ATA 00 Documentation PDF
ATA 00 Documentation PDF
ATA 00 Documentation PDF
A 319/320/321
ATA 00
Aircraft Maintenance Manual
A319 / A320 / A321 DOCUMENTATION
The A32O Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM)
contains information to service,repair,adjust,inspect
and check equipment and systems of the aircraft
normally performed on the ramp or in the mainte-
nance hangar.
The AMM also contains information about
inspections and maintenance of aircraft structure.
The AMM contains the necessary data to cover sche-
duied maintenance procedures prescribed by the
Maintenance Review Board (MRB) document
respectiveieiy the Maintenance Planning Document
(MPD )and the Deactivation/reactivation procedures
reiative to Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)
respectiveiy to the Configuration Deviation List
(CDL)Time iimits are issued in a seperate Document
and are approved by the Airwonhiness Authorities.
Preliminary pages at the beginning of the AMM con-
S Record of Revisions
S Service Bulletin List
S Deactivation / Reactivation Index
S List of Effective Pages
A!l materia!s prescribed for use during maintenance
procedures are recorded in chapter
S 20-31-00 General use & APU
S 70-00-00 Use specific to engines.
Component location
Contains the following information:
S Functional Identification number(F!N)
S Component name
S lnstrument panel number
S (for controls/indicators
S Zone
S Access Door numbers.
S ATA reference for removal/installation.
System description
The system concerned is detailed
Component description
Broad descriptive and operational information.
Detai!ed operational information on
installation/circuit are provided.
To pressurize the Green Hydrau!ic System. refer to
the sub-chapter 29-10-00 (Main Hydr. Power)
and for pressurzing to page block 201., The proce-
dure for the Green system is shown on Page 210.
To change the Blue Electric Pump Pressure Switch
refer to sub-chapter 29-12-00 (B!ue Hydrau!ik Sy-
ln the sub section 29-12-17 on page b!ock 4O1 the
removal/insta!!ation of the switch is described.
This topic covers the MMEL and CDL Maintenance
Procedures procedures.
The deactivation procedures describe the procedures
to be performed to allow f!ight operations with a sy-
stem or a part of system fai!ed. These procedures
are !isted in the MMEL or CDL.
The reactivation procedures describe the mainte-
nance operations to be performed to restore the sy-
stem to normal operation after removal or deactiva-
tion of the fau!ty component.
!n some cases,a reactivation procedure may be pre-
cede by a troub!e-shooting procedure( TSM).
The MMEL and the CDL are inc!uded the Aircraft
Operations Manual (A0M)
Maintenance Procedures !n all cases where a speci-
fic maintenance procedure becomes necessary a
reference ”Maintenance Procedure” is shown in the
MMEL and CDL. Refer for actions, which have to be
performed to the AMM or Deactivation Procedures
Manual for detailed information!
If a fau!t of the Green Case Drain Fi!ter occured and
no spare is availab!e, the MEL except, ”One may be
inoperative provided it is removed” A Maintenance
Procedure has to be performed. (removal of fi!ter
e!ement). !n the AMM in the tab!e of contens of
chapter 29 you find the deactivation/reactivation, in
sub-chapter 29-1 0-00, Page B!ock 401 the Green
Nur zur Schulung
Operational Test
This test is required to ascertain only a system or unit
is operable.This test requires no special equipment
or facilities other than those installed on the aircraft
and is comparable to the test performed by the flight
Functional Test
This test is required to ascertain that a system or unit
is functioning in all aspects in accordance with mini-
mum acceptab!e system or unit disign specifications.
This test requires supplemental ground support
equipment and is more specific and detailed than an
operational test.
System Test
This test contains a!l adjustment specifications and
tolerances required to maintain system and/or unit
performance at maximum efficiency and disign speci-
To do a operational test of the B!ue Hydraulic E!ectric
Pump,refer to sub-chapter 29-12-00 page
501 -504.0n this pages the test is described.
!f a external leckage of a hydrau!ik component oc-
curs in chapter 29-OO-OO there is a description on
page 6O1 -6O4 for a !eakage check and a!so a tab!e
for the permitted leakage rates.
Nur zur Schulung
Nur zur Schulung
Supporting publications for 0FM56 Engine to support Servicing (S)
the AMM, Procedures covering replenishment (hydrau!ic
f!uid,fuel,etc..) are listed in chapters
Operating instructions (Ol) 1 2-1 3-x:x. the last two letters indicate the ATA refe-
rence at subject system.
The operating intructions give operating limits and At subjet/component level ,procedures covering e.g.
special operating procedures useful for pilots and fi!ters,magnetic plugs, lamp rep!acement,etc. are li-
maintenance personnel. sted to enab!e the user to quickly !ocate the desired
Engine lllustrated Parts Catalog (ElPC)
!ists,illustrates all parts of engine To service the B!ue E!ectric Pump Case Drain Filter
refer to sub-chapter 29-1 2-00 (B!ue Hydraul.Sy-
S it is intended on!y for requistitioning,storing,is-
suing and identifying parts and for illustrating
re!ationship for disassemb!y,where app!icab!e. In the sub-section 29-1 2-43 on page b!ock 301 the
servicing procedure of the fi!ter is described.
S it is not to be used as the authority for procedures
of assemb!y or disassembly.
S is a!so a historical record of parts used, superse-
ded and/or discontinued.