়আেদশ জািরর [১০ িদেনরমে�] সম� ে�ে� সরবরাহ স�ূ ণর্/িন�ত করেত হেব.
৪. সরবরাহকারী যিদ প�/েসবা অথবা এতদস�িকর্ ত পিরেষবাগিল �হেণ িবল� কেরন বা যিদ েকান েফাসর্�ািজউর পিরি�িত েদখা েদয় বা যথাযথ কারেণ
নিথভু� িভিৎতেত ে�তার কােছ �হণেযা� অ� েকান কারেণ সরবরাহকারী সরবরােহর সময়সূ িচর স�সারেণর অিধকারী হেবন। এত�য্তীত,
িলকুইিডিট েডেমেজর পিরমাণ �িত স�ােহ ০.৫% বা তার অংেশর জ� উি�িখত িবতরণ তািরখ েথেক �কৃত িবতরণ পযর্� িবলে�র জ�, চুি�মূ �
েথেক সেবর্া� ৫% ছােড়র জ� গণনা করা হেব।
৫. েয েকান তফিসলী �াংেকর �দৎত পারফর�া� িসিকউিরিট, েমাট চুি� মূ ে�র ৫% হাের িবজয়ী িবে�তােক �িতিট লেট েপ-অডর্ার বা িডিড মা�েম
“Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust” নােম জমা িদেত হেব । পারফর�া� িসিকউিরিট যথাযথ মান অনু যায়ী প�/েসবা সরবরােহর
সােথসােথ িফিরেয় েদওয়া েযেত পাের। যিদ িবে�তা চুি�অনু যায়ী যথাযথ পিরমাণ সরবরাহ করেত �থর্ হয় এবং তদানু সাের প� সরবরাহ করেত না
পাের, তেব চুি� অনু যায়ী পারফর�া� িসিকউিরিট বােজয়া� করা হেত পাের।
৬. চুি�র অধীেন সরবরাহকৃত সম� প� / েসবা ে�তা বা তার অনু েমািদত �িতিনিধর �ারা পরী�া, পিরদশর্ন, পিরমাপ, কিমশন এবং তদারিকর জ� সবর্দা
উ�ু � থাকেব।
৭. ে�তা তার �যু ি�গত ৈবিশে�য্র সােথ স�িত েরেখ সরবরাহকৃত েডিলভািরিট যাচাই বাছাই করেত পারেবন এবং �হনকৃত েকান প� / েসবায় েকান
�কার �িট থাকেল তা সরবরাহকারীেক অবিহত করেবন।
৮. যিদ িজিনস গিল �িট যু � বা অ�থায় িনিদর্ �করণ অনু সাের না পাওয়া যায়, তেব ে�তা সরবরাহকারীেক কারণ উে�খ কের যথাযথ েনািটশ িদেয়
সরবরাহ �তয্া�ান করেত পারেবন।
৯. বাংলােদশ সরকােরর �েযাজয্ আইেনর অধীেন সম� কর, শ�, িফ, এবং এই জাতীয় অ�া� শ� �দােনর জ� সরবরাহকারী স�ূ ণর্রেপ দায়ব�
১০. অ� েয েকান অনু শীলন সে�ও, মূ �িনধর্ািরত সময়সূ িচ এবং িববরণীর সােথ সাম�� েরেখ প� গিলর �িতিট আইেটেমর পিরমােণর িভিৎতেত অথর্
�দান করা হেব। প� এবং স�িকর্ ত পিরেষবািদ গিলর ১০০% চুি�মূ ে�র িভিৎতেত এবং চালােনর জমা �ীকৃিতেত A/C েপ েচক �দান করা হেব।
১১. সরবরাহকারীর হার বা মূ � �েযাজয্ আইেনর অধীেন �েদয় মু নাফা এবং ওভারেহড এবং সম� �কােরর কর, শ�, িফ, শ� এবং অ�া� চাজর্সহ
অ�ভুর্� থাকেব।
১২. সরবরাহকারী �েযাজয্ আইেনর অধীেন দািয়� পালন করেত দায়ব� থাকেবন।
১৩. সরবরাহকারী প�/েসবা এতদস�িকর্ ত পিরেষবািদ সরবরােহর সময় ে�তা িনেজর বা তার িনেজর কমর্কতর্ া বা কমর্চারী, ে�তা বা তৃতীয় পে�র েকান
দাবী, স�িৎত বা �াণহািন বা এতদসং�া� িবষেয় ে�তা �িত�� হেল তার �িতপূ রণ সরবরাহকারী �দান করেবন।
১৪. িজিনসপ� এবং স�িকর্ ত পিরেষবািদ সরবরােহর ফেল উৎথািপত েযেকান দািব সরবরাহকারী তার িনেজর �য় এবং দায়ব�তার িভিৎতেত িন�িৎত
১৫. ে�তার পিরি�িতর িভিৎতেত পিরমাণ পিরবতর্ ন হেত পাের তেব পিরমাণ পিরবতর্ েনর কারেণ িবে�তােক েকান উ�ৃ ত ইউিনেটর দাম পিরবতর্ ন করা
১৬. প�সরবরােহর ে�ে� েকান �কার পিরবতর্ ন এবং �েয়র আেদশ অনু সাের অডর্ারকৃত পিরমাণ গিলেত সরবরাহকারীর �ারা েকান পিরবতর্ ন বা এধরেনর
েকান পিরি�িত বা দাবী�হণেযা� হেবনা। �েয়াজেন ে�তা �য়ােদশ রিহত করন করেত পারেবন।
১৭. ে�তা তার �েয়াজনীয় অনু েমাদেনর পিরবেতর্ �েযাজয্ আইেনর সােথ সাম��েরেখ মূ লশতর্ ািদ এবং শতর্ াবলীেত �েয়াজনীয় পিরবতর্ নগিল
অ�ভুর্�কের সংেশাধন করেত পারেবন।
১৮. সরবরাহকারীেক ে�িরত িলিখত েনািটেশর মা�েম ে�তা পু েরাপু ির বা আংিশকভােব চুি�িট েযেকান সমেয় রদবদল বা বািতল করেত পারেবন, যিদ
ক। িবতরণকৃত িশিডউল এবং তদানু সাের প�/েসবা বা এতদস�িকর্ ত পিরেষবািদ সরবরাহ করেত �থর্ হয়।
খ। ে�তার িবচাের, েকান প�/েসাব এবং এতদস�িকর্ ত পিরেষবািদর জ� বা িবতরণ করার �িতেযািগতা বা �িতেযািগতায় েকান�কার দুন�িত,
জািলয়ািত, সমি�গত বা জবরদি�মূ লক আচরেণ জিড়ত থােক।
গ। চুি�র অধীেন অ� েকান বা�বাধকতাগিল স�াদন করেত �থর্ হয়।
১৯. ে�তা এবং সরবরাহকারী এইচুি� বা এর �া�ার সােথ বা এর সােথ সংঘব�ভােব উ�ত স�া� সম� িববাদ মীমাংসা করার জ� তােদর সেবর্াৎতম
�েচ�া �বহার করেব।
২০. সরবরাহকারী �েযাজয্ আইেনর সােথ দুন�িত, জািলয়ািত, েজাটব�করণ এবং জবর দি�র িবধােনর সােপে� এবং সেচতন থাকেব।
Sample Purchase Order
[Hygiene Material]
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YMCA Development Center, 1/1 Pioneer Road,
Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Appendix 1.
Appendix 2