Final1 1
Final1 1
Final1 1
College of Medicine
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
S.Y. 2019-2020
Medicine 1Y1-B
Group Members:
SANTOS, Maria Paula
SELGA, Claudine
SERITO, Marionne
SERRANO, Jeremias
SOTO, Jette
TEXON, Earl John
TIBUS, Lorefel
TOLENTINO, Karenina Fatima
TONGOL, Tricia Louelle
TUBIJE, Desiree Joy
VARGAS, Blaise Genmar
WEI, Anderson
ZARA, Ivan
A rise in the number of therapeutic drugs is observed with the fast innovation of modern
pharmaceutical companies and progress of medicine such as drugs. Wherein nowadays medicine
is widely used by people to alleviate illnesses and it is already included in our daily life, be it with
the vitamin supplements we take. In the onset of these advancement we live on a swamp of
different kinds of drugs that directly affects our longevity and at the same time our quality of life
is improving whether it is branded or generic. The use of generic and branded medicines gives
such conflict among individuals with regards to their respective preferences. This study examines
their attitude, knowledge and reasons for such preference and aims to provide information that can
help assess consumers’ choice of drugs.
Based on a local study conducted by Wong and his colleagues even with majority of the
drugs being prescribed especially in public hospitals are in their generic names, most of the people
still choose for the branded ones due to variables that lead them to gravitate towards branded drugs
such as unfavorable views with regards to its quality, experience and lack of understanding
between generic and branded drugs and lastly concerns about FDA’s enforcement of its regulation.
The study showed that majority of the respondents willingly chose generic drugs over
branded drugs due to certain factors such as past experiences, socio economic status, and
educational background. Some factors that influenced their preference had no relationship to the
respondents’ gender, age, stage of life and locality. Generic drugs have been favorably selected by
the respondents over branded drugs. They claimed generic drugs was almost as effective as its
branded counterpart. On the other hand, a small number of respondents claim the latter that generic
drugs are ineffective and has increased adverse effects. (Drozdowska ,2014)
Dunne’s disquisition about the subject matter, revealed that respondents with enough
knowledge and understanding about drugs was a great element that gave huge impact on their
preference in choosing generic or branded drugs. Respondents with high information led them to
choose generics over branded while others tend to have a misconception belief such as “less
expensive, low quality”. Dissemination of information regarding generic and branded drugs must
be established through doctors, pharmacists and patient interactions to dispel faulty thinking and
beliefs. (2015)
It is shown that respondent’s age and gender distributions and primary disease duration
were a comparison. However, branded medication users were highly educated, had a better per
capita monthly family financial gain and used additional medicine and doses per day. They
conjointly bore higher medication price for his or her prescriptions as explicit by Das & Choudhury
Generic and Branded Drugs, as stated by Srivastrava, et. al (2017), are bioequivalent in
terms of the physiological action on the patient. It is also identical in dose, potency, route of
admission, and quality. But some factors like Cost Benefits can greatly affect the knowledge and
trust of people since Proprietary or Branded Drugs are given exclusive rights to make and dispense
the medicine for a particular duration.
Martin, F.K., et al (2016) proved that the effects of generic medicine were substantially
less effective compared to branded medicines due to the absence of an active ingredient that
resulted into a conferred treatment benefit of reducing the attribution of side effects to placebo
tablets. This statement is somewhat nullified due to the fact that a non-proprietary drug can’t be
produced and used if a certain standard of the innovator drug is not achieved. The pharmacopoeia’s
requirements must be observed for a drug to be manufactured and should comply to the expected
performance as per the branded drug.
Branded and Generic drugs were exposed to test and it was found out that both of these
medications are of equivalent quality. Despite the fact that these classes of drugs have comparable
quality, patients and even health care professionals were still in favour in the usage of branded
drugs. People’s negative judgements towards the quality of medications still bring about their
preference in choosing costly ones from a certain drug manufacturing company, but above all, the
faith of people towards the healthcare system is still the reason of that explained and preference of
medications and providers within the local health system. (Aivalli, P. et al. 2018)
Many believe branded medicines have better efficacy compared to generic ones. An
interview with Dr. Melissa Guerrero, Head of the Department of Health’s National Center for
Pharmaceutical Access and Management (DOH-NCPAM), in ABS-CBN’s “Salamat Doc!” says,
“In terms of quality analysis, they both undergo the same process at the Food and Drug
Administration. Quality, safety and efficacy are scrutinized. Meaning, when it passes through
FDA, whether it’s generic or branded, it has the same quality.” She also added that when it comes
to the effect of the medicine in the treatment of any medical condition, branded and generic are
the same. If you have a fever, you need paracetamol. If it is high blood, aspirin is the cure.
Guaifenesin if you a cough. These are the active properties of the branded ones; they just differ in
prices and formulation. “When you say generic, it is cheaper because the cost of research is not
included. It’s the reason why branded medicines are more expensive. Drug makers spent time to
research and develop a certain drug. That’s why generic medicines are 80% cheaper compared to
the originator drug,” explains Dr. Guerrero. (Yam dela Cruz, 2011).
Based on the study of Wong et al, (2014) most of the prescribed drugs by Philippine doctors
especially in the public hospital more than private ones, are in their generic names yet more than
half of the consumers and patients opted to buy the branded ones in the pharmacies. Also less than
half of the consumers were offered with generic alternatives, and even less number when the
consumer actually ask for the generic alternative. Other factors that can affect the negatively
towards generics are quality concerns, lack of regulation by the FDA, poor recall, patient’s
preference and personal experience. These factors are the more reasons to focus more on our
drugstore compliance, and also help the consumers to be knowledgeable enough to know that there
are more alternatives such as generics drugs for their prescribed drugs. Also bioequivalence tests
should be done to end all the concerns regarding the viability and quality of generic brands against
the branded ones.
The respondents were asked to define generic drugs. 1,157 out of the 1,160 respondents
answered this item and only 7.17% (83 out of 1,157) of the respondents were fully knowledgeable
of the correct definition of generic drugs. Meanwhile, 71.31% (825 out of 1,157) of the respondents
were partially knowledgeable of its correct definition. Partially knowledgeable means that the
respondent was able to mention either that the generic is of the same quality as branded medication
or that the generic is cheaper than its branded counterpart. Among those who are partially
knowledgeable, 10.06% (83 out of 825) mentioned quality only in their definition while89.94%
(742 out of 825) mentioned the price advantage of the generics only. Lastly, 21.52% (249 out of
1,157) of the respondents gave incorrect definitions of generic drugs. When asked to identify
which drugs are generic or branded from a group of four drug samples, more than one-third of
these respondents (33.71% or 388 out of 1,151) were able to correctly identify 2 out of the 4
medications shown to them as generic drugs. Meanwhile, only 18.85% (217 out of 388) of the
respondents were able to correctly identify all the medications. Nevertheless, one-tenths (10.77%
or 124 out of 1,151) of the respondents were unable to correctly identify any of the 4 medications
shown to them.
Main Objective:
This study aims to determine the preference of residents of Barangay Marulas, Valenzuela
City on branded and generic drugs.
Specific Objectives:
1. To determine sociodemographic profile of residents of Barangay Marulas, Valenzuela
2. To determine the frequency of generic, branded and mixed drugs usage among residents of
Barangay Marulas, Valenzuela City.
3. To determine the level of knowledge regarding generic and branded drugs among
residents of Barangay Marulas, Valenzuela City.
4. To determine the factors influencing preference
Research Design
The study will utilize a descriptive-cross sectional design which aims to stretch forth
knowledge on Branded and Generic Drug preference among the residents of Brgy. Marulas,
Valenzuela. It aims to determine significance, interrelationships and or associations between the
chosen variables, that is, a tendency for variation in one variable to be related to variation in
another. This type of research design will aid the researcher to answer the proposed research
questions and would aid the researcher to examine the subjects’ preference based on their age,
gender, educational attainment, economic status and health status or condition.
Sampling Population
The study will be conducted in Barangay Marulas which is one of the largest barangay of
Valenzuela City ranked 2nd in terms of population size among the 32 barangay. This barangay
contributed 11.63 percent a total of 56,454 individuals of the 485,833 total population of the whole
Valenzuela City. (PSA Census of 2002-2017)
In every one hundred (100) people in the population there are fifty-four (54) individuals
that are 18-64 years old and around four (4) individuals aged 65 years and over. (PSA Census of
Target Population
Barangay Marulas, which has a diverse population that come from a variety of
backgrounds. The respondents will be (a) Male and Female (b) Ages 18 years old and above (c)
with or without known conditions like cancer, liver disease, renal disease/kidney problem,
diabetes, pulmonary problem, cardiovascular disease.
Sampling Methodology
The study will utilize a non-probability sampling design particularly purposive sampling
method, maximum variation/ heterogeneous purposive sampling to be specific to obtain as much
insight as possible.
First, a letter requesting permission to the local authorities of Brgy. Marulas to conduct a
research will be made.
After obtaining permissions, researchers will take a poll of every household in every street
with the aid of the barangay office’s annual census or their latest census. From there, the
researchers will take the information to account the number of participants per area. The number
of the participants is going to be based on the number of adults per household and number of
households per street until they come up with 381 participants which is the required sample size.
The researchers will request for the participants’ full cooperation and will state the purpose and
benefits of the study. Informed consent from the respondents will be obtained first before handing
the survey questionnaires. The respondents will be assured that every data taken from them will
be treated with strict confidentiality.
After answering the questionnaires, the researchers will check the questionnaires to make
sure they are answered completely and appropriately. And finally, the researchers will
acknowledge the participants’ for being part of the study.
Data to be Collected
Data to be collected are the frequencies of the answers provided by the survey questions
regarding their socioeconomic status, level of knowledge on generic and branded drugs, frequency
of generic and branded drugs usage, and the common factors influencing their preference.
The sample size will be computed using the census of the whole barangay on people who
are 18 years old and above. The population size is 37,792 adults which will lead to 381 being the
sample size while the margin of error is 5% with a confidence level of 95%. The researchers expect
a 60% response rate so they will invite 635 respondents to be given survey questionnaires.
There are no existing standardized tools that specifically measure the preference on
branded and generic drugs henceforth; a self-made questionnaire will be formulated and will be
Ethical Considerations and Safeguards
Ethics approval will be obtained from the Ethics Review Committee of Our Lady of Fatima
University – Valenzuela Campus. Following the ethical principles for protecting study
participants, it is the researchers’ duty to ensure that the risks to the participants are minimize,
risks to participants are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits and the importance of the
knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result. That the selection of the participants is
equitable, that the informed consent will be sought and documented, as required, that there are
adequate provisions made to ensure the participant’s safety, privacy and confidentiality.
The study participants will be assured that their participation, or information they may
provide, will not be used against them in any way. Virtually all research with humans involves
intruding into personal lives, therefore, the researcher will ensure that the data gathering procedure
is not more intrusive than it needs to be and that the participants’ privacy will be maintained
throughout the study. Participants will not be asked to provide any identifying information on the
questionnaire, thus ensuring anonymity of their data.
(𝑛 − 1)
1 + 0𝑁
Figure 2. Formula for the sample size. Where: 𝑛 = 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒; 𝑁 = 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
The researchers assume that half of the adult population will give a reliant source of
information this gives us maximum variability. So the p = 50% or 0.5. This research has a given
95% confidence, and at least 5% plus or minus precision. A 95% confidence level gives us z values
of 1.96, per the normal table and 5% margin of error (e). The adult population of Barangay
Marulas, Valenzuela City is 37,792.
Solving the formula as shown in figure 1, the partial sample size is 385. Solving the formula
as shown in figure 2, the sample size is 381.
Processing and encoding data will be done using the software ‘Statistical Package for
Social Sciences-version 15.’ Coded data will be checked for errors using frequency runs. On all
objectives, Chi-square testing will be used to prove the null hypothesis.
Knowledge. The awareness of the respondents regarding the difference between generic and
branded drugs.
Educational Attainment. It influences the respondent’s knowledge of the branded and generic
Economic Status. It directly determines the purchasing power on either generic or branded drugs.
Extreme generic drug consumer. This only purchases generic drugs and will look for other
pharmacies just to buy those.
Preferred branded mixed drug consumer. This purchases branded drugs on a usual basis but if
they come out stock, he/she then welcomes the purchase of generic alternatives.
Preferred generic mixed drug consumer. This purchases generic drugs on a usual basis but if
they come out stock, he/she then welcomes the purchase of branded alternatives.
Extreme branded drug consumer. This purchases only branded drugs and will look for other
pharmacies just to buy those.
Effectivity of branded drugs. This is based on the respondents’ answers to a certain question on
the survey whether if it is effective or not.
Onset of action of generic drugs. It depends on the view of the respondents whether the first
effect of the generic drugs is longer or shorter.
People that the respondents interact with. They may suggest or influence the respondents to
prefer generic over branded or vise versa. They may or may not adhere with their suggestions or
Experience. This directly influences the choice between branded or generic drugs to be bought
inside a pharmacy.
Influence of doctors. Most of the population consult with their own doctors that will prescribe
drugs for the treatment of diseases or maintenance of current health status. Doctors may
recommend either branded or generic drugs.
Q#8 Generic drugs takes Agree
longer time to be effective. Disagree
Table 2.2 Frequency of generic, branded and mixed drugs (multiple choice)
Questions Variable Frequency (n=381)
Q#9 In choosing my. The lowest price possible/the
Medicines, I always ensure cheapest.
that its:
Seen in television.
The same drug my relatives
are taking.
Q#10 I purchase medicines My maintenance medications
Treating mild to moderate
Treatment for a disease I
I have no idea, I was just
instructed to buy the medicine
3. Branded drugs are way Yes
more effective than generic
4. If your answer in umber 3 is I understood how these
Yes, what influences you to medicines work.
come up with that?
I heard it from my neighbor.
I saw it on the television.
My doctor said so.
Others .
Q#2 I read the manual or Disagree
guide of the drug before
taking medicine.
Cerebrovascular disease
Malignant neoplasm (cancer)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
Chronic lower respiratory
Nephritis, Nephroti syndrome
and Nephrosis (kidney
Aivalli, P., et al. (2018 January 1). Perceptions of the Quality of Generic Medicines: implications
for trust in public services within the local health system in Tumkur, India. [Internet]. [Cited 2019
October 26]. Retrieved from
Drozdowska, Aleksandra (2014 November). Exploring the opinions and experiences of patients
with generic substitution: a representative study of Polish society. [Internet]. [Cited 2019
September 27] Retrieved from
Dunne, SS & Dunne, CP. (2015 July 29). What do people really think of generic medicines? A
systematic review and critical appraisal of literature on stakeholder perceptions of generic drugs.
(2015 July). [internet]. [Cited 2019 September 27]. Retrieved from
Faasse, K., Martin, L. R., Grey, A., Gamble, G., & Petrie, K. J. (2016). Impact of brand or generic
labeling on medication effectiveness and side effects. Health Psychology, 35(2), 187-190.
[Internet]. [Cited 2019 September 27] . Retrieved from
Colgan, S., Faasse, K., Martin, L, Stephens, M., Grey, A., Petrie, K. (2015 December). Perceptions
of generic medication in the general population, doctors and pharmacists: a systematic review.
[internet] [Cited 2019 September]. Retrieved from
Thakkar, K & Billa G. (2013). Generic Versus Branded Medicines: An Observational Study
Among Patients with Chronic Diseases Attending a Public Hospital Outpatient Department.
[Internet]. [Cited 2019 October 26]. Retrieved from
Srivastava, Pranati (2017 November 10). Comparative Analysis of Generic Drugs Over
Proprietary Counterparts in Indian Market. [Internet]. [Cited 2019 October 26]. Retrieved from
Survey Questionnaires
Questionnaire: Part 1
Instruction: Please put a check in the box next to the answer of your choice or write in
the space provided.(Panuto: Markahan ang kahon ng iyong sagot o isulat sa patlang kung
wala sa nabanggit na pagpipilian)
Name (Pangalan):______________________________(optional/Opsyonal)
Address (Permanenteng tirahan):______________________________________
Sex (Kasarian): Male (Lalake) ( ) Female (Babae ) ( )
Age (Edad) : 18 – 54 ( ) 55 - 64 ( ) 65 and above ( )
Educational Attachment:
(Antas na natapos):
Health status/condition
(Mayroon ka ba ng mga sumusunod):
Economic status:
Relative to monthly income (Buwanang kita):
100,001 and above
Part 2
2. I read the manual or guide of the drug before taking the medicine. (Binabasa
ko ang direksyon patungkol sa gamut bago ko ito inumin.)
7. If there’s no available branded/generic type of the drug I need, I will look for
another pharmacy. (Kung walang makukuhang branded/generic na klase ng
gamot na aking kailangan, ako’y hahanap ng ibang parmasya.)
10. I purchase medicines for:
(Bumibili ako ng gamut para sa/dahil sa):
11. Branded drugs have more lasting effect than generic drugs. (Mas tumatagal
ang epekto ng branded na gamot kaysa generic na gamot.)
14. I prefer branded/generic drugs based on my own experience (in the past).
(Mas pinipili ko ang generic/branded na gamot base sa karanasan ko sa
pag-inom nito dati.)
15. Generic drugs and Branded drugs have the same effect. (Parehas lamang
ang epekto ng gamot kahit generic o branded.)
16. Generic and Branded drugs have the same content. (Parehas lamang ang
nilalaman ng gamot kahit generic o branded.)
18. Branded drugs are way more effective than generic medications. (Mas
epektibo ang branded kaysa sa generic na gamot)
19. If you answer agree in question 18, what influences you to come up with that?
(Kung Oo ang sagot mo sa 3, ano ang nag-impluwensya sayo para masabi ito?)
I understood how these medicines work (Alam ko kung paano gumagana ang mga gamut na
I heard it from my neighbors (Narinig ko sa Kapitbahay)
I saw it on the television (Napanood ko sa telebisyon)
My doctor said so (Sabi ng Doctor)
Others (specify) (Iba pang sagot): _________________________
Table 5
Schedule of Activities
11/24/23 12/4/23 12/14/23 12/24/23 1/3/24 1/13/24 1/23/24