Network Analysis

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PAVE WEI ESY Short Circuit - ANSI Short Circuit - IEC Load Flow Motor Acceleration Jetep Power System Enterprise Solution ETAP is the most comprehensive analysis platform for the design, simulation, operation, control, optimization, and automation of generation, transmission, distribution, and industrial power systems. Cable Customize ETAP to fit your needs, ere Cable Sng - Phase from small to large power systems cable Sang - Grandng PE Base sect Sk on TAP Enterprise Suite provides one solution to escerae Uecrpt al akss your power system design, analysis, and operation Cale noods. ETAP offers a comprehensive suite of analysis modiules that can be configured to suit your spectic needs. This modular approach allowsyouto |. purchase only the modules you need. a le Apa & ting Transmssion ine Constnts Rept Manage Proc Manag Distribution Lead Fw Mt rae Top Optmzton fohing Seruonce Ng ‘ Featured in this brochure Star eat Assessment Protective Optima Capac Pacerent Devices 8S View Prototon Corian & Slt Soquonen-f pert Paka Test Sat face ‘Transmission Line Intelligent Load Shedding SsmarPlant? reer Thirty Sota ‘oti Loa Shed Une Cartas ulema sang Lie Ampaciy Natal Counting Arc Flash Teron es eee stg Aro Flash De Arc Fash Rael rae Ground Grid Systems & Simulation inte Element Neth ea: Time Montaeng IEEE 601 stmcton IEEE 665 etna En ear fetes fryer ete Sri pas & Transients vt Playback Lea Fn atity it neat Sar-Up a Wn Trine Generator soe ora reece eon aut lanagement aa System Autoratle Generation Cand rome Dstt Pane! User- ‘Spacey Cont eee Defined Dynamic Inrchange Sho Modeling serve Man ANS Panel TECPana Code Faro Intelligent Renewable Inara to Simul GEE tioeH anor aie Governor Stabe ‘nai aad SutsteonAutoraton Suiting Management Load Managomant ‘SrartGid Mix ir Trine Generar Wind Farm Power Quality s amon Fates De systems Loa Faw Sorat Cont Syston Diagram Baty Dockery Baty Seng Short-Circuit ANs! & IEC Instant Results, Comprehensive, Graphical Summary ANSI / IEEE Standards C37 & UL 489 IEC Standards 60909 & 61363 Automatic Device Evaluation for 3-Phase, 1-Phase, & Panel Systems Load Terminal Short Circuit Calculation Display Critical & Marginal Alerts As Easy as 1, ay 3 Save hours of tedious hand calculations and take the quess- ‘work out of short circuit studies ly automating the process with ‘multiple calculation and result analysis tools within ETAP. ‘The Short-Circult module makes it easy to go from selecting elements from the comprehensive libraries of short circuit, current ratings to performing dozens of different types of short circuit analysis with the purpose of finding the worst-case device duty. Built-in intelligence allows it to automatically apply all ANS! / IEEE or IEC factors and ratios required for high- and low-voltage device duty evaluation. Determine fault currents and automatically compare these values against manufacturer short circuit current ratings. Overstressed device alarms are automatically displayed on the one-line diagram and reports. The Shor'-Circuit module seamlessly int tes with device coordination and performs arc flash hazard calculations. i E te i] DEErPRN => SS iS. Uinetosine || ‘teround Capabilities Automatic 3-phase device evaluation Device evaluation based on total or maximum through fault current Automatically adjust conductor resistance & length (both lines & cabies) Global or individual device impedance tolerance agjusiments for maximum & minimum fault currents Include / exclude fault impedance modeling for unbalanced faults Include / exclude shunt admittance for branches & capacitive loads (unbalanced faults) Graphical or tabular bus fault selections Automatically determine fault currents at motor terminals without the need to add additional buses Phase-shifting transformers Grounding models for generators, transformers, motors, & other loads Motor contribution based on loading category, demand factor, or both Extract manufacturer published data from the Iraries for thousands of devices Double-Phase Syetoms anol Systoms Device Duty Calculation & Evaluation for Single & Multiple-Phase Systems, Panel, & UPS ANSI and IEC standards are used for calculating short circuit ‘current for parts of the network below main panels, subpanels, UPS, and phase adapters. Device duty calculation compares the caleulated fault current from these networks for evaluation of protective devices and automatically generates critical and marginal alerts based on user-defined alarm limits, Pane! Syst0m@ UPS Networks Voltage Short-Circuit ANSI & IEC | « ANSI / IEEE Standards Features ‘+ ‘phase & panel systems device evaluation + Determine maximum & minimum short circuit fault currents * Caloulate ¥ cyclo, 1.5-4, & 30 cycle balanced & unbalanced faults (3-phase, L-G, LL, LG) + Check momentary & interrupting device capabilties ‘+ Check closing & latching capabilities + Evaluate symmetrical or total rated cireuit breakers ‘+ Special handling of generator circuit breakers for system & generator faults ‘* Interrupting duty as a function breaker contact, parting time * Standard & user-definable contact parting time: ‘+ Automatically includes No AC Decay (NACD) ratio ‘+ User options for automatic adjustment of HVCB rating Standards IEEE 037.04 1EE 037.010 TEE 037.010 IEEE 037.0100 1EEE 037.13 (EEE 037.013 1EEE 037.201 IE 399 vee 141 \eEE 242 was9 Standard Rating Structure fr AC High-Voltage Crcut roakors Ratec on a Symmetrical Curent including Supplements: IEEE C37 OM, FEE C37 O4g, FEE C37 O4h, FEE 037.041 Standard Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breskers Rated ona Symmetrical Curent Standard and Emergency Load Cutent-Carying Capabity Supplement to EEE €37.010, Standard fr Low-Voltage AC Power Gicult Breaks Usod in Enclosures Standard for AC High-Voltage Generator Cult Breakers Rated ona Symmetical Curent Basis Standard fr Metal Enclosed Low-Vollage Power Ckeut Breaker Switchgear Power System Anayss~ the Broun Book loctic Power Disrbuton for Industral Plans — the Red Book IEEE Roconemended Prater fr Protction and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems —the But Book Standart for Safety for Moked-Case rout Breakers, Malied-Case Stones, and Circuit Breaker Enclosures Reporting (ANSI & IEC) + Load terminal fault current reporting + Automatically ‘lag marginal & critical overstressed devices aal, ‘+ Phaso & sequence voltage profiles (V,, Vy. Ve, Vy. Ves & Ve) + Phase & sequence current profiles (I. yl. yl» & l) + Individual fault current contributions for |, ‘+ Phase & sequence impedances: ‘+ Alert view to display ertical & marginal limit violations, = Repening: ond inl aut curen pering ‘+ Export one-tines with short circuit results to thitd party CAD applications + Input data, detailed individual & total short citcuit contributions, & summaries: ‘+ Enhanced state-of-the-art graphic display of results for balanced & unbalanced faults ++ Export output reports to your favorite word processor or spreadsheet + Full color customizable Crystal Report® viewers IEC Standards cea ewAGA RW Features 4-pole / 2-pole short circuit device duty for 1-phase panel / UPS systems Unbalanced L-G, LL, & LLG faults analysis Transient IEC 61363 short circuit calculations Compares device ratings with calculated short circuit values User-definable voltage C factor Service or utimate short circuit current ratings for LVCB breaking capability User-definable R/X adjustment methods for |, (method A, B, or C) Phase-shifting transformers, Negative or positive impedance adjustments for maximin 1, & |, ‘Automatic application of K correction factors (ie. KT, KG, KSO) Automatically determines meshed & non-meshed networks for calculating |, I. & lye |, for meshed network is adjusted by individual machine Contributions for improved accuracy Considers both near & far from generator short circuits Generates relay test set compatible plots for transient short circuits Detailed IEC device duty reports & complete conttibutions for unbalanced faults Standards 1EC62271-100 Hgh-Vokago Stchgea and Contlgar, Pat 100 ighoageAomating-CiontCreutBreakars 1EC62271-200 Hgh-Votage Stchgsar and Cotolgar, Part 200: Ad Matal-EnclsodSwtchgar and Conlear Rated otages Above 1 AV and upto and including 52 KY IEC 62271-203 High Noago Switchgear and Contlgear, Part 203: Gas-sulated Mtal-Enlosed Svtchgoar for aod Votages Above 52 KY TEC 60282-2 High oage Fuses, Part2:Expbon Fuses 1EC60908-0 Short Creu Curent in Tree-Phase AC Stems, Par: ‘auton of Curent nuding 2002 Caigndum 1) 1EC.60908-1 Short Creu Gurents in Tre-Phase AC Sstoms, Par Fats fr the Caution of Short Creu Gurents ‘Accorting to EC 60909-0 1EC60808-2 _Eetical Equipment Osta for Short Cut Curent Caulatons i Aecordanoe wth EC 909 (1988) IEC 60909-4 Short Creu Curents in Thoo-Phase AC Sytame, Part 4 Examples forthe Calton of Short Get Curens HEC60847-1 Lon Vtage Switchgear and Conley, Part 1 Gareral Rules 1EC60847-2 Low Volage Swithgeer and Controle Part Grout eakers HEC61363-1 Ekta! hstatatons of Ships and Mobile and Fhe ‘ftshore Units, Part 1: Procedures for Caloulating Short Circuit Curent in Tree-Phase AG Short-Circuit ANSI & IEC | ; Load Flow Analysis One Program, One Database, One Solution Create & Validate System Models with Ease & Accuracy With ETAP’s advanced Load Flow module, you can create and validate your system model with ease and obtain accurate and reliable results, Bulln features like automatic device evaluation, summary alarms / warnings, result analyzer, and intelligent graphics make it the most efficient Load Flow program available today. ETAP calculates bus voltages, branch power factors, currents, and power flows throughout the electrical system. ETAP allows for swing, voltage regulated, and unregulated power sources with multiple power grids and generator connections, Itis capable of performing analysis on both radial and loop systems. ETAP allows you to select from several different Voltage Drop methods in order to achieve the best calculation efficiency and accuracy. Power Factor Correction Automatic Device Evaluation Automatic Temperature Correction 2W & 3W Transformer LTC / Regulator Actions Real & Reactive Power Losses Auto-Run Based on System Changes : oe Extensive Violation Alerts Multi-Report Result Analyzer nt Graphic: Sao th-a apical aly 2 nl resing ‘tage eo and ema! vaitape bare ares, and ansomer Te aoage Most Efficient Load Flow Program Available tnd UPS same amtaneousy Capabilities Simulate multiole loading & generation conditions: Automatically adjust transformer tap & LTC / regulator settings User-controlled convergence parameters Compare & analyze multiple reports using result analyzer Include effect of phase-shifting transformers View resus graphically Evaluate critical & marginal limit violations Solve 3-phase & 1-phase system load flow simultaneously Isolated 1-phase source modeling ‘Automatic 0 Study Options * Option to update initial conditions + Phase-shilting transformers * Auto-adjust LTC / regulator settings + Power factor correction * Saves solution control parameters for each scenario + Make changes to your system & re-run studies instanlly '* Conduct unlimited “what it" studies within one database + Caleulate bus vollages, currents, & power factors * Bus / transformer / cable reactor overload warnings: * Caleulate power flows + Update loading for DC load flow * Voltage crop calculations + Five levels of automatic error checking Flexible Operation * Diverse operating conditions + Multiple loading categories * Multiple demand factors * Different model of lumped loading '* Unlimited configurations * Different nameplate data * Global & individual bus diversity factors nanntinea! Evaluation: Aoraicalygurwae eis! and Paranal Alors ovrtessos phase ane pase Syions Load Flow Analysis | Simultaneous Analysis of Different Scenarios Load Flow Result Analyzer ETAP Load Flow Result Analyzer is a time-

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