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CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

Conceptual Diagramming Approach (CoDA): A Homework Tool Towards Learning

I. Description of the Project

A. Title: CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

B. Proponent: Gemayel R. Tadique, T-III

C. Description of the Project:

CoDA is a set of modular homework with digitized instructional aid designed primarily to

help children do their homework and serve as an aid into actual teaching-learning processes in

vertebrates and invertebrates lessons. The modular homework about these lessons and the

conceptual diagram worksheet for each of the subject matter are proponent-made text aligned

with the K-12 Curriculum of Grade Six Learning Competencies and with the scheduled lessons.

The conceptual diagram worksheet was intended as homework while the onscreen form of

module and automated conceptual diagram worksheet were used in the actual teaching-learning


Aside from the pupils and parents’ cooperation in making their assignment and having

achievement scores increased, this project stimulates the conceptualization skills among pupils

and further develop their promoting their scientific competency.

D. Time Frame: three weeks (15 days), Second Quarter, SY 2017-2018

E. Location: Pulong Bahay Elementary School, Quezon District, Quezon, Nueva Ecija

F. Targets: Grade VI Pupils and their Parents; and Science Teachers

II. Rationale

A. Brief Introduction

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

CoDA is an acronym for Conceptual Diagramming Approach. A conceptual diagram is a

systematic depiction of an abstract concept in pre-defined category boxes with specified

relationship typically based on a theory or model (Eppler M., 2016). This approach requires the

categorization of content from simple to complex level. Pupils need not go into an actual

investigation or experimentation A simple act of recalling facts will suffice like asking students

to state certain phenomena that they observe.

Further, this innovation is anchored into the principles of Conceptual Approach in

teaching-learning based in the Theory of Hierarchy of Cognition. The approach involves an

active use of mind, certain intellectual processes are being developed like classification,

discrimination, synthesis, and judgment. In this approach pupils could see and realize that bits of

information, which seem to be isolated can be organized and pierced together like a jigsaw

puzzle around a context in the broader fundamental structure of a field of knowledge. Thus, they

become aware that every time the teacher presents a set of facts, the lesson is to be approached in

its totality. Thus, meaning is drawn out and derived from it.

Theoretically, concept map was based on the learning psychology of David Ausubel as

cited by Novac and Cañas (2008) in their studies The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and

How to Construct and Use Them. Accordingly, the fundamental idea in Ausubel’s cognitive

psychology is that learning takes place by the assimilation of new concepts and propositions into

existing concept and propositional frameworks held by the learner. This knowledge structure as

held by a learner is also referred to as the individual’s cognitive structure. Out of the necessity to

find a better way to represent children’s conceptual understanding emerged the idea of

representing children’s knowledge in the form of a concept map. Thus was born a new tool not

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

only for use in research, but also for many other uses. Relatedly, most of the literature presented

the terms webbing, mapping, diagramming as almost synonymous or used as part of a whole.

B. Logical Basis or Baseline Data

It is an accepted fact that assignment or homework is recognized as part of pupil’s life in

schooling. Its purpose is to increase pupils’ knowledge and improve their abilities and skills.

However, one of the unsettled problem in any classroom setting is homework. Nancy Paulu in

her book Helping your Students with Homework: A Guide for Teachers clearly stated that the

challenges of homework facing teachers today are all the more troublesome given the importance

of meaningful and appropriate assignments.

Contextually, pupils in the proponent’s school has the same situation. Pupils usually

neglect doing their homework. Thus, a challenge to regularly make their homework is posted as

the preliminary strategies below found out that 87% of the class did not completely make their

assignment thus contributing to low mean percentage score of 33.83. Moreover, the pretest

conducted show a low MPS and high standard deviation which means low scores in said test.

Evidently in the proponent’s school, pupils seem to be not interested in making their

assignments as the below table showed.

Table 1.1: Frequency Count and Percentages of Pupils with Complete, Incomplete and
Without Homework

With complete With incomplete homework Without any

N homework homework
F % F % F %
31 4 13 27 87 0 0

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

The table shows that 87 % of the class made their assignment but not all the assignments

while only 13% have their assignment completely done. This absolutely affects the score of

pupils in their homework. Thus, having a low summated scores as projected in Table 1.2.

Moreover, this incomplete homework also contributed to the high deviation scores.

Table 1.2: Mean and Standard Deviation of Homework Scores


31 75 52 5 25.38 33.83 12.97

The table above shows that Grade six pupils have low mean and mean percentage score

but with higher standard deviation. This may mean that the pupils have low scores in their

assignment. The two tables have clearly been presented the problem among grade six pupils of

making their assignment

The proponent after evaluating the status of pupils’ homework in Science found out that

it is necessary to implement another strategy to encourage pupils make their assignment. That

strategy to be used by the pupil in doing should be the one that will make it easier but promotes


Purposively a pretest was administered to determine pupils’ knowledge on the topic to be

used in the project. This pretests will be use as reference data of CoDa effects to their


Table 2: Mean and Standard Deviation of Pre-Test Scores


31 50 31 7 22.35 44.70 6.32

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

The table above shows that scores in the pre-test of Grade six pupils have low mean

(22.35) and mean percentage score of 44.70 (MPS) and with high standard deviation of 6.32.

This low score in pre-test may mean the pupils little knowledge about the topics.

Directed with the above findings, the proponent seeks solution to help the pupils in

making their assignments and contribute in uplifting their performance in the absence of

appropriate K-12 Curriculum Science textbooks and instructional materials.

Through these premises and numerous studies about conceptual diagramming used in

different educational context, CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning was conceptualized,

realized and implemented.

C. Objectives

Generally, this innovation would like to provide a modular homework reference and

worksheet that will help them do their assignment, know the facts that facilitate them in

understanding concepts about vertebrates and invertebrates; and thus increase their learning


Specifically, this project would like the pupils to

1. do their assignment regularly and achieve higher scores on it

2. increase learning achievement in the vertebrates and invertebrates lesson

3. learn more about the conceptual diagramming and experience such approach in

its fullest benefit.

For educators, this innovation would like to

1. help them in teaching in a form of digitized instructional aid

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

2. provide them pedagogical units of the topic that contributes in the attainment of a

broader learning competencies.

For parents, this innovation would like them to

1. monitor and cooperate to their children in doing their assignments

III. Scheme of Implementation

A. Strategies

1. Aside from the usual observation and description of the pupils’ performance regrading

homework, a pretest was administered. This pretest that determined the pupils’ knowledge

on the topic served as the reference point to compare with the post-test results for finding out

its effectivity. Then planning on how to addressed the need to encourage them do their

assignment and how to make it easier for them followed.

2. There was a study of the Learning Competencies for grade six in science. The schedule of

the topics was first determined. Since the project’s actual focus is to help pupils do their

assignment, the selection of topic is based on the scheduled lesson the innovation was

implemented. The scheduled topic at the time was about vertebrates and invertebrates. This

project covered two weeks’ lesson on distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates and

invertebrates as stipulated in K-12 Curriculum Guide in Science VI. The learning

competencies was then break down into instructional objectives that will serve as guide in

the creation of text about the subject matter.

3. In creation of the text, references from various media such as book, encyclopedias, internet,

was used. The text consists of the title, the objectives, the content, some facts and trivias

and pictures. The reference used were properly cited and the pictures used had given credit

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

to the publisher. The proponent used the science facts using the available in references and

internet. The modular homework is in a book form.

4. In making the conceptual diagram worksheet, was used however it was revised, simplify and

made suitable to the topic given and pupils capability. Thus, this Conceptual Diagram

Worksheet is a one-page diagrammatic representation using “boxes” to be filled-up with the

asked information. To contextualized it in the level of pupils’ ability and follow the learning

competencies required in the topic the project adopted the conceptual map used by Vanides

et. al. in their study Using Concept Maps in the Science Classroom Education. Thus

containing the parts terms (concepts) and propositions. Propositions are words, verbs or

linking verbs or phrases that connects the terms to show their relationships.

Moreover, simplifying Eppler’s sample of the conceptual diagram the proponent come up

with the following parts: concept tag, concept characterization, elements and examples. The

concept tag pertains main concept or topic of the lesson. In this innovation, this refers to the

major group of the vertebrates and invertebrates. The concept characterization refers here as

general description of the topics or tells the characteristics of the group. Elements

enumerates the kinds, types, classification, etc of the concept. In the innovation, this element

refers to the subclassification or subgroup of the major group of vertebrates or invertebrates.

Examples are specifics of the concept. This refers to the actual name of the animals. Thus

this Conceptual Diagram Worksheet provides one-page systematic view and description of

the concept.

5. Since the research will serve as a basis only of its effectiveness as homework tool. The topic

vertebrates and invertebrates are used because it is the scheduled lesson in the curriculum.

Thus CoDA also serve as preview of the lesson to be discussed on the next day class.

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

6. The pupils will be provided a sheet by sheet pages of the module the conceptual diagram

worksheet daily after the science Class on the assignment part of the lesson. These pages

will be compiled by the pupils in their folder and be submitted after the topic was discussed

together with their scoresheet.

7. Powerpoint Presentation program was used in presenting the proponent–made text during

the actual teaching-learning process.

8. The Automated Conceptual Diagramming was created using the Apps

B. Technical Aspect

The funding of the project was supported by the school MOOE through purchase of

folders, fastener, bond papers, ink and other materials.

The following are technical steps in making the Automated Conceptual Diagramming


C. Implementation Procedure

Here are the procedure in using the CoDA as Assignment and instructional materials:

First, there was a pre-test in the scheduled topics which was the vertebrates and

invertebrates to find – out if there would be mastery in topic. Then, the pupils will be trained on

Conceptual Diagramming Approach (CoDA). It was also conducted to give pupils deeper

knowledge about the approach and how it is being used as homework tool. there was also parents

meeting to orient their parental role in doing helping their children regarding assignments

especially the CoDA project.

Then, within the two weeks of teaching the subject matter, homework was given to all

pupils every after lesson. The project followed the time allotment and schedule in teaching the

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

subject. This homework includes the advance topic to be discussed as the next lesson so this

serves as the preview of the lesson. The proponent-made science text and the conceptual diagram

worksheet which was to be answered at home was given. The pupils will read and study it before

filling in the diagram. The completed concept diagram worksheet will be submitted to the

teacher for checking the day the topic is to be discussed.

To assure parental involvement in the assignment, the copy of the science text and the

worksheet concept diagram will be sign by the parents.

Teacher used the Powerpoint presentation of the module and the Automated Conceptual

Diagramming in teaching the lesson as instructional aid together with projector. It was used in

different part of the lesson, it can be on motivation, developmental activities, on the elaboration

part, on the generalization, or it can be on assessment part depending upon what was your lesson

plan about it.

To use the Automated Conceptual Diagram, a pupil will be called to fill in the missing

content of the diagram. He/she will choose the term from the choices written in the box, then put

it in the correct box as indicated by the proposition. If the answer is correct it will stick on box

provided for, if it is not a sound will be heard.

D. Monitoring and Evaluation

For the Assignment task this will be monitored through daily checking of the conceptual

diagram worksheet. These will be checked through the proponent made rubrics. The scores

obtained will be recorded by the pupils in the given scoresheet. This is for them to monitor

their own progress.

For parents to monitor their child assignment and cooperate with them the conceptual

diagram worksheet will be signed. The presence of the parents’ signature indicates parental

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

cooperation. Added to it is the Parents Feedback Form given at the end the project. This form

contains some questions that will describe the effect of the innovation to their children’s

assignment behavior.

Teacher using of the CoDa was monitored and evaluated by the school head through

classroom observation in Science Class using the CoDA. The STAR Observation sheet was

given and feedback was given to the teacher after the observation. The used of Automated

Conceptual Diagramming Approach was monitored on how pupils responded to it and how it

helps pupils achieved higher scores on the post-test.

Since the innovation was implemented during the Science class simple recording of

scores is the primary data for evaluating its effectiveness. Recording of assignments score and

frequency counts as well as description used by the school head during the observation will

presented to show its results among pupils and in the teaching –learning process.

Lastly, a post-test was given and compare it against the posttest to assess the

effectiveness of the CoDA.

IV. Findings and follow-up

A. Results (Outcomes)

Descriptive Observation

Parental Feedback Form

in the parental feedback for 30 % says that it helps their children to form study habits and

the assignment were easy and interestingly done by their children. Moreover, they believe

that it helps their children to learn the lesson well.

Teacher Observation

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

The effectiveness of the instructional aid and the Automated Conceptual Diagramming

Worksheet can be practically shown through the STAR Observation. The STAR Observation has

the had reports the following .

Moreover here are some relevant comments of the school head to the teachers about the


1. pupilsa rer actovley peneage in the manipukative automated conceptual diagram.

pupisl able to generalize the concept.

Pupils Response

After using the CoDA the following are the observations of the proponent.

Table 3.1: Frequency Count and Percentages of Pupils with Complete, Incomplete and
Without Homework Using CoDA
N With complete With incomplete homework Without any
homework homework
F % f % F %
31 29 2 0 0

The table shows that all pupils made completely made their assignment.

Table 3.2: Mean and Standard Deviation of Homework Scores Using CoDA


The table shows that the high means and low standard deviation.

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

Table 4: Mean and Standard Deviation of Post-Test Scores



The table shows that pupils scores have high mean and low standard deviation. This

means that pupils have high performance in the post test. The post results may be attributed to

the used of CoDA in the subject.

Table 5: t-test of Pre-test and Post Test Scores

Scores Pre test Post test

Mean 22.35 26.05
SD 6.32 5.64
N 31 31
t = 4.18*
p value ≤ .05 level * significant difference

The t-test result (t = 4.18) showed a significant difference. This shows that the scores of

the pupils in the pre-test and post-test is statistically different from each other. This would

mean that they differ in performance after the innovation CoDA was used.

B. Follow-up (what else should be done)

Compilation of lesson plan in each subject matter about the vertebrates and invertebrates.

C. Recommendations and Conclusions

Based on the data stated above, with the used of CoDA,

1. majority of the parent’s feedback said that it helps their child to make the assignment


2. The observation states that the teacher have an

3. of the pupils made their assignment regularly and got high scores on it

4. pupils performance in posttest is higher than pre-test

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

The studies the creation of CoDA in other science lessons is encouraged and in other learning


Compilation of lesson plan for each of the subject matter.

Prepared by:

T- III, Proponent


HT III, Adviser SP III, District Science Coordinator



District Supervisor

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

1st Indorsement


Quezon, Nueva Ecija, January 7, 2019

Respectfully forwarded to Schools Division Superintendent, DepED, Division of Nueva

Ecija, Cabanatuan City, the herein Innovation entitled; Conceptual Diagramming Approach

(CoDA): A Homework Tool Towards Learning of Gemayel R. Tadique, Teacher III of

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, this district recommending favorable action.


District Supervisor


EPS, In-Charge of Innovation

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija
CoDA: A Homework Tool Towards Learning

1st Indorsement


Quezon, Nueva Ecija, January 6, 2019

Respectfully forwarded to Schools Division Superintendent, DepED, Division of Nueva

Ecija, Cabanatuan City, the herein Innovation, entitled CoDA: A Homework Tool for

Learning, of Gemayel R. Tadique, Teacher III of Pulong Bahay Elementary School, this

district and recommending favorable action.


District Supervisor



EPS I, Science

Pulong Bahay Elementary School, District of Quezon, Division of Nueva Ecija

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