Hardware and Software Support Guide PDF
Hardware and Software Support Guide PDF
Hardware and Software Support Guide PDF
IBM Systems
IBM Systems Director
Hardware and Software Support Guide
Version 6.2.1
IBM Systems
IBM Systems Director
Hardware and Software Support Guide
Version 6.2.1
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page 59.
Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you avoid
inconvenient or difficult situations.
APAR Readme 6.2.0
Provides information about APARs fixed in IBM Systems Director version
Release Notes® 6.2.0 and Release Notes 6.2.1
Provides information about hardware requirements for running IBM
Systems Director components, supported IBM Systems Director hardware,
operating systems, databases, and workgroup and enterprise
systems-management software.
Hardware and Software Support Guide
Provides information about hardware requirements for running IBM
Systems Director components, supported IBM Systems Director hardware,
operating systems, databases, and workgroup and enterprise
systems-management software.
Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide for AIX®
Provides detailed instructions to install and configure each component of
IBM Systems Director on system running AIX using the standard
installation option.
Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide for IBM i
Provides detailed instructions to install and configure each component of
IBM Systems Director on system running IBM i using the Standard
installation option.
Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide for Linux on Power Systems™
Provides detailed instructions to install and configure each component of
IBM Systems Director on system running Linux for Power Systems using
the Standard installation option.
Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide for Linux on x86
Provides detailed instructions to install and configure each component of
IBM Systems Director on system running Linux for System x® using the
Standard installation option.
Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide for Linux on System z®
Provides detailed instructions to install and configure each component of
IBM Systems Director on system running Linux for System z using the
Standard installation option.
Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide for Windows
Provides detailed instructions to install and configure each component of
IBM Systems Director on system running Windows using the Standard
installation option.
Systems Management Guide
Provides detailed instructions for using the Web interface and managing
systems and resources in your environment.
You can also search this Web page for documents that focus on IBM Systems
Director and specific IBM hardware; such documents often contain
systems-management material. The following book is available for IBM Systems
Director V6.1:
Implementing IBM Systems Director 6.1
Tip: Be sure to note the date of publication and to determine the version of IBM
Systems Director software to which the Redbooks publication refers.
Further information
Also see the following resources for further information about IBM Systems
v For alerts, discussions, news, parts and product information, and specific
troubleshooting workarounds for IBM Systems Director, see the Support &
downloads Web site at http://www.ibm.com/support/us/en/.
Tip: To locate the information that you need, enter Systems Director in the
Search field and click Search. You can then narrow your results by document
type or product category, or use additional search terms.
v For white papers, technotes, tips, and other documents related to IBM Systems
Director, see the Techdocs Web site at http://w3.ibm.com/support/techdocs/
Tip: To locate the information that you need, either select the categories that you
want to search or select UNMARKED to search all categories. Then enter
Systems Director in the for: field and click Search.
v For solutions to all types of situations that other customers have encountered,
see the IBM Systems Director customer forum at www.ibm.com/
Web resources
Listed here are the Web sites and information center topics that relate to IBM
Systems Director.
Web sites
v IBM Systems Director
View the IBM Systems Director Web site on ibm.com® which provides links to
downloads and documentation for all currently supported versions of IBM
Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director Downloads
v IBM Systems Director
View the IBM Systems Director forum Web site on ibm.com to discuss
product-related issues pertaining to IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems Director
UIMs, and IBM Systems Director extensions. This Web site includes a link for
obtaining the forum using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed.
v IBM Systems Director SDK
View the IBM Systems Director SDK forum Web site to discuss issues pertaining
to the IBM Systems Director Software Development Kit (SDK). This Web site
includes a link for obtaining the forum using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed.
v IBM Systems
View the IBM Systems forums Web site on ibm.com to learn about various
forums that are available to discuss technology-related and product-related
If you have any comments about this book or any other IBM Systems Director
publication, go to the IBM Systems Director information center Web site at
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/director/v6r2x/index.jsp. There you
will find the feedback page where you can enter and submit comments.
If you are interested in information about how to plan, implement, configure, and
use an IBM Systems Director Server to manage a large configuration with optimal
performance, see the Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide for IBM Systems
Director 6.2. The Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide also contains information
about the following topics:
v Running IBM Systems Director plug-ins, such as IBM Systems Director Active
Energy Manager® and IBM Scalable Systems Manager
v Integration with Tivoli products
v Implementing High Availability (HA)
Related information
Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide for IBM Systems Director 6.2
The following recommendations are for three types of IBM Systems Director
systems-management environments:
Small configuration
A systems-management environment that includes less than 500 Common
Agent managed systems. The database software is Apache Derby.
Medium configuration
A systems-management environment that includes between 500 and 1000
Common Agent managed systems. The database software is IBM DB2®.
Large configuration
A systems-management environment that includes between 1000 and 5000
Common Agent managed systems. The database software is IBM DB2.
1. Due to I/O requirements, SCSI adapters and multiple 10K RPM disks are
2. For large configurations, do not install IBM Systems Director Server to run in a
VMware partition.
Attention: If you use DVD media to install IBM Systems Director Server, ensure that you
allot an additional 1.2 GB of available space on the system to contain the agent packages
that are copied from the DVD at the end of the server installation. The packages are copied
to /opt/ibm/director/packaging/agent on the server.
Paging space should equal or exceed the physical memory size, with a minimum
of 3 GB. Ensure that you always have a minimum of 6 GB of combined memory
and paging space. Ensuring this is particularly critical if the physical memory is
close to the 3 GB minimum requirement.
It may be necessary to change the maximum Java heap size in order for IBM
Systems Director to take advantage of additional memory. On Linux, the Java heap
size setting is the following path by default: /opt/IBM/director/lwi/conf/
overrides/maxheap.javaopt. On 64-bit operating systems, the optimal heap size
value is typically in the range of 2 GB (-Xmx2g) to 8 GB (-Xmx8g), depending on
the systems being managed and the amount of physical memory available on the
IBM Systems Director server. Typically, the maximum heap size can be set to 2 GB
plus 1 MB per system being managed by IBM Systems Director.
The following recommendations are for three types of IBM Systems Director
systems-management environments:
Small configuration
A systems-management environment that includes less than 500 Common
Agent managed systems. The database software is Apache Derby.
1. Due to I/O requirements, SCSI adapters and multiple 10K RPM disks are
2. For large configurations, do not install IBM Systems Director Server to run in a
VMware partition.
Attention: If you use DVD media to install IBM Systems Director Server, ensure that you
allot an additional 1.2 GB of available space on the system to contain the agent packages
that are copied from the DVD at the end of the server installation. The packages are copied
to \installation_directory\packaging\agent on the server, where
installation_directory is the path to the extracted installation files.
Paging space should equal or exceed the physical memory size, with a minimum
of 3 GB. Ensure that you always have a minimum of 6 GB of combined memory
and paging space. Ensuring this is particularly critical if the physical memory is
close to the 3 GB minimum requirement.
It may be necessary to change the maximum Java heap size in order for IBM
Systems Director to take advantage of additional memory. On Windows, the Java
heap size setting is the following path by default: C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\
On 64-bit operating systems, the optimal heap size value is typically in the range
of 2 GB (-Xmx2g) to 8 GB (-Xmx8g), depending on the systems being managed and
the amount of physical memory available on the IBM Systems Director server.
The following recommendations are for three types of IBM Systems Director
systems-management environments:
Small configuration
A systems-management environment that includes less than 500 Common
Agent managed systems. The database software is Apache Derby.
Medium configuration
A systems-management environment that includes between 500 and 1000
Common Agent managed systems. The database software is IBM DB2.
Large configuration
A systems-management environment that includes between 1000 and 5000
Common Agent managed systems. The database software is IBM DB2.
The following recommendations are based on a 64–bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
running on a 64–bit version of AIX.
Note: Common Agent is always installed with IBM Systems Director Server, so
ensure that you factor in the Common Agent requirements whenever considering
IBM Systems Director Server requirements.
Paging space should equal or exceed the physical memory size, with a minimum
of 3 GB. Ensure that you always have a minimum of 6 GB of combined memory
and paging space. Ensuring this is particularly critical if the physical memory is
close to the 3 GB minimum requirement.
It may be necessary to change the maximum Java heap size in order for IBM
Systems Director to take advantage of additional memory. On AIX, the Java heap
size setting is the following path: /opt/ibm/director/lwi/conf/overrides/
director.javaopt. On 64-bit operating systems, the optimal heap size value is
typically in the range of 2 GB (-Xmx2g) to 8 GB (-Xmx8g), depending on the
systems being managed and the amount of physical memory available on the IBM
Systems Director Server.
(*) If /tmp is a JFS2 file system, the file system can be shrunk after the installation.
The following recommendations are based on a 64–bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
running on a 64–bit version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on IBM Power
Systems. The recommendations are comparable for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on
IBM Power systems.
Table 5. IBM Systems Director Server recommended hardware requirements for
different-sized Linux on Power Systems environments
Recommended hardware requirements
2 1
Configuration Processor Memory Disk storage
Small 2 processor, 3 GB 4 GB
or POWER7 or for
partitioned systems:
Entitlement = 1
Virtual processors
Weight = Default
Medium 2 4 GB 8 GB
POWER7 or for
partitioned systems:
Entitlement = 2
Virtual processors
Weight = Default
Paging space should equal or exceed the physical memory size, with a minimum
of 3 GB. Ensure that you always have a minimum of 6 GB of combined memory
and paging space. Ensuring this is particularly critical if the physical memory is
close to the 3 GB minimum requirement.
It may be necessary to change the maximum Java heap size in order for IBM
Systems Director to take advantage of additional memory. On Linux, the Java heap
size setting is the following path: /opt/IBM/director/lwi/conf/overrides/
maxheap.javaopt. On 64-bit operating systems, the optimal heap size value is
typically in the range of 2 GB (-Xmx2g) to 8 GB (-Xmx8g), depending on the
systems being managed and the amount of physical memory available on the IBM
Systems Director server. Typically, the maximum heap size can be set to 2 GB plus
1 MB per system being managed by IBM Systems Director.
The following table provides information about disk storage requirements for
installing IBM Systems Director Server. These requirements include Common
Agent and Platform Agent, which are installed with IBM Systems Director Server.
These requirements do not include disk storage requirements for updating IBM
Systems Director Server or for downloading and staging updates with Update
manager. For more information about disk space requirements for updating IBM
Systems Director Server, Common Agent, or Platform Agent, as well as for
downloading and staging updates using Update manager, see the IBM Systems
Director Best Practices Wiki.
Table 6. Disk storage requirements for installing IBM Systems Director Server
File system Disk space required
/ 50 MB
/usr 194 MB
/var 512 MB
The following recommendations are for three types of IBM Systems Director
systems-management environments:
Small configuration
A systems-management environment that includes less than 500 Common
Agent managed systems. The database software is Apache Derby.
Medium configuration
A systems-management environment that includes between 500 and 1000
Common Agent managed systems. The database software is IBM DB2.
Large configuration
A systems-management environment that includes between 1000 and 5000
Common Agent managed systems.The database software is IBM DB2.
1. The processor sizing is based on the IBM System z10 processor. You might required more processors if System
z9 EC processors are used. The processor usage by IBM Systems Director Server is high during certain tasks. It
is recommended that, if processors are shared, the partition that is used to run IBM Systems Director Server be
given a lower partition weight than production partitions.
2. Disk storage requirements are for running IBM Systems Director Server. For installing IBM Systems Director
Server, space is required in /opt. This requirement includes Common Agent and Platform Agent, which are
installed with IBM Systems Director Server. Also, during the installation, /tmp must have free space as specified.
This space is only required during the installation and is freed after the installation is complete.
Attention: If you use DVD media to install IBM Systems Director Server, ensure that you allot an additional 1.2
GB of available space on the system to contain the agent packages that are copied from the DVD at the end of
the server installation. The packages are copied to /opt/ibm/director/packaging/agent on the server.
3. Due to I/O requirements, SCSI adapters and multiple 10K RPM disks are recommended.
Paging space should equal or exceed the physical memory size, with a minimum
of 3 GB. Ensure that you always have a minimum of 6 GB of combined memory
and paging space. Ensuring this is particularly critical if the physical memory is
close to the 3 GB minimum requirement.
Note: The disk space listed is the minimum requirement for an installation using
the default selections.
The following tables provide information about disk storage requirements for
installing Common Agent and Platform Agent on systems running Linux on x86.
Table 2 covers the space requirements for the actual installation. Table 3 covers
additional space requirements for deploying Platform Agent using the Agent
Installation Wizard.
Table 9. Disk storage requirements for installing Common Agent and Platform Agent on systems running Linux on
Disk space required Disk space required
File system Common Agent Platform Agent
/var 110 MB 110 MB
/tmp (only if using 210 MB 50 KB
self-extracting script)
/opt 345 MB 101 MB
Note: The space in /tmp is only required during the installation and is freed after
the installation is complete.
Table 10. Additional disk storage requirement for deploying Platform Agent on Linux on x86 systems using the Agent
Installation Wizard
Disk space required
z/VM® MAP CIM instrumentation
File system with Platform Agent
Agent deployment with Agent Installation Wizard using:
Server system: Web download file 200 MB
Server system: Space needed to extract Web downloaded 227 MB
file (SysDir6_2_Platform_Agent_Linux_x86.tar.gz)
Target system: Deploy dir6.2_platform_agent_linux file 227 MB
Target system: Deploy dir6.2_platform_agent_linux into 42 MB
The following tables provide information about disk storage requirements for
installing Common Agent and Platform Agent on systems running Windows.
Note: The space in %TEMP% is only required during the installation and is freed
after the installation is complete.
Table 12. Disk storage requirements for installing Platform Agent on systems running
Disk space required
File system Platform Agent
C:\ 150 MB
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM 36 MB
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ibm 45 MB
C:\Windows 53 KB
C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\ 0 MB
C:\Program Files (x86) 91 MB
C:\Program Files 0 MB
C:\Users 0 MB
1. If you perform a manual installation, the install files can be deleted when the
installation is complete.
2. If you use the IBM Systems Director Server to install IBM i PTFs, during the
PTF install, those PTF updates are stored on the managed resource and require
additional storage space.
Note: On systems that do not provide display capability, such as IBM Power blade
servers, you must export IBM Systems Director Web interface using either the
xhost command or SSH tunneling. The IBM Systems Director Web interface
requirements apply to the receiving system.
Table 14. Servers running AIX: Minimum hardware requirements
Requirements Common Agent
Processor speed POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7
Memory (RAM) 512 MB (minimum)
Tables 8 and 9 provide information about disk storage requirements for installing
Common Agent. Table 8 covers the space requirements for the actual installation.
Table 9 covers additional space requirements based on the installation method. The
total disk storage requirement must be calculated by combining Table 8 and Table
Table 15. Disk storage requirements for installing Common Agent (includes Platform Agent)
File system Disk space required
/ 50 MB
/usr 194 MB
/var 512 MB
/tmp 200 MB
/opt 512 MB
Note: The /tmp space is only required during the installation and is freed after the
installation is complete.
Table 16. Additional disk storage requirement for installing Common Agent based on installation method
File system Disk space required
Manual installation using SysDir6_2_1_Common_Agent_Installp_AIX_VIOS.tar.gz
Web download file: 224 MB
(Location of your choice)
Space needed to extract Web downloaded file: 284 MB
(Location of your choice)
Manual installation using SysDir6_2_1_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz
Web download file 224 MB
(Location of your choice)
Space needed to extract Web downloaded file 224 MB
(Location of your choice)
Space needed to extract dir6.2.1_commonagent_aix into /tmp/ 284 MB
Agent deployment with Agent Installation Wizard using SysDir6_2_1_Common_Agent_AIX.tar.gz
Server system: Web downloaded file 224 MB
Note: On systems that do not provide display capability, such as IBM Power blade
servers, you must export the IBM Systems Director Web interface using either the
xhost command or SSH. The IBM Systems Director Web interface requirements
apply to the receiving system.
Table 17. Servers running Linux on Power Systems: Minimum hardware requirements
Requirements Platform Agent Common Agent
Processor speed POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7 POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7
Memory (RAM) 128 MB (minimum) 512 MB (minimum)
Tables 11 and 12 provide information about disk storage requirements for installing
Common Agent and Platform Agent. Table 11 covers the space requirements for
the actual installation. Table 12 covers additional space requirements based on the
installation method. The total disk storage requirement must be calculated by
combining Table 11 and Table 12.
Table 18. Disk storage requirements for installing Common Agent and Platform Agent
Disk space required Disk space required
File system Common Agent Platform Agent
/var 28 MB 28 MB
/tmp 240 MB n/a
/opt 290 MB 72 MB
Note: The /tmp space is only required during the installation and is freed after the
installation is complete.
Table 19. Additional disk storage requirement for installing Common Agent and Platform Agent based on installation
Disk space required Disk space required
File system Common Agent Platform Agent
Manual installation using:
Web download file SysDir6_2_Common_Agent_ SysDir6_2_Platform_Agent_
(Location of your choice) Linux_Power.tar.gz: Linux_Power.tar.gz:
197 MB 42 MB
Space needed to extract Web SysDir6_2_Common_Agent_ SysDir6_2_Platform_Agent_
downloaded file Linux_Power.tar.gz: Linux_Power.tar.gz:
(Location of your choice) 200 MB 44 MB
System z servers
Table 20. System z servers: Minimum hardware requirements
Common Agent with CIM
instrumentation for z/VM
manageability access point
Requirement Platform Agent Common Agent (MAP)
Processor speed Processor speeds provided by IBM System z and zSeries® servers are sufficient for IBM
Systems Director agents. These models are:
v IBM System z (IBM zEnterprise, System z10® Business Class, System z10 Enterprise Class,
System z9® Enterprise Class, and System z9 Business Class)
v IBM zSeries (IBM zSeries 990, 900, 890 and 800)
Memory 512 MB 512 MB 512 MB
Tables 14 and 15 provide information about disk storage requirements for installing
Common Agent, Platform Agent, and z/VM MAP agent on System z servers
running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or SUSE Linux (SLES). Table 14 covers
the space requirements for the actual installation. Table 15 covers additional space
requirements for deploying z/VM MAP agent using the Agent Installation Wizard.
Table 21. Disk storage requirements for installing Common Agent, Platform Agent, and z/VM MAP agent on System z
servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or SUSE Linux (SLES)
instrumentation with
Requirement Platform Agent Common Agent Platform Agent
/opt SLES: 135 MB SLES: 374 MB SLES: 155 MB
RHEL: 135 MB RHEL: 374 MB RHEL: 155 MB
/proc n/a SLES: 2 MB n/a
/tmp SLES: 30 MB SLES: 439 MB SLES: 33 MB
RHEL: 30 MB RHEL: 439 MB RHEL: 33 MB
The z/VM MAP agent maintains a repository of virtual appliances that are
captured and deployed with VMControl. A symbolic link can be created from the
/var/opt/ibm/zvmmap/repository/images directory to another directory containing
the virtual appliances.
v The minimum size of the volume on which the repository resides depends on
the number of virtual appliances that will be maintained in the repository and
the size of the individual virtual appliances. The size of a virtual appliance
depends upon the "used" size of the file systems in the captured Linux image.
An average virtual appliance size is approximately 1 GB.
v It is further recommended that a non-striped LVM logical volume be used for
this storage so it may be non-disruptively expanded as necessary.
Table 22. Additional disk storage requirement for deploying z/VM MAP CIM instrumentation with Platform Agent using
the Agent Installation Wizard
Disk space required
z/VM MAP CIM instrumentation
File system with Platform Agent
Agent deployment with Agent Installation Wizard using:
Server system: Web download file 6 MB
Server system: Space needed to extract Web downloaded 6 MB
file (SysDir6_2_1_zVM_Map_Agent_System_z.tar.gz)
Target system: Deploy dir6.2.1-1_zvmmapagent_linux.sh 6 MB
and zvmmapagent.rsp files
To determine disk space requirements for applying IBM Systems Director updates,
follow these steps to review the disk space information before downloading the
1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Navigate
2. Navigate to the system that you need to update.
3. Right-click the system and select Release Management > Show needed
4. On the Show Needed Updates page, select the required update.
5. Click Actions > Download The Download Updates window displays with the
Size of update and its Location.
6. Multiply the update size value by 250%. The resulting number will be the
approximate disk space required on the system to download and install the
1. The degree of support that IBM Systems Director provides on these systems
and products might vary. For this information, see the IBM Systems Director
Release Notes.
2. IBM Systems Director runs on IBM Power and System z systems when the
installed operating system is also supported by IBM Systems Director.
3. The IBM System Storage NAS products include an installation of Common
4. Some systems and products might not be available in your area.
IBM Systems Director supports only products that are currently supported by the
owners or manufacturers of that product. If a product is no longer supported by its
owner or manufacturer, it is implicit that IBM Systems Director also no longer
supports that product.
Starting in version 6.1, IBM Systems Director provides a Web interface for use with
IBM Systems Director Server. IBM Director Console is no longer required.
However, some tasks in the Web interface require the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program. For information about the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program and the tasks that require it, see “Launched tasks and the
IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks program.” For operating-system support,
see “Operating systems supported by the IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks
Unless stated otherwise, IBM Systems Director provides agentless support for all
operating systems listed in this topic.
Note: IBM Systems Director Server is supported on VMware ESX Server if IBM
Systems Director Server is supported on the selected guest operating system.
Supported guest operating systems are those that are supported by both IBM
Systems Director and the specified version of VMware. See the VMware product
documentation for a list of supported operating systems.
Table 24. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System x systems; IBM and third-party x86-based
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Versions of Linux for 32-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, 7, and 8) X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and WS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, 7, and X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0 (supports Updates 1, 2, X X X
3, 4, and 5)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 5.0 (supports Updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop with Workstation option, version 5.0 (supports X X
Updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, All Editions, version 5.0, with Xen Kernel (supports X
Updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86 (supports Service Packs 1, 2, and 3) X X X
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, with Xen Kernel (supports Service Packs 1, 2, X
and 3)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for x86 (supports Service Pack 1) X X X
Note: This support requires the IBM Systems Director 6.1.1 or later Common
Agent and IBM Systems Director 6.1.1 or later Platform Agent. Restriction: You
will no longer be able to manage the RSA in-band. You can manage it
out-of-band by connecting it to the network and discovering it with IBM Systems
Versions of Linux for 64-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for AMD64 and EM64T (supports X X X
Updates 5, 6, 7, and 8)
Table 25. VMware ESX Server versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System x systems; IBM and
third-party x86-based systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
VMware ESX Server, versions 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4, and 3.5.5 Console X X
1. IBM Systems Director 6.1 Common Agent and IBM Director Core Services
5.20.3, Service Update 1, support VMware ESX Server versions 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2,
3.5.3, and 3.5.4.
2. IBM Systems Director 6.2.1Common Agent with IBM Systems Director
6.2.1Platform Agent supports VMware ESX Server versions 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2,
3.5.3, 3.5.4, 3.5.5. Restriction: You will no longer be able to manage the RSA
in-band. You can manage it out-of-band by connecting it to the network and
discovering it with IBM Systems Director.
Table 27. AIX versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM AIX Version 5.3: X X
v AIX 53 TL06 SP09 or later SP levels
v AIX 53 TL07 SP06 or later SP levels
v AIX 53 TL08 SP04 or later SP levels
v AIX 53 TL09 or later TL levels
1. Agentless support includes only discovery, limited remote access, a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task, and the ability to launch the AIX
Management Console for IBM AIX Version 5.3 agents.
2. For IBM Systems Director Server or Common Agent support provided by
IBM AIX Version 5.3, newer TLs and Service Packs will be supported on the
day of their general availability (GA).
3. Common Agent is installed with AIX; it is started by default.
Table 28. IBM i versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM i 7.1 X X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is provided by the IBM 5770–UME
2. OS and LPP program temporary fix (PTF) updates for IBM i are supported
when they become available.
IBM i 6.1 (formerly i5/OS®, Version 6 Release 1) X X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is provided by the IBM 5770–UME
2. OS and LPP program temporary fix (PTF) updates for IBM i are supported
when they become available.
Unless otherwise stated, the following table includes IBM Power systems and IBM
Power Blade Servers, but excludes Cell Blade Servers.
Table 29. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, versions 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8, on IBM Power Systems X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, versions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5, X X X
on IBMPower Systems
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on IBM Power Systems (supports Service Packs X X X
1, 2, and 3)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 on IBM Power Systems (supports Service Pack X X X
Table 30. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System z systems
Systems z/VM
Director Common Platform MAP
Operating system Server Agent Agent6 Agent1
Versions for 31-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X
(supports Update 8 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (supports X X
Service Pack 4 and earlier)
Versions for 64-bit2 systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X X
(64-bit Edition) (supports Update 8 and earlier)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0, for X X X X3
IBM System z (64-bit Edition) (supports Update 5 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (64-bit Edition) X X X X4
(supports Service Pack 4 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM System z (64-bit X X X X5
Edition) (supports Service Pack 3 and earlier)
Starting in version 6.1, IBM Systems Director provides a Web interface for use with
IBM Systems Director Server. IBM Director Console is no longer required.
However, some tasks in the Web interface require the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program. For information about the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program and the tasks that require it, see “Launched tasks and the
IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks program.” For operating-system support,
see “Operating systems supported by the IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks
Unless stated otherwise, IBM Systems Director provides agentless support for all
operating systems listed in this topic.
Note: IBM Systems Director Server is supported on VMware ESX Server if IBM
Systems Director Server is supported on the selected guest operating system.
Supported guest operating systems are those that are supported by both IBM
Systems Director and the specified version of VMware. See the VMware product
documentation for a list of supported operating systems.
Table 32. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System x systems; IBM and third-party x86-based
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Versions of Linux for 32-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, 7, and 8) X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and WS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, 7, and X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0 (supports Updates 1, 2, X X X
3, 4, and 5)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 5.0 (supports Updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop with Workstation option, version 5.0 (supports X X
Updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, All Editions, version 5.0, with Xen Kernel (supports X
Updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86 (supports Service Packs 1, 2, and 3) X X X
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, with Xen Kernel (supports Service Packs 1, 2, X
and 3)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for x86 (supports Service Pack 1) X X X
Note: This support requires the IBM Systems Director 6.1.1 or later Common
Agent and IBM Systems Director 6.1.1 or later Platform Agent. Restriction: You
will no longer be able to manage the RSA in-band. You can manage it
out-of-band by connecting it to the network and discovering it with IBM Systems
Table 34. AIX versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM AIX Version 5.3: X X
v AIX 53 TL06 SP09 or later SP levels
v AIX 53 TL07 SP06 or later SP levels
v AIX 53 TL08 SP04 or later SP levels
v AIX 53 TL09 or later TL levels
1. Agentless support includes only discovery, limited remote access, a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task, and the ability to launch the AIX
Management Console for IBM AIX Version 5.3 agents.
2. For IBM Systems Director Server or Common Agent support provided by
IBM AIX Version 5.3, newer TLs and Service Packs will be supported on the
day of their general availability (GA).
3. Common Agent is installed with AIX; it is started by default.
Table 35. IBM i versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM i 7.1 X X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is provided by the IBM 5770–UME
2. OS and LPP program temporary fix (PTF) updates for IBM i are supported
when they become available.
IBM i 6.1 (formerly i5/OS, Version 6 Release 1) X X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is provided by the IBM 5770–UME
2. OS and LPP program temporary fix (PTF) updates for IBM i are supported
when they become available.
Unless otherwise stated, the following table includes IBM Power systems and IBM
Power Blade Servers, but excludes Cell Blade Servers.
Table 36. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, versions 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8, on IBM Power Systems X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, versions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 X X X
on IBM Power Systems
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on IBM Power Systems (supports Service Packs X X X
1, 2, and 3)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 on IBM Power Systems (supports Service Pack X X X
Table 37. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System z systems
Systems IBM z/VM
Director Common Platform MAP
Operating system Server Agent Agent Agent1
Versions for 31-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X
(supports Update 8 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (supports X X
Service Pack 4 and earlier)
Versions for 64-bit2 systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X X
(64-bit Edition) (supports Update 8 and earlier)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0, for IBM X X X X3
System z (64-bit Edition) (supports Update 5 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (64-bit Edition) X X X X4
(supports Service Pack 4 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM System z (64-bit Edition) X X X X5
(supports Service Pack 3 and earlier)
Starting in version 6.1, IBM Systems Director provides a Web interface for use with
IBM Systems Director Server. IBM Director Console is no longer required.
However, some tasks in the Web interface require the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program. For information about the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program and the tasks that require it, see “Launched tasks and the
IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks program.” For operating-system support,
see “Operating systems supported by the IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks
Note: IBM Systems Director Server is supported on VMware ESX Server if IBM
Systems Director Server is supported on the selected guest operating system.
Supported guest operating systems are those that are supported by both IBM
Systems Director and the specified version of VMware. See the VMware product
documentation for a list of supported operating systems.
Table 39. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System x systems; IBM and third-party x86-based
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Versions of Linux for 32-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, 7, and 8) X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and WS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, 7, and X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0 (supports Updates 1, 2, X X X
3, and 4)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 5.0(supports Updates 1, 2, 3, and 4) X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop with Workstation option, version 5.0(supports X X
Updates 1, 2, 3, and 4)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, All Editions, version 5.0, with Xen Kernel (supports X
Updates 1, 2, 3, and 4)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for x86 (supports Service Packs 3 and 4) X X X
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86 (supports Service Packs 1, 2, and 3) X X X
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, with Xen Kernel (supports Service Packs 1, 2, X
and 3)
Table 41. AIX versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM AIX Version 5.3: X X
v AIX 53 TL06 SP09 or later
v AIX 53 TL07 SP06 or later
v AIX 53 TL08 SP04 or later
v AIX 53 TL09 or later
v AIX 53 TL10 or later
v AIX 53 TL11 or later
1. Agentless support includes only discovery, limited remote access, a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task, and the ability to launch the AIX
Management Console for IBM AIX Version 5.3 agents.
2. For IBM Systems Director Server or Common Agent support provided by
IBM AIX Version 5.3, newer TLs and Service Packs will be supported on the
day of their general availability (GA).
Table 42. IBM i versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM i 6.1 (formerly i5/OS, Version 6 Release 1) X X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is not provided by the Platform
Agent but by the 5722–UME product.
2. Agentless support includes only Discovery, Remote Session and a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task.
3. The richer set of features and subagent tasks provided by Common Agent is
supported with the IBM Director Agent 5.20 for IBM i that is currently
4. OS and LPP program temporary fix (PTF) updates for IBM i 6.1 (formerly
i5/OS, Version 6 Release 1) are supported when they become available.
IBM i 5.4 (formerly i5/OS, Version 5 Release 4) X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is provided by the IBM 5722–UME
2. Agentless support includes only Discovery, Remote Session and a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task.
3. The richer set of features and subagent tasks provided by Common Agent is
supported with the IBM Director Agent 5.20 for IBM i that is currently
4. OS and LPP program temporary fix (PTF) updates for IBM i 5.4 (formerly
i5/OS, Version 5 Release 4) are supported when they become available.
Unless otherwise stated, the following table includes IBM Power systems and IBM
Power Blade Servers, but excludes Cell Blade Servers.
Table 44. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System z systems
Systems IBM z/VM
Director Common Platform MAP
Operating system Server Agent Agent Agent1
Versions for 31-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X
(supports Update 8 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (supports X X
Service Pack 4 and earlier)
Versions for 64-bit2 systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X X
(64-bit Edition) (supports Update 8 and earlier)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0, for IBM X X X X3
System z (64-bit Edition) (supports Update 4 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (64-bit Edition) X X X X4
(supports Service Pack 4 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM System z (64-bit Edition) X X X X5
(supports Service Pack 3 and earlier)
The IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent (MAP Agent) is used by IBM Systems Director 6.1.x to
monitor the virtual machines and associated resources known as a z/VM system. The agent must be running in
a virtual machine within the IBM z/VM version 5.4 or 6.1 system that is to be monitored.
64-bit support is by way of 31-bit compatibility mode only.
IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent requires Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version
5.0, for IBM System z (64-bit Edition), Update 3.
IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent requires SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z
(64-bit Edition), Service Pack 4.
IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent requires SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM System z
(64-bit Edition), Service Pack 2.
Note: IBM Systems Director Server is supported on VMware ESX Server if IBM
Systems Director Server is supported on the selected guest operating system.
Supported guest operating systems are those that are supported by both IBM
Systems Director and the specified version of VMware. See the VMware product
documentation for a list of supported operating systems.
Table 46. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System x systems; IBM and third-party x86-based
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Versions of Linux for 32-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, and 7) X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES and WS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, and 7) X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0 (supports Updates 1, 2 X X X
and 3)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Desktop with Workstation option, version 5.0 X X
(supports Updates 1, 2 and 3)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, All Editions, version 5.0, with Xen Kernel (supports X
Updates 1, 2 and 3)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for x86 (supports Service Packs 3 and 4) X X X
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86 (supports Service Packs 1 and 2) X X X
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, with Xen Kernel (supports Service Packs 1 and X
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for x86 X X
Note: This support requires the IBM Systems Director, version 6.1.1, Platform
Agent. Restriction: You will no longer be able to manage the RSA in-band. You
can manage it out-of-band by connecting it to the network and discovering it
with IBM Systems Director.
Table 48. IBM i versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM i 6.1 (formerly i5/OS, Version 6 Release 1) X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is not provided by the Platform
Agent but by the 5722–UME product.
2. Agentless support includes only Discovery, Remote Session and a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task.
3. The richer set of features and subagent tasks provided by Common Agent is
supported with the IBM Director Agent 5.20 for IBM i that is currently
4. OS and LPP program temporary fix (PTF) updates for IBM i 6.1 (formerly
i5/OS, Version 6 Release 1) are supported when they become available.
Unless otherwise stated, the following table includes IBM Power systems and IBM
Power Blade Servers, but excludes Cell Blade Servers.
Table 49. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, versions 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8, on IBM Power Systems X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, versions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4, on X X X
IBM Power Systems
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.2, on IBM Power X X
systems (on IBM BladeCenter QS21 and QS22 Blade Servers)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on IBM Power Systems (supports Service Packs 3 X X X
and 4)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on IBM Power Systems (supports Service Packs X X X
1 and 2)
Table 50. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System z systems
Systems IBM z/VM
Director Common Platform MAP
Operating system Server Agent Agent Agent1
Versions for 31-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X
(supports Update 7 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (supports X X
Service Pack 4 and earlier)
Versions for 64-bit2 systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X X
(64-bit Edition) (supports Update 7 and earlier)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0, for IBM X X X X3
System z (64-bit Edition) (supports Update 3 and earlier)
Table 51. Virtual I/O Server versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Virtual I/O Server, fix pack 20.1 X
Starting in version 6.1, IBM Systems Director provides a Web interface for use with
IBM Systems Director Server. IBM Director Console is no longer required.
However, some tasks in the Web interface require the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program. For information about the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program and the tasks that require it, see “Launched tasks and the
IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks program.” For operating-system support,
see “Operating systems supported by the IBM Systems Director Launched Tasks
Note: IBM Systems Director Server is supported on VMware ESX Server if IBM
Systems Director Server is supported on the selected guest operating system.
Supported guest operating systems are those that are supported by both IBM
Table 53. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System x systems; IBM and third-party x86-based
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Versions of Linux for 32-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0 (supports Updates 5, 6, and 7) X X X
Table 55. IBM i versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
IBM i 6.1 (formerly i5/OS, Version 6 Release 1) X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is not provided by the Platform
Agent but by the 5722UME product.
2. Agentless support includes only Discovery, Remote Session and a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task.
3. The richer set of features and subagent tasks provided by Common Agent is
supported with the IBM Director Agent 5.20 for IBM i that is currently
IBM i 5.4 (formerly i5/OS, Version 5 Release 4) X
1. Platform Agent managed system support is not provided by the Platform
Agent but by the 5722UME product.
2. Agentless support includes only Discovery, Remote Session and a limited
subset of the Agent Installation Wizard task.
3. The richer set of features and subagent tasks provided by Common Agent is
supported with the IBM Director Agent 5.20 for IBM i that is currently
Unless otherwise stated, the following table includes IBM Power systems and IBM
Power Blade Servers, but excludes Cell Blade Servers.
Table 56. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on IBM Power systems
Director Common Platform
Operating system Server Agent Agent
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, versions 4.6, 4.7, on IBM Power Systems X X X
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, versions 5.1 and 5.2, on IBM X X X
Power Systems
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.2, on IBM Power X X
systems (on IBM BladeCenter QS21 and QS22 Blade Servers)
Table 57. Linux versions supported by IBM Systems Director on System z systems
Systems IBM z/VM
Director Common Platform MAP
Operating system Server Agent Agent Agent1
Versions for 31-bit systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X
(supports Update 7 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (supports X X
Service Pack 4 and earlier)
Versions for 64-bit2 systems:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 4.0, for IBM System z X X X
(64-bit Edition) (supports Update 7 and earlier)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version 5.0, for IBM X X X X3
System z (64-bit Edition) (supports Update 2 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z (64-bit Edition) X X X X4
(supports Service Pack 4 and earlier)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM System z (64-bit Edition) X X X X5
(supports Service Pack 2 and earlier)
The IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent (MAP Agent) is used by IBM Systems Director 6.1.0 to
monitor the virtual machines and associated resources known as a z/VM system. The agent must be running in
a virtual machine within the IBM z/VM, version 5.4 system that is to be monitored.
64-bit support is by way of 31-bit compatibility mode only.
IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent requires Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, version
5.0, for IBM System z (64-bit Edition), Update 2.
IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent requires SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for IBM System z
(64-bit Edition), Service Pack 4.
IBM z/VM Manageability Access Point Agent requires SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for IBM System z
(64-bit Edition), Service Pack 2.
The following operating systems are supported by the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program on System x systems; IBM and third-party x86 and
x64-based systems:
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and ES, version 4.0
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and ES, version 4.0, for AMD64 and EM64T
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 5.0
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux, versions 5.0 and 5.1, for AMD64 and EM64T
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux, All Editions, version 5.0, for AMD64 and EM64T, with
Xen Kernel
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for x86
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for AMD64 and EM64T
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for AMD64 and EM64T
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, for AMD64 and EM64T, with Xen Kernel
v VMware ESX Server, versions 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4 guest
operating systems
v Microsoft Virtual Server (guest operating system)
v Windows Server 2003, Enterprise and Standard Editions
v Windows Server 2003, Enterprise and Standard x64 Editions
v Windows Server 2008, Enterprise and Standard Editions
v Windows Server 2008, Enterprise and Standard x64 Editions
v Windows Vista, Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate Editions
v Windows Vista, Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate x64 Editions
v Windows XP Professional Edition
v Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
The following operating systems are supported by the IBM Systems Director
Launched Tasks program on IBM Power systems:
v IBM AIX Version 5.3
v IBM AIX Version 6.1
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, versions 4.6, 4.7, on IBM Power Systems
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform, versions 5.1 and 5.2, on IBM
Power Systems
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 on IBM Power Systems
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 on IBM Power Systems
– It is recommended that you always apply the latest available service pack.
The minimum service pack prerequisite is listed here
– IBM Systems Director 6.2.x provides IPv6 support for Hardware Management
Console V7 R7.1.0 SP2 and later.
– 1Power Systems firmware updates for POWER5, via the Power Systems
firmware Update manager extension, can only be installed for SF240_338 or
– It is recommended that you always apply the latest firmware level. The
minimum firmware level is listed here.
– IBM Systems Director VMControl requires that Integrated Virtualization
Manager be at a minimum version of
– It is recommended that you always apply the latest available service pack.
The minimum service pack prerequisite is listed here.
– The Common Agent is installed with Virtual I/O Server 2.1.1 and later; it is
not started per default. For more information, see the IBM Systems Director
Best Practices wiki - "IVM and VIOS topics".
– IBM Systems Director version 6.2.x provides IPv6 support for Virtual I/O
Server 2.1.3 and later.
Windows Server 2008, Enterprise, Standard, and Datacenter x64 Editions with
Hyper-V role enabled
v Windows Server 2008, Enterprise, Standard, and Datacenter x64 Editions with
Hyper-V role enabled, Release 2
v Windows Server 2008, Enterprise, Standard, and Datacenter x64 Editions with
Hyper-V role enabled (supports Service Packs 1 and 2)
1. Only IBM Systems Director 6.1.2 or 6.2.x Common Agent and 6.1.2 or 6.2.x
Platform Agent support Windows Server 2008, Enterprise, Standard, and
Datacenter x64 Editions with Hyper-V role enabled, Release 2.
Note: All Windows Server 2008 support is for Full install only.
VMware ESXi
v VMware ESXi versions 3.5 Update 2, 3, 4, and 5, under the control of VMware
v VMware ESXi versions 4.0 Update 1 and 2, under the control of VMware
v VMware ESXi version 4.1, under the control of VMware vCenter
VMware VirtualCenter
v VMware VirtualCenter V2.5.x
VMware vCenter
v VMware vCenter 4.x
Xen virtualization
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1, with Xen 3.1
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2, with Xen 3.1.2
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, with the Xen Virtual Machine Host Server
option installed (XEN 3.0)
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1, with the Xen Virtual Machine Host Server
option installed (XEN 3.0.4)
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2, with the Xen Virtual Machine Host Server
option installed (XEN 3.2)
z/VM virtualization
Note: z/VM 6.1 supports host and virtual server performance related monitors
with APAR VM64813. However, host and virtual server performance related
monitor support is not available for systems running z/VM 5.4
Table 60. VMware ESXi versions supported by IBM Systems Director on Agentless
managed systems
Operating system
VMware ESXi versions 3.5, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4, and 3.5.5
VMware ESXi versions 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, and 4.1
The following Web browsers are supported by IBM Systems Director for use with
the IBM Systems Director Web interface:
v Firefox, version 3.6
v Firefox, version 3.5
v Firefox, version 3.0
v Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8.0
v Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 7.0
Tip: If Firefox rejects a self-signed certificate and does not give you and option to
add an exception directly in the alert box, you can add the exception by selecting
Tools > Options > Advanced > Encryption > View Certificates. After you click
View Certificates, the Certificate Manager window opens. In the Certificate
Manager window, select the Servers tab and highlight the Certificate Name for
Depending on the database application selected and the operating system of the
management server, the database management system (DBMS) might be
embedded, local, or remote. The three installation types are described below.
Embedded DBMS
The DBMS is installed on the management server as part of the IBM
Systems Director Server installation, and shares the Java Virtual Machine
with IBM Systems Director.
Local DBMS
The DBMS is installed on the management server on which IBM Systems
Director Server is installed.
Remote DBMS
The DBMS is installed on a different server than the management server,
and accessed remotely by IBM Systems Director Server.
See “Choosing the IBM Systems Director database application” for additional
information about these installation types.
The following table lists the database versions supported by IBM Systems Director
Server on different management servers and provides information about whether
the database server is embedded or can be installed locally or remotely.
Note: The database versions that are listed represent both the database server and
the database client where applicable.
Table 61. Database versions supported by IBM Systems Director
Database Supported database versions AIX Linux Windows
Apache Derby v V10.5.3.1 (included with IBM Embedded Embedded Embedded
Systems Director Server on AIX,
Linux, and Windows)
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Notices 61
62 IBM Systems Director Hardware and Software Support Guide
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