Standards For The Aerospace Industry

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Quality management Information security for Specification for steel

Standards for the aerospace industry systems. organizations supporting

civil aviation operations.
bolts for aircraft.
BS EN 9100 Series BS 4A
Because we obtain the vast majority of component parts for our manufacturing from supply chain BS EN 16495:2014 102:2002+A2:2012
partners, the common use of agreed standards is essential. Interoperability of flight Specification for two
It’s the fundamental basis for consistent quality, and means we all understand exactly what is expected data processing for component epoxy primer
when we undertake supplier audit visits. application under the for aerospace purposes.
Keith Allen, Chief of Engineering Processes and Single European Sky. BS2X33:1998
Standards at Rolls-Royce DD CEN/TS 16071:2010

Potable water, toilet-

Electronic component flush water and toilet
Acceptance of the cosmetic Specification for nylon drain.
management. variations in appearance of fabrics suitable for
PD IEC/TS 62239-1:2015 aircraft cabin parts. coating with natural or BS ISO 17775:2006
BS EN 4726:2015 synthetic elastomers.
BS 2F 127:1991

Qualification and
approval of personnel for
Delegated product non-destructive testing.
release verification. BS EN 4179:2017
BS EN 9117 Series Sustainable selection of
General guidelines for materials.
acquisition and supply of BS 8905:2011
open systems.
Design and installation BS EN 9320:2014 Design for manufacture,
of aircraft electrical and assembly, disassembly
Welding for aerospace Identification marking of optical interconnection Test method for non- and end-of-life
applications. engine items. systems. Aircraft tyres and rims. metallic materials. processing.
BS ISO 19828:2017 BS EN 4300:2008 BS EN 3197:2010 BS ISO 3324 Series BS EN 2243 Series BS:8887:2010

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