Biogas A Renewable Energy Source
Biogas A Renewable Energy Source
Biogas A Renewable Energy Source
Points Included :
• Selection of Project
• Objectives
• Importance
• Study Methods
• Observation
• Analysis
• Result /Conclusion
• Project Presentation
Selection of Project :
The stocks of fossil fuel and natural gas are limited and they will vanish in
upcoming days . So there is need of finding some sort of renewable sources
of energy that will be both beneficial and efficient . And Biogas is one of them .
This motivated me to select this special topic and study details of it .
Objectives :
Importance :
The raw material used for production of biogas is organic waste like cow dung,
human waste ,leaves etc . The biogas system can reduce the Greenhouse
gases as it is alternative for fossil fuel . Biogas is renewable source of energy
that produce energy without emitting any harmful emissions . Biogas use keep
the earth clean and pollution-free. Biogas has application in remote areas
where there is electricity source .
In short , biogas is natural ,renewable and efficient source of energy so its
study is very important .
Study Methods :
I have referred following material for completion of my project :
• Biogas - Wikipedia
• Environment and Sustainable development - HSC text-book
• Visit to nearest Biogas plant .
Observations :
Biogas plant has dome like structure and constructed using bricks and
cements . It has following five components :
Analysis :
Limitations of Biogas :
Although biogas has many disadvantages , it is widely used in rural areas . It
is a clean burning , renewable and eco-friendly source of energy . We need to
find out the solution for increasing the efficiency of biogas plant so that is can
be use on large scale .
Thank You !