Elliptical Sentence

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Elliptical Sentence

Pengertian, Rumus, Contoh Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Elliptical Sentence adalah gabungan dua kalimat yang berbeda subyeknya tetapi predikatnya sama, dan
digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan kata. Tujuan dari dibentuknya kalimat elips yaitu untuk
menyampaikan pernyataan secara sederhana dan sekaligus menghindari pengulangan unsur kalimat
yang sama.

 Kalimat elipsis terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu kalimat elipsis untuk kalimat gabungan setara yang
menggunakan kata sambung “and” dan kalimat gabungan setara berlawaan yang menggunakan
kata sambung “but“.

a). Kalimat elipsis dalam kalimat gabungan setara

Kalimat gabungan ini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu kalimat gabungan setara positif dan kalimat setara

a. Rumus:

Subject 1 + Auxiliary + Verb + and + so + auxiliary + subject 2


Subject 1 + Auxiliary + Verb + and + Subject 2 + Auxiliary + too

b. Contoh Kalimat :

I will start working at the publishing company tomorrow. (Rina will start working at the publishing
company tomorrow)

c. Kalimat gabungan

I will start working at the publishing company tomorrow, and so will Rina. Atau I Will start working at the
publishing company tomorrow, and Rina will too.

d. Catatan:

Jika kalimat gabungan tersebut tidak menggunakan auxiliary, maka rumus yang digunakan adalah:

Subject 1 + Verb + and + so + do/does/did + Subject 2


Subject 1 + Verb + and + Subject 2 + d/does/did + too

e. Contoh Kalimat :
My mother gave me beautiful clothes as my birthday present. (My auntgave me beautiful clothes as my
birthday present)

f. Kalimat gabungan

My mother gave me beautiful clothes as my birthday present, and so did my aunt.


My mother gave me beautiful clothes as my birthday present, and my aunt did too.

b). Kalimat Elipsis dalam kalimat gabungan setara negatif

g. Rumus:

Subject 1 + auxiliary not + Verb + and + neither + auxiliary+Subject 2


Subject 1 + auxiliary not + Verb + and + Subject 2 + Auxiliary not +Either

h. Contoh:

I am not going to go shopping by myself.

My mother is not going to go shopping by herself.

i. Kalimat gabungan

1 am not going to go shopping by myself and neiter is my mother.


I am not going to go shopping by myself, and my mother is not either.

j. Rumus:

Subject 1 + don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + Verb + and + Neither + do/does/did/ + Subject


Subject 1 + don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + Verb + and + Subject 2 + don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + Either

k. Contoh Kalimat :

Sinta didn’t come to my birthday party.

Mike didn’t come to my birthday party

l. Kalimat gabungan

Sinta didn’t come to my birthday party, and neither did Mike


Sinta didn’t come to my birthday party, and Mike didn’t either.

c). Kalimat elipsis dalam kalimat gabungan setara berlawanan

a. Rumus:

Subject 1 + auxiliary + verb + but + subject 2 + auxiliary not + verb


Subject 1+ auxiliary’ not + verb + but + subject 2 + auxiliary + verb

b. Contoh:

Rini is working in the private company.

Sinta is not working in the private company.

c. Kalimat gabungan

Rini is working in the private company but Sinta is not.

d. Catatan:

Selain menggunakan kata “but”, kata “while” atau “whereas” juga digunakan dalam kalimat gabungan
setara berlawanan.

e. Rumus

Subject 1 + verb + but/while/whereas + subject 2 + do/does/don’t/doesn’t/did/didn’t

f. Contoh:

My brother plays tennis every weekend.

My sister doesn’t play tennis every weekend.

g. Kalimat gabungan

My brother plays tennis every weekend whereas my sister doesn’t.


1.Sue : “I didn’t enjoy the movie last night”

Bob : “Neither Did I”

From the dialogue we know that _______

A. Both Sue and Bob didn’t enjoy the movie last night

B. Not only Sue but also Bob enjoyed the movie last night

C. Bob enjoyed the movie last night but sue didn’t

D. Bob enjoyed the movie last night, and so did sue

Jawaban : A

Keyword : Neither Did I

Pembahasan : Baik Bob maupun sue tidak dapat menikmati film yang mereka tonton malam itu.

2.Jannata : How long ca you stay under water?

Nadia : I can stay there______I can hold my breath

A : As

B : For

C : Since

D : As long as

Jawaban : D

Key Word : Can stay, Can hold

Pembahasan : pernyataan tersebut bermakna “saya bisa bertahan selama (as long as) saya bisa
menahan nafas saya”.

3.Alaskan forest_____Five or six miles inland from the pacific coast.

A. Penetrate more rarely than

B. More rarely than penetrate

C.More Penetrate than rarely

D.Rarely penetrate more than

Jawaban : A

Key word : Alaskan Forest

Pembahasan : karena pada soal telah ada subject kalimat, jadi yang dibutuhkan adalah predikat.
penyusunan predikat yang paling sesuai adalah penetrate more rarely than.

4.The luggage is twice the baby’s weight. The luggage is _____ the baby.

A. As heavy as

B.Heavier than

C.Not so heavy as

D.Lighter tha

Jawaban : B

Key word : twice the baby’s weight

Pembahasan : Berat koper tersebut adalah dua kali berat si bayi. Maka pernyataan yang paling
tepat adalah pernyataan B yang bermakna lebih besar.

5. Bob : I won’t come to the meeting tomorrow. What about you?

Janet: Well, I’m afraid______

A. So will I

B. I will too

C. Neither do I

D. I won’t either

Jawaban : D

Key Word : I’m afraid

Pembahasan : Ungkapan I am afraid umum digunakan untuk menyataka penyesalan.

6.They can neither give him a part-time job,_____as a trainee in their company.

A.And also not accept him

B.They cannot accept him

C.Nor accept him

D.But also not accept him

Jawaban : C

Key Word : Neither

Pembahasan : Pasanga kata untuk neither adalah nor.

7.The successful athletes got medals and money means : They got__medals but also money.

A.Not only

B.As well as

C.Of not even


Jawaban : A

Key Word : but also

Pembahasan : pasangan untuk but also adalah not only

8.I think that my mother will be interested in reading this novel, but___

A.So will my father

B.My father won’t

C.So does my father

D.My father is not

Jawaban : B

key word : will be;but

Pembahasan : rumus untuk kata hubung but adalah jika sebelum kata but ada kalimat positif
maka sesudah kata but menggunakan kalimat negative dan sebaliknya.

9.His shop was burnt down-his car that was parked nearby.

A.and either did

B.Also was

C.But neither was

D.And so was

Jawaban : D

Key Word : was burnt, was parked

Pembahasan : dua kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat positif, maka menggunakan elliptical
construction positif juga yaitu so. Sedangkan kata kerja yang digunakan adalah to be lampau
yaitu was.

10.In evaluating your progress, the teacher will take into account…, attitude and achievements.

A.How you performed

B.Your performance

C.If you performed well

D.When you have performed

Jawaban : B

11. Nada didn’t study last night. I didn’t study last night.

Nada didn’t study last night, and ……..

a. Neither did I

b. I did either

c. So did I

d. So did I

Jawaban : a

12. Faris was at home last night. His mom was at home.

Faris was at home, and……

a. Neither was his mom

b. His mom wasn’t too

c. His mom wasn’t either

d. His mom was too

Jawaban: d

13. Krakatau Steel is located in Cilegon. KratakatauPosco is located in Cilegon

Krakatasu Steel is located in Cilegon, and ……

a. So is Krakatau Posco

b. Krakatau posco isn’t either

c. Neither is Krakatau Posco

d. Neither isn’t Krakatau Posco

jawaban: a

14. Mrs. Citra is really kind. Mrs. Rulin is really kind.

Mrs. Citra is really kind, and ……….

a. Neither is Mrs. Rulin

b. Mrs. Rulin isn’t either

c. So is Mrs. Rulin

d. Mrs. Rulin isn’t too

jawaban: c

15. Whales are mammals. Porpoises are mammals.

Whales are mammals, and ………

a. So are porpoises

b. Neither are porpoises

c. Porpoises aren’t either

d. Porpoises aren’t too

jawaban: a

16. Naura has a pet. Alif has a pet.

Naura has a pet, and ……

a. So does Alif

b. Naura doesn’t too

c. Neither does Alif

d. Alif doesn’t either

jawaban: a

17. Mahmud has a mustache. Mr. Nadjib has a mustache.

Mahmud has a mustache, and ……

a. Neither does Mr. Nadjib

b. Mr. Nadjib does too

c. Mr. Nadjib doesn’t either

d. Mr. Nadjib doesn’t too

jawaban: b

18. Paul Walker has passed away. Uje has passed away.

Paul Walker has passed away, and ……

a. So has Paul Walker

b. Neither has Uje

c. Uje hasn’t either

d. Uje has too

jawaban: d

19. Farhat Abbas will go boxing. Al and El will go boxing.

Farhat Abbas will go boxing, and ……

a. Neither will Al and El

b. Al and El will too

c. Al and El won’t either

d. So will Farhat Abbas

jawaban: b

20. My sister bought a new motorcycle. My neighbour bought a new motorcycle.

My sister bought a new motorcycle, and ………

a. So did my neighbor

b. Neither did my neighbor

c. My neighbour didn’t either

d. My neighbour didn’t too

jawaban: a

21. My brother can type many words fast. I can type many words fast.

My brother can type many words fast, and …….

a. Neither can I

b. I can’t either

c. I can too

d. So can’t I

jawaban: c

22. Izzati doesn’t like Indonesian horror movies. I don’t like Indonesian horror movies.

Izzati doesn’t like Indonesian horror movies, and …….

a. So do I

b. I do too

c. I do either

d. Neither do I

jawaban: d

23. Ali can’t speak Dutch. I can’t speak Dutch.

Ali can’t speak Dutch, and ……

a. I can’t neither
b. I can’t either

c. So Can I

d. I can too

jawaban: b

24. Siraj hasn’t seen “Thor” new movie. Fahmi hasn’t seen “Thor” new movie.

Siraj hasn’t seen “Thor” new movie, and ……

a. Fahmi hasn’t either

b. So has Fahmi

c. Neither hasn’t Fahmi

d. Fahmi has too

jawaban: a

25. Syifa won’t join us for dinner tonight. Divya won’t join us for dinner tonight.

Syifa won’t join us for dinner tonight, and …….

a. So will Divya

b. Divya won’t too

c. Neither will Divya

d. Divya will either

jawaban: d

26. AnangUbay wasn’t in class yesterday. AshantyUbay wasn’t in class yesterday.

AnangUbay wasn’t in class yesterday, and …….

a. Neither wasn’t AshantyUbay

b. AshantyUbay was too

c. So was AshantyUbay

d. AshantyUbay wasn’t either

jawaban: d
27. You’ve never been in France. I’ve never been in France.

You’ve never been in France, and …….

a. So have I

b. Neither have I

c. I have too

d. I have either

jawaban: d

28. Hansel has never killed 100 witches. Gretel has never killed 100 witches.

Hansel has never killed 100 witches, and …….

a. So hasn’t Gretel

b. Gretel hasn’t either

c. Gretel hasn’t too

d. Neither hasn’t Gretel

jawaban: b

29. She isn’t married yet. I’m not married yet.

She isn’t married yet, and …….

a. Neither am I

b. So am I

c. I am either

d. I am too

jawaban: a

30. I can’t speak Hungarian. You can’t speak Hungarian

I can’t speak Hungarian, and …….

a. So can I

b. I can too
c. Neither can I

d. I can either

jawaban: d


1.Elia is a nurse. I am a nurse.

Elia is a nurse and so AM I.

2. Luna likes jogging. Silvie likes jogging.

Luna likes jogging and so DOES silvie.

3. Hoho has a big dog. I have a big dog.

Hoho has a big dog and so DO I.

4. Dewi is happy. We are happy.

Dewi is happy and so ARE we.

5. They play football well. We play football well.

They play football well and so DO we.

6. She takes a Music course. Her brothers take a Music course.

She takes a Music course and her brothers DO too.

7. I am tall. My sisters are tall.

I am tall and my sisters ARE too.

8. The boys are tired. The girls are tired.

The boys are tired and the girls ARE too.

9. The students make beautiful carvings. Their teacher makes a beautiful carving.

The students make beautiful carvings and their teacher DOES too.

10. Irvan sings loudly. We sing loudly.

Irvan sings loudly and we DO too

11. Shanti isn’t beautiful. Devi isn’t beautiful.

Shanti isn’t beautiful and neither IS Devi.

12. Maya doesn’t like jogging. Litha doesn’t like joging.

Maya doesn’t like jogging and neither DOES Litha.

13. Bonny doesn’t have a robot. Harry doesn’t have a robot.

Bonny doesn’t have a robot and Haryy DOESN’T either.

14. Dirly isn’t happy. We aren’t happy.

Dirly isn’t happy and neither ARE we.

15. They don’t go to Bali. We don’t go to Bali.

They don’t go to Bali and we DON’T either.

16. He doesn’t study in SMP Merah Putih. His brothers don’t study in SMP Merah Putih.

He doesn’t study in SMP Merah Putih and his brothers DON’T either.

17. I’m not fat. My sister’s not fat.

I’m not fat and neither IS my sister.

18. The boy can’t swim. I can’t swim.

The boy can’t swim and I CAN’T either.

19. The cows don’t eat meat. The goats don’t eat meat.

The goats don’t eat meat and the goats DON’T either.

20. My mother won’t attend the party. My aunt won’t attend the party.

My mother won’t attend the party and neither WILL my aunt.

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