Author ...
Df e E a C
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
January 13, 2012
Accepted by .........
V Leslie A. Kolodziejski
Chair, Committee on Graduate Students
Understanding Freehand Diagrams: Combining Appearance and
Context for Multi-Domain Sketch Recognition
Tom Yu Ouyang
As our interaction with computing shifts away from the traditional desktop model (e.g.,
towards smartphones, tablets, touch-enabled displays), the technology that drives this in-
teraction needs to evolve as well. Wouldn't it be great if we could talk, write, and draw
to a computer just like we do with each other? This thesis addresses the drawing aspect
of that vision: enabling computers to understand the meaning and semantics of free-hand
diagrams. We present a novel framework for sketch recognition that seamlessly combines
a rich representation of local visual appearance with a probabilistic graphical model for
capturing higher level relationships. This joint model makes our system less sensitive to
noise and drawing variations, improving accuracy and robustness. The result is a recog-
nizer that is better able to handle the wide range of drawing styles found in messy freehand
sketches. To preserve the fluid process of sketching on paper, our interface allows users
to draw diagrams just as they would on paper, using the same notations and conventions.
For the isolated symbol recognition task our method exceeds state-of-the-art performance
in three domains: handwritten digits, PowerPoint shapes, and electrical circuit symbols.
For the complete diagram recognition task it was able to achieve excellent performance on
both chemistry and circuit diagrams, improving on the best previous results. Furthermore,
in an on-line study our new interface was on average over twice as fast as the existing
CAD-based method for authoring chemical diagrams, even for novice users who had little
or no experience using a tablet. This is one of the first direct comparisons that shows a
sketch recognition interface significantly outperforming a professional industry-standard
CAD-based tool.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Natural Sketch Interaction . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Chemistry and Analog Circuits . . . . . . . .
1.5 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3 Complete Sketch Understanding 47
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2 Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3 Candidates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4 Evaluation 65
4.1 Off-Line Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2.1 Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5 Related Work 79
5.1 Single-Stroke Gestures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.5 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6 Conclusion 87
6.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.3.1 Natural Correction and Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.3.2 Parts-based Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.3.3 Learning from Offline Structured Data . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.3.4 Continuous Learning and Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.3.5 Learning New Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3.6 Multimodal Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
A Drawing Notations
A. 1 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2 Analog Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures
1-1 Sketches are used to express and communicate ideas in a number of differ-
ent domains, including chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engi-
neering, and flow charts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1-2 The goal of our research is to move from traditional mouse-and-menu based
CAD interfaces to a more natural sketch-based interaction that recreates the
experience of drawing on paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1-3 Symbols taken from a dataset of hand-drawn chemical and electrical circuit
diagrams, illustrating some of the types of variations found in freehand
sketches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1-4 Figures (a-d) show the progression of a chemical diagram being drawn us-
ing our system in real time. The interface automatically provides feedback
about the recognition progress so far. Alphanumeric symbols are boxed in
blue with letters below, straight bonds are shown in blue, wedge-bonds are
colored light blue, hash-bond are colored green, and bond endpoints are
indicated using small boxes. Figure (e) shows the user-drawn diagram ex-
ported and displayed in ChemDraw, a third party tool for analyzing chem-
ical structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1-5 The chemical formula and structural diagram for the organic molecule
Penicillin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2-1 On-line and off-line handwriting recognition. The work on the left [24]
focuses on temporal patterns in the input strokes while the work on the
right [18] focuses on local intensity gradients in the image. . . . . . . . . . 33
2-2 System Overview: First, a set of feature images representing the 4 orienta-
tions (top) and the endpoints (bottom) are extracted from the online stroke
trajectory. Next, these images are smoothed and down-sampled to improve
performance and increase tolerance to distortions. Finally, the images are
compared against all of the prototypes in the training set. . . . . . . . . . . 35
2-3 System Overview: First, a set of feature images representing the 4 orienta-
tions (top) and the endpoints (bottom) are extracted from the online stroke
trajectory. Next, these images are smoothed and down-sampled to improve
performance and increase tolerance to distortions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2-4 Image deformation model with local context matching. Each point in the
input image can shift within a local window to form the best match to the
prototype. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2-6 Examples of symbols that our recognizer classified correctly (left) and in-
correctly (right). The predictions made by our system are shown above
each symbol and the ground truth labels are shown below. . . . . . . . . . 42
3-2 The result of our segment extraction algorithm on two chemical drawings.
Detected corners are highlighted in red. Note that we only show corners
from strokes that represent straight bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3-3 An illustration of the stroke segmentation process. Detected corners are
highlighted in red. Note that the segments in the highlighted region form a
6-bond ring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3-4 An illustration of the 4 sets of feature images used to encode the visual
appearance of the region around a segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3-6 The set of candidates extracted from a chemical diagram, shown boxed in
blue. The feature images generated for the two candidates highlighted in
red are also shown below. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3-7 CRF Inference Component: The CRF inference component takes all of the
candidates from the two levels (segments and symbols) and decides which
candidates are actual symbols and which are mis-groupings. It does this
using a probabilistic graphical model (a conditional random field, CRF) to
encode the relationships between and among segments and candidates. . . 57
3-9 The three pairwise relationships used in the spatial context compatibility
between segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4-1 An example of a sketch collected and recognized by our system during the
off-line evaluation. Text symbols are highlighted in green and hash and
wedge bond are highlighted in light blue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4-2 The result of our segment extraction algorithm on two chemical drawings.
Detected corners are highlighted in red. Note that we only show corners
from strokes that represent straight bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4-4 Comparative evaluation between our ChemInk interface and the industry
standard CAD tool ChemDraw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4-5 The average time taken by each of the study participants to draw a chemical
diagram using ChemInk and ChemDraw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4-6 The ratings given by the study participants on how fast and how easy it was
to use ChemInk and ChemDraw. Higher ratings indicate faster and easier. 71
4-7 Timeline of the same user creating the same sketch using both Chemlnk
and ChemDraw. Note that user rated himself an expert (7/7) for experience
using ChemDraw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4-8 Examples of sketches collected from the on-line user study. The system's
interpretation is highlighted as: text = green blue with letters below, straight
bonds = blue, wedge-bond = light blue, hash-bond = green, bond endpoints
= sm all boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4-9 Examples of circuit diagrams recognized by our system. Correct detec-
tions are highlighted in green and false positives in red. False negatives are
highlighted in yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6-1 Examples of symbols from the military Course of Action domain, high-
lighting the compositional nature of the symbols in this domain. . . . . . . 90
6-3 Examples of users adding strokes to a previous drawn symbol to clarify it.
In (a), the user extended the lengths of two bonds by drawing two additional
strokes, in (b) the user drew over and existing "0",and in (c) the user went
back to extend the left line of an existing "H". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6-4 A small sample of the off-line chemical structures in the NCBI PubChem
database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6-5 One promising area for future work is to integrate multimodal interaction
into the sketch recognition interface, such as combing touch gestures and
speech recognition for editing and correction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
A-1 Grey strokes: an example of a chemical drawing that our system is de-
signed to recognize. The notation consists of element abbreviations (e.g.,
"N", "0"), group abbreviations (e.g., "R"), straight bonds, hash bonds, and
w edge bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A-2 Notations used in chemical diagrams. Wedge and hash bonds show the 3-D struc-
ture of a molecule: hash bonds angle down beneath the plane, wedge bonds angle
up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6
A-3 Notations used in analog electrical circuit diagrams (wires not shown). . . . . . . 96
List of Tables
2.1 Comparison of recognition results for the Pen Digits dataset. Results listed
in descending order of accuracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.2 Comparison of recognition results for the HHReco dataset. . . . . . . . . . 44
2.3 Comparison of recognition results for the Electrical Circuits dataset. . . . . 44
2.4 The average time required to classify a symbol in the Pen Digits corpus. . . 45
4.1 Evaluation of the corner detection component of our system. We only count
corners in strokes labeled as bonds and compare against the hand labeled
ground truth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.2 Evaluation of the recognition accuracy of our system. The (no context)
version does not employ spatial relationships between segments. . . . . . . 67
4.3 Overall recognition accuracy for the circuit diagram dataset. . . . . . . . . 75
Chapter 1
With the growing popularity of mobile devices such as smart-phones (e.g., Android, iPhone),
tablets (e.g., iPad), and touch-enabled displays (e.g., SMART Board, Microsoft Surface),
computing is becoming an ever more ubiquitous part of our daily lives. As our interaction
with computing shifts away from the traditional desktop model, the technology that drives
this interaction needs to evolve as well. For example, while it would be possible to jot
down notes on a tablet using the software keyboard or draw diagrams using your finger,
neither of these interactions feel very natural. Furthermore, to the computer these drawings
are just pixels on the page without any deeper meaning. Wouldn't it be better if we could
talk, write, and draw to a computer just like we do with each other, and then actually have
the computer understandus? What kinds of new interactions and experiences could this
enable? These questions lie at the intersection of human computer interaction and artificial
intelligence, and are part of the long-term vision of making interacting with a computer as
easy and natural as interacting with another human being.
This thesis addresses the drawingpart of that vision: enabling computers to understand
the meaning of free-hand diagrams. Most people have been drawing since they were tod-
dlers, and sketches offer a natural, easy, and flexible medium for expressing and commu-
nicating ideas. More than just simple drawings, sketches and diagrams can be an essential
means of communicating information in many domains. They are also an important part
of the early design process, where they help people explore rough ideas and solutions in
an informal environment. Many professionals, such as architects, chemists, and engineers,
Chemical Mechanical
Structures Engineering
Figure 1-1: Sketches are used to express and communicate ideas in a number of different
domains, including chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and flow
use sketches every day to help them throughout the design process. Figure 1-1 shows some
examples of these types of diagrams and the areas where they play an important role, in-
cluding chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and flow charts.
Despite the naturalness and ease of drawing on paper, the problem is that these drawings
are inherently static - merely ink on a page without any inherent meaning besides that
inferred by the human observer. Even if the sketch is captured digitally as an image or
a vectorized sequence of pen samples, we still can't easily ask the computer to look up
the diagram in a database (except as an image), visualize it in another form (e.g., a 3-D
rendering of a molecular diagram), or clean it up for a presentation or publication.
The goal of this thesis is to develop a new sketch recognition framework that provides
the naturalness and speed of drawing on paper (as illustrated in figure 1-2). To accomplish
this task we identify four main requirements. 1) It should handle the range of drawing styles
found in messy freehand sketches, and be competitive with or exceed existing CAD-like
authoring tools in terms of usability and speed. This means that the recognition accuracy
needs to be high enough so that the user does not need to spend much time or cognitive load
on making corrections. 2) It should be general enough that it can be applied to multiple
real-world domains, and be easily extensible to new domains. 3) It should preserve, as
much as possible, the familiar experience of using pen and paper. 4) It should be fast
enough to keep up with the user in real time.
1.1 Background
Current work in sketch recognition can, very broadly speaking, be separated into two
groups. The first approach focuses on relationships between geometric primitives such
as lines, arcs, circles, etc. However, in real-world sketches, it is difficult to extract these
primitives reliably. Circles may not always be round or closed, line segments may not be
straight, and stroke artifacts like pen-drag (not lifting the pen between regions that are usu-
ally separated), over-tracing (drawing over a previously drawn stroke), and stray ink may
introduce false primitives that lead to poor recognition.
A second approach focuses on the visual appearance of shapes and symbols. The main
advantage of vision-based approaches is their robustness to variations in drawing styles
and to the types of artifacts mentioned earlier. However, these methods do not model the
spatial relationships between neighboring shapes, relying on local appearance to classify
a symbol. Hence, they do not take advantage of the context around a symbol that can
make the recognition task easier. While the promise of sketch recognition interfaces has
widespread and growing appeal, there are still open challenges in terms of recognition
accuracy, robustness, and scalability before they are ready to be deployed in the real world.
q Ob to V.. P.- r*- 1.* go. Y v-
4_4 A -4a K , .7. .
iO ,
1 ih Jew bjdc sn -~
Figure 1-2: The goal of our research is to move from traditional mouse-and-menu based
CAD interfaces to a more natural sketch-based interaction that recreates the experience of
drawing on paper.
H N |||||
(Electrical Circuits)
Figure 1-3: Symbols taken from a dataset of hand-drawn chemical and electrical circuit
diagrams, illustrating some of the types of variations found in freehand sketches.
1.2 Challenges
Making sense of messy real-world sketches can be difficult for several reasons. First, sym-
bols like the ones in Figure 1-3 can exhibit a great deal of intra-class variation due to local
distortions, rotations, and non-uniform scaling. Second, symbols may exhibit artifacts like
over-tracing and pen-drag. Finally, in addition to these types of visible differences, two
seemingly identical symbols can be drawn differently at the stroke level (e.g., the strokes
may be drawn in a different order or in opposite directions). These types of variations
present major challenges for traditional sketch recognition systems [27].
(a) (b)H
0 /H
(c) G
8 ChemBioDraw
Ultra- [expoutcdxml I
Bit Edit Dew Qbject mtuuctre Tet Cwves Color Onine Window tielp
- S
Figure 1-4: Figures (a-d) show the progression of a chemical diagram being drawn using
our system in real time. The interface automatically provides feedback about the recogni-
tion progress so far. Alphanumeric symbols are boxed in blue with letters below, straight
bonds are shown in blue, wedge-bonds are colored light blue, hash-bond are colored green,
and bond endpoints are indicated using small boxes. Figure (e) shows the user-drawn di-
agram exported and displayed in ChemDraw, a third party tool for analyzing chemical
R-C 9H 1 N 20 4 S 0
4 OH
(Chemical Formula) (Structure Diagram)
Figure 1-5: The chemical formula and structural diagram for the organic molecule Peni-
digitally can be readily exported to other software programs, making possible tasks like
simulation, visualization, and database search. Furthermore, since the user's input is inter-
preted in real-time, this interface can provide constant feedback as the user is drawing, and
can form a basis for new interactions such as sketch manipulation and error correction.
This work focuses on two real-world domains where sketches are especially widely used:
chemistry and analog circuit design. When chemists need to describe the structure of a
compound to a colleague, they typically do so by drawing a diagram. This is because the
structure encoded in a diagram provides essential information about a molecule's identity,
chemical properties, and potential reactions. They are, as a result, often considerably more
informative than the chemical formula alone (illustrated in Figure 1-5).
Chemical diagrams like the one being drawn in Figure 1-6 are an essential part of the
drug design process, and the depiction in image itself is actually very representative of real
world useage: we have observed first-hand pharmaceutical research labs where not only the
whiteboards but even the glass cubicle dividers were filled with these types of drawings.
When people need to convey the same structure to a computer, however, they must re-
create the diagram by hand using existing CAD based tools. These software for specifying
chemical structures, such as the widely-used ChemDraw package, still rely on a traditional
point-click-and-drag style of interaction, as shown in the top of Figure 1-2. These require
Figure 1-6: A chemist interacting with a drawing of a chemical structure.
users to first select a chemical component (e.g., a wedge or hash bond) from a toolbar
before it can be added to the diagram. Experienced users can use keyboard shortcuts and
other tricks to speed up the authoring process, but these require a significant learning curve.
Programs like ChemDraw are very popular because they allow users to create machine-
readable diagrams that are easily exported to other chemistry software packages. However,
they lack the ease of use, naturalness, and speed of simply drawing on paper. The work
we present in this thesis takes a major step towards bridging this gap between how people
naturally express drawings and how computers interpret them today.
The main contribution of this dissertation is a novel framework for sketch recognition that
seamlessly combines a rich representation of local visual appearance with a probabilistic
model for capturing higher level relationships. By "visual appearance" we mean a local
image-based representation that preserves the pictoral nature of the ink. By "higher level
relationships" we mean the spatial relationships between different symbols. The combi-
nation of these two sources of information is accomplished using a graphical model (a
discriminatively trained conditional random field) that classifies each symbol jointly with
its context, allowing neighboring interpretations to influence each other. This allows our
method to be less sensitive to noise and drawing variations, significantly improving ro-
bustness and accuracy. The result is a recognizer that is better able to handle the range of
drawing styles found in messy freehand sketches.
A second contribution is the development of a fast, robust, and accurate isolated sym-
bol recognizer. In a departure from much of the earlier work in this area, this recognizer
preserves the pictoral nature of the ink while at the same time taking advantage of the
temporal patterns in the input strokes. This emphasis on visual appearance makes it more
robust to stroke level differences like pen-drag and overtracing. We also present a symbol
classification technique that is computationally efficient and robust to rotation and local de-
formations. We demonstrate that this method is able to exceed state-of-the-art performance
for all three domains we evaluated: handwritten digits, PowerPoint shapes, and electrical
circuit symbols.
Figure 1-7: An illustration of the recognition process presented in this thesis. Frames
consist of (a) an example sketch of a circuit diagram, (b) the segments after preprocessing,
(c) a subset of the candidate groups extracted from the sketch, and (d) the final set of symbol
Figure 1-7 illustrates the steps in our sketch recognition architecture. First the system
decomposes the strokes into smaller segments (b) to facilitate recognition. It then searches
for symbols among groups of temporally and spatially contiguous segments (c), evaluating
each group to determine how likely it is to represent a valid symbol. Next it searches for an
optimal set of symbol predictions from among these groups, taking into account both their
visual appearance and their spatial relationships to each other. Finally, it displays the set
of predicted symbols to the user in real time (d). While this example shows the process for
interpreting an electrical circuit diagram, the same concepts apply for chemistry diagrams.
This reflects one contribution of this thesis, which is developing a common recognition
platform that can be used across multiple domains.
The remainder of the thesis is structured as follows. Chapter 2 describes our visual ap-
pearance based approach to isolated symbol recognition. Chapter 3 presents our framework
for complete sketch recognition that combines appearance and spatial context. Chapter 4
presents an evaluation of our prototype interface, including a comparative user evaluation
of our interface against the industry standard chemistry CAD program. Chapter 5 covers
previous work in sketch recognition and how they relate to our approach. Finally, Chapter
6 summarizes the main ideas and contributions of this dissertation and discusses directions
for future work.
Chapter 2
9 The recognizer represents symbols based primarily on visual appearance rather than
geometric primitives or temporal patterns. This allows our approach to be more
robust to differences in drawing style.
e At the same time, the recognizer also takes advantage of certain on-line stroke prop-
erties derived from the temporal sequence.
Before we move on to the details of our symbol recognition approach, it's useful to take
a quick look at the relationship between sketch recognition and handwriting recognition.
First, an early motivation for our approach came from the observation that current off-line
handwriting recognizers, which operate on scanned images, perform very well despite the
fact that they lack any information about pen trajectories (see Figure 2-1). For example,
state-of-the-art techniques are able to achieve error rates in the range of 0.5% on a corpus
of 70,000 scanned digits [21]. While a direct comparison between on-line and off-line
handwriting recognition is difficult, a survey of past literature suggests that off-line methods
[21, 18] can perform as well as, or even better than, their on-line counterparts [8, 4, 24].
This lead us to ask, can advances in off-line handwriting recognition be adapted to make
better on-line sketch recognizers?
Dynamic time warping Image deformation mapping
(Mitoma 2004) (Keysers 2007)
Figure 2-1: On-line and off-line handwriting recognition. The work on the left [24] focuses
on temporal patterns in the input strokes while the work on the right [18] focuses on local
intensity gradients in the image.
Second, unlike much of the existing work on sketch recognition, we designed our rec-
ognizer to handle handwritten characters as well as graphical shapes. This is important
because letters and digits are often an essential part of sketched diagrams, where they may
appear either as annotations (e.g., in electrical circuits) or as part of the underlying structure
(e.g., in chemical diagrams).
" Stroke orientation. The direction the pen is moving at each sample point in the
stroke. This orientation is computed as the angle along the stroke between temporally
adjacent points (relative to the x-axis).
" Stroke endpoints. The locations of the endpoints of strokes, where the user either
lifts up or presses down the pen.
An overview of the recognition process is shown in Figure 2-2. The discussion below
walks through each step of this process.
2.2.1 Input Normalization
The first step in our approach is to minimize the variations between different symbols due
to pen sampling, scale, and translation. This improves the robustness of our recognizer to
differences in symbol size, drawing speed, and location in the sketch.
Since on-line strokes are typically sampled at a constant temporal frequency, the dis-
tance between neighboring points in the pen trajectory varies based on the speed of the pen,
producing more samples when the user draws slowly and fewer when she draws quickly.
This phenomenon is especially prevalent in corners or regions of high curvature, where the
pen speed is often much slower than usual. This spatial variability can make it difficult to
make consistent and accurate orientation measurements, since the distance between adja-
cent points can vary dramatically. For example, in regions where the pen is moving slowly
the distance between adjacent points may be very small, producing noisy measurements for
the orientation. In order to make feature extraction more reliable we resample each stroke
at a constant spatial frequency.
Next we remove differences due to scale and translation. A traditional solution to this
problem is to transform all of the symbols so that they have the same bounding box di-
mensions, but we found this technique to be overly sensitive to artifacts like long tails at
the ends of strokes or stray ink. In response, we normalize each symbol by translating its
center of mass to the origin, and scaling it horizontally and vertically so it has unit standard
deviation in both axes.
A key part of our approach is that we convert the on-line stroke sequences into a set of low
resolution feature images. We begin by computing five features for each sample point in
the pen trajectory, four concerned with stroke orientation and one concerned with stroke
e The four orientation features correspond to four reference angles, at 0, 45, 90, and
135 degrees. They measure how nearly horizontal, vertical, or diagonal the stroke
is at each point. The feature values are calculated as the difference between the
4 4
Ell -AA p.
Down-sampling Classification
Down-sample images Match the input feature
using a local max filter to images against those for
improve performance. the prototypes in the
training set.
Figure 2-2: System Overview: First, a set of feature images representing the 4 orientations
(top) and the endpoints (bottom) are extracted from the online stroke trajectory. Next, these
images are smoothed and down-sampled to improve performance and increase tolerance to
distortions. Finally, the images are compared against all of the prototypes in the training
stroke angle and the reference angle, and vary linearly between 1.0 (if the two are
equal) and 0.0 (if they differ by more than 45 degrees). One major advantage of this
representation is that it is independent of stroke direction (e.g., a stroke drawn left to
right has the same orientation as one drawn right to left.)
e The endpoint feature identifies stroke endpoints. It is equal to 1.0 if the point is at the
beginning or end of a stroke and 0.0 otherwise. This feature helps us distinguish be-
tween symbols like "3" and "8", which look similar but often differ in their endpoint
The result is an ordered sequence of feature values, five for each point in the symbol.
In order to preserve the spatial nature of the original input, we render these five features
onto five 24 by 24 feature grids. The horizontal and vertical dimensions of the grid span
2.5 standard deviations of the original symbol's space in each direction. We call these grids
"feature images", in which the intensity of a pixel is determined by the maximum feature
value of the sample points that fall within its cell. For example, the intensity of the 0-
orientation image in Figure 2-3 is high in regions where the stroke direction for a resistor
symbol is nearly horizontal. This representation resembles the annotated images used by
LeRec for handwriting recognition [5], but to our knowledge this is the first time it has been
applied to sketched symbol recognition.
In the next stage we smooth and downsample the feature images to increase tolerance to
local shifts and distortions. First we apply a Gaussian smoothing function to each image,
spreading feature values to neighboring pixels. This ensures that small spatial variations
in the symbol produce gradual changes in the feature values. We then downsample the
images by a factor of 2 using a MAX filter, where each pixel in the downsized image is the
maximum of the four corresponding pixels in the original. This further reduces sensitivity
to small shifts and improves runtime performance.
feature grid
0 45 90 135 END
Figure 2-3: System Overview: First, a set of feature images representing the 4 orientations
(top) and the endpoints (bottom) are extracted from the online stroke trajectory. Next, these
images are smoothed and down-sampled to improve performance and increase tolerance to
2.2.4 Classification
For the symbol recognition task we use a deformable template matching algorithm that is
robust to local shifts and distortions. Our image deformation model (IDM) allows every
point in the input image to shift within a 3x3 local window to form the best match to the
prototype image. The individual shifts are independent, so computing this displacement
mapping is computationally efficient. To avoid overfitting, we include the local context
around each point, i.e., we shift 3x3 image patches instead of single pixels. The distance
between two points is then calculated as the sum of squared differences between the five
feature images at their respective patch locations. An illustration of this process is shown
in Figure 2-4.
The IDM distance between two symbols I1 (the input) and 12 (the template) is defined
Figure 2-4: Image deformation model with local context matching. Each point in the input
image can shift within a local window to form the best match to the prototype.
where d, and dy represent pixel shifts and I(x, y) represents the 3x3x5 feature values
in I, from the patch centered at x, y.
This deformation model is similar to the one proposed by [18] for off-line character
recognition. Here, we extend their approach to on-line symbols using the orientation and
endpoint features described earlier.
One major limitation of the deformable template model is that it needs to match the input
symbol against all of the training examples. As a result, computing the full set of IDM
matches can take several seconds on even a modestly sized training set of 7000 templates.
This section describes two performance optimizations that, whose combination can reduce
this runtime by over two orders of magnitude.
fl2 = ( v1(k) -V2(k))2 (2.2)
Hierarchical Clustering
The second optimization is a branch and bound technique to speed up the coarse classifier
even further. It begins by applying agglomerative hierarchical clustering to the training
examples in each class, organizing them into groups based on complete-link distance. This
process first initializes each symbol into its own cluster, then progressively merges the two
nearest clusters until there is only one cluster per class. At each step, it records the two
sub-clusters that were merged to form the parent.
The result is a hierarchical tree structure with the largest clusters at the top and pro-
gressively smaller sub-clusters below. For each cluster and sub-cluster, it selects a repre-
sentative prototype, the cluster center. This is defined as the example that is maximally
similar to all of the other examples in the cluster. Next, it computes the cluster radius as
the maximum distance between the center and any of its members. Figure 2-5 shows the
result of this process on a collection of resistors. The leaves in the tree represent individual
templates and the nodes represent cluster centers.
During inference, the algorithm compares the input symbol to the set of cluster centers,
starting at the top level of the hierarchy. It keeps track of the best match discovered so far,
discarding clusters when it knows they cannot improve this match. Since the Euclidean
distance metric used for pruning follows the triangle inequality, the lower-bound on the
best match in cluster c is the distance to the cluster center de minus the cluster radius rc.
If de - rc is larger than the best distance discovered so far, we can safely ignore the entire
cluster. If not, the algorithm expands the cluster and repeats the process for its children.
Since we want to find the N-nearest neighbors, we need to make a couple of modifi-
Figure 2-5: A hierarchical clustering tree for a set of resistors.
cations to the above algorithm. First, instead of keeping track of only the best match, we
store a list of N-best matches. Second, we discard a cluster only if its lower bound distance
is worse than the N-th best match discovered so far.'
The recognition process described so far is robust to differences in translation, scale, and
local deformation. The next step is to make it invariant to rotation. Our solution is to
generate and match rotated versions of the input symbol to each of the training examples.
We use 32 evenly spaced orientations from 0 to 360 degrees. To improve performance,
in the hierarchical clustering stage we perform rotation matching only for the top level
clusters.2 For the lower level clusters, we can assume that all of the members are similar
enough that they share the same rotation as the parent. Similarly, in the template matching
stage, we assume that the optimal rotation found by the coarse metric is correct and reuse
it in the exact match.
'In our implementation we use the first K=128 principal components and keep the first N=10 coarse
nearest neighbor candidates. These parameters were chosen empirically; lower values degrade accuracy
while higher values do not seem to offer any improvement.
We use rotation matching for the top 64 clusters in each class.
2.3 Experimental Evaluation
We evaluated our approach on three datasets: handwritten digits, PowerPoint shapes, and
circuit symbols. The following tables compare our performance against four benchmark
classifiers (described below) and previous results reported in literature (shown in italics).
Note that in all three evaluations we use the same optimized version of our recognizer, in-
corporating hierarchical clustering and PCA candidate pruning. The only exception is that
we omit rotation invariance on the digits dataset because it would have made it impossible
to distinguish between digits like "6" and "9".
We include the following four benchmark classifiers:
" Pixel Nearest Neighbor (PIXEL NN): A baseline nearest neighbor classifier that uses
the L 2 distance between the raw intensity images (no feature images).
" Feature Nearest Neighbor (FEATURE NN): A nearest neighbor classifier that uses
the L 2 distance between the five feature images.
" Hausdorff Nearest Neighbor (HAUSDORFF): A nearest neighbor classifier that uses
the Modified Hausdorff distance [9, 17]. This metric has been used previously for
sketch and object recognition.
" SVM: A Support Vector Machine that uses a single 720-length feature vector to rep-
resent the five 12x 12 feature images. We evaluated the performance using a LINEAR
kernel and a RBF kernel.
This dataset, first presented in [2], contains 10,992 isolated digits. It is divided into 30
writers for the training set and 14 writers for the test set, with no overlap between the two
groups. Therefore, this evaluation is writer-independent and indicates how well our system
is able to generalize to new users.
0 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 2 3
5 6 7 8 9 9 5 9
(Pen Digits)
Figure 2-6: Examples of symbols that our recognizer classified correctly (left) and incor-
rectly (right). The predictions made by our system are shown above each symbol and the
ground truth labels are shown below.
As we see in Table 2.1, our method correctly recognized 99.2% of the digits in this
corpus, outperforming both external benchmarks. Compared to [24], we were able to re-
duce the relative error rate by 56%, eliminating over half of the errors. The examples in
Figure 2-6 (top) show that our method successfully handled a wide range of writing styles,
and many of the symbols it missed could be considered difficult even for a human reader.
Here the SVM-RBF model did slightly better than our method, but at the cost of greater
computational requirements (see Table 2.4, below).
The HHReco dataset [16] includes 7,791 PowerPoint shapes like boxes, ellipses, cylinders,
and callouts. The examples were collected from 19 different people: each person drew at
least 30 symbols per category. In our user independent cross-validation trials, we test on
the examples from each user after training on the remaining 18 users.
As Table 2.2 shows, on this dataset we achieved an accuracy rate of 98.2%. Compared
to the 96.7% result reported by [16], the best external benchmark, our method offers a
45% reduction in relative error. Figure 2-6 shows a number of examples that our system
identified correctly and incorrectly.
The Electrical Circuits dataset [27] contains 1,012 examples of circuit symbols like the ones
in Figure 2-6 (bottom). Unlike the previous two domains, these symbols were extracted
from complete sketches. As a result, they seem to exhibit a wider range of variations and
drawing styles. We again evaluate using user-independent cross validation.
For this corpus our method achieved an accuracy rate of 96.2% (see Table 2.3). This
represents a 64% relative error reduction over the best published benchmark of 89.5% [27].
As we can see in Figure 2-6, our method was able to correctly identify several very difficult
examples, including ones that exhibit significant over-tracing and pen-drag.
Pen Digits Dataset Accuracy
SVM-RBF 99.4%
SVM-Linear 99.1%
Eigen-Deformation[241 98.2%
Hausdorff 97.6%
PIXEL NN 97.1%
Combination [2] 97.0%
Table 2.1: Comparison of recognition results for the Pen Digits dataset. Results listed in
descending order of accuracy.
Table 2.3: Comparison of recognition results for the Electrical Circuits dataset.
Runtime Performance Time
SVM-Linear 2.4 ms
FEATURE NN 40.8 ms
SVM-RBF 90.3 ms
Hausdorff 750 ms
OUR METHOD (unoptimized) 3952 ms
Table 2.4: The average time required to classify a symbol in the Pen Digits corpus.
Finally, we evaluate the runtime performance of the different classifiers presented in this
chapter, measuring the average time required to recognize one symbol in the Pen Digits
dataset (running on a 2.4 GHz machine). As Table 2.4 shows, our method is very com-
putationally efficient, able to process over 100 symbols per second. Compared to the un-
optimized version, it improves classification speed by over two orders of magnitude. This
speedup is essential since our eventual goal is to achieve real time recognition, especially
since we will be running this symbol recognizer over a large number of candidate locations
within each sketch.
2.4 Discussion
In this chapter we presented a new visual approach to on-line symbol recognition. Unlike
much of the previous work in this area, we represent symbols as visual feature images
rather than as temporal sequences or geometric primitives. As a result, our method is less
sensitive to the variations in drawing style that can pose major challenges for other sketch
recognition systems. We also presented a classification technique that is computationally
efficient and robust to rotation and local deformations. Finally, we showed that our method
is able to exceed state-of-the-art performance for all the domains we evaluated, including
handwritten digits, PowerPoint shapes, and electrical circuit symbols.
This work focused on developing a fast, accurate, and robust sketched symbol recog-
nizer that works for multiple domains. However, symbols in real sketches are not drawn in
isolation; neighboring symbols may be close together or even touching, and multiple sym-
bols may be drawn using a single pen stroke. As mentioned in the beginning of the chapter,
a complete recognition system needs to jointly address the problem of symbol localization
and recognition. We cover our solution to this problem in the next chapter.
Chapter 3
3.1 Overview
In the previous chapter we presented an accurate and robust recognizer for isolated hand-
drawn symbols. In this chapter we move on to the problem of localizing and recognizing
symbols in the context of a complete sketch. This is a significantly more challenging prob-
lem because 1) symbols in a sketch may be drawn in any order, 2) they may be drawn close
together or even overlapping each other, and 3) they may be composed of both complete
and partial strokes.
At a high level, our approach is to apply our symbol recognizer to many different loca-
tions in the sketch (which we will henceforth refer to as candidates), predicting how well
each candidate matches one of the valid symbol in the domain. Since only a small fraction
of these candidate locations will correspond to actual symbols, the next step is to search for
the subset of these candidates that produces the most likely interpretation for the sketch.
An overview of our approach is shown in Figure 3-1, and is composed of the following
to consider candidates that may contain only parts of strokes (e.g., a wire and resistor
drawn together without lifting the pen).
* Candidates: Extract a set of candidate locations from the sketch, each of which is a
potential location for a symbol.
" Visual Codebook (candidates): Apply the isolated symbol recognizer to each of the
candidate locations, generating predictions for how likely each candidate represents
a valid symbol.
" Visual Codebook (segments): Apply the isolated segment recognizer (similar to the
one used for candidates) to each of the segments extracted from the sketch, generating
predictions for the likely labels for each segment.
* Symbol Selection: Combine the information from all of the candidate and segment
predictions, as well as spatial relationships between neighboring candidates and seg-
ments, to construct the optimal set of symbol detections.
" Structure generation: Predict the connectivity of the symbol detections to produce
the final interpreted structure. The result is a machine-readable encoding of the di-
agram that can be handed off to other programs for analysis, search, publication,
" Training component: The system uses training data to learn the segmentation model,
visual codebook, and CRF parameters used for sketch interpretation. This training
step needs to be performed only once, beforehand, in an off-line step.
3.2 Segmentation
The first step of our recognition architecture is stroke segmentation. These segments are
generated by dividing strokes at corner points (Figure 3-2). In the chemistry domain corners
have a special meaning because they determine the breaks between straight bonds. This is
because chemists often draw multiple straight bonds using a single polyline stroke (Figure
A-1), relying on the reader to infer that they are actually drawing multiple individual bonds
connected by implicit carbons.' A more detailed description of this and other chemical
drawing notations is provided in Appendix A.
Corner detection is a well-studied problem in sketch recognition. Previous approaches
have explored looking at extremes in curvature and pen speed [34], temporal patterns in
pen direction [31], and alternative approximations to stroke curvature [44]. These methods
often use hand-coded thresholds to achieve good performance and custom heuristics to deal
with common errors. Prior work has also focused primarily on finding well defined corners
in isolated shapes, where there is a often a clear distinction between corners, curves, and
lines. However, as seen in Figure 3-2, corners in real-world chemical drawings are often
messy and unclear.
Carbons and hydrogen atoms are so common in chemistry that they are typically left out of the drawing,
and are assumed to be present anywhere that two bonds connect without an intermediate atom.
(I tb
Figure 3-2: The result of our segment extraction algorithm on two chemical drawings.
Detected corners are highlighted in red. Note that we only show corners from strokes that
represent straight bonds.
Instead of immediately trying to decide which points are corners, our system instead
repeatedly removes the point that is least likely to be a corner. This process stops when the
system decides that all of the remaining points are likely to be corners. Specifically, our
algorithm repeatedly discards the point pi that introduces the smallest cost when removed:
where si is the subset of points in the original stroke between point pi-1 and point pj+1
and mse(si; pi-1 , pi+1) is the mean squared error between the set si and the line segment
formed by (pi-1, pi+1). The term dist(pi; pi-1, pi+1) is the minimum distance between pi
and the line segment formed by (pi_1, pi+1).
Under this framework the main challenge is to decide when to stop removing points,
concluding that all remaining ones are intended corners. To address this challenge, we
designed a novel corner detection algorithm that learns how to segment a stroke. Instead of
forcing the developer to define thresholds and parameters beforehand, we train our corner
detector from labeled sketch data. This allows our detector to learn a specific model of
what it means to be a corner for chemical diagrams, which may be different from what
Figure 3-3: An illustration of the stroke segmentation process. Detected corners are high-
lighted in red. Note that the segments in the highlighted region form a 6-bond ring.
it means to be a corner in another domain. To the best of our knowledge this is the first
Our system predicts the likelihood of a vertex being a corner or not using a binary lo-
gistic regression model. For each vertex elimination candidate P (the point with the lowest
cost) it extracts the set of features shown in Table 3. 1. During classification, if the classifier
decides that fi is not a corner, it removes the vertex and continues to the next elimina-
tion candidate, repeating the process. If, on the other hand, it decides that P is a corner,
the process stops and all remaining vertices are returned as corners. An overview of our
One important feature of our approach is that in each iteration the system makes its
decision based on the set of corner candidates that are still remaining, taking advantage of
the partial solution generated so far. To illustrate this, consider the ring in the bottom-left
of Figure 3-2, where there are two high-curvature points close to each other and only one of
them is an intended corner (the other has high curvature due to noise, a common problem
in corner detection since noise is easily mistaken for a corner). When both high-curvature
points still remain in the polyline approximation, removing either one of them will not
change the local shape by very much (i.e., have low cost). However, after one of them is
Feature Description
Cost The cost of removing the vertex, from Equa-
tion 1.
Diagonal The diagonal length of the stroke's bounding
Ink Density The length of the stroke divided by the diag-
onal length.
Max Distance The distance to the farther of its two neigh-
bor (pi_1 or pi+i) normalized by the distance
between the two neighbors.
Min Distance The distance to the nearer of its two neighbors
normalized by the distance between the two.
Sum Distance The sum of the distances to the two neighbors
normalized by the distance between the two.
removed, the cost of removing the remaining point becomes much larger. This leads to the
correct behavior of eliminating only one of the points. Of course in our implementation the
other features from Table 3.1 will factor into the decision, so this is an illustrative but much
simplified description.
After segment extraction the system records the length of the longest segment in the
drawing as L (excluding the top 5% as outliers). This value is later used as an estimate for
the scale of the sketch.
After the segments have been extracted from the sketch, the next step is to generate a set
of features that describes the segments so that they can be used for classification. For each
segment, we model the surrounding patch of ink using a set of rich local descriptors very
similar to those used for symbols in Chapter 2. Since these descriptors are based on the
same feature images as before, they are less sensitive to stroke level differences like stroke
direction. We further make these descriptors invariant to scale by normalizing the size of
the ink patch based on L, an estimate of the scale of the sketch, including both images of
size L and of size 2L. We also incorporate a second pair of feature images that are invariant
to rotation by reorienting them so that the orientation of the segment is horizontal. This dual
0 45 90 135 0 45 90 135
Fixed Orientation Normalized Orientation
Figure 3-4: An illustration of the 4 sets of feature images used to encode the visual appear-
ance of the region around a segment.
representation helps the system model both variable-orientation symbols like bonds as well
as fixed-orientation symbols like elements and group abbreviations. An example of these
features is shown in Figure 3-4.
The set of visual ink features are rendered onto sixteen 1Ox 10 pixel feature images. We
perform Gaussian smoothing on each image to improve robustness and reduce sensitivity
to small distortions and noise. We then downsample each image by a factor of 2 (using a
MAX filter as before) to a final size of 5x5 pixels to improve computation speed. The result
is a set of sixteen 5x5 pixel images, producing a total of 400 feature values per segment. In
addition to these feature images, we also use the set of geometric properties listed in Table
3.2 to further describe each segment.
3.3 Candidates
The second step of our process is generating and evaluating candidate locations that poten-
tially correspond to intended symbols. We define a symbol as a group of one or more
Feature Description
Length* The length of the segment.
Ink Density The length of the stroke region matching the
segment divided by the length of the segment.
Segment Count The total number of segments in the parent
stroke (discrete, ceiling=10).
Stroke Diagonal* The diagonal length of the parent stroke's
bounding box.
Stroke Ink Density The length of the parent stroke divided by the
diagonal length of the parent stroke's bound-
ing box.
Table 3.2: List of geometric features for segment classification. (*) means we include two
version of this feature, one normalized by L and the other unnormalized.
segments that represents a complete entity in the domain (e.g., bonds, elements, etc.).
Our algorithm searches for symbols among groups of temporally or spatially contiguous
strokes. It forms the set of temporal candidates by considering all possible sequences of
up to n = 8 consecutively drawn strokes. It forms the set of spatial candidates by com-
bining groups of strokes that are close to each other. An illustration of this component is
shown in Figure 3-5. This process starts with all possible groups of size 2 (each stroke and
its nearest neighbor) and successively expands each group by including the next nearest
stroke (e.g., each stroke and its 2 nearest neighbors, then its 3 nearest neighbors, etc.). This
expansion ends when either the size of the group exceeds a spatial constraint or when the
group contains more than 4 strokes. This spatial grouping algorithm allows temporal gaps
in candidates, so symbols need not be drawn with consecutive strokes.
The features we use for candidates encode the visual appearance of the candidate, based
again on the feature image approach presented in Chapter 2. For each symbol we generate
a set of five 20x20 feature images, four orientation filter images and one "endpoint" image
that captures the location of stroke endpoints. These feature images contain only the strokes
that belong to the candidate (unlike feature images in the segment level, which include all
the ink in a local patch). In order to improve robustness to differences in aspect ratio, we
stretch each candidate location so that it has the same standard deviation of ink in both the
x and y axes. As before, we smooth and downsample each image by a factor of 2. An
Figure 3-5: Visual Component: Generate symbols by grouping together segments that are
temporally or spatially connected.
example is shown in Figure 3-6. Notice that the "S" (candidate 2) is stretched horizontally
to ensure equal standard deviation of ink in both axes.
In addition to these five feature images, we include another set of four images that
describe the ink in a patch around the candidate. These are identical to those used for
segments, but are centered at the center of the candidate with a region size of L. The result
is a total of 600 feature image values. We also include as features the set of geometric
properties listed in Table 3.3.
Feature Description
Stroke Count The number of strokes in the candidate (dis-
crete, ceiling= 10).
Segment Count The number of segments in the candidate
(discrete, ceiling= 10).
Diagonal* The diagonal length of the candidate's bound-
ing box.
Ink Density The cumulative length of the strokes in the
candidate divided by the diagonal length of
the candidate.
Table 3.3: List of geometric features for candidate classification. (*) means we include two
version of this feature, one normalized by L and the other unnormalized.
0 45 90 135 end 0 45 90 135 end
1 2
Figure 3-6: The set of candidates extracted from a chemical diagram, shown boxed in blue.
The feature images generated for the two candidates highlighted in red are also shown
In the sections above we described how the system generates sets of feature images for each
classification entity (i.e., segments and candidates). However, we do not just use the image
values directly as features for classification. Instead, we also compare the images against
a set of stored templates taken from the training data and record the match distances to the
nearest template neighbor in each class. In order to make matches at the candidate level
rotation invariant we test 8 evenly-spaced rotations of the candidate 2 . Next, we convert
these distances into match scores (score = 1.0 - distance) and use as features both the label
of the nearest neighbor and the best match scores to each class. For example, a candidate
whose nearest neighbor is an "N" (Nitrogen) symbol might have the following features:
(nearest="N", score.N=0.7, score.H=0.5, etc.).
Note that compared to Chapter 2 we reduce the number of rotations evaluated to improve runtime per-
formance. We did not notice any significant performance cost for this optimization.
--- - --- - --- ---- -|-
--- - ---- --
Figure 3-7: CRF Inference Component: The CRF inference component takes all of the
candidates from the two levels (segments and symbols) and decides which candidates are
actual symbols and which are mis-groupings. It does this using a probabilistic graphical
model (a conditional random field, CRF) to encode the relationships between and among
segments and candidates.
To improve the speed and memory usage of the template matching process described
above, we use principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of the feature
images for each entity to 256. For example, we compress the 400 image values from a
segment to 256 principal components. We then calculate match distances based on these
principal components rather than the original image values.
We propose a new model for sketch recognition based on conditional random fields (CRF)
that combines the features from the three levels in the classification hierarchy. A CRF can
be seen as a probabilistic framework for capturing the statistical dependencies between the
different entities we wish to model (i.e., segments and candidates). An overview of this
process is shown in Figure 3-7.
The edges in our CRF model encode four types of relationships between nodes:
e Entity features to label mapping: We define #, as the local potential function that
determines the compatibility between a segment's features and its label. This is anal-
ogous to a local classifier that classifies each entity independently of the others.
Here x,,i is the set of features for segment i, y is a potential label for the segment,
Figure 3-8: An illustration of our conditional random field model. Circles represent label
nodes (y), edges represent relationships, and dark boxes represent evidence nodes (x) that
connect the label nodes to their corresponding features.
and fs,k is a feature function defining the set of features for the given entity (e.g., the
256-valued feature image vector and geometric properties). Note that # is linear to
the parameters 0, making the joint model (Equation 3.8 below) log-linear.
For the candidate nodes we have an analogous version of this local potential func-
tion. Note that here the situation is more complicated because the labels can map to
different candidates. Therefore the feature function here depends on the candidate of
label yei.
" Cross-level label consistency: This is a pairwise constraint stating that predictions
at each level need to be consistent with predictions at other levels. A segment and its
parent symbol candidate should have the same label.
* Segment to segment spatial context: This pairwise relationship captures the spatial
compatibility between pairs of segments given their respective labels. It enables
our system to classify each segment jointly with its context, allowing neighboring
Figure 3-9: The three pairwise relationships used in the spatial context compatibility be-
tween segments.
interpretations to influence each other. This relationship is active for all pairs of
segments that are in close spatial proximity to each other3 .
Here the feature function fos,k contains the 3 spatial relationships shown in Figure
3-9. The system discretizes 01 and 02 into bins of size 7/8 and 03 into bins of size
" Candidate to candidate spatial context: This is a similar relationship that captures
the spatial compatibility between pairs of symbol candidates given their respective
labels. This pairwise relationship enables our system to classify each symbol jointly
with the symbols around it, another important way of allowing neighboring interpre-
tations to influence each other. It is active for all pairs of candidates that are in close
spatial proximity to each other.
Vcc(Yc,i, Yc,j) 0, if yci= yc,j or ye,i does not overlap ye,j (3.7)
-inf, otherwise
Combining all of the relationships described above, the joint probability function over
the entire graph is:
#c(yc,i, xi; + >)
c(ycj, ycJ, xi,Xj;X )+ E Vcc (Yc, yc,5) - log(Z)
where Esc is the set of label consistency edges from segments to candidates, Ec is
the set of spatial context edges from candidates to candidates, Ecc is the set of overlap
consistency edges, and Ess is the set of spatial context edges from segments to segments.
Z is a normalization constant.
During training the system estimates the parameters 0 in a maximum likelihood framework.
The goal is to find 0* = argmax L(O), where, following the previous literature on CRFs
[20], we define:
L(0) = log P(ylx, 0) - 1|101|2 (3.9)
2o 2
Here the second term is a regularization constraint on the norm of 0 to help avoid
overfitting. We optimize L(0) with a gradient ascent algorithm, calculating the gradient
for each parameter - L(0). This process requires us to compute the marginals P(yilx, 0).
Since loops in the graph make exact inference intractable, we calculate these marginals
using loopy belief propagation [25], an approximate inference algorithm. We employ a
randomized message passing schedule and run the BP algorithm for up to 100 iterations.
Figure 3-10: An illustration of the structure interpretation process: (left) an interpreted
sketch with detected symbols highlighted and (right) the generated structure exported and
rendered in ChemDraw. The connection points (for both bonds and symbols) and the final
connected clusters are highlighted in red.
For gradient ascent we use L-BFGS [26], which has been applied successfully to other
CRF-based problems in the past [36]. We use the same belief propagation algorithm during
After choosing the final set of symbol detections, our system builds a connectivity graph
between the symbols to produce the complete structure. An example is shown in Figure
3-10. This symbol connectivity analysis is based on three pairwise distance metrics:
" Bond-element distance: The distance between a bond and an element is the distance
from the bond endpoint to the nearest point in the element symbol. We impose an
additional penalty if the bond does not point towards the element. For hash and
wedge bonds, we define the direction of the bond as the principal axis based on
" Element-element distance: The distance between two letter symbols is defined as the
distance between the two at their closest point.
* Bond-bond distance: The distance between two bonds is defined as the distance be-
tween their respective endpoints. We impose a penalty if the bonds do not point
towards each other (e.g., if one bond is pointed to the midpoint of the other) or if
they are nearly parallel (though parallel double bonds are technically connected to
each other, we are interested in determining the elements to be joined at either of
their endpoints).
Our system takes about 1 second to classify a sketch on a 3.7ghz processor running in a
single thread. While this is likely sufficient for real time recognition, we also took steps
to make sure that our system is fast enough to run on slower Tablet PCs. First, we im-
plemented an incremental recognition model that updates the interpretation only of strokes
and segments that have been modified or added since the last pass. Second, we made the
most time consuming step of the process, generating features and template matches, par-
allel so that we could take advantage of multi-core CPU's. We also support the ability to
erase strokes anywhere in the sketch by using the eraser end of the stylus or by selecting
an eraser option on the interface. After each modification the system automatically updates
its interpretation for the affected region. In our on-line user study a 1.8ghz Tablet PC was
~* eHi
5~eIn Uct
ot Xuck- Text QXveCO
c *r )4W U 6X
0 OH
0 0
[> El j
Figure 3-11: An illustration of our prototype real-time sketching interface. (left) A chem-
ical structure drawn on a Tablet PC and interpreted using our system. Bonds are col-
ored blue, elements are colored turquoise, and their interpretations are displayed in red.
Turquoise boxes represent implicit carbons from bond-bond connections. (right) The same
chemical structure exported to and redrawn by ChemDraw, a popular compound authoring
able to easily keep up with the users' drawings. An illustration of our interface is shown in
Figure 3-11.
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the evaluation of our sketch recognition architecture both in terms
of recognition accuracy and usability, including a direct comparison between our interface
and an industry standard mouse-and-menu-based CAD program. The major portion of this
chapter focuses on the version of the system that is trained to recognize chemical diagrams,
which we named ChemInk. We will also examine how well this same architecture can
generalize to analog electrical circuit diagrams.
Figure 4-1: An example of a sketch collected and recognized by our system during the
off-line evaluation. Text symbols are highlighted in green and hash and wedge bond are
highlighted in light blue.
We first evaluate the accuracy of our trainable corner detector in finding the correct corners
in bond strokes, where they indicate the breaks between multiple straight bonds (as shown
in Figure 4-2). For this task we used the dataset and user-independent evaluation metric
described in the previous section. The results in Table 4.1 show that our algorithm was able
to correctly detect 99.91% of the corners, with a precision of 99.85% (these measurements
include stroke endpoints and single-segment strokes). For comparison purposes we also
evaluated a version of our corner detector that does not use the learning based component.
Instead, it uses a manually-tuned fixed threshold on the cost metric from Equation 3.1.
Table 4.1: Evaluation of the corner detection component of our system. We only count
corners in strokes labeled as bonds and compare against the hand labeled ground truth.
Figure 4-2: The result of our segment extraction algorithm on two chemical drawings.
Detected corners are highlighted in red. Note that we only show corners from strokes that
represent straight bonds.
The results in Table 4.2 indicates that our system was able to accurately detect and classify
98% of the symbols from the sketches in the dataset. As we showed in Figure A-1, these
symbols consisted of straight bonds, wedge bonds, hash bonds, and textual abbreviations.
Our result also shows that including context in the recognition architecture (i.e., the spatial
relationships between segments and symbols) improves performance compared to a version
that does not consider context (96.1%). While the increase in performance seems modest,
it is worth noting that performance on the dataset was already very high and by adding
these relationships we were able to remove 49% of the remaining errors.
Table 4.2: Evaluation of the recognition accuracy of our system. The (no context) version
does not employ spatial relationships between segments.
While for completeness we report precision as well as recall, for this task we believe
that recall (the fraction of true symbols detected) is a more appropriate metric than preci-
Figure 4-3: Examples of chemical diagrams recognized by our system. Correct detections
are highlighted in green (for text) and teal (for hash and wedge bonds); errors are high-
lighted in red.
sion (the fraction of detections that are true symbols) because, unlike in traditional object
detection, there are no overlapping detections (i.e., no two detections can share any strokes
or segments) and every stroke is assigned to a symbol. Thus, a false positive always causes
a false negative. Also, precision can be a less reliable metric because similar mistakes are
not always counted equally. Misclassifying a 3-segment "H" as straight bonds, for instance,
generates 3 false positives, while misclassifying it as a hash bond generates only one.
Some examples of the sketch recognitions generated in this evaluation are shown in
Figure 4-3. Note that in sketch (b) the user drew hash bonds differently from all of the other
users in the evaluation, enclosing them inside a triangular wedge. The resulting recognition
errors are not surprising since the evaluation was user-independent, and the system had no
vs. NZI
ChemInk/ ChemDraw
Figure 4-4: Comparative evaluation between our ChemInk interface and the industry stan-
dard CAD tool ChemDraw.
way of learning this particular user's special notation for hash bonds since there were no
examples in the training data.
We conducted a second user study to evaluate the usability and speed of our system, asking
a number of chemistry graduate students to draw a set of five pre-selected diagrams on
a Tablet PC'. Users were asked to draw in a natural manner, using the same styles and
notations as they would on paper. While they were drawing, our recognition engine was
running in real time and constantly providing feedback about the recognition progress by
highlighting symbols detected so far. Users were asked to correct any errors the system
made by simply erasing and redrawing the misinterpreted strokes.
We compared our system to an existing popular chemistry authoring tool called Chem-
Draw, asking users to produce the same diagrams using its traditional mouse-and-keyboard
interface. We recorded each session and measured the amount of time taken to construct
the diagrams using both interfaces. Afterwards we also asked the users for their opinions
about how fast and easy it was to use each program.
'This study was conducted using an earlier version of our recognition engine, combining parts of our
work in [28].
240 240 Chemlnk 0u ChemDraw
inUChemInk ChemDraw
120 -
> 60
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Avg
Figure 4-5: The average time taken by each of the study participants to draw a chemical
diagram using ChemInk and ChemDraw.
4.2.1 Demographics
We had a total of 9 participants, all with prior experience with chemistry either through
coursework only (1 user) or research only (1 user) or both (7 users). All of them had
experience drawing chemical compounds on paper, rating themselves an average of 5.9 out
of 7 on a scale of experience from novice (1) to expert (7). Most also had extensive prior
experience using ChemDraw, rating themselves on average a 5.0 out of 7. Conversely, most
had little or no prior experience using Tablet PCs, rating themselves an average of 2.2 out
of 7.
Figure 4-5 shows the average time that the users took to complete a diagram using both
Chemlnk and ChemDraw. It shows that they were on average more than twice as fast
using our ChemInk sketching interface, averaging 36 seconds per diagram, compared to
ChemDraw's average of 79 seconds. The difference in drawing time between the two
interfaces is statistically significant (paired one-sided t-test, p < .05). This was a very
encouraging finding for us since many of the participants mentioned that they had years
of experience using ChemDraw and use it daily in their research. This finding would also
I Fast ChemInk MFast ChemDraw C Easy ChemInk U Easy ChemDraw
0 t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Avg
Figure 4-6: The ratings given by the study participants on how fast and how easy it was to
use ChemInk and ChemDraw. Higher ratings indicate faster and easier.
likely surprise those users who did not rate ChemInk as being significantly faster in the
subsequent survey (Figure 4-6).
As Figure 4-5 shows, User 6 had an especially difficult time using ChemDraw, taking on
average over 3 minutes per sketch. To make sure that the outlier was not biasing our results
we repeated the analysis with User 6 omitted. The average time spent per sketch becomes
35 seconds for ChemInk and 61 seconds for ChemDraw, showing that our interface is still
nearly twice as fast, and the difference is still statistically significant (p < .05).
Figure 4-7 shows two timelines from one user, as he created the same diagram using
ChemInk and ChemDraw. With our sketching interface, the user was able to complete the
diagram in about 24 seconds, while he later took more than 1 minute to complete the same
diagram using the ChemDraw. Note that this user rated himself a 7 out of 7 (maximum)
for past experience using ChemDraw. Figure 4-8 shows some of the other sketch collected
during this study along with our system's interpretation.
Not surprisingly, the two users with the lowest prior ChemDraw experience (both rated
themselves 1 out of 7) were also the slowest ChemDraw users (#6 and #8), and there was
a highly negative correlation between reported ChemDraw experience and time spent per
sketch (corr = -0.738, p < .05). This suggests that prior training is very important to using
ChemDraw proficiently. In contrast, all of the users were able to use Chemlnk effectively
regardless of prior experience with Tablets PCs (corr = 0.111, p > .05).
On average users rated ChemInk as being faster (6.3 vs. 4.5) and easier to use (6.3 vs. 4.7)
than ChemDraw (both differences are statistically significant, p < .05). In their comments
about our system most of the users were very satisfied with the speed and performance, in
many cases comparing it favorably against the traditional ChemDraw program. Some of
the comments were:
The program was very good at recognizing my drawing even though I have
fairly messy handwriting...
It would be even faster if you have predrawn sections that you could insert...
...if other letters or abbreviationswere recognized, it would be even faster (for
example recognizing that ph = [phenyl group]).
One user made the interesting comment that there is something fundamentally different
about sketching vs. click-and-drag:
The comment that hand-written diagrams being easier to remember and understand
may suggest some relationship to muscle memory in the learning process, and is in line
with some of the prior work by Sharon Oviatt [30] on how different types of interfaces
(e.g., keyboard vs. pen based) affect education efficiency.
Figure 4-7: Timeline of the same user creating the same sketch using both ChemInk and
ChemDraw. Note that user rated himself an expert (7/7) for experience using ChemDraw.
Figure 4-8: Examples of sketches collected from the on-line user study. The system's
interpretation is highlighted as: text = green blue with letters below, straight bonds = blue,
wedge-bond = light blue, hash-bond = green, bond endpoints = small boxes.
4.3 Electrical Circuit Drawings
So far this chapter has focused on chemical diagrams, but another goal of this thesis is to
develop a set of sketch recognition algorithms that can be applied to multiple domains. As
part of this goal, we applied the same approach described so far to build a symbol detector
for electrical circuit diagrams, improving upon the best existing benchmark for that dataset.
For this evaluation we used a set of circuit diagrams collected by Oltmans and Davis[27].
The examples were collected from 10 users who were experienced in basic circuit design.
Each user drew ten or eleven different circuits, and every circuit was required to include
a pre-specified set of components. In this study users were not given specific instructions
about how to draw each symbol and were free to lay out their drawing any way they wished.
A more detailed description of the symbols in this domain is provided in Appendix A.
Table 4.3: Overall recognition accuracy for the circuit diagram dataset.
The results are given in Table 4.3. They show that our method was able to recognize
89.3% of the circuit symbols correctly. As Figure 4-9 shows, this is a very messy dataset
with significant variations in how symbols are drawn (e.g., overtracing, pen drag). On this
dataset Oltmans and Davis [27] were able to achieve a best recall of 73.9% at a precision
of 25.7%. Relative to their reported results, we were able to achieve a much higher recall
and more than triple the precision.
4.4 Discussion
The fact that our sketch recognition approach was able to perform well for both chemical
diagrams as well as electrical circuit diagrams, with only a change in the training data, is a
very encouraging result. This suggests that the ideas presented in this thesis may be appli-
cable to other domains as well. A deeper exploration of the limits and extensibility of this
approach (e.g., to domains like flow-charts and course-of-action diagrams) is a promising
area for future work, discussed in more detail in Chapter 6.
I ~ 15u
" '"IU'*"' enso re Iitor relistor
u7rent-sou Cecu n- reso
Figure 4-9: Examples of circuit diagrams recognized by our system. Correct detections are
highlighted in green and false positives in red. False negatives are highlighted in yellow.
Chapter 5
Related Work
The field of sketch recognition started with Ivan Sutherland's seminal work on SketchPad
[39] and his vision of how computers can become an essential part of the design process -
through the medium of line drawings rather than written statements. In it he demonstrated
how to use a light pen drawing on a monitor to communicate shapes to a computer, includ-
ing mechanical parts and electrical circuits. The work presented in this thesis follows very
much the same vision and spirit, and advances the state of the art by showing that a natural
drawing interface (one that allows users to draw the same way they would on paper) can be
superior to a industry-standard professional CAD-based interface.
I 4J K L M MfN
#YZ O4 22 3 4 b5
;6 7 28
q9 space return shi ft caps back-
lock space
Figure 5-1: Example gestures for the Palm Graffiti handwriting system.
is the restrictions they place on how each symbol can be drawn. Due to this constraint the
gestures themselves may not resemble the symbols they are meant to represent, as we can
see for letters like "F" and "K" in Figure 5-1. Our system, on the other hand, supports
natural input that allows symbols to be drawn with one or more strokes (or partial strokes).
Figure 5-2: Shape description for an "arrow" used in Hammond and Davis [15].
Similar to our approach, Szummer [40] proposed using a CRF to classify segments in a
diagram by modeling the spatial relationships between neighboring segments. Eric Saund
[33] presented a method for labeling edges in a visual scene as either boundaries between
regions (e.g., geometric shapes) or thinlines (e.g., lines, twigs). He used a Markov Ran-
dom Field framework and Loopy Belief Propagation to interpret a wide range of examples
include hand-drawn box and connector digrams. Their work differs from ours in that they
focused on segments and did not model complete symbols or their contextual relationships.
Alvarado and Davis [3] proposed using dynamically constructed Bayesian networks to
parse a sketch, employing both top-down and bottom-up interpretation. Hammond and
Davis [15] developed a hierarchical language to describe how diagrams are drawn, dis-
played, and edited, then used these descriptions to perform automatic symbol recognition.
Shilman et. al. [37] proposed an approach that treats sketch recognition as a visual parsing
While these kinds of approaches have been popular and successful in many domains, in
real-world sketches it is often difficult to extract geometric primitives reliably. Circles may
not always be round, line segments may not be straight, and stroke artifacts like pen-drag,
over-tracing, and stray ink may introduce false primitives that lead to poor recognition.
Cicui kech C7IX
Figure 5-3: Interface for the circuit recognition system presented by Gennari et al. [13].
In addition, recognizers that rely on extracted primitives often discard potentially useful
information contained in the appearance of the original strokes. Our work differs from
these in that we use a rich model of low-level visual appearance and do not require a pre-
defined spatial grammar.
A third set of related work consists of recognizers that are specially tailored to work in
specific domains. Gennari et al. [13] developed a sketch based interface that uses geometry
and domain knowledge to interpret hand drawn electronic circuit diagrams (show in Figure
5-3). They employ a set of geometric features (e.g., density, bounding box size, presence
of arcs, etc.) and domain constraints (e.g., number of connections) to guide recognition.
Kurtoglu and Stahovich [19] presented a similar approach that relies on physical reasoning
to resolve ambiguities in sketches of mechanical devices and electronic circuits. In addi-
tion to enforcing consistency between pairs of connected components (e.g., a wire cannot
connect to a bearing because one is an electrical device while the other is a mechanical
one), it uses qualitative simulation to choose between multiple possible interpretations of
Figure 5-4: Illustration of the visual parts-based descriptor proposed by Oltmans and Davis
[27]. The descriptor is centered on a particular interest point, and each bin in the radial
histogram encodes the number of ink points contained inside.
the sketch. Their system avoids the parsing problem by requiring users to press a button to
indicate that a symbol has been completed. The goal of our work, in contrast, is to develop
a trainable multi-domain recognition architecture that can be more easily scaled to new
symbols and new domains.
on local appearance to classify a symbol. Our work builds upon these ideas and introduces
a new graphical model based architecture for jointly combining information about both
appearance and context.
5.5 Chemistry
There have also been previous efforts to recognize chemical diagrams. Tenneson and
Becker [41] developed a sketch-based system that helps students visualize the three di-
mensional structure of an organic molecule. Their system was able to avoid many of the
challenges in sketched symbol detection by requiring that all symbols be drawn using a
single stroke. Casey et al. [7] developed a system for extracting chemical graphics from
scanned documents, but their work focused on scanned printed chemical diagrams rather
than freehand drawings. Our work differs in that it is designed to support natural free-hand
diagrams, allowing users to draw the same styles and notations as they would on paper.
Sketch recognition is a relatively new field, and we did not find many publicly available
benchmarks for the domains we evaluated. In this section, we summarize the performance
of existing systems that are similar to ours but were evaluated on other datasets. Alvarado
and Davis [3] proposed using dynamically constructed Bayesian networks to represent the
contextual relationships between geometric primitives. They achieved an accuracy of 62%
on a circuits dataset similar to ours, but needed to manually segment any strokes that con-
tained more than one symbol. Gennari et al [13] developed a system that searches for
symbols in high density regions of the sketch and uses domain knowledge to correct low
level recognition errors. They reported an accuracy of 77% on a dataset with 6 types of
circuit components. Sezgin and Davis [35] proposed using an HMM to model the temporal
patterns of geometric primitives, and reported an accuracy of 87% on a dataset containing
4 types of circuit components.
In our evaluation in Chapter 3 we applied our method on two real-world domains, chem-
ical diagrams and electrical circuits (with 10 types of components), and achieve accuracy
rates of 98% and 90% respectively. Compared to existing benchmarks in literature, our
method achieved higher accuracy even though the other systems supported fewer symbols
[13, 35], trained on data from the same user [13, 35], or required manual pre-processing
Chapter 6
6.1 Contributions
The main contribution of this thesis is a natural sketch recognition system that recreates
the familiar experience of drawing with real pen and paper. To preserve the fluid process
of sketching on paper, our interface allowed users to draw diagrams using the same nota-
tions and conventions. Our system was able to correctly detect 98% of the symbols in a
dataset of real-world chemical diagrams and achieved excellent performance on a set of
circuit diagrams, improving on the best result previously published in literature. In an on-
line study our new interface was over twice as fast as the existing CAD-based method for
authoring chemical diagrams, even for novice users who had little or no experience using a
tablet. This is one of the first direct comparisons that shows a sketch recognition interface
significantly outperforming a popular industry-standard CAD-based tool. We believe that
enabling this type of interaction represents one step towards the vision presented in Chapter
1 of being able to interact with a computer just like we would with each other.
Another major contribution was the novel framework for seamlessly combining a rich
representation of local visual appearance with a probabilistic model for capturing higher
level relationships. This allowed our system to classify each symbol jointly with its con-
text, allowing neighboring interpretations to influence each other. This made our method
less sensitive to noise and drawing variations and significantly improved robustness and
This thesis also presented a new approach to isolated symbol recognition that preserves
the pictoral nature of the ink. This is in contrast to much of the work in the literature,
which focuses on geometric primitives and their temporal and spatial relationships. This
emphasis on visual appearance made our method less sensitive to stroke level differences
like over-tracing and pen-drag. We demonstrated that this method is able to exceed state-
of-the-art performance for all the domains we evaluated: digits, PowerPoint shapes, and
circuit components.
Finally, we presented a general recognition framework that was successfully applied
to two real-world domains, chemistry diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams. This is an
encouraging result that suggests that the ideas here may be extensible other domains as
6.2 Limitations
In this sections we will discuss some of the limitations of our current approach. While
the whole template matching model presented in Chapter 2 performed very well for the
datasets we evaluated, it can have trouble distinguishing between symbol classes that are
visually very similar (e.g., square vs. parallelogram or ac-source vs. current-source). This
is due to the fact that the difference between these classes come from a semantic prop-
erty that is difficult to capture using low-resolution feature images (e.g., parallel, shorter
than, etc). This problem can become even more pronounced for domains where symbols
are compositional in nature, and thus distinguishable from each other by possibly small
differences in their substructures (e.g., the Course of Action diagrams seen in Figure 6-1).
Our approach also makes an assumption about the way symbols are drawn, due to the
fact that it only searches for symbols among groups of spatially or temporally neighboring
segments. This constraint was not a problem in the two domains we evaluated in our work,
but may become more of an issue for a sketch that contains both spatially overlapping
symbols and interspersing (i.e., when users start drawing another symbol before finishing
the current one). For example, in the flowchart in Figure 6-2 our system could easily mis-
group the arrow-shafts and arrow-heads in the center of the sketch if there is interspersing
involved (e.g., the user first draw all of the arrow-shafts then came back to add the arrow-
heads). In this case it won't be able to rely on the temporal order of the strokes to generate
the correct groups.
In free sketching environments we discovered that users often make corrections or edits
by simply adding strokes to an existing symbol without erasing the original shape. Some
examples of this practice are illustrated in Figure 6-3. Handling these sorts of natural
corrections is one interesting area for future work, especially since they are fast and require
little additional training to perform.
The idea that objects or symbols can be modeled by their parts has been widely explored in
computer vision [ 12, 11, 23]. Following this intuition, another possible area for future work
is to develop a probabilistic parts-based model for recognizing sketched symbols. This
approach can supplement the whole symbol visual representation presented in this thesis,
and can be especially useful for compositional symbols like Course of Action diagrams
shown in Figure 6-1.
One major challenge in sketch recognition research is the relatively small amount of train-
ing data that is available for each task. Most collected datasets contain a limited number of
sketches (e.g., around a hundred for the ones used in this thesis), compared to the thousands
or millions of training examples commonly used in computer vision [11, 42]. Another area
for future work is to explore ways to alleviate this shortage, by taking advantage of the
large collections of offline structured data available for many domains. For example, the
NCBI PubChem structure database [1] contains millions of examples of chemical diagrams
Infantry Armor Mechanized Anti-armor Motorized
Infantry Anti-armor
Figure 6-1: Examples of symbols from the military Course of Action domain, highlighting
the compositional nature of the symbols in this domain.
Figure 6-3: Examples of users adding strokes to a previous drawn symbol to clarify it. In
(a), the user extended the lengths of two bonds by drawing two additional strokes, in (b)
the user drew over and existing "0",and in (c) the user went back to extend the left line of
an existing "H".
- 0
Figure 6-4: A small sample of the off-line chemical structures in the NCBI PubChem
in MDL format, shown in Figure 6-4. While these diagrams are not hand-drawn, they do
indicate the locations of element and bonds as well as their connectivity structure. This
offline data can be used, for example, to train the contextual component of our recognition
model (e.g., connectivity patterns like rings, common groups, other substructures, etc.),
giving us many orders of magnitude more training examples.
An important feature of our interface is that it learns how to recognize diagrams from real
world sketches, but so far this is done through an one-time offline training process. The
next step could be a system that can continually improve itself with usage, adapting to
a user's particular drawing style over time. This data can come directly from the user's
corrections: each time the user corrects a mistake that corrected symbol could be used as a
new training example for the learning algorithm. This potential for automatic adaptability
can be especially useful for a new user whose drawing style is very different from those
found in the training data.
Furthermore, we can imagine sharing this learning process across multiple users. In this
hypothetical scenario a central server (which may be a distributed system residing in the
cloud) can collect examples and corrections from the entire user population, periodically
updating its recognition model to take into account the ever growing collection of training
data. This cloud-based approach could help overcome two of the current challenges in
sketch recognition research: the expense of collecting and labeling training data and the
computational limitations of recognizing complex diagrams on slower mobile devices.
To take the idea of adaptability even further, we can imagine applying this on-line learning
technique to teach our system entirely new symbols or even completely new domains. We
only need to ask the user to locate and label the new symbols in each sketch, incrementally
teaching our system about their visual appearance and contextual relationships. For exam-
ple, if a user is trying to teach the system how to understand flow-charts, she can first draw
a flow chart and then label all of the symbols and indicate their connectivity to each other.
She can also define the semantic meaning of the symbols in the domain so that they can
be analyzed in the same sketching interface or exported to a machine-readable format for
third-party programs.
From this labeled sketch the system can learn a new recognition model that includes
the visual appearance of the symbols, their likely relationships to each other, and perhaps
even the rules governing their connectivity. Furthermore, as the model of the new domain
becomes more refined, the system can begin to automatically recognize the symbols it
has learned so far, relying on the user only for new unknown symbols. Thus, as training
progresses, our approach should require less and less supervision.
While there has been a great deal of research on recognizing hand drawn sketches, relatively
little work looks at how to combine sketching with other interaction modalities such as
speech and touch (illustrated in Figure 6-5). One extremely exciting area for future work is
the exploration of these multi-modal interfaces, with the vision of creating a smart notebook
or whiteboard that you can draw on, gesture at (using your fingers), and speak to just like
Touch Gestures Gestures + Speech
(translation, scaling, rotation) ("this [point with finger] is supposed to
be a wedge bond")
Figure 6-5: One promising area for future work is to integrate multimodal interaction into
the sketch recognition interface, such as combing touch gestures and speech recognition
for editing and correction.
you would another person. This opens a number of new natural interactions, including:
e Speech Queries. Since the system understands the semantics of the drawing, a user
can ask natural language questions such as "what happens to this circuit if this battery
Appendix A
Drawing Notations
A.1 Chemistry
The vocabulary of chemistry symbols that the system recognizes is outlined in Figure A-
1 and Figure A-2. Currently, this consists of common non-metallic elements (e.g., N, H,
0), group abbreviations (R, Ac, Me), straight bonds, hash bonds, wedge bonds, charge
symbols, and number subscripts.
In order to interpret common organic chemistry diagrams our system also needs to
accommodate two common chemistry notations. First, chemists frequently employ what
are termed implicit elements, omitting carbon and hydrogen atoms wherever their presence
can be inferred by a knowledgeable viewer. A carbon atom is implied whenever two or
more bonds connect without a connecting element, or when a bond is drawn without an
attachment at one end. For each implicit carbon, enough implicit hydrogen atoms are
assumed to be present to fill any vacancies in its valence shell, so that it will have the
requisite four connections. In Figure A-2, for example, the four bonds in the lower left
box are all attached to an implicit carbon atom in the center. The second special notation
involves indicating an aromatic ring by drawing a circle inside a hexagonal configuration of
bonds, as in Figure A-2. These rings represent six carbon atoms connected by alternating
single and double bonds.
text: R text: vwedge-bond
2 bonds
(single pen stroke) text: N hiashi-bond
Figure A-1: Grey strokes: an example of a chemical drawing that our system is designed
to recognize. The notation consists of element abbreviations (e.g., "N", "0"), group abbre-
viations (e.g., "R"), straight bonds, hash bonds, and wedge bonds.
K-IL; 0
Straight Bonds Wedge Bond Hash Bond Aromatic Ring
Figure A-2: Notations used in chemical diagrams. Wedge and hash bonds show the 3-D structure
of a molecule: hash bonds angle down beneath the plane, wedge bonds angle up.
Figure A-3: Notations used in analog electrical circuit diagrams (wires not shown).
A.2 Analog Circuits
The vocabulary of analog circuit symbols that our system supports is outlined in Figure
A-3. These include 10 different circuit components, which are connected by wires in a
complete sketch. Note that Battery (I) and Battery (II) are considered the same label during
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