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Science Lesson Plan 1

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PLAN LESSON: Animal adaptations and survival

Teacher: Esra Al Ameri Subject: Science

Grade: 4 Unit: 4 Date: October 29, 2019


Students will be able to:

• Students will be able to identify the different types of adaptation in animal’s life

Link to prior learning: students watched a video about how animals adapt to the environment surround
them before stating the lesson

21st Century Skills: Students will be able to enhance the following skills: Students will be able to enhance
Communication and collaboration by working together and collaborating in doing the activities right.
Also, there will be communicating between them while doing the activity together which will build
more confident for the students to communicate with the class. Students will use critical thinking
while solving the activities. Students will use their creativity skills while making the poster. Media
literacy which is the videos and presentation I will be using to teach the students.
Key vocabulary: Adaptation, Camouflage, Mimicry, Physical adaptation, extinct

Common misconceptions for learners: Ways of identifying and addressing these misconceptions:

• Students might get confused • Teacher will explain the differences between behavioural
between behavioural and and physical adaptation for example, the physical is
physical adaptation external which the animal has to defend themselves e.g.
long sharp claws, and behavioural is internal which is the
things animal do to defend themselves
Resources/equipment needed:

• A video for the students to start the lesson

• The activities for the students
• Glue for the students to stick the activities
• Scissors for the students to cut the pictures
• Questions to knowledge the students information pre, during and post the activities
• Extra blank papers for the students to stick the letters

Resources & Time Starter (10 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

A video • Teacher will start the lesson • Students will sit on the carpet,
by greeting the students and focusing on the board
telling them what they will • Students will answer questions
learn today And discuss with the teacher
• Teacher will ask questions the video
What do you know about
Why do you think animals adapt
to their environment?

• Teacher will show a video
about how animals adapt to
their environment will help
the students understand
• Teacher will pause between
the video so she can explain
for the students

• Discuss with students what
they learned about animal

Resources & Time Main activities (25 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Emerging level • While the students are still • First students will get into
on the carpet Teacher will group of 3, they will get a
Animal pictures give the instructions on how colored
they must do the activities
• Paper, the animal pictures
Glues • first teacher will model for and the vocabulary they are
the students how they are learning
Colored papers supposed to do the activity
• They must match the right
• For the first two groups picture to the right
teacher, will give the vocabulary
students their activity which
is they must cut the animal
picture and stick it on the

• Teacher will give the students
the instructions

• Instructions like before they
start, they must write their
names, they should use the
scissors carefully

• Teacher will ask one of the
students to say the
instructions in Arabic to make
sure they understand

• They will work in group of 3,
one will cut and the other
one with stick in the right
• Teaching will go around
asking questions
Tr: why does this animal uses
camouflage? Can you give me
another example of an animal uses
camouflage to adapt in their

Developing level • Students will get the names • First students will get into
of the animals and the type group of 3, they will get a

of adaptation and they must colored paper
Colored papers match it to the right place on
an A4 colored paper • Paper, the animal names
Animal names and the vocabulary they are
• Teacher will give the students learning
the instructions
Scissors • They must match the right
• Instructions like before they name to the right
Glues start they must write their vocabulary
names, they should use the
scissors carefully

• Teacher will tell the students
that they should take the
picture and match it to the
type of adaptation they using

• Teacher will give the students
their activity, glues and A4

• Teaching will go around
asking questions
Tr: why did you match a lion with
physical adaptation? Why is
butterfly use mimicry but not

• Teacher will ask one of the
students to say the
instructions in Arabic to
make sure they understand
Master level • Teacher will give the students • Students will get their
the instructions activities
An A3 paper
The definition • Teacher will give students a • they will listen to the
A3 paper to every group instructions
The vocabulary
Scissors • She will tell them that they • they will work together and
must make a poster then share their work
• They will match the definition
to the write vocabulary

• Then students must write a
sentence about the picture
under it as a challenge e.g.
“the chameleon uses
camouflage to adapt in its

• Instructions like before they
start they must write their
names, they should use the
scissors carefully

• Teacher will give the students
their activity, scissors, glues
and A4 paper
• Teacher will go around
checking the students
understanding and asking

Resources Plenary (10 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will

• Before students finishes their • Students will share their work
Exit ticket activity time I will ask them to with the other students
clean up their tables
• Students must finish the exit
• And explain what they did paper and give it to the
After Finishing the activity students before leaving the
• teacher will tell the students
to leave their activities on the
table and come back to the
• Teacher will recap the lesson
with the students
T: what did we learn today? I will
give you 5 seconds to think
T teacher will count to five then tell
the students to share their answers
with the class
• After that teacher, will tell
the students about the exit

• She will write a question on
the board and ask the
students to answer is on the
exit ticket

• Then she will stand next to
the door as she gets ready for
the break bell

• She will tell the students that
they must give her the exit
ticket so they can leave the
class when the bell rings


Learning styles catered for in the main activities (✓):

Visual Auditory Read/Write Kinaesthetic

Assessment for learning opportunities (✓):

Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Teacher will walk around Think, pair share. students will work together
the classroom to observe Teacher will ask on their activities
the students while students questions in
working on the activities the starter, then she
why asking them some will give them five
questions seconds to think, five
seconds to share it
with the person next
to them after that
they will share it with
the whole class

Quiz Student presentation Written work and Verbal feedback

Workbook Students will present Teacher will walk around
their work to the class Students will get an the class with a checklist,
and to me after they exit ticket to fill she will ask the students
finish before leaving the some questions about the
classroom activities to see if they

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