Level 2 Question

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1) Low voltage X ray tubes are generally fitted with windoss made of
a) plastic
b) beryllium
c) glass
d) lead

2) A monochromatic X ray beam:

a) is a narrow beam used to produce high contrast radiographs
b) is also refered to as a heterogeneous X ray beams
c) is a beam containing only characteristic X radation
d) is a beam consisting of a single wave length

3) The general method of producing X ray involves the sudden decelaration of high velocity
electron in a solid body called a:
a) focus cup
b) filament
c) target
d) cathode

4) If it were necessary to radiograph a 7"thick steel product, which of the following gammaray
source would most likely be used?
a) Cobalt - 60
b) Thulium - 170
c) Iridium - 192
d) Cesium - 137

5) A cobalt - 60 gamma - ray has an approximate practical thickness limit of:

a) 2 1/2"of steel or its equivalent
b) 4"of steel or its equivalent
c) 9"of steel or its equivalent
d) 11"of steel or its equivalent

6) The absorption of gama rays from a given source when passing through matter depens on:
a) the atomatic number, density and thicknes of the matter
b) The Young's modulus value of the matter
c) the poission ratio value of the matter
d) the specific activity value of the source

7) The fact that gases, when bombarded by radation, ionize and become electrical conductors
make them use ful in:
a) X - ray transformers
b) X - ray tubes
c) maska
d) radation detection equipments

8) The velocity of eloctrons striking the target in an X ray tube is a function of:
a) the atomic number of cathode material
b) the atomic number of filament material
c) the voltage different between the cathode & anode
d) the current flow in the rectifier circuit

9) The uneven distribution of developed grains within the emulsion of a processed X - ray film
causes the subjective impression of:
a) grainness
b) streaks
c) spots
d) white scum

10) Cobalt - 60 is reported to have a half life of 5.3 years. By how much should exposer time be
increased used initially to produce excellent radiographs when the cobalt - 60 source was new.
When the source old?
a) No change in exposer time is needed.
b) Exposer time should be about 11% longer
c) Exposer time should be about 31% longer
d) Exposer time should be about 62 to 100% longer

11) A source of Iridium - 192, whose half life is 75 days, provides an optimum exposer of a given
test to a period of 20 minutes. Five month from now , what exposer time would be required for
the same densith, under similar exposer conditions?
a) 10 Minutes
b) 20 Minutes
c) 1 hour and 20 minutes
d) 6 hours

12) Of the following, the source providing the most penetrating radation is:
a) Cobalt - 60
b) 220 kVp X - ray tube
c) 15 Me V X - ray betatron
d) electron from iridium - 192

13) The gamma - ray intensity at one foot from a one curies source of radioactive cobalt - 60 is
a) 15 roentgens per hour
b) 1,000 roentgens per hour
c) 1 roentgens per hour
d) 10 milli roentgens per hour

14) The focal spot in an X ray tube:

a) is inclined at angel of 30Deg from the normal to the tube axis.
b) is maintained at ahigh negative voltage during operations.
c) should be as large as possible to ensure a narrow beam of primary radation.
d) should be as small as possible without unduly shortening the life of the tube.

15) In an X - ray tube, the filament and focusing cup are the two essential part of the:
a) anode
b) cathode
c) rectifer
d) X - ray transformer

16) The quantity of radiation which will produce, by means of ionization. One electrostatic unit of
0.001293grams of dry air is known as:
a) a millicurie
b) a gamma
c) a roentgen
d) a curie

17) The specific activity of an isotopic source is usually measured in:

a) million electron volts
b) curie per grams
c) roentgens per hour
d) counts per minutes.

18) Which of the following isotopes has the longest half life?
a) Thulium - 170
b) Cobalt - 60
c) Iridium - 192
d) Cesium - 137

19) The primary form of energy conversion when electrons strike a target in an X - ray tube results
in the production
a) Primary X -m rays
b) Secondary X - rays
c) Short wavelength X - rays
d) heat

20) The slope of a straight line joining two points of specified densities on a characteristic curve of
a film is known as the
a) Speed of the curve
b) Latitude
c) average gradients
d) density.

21) An X - ray film having wide latitude also has, by definition:

a) Poor definition
b) Low contrast
c) High speed
d) none of the above

22) The purpose for circuliting oil in some type of X - ray tube is:
a) to lubricate moving parts
b) to absorb secondary radiation
c) to decrease the need for high current
d) to dissipate heat

23) An X - ray tube with a small focal spot is considerded better than one with a large focl spot
when it is desired to obtain:
a) areater penetrating power
b) better definition
c) less contrast
d) greater film density

24) One methode of reducing radiographic contract is to:

a) increase the distance between the radiation source and the object
b) decrease the distance between the object and the film
c) decrese the wave length of the radiation from fogging the film
d) increase development time within manufacturer's recommendations

25) Thin sheets of lead foil in intimate contactc with X - ray film during exposure increase film
density because:
a) The fluoresce and emit visible light which helps expose the film
b) they absorbe the scatter radiation
c) they prevent back scattered radiation from fogging the film
d) they emit electrons when exposed to X - and gamma radiation which help darken the film

26) X - ray tubes or often enclosed ina shockproof casing in order to:
a) disspate heat
b) protect the operator from high - voltage shocks
c) shield the tube from secondary radiation
d) increase the efficiency of the rectifier

A X - ray tube is rated for a maximum of 250 kVp. This tube may be operated at maximum of:
a) 250,000 volts peak voltage
b) 250 kv effective voltage
c) 250,000,000 volts rms voltage
d) 250 kv average voltage

28) A voltage selector consisting of an iron core transformer with a single winding having series of
taps at various points on the winding is called:
a) a high - voltage transformer
b) a filament transformer
c) an autotransformer
d) a power transformer

29) In X - ray radiography, alternating current must be changed to pulsating direct current in order
toso need for unidirectional current. This change may be accomplished by:
a) transformer
b) rectifiers
c) anodes
d) cathodes

30) When radiographing to the 2-2T quality level, an ASMT penetrameter for 2.5"steel has a
a) one - inch.
b) 2.5 mils
c) 5 mils
d) 50 mils

31) Valve tubes are used in X ray equipment to:

a) provide necessary rectification
b) activate and deactivate the X - ray tube.
c) heat the filments in the X - ray tube
d) adjust the size of the target

32) A good cobalt - 60 radiograph is made on a 3"steel casting an exposer time of 10 minutes
souce - to - film distance of 36". It it is necessary to change the source- to-film distance to
24"exposer time would produce a smilar radiograph if all other condition remains the same
a) 1.6 minutes
b) 4.4 minutes
c) 6.4 minutes
d) 8.8 minutes

33) When sharp, black, bird - foot sdaped marks which are known not to correspond with any
discontinuties at random on radiographs, they are probably caused by:
a) prolonged development in old developer
b) exposer of the film by natural cosmic ray showers during storage.
c) static charge caused by friction
d) inadequate rinsing after fixing.

34) The adjustment of tube current in conventional X - ray tube circuits is made by:
a) adjusting the filament heating current
b) adjusting the target - to - cathode distance
c) inserting resistance in the anode lead
d) opening the shutter on the X - ray tube port

35) In comarision with lower - voltage radiograph, High - energy radiographs shows
a) greater contrast
b) greater latitude
c) greater amount of scatter radiation relative to primary beam intensity.
d) none of the above

36) Filter used at the port of the X - ray tube:

a) intensify the X - ray beam by contributing secondary radiation
b) filter short wavelength X - ray beams to provide "softer" radiation
c) provide the most readily adjusted means of modifying X - ray intensity
d) filter out :soft"radiation to provide a more homogeneous x - ray beam.

37) An ASTm penetrameter for use when inspecting a one - half inch thick steel plate to the 2-
2T quality let a 15 - inch source - to - film distance would be made of:
a) 5 mil thich Aluminium
b) 50 mil thich Aluminium or steel
c) 10 mil thick steel
d) 2 mil strip of any metallic material

38) The kilovoltage applied to an X - ray tube affects:

a) the quality of the beam
b) the intensity of the beam
c) both A and B above
d) neither A nor B above

39) Filters placed between the X ray tube and specimen tend to reduce scatter radiation
undercutting the specimen:
a) by absorbing the longer wavelengeth componentents of the primary beam
b) by absorbing the shorter wavelength componentes of the primary beam
c) by absorbing the back scatter radiation
d) decrease the graininess in a radiograph

40) Besides serving as a filter, screens of high atomic number, such as lead antominy, also
a) decrease the source to film distance needed for a proper radiograph
b) provide some image intensifying action
c) permit the use of higher speed film
d) decrease the graininess in a radiograph

41) The range of thickness over which densities are obtained that are satisfactory for interpretation
is a measure of the:
a) subject contact of the radiograph
b) sensitivity of a radiograph
c) latitude of a radiograph
d) defination of a radiograph
42) Almost all gamma radiograph is performed with:
a) natural isotopes
b) iridium - 192 or cobalt - 60
c) radium
d) thulium - 170

43) The amount of unsharpness or blurring of a radiograph is:

a) directly proporational to the object - to - film distance and inversely proporational to the size
of ths focal spot
b) directly proporational to the size of the focal spot and inversely proporational to the source
to object distance
c) inversely proporational to the object - to - film distance and directly proporational to the
source to object distance
d) inversely proporational to the size of ths focal spot and object to film distance

44) Image of discontinuties close to the source side of the specimen become less clearly defined
a) source to object to distance increases
b) the thickness of the specimen increases
c) the size of the focal spot decreases
d) the thickness of the speicemen decreases

45) The inherent filteration of an X ray tube is a function of:

a) the thickness and composition of the X - ray tube port
b) the voltage setting of the instrument
c) the source to object distance
d) the material used as a target

46) X - ray films with large grain size:

a) will produce radiograph with better defination than film with small grain size
b) have slower speeds than those with relatively small grain size
c) have higher speeds than those with relatively small grain size
d) will take longer to expose properly than film with relatively small grainsize

47) As the effective energy of the radiation increases up to about 250 kv

a) film graininess increases
b) film graininess decreases
c) radiographic definition increases
d) film speed decreases

48) The specific activity of cobalt - 60 depends on

a) the time the material has been in the reactor.
b) the atomic number of the material
c) the gamma ray flux to which it was exposed
d) the young's modulus valve of the material

49) The most commenly used target material in an X - ray tube is

a) copper
b) carbon
c) carbide
d) tungsten

50) The purpose for including a disc- shaped target that rotates rapidly during operationin some X
a) increase the intensity of X - radiation
b) decrease the voltage needed for a specific quality of radiation
c) increase the permissible load
d) none of the above answer is correct

51) A device which is basically a combination of magnet and transformer designed to guide and
accleratons in a circular orbit to very high energies is called a:
a) electrostatic belt generator
b) linear accelerator
c) betatron
d) toroidal electro magnetic type tube

52) Two isotopic source of a given strength have two diffenent specific activity values. The source
with specific activity value will:
a) be a smaller physical size than the source with a lower specific activity
b) Have a shorter half life than than the source with a lower specific activity
c) produce harder gamma rays than the source with a lower specific activity
d) be a larger physical size than the source with a lower specific activity

53) A gas - filled region located in an electrical field created by electrodes across which a potential
difference applied forms the major portion of:
a) a low voltage X - ray tube
b) a megger
c) a hot - cathode X - ray tube
d) an ionization chamber

54) Two serious obstacles to high sensitivity fluoroscopy are:

a) the inability to reproduce results and the need for periodic replacement of screens
b) the limitted brightness and large grain size of fluoroscopic screens
c) cost and slow speed
d) the need for using long wave length X - rays and intensity associated with this method

55) In general, the quality of fluoroscopic equipment is best determined by:

a) densitometer reading
b) penetrameter sensitivity measurements
c) discontinuity area measurements
d) referance standards

In fluoroscopic testing, a fundamental difficulty is the relative low brightness level of the images
for increasing brightness utlizes one of the following which converts light energy from the initial
plan face to electronswhich are accelerated and focused into a smaller fluorescent screen
a) Betatron
b) Electron ampilifer
c) Image ampilifer or intensifier
d) Electrostatic belt generator


58) In order to utilize the principles of geometric enlargement (placing the film at a distance from
the specimen):
In order to utilize the principles of geometric enlargement (placing the film at a distance from
the specimen):
a) the source to film distance should be one half the source to film distance
b) the source of the radiation should be extermely small
c) a magnetic focusing coil must be used near the port of the X - ray tube.
d) the specimen must be of uniform thickness

59) The X - ray absorbation of a specimen depend on:

a) the thickness and density of the material.
b) the atomic number of the material.
c) both A and B above
d) neither A nor B

60) The radiographic absorbation of a material will tend to become less dependent upon the
composition of the material when:
a) the kilovoltage is increased
b) the source to film distance is decreased
c) the kilovoltage is decreased
d) a filter is used

61) The formula (milliamperes X time) divided distance square is:

a) used to calculate the film gradient.
b) the reciprocity law
c) used to determine radiographic contract
d) the exposer factor.
d) a filter is used
62) The load that can be handelled by an X ray tube focal spot is governed by:
a) the composition of cathode.
b) the size of focal spot and the efficency of the cooling system of the anode.
c) the distance from the anode and cathode
d) the high voltage wave forms.

63) X - ray exposer holders and cassettes often incroporate a sheet of lead foil in the black which
is not in intimate contact with film. The purpose of this sheet of lead foil is:
a) to act as an intensifying screen
b) to protect the film from the backscatter
c) both A and B above
d) neither A nor B above

64) A lead sheet containing a pin hole may be placed half way between the X ray tube and the film
in order to:
a) determine the approximate size of the focal spot
b) measure the intensity of the central ray
c) filter scatter radiation
d) soften the X radiation.

65) The most comman way of cooling the anode of a high power X ray tube is:
a) cooling by radiation, in which a solid tungesten anode attains such high temperature that it
radiates an appreciable amount of heat
b) cooling by means of circulating cooled air
c) cooling by circulating of water or oil in the anode.
d) cooling by means of external finned radiators.

66) In certain case, it may be advantageous to pack lead shot around a specimen. The purpose
for doing this is
a) to prevent movement of the specimen
b) to increase the subject contract
c) to generate smaller wavelength X - radiation.
d) to decrease the effect of scattered radiation undercutting the specimen

67) The mottling caused by diffraction when radiographing fairly large grained metallic specimans
can and in some case eliminated by:
a) raising the kilovoltage and using fluorescent screens
b) lowering the kilovoltage and using lead foil screens
c) raising the kilovoltage and using lead foil screens
d) lowering the kilovoltage and using fluoresent screens.

68) When radiographing steel with a thickness than one inch:

a) cobalt - 60 would be graeter radiographic sensitivity than a 250 kv x - ray machine.
b) a 250 kv x - ray machine would give greater radiographic sensitivity than cobalt - 60
c) the use of fluorescent screens would results in a radiograph of better quality than would
lead foil screens
d) the use of lead foil screens will required a shorter exposer time than will fluorescent

A radiograph made with an exposer of 12mA per minute has a density of 0.8 in the regino of
mainly intrest. It is desired to increase the density to 2.0 in this area. By referance to a
characteristic curve of it is found that the difference in log E between a density of 0.8 is
0.76.The antilogarthm of log E. What must the new exposer time to be produced a radiograph
with adensity of 2.0?
a) 9.12 mA per minute
b) 21.12 mA per minute
c) 69.6 mA per minute
d) 16 mA per minute

70) The absorbation of radiation by a material varies:

a) directly with the square of the distance from the source
b) directly with the thickness of the material
c) inversely with the amount of scattering in the material
d) in an approximately exponential manner with the thickness of the material

71) In the microradiographic technique:

a) soft X - ray are usually employed.
b) a kilovoltage range of 5 to 50 kVis usually employed.
c) the photographic material is often finger grained than an ordinary X - ray film
d) all three above choices are correct

72) In order for a radiographic to have a penetrameter sensitivity of 2-2T or better

a) The radiographic procdure has to be able to differentiate a 2% difference in specimen
b) the radiographic procdure must be able to define the 2T hole in a penetrameter which is
2% of the thickness of the specimen
c) the radiographic procdure must be able to distingush a discontinuty with a length
equilant to 2% of the specimen thickness.
d) none of the above choices are correct.

73) For the partical purposes, the shape of the characterstic curve of an X - ray film:
a) is independent of the type of film used.
b) is independent of the quality of X - or gamma radiation.
c) is drastically changed when the quality of X - ray radiations is changed.
d) is primarily determined by the subject contract.
The term which describes the total absorption of the useful beam caused by the X - ray tube
74) wall, the wall tube housing, and any material between the tube housing is:
a) stray absorption
b) source absorption
c) characteristic filtration.
d) inherent filtration

75) The interval between the time a film is placed in a fixer solution and the time when the orginal
diffuse milkiness dis appears is known as:
a) clearing time
b) fixing time
c) hardening time
d) oxidation time

76) Excessive subject contract caused when the thickness range in the test specimen si too greate
for the radiation quality used may be correct by:
a) increasing the kilovoltage
b) using a filter at X ray generators would produce the narrowest cone of X - radiation
c) both A and B are methods for correcting excessive subject contract.
d) decrease the exposer time

77) Improper geometric factors poor contract between film and lead foil screens, and graininess of
film are possible causes of:
a) high film density
b) poor definition
c) fogged film
d) low film density

78) In fluoroscopy the most commom means for minimizing operator fatiuge is to:
a) equip operatores with special glasses
b) place a filter over the viewing screen.
c) vary the intensity of the background light.
d) change operators periodically.

79) Which of the following X - ray generator would produce the narrowest cone of X - radation?
a) 10 MeV
b) 15 MeV
c) 25 MeV
d) 1 MeV

80) A radiograph is taken at a voltage of 500kv. If the voltage is increased with a resultant increses
in the energy of radiation while all other conditions remain the same:
a) the graininess of the film will increase significantly if a high - speed film is used.
b) the graininess of the film will decrease significantly if a low - speed film is used.
c) the graininess of the film will increase significantly if a class I film is used.
d) there will be little significant change in the graininess of the film.

81) A radiograph of a sieel weldment is made using 15 Mev betatron. When the radiograph is
developed, there isan over all film mottling. A possible cause for such mottling is:
a) in correct exposer time
b) excessive object film distance
c) failure to use a lead screen during exposer.
d) excessive exposer to ultraviolet rays.

82) A bassic difference between a radiograph and fluoroscopic image is:

a) the fluoroscopic image is more sensitive
b) the fluoroscopic image is a positive whereas the radiograph is a negative transparency.
c) the fluoroscopic image is brighter.
d) there is no basic difference between the two

83) The quantity of radiation striking a unit area of film:

a) is the product of radiation intensity and time
b) is the intensity per unit of time
c) is directly proportional to intensity and inversely proportional to time
d) varies exponentially with time and directly with intensity.

84) Which is the following factor will not materially influence the image density of radiograph?
a) the type of film used
b) the size of the film
c) the total amount of radiation emitted by the X ray or gammaray source
d) the intensifying action of the screen

85) A 1,00k Vp X - ray machine used in conjunction with a lead foil screen has an approximate
practical thickness limit of:
a) 1 1/2 "of steel or its equivalent
b) 3"of steel or its equivalent
c) 5"of steel or its equivalent
d) 16"of steel or its equivalent

86) Because of geometrical factors such as source size, sourced to specimen distance
and specimen to film distance there can be a lack of prefect sharpness at the edge
of indications. The unsharpness caused by geomatrical factors may be refered to as the:
a) astigmatic effect.
b) penumbral shadow.
c) focus varation.
d) none of the above

87) Two factors which greatly affect the suitability of the target material in an X - ray tube are
a) tensile strength and yield strength.
b) melting point and magnetic strength.
c) electrical resistance and tensile strength.
d) atomic number and melting point

88) The reason the exposer time must be increased by a factor of four when the source to film
distance is double is:
a) the intensity of radiation decreases at an exponential rate when the source to film distance
is increased
b) the qualiy of radiation is inversely proportional to the square root of the distance from
the source to film.
c) the intensity of radiation is invearsely proportaional to the square of the distance from
the source to film.
d) the scattered radiation effect is greater as the source to film distance increases.
The most important factor for determining the amount of X - ray absorption of a specimen is
89) the:
a) thickness of the specimen.
b) density of the specimen.
c) atomic number of the material
d) Young's modulus of the material.

90) The approximate radiograph equilance factors for steel and copper at 220kv are 1.0 and 1.4
respectively it is desirable to radiograph a 0.5"plate of copper, what thickness of steel would
required about the same exposure characteristics?
a) 0.7"of steel
b) 0.35"of steel
c) 1.4"of steel
d) 1.0"of steel

91) Which of the following technique variables is most commanly used to adjust subject
a) Source to film distance
b) Milliampirage
c) kilovoltage
d) Focal point size

92) Films that are left between lead screens too long in a high temperature and high humidity
a) show increased speed but decreased quality characteristics.
b) become fogged
c) become mottled
d) show tree shaped light area in the finished radiograph.

93) The quantative measure of film blackening is refered to as:

a) definitation.
b) photagraphic density.
c) flim contrast.
d) radiographic contrast.

94) A curve relating density with the logaritham of exposer or of relative exposure is called:
a) a sensitivity curve
b) a density exposure curve
c) an H & D curve.
d) X - ray intensity curve.


96) The code Federal Regulations requires that all shipping containers for radioisotopes.
a) Contains provision for sealing the lid of the container.
b) be fire resistance
c) be shock proof
d) be twice as thich as normal storage container

97) Which of the following instruments would exhibit the best sensitivity and most likely be used to
detect small leak in a radiation barrier.
a) A film badge
b) A fountain pen type of inozation chamber
c) A Geiger countainer
d) A dosimeter
At voltage above 400kV, the use of lead to provide protection may present serious problems. If
98) this should be a serious problem, which of the following material would most likely be used as
a substitute?
a) Aluminum
b) concerete
c) Steel
d) Boron

99) A quntative term often used to indicate the size of the smallest details which can be seen in a
radiograph is
a) radiographic sensitivity
b) radiographic definition
c) radiographic contrast
d) subject contrast

100) The slope (steepness) of a characteristic curve is a measure of:

a) Subject contrast
b) radiographic definition
c) radiographic contrast.
d) film contrast

101) A special radiographic methode requering two radiographs taken during separate exposures
from two different position to give the visual impression of a three dimensional display when
viewed in an optical device simultaneously is refered to as
a) fluoroscopy
b) zero - radiography
c) stereoradiography
d) parallel radiography

102) The depth of a discontiniuty may be estimated by making two exposures on a single film from
two different positions of the X ray tube. The depth of the discontinuity is computed from the
shift in the shadow of the discontinuity with respect to the image of fixed markers on the front
and back of the spceimen. This method is refferd to as:
a) stereoradiography
b) zero - radiography
c) fluoroscopy
d) the parallel method of depth location

103) Constant agitation of the developer during the developer during the development process by
means of mechanical stirrers or circulating pumps may:
a) speed the developing cycle
b) help replenish the developer
c) cause undesirable preferential flow of developer along certain paths
d) causes reticulation

104) The activity of the fixer diminshes after being used for a period of time because
a) the active ingiredients evaporate.
b) the active ingiredients are absorbed by the radiograph.
c) the fixer solution accumulates soluble silver salts
d) the active ingredients settle to the bottom of the tank.

105) In processing radiographs, the hourly fiow of water in the wash should be
a) two to three times the volume of the tank
b) four to eight time the volume of the tank
c) at least 40 gallons per hour
d) varried continuously in proportion to the number of radiographs being developed.

106) Attenuation of gamma rays in the energy range commonly used for testing takes place
a) photoelectric absorption
b) compton absorption
c) both A and B
d) neither A nor B

107) A zinc cadium sulfide fluoroscopic screen which is continually exposed to bright day light,
sunlight, or a sources of ultraviolet radiation will:
a) need to be recharged to regain its orginal fluorescence
b) become discolored and lose some of its brillance
c) require a higher kilovoltage setting of the X ray generator to produce a satisfactory image
d) all of the above answer are correct

108) Increasing the x - ray or gamma ray energy will

a) significantly decreses the average gradient of a characteristic curve
b) significantly increase the average gradient of a characteristic curve
c) increase the slope of a characteristic curve
d) have little effect on the shape of a characteristic curve

109) As the development time increases:

a) the characteristic curve grows steerer and moves to the left
b) the characteristic curve grows steerer and moves to the right
c) the characteristic curve remains the same in shape but move to the left
d) there is little effect on the characteristic curve

110) A distinctive characteristic of high - voltage radiography is

a) it results in comparatively high subject contrast
b) it results in comparatively high radiographic contrast
c) it is applicable to comprativiely thick or highly absorbing specimen
d) all of the above are distinctive characteristics of high - voltage radiography.

111) Lead screen are used for almost all exposure when using:
a) the fluoroscopic technique
b) low - voltage radiography
c) high voltage radiography
d) Zeroradiography.

112) The fact that each solid crystalline substance produces its own characteristic X - ray patter is
a) Zeroradiography.
b) fluoroscopic testing
c) polymorphic testing
d) X - ray powder diffraction examination

113) The function of a film interprete is to:

a) find perfect parts which contains discontinuties
b) reject parts
c) identify discontinuities and manufacturing devations which do not meet the applicable code
or specification standards.
d) determine if the proper techenique has been used during an exposure
e) both C and D

114) Which of the following glasses would most likely be used as an X - ray barrier window on
fluoroscopic equipment?
a) Pyrex
b) Lead glass
c) Optical glass
d) Barium oxide glass

115) The maximum practical speed of scanning a test object for conventional fluroscopic inspection
has been estimated to be:
a) about 7"per second
b) about 1"per second
c) about 12"per second
d) about 3"per second

When other operating conditions are held constant, a change in tube current causes a change
in radiation intesity emitted from an X - ray tube, the intensity being approximately proportional
to tube current, What is the primary factor that prevents this from being exactly proportional?
a) The voltage and voltage wave form of an X ray machine transformer varies with load
b) Wave length changes are not exactly proportional
c) Current cannot be changed at a liner rate
d) Scatter radiation does not vary at a proportional rate.

117) When viewing a radiography, an image of the back of the cassette superimposed on image of
the specimen is noted. This is most likely due to:
a) undercut
b) overexposure
c) X - ray intensity too high
d) back scatter.

118) A special form of scatter due to X - ray diffraction effect in a specimen with large of the
specimen is noted. This is mostly due to:
a) A radiograph with poor contrast
b) a radiograph of mottled apperance
c) a baddly fogged radiograph
d) a radiograph with poor resolution

119) The half value layer of lead for cobalt - 60 is approximately 0.5". If the radiation level on the
source side of a 1.5"lead plate is 64 R/hr, the radiation level on the opposite side is:
a) 8 R / hr.
b) 21 1/3 R / hr.
c) 10 2/3 R / hr
d) 32 R / hr

120) Which of the following is not a factor in determining subject contrast?

a) Nature of the specimen
b) The radiation quality is used
c) Type of film used
d) Intensity and distribution of the scattered radiation

122) The half value layer of lead for cobalt - 60 is approximately 0.5". If the radiation level on the
source side of a 1.5"lead plate is 64 R/hr, the radiation level on the opposite side is:
a) 8 R / hr.
b) 21 1/3 R / hr.
c) 10 2/3 R / hr
d) 32 R / hr

123) Developer solution should be discarded when the quantity of replenisher added equals:
a) the orginal quantity of developer
b) two to three times the orginal quantity of the developer
c) five to six months the orginal quantity of the developer.
d) ten times the orginal quantity of developer


125) A 250 K Vp X ray machine used in conjuction with a lead foil screen has an approximate
practical limit of:
a) 1 1/2 "of steel are equivalent
b) 2"of steel or its equivalent
c) 6"of steel or its equivalent
d) 7 1/2"of steel or its equivalent

126) The degree of concentration of the radioactive material in a gamma - ray source is reffered to
a) the specific activites of the source
b) the quality of the source.
c) the atomic weight of the source.
d) the half - life of the source.

127) In million - voltage radiography, filtration at the tube:

a) increase the generation of short wave length X - rays.
b) decrease the generation of short wavelength X - rays.
c) improves the radiographic quality by decreasing scatter radiation.
d) offers no improvement in radiographic quality.

128) The energy of gamma ray is expressed by which of the following units of measurment:
a) cirie
b) Roentgen
c) Half - life
d) Kiloelectron volt (KeV) or milli electron vole (MeV)

129) Film selection for an X - ray exposure depends on:

a) thickness of the part
b) the material of the specimen
c) the voltage range of the X - ray machine
d) all of the above

130) While using an X - ray tube radiography, the operater wishes to increase the radiation intensity.
To do so the.
a) kilo voltage should be lowered
b) tube current should be increased
c) the specimen should be moved farther from the film
d) tube current should be decreased.

131) Lead screens are put in direct contact with the film to:
a) increase the potographic action on the film
b) absorb the longer wavelength scattered radiation
c) intensify the photographic effect of the primary more than the scatter radiation
d) all of the above

132) Mottling due to diffraction can be reduced and in some case eliminated by:
a) rasing the kilovoltage
b) using lead foil screens
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

133) Because of geometrical factors such as source size, source to specimen distance, and
specimen to film distance, there can be a lack of perfect sharpness at the edge of indications.
The unsharpness caused by the factors may be reffered to as the:
a) astimatic effect
b) penumberal shadow
c) focus variation
d) none of the above

134) The main purpose of the X ray generator controls on the equipment is:
a) to maintain the direction and width of the X - ray beam.
b) to enable to operate to obtain the intensity, quality, and duration of expouser desired.
c) to allow the operator to adjust film focal distance remotely.
d) to change alternating current to increase X - ray intensity.

135) Fluoroscopic screens, as mounted and used, are easily damaged by which of the following?
a) Washing with a soft cotton cloth
b) Exposure to ultravilent radiation or sunlight
c) Poor handling
d) X - radiation

136) When X - rays, gamma rays, light, or electrons strike the photographic emulision, a change
takes place in the silver halide crystals. This change is refered to as:
a) photographic density
b) photographic sensitivity
c) laten image
d) charasteristic curve

137) If one curie of iridium - 192 produces a dose rate of 5900mRper hour at one foot, how many
mR will ten curie produce at the same distance?
a) 590
b) 590,000
c) 59
d) 59,000

138) With respect to quality, what three factor must be considered in selecting a source to film
a) Source activity, type of film, type of screens
b) Source activity, size of film, thickness of material
c) Source size, source activity, specimen to film distance
d) Source size, specimen thickness, geometric unsharpness

139) On a radiograph of a pipe weld there is a very light irregularly - shaped smell image in the
weld. This image would most likely be due to the presence of:
a) porosity
b) slag inclusion
c) tungsten inclusion
d) inadequate buildup

140) A large physical size source may produce an equilvalent quality radiograph if:
a) The source to film distance is increased
b) more backing lead is used
c) a faster film is used
d) exposer time is decreased

141) A light image of backing "B" on a processed radiograph is probably caused by:
a) excessive density
b) backscatter
c) kilovoltage set too low.
d) poor film handling

142) Cobalt - 59 becomes cobalt - 60 when it is placed in a nuclear reactor where it captures:
a) an electron
b) a neutron
c) a proton
d) contamination

143) When a faster speed film is substituted for a slower one to improve the ecnomic of the
exposure, which of the following condition occur?
a) The film must receive special processing
b) The definition will improve
c) The image resolution will be reduced
d) None of the above will experinced

144) For a given change in the radiation exposure, film contrast is the inherent ability to show
a) a difference in density
b) no graininess
c) graininess
d) no appreciable change in density

145) The ability of a material to block or partially block the passage of X rays and gamma rays is
reffered to as:
a) penetration
b) absolution
c) absorption
d) latitude
146) Source size, specimen thickness that can be adequately recorded on the radiograph is
reffered to as the:
a) density of the radiograph
b) exposure of the radiograph
c) film size
d) unsharpness recorded on the radiograph

147) The range of specimen thickness that can be adequetly recorded on the radiograph is reffered
to as the:
a) sensitivity of the radiograph
b) latitude of the radiograph
c) accuracy of the radiograph
d) intensity of the source

148) Approximately how long would it take for a 10 curie cobalt - 60 source to decay 2 curie?
a) 5.3 days
b) 5.3 years
c) 10.6 years
d) none of the above

149) The photoelectric effect involves:

a) the visible electromagnetic spectrom
b) an electric camera
c) complete absorption of a photon
d) all of the above

150) Radiographic undercutting is caused by:

a) side scatter
b) poor geometry
c) lead screen
d) free clectrons

151) The developer solution is:

a) acid
b) alkiline
c) saline
d) colloidal

152) A general rule governing the application of the geometric principles of shadow formation states
a) the x ray should proceed from large a focal spot as other consideration will allow
b) the distance between the radation source and the material examined should be as small as
c) the film should be as far as possible from the object being radiographed.
d) the central ray should be as nearly perpendicular to the film as possible,
to preserve spatial relationships.

153) An iridium - 192 gamma - ray source has an approximate practical thickness limit of:
a) 3"of steel or its equivalent
b) 4"of steel or its equivalent
c) 7 1/2 "of steel or its equivalents
d) 11"of steel or its equivalent
154) The half - life radioactive cesium - 137 is nearest:
a) 36 days
b) 6 years
c) 30 years
d) 526 days

155) The slope of the H & D curve of a radiographic film is called:

a) speed
b) latitude
c) gamma or gradient
d) density

156) An x ray film having wide latitude also has, by definition:

a) poor definetion
b) low contrast
c) high speed
d) none of the above

157) The projected area of the target of an X - ray tube is called:

a) focal spot
b) focus
c) effective focal spot
d) geometric unsharpness
The relation ship between frequency, velocity, and wave length of an electromagnetic wave is
158) normally ex - pressed as:
a) f = λc
b) c = f λ Where f = frequency
c) λ = fc s = speed of light
d) λ = f / c λ = wavelength

159) The correct equation for determining geometric unsharpness Ug is:

a) Ug = f / td
b) f = Ug t/d Where d = source to film distance
c) Ug = dt / f t = object to film distance
d) Ug
An = ft / d technique is established to obtain a 2.0 density fusing
exposure = sizetype
of radiation source
"D"film and automatic
processing 81 Deg F. In order to obtain comparable results using manual processing at 68 Deg
160) F and 5 minutes development time it would be necessary for the orginalexposure time to be:
a) reduce by approximately 30%
b) increased by approximately 99%
c) increased by approximately 30%
d) reduce by approximately 99%
1 B 41 C 81 C 121 B
2 D 42 B 82 B 122 C
3 C 43 B 83 A 123 B
4 A 44 B 84 B 124 C
5 C 45 A 85 C 125 B
6 A 46 C 86 B 126 A
7 D 47 A 87 D 127 D
8 C 48 A 88 C 128 B
9 A 49 D 89 129 D
10 C 50 C 90 A 130 B
11 C 51 C 91 C 131 D
12 C 52 A 92 B 132 C
13 A 53 D 93 B 133 B
14 D 54 B 94 C 134 B
15 B 55 B 95 D 135 B
16 C 56 C 96 B 136 C
17 B 57 D 97 C 137 D
18 D 58 B 98 B 138 D
19 D 59 C 99 A 139 C
20 C 60 A 100 D 140 A
21 B 61 D 101 C 141 B
22 D 62 B 102 D 142 B
23 B 63 B 103 C 143 C
24 C 64 A 104 C 144 A
25 D 65 C 105 B 145 C
26 B 66 D 106 C 146 D
27 A 67 C 107 B 147 B
28 C 68 B 108 D 148 C
29 B 69 C 109 A 149 C
30 D 70 D 110 C 150 A
31 A 71 D 111 C 151 B
32 B 72 B 112 D 152 D
33 C 73 B 113 E 153 A
34 A 74 D 114 B 154 C
35 B 75 A 115 D 155 C
36 D 76 C 116 A 156 B
37 C 77 B 117 D 157 C
38 C 78 D 118 B 158 B
39 A 79 C 119 A 159 D
40 B 80 D 120 C 160 B

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