Daily Lesson Log Ucsp Revised
Daily Lesson Log Ucsp Revised
Daily Lesson Log Ucsp Revised
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Angelica Orbizo Learning Area Understanding Culture, Society
and Politics
Teaching Dates and Time June10-14,2019 Quarter I
b. Performance Standards
Appreciates the value of disciplines of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science as Social Sciences.
c. Learning Competencies/ Analyze social, political, and cultural change.(UCSP11/12SPU-Ib-3) Recognize common concerns or intersections of anthropology,
Objectives sociology, and political science with respect to the phenomenon
Write the LC code for each of change. (UCSP11/12SPU-Ib-4)
II. CONTENT Observations on social, political, and cultural change;
A. References Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics(Lanuza, Raymundo)
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook pages pp. 3-9 pp. 10-12 pp. 12-16
4. Additional
C. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Ask the students their definition of culture, society and Make a quick recap of the
lesson or presenting the politics as what they have previously learned from the past previous lesson
lesson lesson
B. Establishing the Why do we need to study culture, society and politics? Why are there variations in
purpose of the lesson the way people around the
world live?
C. Presenting What are the instances that
examples/instances of society has changed?
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Ask the students their opinion on social media, local public Define anthropology, political
and practicing new services, transnational families, youth volunteerism. science and sociology.
skills #1
E. Discussing new Group the students into five and assign a leader. Group Discuss the definition of Post a short excerpt of
concepts and practicing members share their responses. Anthropology, Sociology, and society from an
new skills #2 Political Science. anthropologist’s view
F. Developing Mastery Distribute a text to the What can you infer from the
(Leads to formative different groups. Compare excerpt?
assessment number 3) and contrast the changes in
our culture, society and
G. Finding practical Make a short play regarding
applications of concepts social, cultural, and political
and skills in daily living change in the society.
H. Making generalization As a young citizen of our
and abstraction of the country, how can you help
lesson shape a non-chaotic society?
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz
J. Additional Activities for Teacher will divide the class “Lights, Camera, Action”
Application or Remediation into 2 groups and will ask them Short skit on ethnocentrism
to make the first group the
inner circle and the second
group the outer circle. The
teacher will choose questions
from freedom wall whereas the
inner circle members will
answer the questions and the
outside circle members will
functions as observers. After
10 minutes, the two groups will
take role turns.
A. No. of learner who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remediation work? No.
of learners who caught up with the
C. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
D. Which of the strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
E. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal can help me
F. What innovation or localized
materials did I use which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Prepared: Checked: Noted:
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to formative assessment number
G. Finding practical applications of What are the distinguishing
concepts and skills in daily living characteristics of anatomically modern
H. Making generalization and abstraction Why is it important to study fossil
of the lesson remains?
I. Evaluating Learning The class will be grouped The students will present Evidence Chart Formative
into four. Each group will their output. Assessment
be given a sheet of manila (Paper and pencil
paper and a marker, test)
students will write the
tangible and intangible
heritage in our culture.
J. Additional Activities for Application or Students will be asked to Ask the students to compare and
Remediation write one tangible and summarize the ideas of Creationism,
one intangible cultural catastrophism, transformism, natural
heritage under threat.
Identify the threats and
their possible sources,
and come up with a plan
on how to deals with
these threats.
A. No. of learner who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remediation work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of the strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use which I wish to share with
other teachers?
a. Content Standards How individuals learn culture how individuals should behave as part of a political community
and become competent
members of society
b. Performance Identify norms and values to assess the rules of social recognize the value of human rights and promote the common
Standards be observed in interacting with interaction to maintain stability good
others in society, and the of everyday life and the role of
consequences of ignoring innovation in response to
these rules problems and challenges
c. Learning Explain the development of identify the context, content, Identifies the social goals and advocate inclusive citizenship
Competencies/ one’s self and others as a processes, and consequences the socially acceptable UCSP11/12BMSIh-18;
Objectives product of socialization and of enculturation and means of achieving these promote protection of
Write the LC code for enculturation socialization goals UCSP11/12BMSIh-17 human dignity, rights, and the
each ( UCSP11/12HBS-If-15) UCSP11/12BMSIg-16 common good
UCSP11/12BMS- Ih-19
II. CONTENT Enculturation/Socialization Conformity and deviance a. Human dignity, rights, and the common good SEARCH FOR CAREER OUTFIT
a. Identity formation(identities, Social control (gossip, social 2019
disciplines, and aspirations) ostracism, laws and (CAREER GUIDANCE WEEK
b. Norms and Values punishments) b. Forms of CELEBRATION)
c. Statuses and roles(e.g. age,
deviance (ritualism, retreatism,
rebellion, and innovation)
A. References Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics(DepEd) Understanding Culture, Society, Understanding Culture, Society,
and Politics(DepEd) and Politics(DepEd)
9. Teacher’s Guide 48-53
10. Learner’s Material
11. Textbook pages
12. Additional
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Review of past lesson Review of past lesson Review of past lesson
lesson or presenting the
B. Establishing the How does culture key to Discuss that there are different What are the common rights
purpose of the lesson human adaptation? norms and values in each that you know as a Philippine
society citizen?
C. Presenting Discuss the different theories What are the do’s and don’ts Cite examples on human
examples/instances of the of personality: in your family, community? rights violations
new lesson Freud’s model of personality
Piaget’s theory of cognitive
Mead’s theory of the social
Cooley’s Looking glass self
D. Discussing new Socialization through Make a comparison between Discuss human rights to
concepts and practicing enculturation the norms and values with learners
new skills #1 other culture
E. Discussing new Discuss and give examples of Discuss statuses and roles Human dignity and the
concepts and practicing identity formation common good
new skills #2
F. Developing Mastery Give situations and identify if it Recitation Recitation
(Leads to formative is id, ego, superego
assessment number 3)
G. Finding practical As a young citizen of this
applications of concepts country, how are going to
and skills in daily living promote human rights?
H. Making generalization What are the norms and Make a collage showing the
and abstraction of the values that you observe in Human dignity, rights, and the
lesson your family, community and common good
country? How do these norms
and values affect your
interaction with others?
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz
a. Content Standards how individuals should behave as part of a political community
b. Performance assess the rules of social recognize the value of human rights and promote the common
Standards interaction to maintain stability good
of everyday life and the role of
innovation in response to
problems and challenges
c. Learning identify the context, content, Identifies the social goals and advocate inclusive citizenship
Competencies/ processes, and consequences the socially acceptable means UCSP11/12BMSIh-18;
Objectives of enculturation and of achieving these goals promote protection of
Write the LC code for socialization UCSP11/12BMSIh-17 human dignity, rights, and the
each UCSP11/12BMSIg-16 common good
UCSP11/12BMS- Ih-19
II. CONTENT Conformity and deviance a. Human dignity, rights, and the common good
Social control (gossip, social FIRST QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT
ostracism, laws and
punishments) b. Forms of
deviance (ritualism, retreatism,
rebellion, and innovation)
A. References Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics(DepEd) Understanding Culture, Society,
and Politics(DepEd)
13. Teacher’s Guide
14. Learner’s Material
15. Textbook pages
16. Additional
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Review of past lesson Review of past lesson
lesson or presenting the
B. Establishing the Discuss that there are different What are the common rights
purpose of the lesson norms and values in each that you know as a Philippine
society citizen?
C. Presenting What are the do’s and don’ts Cite examples on human
examples/instances of the in your family, community? rights violations
new lesson
D. Discussing new Make a comparison between Discuss human rights to
concepts and practicing the norms and values with learners
new skills #1 other culture
E. Discussing new Discuss statuses and roles Human dignity and the
concepts and practicing common good
new skills #2
F. Developing Mastery Recitation Recitation
(Leads to formative
assessment number 3)
G. Finding practical As a young citizen of this
applications of concepts country, how are going to
and skills in daily living promote human rights?
H. Making generalization
and abstraction of the
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide pages
b. Learner’s Material pages
c. Textbook pages
d. Additional Materials
e. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review on education and the two Brief review on previous lesson
presenting the lesson types of education
B. Establishing the purpose of Why do we go to school?
the lesson
C. Presenting Let the student define and give Presenting video clips on
examples/instances of the new meaning to education different educational issues and
lesson factors affecting education
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss about education Discuss the functions of Students will summarize all
practicing new education lessons about education
skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and Introduce and discuss the types Discuss the Maslow’s hierarchy
practicing new skills #2 of education of needs
F. Developing Mastery Students will summarize the The students will summarize the
(Leads to formative assessment lesson about education functions of education and
number 3) elaborate further the Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs
G. Finding practical applications Let the students share about
of concepts and skills in daily they know on education system,
living the different system in
international education
H. Making generalization and
abstraction of the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning
II. CONTENT . Social desirables a. Wealth b. Power c. Prestige 2. Social mobility system a. Open (Class) b. Closed (Caste)
A. References Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
a. Teacher’s Guide pages
b. Learner’s Material pages
c. Textbook pages
d. Additional Materials
e. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review of the past lesson
presenting the lesson
B. Establishing the purpose of When was the last time you How do the leaders address the
the lesson experienced “hunger” due to lack problems in your community?
of provisions to buy food?
What actions did you take to
satisfy your hunger?
C. Presenting Ask someone to share his/her
examples/instances of the new story about the difficulties he/she
lesson experienced.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the theories of social
practicing new stratification.
skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to formative assessment
number 3)
G. Finding practical applications Role playing
of concepts and skills in daily
H. Making generalization and Video clip(documentary about
abstraction of the lesson social inequality)
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz
A. References Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
a. Teacher’s Guide pages
b. Learner’s Material pages
c. Textbook pages
d. Additional Materials
e. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review of the past lesson Review of the past lesson
presenting the lesson
B. Establishing the purpose of How are things today different 10
the lesson years ago?
C. Presenting Students will share their thoughts Video clip What are the changes that
examples/instances of the new and ideas you observe around you?
lesson How does it affect you daily
D. Discussing new concepts and Short video clip about innovation Discuss global warming,
practicing new climate change.
skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing Mastery Make a reaction (oral) on the
(Leads to formative assessment implications of the said video
number 3) clip.
G. Finding practical applications What have you done in your Draw the negative effects of
of concepts and skills in daily community in order for your task global warming. Make a
living to become easier accomplished? caption below it..
F. Making generalization and
abstraction of the lesson
G. Evaluating Learning Quiz