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The key takeaways are an introduction to culture and society from anthropological and sociological perspectives, including defining these concepts, examining them holistically, and discussing cultural relativism and heritage.

The objectives are to explain anthropological and sociological perspectives on culture and society, describe society and culture as a complex whole, identify aspects of culture and society, and promote appreciation of different cultures.

The teacher introduces the concept of culture and society by having students fill in a circle map with related words and presenting pictures of food from different communities to discuss cultural aspects.



DAILY LESSON LOG TEACHER Andrey Mark P. Cabuntocan LEARNING AREA Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics
TEACHING DATES & TIME Monday – Friday (10:20am-11:10am), (2:40pm-3:30pm) QUARTER First Quarter


A. CONTENT STANDARDS 1. Culture and society as anthropological and sociological concepts
2. Perspectives in approaches to the study of culture and society (i.e., comparative, historical, structural- functional, interpretive, critical)
1. Minimum 1. Appreciate the nature of culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology.
2. Demonstrate a holistic understanding of culture and society.
3. Values cultural heritage and express pride of place without being ethnocentric.
2. Beyond Minimum 1. Differentiate the nature of culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology.
2. Present a report of a holistic understanding of culture and society.
3. Explain cultural heritage and express pride of place without being ethnocentric.
C. LEARNING 1. Explain anthropological and sociological perspectives 1. Become aware of why and how cultural relativism mitigates ethnocentrism
COMPETENCIES/OBJECTIVES on Culture and Society 2. Identify forms of tangible and intangible heritage and the threats to these
2. Describe society and culture as a complex whole
3. Identify aspects of Culture and Society
4. Raise questions toward a holistic appreciation of
cultures and societies
II. CONTENT Defining Culture and Society
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics 2016 by Vibal Group, Inc.
A. Preliminary Activity Prayer, Greetings, and Prayer, Greetings, and Prayer, Greetings, and
Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance
B. Motivation Filling the Circle: Sing-no to? Detecting Ethnocentrism and
The teacher will distribute a The class will be grouped into Promoting Respect for Other
manila paper and a marker 4 and each will think of a Cultures:
for each group, probably song of a country that they The teacher will present some
four groups. Students will will pick, and the other pictures of food that is usually
be asked to fill in the circles
groups will identify what it is. prepared in some communities
with the appropriate words After the presentation they or regions. The students will
that will be posted on will explain the different be asked to comment on the
screen. aspects affecting that song food on the picture.
base on culture and the
C. Lesson Proper  Based on the  The teacher will  The teacher will discuss  Class Discussion  Activity
motivational discuss Society and ethnocentrism, cultural The class will The learners will
activity, the teacher Culture as a complex relativism and cultural discuss Lesson 4: be grouped and
will introduce the whole which heritage Cultural Forms will be tasked to
lesson on the encompasses beliefs,  Activity: Lights Camera and Threats come up with a
Definition of Culture practices, values, etc. Action word web map
and Society from the Aspects, definition, The class will be based from their
perspectives of characteristics, and grouped into two. the understanding of
Anthropology and functions will also be first group will be the discussion.
Sociology. discussed. assigned to do a short Write associated
 Activity: Essay  Activity: Anatomy of skit on ethnocentrism words with
In a two-paragraph My Culture while the other will do philosophy.
essay, describe your In column A, identify a short skit on cultural
feelings toward a any of your behaviors relativism.
specific Nationality as a Filipino teenager.  Application
based on its Society In column B, explain After each
and Culture. State how you came to presentation, the
why you like and imbibe them. Then in students will be asked
dislike it. column C, offer an to write a reflection
 Application explanation why its paper on what they
The teacher will ask performance seems have learned or
two volunteers for to be natural to you realized after watching
each group to share or why you believe it. the performance of
their insights on the  Application each group.
activity Filling the The teacher will ask
Circle (Oral five volunteers to
Recitation) share their work in
class. (Oral Recitation)
D. Evaluation What makes Society Explain the anthropological The students will answer the  Assignment
possible? and sociological perspectives following: The students will
on culture and society 1. Is it right to pass bring magazines,
 Assignment judgment on cultures newspapers, glue,
Explain the not our own as inferior, scissors, and any
statement, “Culture is threatening, or other materials
an instrument for the disturbing? that they can use
normative regulation 2. Should we expect for their activity
of behavior.” societies around the tomorrow.
world to practice the
same set of cultural
values and traits?

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