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Intro to Chakra’s
Written by Stephane Hemon

Our consciousness is composed of energy fields, all resonating at different

frequencies that interconnect through a series of vortices called CHAKRAS,
which is an old Sanskrit word meaning “wheels of light”.

The 7 basic chakras


It’s EXTREMELY important that you master the red, root
chakra FIRST. This will ground you. Without the ability to
properly ground yourself, you can actually HARM yourself.
For example, MANY cases have been reported about people
who opened the third-eye chakra (without grounding
themselves first) and actually ended up in the nuthouse as a
result. Do not underestimate the power of these
meditations, even if you do not feel much at first. Stephane
Hemon and ideaGasms® will not be held responsible for
misuse of the information presented in this ebook and the
accompanying meditations.

That said, I suggest that you listen to at least one meditation per day, starting
with RED. At first, you may feel very little. This is because life is hard and you
are NUMB. The Ego (negativistic internal dialogue) can also get in the way. With
time and patience, you will begin to feel the energies that come from this once
your chakras are open and balanced.

Start with the first four chakras. Do not even BOTHER doing the upper three
chakras until you have opened and balanced the first four. Check them with a
pendulum regularly (see instructions below) to see if you’re ready.

In these meditations, you will primarily be working with colors. Congratulate

yourself for being open to this, even if it seems a little “fruity”! As you listen to
the meditations, try to keep an open mind. Simply PRETEND your way through
them, and then you can pretend that you’re no longer pretending.

I could easily take the most skeptical person out there, lie them down on my
massage table, and get them to imagine that their body is red (for example). And
even though they might not consciously feel a shift taking place, the energies of
different colors works consistently, and this is proven by using a crystal

I HIGHLY recommend that you get a clear crystal pendulum for checking and
diagnosing chakras, along with a variety of colored crystals to enhance your
meditations. Suggested crystals to use on each chakra are found later in this

DO NOT SHARE your crystals with anyone, because they literally absorb your
energy. You can, however, use your pendulum on various people, but it’s highly
recommended that you keep it in dry sea salt between client sessions.

In fact, if you decide to purchase any crystals whatsoever, you need to cover them
in dry (no water) sea salt for 2-7 days, depending on the size of the crystal. After
you have cleansed them, simply rinse them off with water and they are ready to
use. To enhance the energy of your crystals, keep them in sunlight.

The following is some basic information about each chakra, the location on the
body, what crystals you can use, etc.
Root Chakra: RED [Pubic Bone, Base of Spine]

Common symptoms of a closed/unbalanced root chakra:

-Lack of vitality
-Sense of depression or helplessness
-Hate/resentment for people/events in your life
-Lacking sense of security
-Survival, poverty, and scarcity issues
-Feeling of loneliness
-Not grounded to Mother Earth (Gaia)

When your root chakra is balanced, you will experience the following:

-You will use red energy to create strength and truthfulness

-You will experience more power in thoughts and actions
-Strong self-discipline
-You will draw in your abundance
-You will experience great courage
-You will stand in integrity

Tone of the scale: C

Endocrine gland(s): Gonads and adrenals

Related stones and crystals:

-All red stones

-Red Jasper
-Fire Opal


"I honor my body and take care of it."

"I AM... and the world welcomes me."
"I live with courage and consideration."
Second Chakra: ORANGE [2 inches below navel]

Common symptoms of a closed/unbalanced Second Chakra:

-Poor relationships and sex life in general

-Jealousy, Envy, Guilt, Anxiety
-Addictions, Over-indulgence, Compulsive behavior
-Ego desires for sexual and body issues
-Feeling superior or inferior
-Judgment, Criticism
-Embarrassment, Shame
-Control and manipulation
-Stubbornness, Defensiveness
-Following instinct rather than the heart and soul values

When your Second Chakra is balanced, you will experience the following:

-You will be able to use orange energy to help you transcend the Ego and allow
your heart and soul to direct your life
-You will gain massive self-confidence
-You will feel revitalized
-Greater ability to concentrate
-Aligns Ego desires with spiritual desires
-You will feel more like giving and receiving without fear and guilt
-Increased awareness that emotions affect your actions
-Increased sense of self-worth

Tone of the scale: D

Endocrine gland(s): Spleen, Liver, Pancreas, and Gonads

Related stones and crystals:

-All orange stones

-Orange Jasper
-Orange Coral

"I let go of what I don't need and welcome change."
"I am enough."
"I trust the Universe to supply my abundance and prosperity."

Solar-Plexus Chakra: YELLOW [2 in. above navel]

Common symptoms of a closed/unbalanced Solar-Plexus Chakra:

-Lack of self-control
-Fear-based emotions
-No sense of personal power
-Responding and reacting to others’ emotional needs rather than your own
-Sensitivity to psychic attacks
-Intolerant of others
-Preoccupied with details
-Ruled by Ego-emotional body rather than Higher-Self emotions
-Self-interest, selfishness
-Blindly following others, hero-worship, instead of being your own guru

When your Solar-Plexus chakra is balanced, you will experience the following:

-Using yellow and golden energy to take back your personal power
-Attain self-control of your emotional/desire body
-More patience with others
-More clarity of thought
-The ability to walk away negative people in your life without becoming angry or
feeling guilty

Tone of the scale: E

Endocrine gland(s): Adrenals, liver, and pancreas

Related stones and crystals:

-All yellow and gold stones


"I own my own strength."

"I appreciate all of my unique qualities."

Heart Chakra: GREEN


In the middle of your chest. It’s not actually on the heart (although it’s pretty

Common symptoms of a closed/unbalanced Heart Chakra:

-Lack of compassion
-Feeling unloved/unworthy
-Guilt, envy, jealousy
-Grief, hurt, sense of loss
-Not being able to forgive yourself and others
-Allowing the Ego to rule your life

When your Heart Chakra is balanced, you will experience the following:

-Wisdom of All That Is

-Feelings of peace, balance, harmony, well being, health and vitality
-Unconditional Love for the Self first, and THEN for others
-Accepting the Truth that You Are God Also
-Patience and understanding

Tone of the scale: F

Endocrine gland(s): Thymus

Related stones and crystals:

-All green stones
-Green Malachite
-Moss Agate
-Green Jasper
-Pink Rose Quartz

"I am truly loved."
"I accept myself fully as I am."

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you learn to open and harmonize the first four chakras
before moving on.

Throat Chakra: BLUE

Location: Throat

Common symptoms of a closed/unbalanced Throat Chakra:

-Etherically, energy cords from past lives often constrict the throat chakra,
making it difficult to speak our truth
-Judging and criticizing others
-Feeling powerless to express our true feelings
-Lack or creative expression and creative thought through the spoken word

When your Throat Chakra is balanced, you will experience the following:

-Speaking our Truth with discernment, discretion, and compassion

-The ability to say the words “I AM” without fear or hesitation
-The ability to speak clearly and with resonance

Tone of the scale: G

Endocrine gland(s): Thyroid

Related stones and crystals:

-All blue and turquoise stones

-Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli


"I now say what needs to be said."

"I value and express my creativity."
"My purpose is to serve others with my unique gifts."

Third-Eye Chakra: INDIGO, Midnight Blue

Location: Forehead

Common symptoms of a closed/unbalanced Third-Eye Chakra:

-Lack of concentration
-Bad dreams, fears
-Bombarded by negative thoughts
-Cut-off or closed down to intuition (voice of the soul)
-Unable to see “the unseen” such as entities, chakras, auras, fairies, etc.
-Focused on lower vibrational frequencies and a refusal to tap into the
frequencies of the causal mind (wisdom of Higher-Self)
-The conscious mind is controlled by the limited, conditioned thought-patterns of
the subconscious mind

When your Third-Eye Chakra is balanced, you will experience the following:

-Living in peace and tranquility as you bring your emotional nature into harmony
with your Spirit
-Spiritual knowing and wisdom
-Contact with the Soul/Higher-Self/I AM presence
-Inspired and creative thought
-Clairvoyance, ability to see the “unseen world”
-Perception that is able to see beyond duality

Tone of the scale: A

Endocrine gland(s): Pituitary

Related stones and crystals:

-All Indigo blue stones



"I accept responsibility for creating my reality."

"I now release early life and past life experiences which do not serve my highest good."
"My intuitive connection with my Higher Self is expanding and becoming clearer."

Crown Chakra: VIOLET

Location: Crown (top of the head)

Common symptoms of a closed/unbalanced Crown Chakra:

-Feeling nervous and not knowing why

-Sense of alienation
-Lack of inspiration
-Feeling disconnected from your Higher Self and from the Mother/Father God
-Mental and emotional bodies ruled by the Ego
-Feelings of insecurity, dissatisfaction and disorder
-Apprehensive of turning inward to confront the Ego and fear-based emotions
-Caught up in past failures, and afraid of the future
When your Crown Chakra is balanced, you will experience the following:

-Searching within which brings enlightenment, inspiration, and wisdom

-Builds a bridge between the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions
-Allows your Higher Self to come in
-The ability to transmute energy back into its highest form
-Becoming a co-creator of love and light
-Feeling connected to All That Is
-Knowing that You Are God Also

Tone of the scale: B

Endocrine gland(s):

Related stones and crystals:

-All Violet and purple stones



"I merge with the unity of all life."

"I act in alignment with my Higher Self."

Diagnosing Chakras
It’s possible to diagnose, or check, someone’s chakras using a crystal pendulum.

The energy vibrations of crystal are very sensitive and therefore can be counted
on to obtain accurate information, provided that your hand is steady.
Clear crystal pendulum

DO NOT check your own chakras. Get somebody to do this for you, while you are
lying down comfortably. They don’t need to be a psychic – all they need is a
steady hand.

NOTE: The following applies to all chakras; however, I am using the second
chakra as the standard in all of the illustrations below for clarity purposes.

Checking someone’s chakras is very simple. You simply hold your pendulum
approximately one inch above the chakra that you wish to diagnose. Keep your
hand steady, and after a few seconds, the crystal will start to move all by itself. If
it fails to move, the chakra is “blown” and needs a lot of work.

The following is to show you what the most typical movement patterns are and
what they mean. Bear in mind that the meditations you received along with this
ebook will help in ALL cases.

Try it and you’ll see how the pendulum swings, and then have them listen to the
meditation. Check again and you’ll usually find the chakra to be much more
opened and balanced. As they practice more and more, they’ll start increasing
the levels at which they are able to hold the energies in balance.

1 - When the pendulum swings clockwise, 6 inches in diameter, it means the

chakra is open and balanced:
Figure 1

2 - When the pendulum swings epileptically clockwise (oval), to the right,

3 inches in diameter, this indicates an active/receptive split. The chakra is
open, but overly active and masculine (Yang). The goal in this case would be for
this person to allow in more feminine energy (Yin) and more receptiveness:
Figure 2

3 - When the pendulum swings epileptically clockwise (oval), to the left, 3

inches in diameter, this also indicates an active/receptive split. The chakra is
open, but overly receptive and feminine (Yin). The goal in this case would be for
this person to allow in more masculine energy (Yang) and more activeness:
Figure 3

4 - When the pendulum swings epileptically clockwise (oval), vertically, 3

inches in diameter, it is open with some upward displacement of energy
toward spiritual to avoid interaction with people. Why are they avoiding
interacting with others? Try to help this person to confront their fears in this
Figure 4

5 - When the pendulum swings epileptically clockwise (oval), horizontally,

6 inches in diameter, they tend to hold back their energy to avoid energetic
interaction with others (aloof):
Figure 5

6 - When the pendulum swings counter-clockwise, 6 inches in diameter

(the opposite of #1), this chakra is closed an out of harmony, with false
projections of imagined reality:
Figure 6

7 - When the pendulum swings counter-clockwise, epileptically (oval) to

the right, 3 inches in diameter, the chakra is closed. Split, aggressive aspect
more developed than passive with projection of a passive and biased sense of
Figure 7

8 - When the pendulum swings counter-clockwise, epileptically (oval) to

the left, 2 inches in diameter, this chakra is closed. Split, passive aspect
more developed than aggressive with projection of an aggressive biased reality.
Figure 8

9 - When the pendulum swings counter-clockwise, epileptically (oval),

vertically, 3 inches in diameter, the chakra is closed. This indicates an
upward displacement of energy towards the spiritual to avoid interaction with
Figure 9

10 - When the pendulum swings counter-clockwise, epileptically (oval),

horizontally, 5 inches in diameter, this chakra is closed. Withholding
and compacting energy to avoid interaction with people (aloof):
Figure 10

11 - When the pendulum swings only vertically, with a 6-inch swing, the
chakra is open but they have a very strong pattern of moving feelings and energy
toward the spiritual to avoid personal interaction:
Figure 11

12 - When the pendulum swings only horizontally with a 4-inch swing, they
are holding energy flow and feelings down (repressing) to avoid personal
interactions. Strong block indicated:
Figure 12

13 - When the pendulum swings to the right with a 3-inch swing, this
indicates a severe aggressive/passive split, with aggression much more developed
than passive:
Figure 13

14 - When the pendulum swings to the left with a 4-inch swing, this indicates
a severe passive/aggressive split, passive much more developed than aggressive:
Figure 14

15 – When the pendulum is STILL, this chakra isn’t functioning at all. This is
typically referred to as a “blown chakra” and it will lead to pathology in the
physical body. A blown chakra can be caused by radiation, chemotherapy, or
severe trauma. In this case, the meditations are badly needed, but it definitely
can be healed:
Figure 15

16 – When your pendulum moves in a clockwise, oval axis shift, 5-inches in

diameter, this person is experiencing tremendous change taking place. This
person is actively and deeply working on issues. “Sensitive chaos”:
Figure 16

17 - When your pendulum moves in a counter-clockwise, oval axis shift, 5-

inches in diameter, this person is experiencing tremendous change taking
place. This person is however avoiding those issues than are still taking place
regardless. “Negative chaos”:
Figure 17

Any questions? Please post them on the ideaGasms chat board!

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