Volume conversion device
with flexible data logging function
and configurable serial interface
• Volume conversion for billing purposes
• Data logging for different applications
• Monitoring of measurement values and station functions
Brief information
The EK220 is a battery-operated volume converter. The device records
the low frequency operating volume pulses of a gas meter, measures
the operating pressure and temperature of the gas and calculates the
compressibility K as well as the conversion factor C. The standard volumes,
standard flow rates and operating flow rates can be calculated using this
initial data.
- Direct connection
- Ethernet (TCP/IP)
Monthly 2 Date, time, Qmmin, Qbmin, Qmmax, Qbmax, pmax, pmin, pØ, Tmax, Tmin, TØ, k-value Ø monthly 24 months - x
Daily Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status daily 18 months - x
Measurement 1 Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status 1 min. – 1 month 1 month - x
Measurement 2 Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status 1 min. – 1 month *3 6 months x x*2
Process data Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status 1 min. – 1 hour *3 *1 x -
Audit trail Date, time, parameter address, old value, new value, information on all locks every change 200 records - x
Certification data log Date, time, parameter address, old value, new value, information on all locks (every change) *4 50 records - x
*1 depends on configuration of archive (interval, content)
*2 by using the standard configuration
*3 besides periodic recording specific events can be selected to trigger recording
*4 records only the changes of certain parameters, which are under the access right of the calibration lock (function can be switched off)
FE260 function extension unit – a flexible interface between EK220 and energy data management
EK220 FE260 Modem Telecommunications Data recall
in hazardous area in safe area connection network from utility or
service provider
Serial interface
Power supply
- Volume conversion
- Data logging
- Process data - Ex-barrier data interface
- Ex-barrier digital outputs
- Modem (GSM, GPRS, etc.)
- Intrinsically safe power supply for EK220
The Ex-barrier of the serial interface and of the volume converter is guaranteed.
the pulse outputs of the volume converter is The unit’s modular concept allows the use of a
provided by function extension unit FE260. In modem for data communication or an
addition, the intrinsically safe power supply interface for connection to other devices.
EK220 Volume conversion device with flexible data logging function and configurable serial interface
Technical data
1 lithium battery 3.6 V, size D (service life > 5 years under standard operating conditions)
Battery power supply
Optional additional battery to double the service life
External power supply 5 – 10 V DC, I < 30 mA mains power supply unit (in conjunction with a serial interface)
Inputs 3 digital inputs for connecting LF pulse generators and message signals (e.g. manipulation contact)
Absolute sensor, Type ENVEC CT30*, integrated in housing or, as an option, provided as an external sensor
(if two pressure sensors will be used, then one as internal and one as external version),
connection for precision steel pipe (Ermeto 6L) or flexible pressure tube, M12 x 1.5 thread
Pressure ranges 0.7 – 2 bar / 0.8 – 5 bar / 1.4 – 7 bar / 2 – 10 bar / 2.4 – 12 bar / 4 – 20 bar / 6 – 30 bar / 8 – 40 bar /
Pressure sensor
14 – 70 bar / 16 – 80 bar
for volume conversion
Absolute sensor, Type 17002 provides as an external sensor (cable length 2.5 m)
Connection 1/4 “ NPT male thread
Presseure range 0.9 – 7 bar / 0.9–10 bar / 4 – 20 bar / 4 – 60 bar
Absolute or gauge sensor, Type ENVEC CT30, provided as an external sensor,
Pressure sensor fi xed connection to the central unit, 10 metres fi xed cable length
for monitoring purposes connection for precision steel pipe (Ermeto 6L) or fl exible pressure tube, M12 x 1.5 thread
(option) Absolute pressure ranges between 0.7 – 80 bar (see above)
Gauge pressure ranges: 1.4 – 7 bar / 4 – 20 bar / 16 – 80 bar
Pt-500 (or Pt-1000 as an option) resistance thermometer to DIN 60751 with protective tube,
Temperature sensor
Fitting length 50 mm Ø 6 mm, length of supply cable 2.5 m
Calculation in accordance with S-GERG 88, AGA 8 DC, AGA 8 (GC1 or GC2), AGA NX-19,
AGA-NX19 following Herning & Wolowsky or fixed
2 monthly archives, 1 daily archive, 1 measurement archive (content and recording interval are fi xed)
Archives 1 process data archive, 1 measurement archive, 4 additional fl exible archives
(content, recording interval and additional events which cause a record can be selected)
Event logbook (Storage capacity 500 records)
- Recording of non-periodic events (e.g. time changes with time stamp)
Change logbook (audit trail, Storage capacity 200 records)
Logbooks - Recording of all parameter and value changes (time stamp, old and new values)
Certifi cation data log (Storage capacity 50 records)
- Recording of changes of certain parameters and values (time stamp, old and new values),
which are normally under the access rights of the calibration lock
4 digital transistor outputs, freely programmable and protectable via calibration lock as
Signal outputs - Pulse output for all operating or standard volume meters
- Signal output for alarm and/or warning status information
Optical interface in accordance with IEC 62056-21
Data interface
Internal serial interface usable as RS232 or RS422/RS485
- IEC 62056 21 (IEC 1107)
- Modbus ASCII / RTU / TCP
Communication protocols
- IDOM-Protocol
Honeywell Process Solutions
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