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EN 50388-2012 - Coordination PS & RS - en

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BS EN 50388:2012

BS EN 50388:2012
Incorporating corrigenda August 2012,
BS EN 50388:2012
corrigenda August2013 and
2012 and
April 2013

BSI Standards Publication

Railway Applications —
Power supply and rolling
stock — Technical criteria for
the coordination between
power supply (substation)
and rolling stock to achieve

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 50388:2012,
incorporating corrigenda August 2012, April 2013 and August 2013. It
supersedes BS EN 50388:2005 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical
Committee GEL/9, Railway Electrotechnical Applications, to Subcommittee
GEL/9/3, Railway Electrotechnical Applications – Fixed Equipment.
A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2013.
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2013
ISBN 978 0 580 84361 7
ICS 29.280; 45.060.01
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards
Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 April 2012.
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication
Date Text affected
31 October 2012 Implementation of CENELEC corrigendum August 2012:
Figure 1 updated
31 May 2013 Implementation of CENELEC corrigendum April 2013:
Figure 1 replaced and Clause 12.1.1 amended
30 September 2013 Implementation of CENELEC corrigendum August 2013:
Table F.1, Column: SK and Row: d.c. 3000 V amended
BS EN 50388:2012



ICS 29.280; 45.060.01 Incorporating Incorporating

Supersedes corrigenda
August 2012
EN 50388:2005 August
and April
+ corr. 2012,
April 2013 and August 2013

English version

Railway Applications -
Power supply and rolling stock -
Technical criteria for the coordination between power supply (substation)
and rolling stock to achieve interoperability

Applications ferroviaires - Bahnanwendungen -

Alimentation électrique Bahnenergieversorgung und Fahrzeuge -
et matériel roulant - Technische Kriterien für die Koordination
Critères techniques pour la coordination zwischen Anlagen der
entre le système d’alimentation (sous- Bahnenergieversorgung und Fahrzeugen
station) et le matériel roulant pour réaliser zum Erreichen der Interoperabilität

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2012-02-13. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2012 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.

Ref. No. EN 50388:2012 E

BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 –2–


Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................... 6
4 Periods over which parameters can be averaged or integrated .......................................................... 8
5 Separation sections .................................................................................................................................. 9
5.1 Phase separation sections ............................................................................................................... 9
5.2 System separation sections .............................................................................................................. 9
6 Power factor of a train ............................................................................................................................10
6.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................10
6.2 Inductive power factor.....................................................................................................................10
6.3 Capacitive power factor ..................................................................................................................11
6.4 Acceptance criteria .........................................................................................................................11
7 Train current limitation ...........................................................................................................................12
7.1 Maximum train current ....................................................................................................................12
7.2 Automatic regulation .......................................................................................................................12
7.3 Power or current limitation device ..................................................................................................13
7.4 Acceptance criteria .........................................................................................................................13
8 Requirements for performance of power supply.................................................................................13
8.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................13
8.2 Description ......................................................................................................................................13
8.3 Values for U mean useful at the pantograph.........................................................................................14
8.4 Relation between U mean useful and U min1 ..........................................................................................14
8.5 Acceptance criteria .........................................................................................................................14
9 Type of line and electrification system .................................................................................................15
10 Harmonics and dynamic effects ............................................................................................................15
10.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................15
10.2 Acceptance procedure for new elements ....................................................................................... 17
10.3 Compatibility study..........................................................................................................................17
10.4 Methodology and acceptance criteria .............................................................................................20
11 Coordination of protection.....................................................................................................................21
11.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................21
11.2 Protection against short-circuits .....................................................................................................21
11.3 Auto-reclosing of one or more substation circuit breakers and effect of loss of line voltage
and re-energisation on the traction unit ..........................................................................................22
11.4 D.C. electrification systems, transient current during closure ........................................................23
11.5 Acceptance criteria .........................................................................................................................23
12 Regenerative braking .............................................................................................................................23
12.1 General conditions on the use of regenerative braking ..................................................................23
12.2 Use of regenerative braking............................................................................................................24
12.3 Acceptance criteria .........................................................................................................................24
13 Effects of d.c. operation on a.c. systems .............................................................................................24
14 Tests .........................................................................................................................................................25
15 Test methodology ...................................................................................................................................25
15.1 Separation sections ........................................................................................................................25
15.2 Power factor ....................................................................................................................................25
15.3 Train current limitation ....................................................................................................................26
15.4 Quality index of the power supply ...................................................................................................26
15.5 Harmonics and dynamic effects .....................................................................................................27
15.6 Coordination of protection...............................................................................................................28
15.7 Regenerative braking......................................................................................................................28
Annex A (informative) Integration periods over which parameters can be averaged .............................30
BS EN 50388:2012
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A.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................30

A.2 Reference time period over which values can be averaged or integrated .....................................30
Annex B (informative) Selection criteria determining the voltage at the pantograph ............................. 31
Annex C (informative) Investigation of harmonic characteristics and related overvoltages ..................33
C.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................33
C.2 Overvoltages caused by system instability .....................................................................................33
C.3 Overvoltages caused by harmonics ...............................................................................................34
C.4 Examples ........................................................................................................................................34
Annex D (informative) Data related to the compatibility study of harmonics and dynamic effects .......37
D.1 Characterisation of the traction power supply fixed installations ....................................................37
D.2 Characterisation of the trains ..........................................................................................................40
Annex E (informative) Total inductive and capacitive power factor ..........................................................43
Annex F (informative) Maximum allowable train current ............................................................................46
Annex G (normative) Special national conditions .......................................................................................48
Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EU Directives.......................................49
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................50
Figure 1  Maximum train current against voltage ..........................................................................................12
Figure 2  Procedure for compatibility study of harmonics and dynamic effects............................................18
Figure E.1  Allowed power factor versus drawn active and reactive power (P and Q) by the train .............. 44


Table 1  Total inductive power factor λ of a train ..........................................................................................11

Table 2  Value of factor a ..............................................................................................................................13
Table 3  Minimum U mean useful at pantograph .................................................................................................14
Table 4  Electrification systems as a function of the type of line ..................................................................15
Table 5  Description of steps (1 of 2) ............................................................................................................19
Table 6  Maximum contact line-rail short-circuit level ...................................................................................21
Table 7  Action on circuit breakers at an internal fault within a traction unit .................................................22
Table 8  Use of regenerative braking ............................................................................................................24
Table 9  Tests ...............................................................................................................................................25
Table 10  U mean useful (zone) ...........................................................................................................................26
Table 11  U mean useful (train) ...........................................................................................................................27
Table 12  Relationship between U mean useful and U min1..................................................................................27
Table A.1  Integration periods .......................................................................................................................30
Table D.1  Characterisation of a.c. electrified lines ......................................................................................38
Table D.2  Characterisation of d.c. electrified lines ......................................................................................39
Table D.3  Characterisation of one a.c. train with respect to impedances, harmonics and stability (1 of
2) ..............................................................................................................................................................40
Table D.4  Characterisation of one d.c. train with respect to impedances, harmonics and stability............. 42
Table F.1  Maximum allowable train current .................................................................................................46
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 –4–


This document (EN 50388:2012) has been prepared by CLC/SC 9XC, "Electric supply and earthing systems
for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (Fixed installations)", of Technical Committee
CLC/TC 9X, "Electrical and electronic applications for railways". It also concerns the expertise of
CLC/SC 9XB, "Electromechanical material on board of rolling stock".

The following dates are fixed:

• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) 2013-02-13

implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) 2015-02-13
conflicting with this document have to
be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 50388:2005 + corrigendum May 2010.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For the relationship with EU Directive 2008/57/EC, see informative Annex ZZ, which is an integral part of this

For TSI lines, modification and amendments shall be made within a procedure which is related to the legal
status of the HS and CR TSIs.
BS EN 50388:2012
–5– EN 50388:2012

1 Scope

This European Standard establishes requirements for the compatibility of rolling stock with infrastructure
particularly in relation to:

– co-ordination of protection principles between power supply and traction units, especially fault
discrimination for short-circuits;

– co-ordination of installed power on the line and the power demand of trains;

– co-ordination of traction unit regenerative braking and power supply receptivity;

– co-ordination of harmonic behaviour.

This European Standard deals with the definition and quality requirements of the power supply at the
interface between traction units and fixed installations.

This European Standard specifies the interface between rolling stock and electrical fixed installations for
traction, in respect of the power supply system. The interaction between pantograph and overhead contact
line is dealt with in EN 50367. The interaction with the “control-command” subsystem (especially signalling)
is not dealt with in this standard.

Requirements are given for TSI lines (both high speed and conventional) and classical lines.

For classical lines, values, where given, are for the existing European networks. Furthermore the maximum
values that are specified are applicable to the foreseen developments of the infrastructure of the Trans
European rail networks.

The following electric traction systems are within scope:

– railways;

– guided mass transport systems that are integrated with railways;

– material transport systems that are integrated with railways.

This European Standard does not apply retrospectively to rolling stock already in service.

Information is given on electrification parameters such as to enable train operating companies to confirm,
after consultation with the rolling stock manufacturers, that there will be no consequential disturbance on the
electrification system.

2 Normative references

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 50122-2:2010, Railway applications  Fixed installations  Electrical safety, earthing and the return
circuit  Part 2: Provisions against the effects of stray currents caused by d.c. traction systems

EN 50122-3:2010, Railway applications  Fixed installations  Electrical safety, earthing and the return
circuit  Part 3: Mutual Interaction of a.c. and d.c. traction systems

EN 50123-1:2003, Railway applications  Fixed installations  D.C. switchgear  Part 1: General

EN 50163:2004 + A1:2007, Railway applications  Supply voltages of traction systems

EN 50367, Railway applications  Current collection systems  Technical criteria for the interaction
between pantograph and overhead line (to achieve free access)
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 –6–

IEC 60050-811, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary  Chapter 811: Electric traction

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

abnormal operating conditions
either higher traffic loads or outage of power supply equipment outside the design standard
Note 1 to entry: Under these conditions, traffic may not operate to the design timetable.

classical line
existing line that is not subject to a renewal or upgrading project to bring it into compliance with a TSI

contact line
conductor system for supplying electric energy to vehicles through current-collecting equipment

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811-33-01]

dimensioning train
train with the lowest mean useful voltage

infrastructure manager
body or undertaking that is responsible in particular for establishing and maintaining railway infrastructure
Note 1 to entry: This may also include the management of infrastructure control and safety systems. The functions of the infrastructure
manager on a network or part of a network may be allocated to different bodies or undertakings.

Note 2 to entry: In TSI Energy, this body is referred to as the contracting or adjudicating entity.

maximum line speed
speed for which the line was approved for operation

mean useful voltage at the pantograph (U mean useful)

U mean useful (zone)
voltage giving an indication of the quality of the power supply in a geographic zone during the peak traffic
period in the timetable

U mean useful (train)
voltage identifying the dimensioning train and which enables the effect on its performance to be quantified

minimum possible headway
minimum interval at which trains can run as allowed by the signalling system

new element
new, rebuilt or modified traction-unit or power supply component (hardware or software) having a possible
influence on the harmonic behaviour of the power supply system
BS EN 50388:2012
–7– EN 50388:2012

Note 1 to entry: This new element may be integrated in an existing power supply network with traction units e.g. for fixed installation:
– transformer;
– HV cable;
– filters;
– converter.

normal operating conditions
traffic operating to the design timetable and train formation used for power supply fixed installation design
Note 1 to entry: Power supply equipment is operated according to standard design rules. Rules can vary depending on the infrastructure
manager’s policy.

overhead contact line
contact line placed above (or beside) the upper limit of the vehicle gauge and supplying vehicles with electric
energy through roof–mounted current collection equipment

[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811-33-02]

power factor
active power of the fundamental wave
cos ϕ =
apparent power of the fundamental wave

Note 1 to entry: In this standard, only the fundamental wave is considered.

Note 2 to entry: This is also the displacement factor cos ϕ.

register of infrastructure
for TSI, a single document which compiles, for each section of line, the characteristics of the lines concerned
in respect of all subsystems including fixed equipment
Note 1 to entry: The list of items included in the register is described in annexes of the TSI Energy.

rolling stock
general term covering all vehicles with or without motors
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811-02-01]

separation or neutral section
section of a contact line provided with a sectioning point at each end to prevent successive electrical
sections, differing in voltage, phase or frequency being connected together by the passage of current

(traction) substation
installation, the main function of which is to supply a contact line system, at which the voltage of a primary
supply system, and in certain cases the frequency, is converted to the voltage and frequency of the contact

total power factor λ
active power
apparent power

Note 1 to entry: Deformation factor υ:

BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 –8–

cos ϕ

traction unit
general term covering a locomotive, motor coach or train unit
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811-02-04]

combination of rolling stock coupled together. It includes banking locomotives

train power at the pantograph
active power of the train taking into account power for traction, regeneration and auxiliaries

TSI line
high speed or conventional rail line being part of the Trans-European Rail Network (TEN) and complying with
the requirements of the relevant Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI)

Note 1 to entry: It includes for the High Speed rail network:

– category I: specially built high-speed lines equipped for speeds generally equal to or greater than 250 km/h;
– category II: specially upgraded high-speed lines equipped for speeds of the order of 200 km/h;
– category III: specially upgraded high-speed lines which have special features as a result of topographical, relief or town planning
constraints on which the speed must be adapted to each case.

It includes for the Conventional Rail network:

a) category IV: New Core Trans European Network (TEN) Line:
1) passenger and mixed traffic: 200 km/h maximum;
2) freight traffic: 140 km/h maximum;
b) category V: Upgraded Core TEN Line:
1) passenger and mixed traffic: 160 km/h maximum;
2) freight traffic: 100 km/h maximum;
c) category VI: New Other TEN Line:
1) passenger and mixed traffic: 140 km/h maximum;
2) freight traffic: 100 km/h maximum;
d) category VII: Upgraded Other TEN Line:
1) passenger and mixed traffic: 120 km/h maximum;
2) freight traffic: 100 km/h maximum

type of line
classification of lines as a function of the parameters described in 3.6, 3.8 and 3.20

general term denoting any single item of rolling stock, e.g. a locomotive, a coach or a wagon
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-811-02-02]

4 Periods over which parameters can be averaged or integrated

Where train operators or infrastructure managers use various parameters for their dimensioning
computations, protection measures and planning, these are effective only if they are averaged over precisely
defined time spans. Guidance and recommendations on these time spans are given in Annex A
BS EN 50388:2012
–9– EN 50388:2012

5 Separation sections

5.1 Phase separation sections

Trains shall be able to move from one section of an a.c. system to an adjacent section of the same system,
through a phase separation section, without bridging the different phases.

Power consumption of the train (traction, auxiliaries and no-load current of the transformer) shall be brought
to zero before entering the phase separation section.

For HS TSI lines, this shall be done automatically.

For Conventional Rail TSI lines and for classical lines, where required by the infrastructure manager this
shall be done automatically. Otherwise, automatic operation is preferred, but manual on board operation may
also be employed.

Where particular circumstances require the lowering of the pantographs this shall be recorded in the register
of infrastructure.

For phase separation sections longer than 8 m, the infrastructure manager shall provide adequate means to
allow a train that is gapped underneath the phase separation to be restarted.

EN 50367 describes the characteristics of some designs of phase separation sections.

NOTE For other designs of phase separation that allow trains to pass the section with power running (e.g. automatically switched
sections or “change over sections”), the requirements of this clause may not apply if reliability and compatibility with all trains can be

5.2 System separation sections

5.2.1 General

Trains shall be able to move from one energy supply system to an adjacent one which uses a different
energy supply without bridging the two contact line systems. The necessary actions (opening of the main
circuit breaker, lowering of the pantographs, etc.) depend on the type of both supply systems as well as on
the arrangement of pantographs on trains and the running speed.

There are two possibilities for trains to run through system separation sections:

1) with pantograph raised and touching the contact wire(s) as described in 5.2.2;

2) with pantograph lowered and not touching the contact wire(s) as described in 5.2.3.

The choice between 1) and 2) shall be made by the infrastructure manager.

The requirements for the design of the infrastructure and rolling stock are described in following paragraphs.

5.2.2 Pantograph raised

Where the system separation sections are traversed by a train with pantographs raised to the contact
wire(s), the following conditions apply:

• Provisions shall be made in the infrastructure to avoid bridging the contact lines of both adjacent
power supply systems if the opening of the on-board circuit breaker(s) fails.

• For categories I, II and III lines, on board, devices shall automatically open the circuit breaker before
reaching the separation section and shall recognise automatically the voltage of the new power
supply system at the pantograph in order to switch the corresponding circuits.

• For categories IV to VII lines and for classical lines, the requirements for categories I, II and III lines
may be applied.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 10 –

5.2.3 Pantograph lowered

Where the system separation sections are traversed with pantographs lowered the following conditions

• The design of separation section between differing energy supply systems shall ensure that, in case
of a pantograph unintentionally applied to the contact line, bridging the contact lines of two power
supply systems is avoided and switching off both supply systems is triggered immediately, e.g. by
detection of short circuits or unintended voltages.

• For categories I, II and III lines, at supply system separations which require a lowering of the
pantograph, the pantograph shall be lowered without the driver’s intervention, triggered by control

• For categories IV to VII lines and for classical lines, the requirements for categories I, II and III lines
may be applied.

• EN 50367 describes the design of the system separation sections as well as other functional
requirements of the overhead contact line and pantographs.

6 Power factor of a train

6.1 General
To optimise the power factor of a train, and hence the quality of the power supply performance, the
requirements in 6.2 to 6.4 shall apply to the design of the train.

NOTE Capacitive or inductive power from a train can be utilised to change the contact line voltage.

6.2 Inductive power factor

This clause deals only with inductive power factor and power consumption over the range of voltage from
U min1 to U max1 as defined in EN 50163.

Table 1 gives the requirements for the total inductive power factor λ of a train. For the calculation of λ, only
the fundamental of the voltage at the pantograph is taken into account.
BS EN 50388:2012
– 11 – EN 50388:2012

Table 1  Total inductive power factor λ of a train

Total inductive power factor λ of a train

Instantaneous train Category I and II of TSI line category III; IV; V; VI; VII
power P at the HS TSI lines and Classical lines
pantograph (MW)
P>2 ≥ 0,95 ≥ 0,95

b b
For yards or depots, the power factor of the fundamental wave shall be equal or higher to 0,8 (see Note 2
below) when the train is hotelling with traction power switched off and all auxiliaries running and the active
power being drawn is greater than 200 kW.
NOTE 1 The calculation of overall average λ for a train journey, including the stops, is taken from the active energy WP (MWh) and
reactive energy WQ (Mvarh) given by a computer simulation of a train journey or metered on an actual train:

λ= 2
 WQ 
1 +  
 WP 
NOTE 2 Higher power factors than 0,8 will result in better economic performance due to a reduced requirement for fixed equipment
a Applicable to trains in conformity with the HS TSI "rolling stock".
b In order to control the total power factor of the auxiliary load of a train during the coasting phases, the overall average λ (traction
and auxiliaries) defined by simulation and/or measurement shall be higher than 0,85 over a complete timetable journey (typical
journey between two stations including commercial stops).

During regeneration, the inductive power factor may be allowed to decrease freely in order to keep voltage
within limits.

NOTE 1 Another representation of Table 1 in a graphic form is given in Annex E.

NOTE 2 On line categories III to VII, for rolling stock existing before publication of this standard, the infrastructure manager may
impose conditions e.g. economic, operating, power limitation for acceptance of interoperable trains having power factors below the
value specified in Table 1.

6.3 Capacitive power factor

During traction mode and standstill, requirements for capacitive power factor in order to keep voltage within
limits are:

– within the range of voltage from U min1 to U max1 as defined in EN 50163, capacitive power factors are not

– within the range of voltage from U max1 to U max2 as defined in EN 50163, a train shall not behave like a

During regenerative mode, capacitive power, if any, shall be limited to 150 kvar within the range of voltage
from U min1 to U max1 as defined in EN 50163.
NOTE 1 Capacitive power factors could lead to overvoltages and/or dynamic effects and should be treated according to Clause 10.

NOTE 2 A representation of capacitive power factor is given in Annex E.

6.4 Acceptance criteria

The power factor is acceptable if the values given in Table 1 and requirements given in 6.3 are achieved.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 12 –
EN 50388:2012/AC:2013
EN 50388:2012/AC:2013
7 Train current limitation

7.1 Maximum train current

Typical data for the maximum allowable current per train for all European networks are given in informative
Annex F.

NOTE There is no obligation to design the infrastructureCorrigendum toe.g.

to these maxima, ENallow
800 A in 25 kV (example).

7.2 Automatic regulation English version

Corrigendum to EN 50388:2012
In order to facilitate stable operation on weak power supply ___________
networks or in abnormal operating conditions,
trains shall be equipped with an automatic device which adapts version the level of the maximum power
consumption depending on contact Corrigendum
line voltage to
in EN 50388:2012
steady publishedFigure
state condition. 2012-08-24
1 gives the maximum
allowable train current as a function of the contact line voltage.
1 Modification to Figure 1
Figure 1 does not apply
Replace Figurein1regenerative braking
by the following newmode.
Replace Figure 1 by the following new figure:

Train current
Train current

I max
max B


I auxiliary
(1) U min2
min2 a × Un Umax2
U max2

A No traction

B Current levelexceeded
Current level exceeded

C Allowable currentlevels
Allowable current levels

Key Corrigendum to EN 50388:2012

__________published 2013-04-26
U contact line voltage according
2 Modification to EN 50163
to 12.1.1
Clause 12.1.1 August 2012
I max is the maximum current consumed by the train at nominal voltage.
In the fist bullet, delete "in the conditions described in 11.4".
(1) In the fistto
With regard bullet,
the setting "in the of
deletevalues conditions describedreleases,
the under-voltage in 11.4". see EN 50163:2004, 4.1, Note 2.
Corrigendum to EN 50388:2012 published 2013-08-30
Figure 1  Maximum train current against voltage
3 Modification to Table F.1
The value of the knee point factor a is given in Table 2. __________
In Table F.1, Column: SK and Row: d.c. 3000 V, replace "1000 for single track line" by "1400 for single track
NOTE line".
The purpose of this diagram is not to design the nominal power of the train.
__________ April 2013

August 2013
BS EN 50388:2012
– 13 – EN 50388:2012

Table 2  Value of factor a

Power supply system Value of a

a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz 0,9
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz 0,95
d.c. 3 000 V 0,9
d.c. 1 500 V 0,9
d.c. 750 V 0,8

7.3 Power or current limitation device

In order to allow a train to operate on both electrically weak and well supplied lines, on board current or
power selection devices shall be installed which will limit the power demand of the train to the electrical
capacity of the line. This is applicable on all lines except on category I lines.

The infrastructure manager shall declare the required limitation of each line in a register of infrastructure.

NOTE This setting may be carried out automatically.

7.4 Acceptance criteria

The train current limitation systems or devices are acceptable if the requirements of 7.1 to 7.3 are fulfilled.

8 Requirements for performance of power supply

8.1 General
A dimensioning study shall be performed in order to assess the ability of the power supply system to achieve
the specified performance. Its aim, as set out in Annex B, is to define the characteristics of fixed installations.

These fixed installations should allow the most severe conditions, as specified in the design timetable, to be
satisfied for:

– the densest operating period in the timetable, corresponding to peak traffic;

– the characteristics of the different types of train involved, taking account of the selected traction units.

The quality index U mean useful described in 8.2, is calculated by simulation and can be verified by ad hoc
measurements on a critical train.

The voltage at the pantographs in EN 50163 and the U mean useful are relevant to this assessment.

8.2 Description
Mean useful voltage is calculated by computer simulation of a geographic zone (zone under study) which
takes account of all trains scheduled to pass through the zone in an appropriate period of time corresponding
to the peak traffic period in the timetable. This given period of time shall be sufficient to take account of the
highest load on each electrical section in the geographic zone.

Account shall be taken of the electrical characteristics of the infrastructure and each different type of train in
the simulation.

The fundamental voltage at the pantograph of each train in the geographic zone is analysed at each
simulation time step. For a.c. systems, the r.m.s. value of the fundamental voltage is used. For d.c. systems,
the mean voltage is used. The time step in the simulation shall be short enough to take into account all
events in the timetable.
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The voltage values from the simulation are used to study:

a) U mean useful (zone)

This is the mean value of all voltages analysed in the simulation and gives an indication of the quality of
the power supply for the entire zone.

All trains in the geographic zone, over the peak traffic period considered, are included in this analysis
whether they are in traction mode or not (stationary, traction, regeneration, coasting) at each simulation
time step.

b) U mean useful (train)

This is the mean value of all voltages in the same simulation as the geographic zone study but only
analysing the voltages for each train in the simulation at each time step where the train is taking traction
load (ignoring steps when the trains are stationary, regenerating or coasting).

The mean value of these voltages gives a check on the performance of each train in the simulation and
as a result, identifies the dimensioning train, i.e. the train whose ability to accelerate is most constrained
by weak voltage.

8.3 Values for U mean useful at the pantograph

The minimum values for mean useful voltage at the pantograph under normal operating conditions shall be
as given in Table 3.

Table 3  Minimum U mean useful at pantograph

Minimum mean useful voltage U mean useful at pantograph

Power supply system Category I, II, III Category IV, V, VI, VII
HS TSI lines CR TSI lines and Classical lines
Zone and train Zone and train
a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz 22 500 22 000
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz 14 200 13 500
d.c. 3 000 V 2 800 2 700
d.c. 1 500 V 1 300 1 300
d.c. 750 V N.A. 675
N.A.: Not applicable

8.4 Relation between U mean useful and U min1

The power supply shall be electrically designed in such a way that the simulations of U mean useful under
normal operating conditions never generate voltage values (r.m.s., mean values) at the pantograph of any
train lower than the limit U min1 for traffic corresponding to the type of line concerned (see Clause 9).

8.5 Acceptance criteria

The electrification system design shall guarantee the ability of the power supply to achieve the specified
performance in 8.3 and 8.4. Therefore, it shall be considered acceptable if the requirements of 8.3 and 8.4
are fulfilled.
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9 Type of line and electrification system

The infrastructure manager shall declare the line parameters in terms of:

– line speed;

– minimum possible headway;

– maximum train power.

The power supply systems that are in use depending on the category of line are shown in Table 4.

Table 4  Electrification systems as a function of the type of line

Range of Categories of Categories of

speed, v HS TSI lines CR TSI lines and Classical lines
km/h I II and III IV, V, VI, VII classical
300 ≤ v a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz; N.A. N.A. N.A.
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz a
250 ≤ v < 300 a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz; N.A. N.A. N.A.
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz a;
d.c. 3 000 V c
200 ≤ v < 250 N.A. a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz; a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz;
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz; a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz;
d.c. 3 000 V d.c. 3 000 V d.c. 3 000 V;
d.c. 1 500 V b d.c. 1 500 V
d.c. 1 500 V
v ≤ 200 N.A. a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz; a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz;
d.c. 3 000 V; d.c. 3 000 V d.c. 3 000 V;
d.c. 1 500 V d.c. 1 500 V d;
d.c. 1 500 V
d.c. 750 V e
N.A.: Not applicable
a See HS TSI Energy version 2008, Table 4.2.2, (1).
b For FR.
c For BE, ES, IT and PL see HS TSI Energy version 2008, Table 4.2.2, (2).
d For DK, d.c. 1 500 V has inverted polarity.
e For GB.

10 Harmonics and dynamic effects

10.1 General
The harmonic characteristics of the power supply and rolling stock in the railway system determine
overvoltages in the power supply circuit (contact line and return circuit) and stability in this system. In order to
achieve electrical system compatibility under steady state and dynamic conditions, harmonic overvoltages
shall be limited below critical values. With protection devices installed, overvoltages cause an interruption of
normal operation and are more critical from the operational point of view than from safety and security
aspects. Annex C gives more information on these phenomena.

The following physical effects cause overvoltages.

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a) Overvoltages caused by system instability:

Modern railway vehicles with inverter propulsion and auxiliary systems as well as static frequency
converters are generally active devices which are capable of transferring energy from one frequency
component in the spectrum to another. Their transfer behaviour is largely determined by the inverter
controllers as well as by the passive elements.

Controllers have to be tuned or the impedance behaviour of the passive components (power supply
network, vehicles) shall be optimised in such a way that for all operating conditions a stable behaviour
results. In a non-stable system, physical values such as voltages and currents tend towards infinity and
cause a shutdown in reality. In non linear systems, they can also continuously (steady state) oscillate on
one or several frequencies.

Stability questions are always related to feedback loops in a system, especially through one or several
controllers of one or several electrical subsystems. There is no explicit excitation source necessary to
generate oscillation. This has to be distinguished from case b described below, where both an excitation
source and a transmission/amplification path exist.

Normally the oscillations caused by instabilities are in the frequency range of up to about 1 000 Hz
which is the bandwidth of the relevant controllers.

Low frequency oscillations below and around supply frequency are the result of the non-linear
characteristics of modern converter systems. Higher frequency instabilities can be investigated within
linear mode.

b) Overvoltages caused by harmonics:

Static inverters, both phase angle controlled and forced commutated ones, installed on rolling stock or in
fixed power supply installations produce current and voltage harmonics which can be represented by
current or voltage sources in a simplified manner. Every type of converter generates a typical current or
voltage spectrum. The converter, combined with passive elements such as transformers and filters,
shows a source behaviour and a typical internal impedance.

All power supply systems have resonances, due to the resonances of transmission lines and cables,
and some also due to passive filter components. This leads to an amplification of harmonics injected by
converters into the power supply system. An amplification or partial suppression occurs both at the
location of the converter, due to the line impedance seen from the converter, and between the
converter's location and other locations in the network. It consists in a transfer behaviour of the power
supply itself.

An amplification of harmonics may lead to significant overvoltages, either at the vehicle's location or at a
completely different location in the network.

The supply system has resonance peaks due to its distributed parameters - inductance and capacitance
per unit of length. The resonance behaviour is changed by the presence of traction units. These
resonance peaks can cause huge resonant currents and voltages. The ratio between maximum and
minimum current recorded along the contact line at specific resonance frequencies could exceed 100.
For four-quadrant converter vehicles the harmonic currents at the pantograph of a vehicle can be
increased about 3 times due to resonance phenomena in the power supply network.

c) Other phenomena:

Further technical phenomena, which have to be considered for the electrical systems compatibility
between power supply and rolling stock, are:

– multiple zero-crossings,

– voltage spikes and sags, transients,

– variations of the phase of supply voltage,

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– low frequency oscillations,

– stray d.c. current flow at a.c./d.c. interfaces.

From a conducted interference point of view, the following effects can become relevant:

– wheel slip/slide;

– auxiliary load;

– dynamic events;

– harmonics from the auxiliary converter;

– bad current collection e.g. ice or frost;

– gaps in power supply (d.c. conductor rail).

10.2 Acceptance procedure for new elements

An acceptance procedure shall be carried out for the introduction of each new element, as defined in 3.9, by
undertaking a compatibility study as defined in 10.3.

Compatibility between existing traction units and existing power supply, and new element(s) shall be
checked against the phenomena described in 10.1.

Involved bodies or parties are:

– the owner(s) of existing infrastructure or infrastructure manager,

– the operator(s) of existing traffic,

– the purchaser/owner of the new traction unit(s) or infrastructure equipment,

– the manufacturer supplier of the new traction unit(s) or infrastructure equipment.

A general specification for rolling stock or power supply, which avoids overvoltages in any situations, might
be very conservative and impossible to fulfil. Therefore, a process as described in 10.3 shall be applied to
check compatibility (compatibility study).

10.3 Compatibility study

The compatibility study, or compatibility case, is a process to demonstrate the compatibility of the new
element (new rolling stock or the new infrastructure component) with the existing traction units and power
supply network. This process is shown in Figure 2 and explained in Table 5.

The amount of work to be done depends on the risk of the integration of the new element in view of the
phenomena described in 10.2. If, based on earlier experiences, the integration is without any risk, this shall
be documented in the plan, which is the only process step in this case.

The flow chart is applicable to rolling stock and also to fixed power supply components.
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1 Plan for compatibility check


2 Characterisation of 3 Characterisation of existing 4 Characterisation of existing

existing power supply rolling stock operation conditions

5 Characterisation of overall
rail system/network

6 Theoretical Analysis of overall

rail system/network

7 Acceptance criteria
for new element
Existing rail system

8 Design/Engineering New element

of new element

9 Characterisation
of new element

10 Theoretical Analysis
of new element

Testing in lab/test track

12 Test plan for compatibility study Testing

13 Testing in lab/test track 14 Test on real rail system

15 Test confirm compatibility? 16 End of

No Yes check

Numbers refer to the steps described in Table 5.

Figure 2  Procedure for compatibility study of harmonics and dynamic effects

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Table 5  Description of steps (1 of 2)

No Title Description Concerned party

1 a Plan for compatibility check The plan for a specific compatibility check when Organisation in charge of
introducing a new element in an existing railway the compatibility check
system defines the scope of the analysis, and the
precise tasks and responsibilities. The plan shall be Plan to be agreed between
agreed between all parties involved. the parties defined in 10.2

The organisation making the change shall be in

charge of the compatibility study.
2 Characterisation of existing Characteristics of the existing power supply system, Infrastructure manager
power supply information relevant to the compatibility with vehicles
(see Table D.1 and Table D.2).
Normal feeding arrangements, emergency feeding
3 Characterisation of existing Characterisation of existing rolling stock operating Operator / owner of rolling
rolling stock on the network, information relevant to the stock
compatibility with the power supply system
information (see Table D.3 and Table D.4).
4 Characterisation of existing Information about the operation of the existing Infrastructure manager
operation conditions system: number of trains in service, typical
timetables, normal feeding arrangements,
emergency feeding arrangements.
5 Characterisation of overall This is the combination of the information from steps Infrastructure manager
rail system / network 2, 3 and 4. It may be necessary to define different
6 Theoretical analysis of Investigation of compatibility aspects for different Infrastructure manager
overall system / network scenarios. In a first step: confirm compatibility of the
existing system. In a second step: test potential new
element. check what characteristics they need to
fulfil to maintain compatibility of the system.
7 Acceptance criteria for new The result from the theoretical investigations in step Infrastructure manager
element 6 are the particular acceptance criteria for new
element. The particular acceptance criteria must be
understandable and measurable when designing
and testing a new element. In future, these criteria
shall be set up for all networks in identical form.
8 Design / Engineering of new Design of new element, considering also the Supplier of the new element
element acceptance criteria defined in step 7.
9 Characterisation of new The new element shall be modelled with respect to Supplier of the new element
element its compatibility with other vehicles and power
supply elements. This model after validation in step
15 shall allow an amendment of the characterisation
of the existing railway as required in steps 2 and 3.
10 Theoretical analysis of new At an early stage of the design, it shall be checked in Supplier of the new element
element a theoretical analysis, e.g. using computer models,
that the new element can meet the acceptance
11 Testing in lab / test track Once the first equipment (vehicle or power supply Supplier of the new element
equipment) is built, it shall be tested in the laboratory
or on a test track to verify that it meets the
acceptance criteria as predicted by the theoretical
analysis in step 10. This set of tests can be part of a
type test of the new element.
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Table 5 – Description of steps (2 of 2)

No Title Description Concerned party

12 b Test plan for compatibility A plan shall be made to define the tests necessary Organisation in charge of
study to confirm as far as reasonably possible : the compatibility study
1) that the new element meets the acceptance To be defined in step 1
2) to make sure that the test reflects the reality.
The tests shall demonstrate also the correctness of
the simulations done in step 10 and shall be limited
to critical cases.
13 b Testing in lab / test track Tests will be performed in the laboratory or test Organisation in charge of
track. These tests shall demonstrate that the the compatibility study
acceptance criteria are met. A failure to meet the
acceptance criteria means necessary modification of
the new element by the supplier.
This series of tests is part of a type test of the new
The tests shall demonstrate also the correctness of
the simulations done in step 10 and shall be limited
to critical cases.
14 Tests on real rail system Tests on the real system shall give confidence that Organisation in charge of
the acceptance criteria are sufficient to guarantee the compatibility study
compatibility within the system after introduction of
the new elements. If these tests show compatibility
problems despite the compliance of the new
equipment with the acceptance criteria, this means
that the acceptance criteria were not sufficient.
This set of tests is part of a type test of the new
The tests shall demonstrate also the correctness of
the simulations done in step 10 and shall be limited
to critical cases.
15 Tests confirm compatibility If both sets of tests are successful, then compatibility Organisation in charge of
of the new element with the existing system has the compatibility study
been demonstrated. This shall be documented in a
compatibility report.
16 c End of compatibility check With the successful completion of the compatibility Infrastructure manager
study, the new element becomes part of the existing
railway system. The responsibility for its compatibility
does no longer lie with the supplier of the new
a The meaning of “new element” is given in 3.9.
b The test plan will define if both steps 13 and 14 or only one has to be performed.
c Seen from the compatibility point of view.

The result is a document describing the theoretical analysis and the measuring proof demonstrating that the
vehicles and infrastructure are compatible in terms of conducted interference currents and stability.

10.4 Methodology and acceptance criteria

The overall acceptance criterion for overvoltages and stability is that no peak voltage higher than 30 000 V
for 15 000 V, 16,7 Hz networks and 50 000 V for 25 000 V, 50 Hz networks will occur on the contact line in
any point of the power supply network with voltage U defined in EN 50163 below or equal to U max2. This
value is the peak value of the distorted voltage waveform.
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NOTE 1 For d.c. systems, no particular phenomena of system stability have been experienced. As a consequence, estimated values,
are proposed as follows:

For 750 V use 1 300V

For 1 500 V use 2 600 V
For 3 000 V use 5 100 V
These values are derived from Table A.1 of EN 50124-2:2001.

These overall acceptance criteria are applicable in every case.

Since the overall acceptance criteria can only be applied to the complete power supply system including new
element(s): it is beneficial to give design guidelines for the new element(s) which reduce the risk of failure in
the compatibility study.

NOTE 2 The values above are only to define a criterion for identifying compatibility problems. They are not to define maximum
allowable harmonic overvoltages for permanent operation. In case of long term operation, values in the above range lead to degradation
of insulation and / or thermal damage in the infrastructure and vehicle components. Under short term operation, but with periodical
appearance those voltages lead to a shortened lifetime of the components.

11 Coordination of protection

11.1 General
Protective systems on traction units and at substations shall be compatible.

11.2 Protection against short-circuits

The breaking capacity of the circuit breaker for a particular electrification system will determine whether or
not faults can be cleared by the traction unit circuit breaker. Table 6 sets out the maximum contact line – rail
short circuit levels. Table 7 sets out the action for internal faults within a traction unit.

Table 6  Maximum contact line-rail short-circuit level

Power supply system Substation generally Maximum fault current c

connected in parallel that may occur
Y/N kA
a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz N 15 a
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz Y 40
d.c. 3 000 V Y 50 (prospective sustained b )
d.c. 1 500 V Y 100 (prospective sustained b )
d.c. 750 V Y 125 (prospective sustained b )
a The value of 12 kA was previously commonly accepted.
b For definition see EN 50123-1:2003, 3.2.12.
c For the maximum currents, immediate tripping of the protection is assumed.
Y = Yes
N = No
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Table 7  Action on circuit breakers at an internal fault within a traction unit

Power supply system When any internal defect fault occurs within the traction units
Sequence of tripping for:
Substation feeder circuit breaker Traction unit circuit breaker
a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz Immediate tripping a Immediate tripping
Primary side of the transformer:
Tripping shall be staged b
a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz Immediate tripping a
Secondary side of the transformer:
Immediate tripping
d.c. 750 V, 1 500 V and 3 000 V Immediate tripping c Immediate tripping
a The tripping of the circuit breaker should be very rapid for high short-circuits currents. As far as possible, the traction unit circuit
breaker should trip in order to try to avoid the substation circuit breaker tripping.
b If breaking capacity of the circuit breaker allows it, then tripping shall be immediate. Then, as far as possible, the traction unit circuit
breaker should trip in order to try to avoid the substation circuit breaker tripping.
c When the current of the short-circuit is very high, the tripping of circuit breakers in the substations should be very rapid, and thereby
prevents the traction unit circuit breaker clearing faults on it.

NOTE 1 New and modernised traction units should be equipped with high speed circuit breakers capable to break maximum short-
circuit current in the shortest possible time.

NOTE 2 Immediate tripping means that for high level current, sub-station or train breaker should operate without introducing
intentional delay. If first stage relay does not act, then second stage relay (back up protection relay) will act about 300 ms later. As
information, with first stage relay, and by state of the art, duration of the highest short circuit current seen from the sub-station breaker is
given hereafter:

• for a.c. 15 000 V 16,7 Hz approximately 100 ms;

• for a.c. 25 000 V 50 Hz approximately 80 ms;

• for d.c. 750 V, 1 500 V and 3 000 V approximately from 20 ms to 60 ms.

11.3 Auto-reclosing of one or more substation circuit breakers and effect of loss of line
voltage and re-energisation on the traction unit
11.3.1 General

Auto-reclosing systems (where provided) for circuit breakers in the substation are liable to re-energise the
line. In such a case, the substation circuit breakers shall not be re-closed before the tripping of the circuit
breakers on the traction units present in the zone supplied by the substation.

The traction unit circuit breakers shall trip automatically within 3 s after loss of line voltage.
NOTE 1 For recommended values for undervoltage tripping, see EN 50163:2004, 4.1, Note 2.

On re-energisation, the traction unit circuit breaker shall not reclose within 3 s of the line being re-energised.
NOTE 2 The time delay on re-energisation allows for testing of the line for persistent short-circuit.
NOTE 3 In order to avoid a high level inrush current seen from the substation due to multiple simultaneous auto-reclosure of circuit
breakers of identical type of traction units at standstill, it may be advisable to install on board a system that allows random time delays to
successive auto reclosures within a range of hundreds of milliseconds.

11.3.2 Automatic reclosure after short circuits along the line

Automatic reclosure of the line circuit breakers is used to reenergize the line and to localize the affected line

Automatic reclosure is used directly or with line test via test resistor (or an electronic device). The following
sequences shall apply:
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a) Automatic reclosure with line test:

1) Tripping of the line circuit breaker;

2) waiting for all rolling stock in the line section for opening the on-board circuit breakers, to be done within
3 s after tripping of line circuit breakers;
3) 5 s after tripping of line circuit breakers, testing the line with line test via resistor (or an electronic device);
4) in case of a voltage recovery within the limits of EN 50163, the reclosure of the main circuit breakers
shall be delayed for another 5 s (operational requirement for drivers) in order to ensure the line circuit
breakers are switched on correctly.

b) Automatic reclosure directly:

1) Tripping of the line circuit breaker;

2) waiting for all rolling stock in the line section for opening the on-board circuit breakers, to be done within
3 s after tripping of line circuit breakers;
3) after at least 5 s reclosure of the line circuit breakers (in accordance with cycles defined in EN 50123
series for d.c.);
4) reclosure of the main circuit breakers of rolling stock when contact line is energized.

If rolling stock is operated in both protection philosophies, the reclosure of its main circuit breaker (step 4
above) should be as for ‘reclosure with line test’, i.e. with delay.

Where fitted, the line test system shall perform the test itself within 3 s.

11.4 D.C. electrification systems, transient current during closure

This provision is only applicable to d.c. traction units fitted with an input filter and without pre-charge device.

When the circuit breaker of a traction unit is going to be closed, with the input filter (if fitted), the transient
current should not cause the protection devices in the substations to trip unnecessarily. The requisite
information shall be obtained from the infrastructure managers concerned when vehicle-mounted filters are
being designed.

The di/dt differential of the transient current on closure of the traction unit circuit breaker shall meet the
following requirement, with a minimum contact line and substation inductance of 2 mH:

Regardless of the value of di/dt at closure of traction unit circuit breaker, di/dt shall reach a value lower than
20 A/ms within 20 ms after the time when di/dt reached 60 A/ms.

11.5 Acceptance criteria

Traction units shall be designed in accordance with the requirements as given in Tables 6 and 7 and in 11.3
and 11.4 (for d.c.).

The power supply system shall achieve the requirements given in 11.3.

12 Regenerative braking

12.1 General conditions on the use of regenerative braking

12.1.1 Traction unit conditions

Trains shall not continue to regenerate to the contact line if:

– there is a loss of supply voltage or a contact line-rail/earth short-circuit on the same section fed by the
substation;in the conditions described in 11.4;

– the line voltage is higher than U max2 (see EN 50163:2004, 4.1);

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– the contact line fails to absorb the energy.

If feedback energy absorption by other consumers is not available, rolling stock shall revert to other brake

12.1.2 Power supply system conditions

For a.c. lines, the power supply system shall be designed to accept regenerative energy from the trains.

For d.c. lines, the power supply systems may be designed to accept regenerative energy from the trains.
When the energy cannot be absorbed by other railway consumers, the infrastructure manager may then ask
the power supply authority to accept the feedback of braking energy into the supply network or implement
any other system able to absorb the energy.

Where it is not permissible to regenerate, it shall be recorded in the Infrastructure Register.

12.2 Use of regenerative braking

Table 8 shows where the regenerative braking mode is currently permitted by the infrastructure managers,
on existing European networks.

Table 8  Use of regenerative braking

Power supply Category Category IV, V, VI, VII CR TSI lines and Classical lines
system of HS
TSI lines
and system
a.c. 25 000 V Yes Yes Yes / Yes / No / Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? / / / Yes / Yes / / Yes Yes / No
50 Hz a a

a.c. 15 000 V Yes Yes Yes Yes / Yes / Yes / / / / / / / / / / / / / Yes / / Yes / Yes
16,7 Hz a a

d.c. 3 000 V b b b Yes / Yes / No / / Yes / / / / / / / Yes Yes / / / b / / Yes No

d.c. 1 500 V b / b Yes / / / No / Yes / / Yes / / / Yes / / / / Yes / / ? / / Yes

d.c. / N.A. Yes / / / / / / / / / Yes / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
750 V

N.A.: Not applicable

a The value of the regenerated power in some places is limited due to old installations.
b In d.c. systems, by request of the train operator, the infrastructure manager can decide on the acceptance of regenerative braking.

12.3 Acceptance criteria

Traction units shall comply with the requirements given in 12.1.1.

13 Effects of d.c. operation on a.c. systems

On a.c. tracks that are in parallel with d.c. tracks and at system separation sections, there is a possibility of
d.c. current flowing through the contact line of the a.c. system. This can lead to d.c. current flowing through
the transformers connected to the a.c. contact lines, both of traction units and of the traction power supply

The d.c. current flowing in the a.c. installations mainly results from the operating currents and the rail to earth
insulation of d.c. return circuit. In order to limit the d.c. currents in the a.c. system to an acceptable value, the
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requirements given in EN 50122-2:2010, Clauses 5 to 9 and EN 50122-3:2009, 8.3.2 and 8.4 shall be
NOTE 1 A d.c. component of 1 A in the transformer of a.c. traction unit has shown no adverse effect on vehicle performance.
NOTE 2 In ice conditions, arcs between contact wire and pantograph can result in a d.c. component in traction currents.
Measurements have shown that short time d.c. currents can flow through the primary of the traction transformer of the locomotive or
traction unit in the range of 0 A to 20 A. No adverse effect on vehicle performance has been noticed.
NOTE 3 d.c. components may trip train protection due to magnetising currents

The values mentioned above in Notes are informative and are not subject to assessment.

14 Tests

The tests given in Table 9 are applicable.

Table 9  Tests

Title Technical Traction units Fixed Test

requirement installations methodology
clause subclause
Separation sections 5 X X 15.1
Power factor of a train 6 (Table 1) X 15.2

Train current limitation 7 X 15.3

Quality index of the power supply 8 X 15.4

Harmonics and dynamic effects 10 X X 15.5

Coordination of protection 11 X X 15.6
Regenerative braking 12 X X 15.7

15 Test methodology

15.1 Separation sections

15.1.1 Tests for traction unit

Design review: Compliance with the sequences described in 5.1 and 5.2 shall be demonstrated by checking
the control command diagrams of the traction unit at design phase.

Routine test (or site acceptance test): Tests on a line which is equipped on the infrastructure side to
provide control signals to the traction unit shall be performed to demonstrate compliance with the sequences
described in 5.1 and 5.2.

15.1.2 Tests for infrastructure

At the design phase, compliance with the functional requirements described in 5.1 and 5.2 shall be
demonstrated by checking the electrical diagrams, at traction voltage level and control command level.

15.2 Power factor

Type test for traction unit: At the validation phase of the traction unit, on line measurements are performed
at any point of curve tractive effort versus speed. The consumed power including auxiliaries, the traction or
braking modes shall be recorded. Sufficient data shall be obtained in order to verify Table 1.

The values of the power factor shall be checked on board the train with a feeding system not limiting the
performance of the train. The results of the on line measurement shall comply with 6.2 and 6.3.
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15.3 Train current limitation

Type test for traction unit: The tests or checks shall be performed:

– at the design phase, by checking the functions of the control command of the traction unit and

– at the validation phase, by on line measurement. If necessary, outage of substations may be initiated to
achieve low contact line voltage.

The results of the on line measurement shall comply with the requirements given in 7.2 and 7.3.

15.4 Quality index of the power supply

Table 10  U mean useful (zone)

What When How Acceptance condition

On a defined zone of the After each Using the simulation results of the The value is greater than the
power supply system simulation trains in the considered zone and values given in the relevant
calculation with definition in 8.2. column “Zone and train” of
Table 4.
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Table 11  U mean useful (train)

What When How Acceptance condition

For a defined train in the As a result of Using the simulation results of the The value is greater than the
simulation timetable – simulations train calculation with definition in values given in the relevant
mostly the dimensioning 8.2. column "Zone and train" of
train Table 4.
Ad hoc measurement
On a train motive power In response to  voltage recorder devices for The value of Um is greater than
unit. problems or for the fundamental frequency or the values given in the relevant
validation column “Zone and train” of
This measurement is  digital data loggers with a
purposes Table 4 and verify that the
done within the context frequency range greater/equal recorded values (mean value or
of traffic as listed in 2 kHz. Averaging over 1 s r.m.s.) of the voltage at the
Clause 9. The
measurement shall be  measurement period: traction pantograph are not lower than
period of train U min1.
done on a critical or
dimensioning train from  calculation with formula
the simulated service. hereafter.
Several measurements From the recorded data, the
should be made on the following values or curves shall be
same train, in order to calculated.
verify the convergence
of the results and their a) The curve of voltage against
validity. time
As far as possible, the b) The mean value Um expressed
reference timetable is as:
the one used for the
1 N
simulation. If not, a new
simulation with the
Um =

actual timetable shall be

NOTE These measurements N is the number of measured
could, for example, be made
on a day by day basis.
time steps in traction periods

This formula is used only for

traction period.

Table 12  Relationship between U mean useful and U min1

What When How Acceptance condition

After each Using the simulation results of Check that the voltage at the
simulation each train considered in the zone, pantograph of each train is
the test shall be made only if never lower than U min1 as given
U mean useful at the pantograph is in 8.4.
higher than the values given in

15.5 Harmonics and dynamic effects

For this assessment, 10.3 and 10.4 give all necessary information.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 28 –

The tests shall demonstrate also the correctness of the simulations done in step 10 and shall be limited to
critical cases

The instrumentation system used for recording the peak value of the distorted voltage waveform shall have
an adequate frequency range. The r.m.s. value of the power frequency voltage shall also be recorded
accordingly with the peak value of the distorted voltage waveform.

15.6 Coordination of protection

15.6.1 Protection against short-circuits and action on circuit breakers

The logical sequences of the triggering of the opening of the traction unit circuit breaker shall be verified:

– at the design phase by checking the functional electrical diagram of the traction unit and

– on response to problems or for validation when the traction unit is in service, by making a short-circuit
test on board and checking that, in accordance with Table 7, the different circuit breakers trip in the
correct sequence.

15.6.2 Auto reclosing system in substations

Test in any new substation: When the tests before putting into service are performed, the requirements
given in 11.3 shall be verified.

If any, the line test system shall perform the test sequence within 3 s.

15.6.3 Loss of line voltage and effect on traction units

Type test: At the design phase of a traction unit, the requirements given in 11.3 shall be verified by checking
the electrical diagrams.

Routine test: Tests on line shall demonstrate the conformity to the requirements given in 11.3.

15.6.4 D.C. traction units, transient current during closure

Type test for the traction unit: At the design phase, the requirements given in 11.4 shall be verified by
checking the electrical design of the traction unit.

At on line test phase with a minimum contact line and substation inductance of 2 mH, the traction unit shall
perform the following sequence of tests:

1) check that the on board filter is discharged;

2) close the main circuit breaker and record the waveform of the main circuit breaker current.

The characteristics of this inrush current shall be in accordance with the values specified in 11.4.

15.7 Regenerative braking

15.7.1 Traction unit

Type test: At the design phase, compliance to the requirements given in 12.1.1 of the control command of
the traction unit shall be verified.

Routine test: Before putting into service, compliance to the requirements given in 12.1.1 shall be verified.

Therefore, during tests on line, power supply fixed installations shall be energised or de-energised from the

Tests on line shall demonstrate that during braking mode of the traction unit the value of U max2 at the
pantograph is not exceeded.
BS EN 50388:2012
– 29 – EN 50388:2012

15.7.2 Substation

The substation installations e.g. control and protection devices, shall allow feedback energy to the supplying
network or by any other means that improve the receptivity of the line. This shall be assessed by analysis of
the connecting diagrams.

Where required, a combined system test shall be undertaken to verify the correct operation of substation
protection with a regenerative traction unit on line.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 30 –

Annex A

Integration periods over which parameters can be averaged

A.1 General
Train operators or infrastructure managers use parameters for:

– dimensioning computations,

– protection measures,

– planning,

– etc.

These are effective only if they are averaged over precisely defined time spans. The subject of this clause is
the definition of the periods over which these parameters should be referenced with the aim of achieving a
simple comparison of these parameters for the different sections of a single railway, or of different railways.
The reference time periods are given in Table A.1.

A.2 Reference time period over which values can be averaged or integrated
Table A.1  Integration periods

Function Duration Comments

Protection < 100 ms up to 300 ms for a.c. Clearance of short-circuit faults depending on the
< 30 ms up to 100 ms for d.c. intensity of the short-circuit current.
Back up protection 200 ms to 3 s Clearance of fault on back-up protection.
1 s to 5 s At supply points and for individual contact lines.
Applicable to computer simulations, effect on
feeding arrangements and assessment of back-
Peak load current up protection.
1 min r.m.s. average current for calculation of thermal
loading on equipment.
Thermal overloading 30 s to 20 min r.m.s. average current for calculation of thermal
preferred value: 10 min loading on equipment.
Energy metering period 10 min, 15 min or 30 min Average current or power for definition of the
demand on the supply authority.
Long-term loading 1 h, 2 h Conventional parameter to define long-term
railway load.
Energy consumption 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year Average energy consumption, used by electricity
suppliers to study (for example) railway power
requirements or when purchasing electricity.
BS EN 50388:2012
– 31 – EN 50388:2012

Annex B

Selection criteria determining the voltage at the pantograph

The aim of the dimensioning study is to define the characteristics of fixed installations.

These fixed installations should allow the most severe conditions, as specified in the timetable, to be satisfied

– the densest operating period in the timetable, corresponding to peak traffic;

– the characteristics of the different types of train involved, taking account of the selected traction units.

The design of fixed installations for electric traction can be obtained by simulating the critical timetable taking
into account the power drawn by each train in the simulation at each time interval. Over and above aspects
of sizing of equipment (transformers, contact lines, autotransformers e.g. 2 × 25 kV, and converters for d.c.)
and compatibility with apparent performance tolerated at the high voltage connection points, the quality of
the power supply constitutes an important qualifying parameter for the supply scheme studied.

The characteristic curve of tractive effort/speed for a traction unit changes as a function of the voltage at the
pantograph. Determining the envelope of the characteristic tractive effort/speed curve under reduced voltage
is achieved, in relation to the nominal characteristic curve, by extrapolation over the speed range, with the
proportionality coefficient being slightly lower than the voltage ratio (U pantograph/ U nominal).

The voltage values obtained should allow the desired performance levels to be attained. For example, in
order to study electrification with 25 kV, the selection of a voltage of at least 22,5 kV makes it possible,
statistically not to drop below the minimum limit of 19 kV. Voltages below 19 kV are possible in periods of
abnormal traffic with trains on closer headways in particular, or in the case of special situations that do not
always appear in the simulations (coincidence of flights of traffic in directions 1 and 2).

The incidence of situations with impaired performance, both from the point of view of the power supply
scheme and the train diagram, should be assessed with account taken of permitted losses in performance.

The selection of the correct mean useful voltage presents the following advantages:

1) it allows the traction units to function close to their nominal voltage (hence optimising efficiency and
2) it ensures that the values of minimum voltage specified by the standards are respected;
3) it reflects the fact that the fixed installations for electric traction have appropriate additional capacity and
that, as a result, increased traffic volumes can be considered;
4) it allows certain disturbed traffic situations to be dealt with.

The mean useful voltage at the pantograph can be defined mathematically as follows:

1 i
∑ ∫ U pi × I pi × dt
i =1 Ti 0
U mean useful = Ti

i =1 Ti
∫I pi × dt


Ti is the integration or study period on train number i;

n is the number of trains considered in the simulation.

BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 32 –

For a.c. electrification:

U pi is the momentary r.m.s. voltage at fundamental frequency at the pantograph of train number i;

|I pi| is the modulus of momentary r.m.s. current at fundamental frequency passing through the
pantograph of train number i.

For d.c. electrification:

U pi is the momentary average d.c. voltage at the pantograph of train number i;

|I pi| is the modulus of momentary average d.c. current passing through the pantograph of train
number i.

Formula (B.1) represents the relationship between mean power calculated for the train/trains during their
traction sequences and the corresponding mean current.

A similar result is obtained with the following formula which is more suitable for some programs:

1 n  1
(U j ,k (t )× ∆t )
U mean useful = ∑ 
 ∑∑
n i =1  M × N × ∆t j =1 k =1


n is the number of trains considered in the simulation;

Uj,k (t) is the voltage (a.c.: r.m.s. value of fundamental wave, d.c.: mean value);

M is the number of calculation steps in the integration period;

N is the number of summation steps over the simulation;

∆t is the time during which each calculation step M is simulated.

NOTE ∆t should be short enough to take account of all events in the timetable.

Formulae (B.1) and (B.2) above are used to study:

a) a geographic zone (i.e. the part of the network one wishes to study) in a given period of time, with
account taken of all the trains passing through the zone, whether they are in traction mode or not
(stationary, traction, regenerating, coasting); the value of U mean useful therefore acts as an indicator of the
quality of the power supply for the entire zone;
b) the mean useful voltage at the pantograph of each train taken in isolation; only the traction periods of
the train are taken into account.

In this case, in Formulae (B.1) and (B.2), n is equal to 1.

This value is given to check the performance of each train in the simulation and as a result to identify the
dimensioning train.
BS EN 50388:2012
– 33 – EN 50388:2012

Annex C

Investigation of harmonic characteristics and related overvoltages

C.1 General
A large disturbance of the supply voltage is caused if the total impedance / admittance of power supply and
existing vehicles have a negative real part and zero imaginary part at the feeding point for one specific
frequency, called resonance frequency. This condition is sufficient from mathematical point of view. The
imaginary part of the impedance can be created by the global power supply alone or by the resulting
inductance of the supply line and substation transformer and the corresponding input capacitance of a four-
quadrant converter vehicle with primary input filter, respectively. Important for the correct prediction of
whether or not a complete system is unstable is the knowledge of the correct total damping factor at
resonance frequency. The damping factor is negative at an instability. In principle, simultaneous oscillations
at several frequencies could be possible.

C.2 Overvoltages caused by system instability

C.2.1 Compatibility criteria
Considering the traction unit as a single electrical entity (boundaries are pantograph(s) – wheels), the most
suitable way is to formulate restrictions on the input admittance of the vehicle, including the effect of all
controllers inside the vehicle. This can be done either by defining allowed regions for magnitude and phase,
or better for real and imaginary part, the real part directly defining the damping and/or excitation contribution.
This reflects that there are no instability sources but that instability is always a question of transfer behaviour.
Requirements for low frequencies, where non-linear effects play an important role, will lead to additional
requirements. Knowledge about these effects is still limited.

Defining requirements for the vehicle requires, as described above, that the internal stability criteria for the
whole power supply system have to be defined first, and have been broken down correctly to the one-vehicle

To avoid resonance instability, for frequencies greater than a given value (to be defined by the Infrastructure
Manager), the vehicle must be passive, i.e.: Re(Y(f)) > 0, with a phase value of Y(f) in the range between -
90° and + 90°.

C.2.2 Measurement and validation

On a one-vehicle level, tests can be done by simulation, tests in the lab and on test tracks. Measurement of
the vehicle input admittance versus frequency requires a power supply where a test voltage of a variable
higher frequency can be superimposed on the fundamental supply voltage. In general this is practicable by
means of different possible installations and has already been done before. The measurement of a non-
linear behaviour could be more difficult since it normally depends on the operation point of a vehicle.

Compatibility tests between one vehicle and the power supply can mainly show whether stability is
maintained or not. Instabilities can be detected either by protective shutdowns or observation of unwanted
oscillations. It is difficult to measure the distance towards the stability margin. Damping of transients can give
an approximate figure for this.

Validation of power supply models is difficult because of the large amount of the system data required and is
therefore restricted to normal operation conditions.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 34 –

C.3 Overvoltages caused by harmonics

C.3.1 Compatibility criteria
In principle the same is valid as for stability: since all power supply networks have both an input and a
transfer behaviour, all network internal issues (such as amplification of harmonics between different locations
in the network) have to be solved first.

For the compatibility check the manufacturer of rolling stock should get the following information from the
infrastructure manager:

– Internal harmonic voltage source of the power supply. This includes the harmonics generated by the
power supply itself (substations) as well as those generated by other vehicles. This can be done by
definition of typically expected and maximum allowed voltage spectra at the pantograph of the vehicle;

– Admittance versus frequency of the power supply, seen at the vehicle’s position. The admittance is
provided for relevant conditions of the power supply network (including existing vehicles). A link to the
voltage spectrum source information has to be made (e.g. a certain source spectrum with high harmonic
content could be relevant only in combination with a weak network admittance).

Traditionally the vehicle should not exceed certain limits of harmonic current versus frequency (harmonic
envelope). The harmonic envelope is normally defined with respect to signalling equipment, a similar
approach is possible with limitation of overvoltages. The more restrictive harmonic envelope should be

C.3.2 Measurement and validation questions

Measurement of harmonic currents and voltages is state of the art. Simultaneous measurements at different
locations allow some conclusions to be made. Also the transfer behaviour of the power supply network and
the plausibility of the requirements put on the new vehicle can be quantified.

C.4 Examples
C.4.1 General
This section shows examples of voltage (and current) waveforms from experienced phenomena causing
overvoltages. The phenomena are classified according to the description in the text in this annex and in
Clause 10.

C.4.2 Overvoltages caused by system instability

a) Electrical resonance instability

A voltage component is superimposed on the fundamental a.c. voltage. The typical frequency range of
oscillation is three times fundamental frequency and above. It is caused by interaction between four-
quadrant converter locomotives and system resonances (supply system with or without vehicle filters).
BS EN 50388:2012
– 35 – EN 50388:2012


Figure C.1 – Line voltage

b) Low-frequency power oscillations

A.C. line voltage and current show an amplitude and phase modulation. The typical modulation frequency is
10 % to 30 % of the fundamental frequency. It is caused by interaction between four-quadrant converter
vehicles and supply systems.

Example 1 Example 2



15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time [s]




15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time [s]

Figure C.2 – Line voltage (upper) and line

current (lower) (instantaneous values)
Figure C.3 – Line voltage (upper) and line
current (lower) (RMS values)

C.4.3 Overvoltages caused by harmonics

Repetitive voltage distortions

a) Caused by commutations of thyristor rectifier vehicles at power supply resonances of higher

frequency. Each peak in the voltage is followed by a transient waveform with relatively high damping.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 36 –

Example 1 Example 2








Figure C.4 – Line voltage Figure C.5 – Line voltage

b) Caused by the switching frequency of pulse width modulated (PWM) converters. Multiples of the
switching frequency fall together with a power supply resonance frequency and excite a strong
oscillation on this frequency with relatively poor damping.


Figure C.6 – Line voltage

BS EN 50388:2012
– 37 – EN 50388:2012

Annex D

Data related to the compatibility study of harmonics and dynamic effects

D.1 Characterisation of the traction power supply fixed installations

To obtain complete and in-depth characterisation of the fixed installations for power supply is a huge effort.
Furthermore, a general and simple characterisation for all types of fixed installations which is appropriate for
the compatibility study, cannot be given, see 10.3.

However, as a guideline to typical situations and configurations of fixed installations, Table D.1 and
Table D.2 describe the characteristics of a.c. and d.c. power supplies, mainly in terms of impedance, with
their typical, maximum and minimum values from the point of view of the traction unit.

Particular values of systems which have different characteristics from those given in Table D.1 and Table D.2
should be given by the infrastructure manager.

The values given in Table D.1 and Table D.2 are valid for installations without significant length of cables at
the supply voltage (50 m per sectors). In the other case, the infrastructure manager should indicate the
location and characteristics of the cables.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 38 –

Table D.1  Characterisation of a.c. electrified lines

Categories of Category IV, V, VI, VII of

HS TSI lines CR TSI lines and Classical lines
Type of line
High Medium Weak
Typical available power of the source MW 20 to 60 15 to 45 15 to 45 15 to 30 10 to 20
Typical power of one train MW 8 to 20 5 to 15 5 to 15 4 to 10 2 to 6
Length of the route supplied by one source
in normal operating conditions.
Distance from source to sectioning point a
min 15 20 15 15 20
25 000 V - 50 Hz km typ. 20 25 25 30 35
max 30 30 30 35 40
min 20 20 20 30 30
2 × 25 000 V - 50 Hz km typ 30 30 30 40 60
max 45 50 50 50 70
min 15 20 20 30 30
15 000 V - 16,7 Hz km typ 20 25 25 35 40
max 30 35 35 40 60
min 30 30 30 40 40
2 × 15 000 V - 16,7 Hz km typ 40 40 40 50 50
max 60 60 60 70 70
Possible presence of compensation filters
in the substation
Tuned frequency of the filter
120 to
25 000 V or 2 × 25 000 V - 50 Hz 120 to 130 120 to 130 120 to 130
Hz N.A.
220 to 220 to 220 to
240 240 240
15 000 V or 2 × 15 000 V - 16,7 Hz 45 45 45 45
Quality factor 25 000 V or 2 × 25 000 V
N.A. 100 100 100 100
15 000 V or 2 × 15 000 V
Impedance of the source, fundamental
frequency (high voltage grid, transformer) in: min 2 3 3 5 7
25 000 V - 50 Hz Ω typ 2,5 4 4 7 8
max 3,5 7 7 10 10
min 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,7 1,4
15 000 V - 16,7 Hz Ω typ 0,4 0,4 0,7 1,4 2,8
max 1,4 1,4 1,4 2,8 4,5
Resonance frequency c of 16,7 Hz high min 80 80 80 80 80
voltage network Hz typ 180 180 180 180 180
max 300 300 300 300 300
Resonance frequency c of the electrified
section of the route (without effect of
filter(s) if any)
min 500 500 500 500 500
25 000 V - 50 Hz Hz typ 1 200 1 100 1 100 900 800
max 1 400 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 000
min 800 800 800 800 800
2 × 25 000 V - 50 Hz Hz typ 3 000 2 500 2 500 2 200 2 000
max 3 500 3 500 3 500 3 500 3 000
min 400 400 400 400 400
15 000 V - 16,7 Hz Hz typ 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
max 2 800 2 800 2 500 1 400 1 300
2 × 15 000 V - 16,7 Hz Hz typ Reserved
N.A.: Not applicable, Y: Yes, N: No
a When substations are connected in parallel, this length is half of the distance between two consecutive substations.
b Lω/R.
c Lowest resonance frequency.
BS EN 50388:2012
– 39 – EN 50388:2012

Table D.2  Characterisation of d.c. electrified lines

Type of line Categories of Category IV, V, VI, VII of

HS TSI lines CR TSI lines and Classical lines
Ia II, III Power
High Medium Weak
Typical available power of the source
750 V / 4 4 4 2
1 500 V MW / 8 to 15 8 to 15 4 to 8 2 to 4
3 000 V 10 to 20 6 to 12 6 to 12 3 to 6 3
Typical power of one train
750 V / 5 5 4 3
1 500 V MW / 7,5 7,5 5 4
3 000 V 8 to 12 6 6 3 3
Length of the route supplied by one
source under normal operating
conditions b
min 2 / / /
750 V km typ. 2,5 3 6 8
max 3 / / /
min 2 2 4 8
1 500 V km typ. 6 6 7 10
max 8 8 10 10
min 6 7,5 7,5 10 10
3 000 V km typ 8 10 10 12,5 12,5
max 12 12,5 12,5 15 15
Possible presence of compensation 600 600 600 600
filters in the substation (frequency) 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200
50 Hz (signalling purposes)
750 V GB no no no no
1 500 V Hz NL no no no no
1 500 V FR yes yes yes yes
3 000 V BE
3 000 V ES 600, 1 200 600, 1 200 600, 1 200 600, 1 200
Aperiodic Aperiodic Aperiodic Aperiodic Aperiodic
filters which filters which filters which filters which filters which
3 000 V IT
attenuate attenuate attenuate attenuate attenuate
f > 100 Hz f > 100 Hz f > 100 Hz f > 100 Hz f > 100 Hz
600, 1 200 300, 600, 300, 600, 300, 600,
and 900, 1200 900, 1200 900, 1 200
aperiodic and and and
filters which aperiodic aperiodic aperiodic
attenuate filters which filters which filters which
3 000 V Hz PL
either attenuate attenuate attenuate
f > 100 Hz either either either
or f > 100 Hz f > 100 Hz f > 1 000 Hz
f > 1 000 Hz or or or
f > 1 000 Hz f > 1 000 Hz f > 100 Hz
filters which
3 000 V SI
f > 100 Hz
a For those countries concerned by table footnote b of Table 5.
b When substations are connected in parallel, this length is half of the distance between two consecutive substations.

Y: Yes
N: No
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 40 –

D.2 Characterisation of the trains

Table D.3 and Table D.4 describe respectively the characteristics of a.c. and d.c. traction units, mainly in
terms of impedances, conducted interference harmonics and stability from the point of view of the traction
power supply.

Particular values of vehicles which have different characteristics from those given in Tables D.3 and D.4
should be given by the operator(s) of existing traffic to the infrastructure manager.

Table D.3  Characterisation of one a.c. train with respect to impedances, harmonics and stability
(1 of 2)

Type of propulsion Tap changer Diode rectifier Thyristor rectifier Four quadrant
system converter
Bandwidth of 3 Hz 3 Hz 2 × fundamental 150 Hz, 6 000 Hz
switching frequency depending on
switching device
Bandwidth of control < 3 Hz < 3 Hz < 0,5 × fundamental 1 000 Hz depending
frequency on switching device
Harmonic source
Type of source current source only current source due to current source due to voltage source on
due to transformer switched large switched large transformer secondary
inductors inductors side due to switched
d.c. link voltage
Type of harmonics only odd natural mainly odd natural –mainly odd natural –depends on
harmonics harmonics harmonics modulation method
–some even natural –usually mainly odd
harmonics during natural harmonics
change of power or
due to unsymmetrical –few even natural
firing angles harmonics
–small interharmonics
due to convolution
effects in line inverter
Typical values for low very few due to large large only small, exist
frequency harmonics transformer non mainly if auxiliary
linearity frequency converter is
of phase angle control
type or due to regular
sampling effects
Sub-harmonics only few only few depends on adhesion depends on adhesion
and power control and power control
Medium frequency low medium medium medium
50 Hz to 183 Hz 50 Hz to 2 000 Hz 50 Hz to 2 000 Hz 400 Hz to 10 000 Hz
(16,7 Hz) (16,7 Hz) (16,7 Hz)
150 Hz to 550 Hz 150 Hz to 2 000 Hz 150 Hz to 2 000 Hz
(50 Hz) (50 Hz) (50 Hz)
BS EN 50388:2012
– 41 – EN 50388:2012

Table D.3  Characterisation of one a.c. train with respect to impedances, harmonics and stability
(2 of 2)

Type of propulsion Tap changer Diode rectifier Thyristor rectifier Four quadrant
system converter
Input admittance caused by control units
Type of impedance for passive or active RL passive RL passive or active RL passive or active R,
fundamental RL or RC
Type of impedance for passive RL passive RL passive RL active and/or passive
f > fundamental RLC, depending on
frequency frequency and control
Non linearity when motor fields significant due to significant due to mainly for low
saturated (at high switched impedance switched impedance frequencies due to
traction effort) power and d.c. voltage
control or inrush
Dependence on for all frequencies due for all frequencies due for all frequencies due only for frequencies
operation point to: to: to: lower than the line
– motor admittance – motor admittance – motor admittance
depending on speed depending on speed depending on speed
– transformation by – transformation by – firing and
tap changer tap changer commutation angles
depending on motor
– commutation angles voltage
depending on motor
Dependence on line none yes, due to change of yes, due to change of none
impedance commutation angles commutation angles
with line impedance with line impedance
Input impedance caused by filters
Applied not partly partly partly
Resonance behaviour Not applicable 100 Hz to 300 Hz 100 Hz to 300 Hz 250 Hz to 800 Hz
16,7 Hz
250 Hz to 800 Hz,
50 Hz
R is for resistance
L is for inductance
C is for capacitance
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 42 –

Table D.4  Characterisation of one d.c. train with respect to impedances, harmonics and stability

Type of propulsion DC motors with DC motors with AC motors with AC motors with
system switched resistors chopper chopper + inverter direct inverter
Pulsing frequency Not applicable up to 300 Hz up to 300 Hz up to 5 000 Hz
(single component)
Bandwidth of 3 Hz 400 Hz to 600 Hz 400 Hz to 600 Hz 400 Hz to 600 Hz
switching or higher a b or higher b or higher b
(complete converter)
Bandwidth of control Not applicable c 50 Hz to 100 Hz 50 Hz to 100 Hz 50 Hz to 100 Hz

Input impedance Not applicable > 0,3 Ω at 50 Hz > 0,3 Ω at 50 Hz > 0,3 Ω at 50 Hz
caused by filters
Resonance behaviour Not applicable 20 Hz to 40 Hz 20 Hz to 30 Hz 10 Hz to 30 Hz
of filters
a Frequency may be increased by a polyphase chopper. Frequency may be reduced at starting.
b Frequency can be increased up to few kHz when using IGBT.
c The starting resistors are excluded step by step if the currents is lower than the reference value.
BS EN 50388:2012
– 43 – EN 50388:2012

Annex E

Total inductive and capacitive power factor

As an alternative to the requirements in Clause 6, Figure E.1 can be used for these requirements. Also in
this Annex only the fundamental frequency is taken into consideration.

Following text is valid only for voltage below or equal to U max1 as defined in EN 50163.

The requirements represented in Figure E.1, are not mathematically strictly equal to the requirements in
Clause 6, but for all practical cases these requirements will give the desired result. The requirements in this
Annex are also fairly easy to verify by simple test runs. Meeting the requirements in this Annex will lead to
fulfilment of Clause 6 for all practical cases.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 44 –

Q (ind.)

λ = λ =
0,95(ind) 0,95(ind)

150 kvar
P(brake) P (traction)

λ =
C D 0,95(cap)

Q (cap.)


A is the undesired area for line voltages below normal feeding voltage;

B is the forbidden area for line voltages below U max1;

C is the forbidden area;

D is the undesired area for line voltages over normal feeding voltage;

P (traction) is the traction active power;

P (brake) is the braking active power;

Q (ind) is the inductive reactive power;

Q (cap) is the capacitive reactive power;

1 is the desired capacitive limit, see below for traction mode; for regenerative mode 150 kvar

NOTE All white areas around the P-axis are allowed without any considerations. Only the fundamental frequency is

Figure E.1  Allowed power factor versus drawn active and reactive power (P and Q) by the train

Note that for 50 Hz systems the desired limit of capacitive reactive power at low active power in tractive
mode is 700 kvar and for 16,7 Hz systems the same desired limit is 150 kvar. The inductive limit at low active
power is the same for both 50 Hz and 16,7 Hz systems: 150 kvar.

Figure E.1 is valid for a train in all normal situations, except for short durations (e.g. when going from tractive
to braking mode and vice versa), when the power factor briefly can be out of limits, i.e. the figure is valid for
all instantaneous r.m.s.-values under normal conditions, but transient states excluded. Also excluded are
trains hotelling in yards or at depots, see below. Another exception is during icy conditions and low power
consumption when a certain amount of inductive power (slightly more than 150 kvar) may be drawn
temporarily in order to maintain continuous current.

At stand still or zero power, values on right side of the Q-axis should be used.
BS EN 50388:2012
– 45 – EN 50388:2012

Furthermore the following is valid:

– it is not allowed to have a capacitive power factor at line voltages over U max1;

– for yards or depots the power factor of the fundamental wave should be equal to or greater than 0,8
(inductive) when the train is hotelling with traction power switched off and the drawn active power is
greater than 200 kW.
NOTE 1 Even if the power factor is allowed to decrease freely (inductively) during regeneration (electrical braking), according to
Clause 6, in order to keep the voltage within limits, it is desired that the power factor is not inductive (below 0,95) when the voltage goes
below the normal feeding voltage.
NOTE 2 Capacitive power factors could lead to over voltages, exceedance of power transfer stability limits, or other dynamic effects,
and should be treated in accordance with Clause 10. For low voltages, however, it could be desirable with a certain amount of
capacitive power factor, provided that stability is maintained. Furthermore it is allowed but not desired to use capacitive power factor at
line voltages over the normal feeding voltage. The reason that it is not desired is to secure the electrical brake capability of other
vehicles in weak networks. Note that as soon as the traction inverters on the train are running it is possible to compensate for any
eventual filters.
NOTE 3 The limit 150 kvar (inductive) corresponds to 200 kW at a power factor of 0,8.
EN 50388:2012 – 46 –

Annex F
Maximum allowable train current
The maximum allowable train current including auxiliaries for existing European networks, is given in Table F.1. The levels apply both in tractive and regenerative
modes. Higher or lower values of train current shall be given in the register of infrastructure (see 7.3) for each line when required.
NOTE In order to prevent over dimensioning of the energy subsystem , the values given in Table F.1 are given for rolling stock and not for the design of the energy sub system for continuous load.

Table F.1  Maximum allowable train current (1 of 2)

Maximum allowable train current,

Power Category Category IV, V, VI, VII
supply of HS TSI CR TSI lines and
system lines Classical lines
25 000 V 1 500 600 500 800 / 500 800 500 ? 500 500 300 / ? / / ? 500 / / ? 500 / 300
50 Hz
BS EN 50388:2012
15 000 V a 1 500 900 900 900 900 / / / / / / / / / / / / / 900 / / 900 / /
16,7 Hz
1 000
2 500 (3 200
2 500 track
for HS TSI
d.c. (3 200 for line
upgraded lines;
4 000 4 000 4 000 4 000 / 2 500 3 000 / HS TSI / / / / / / 4 000 ? / / / / 2 500
2 500 for HS
3 000 V a upgraded 2 000
TSI connecting
lines) for
lines) double
– 47 – EN 50388:2012

Table F.1  Maximum allowable train current (2 of 2)

Maximum allowable train current,

Power Category Category IV, V, VI, VII
supply of HS TSI CR TSI lines and
system lines Classical lines
/ 5 000 5 000 5 000 / / 5 000 2 800 / / 5 000 / / / ? / / 4 000 / ? / / /
1 500 V a
/ / 6 800 / / / / / / / / 6 800 / / / / / / / / / / /
750 V
a On special lines (e.g. freight in mountain area, suburban network), these values may be exceeded.
? no information received
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 48 –

Annex G

Special national conditions

Special national condition: National characteristic or practice that cannot be changed even over a long
period, e.g. climatic conditions, electrical earthing conditions.
NOTE If it affects harmonization, it forms part of the European Standard.

For the countries in which the relevant special national conditions apply these provisions are normative, for
other countries they are informative.

Clauses Special national condition

Figure 1 United Kingdom

Where a line has not been upgraded to compliance with EN 50163:2004 + A1:2007, U min2 shall
comply with United Kingdom special national condition to EN 50163:2004 + A1:2007, 4.1.

12.1.1 United Kingdom

For 750 V d.c. conductor rail systems, U max2 is replaced by 900 V.

12.1.1 Netherlands

Trains shall not continue to use their regenerative brake if:

 there is a loss of supply voltage or a contact line-rail/earth short-circuit on the same section
fed by the substation,
 the contact line fails to absorb the energy,
 the line voltage is higher than U max2 (see EN 50163:2004, 4.1),
 the voltage is lower than 1 200 V d.c for 1 500V d.c. power supply and 17 500V for
25 000V a.c. power supply.

12.1.1 Sweden

U max2 is 17,5 kV instead of 18,0 kV.

BS EN 50388:2012
– 49 – EN 50388 2012

Annex ZZ

Coverage of Essential Requirements of EU Directives

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association and within its scope the standard covers all
relevant essential requirements as given in Annex III of the EU Directive 2008/57/EC.

Compliance with this standard provides one means of conformity with the specified essential
requirements of the Directives concerned.

WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the products falling
within the scope of this standard.
BS EN 50388:2012
EN 50388:2012 – 50 –


[1] EN 50119, Railway applications  Fixed installations  Electric traction overhead contact lines

[2] EN 50121 (all parts), Railway applications  Electromagnetic compatibility

[3] EN 50122-1, Railway applications  Fixed installations  Electrical safety earthing and the return
circuit  Part 1: Protective provisions against electric shock

[4] EN 50124-2:2001, Railway applications - Insulation coordination  Part 2: Overvoltages and related

[5] EN 50238, Railway applications  Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems
[6] EN ISO 3166-1:1997 , Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions 
Part 1: Country codes (ISO 3166-1:1997)

[7] UIC 795, Minimum installed power  Line categories

[8] UIC 796, Voltage at the Pantograph

[9] UIC 797, Coordination of electrical protection substations-traction units

[10] UIC 798, Integration periods over which parameters can be averaged

Superseded by EN ISO 3166-1:2006, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions  Part 1: Country
codes (ISO 3166-1:2006).
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