Biogas A Renewable Energy Source

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Biogas a Renewable Energy Source

Project Title : Biogas a Renewable Energy source

Points Included :

• Selection of Project
• Objectives
• Importance
• Study Methods
• Observation
• Analysis
• Result /Conclusion
• Project Presentation

Selection of Project :
The stocks of fossil fuel and natural gas are limited and they will vanish in
upcoming days . So there is need of finding some sort of renewable sources
of energy that will be both beneficial and efficient . And Biogas is one of them .
This motivated me to select this special topic and study details of it .

Objectives :

Objectives of Project are as follows :

• To study "What biogas is ?" .

• To study structure of biogas plant .
• To study the mechanism of biogas production.
• To study the advantages of Biogas over non-renewable sources .
• To find out the limitations of biogas and try to suggest solutions for it .

Importance :
The raw material used for production of biogas is organic waste like cow dung,
human waste ,leaves etc . The biogas system can reduce the Greenhouse
gases as it is alternative for fossil fuel . Biogas is renewable source of energy
that produce energy without emitting any harmful emissions . Biogas use keep
the earth clean and pollution-free. Biogas has application in remote areas
where there is electricity source .
In short , biogas is natural ,renewable and efficient source of energy so its
study is very important .

Study Methods :
I have referred following material for completion of my project :

• Biogas - Wikipedia
• Environment and Sustainable development - HSC text-book
• Visit to nearest Biogas plant .

Observations :

Biogas plant has dome like structure and constructed using bricks and
cements . It has following five components :


1. Mixing Tank : Present above the ground level .

2. Inlet tank : This is tank where mixing tank opens .It is present
underground .
3. Digester : Inlet chember opens from below into the digester . Digester is
huge tank with dome like ceiling . The ceiling is provided with outlet for
biogas outlet .
4. Outlet tank : The digester opens from below into the outlet tank .
5. Overfllow tank : The outlet chamber opens from top into the overflow

This is the simple structure of biogas tank.

Analysis :

Requirements for biogas production :

Along with cattle dung ,poultry litter , agriculture waste , plant leaves are used
to produce biogas .

Why biogas ? (Advantages of biogas)

1. First thing it is environment-friendly .

2. It is produced using animal and agricultural waste which is very easily
available in rural areas.
3. It is free source of energy ,once plant has been built.
4. It not only gives biogas but also provide a nutrient rich slurry which is
used as fertiliser in farm .
5. Use of biogas would reduce use of firewood ,which ultimately would
save trees.
6. It is also used in production of electricity in remote areas where
conventional supply is not available .

Limitations of Biogas :

1. No efficient technology : Unfortunately there is no advancement in

biogas production technique .The current biogas plant system is not as
sufficient as fossil fuel or firewood.These plants are not capable of
supplying large demand of energy for increasing population .Many
Governments are not willing to invest in this due to its inefficiency .
2. Temperature dependent : Like other renewable sources , biogas is also
dependent on weather . The optimal temperature required for biogas
production is around 37-40 C. In winter digester is needed to heated.
3. Unsutaible in Urban region : The raw material for biogas production is
easily available in rural areas but this is not case in urban region . Also
there is space complexity issue in urban area. Hence biogas is having
applications in only rural areas .

Although biogas has many disadvantages , it is widely used in rural areas . It
is a clean burning , renewable and eco-friendly source of energy . We need to
find out the solution for increasing the efficiency of biogas plant so that is can
be use on large scale .

Thank You !

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