Construction Material and Testing Reviewer

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CHAPTER 1 (Concrete) 4.

➢ The water cement ratio- is first determinated at
CONCRETE - Is either Plain or Reinforced the very first hour of mixing to meet the
➢ Plain concrete - Is an artificial stone as a result of requirements of strength and durability.
mixing cement, fine aggregates, coarse ➢ The cement-aggregate ratio- is then chosen
aggregates and water. Providing a soil mass and established workability.
➢ Reinforced Concrete - Is an concrete with a Workability : the ability of the fresh
reinforced properly embedded in such a concrete to felt all the voids bet. The steel bars
manner that the two materials act together in and forms.
resisting forces.
The Different Types of Concrete Used in Construction ➢ Most important to consider in mixing.
are: ➢ Workability, strength and durability.
1. The Ordinary Portland cement.
2. The Rapid Hardening Portland Cement which is The ACI Requirements for Concrete are as follows
preferred when high early strength concrete is desired 1. Fresh concrete shall be workable, meaming that
3. The Blast Furnace or Sulfate Cement used on fresh concrete could freely flow around the
concrete structures designed to resist chemical attack. reinforcements to fill all voids inside the form.
4. The Low Heat Portland Cement used for massive 2. That the hardened concrete shall be strig enough
sections designed to reduce the heat of hydration to carry the design load.
5. The Portland Pozzolan Cement with a low hardening 3. That hardened concrete could withstand the
characteristic concrete conditions to which it is expected to perform.
6. The High Alumina Cement. 4. That concrete should be economically
➢ Alumnus cement or Cement Fundu Concrete Mixture may be Classified as either:
➢ It has a very high rate of strength development. A. Designed Mixture
➢ Hardening properties B. Prescribed Mixture
➢ Resist chemical attack by surface and weak
acids (sea water) Designed Mixture - Where the contractor is
➢ With stand high expo. And high temp. responsible in establishing the mixture proportion
that will achieve the required strength and
workability as specified in the plan.
Main Composition of Cement are:
Prescribed Mixture - Where the designing engineer
1.6 - 65 % Lime specify the mixture proportion. The contractor’s
18.0 - 25 % Silica responsibility is only to provide a properly mixed
3.0 - 8 % Alumina concrete containing the right proportions as
3.0 - 5 % Iron Oxide prescribed in the plan.
2.0 - 5 % Magnesia
1.0 - 5 % Sulfur Trioxide Concrete Proportion
➢ Volume method or by weight


1. Coarse Aggregates - such as crushed stone, crushed ACCURACY OF THE ESTIMATE.
gravel or natural gravel with particles retained on a 5 1. Inaccurate Vol. of delivered aggregate.
mm sieve. 2. Dumping of agg. On uneven ground
2. Fine Aggregates - such as crushed stone, crushed surface.
gravel, sand or natural sand with particles passing on a 3. Improper measuring of agg. During the
5 mm sieve. mixing operations.
Size of Aggregates - size varies from 40, 20, 14 or 10 mm 4. Cement and fine agg. For grouting
diameter. concrete joints mostly overlooked
Principle of Concrete Mixing 5. Cement waste due (cement) reckless
- To select an optimum proportion of cement, handling and hauling
water and aggregates. 6. Pure cement power used in masonry.
requirements: 7. Pilferage of material.

1. Workability
2. Strength
3. Durability
ORDERING OF CONCRETE AGGREGATES MUST BE ➢ Boarding materials/plastering works.
a. Kind of Gravel either crushed stone or natural IN ESTIMATING CEMENT MORTAR, CONSIDER THESE:
gravel from the creek. a. Mortar to be used I between the layer of
b. Minimum and maximum size of stone must be CHB
spec.. should be free from mixed sand bec. b. Mortar filler for the hollow core/cell of the
sand is cheaper than gravel. block (could be pure mortar or gravel for
c. Natural gravel from the greek req. screaning to economy)
obtain a well graded coarse agg. c. Fine screened sand for plastering.


PLASTERING: must be also considered


➢ Is supported by a continuous wall footing of
various thickness and width.


➢ Stretcher block
➢ L-corner block
- ➢ Single end block
➢ Half block
➢ Beam block
CHAPTER 2 (Masonry)
Concretre Hollow Block – is popularly known as CHB. ➢ Only used in computing mortar for block
It is classified as load bearing and non-bearing blocks. laying

Load bearing block- are those whose thickness ranges In estm. Conc(CHB), consider; the side portion of
from 15 to 20 centimeters and are used to carry load the block.
aside from its own weight.
Non-bearing Block – are blocks intended for walls, ➢ is designed as a continuous inter lock
partitions, fences, dividers and the like carrying its own support of the roof framing.
weight whose thickness ranges from 7 to 10
centimeters. Stretcher and Corner
➢ used on corners provided with
The Standard Hollow Blocks has three void cells and reinforcement instead of RC.
half at both sides equal to 4 void cells.
Hollow blocks which generally comprises of the ➢ primary consideration in only type of
following items: construction
1. Concrete hollow blocks.
2. Cement and sand for block laying. SPECIAL TYPES OF CHB:
3. Cement, sand and gravel filler for the hollow 1. Core Stretcher block
core or ceil. 2. Core L-corner block
4. Cement and fine sand for plastering. 3. Core single end block
5. Cement sand and gravel for foundation or 4. Half block
following 5. Half block
6. Reinforcing steel bars and 6. Beam block
7. Tie wires. 7. Single end block

These must be considered…… estimation: DECORATIVE BLOCK

1. Depth of the beam ➢ Manufactured from either cement mortar or
2. Underground foundation to the FL. clay
3. Uniform sizes and thickness (more expensive if ➢ Decorative purposes
not.) Ex.
1. Italian
Cement Mortar 2. Bolivian
➢ Is a mixture of cement, sand and water 3. Luz
4. Corinthian GABIONS
5. Roman ➢ Box snapped containers made of tough
6. Josephine woven hexagonal netting wires.
7. Asg
9. Egyptian 1. Slope stabilization for embankment and
10. Persian cutting
2. Pretention of erosion in river embankments
ADOBE STONE 3. Coastal protection in sea wall and sand
➢ Commonly used for fencing mat. dunes
➢ Subs. CHB for economic reason 4. Construction of rivers, weirs and channel
➢ Plastering (x) esposure linings
5. Groynes projecting into rivers, inland waters
➢ Height limitations 6. Protection of bridge support and


1. The base and stem of the ret. Wall must be
capable of resisting internal shear and bending
moments developing as a result of soil and CHAPTER 3 (Metal Reinforcement)
other loadings STEEL
2. The wall must be safe against overturning. ➢ Most widely reinforcing mat.
3. Must be safe against of the foundation ➢ Excellent both tension and compare
4. The bearing capacity of the foundation mat. ➢ 10x stronger than concrete in resisting
Supporting the wall must not be exceeded. compression load
➢ 100x stronger in tensile stress
➢ Either with or without grout. IDENTIFICATION PF STEEL BARS
➢ “ “ “ blocking
➢ Stones, rocks, rectangular in section. N = for ballet
o Tough, durable, dense. A = for axle
o Resistance to air and water. Rail Sign = Rail Steel

CLASS OF STONE FOR RIPRAP Various Types of Metal Reinforcement

➢ Class A ---- 15 – 25 kg A. Concrete Hallow Block Rein.
50% - <20 kg - Simplest way
➢ Class B ---- 30 – 70 kg - Vertical and horizontal rein.
50% - <50 kg B. Footing Rein
➢ Class C ---- 60 – 100 kg 1. Footing slab rein. For med/small size foot
50% - <80 kg 2. Dowel cut bars
➢ Class D ---- 100 – 200 kg 3. Beam reinforcement for med. Cons.
50% - <150 kg 4. Beam and slab for large cons.
5. Stirrups
C. Post and Column Rein.
Excavation and Placing 1. Main vertical beam
Bed for RIPRAP – properly compacted - Single
- Bundled
Slope Failure/Landslide 2. Lateral Ties
➢ Changes due to natural condition/man - Internal
induced changes - External
➢ Significant movement - Straight
➢ Fills and out slopes 3. Spiral Ties
4. Dowel for Partitions
Gabions and Mattresses D. Beam and Girder Rein.
➢ Used to give protection and support to sea wall, 1. Main Rein
river banks, culverts, reservoir, road bridges…… - Straight bars
- Bend bars
- Addit. Cut bars
- Dowel bars
2. Stirrups
- Open, closed, straight
3. Cut bars
- Over and across, between/supports, dowel
E. Floor Slab Rein.
1. Main Rein
2. Temp. bars
3. Additional alter, cut bars
4. Dowel and Ranger for ceiling

STEEL BAR AS REINFORCEMENT: Req. for all types of

concrete and masonry works.
➢ Tie wire: gauge no. 16 “GALVANIZED IRON
WIRE”. Used to secure steel bars.
➢ Independent column footing:
individual/isolated footing
➢ Lateral Ties: Tied column. Held lateral rein.
➢ Stirrup: Struc. Reinf. Mem. Holds/blinds together
the main reinf.
a. Open
b. Closed
➢ Spiral Rein: Evenly spaced continuous spirals
➢ Solid Slab: commonly used concrete floor style.
➢ Two way reinforced concrete: multiple pays of
solid two way…..
➢ Lumbering: operations performed in preparing
wood for commercial purposes
➢ Logging: operations from cutting tress
➢ Sawing: Operation of cutting logs.
Are used as sheeting for circular oval, elliptical,
FORMS – Is a temporary boarding , sheathing, or etc.
pan used to produce the desired shape and size of
concrete. METAL SHEET FORM – Supported by metal frame of
- Must be simple and economical either plain bars, angular, tee or circular in cross
CONCRETE MIXTURES – a semi fluid that reproduces
the shape of anything into which it is poured. WOODEN LUMBER FORMS – Are rigidly supported
with sufficient vertical and diagonal bracing
1. Cost of the materials SCAFFOLDING – Is a temporary structure of
2. Construction and assembling cost wooden poles & planks providing platform for
3. The number of times it could be used workers.
4. Strength and resistance
STAGING – Is more substantial framework
CLASSIFICATION OF FORMS: progressively build up as tall building rises up.
-primary causes of accidents and failures
As to Materials As to shape Solid or hollow cast
Wood Straight Single Lumber – intended for tempo. Structure to support
Metal Circular, etc Double heavy loads.
Plastic Coconut Lumber – used due to the scarcity of
Composite wood plus the prohibitive price of lumber.
As to method of construction As to Uses 1. Vertical Support
Ordinary Foundation Slab 2. Base of Vertical Support
Unit Beam & Girders Wall 3. Horizontal member
Sidewalk Steps 4. Diagonal Braces
5. Block and wedges
Construction of forms consist of 6. Nail or Bolts
Retaining Board Spacer
Supporters or Stud Tie wire COST – Is the primary consideration in selecting the
Bolts & Nails Braces kind of material to be used as form.
Types of Post and Wall form
1. Initial cost of mat.
2. Assembling cost
Full Unit
3. No. of times it could be use
Layer Unit
4. Durability to resist pressure
- Continuous
- Sectional
STEEL PIPE SCAFFOLDING – Can be used freely to
refabricate height and width according to the
places and forms.
Forms are constantly greased before its use.
Purpose: to make the wood waterproof,
GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE – wt good strength makes
prevent the adherence of concrete.
durability and also leads economical delivery and
CRUDE OIL – most economical & Satisfactory mat.
-Mixed with no.40 – 1:3 mixtures
Adjustable Base Jack – adjustable of level of
-prevent rust formation
scaffolding on ground, adj up to 25cm.
Adjustable U head – adjustment of level of wood
PLYWOOD- Versatile const. mat. Used as wall
bearers/joist. – 25cm
partitions, cabinets and furniture. Used as forms for
Adjustable double prop – heavy duty framed
reinforced concrete const.
ADVANTAGES OF PLYWOOD Adjustable straight prop – ideal support for beam
1. It is economical in terms of labor cost. & slab as well as bracing for wall and column.
2. It is light weight and handy Cross brace – Various span are avail. In 1.20m,
3. Has smooth surface w/c may not req. 1.50m and 180 m.
plastering Joint Pin – Connects frame 1 on top of the other.
4. Less consumption of nails Adjustable Slab bearer – Used on extenson to
5. Ease of assembling and disassembling hold on the slab.
6. Available.

GULVANIZED IRON SHEET – Popularly known as GI

sheet. Is either Plain or Corrugated.


roofing gutter, flashing downspout, rigde…


widely used for roofing sidings.

PVc PLASTIC MATERIALS – Are now used as gutter

and downspot instead of plain GI sheets.


1. Standard Corrugated Sheet
2. 4-v Corrugated Sheet
3. Placa Romana
4. Kanaletas
5. Tencor Corrugated Sheet
6. Ardex Lightweight Corrugated Sheet
- Stanard Ardex
- Super Ardex

COLORBOND – Is a corrosion resistant zinc coated

steel sheet pre panted steel.

Special ft. of Colorbond

1. Concealed Fastening
2. Lock action rib design
3. Attractive fluted trace
4. Near flat roof slopes
5. Less supports –wider spaced.
6. Strong lightweight steel
7. Custom cut long lengths

ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE – Is manufactured by

certain Teed. It comes into two varieties called
Certain Teed 20 and Extra tough 25.

Certain Teed 20 – Carrries the UL wind resistance

and is certified by ASTM to provide high tear

XT 25 – is considered extra resistant to wind stress to

help prevent tearing and blow of.

UPVC ROOFING SHEET – Is called IMACRoof suited

to corrosive conditions particularly industrial
IMACRoof Sheets – are made up of particular
blend of themo plastic resins.

SPANFLEX – Is a siding and celling system efficient

subst. for costly wood panels.

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