LWM VSD User Manual 2.02

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Lufkin Well Manager™

Rod Pump Control

Variable Speed Drive
User Manual

Lufkin Automation
811 Willow Oak Drive
Missouri City, Texas 77489
Tel: 281.495.1100 Fax: 281.495.6333
Lufkin Well Manager™
Rod Pump Control
Variable Speed Drive
User Manual






Lufkin Automation
811 Willow Oak Drive
Missouri City, Texas 77489
Tel: 281.495.1100 Fax: 281.495.6333
Revision Record

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed

Drive User Manual

Date Revision No. Section Description

3/1/11 2.00 All sections First release.
6/21/11 2.01 All sections Minor updates throughout manual.
9/12/12 2.02 All sections Minor updates throughout manual.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02

Information in this document is subject to change without notice
and does not represent a commitment on the part of LUFKIN
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than the
purchaser's personal use without the written permission of

Lufkin Well Manager™ is a trademark of Lufkin Automation, Inc.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used for
explanation purposes only with no intent to infringe.

Copyright © 2011 — 2012 Lufkin Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Part No. 099.5035

Limited Warranty
Lufkin Automation warrants the Product it manufactures, including all parts and components
thereof to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Lufkin Automation will, at its
option, either repair or replace such a Product, subject to the conditions of this Limited Warranty.
This Limited Warranty commences on the date of shipment of the Product and shall remain in
effect for a period of one year except for shop repairs and service repair exchange (SRE) items,
which carry a 90-day warranty.

This Limited Warranty does not apply if failure is caused or contributed by any of the following:
(1) improper handing, storage or installation (2) abuse, (3) unsuitable application of the product,
(4) lack of reasonable and necessary maintenance, (5) repairs made or attempted by other than
Lufkin Automation, (6) neglect or accident, (7) damage by wind, freezing, lightning, Act of God
or other cause or (8) damage in transit or during installation. This Limited Warranty applies only
to Products that have been installed and maintained in strict accordance with the Lufkin
Automation installation procedure and to Products that have been connected to the supply voltage
marked on the Product. The Limited Warranty does not apply to any Product on which the serial
number has been altered, effaced or removed.



Lufkin Automation will repair or replace, at its option, any Product which is found to be defective
in material or workmanship. The Limited Warranty does not cover the labor costs of repair or
replacement of the unit or part unless done at our factory. If you elect to ship the part or Product
to Lufkin Automation, authorization to return the Product to the factory must first be obtained
from Lufkin Automation and shipping instructions received from Lufkin Automation must be
followed. Lufkin Automation is not responsible for the cost of removal of the Product or its
components, damage due to removal or any other expenses incurred in shipping the Product or
parts to or from the factory or for the installation of the repaired or replacement unit. The owner
must bear these expenses and should insure the shipment against loss or damage in transit.

This Limited Warranty gives the owner specific legal rights and the owner may also have other
rights, which vary from State to State. Lufkin Automation does not authorize any person to create
for it, any other obligations of liability in connection with its Product.
Safety Procedures
 Park vehicles upwind of the wellhead. Stand upwind when installing or dismantling

WARNING: Injection fluid lines operate at high pressure. If breaking loose flange
connections or opening valves, use all proper energy isolation procedures
and wear proper personal protection equipment.

WARNING: Hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) may be present in high concentrations in

injection fluids and around injection wellheads. Be sure to have proper H2S
detection equipment on your person and practice all recommended safety
precautions when working around injection wellheads.

DANGER: Live or discharging electrical equipment poses an electrocution hazard.

During the process of verifying locked out equipment, or when working on
or around live electrical equipment, electrical hot gloves, blast shield, and
fire retardant clothing must be warn in addition to regular PPE. Customer
guidelines for safety with regards to their electrical policy must be
followed. In addition, while verifying locked out equipment, sufficient time
must be given for complete discharge of capacitors and the discharged state
of capacitors must be verified.

 Before leaving the location, return all wellhead equipment to their normal operating

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction to this Manual 

1.1  Manual Overview ........................................................................... 1-2 
1.2  How to Use this Manual ................................................................. 1-3 
1.2.1  Entering Data and Executing Commands ......................... 1-3 
1.2.2  Displayed Messages .......................................................... 1-3 
1.2.3  Section Levels ................................................................... 1-3 
1.2.4  Procedural Steps ................................................................ 1-4 
1.2.5  Shorthand Method for Interface Menu Selection .............. 1-4 
1.2.6  Notes ................................................................................. 1-4 
1.3  Technical Support .......................................................................... 1-5 

Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System 

2.1  Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.................................................... 2-2 
2.1.1  Lufkin Well Manager ........................................................ 2-3 
2.1.2  Toshiba VF-AS1 Inverter.................................................. 2-5 
2.2  System Options .............................................................................. 2-6 
2.2.1  Dynamic Braking Resistor Modules ................................. 2-6 
2.2.2  Cold Weather Heater ......................................................... 2-6 
2.2.3  Bypass Contactor Assemblies ........................................... 2-6 
2.2.4  Harmonic Filter Units ....................................................... 2-7 
2.3  VSD Drive Theory ......................................................................... 2-7 
2.3.1  AC Induction Motor Basics .............................................. 2-7 
2.3.2  Inverter Basics for a Six-Pulse PWM VSD ...................... 2-9 
2.4  Benefits of VSDs in Reciprocating Rod Pump Applications ....... 2-16 
2.5  VSD Output Voltage .................................................................... 2-18 
2.6  NEMA Motor Torque with VSD ................................................. 2-19 
2.6.1  NEMA Motors Across the Line ...................................... 2-19 
2.6.2  NEMA Motors with Flux Vector Mode VSD ................. 2-20 
2.7  Challenges Associated with VSDs in Reciprocating Rod
Pump Applications ....................................................................... 2-21 
2.7.1  Harmonics ....................................................................... 2-21 
2.7.2  Regeneration ................................................................... 2-23 
2.7.3  PWM Waveform ............................................................. 2-24 
2.7.4  EMI/RFI Noise ................................................................ 2-25 
2.8  Harmonics Produced by Six-Pulse Inverters ................................ 2-25 
2.8.1  Reasons for Concerns about Harmonics ......................... 2-26 
2.8.2  IEEE 519-1992 ................................................................ 2-27 

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

2.8.3  Mitigation of Harmonics ................................................. 2-27 

Section 3: Technical Specifications 

3.1  Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.................................................... 3-2 
3.1.1  Enclosure ........................................................................... 3-2 
3.1.2  Environmental Operating Range ....................................... 3-2 
3.1.3  Power ................................................................................ 3-2 
3.2  Dimensions ..................................................................................... 3-3 
3.2.1  VSD ................................................................................... 3-3 
3.2.2  DBR................................................................................... 3-4 
3.3  Toshiba VSD 400-Volt Class ......................................................... 3-4 
3.3.1  Small/Medium Capacity Types ......................................... 3-5 
3.3.2  Large Capacity Types ....................................................... 3-6 
3.4  Toshiba VSD 600-Volt Class ......................................................... 3-6 
3.4.1  Small/Medium Capacity Types ......................................... 3-7 
3.4.2  Large Capacity Types ....................................................... 3-8 
3.5  Inverter Output Capacity ................................................................ 3-9 
3.6  Control Specifications .................................................................. 3-10 
3.7  Operational Specifications ........................................................... 3-11 
3.8  Protective Functions ..................................................................... 3-13 
3.9  Display Functions ......................................................................... 3-14 
3.10  Communication Functions ........................................................... 3-15 

Section 4: Parts and Accessories 

4.1  Standard Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC Packages .................... 4-2 
4.2  Optional Surge Protection .............................................................. 4-3 
4.3  DBR Units for 400-Volt Class Lufkin Drives ................................ 4-4 
4.4  DBR Units for 600-Volt Class Lufkin Drives ................................ 4-5 
4.5  DBR Connection Kits..................................................................... 4-6 
4.6  Optional Automatic Bypass Units for 400-Volt Class VSD
Units ............................................................................................... 4-6 
4.7  Optional Mounting Legs ................................................................ 4-6 
4.8  Repair by Exchange Inverter Modules ........................................... 4-7 
4.9  Optional Line Reactors................................................................... 4-7 
4.10  Optional Harmonic Filters for 400-Volt Class Drives ................... 4-8 
4.11  Miscellaneous Replacement Parts .................................................. 4-9 
4.12  Documentation ............................................................................... 4-9 
4.13  How to Order Parts and Accessories .............................................. 4-9 

Section 5: Hardware Configuration 

5.1  Lufkin Well Manager Hardware Configuration ............................. 5-2 
5.1.1  Battery Jumper Pins on Motherboard ............................... 5-2 
5.1.2  Expansion Boards ............................................................. 5-3 
5.2  Toshiba VF-AS1 Inverter Hardware Configuration....................... 5-4 
5.2.1  Drive Terminal I/O Connector Board ............................... 5-5 

viii Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Table of Contents

5.2.2  EMI/RFI Grounding Capacitor ......................................... 5-5 

Section 6: Installing the Integrated Lufkin Well Manager

6.1  Typical Installation......................................................................... 6-1 
6.2  Site Selection .................................................................................. 6-2 
6.3  Installing the Integrated Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC ............ 6-3 

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System 

7.1  Overview of VSD Components Wiring ......................................... 7-2 
7.2  Signal Wiring ................................................................................. 7-2 
7.2.1  Load Cell Cable ................................................................ 7-4 
7.2.2  Hall-Effect Sensor Cables ................................................. 7-4 
7.2.3  Shielded Cables ................................................................. 7-5 
7.3  Power Wiring ................................................................................. 7-5 
7.3.1  Primary Input Power ......................................................... 7-6 
7.3.2  Motor Power and Ground Leads ....................................... 7-7 
7.3.3  System Grounding............................................................. 7-9 
7.4  Dynamic Braking Resistor Wiring ............................................... 7-10 
7.4.1  Dynamic Braking Resistor Wiring .................................. 7-10 
7.4.2  External Safety Relay Connections................................. 7-12 
7.5  Typical Wiring Diagrams ............................................................. 7-12 
7.6  Performing Power-Up Voltage Checks ........................................ 7-16 

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming 

8.1  Overview of the Quick Start Feature.............................................. 8-2 
8.1.1  Operator Interface Keypad Programming ......................... 8-2 
8.1.2  Parameter Programming Procedure .................................. 8-2 
8.1.3  Shorthand Access Method for Interface Menu
Selection ............................................................................ 8-3 
8.1.4  Changing Parameters When Motor is Running ................ 8-4 
8.2  Using the Quick-Start Feature ........................................................ 8-4 
8.2.1  Starting the Quick-Start Feature ....................................... 8-4 
8.2.2  Resetting Parameters to Factory-Default Values .............. 8-5 
8.2.3  Setting Time and Date....................................................... 8-6 
8.2.4  Configuring GOT and Peak Energy Management ............ 8-7 
8.2.5  Setting Communication Parameters .................................. 8-8 
8.2.6  Selecting and Configuring End Devices ......................... 8-10 
8.2.7  Configuring Rod Pump Control Parameters ................... 8-11 
8.2.8  Configuring Variable Speed Control Parameters............ 8-13 
8.2.9  Configuring Linear Pump Cornering .............................. 8-24 
8.2.10  Configuring VSD Communications ................................ 8-25 
8.2.11  Initializing the VSD ........................................................ 8-27 
8.2.12  Configuring Drive Parameters ........................................ 8-29 
8.2.13  Configuring Drive Parameters ........................................ 8-36 
8.2.14  Configuring LWT/PIP Parameters .................................. 8-39 

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Enabling/Disabling Control Functions............................ 8-42 
Configuring Pumping Unit Parameters ........................... 8-44 
Configuring Rod String Parameters ................................ 8-46 
Starting and Stopping the Pump...................................... 8-47 
Configuring Reference Revolutions................................ 8-49 
Configuring Surface Dynagraph Control Parameters ..... 8-50 
Configuring Downhole Dynagraph Control
Parameters ....................................................................... 8-51 
8.2.22  Completing the Quick-Start Feature ............................... 8-52 
8.3  Programming Required for DBR Functions................................. 8-53 

Section 9: VSD Status Screens 

9.1  RPC Status Screens ........................................................................ 9-2 
9.1.1  RPC Status Screen 1 ......................................................... 9-3 
9.1.2  RPC Status Screen 4 ......................................................... 9-3 
9.2  VSD Comm Diagnostics ................................................................ 9-8 
9.2.1  VSD Parameter Status ....................................................... 9-9 
9.2.2  VSD/Lufkin Parameter Compare .................................... 9-10 
9.2.3  VSD Trip Log ................................................................. 9-12 
9.3  Security Authorization Features and Alarms ............................... 9-15 
9.3.1  Authorized Features ........................................................ 9-16 
9.3.2  Feature Authorization Alarms ......................................... 9-17 

Section 10: VSD Historical Data 

10.1  24-Hour VSD Speed History........................................................ 10-2 
10.2  60-Day Average Strokes per Minute ............................................ 10-3 

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 

11.1  Inverter Troubleshooting .............................................................. 11-2 
11.2  VSD Trip Log............................................................................... 11-2 
11.3  Inverter Hardware Checks ............................................................ 11-2 
11.4  Other System Troubleshooting..................................................... 11-5 
11.4.1  Attempts to Initialize the VSD Fail................................. 11-5 
11.4.2  Slow Drive Initialization ................................................. 11-5 
11.4.3  VSD Does Not Provide Enough Power to Move
Weights to Upward Position ........................................... 11-6 
11.4.4  Persistent OLR Drive Faults ........................................... 11-7 
11.4.5  Persistent OP Drive Faults .............................................. 11-8 
11.4.6  Persistent OL2 Drive Faults .......................................... 11-10 
11.4.7  Persistent OL1 Drive Faults .......................................... 11-10 
11.4.8  Persistent OC1, OC2, or OC3 Drive Faults .................. 11-10 
11.4.9  Unit Runs in Hand Mode but Not in Auto Mode .......... 11-11 
11.4.10  Unit runs at Improper Speed While in Auto Mode ....... 11-14 

x Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Table of Contents

Appendix A: Rotaflex Cornering 

A.1  Background ................................................................................... A-1 
A.1.1  Rotaflex Unit Designations .............................................. A-2 
A.1.2  Opportunities for Increased Production ........................... A-3 
A.1.3  Rotaflex Cornering Features ............................................ A-3 
A.2  Cornering Parameter Descriptions ................................................ A-4 
A.3  Gearbox Torque Considerations.................................................... A-8 
A.4  Low Speed Operation .................................................................... A-8 


Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 xi

Section 1

Introduction to this Manual

This section explains the topics covered in this manual and how to use this

The topics covered in this section include:

1.1  Manual Overview ........................................................................... 1-2 

1.2  How to Use this Manual ................................................................. 1-3 
1.2.1  Entering Data and Executing Commands............................ 1-3 
1.2.2  Displayed Messages ............................................................ 1-3 
1.2.3  Section Levels ..................................................................... 1-3 
1.2.4  Procedural Steps .................................................................. 1-4 
1.2.5  Shorthand Method for Interface Menu Selection ................ 1-4 
1.2.6  Notes .................................................................................... 1-4 
1.3  Technical Support .......................................................................... 1-5 

The Lufkin Automation Lufkin Well Manager™ for Variable Speed Drive
(VSD) Rod Pump Control (RPC) application can perform a wide range of
operations related to VSD performance and control. Every attempt is made
to provide enough information and explain each procedure clearly so that
you can easily and quickly learn how to operate this controller. Please take
the time to understand how this manual is organized, and how to use this
manual before reading how to install and operate the controller.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 1-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

1.1 Manual Overview

The Lufkin Well Manager™ — Variable Speed Drive Rod Pump Control
User Manual is designed to provide you with information about the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC application-specific hardware
specifications, installation procedures, and system operations. For
information about the full capabilities of the Lufkin Well Manager and the
VSD application, refer to the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump
Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000). Detailed information about the
Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter that is incorporated into the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC system is provided in the latest edition of the Toshiba
instruction manual number E6581301. Contact your Lufkin Automation
representative for a copy of these user manuals or other user manuals that
provide additional information about the full capabilities of the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC.

All information in this manual falls into three categories.

Category One introduces you to this manual and to the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC. A breakdown of the topics covered is:

 Typographical conventions used

 How to obtain technical support when needed

 Description of Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system

 Description of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system components

 Technical specifications

 Parts lists

Category Two explains how to install the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
and its components, how to program the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC,
and how to use the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC analysis capabilities.
A breakdown of the topics covered is:

 Installing and Wiring the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system for
VSD use only

 Programming and operating the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC for
VSD use only

Category Three provides you with an index for quick and easy access to
specific information you need.

1-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 1: Introduction to this Manual

Other hardware and software components may be used in conjunction

with the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC. Refer to the components’
respective instruction manuals for specific information about these

1.2 How to Use this Manual

This section explains the typographical conventions used throughout this
manual. Typographical conventions are used to represent keypad functions
and to highlight important operations.

1.2.1 Entering Data and Executing Commands

All keys used to execute commands are presented in bold type, preceded
by the word “press”, and are surrounded with the less-than symbol (<) and
the greater-than symbol (>). For example, if you are instructed to press the
ENTER key, it is explained to you as:

Press <ENTER>.

1.2.2 Displayed Messages

All messages that are displayed on the optional LCD graphics display are
represented in bold, uppercase type:


1.2.3 Section Levels

Each chapter has up to three section levels. The three section level
headings are presented as:

X.X First Level

X.X.X Second Level
Third Level

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 1-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

1.2.4 Procedural Steps

A procedure that must be followed in a specific order is numbered similar
to the following:

1. Perform step one first.

2. Perform step two second.

3. Perform step three third.

1.2.5 Shorthand Method for Interface Menu Selection

A shorthand access method for selecting menu options using the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC interface is provided throughout this manual to
quickly explain the procedure required to get to your desired operation.
For example, to display the RPC Control Parameter screen you will see
(MENU: 2/1/1/1).

To the right of many paragraphs, you may also find a box MENU
displaying “MENU” and below it numbers separated with a 2/1/1/1
forward slash (/). For example, the box to the right of this
paragraph represents the following:

1. From the MAIN Menu screen, select option 2. PROGRAM.

2. Select option 1. RPC APPLICATION.

3. Select option 1. RPC PARAMETERS.

4. Select option 1. CONTROL PARAMETERS.

The RPC Control Parameters screen displays.

1.2.6 Notes
Notes draw your attention to important messages within this manual. For

Note: If another screen is displayed, press <MENU> to instantly return

to the Main Menu screen.

1-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 1: Introduction to this Manual

1.3 Technical Support

Assistance is available when needed from Lufkin Automation Technical
Support Services at (281) 495-1100, Monday through Friday, between
8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Central Time. You can also e-mail us at

To help us answer your question as quickly as possible, please have all

information that applies to your problem readily available. Write down or
print out any onscreen messages you get when the problem occurs, and
have your manual with you when you call.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 1-5

Section 2

Description of the Lufkin VSD

RPC System

This section describes the major components making up the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC system. A section on general VSD theory is included
to provide the operator basic knowledge in order to better understand the
operation of the VSD RPC system.

The topics covered in this section include:

2.1  Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.................................................... 2-2 

2.1.1  Lufkin Well Manager .......................................................... 2-3 
2.1.2  Toshiba VF-AS1 Inverter .................................................... 2-5 
2.2  System Options .............................................................................. 2-6 
2.2.1  Dynamic Braking Resistor Modules ................................... 2-6 
2.2.2  Cold Weather Heater ........................................................... 2-6 
2.2.3  Bypass Contactor Assemblies ............................................. 2-6 
2.2.4  Harmonic Filter Units .......................................................... 2-7 
2.3  VSD Drive Theory ......................................................................... 2-7 
2.3.1  AC Induction Motor Basics ................................................. 2-7 
2.3.2  Inverter Basics for a Six-Pulse PWM VSD ......................... 2-9 
2.4  Benefits of VSDs in Reciprocating Rod Pump Applications ....... 2-16 
2.5  VSD Output Voltage .................................................................... 2-18 
2.6  NEMA Motor Torque with VSD ................................................. 2-19 
2.6.1  NEMA Motors Across the Line ........................................ 2-19 
2.6.2  NEMA Motors with Flux Vector Mode VSD ................... 2-20 
2.7  Challenges Associated with VSDs in Reciprocating Rod Pump
Applications ................................................................................. 2-21 
2.7.1  Harmonics.......................................................................... 2-21 
2.7.2  Regeneration ...................................................................... 2-23 
2.7.3  PWM Waveform................................................................ 2-24 
2.7.4  EMI/RFI Noise .................................................................. 2-25 

Issue Date: 9/12/12 2-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

2.8  Harmonics Produced by Six-Pulse Inverters ................................ 2-25 

2.8.1  Reasons for Concerns about Harmonics............................ 2-26 
2.8.2  IEEE 519-1992 .................................................................. 2-27 
2.8.3  Mitigation of Harmonics ................................................... 2-27 

2.1 Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

The Lufkin Well Manager Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Rod Pump
Control (RPC) is a preprogrammed device mounted at the wellsite that
gathers, processes, stores, and analyzes analog data from a load transducer
and digital data obtained from motor and crank arm sensors. The Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC uses the data from these input devices to
monitor and control the operation of a pumping unit and to display graphic
data on an LCD display or portable laptop computer in a format easy to

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC uses the input data to calculate a
dynagraph card and analyzes that card to determine the percent fill of the
pump barrel. The speed of the pumping unit is continuously varied in
order to maintain optimum pump fillage. Secondary control functions
protect the drive system and the pumping unit equipment in the event of
abnormal loads due to sticking pump, floating rod string, mechanical
equipment failure, etc.

You can obtain current information about pumping activity on demand

from both the local keypad/display and/or via data telemetry link (radio,
cell modem, satellite, etc.) at a central computer running compatible
SCADA software.

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC integrates a Lufkin Well Manager
and a Toshiba Model AS1 high performance inverter in a common NEMA
3R enclosure. Other system components, including a circuit breaker,
control transformer, DC power supply, line voltage surge protector,
input/output terminals, air stirring fan, and control relays are mounted in
the enclosure, and all components are prewired together.

2-2 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

2.1.1 Lufkin Well Manager

Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 show a typical Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
enclosure assembly.

Viewing window
for LCD display
Latch to open door
to keypad/display

Figure 2-1. Typical Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC Unit Front View

Issue Date: 9/12/12 2-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 2-2. Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC Interior Panel

The keypad/display (Figure 2-3) can be used to perform all system

operations without opening the large cabinet door and exposing operator
personnel to the high voltage in the inverter section of the system. To
access the keypad/display, open the small metal door located on the upper
left of the front door of the cabinet (see Figure 2-1). A clear viewing
window is included so that you can read the LCD screen without opening
the small door.

Latch to open panel to

access circuit boards

Figure 2-3. Keypad/Display

2-4 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

The display panel hinges open to access the electronic circuit boards of the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC as shown in Figure 2-4. To open the
panel, lift up on the latch located to the right of the keypad and then pull

Figure 2-4. Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC Electronic Circuit


The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system includes the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC motherboard and an I/O expansion board. Earlier
models use a #520.5003 expansion board with a #520.5012
communication expansion board. Later models use a #520.5600 I/O
expansion board. Later models may also include a Security Authorization
Module #520.1080. For descriptions and specifications about the Lufkin
Well Manager electronics, and detailed information about using the
keypad/display, refer to the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control
User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

2.1.2 Toshiba VF-AS1 Inverter

The Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter converts AC line voltage into a variable
frequency output voltage to run the pumping unit motor at the speed
commanded by the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC control algorithm.
The AS1 has its own operator interface, but all normal operations can be
controlled using the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC keypad/display.

The inverter is mounted on the upper left section of the interior panel (see
Figure 2-2), and can only be accessed by opening the main cabinet door.
For detailed information, refer to the latest edition of the Toshiba VF-AS1
inverter instruction manual E6581301.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 2-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

DANGER: Only authorized service technicians should open this door,

which exposes personnel to dangerous high voltage levels
that can cause severe injury or death.

2.2 System Options

Lufkin Automation offers option packages that may be needed for some
applications. These packages include dynamic braking resistor modules,
cold weather cabinet heaters, bypass contactor assemblies, and harmonic
filter units.

2.2.1 Dynamic Braking Resistor Modules

The optional dynamic braking resistor modules (DBRs) are designed to
mount on the top of the system cabinet. They are field-installed only.
Installation instructions and a wiring diagram are included in each

To order one of the DBR modules available, see “Dynamic Resistor

Ratings for 400-Volt or 600-Volt Class Lufkin Drives” in section 4, “Parts

2.2.2 Cold Weather Heater

The standard Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system is rated for
operation down to –4º F (-20º C). If colder temperatures are anticipated,
add the optional heater kit for the LCD interface.

The suffix “CW” added to Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC part numbers
designates that the cold weather heater option is included.

2.2.3 Bypass Contactor Assemblies

Lufkin Automation offers a series of bypass contactor assemblies that can
be included as part of a system installation. The bypass allows the
pumping unit to be run across the primary power line at a fixed speed in
the event of an inverter failure. Bypass system design provides an
automatic switchover at the time of a drive fault.

The bypass unit is housed in a separate NEMA 3R enclosure.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

2.2.4 Harmonic Filter Units

Optional harmonic filter units are available to supplement the standard
harmonic suppression features of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC if
additional harmonic mitigation is desired. This additional filter unit may
be required in applications where several drives are installed in close
proximity or where the local utility requires it.

Harmonic filter units are enclosed in a separate cabinet and are wired in
series with the leads providing primary three-phase power to the drive

Harmonic filter units are sized based on voltage, hp or kW, and line
frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz). Contact your Lufkin Automation
representative to help you choose the correct harmonic filter unit.

2.3 VSD Drive Theory

For successful application of a variable speed drive to a beam pumping
unit, it is important that you have an understanding of the basic principles
of how the drive works. Users are strongly encouraged to study this
material prior to attempting to start up a Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

2.3.1 AC Induction Motor Basics

The AC induction motor basics covered here include basic operation
principles of an AC motor and a high-level overview of AC induction
motor speed.

Principals of Operation
An AC motor (Figure 2-5) has two basic
components, which are the stator and
rotor. The stator is the outer body of the
motor which houses the driving
(powered) windings on a laminated iron
core. The rotor is comprised of a
cylinder made of round laminations
pressed onto a shaft and a number of
short-circuited windings.
As current passes through the stator
windings, magnetic fields are Figure 2-5. Typical AC Motor
established. These fields change
polarity at the frequency of the alternating current. With a three-phase
motor, the magnetic field rotates inside the stator. See Figure 2-6.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 2-6. Magnetic Fields Created by Three-Phase Motor

The rotating stator magnetic field crosses the air gap between the rotor and
stator and extends into the rotor. As the magnetic field of the stator
rotates, it passes through the rotor assembly causing:

 Induced voltage

 Rotor magnetic field

 Current in the rotor bars

The magnetic fields induced in the rotor “chase” the stator’s magnetic

These combined magnetic fields (stator and rotor) cause the rotor to turn
and to produce torque. The speed of the rotor depends on the torque load
applied to its shaft. Higher torque causes the rotor speed to lag behind the
speed of the rotating stator field. Lower torque causes the rotor speed to
increase, thus approaching (but not reaching) the speed of the rotating
stator currents. The difference between stator magnetic field rotation
speed and rotor speed is referred to as “slip.”

AC Induction Motor Speed

The speed at which the stator field rotates is known as “synchronous
speed.” This speed can be calculated with the formula:

120  AC Frequency
Synchronou s Speed 
Number of Motor Poles

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System


Synchronous Speed = rotating speed of the stator magnetic field


AC Frequency = frequency of the alternating current power supply


Number of Motor Poles = a function of motor construction. Typically

4 or 6 [dimensionless].

For example, a six-pole motor operating at 60 Hz has a synchronous

speed of 1,200 RPM. However, a similar six-pole motor operating at
50 Hz has a different synchronous speed (1,000 Hz).

This equation illustrates how the frequency of the supplied AC current

impacts motor speed. With this understanding, it becomes clear that we
can alter the speed of and AC induction motor by changing the supplied
frequency. In order to maintain proper motor torque, the voltage must also
be varied with the frequency. For this reason, VSD control algorithms
vary both the voltage and the frequency of the three phases going to the

Typically, the voltage is maintained at a constant V/Hz (Volts per Hertz)

ratio. For instance, if a 460-volt, 60-Hz motor is operated by a standard
VSD at only 30 Hz (1/2 speed), the RMS voltage at the motor leads would
be about 230 volts (1/2 voltage). At very low frequencies, this ratio is
modified so that the VFD can overcome motor winding voltage losses and
generate reasonable torque.

2.3.2 Inverter Basics for a Six-Pulse PWM VSD

The most common speed adjusting device deployed in industrial
applications is the six-pulse PWM VSD. The general architecture of this
popular equipment is discussed below.

The purpose of an AC drive is to convert incoming power at a fixed

frequency and voltage into output signals of varying frequency and
voltage. Common industrial drives do this by converting three-phase AC
input voltage to DC voltage. The DC voltage is then “pulsed” out in a
manner that resembles AC voltage and current.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

A six-pulse PWM VSD has three basic components:

 Passive converter section

 DC bus/filter section (page 2-11)

 Inverter section (page 2-13)

Converter Section
The converter section or “front end” of a standard six-pulse drive
sometimes includes a three-phase full wave diode bridge rectifier to
convert the three-phase AC incoming power to a single DC voltage. Note
that in Figure 2-7 six diodes are used (one for each polarity on each of the
three phases). This design gives rise to the name “six-pulse drive.”

Figure 2-7. Standard Six-Pulse Drive with a Full

Wave Diode Bridge Rectifier

Other bridge configurations are available (12-pulse and 18-pulse). These

designs provide significant benefits, but also add significant cost, since a
custom transformer with multiple secondaries is needed. Therefore, the
six-pulse design is used in most applications below 150 hp (110 kW).

In many cases, a hybrid bridge rectifier is used where three diodes and
three silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) are used. This configuration (still
referred to as “six-pulse”) is shown in Figure 2-8. The overall function of
the circuit is to convert AC to a near-DC level.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

Figure 2-8. Six-Pulse Drive with a Hybrid Bridge


Figure 2-8 shows that the output of the converter is a high (and slightly
fluctuating) single voltage. The “ripple” in the voltage level is a result of
the six-pulse rectifier’s conversion of the three-phase AC source. The
level of ripple is magnified in the following (abnormal) cases:

 An input phase is lost

 The phase voltages have significant imbalance

 The phase rotation is off (not exactly 120 degrees between phase

DC Bus/Filter Section
The DC bus or filter section of a VSD consists of a number of large
capacitors and (often) an inductor. This filter serves to reduce the bus
ripple to a relatively low level. The capacitors in the DC section are quite
large and can retain voltage and power for a significant period of time
(minutes) after power is removed from the drive input side.

Figure 2-9. DC Bus Capacitors

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Under motoring conditions, the voltage level on the DC bus is related to

the AC input voltage, as described in the formula below.

DC Bus Voltage  Input AC Voltage  1.414


DC Bus Voltage = voltage measured on the DC bus (VDC)

Input AC Voltage = RMS voltage of AC supply [VAC (RMS)]

The Lufkin Automation VSD does not measure incoming AC voltage

levels. Instead, it monitors the DC level on the bus and relies on the
relationship described above to infer input voltage. In most cases, a check
with a multi-meter will confirm that AC RMS input voltage and DC bus
voltage are in compliance with the above relationship. However, poor
power quality issues can cause DC bus levels to rise far above levels
predicted by the standard equation. These cases require special
troubleshooting tools and techniques.

The Lufkin Automation VSD presents DC bus levels measured in percent

(%) rather than actual voltage levels. For the 400-volt class VSDs, this
percentage is based on a 400-volt standard. For example, when a 400-volt
class VSD is used on a 460-volt input source, the input AC voltage

460 VAC
Input Voltage Percentage   115%
400 VAC

Under these conditions, the DC bus voltage of this system would be

presented by the VSD keypad as a level of 115%.

For the 600-volt class, the base voltage calculation is based on 575 V, so a
supply of 600 V would be presented as 104%.

The actual level of the DC bus voltage provides insight into the status of
the drive. Poor input power quality can impact the DC bus voltage (high
or low). As will be discussed later, DC bus voltage can be driven to very
high levels when the motor is being driven by its load. Also, the amount of
ripple on the bus provides information about input power quality and
integrity of the DC bus filter. High levels of bus ripple always indicate an
unfavorable condition.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

Inverter Section
The inverter section of a VSD uses the single DC bus voltage to produce
an output signal that simulates a sine wave of the desired amplitude and
frequency. This signal is then applied to the motor.

Figure 2-10. Representation of an IGBT


Because the inverter section can access only a single input voltage, it
cannot produce a true sine wave signal. The method used to simulate a
sine wave is called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). When PWM is used,
the controller switches transistors (IGBTs) for varying periods of time.
The length of time (width) of the pulses determines the average output
voltage that is produced on the motor lead. For higher voltages, the
transistor is left in the ON state for longer time periods. The frequency
also must be changed, which is accomplished by adjusting the amount of
time positive pulses and negative pulses are on in a given time period. For
example, a 60-Hz sine wave occurs in 1/60 sec or 16.7 msec. By adjusting
the overall simulated sine wave to the desired time frame, the frequency is
changed as well. For example, a simulated 30-Hz sine wave would have a
33.3-msec period.

Figure 2-11 represents a rough depiction of the PWM process. The voltage
signal being sent to the motor appears as a series of pulses. The current,
however, approximates a sine wave due to the inductance characteristics
of the motor.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 2-11. Illustration of the PWM Process

Figure 2-12 is an actual power meter capture of voltage and current output
from a single-phase of a PWM inverter. Note that the voltage is a series of
“pulses” while the current approximates a sine wave.

Figure 2-12. Voltage and Current as Seen at the Motor

Terminals Using a VSD

Inverter Motor Control Methods

As mentioned on page 2-13, the basic function of the inverter section is to
produce a waveform of the proper voltage and frequency. Using this
simple objective, an inverter controller can vary the speed of a motor with
a reasonable amount of success. This control method is often referred to as
volts per Hz, V/f or constant torque.

When an inverter is controlled with a V/f algorithm, the output of the

inverter is primarily controlled to manipulate voltage and frequency. In
these applications, the motor is allowed to slip as torque increases.
Another phenomenon associated with V/f control is that motor torque will
“overshoot” load torque as load torque fluctuates. This type of control is
quite adequate for many applications.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

Another method, known as Sensorless Flux Vector or Open Loop Flux

Vector, uses a more sophisticated algorithm to control motor current as
well as voltage and frequency. The current is allowed to flow through the
motor in a way that provides combined motor magnetizing current and
torque current. This method is intended to control torque and speed more
precisely. Figure 2-13 provides some insight into the flux vector method.

In-Phase Current (Iq) Voltage Vector

Flux Current (Id)

Vector Sum (actual current drawn by motor)

Figure 2-13. Plot Demonstrating Flux Vector Method

In-phase current is the torque producing current. Flux current is used to

generate the rotating magnetic field and does not produce torque. When
flux current to a motor is constant, torque is proportional to slip, in-phase
current is proportional to torque, and slip is directly proportional to in-
phase current.

When a VSD operates in vector control, slip can be calculated and

controlled by adjusting frequency and torque current. As a result, torque
can be controlled by adjusting flux or slip, and flux is controlled by
adjusting voltage.

In addition, the flux vector algorithm senses motor speed and motor torque
so that the drive understands actual motor speed and actual shaft torque to
a reasonable level of accuracy.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

The primary difference between flux vector and V/f control is that (under
varying or non-constant load) the flux vector mode can sustain a constant
motor speed (within one or two RPM under heavy load fluctuation)
regardless of the torque demand. This algorithm provides very accurate
speed control (with torque override) throughout the cycle of mechanical
systems like reciprocating pumping units. In addition to providing very
high torque at very low speeds (something that V/f mode has difficulty
doing), flux vector can control the upper limit of torque to acceptable
accuracy, thereby providing protection for gearboxes (reciprocating
pumping units) and torsionally loaded rod strings (top-drive progressing
cavity pump applications).

The flux vector algorithm requires the inverter controller to maintain a

mathematical model of the specific motor being driven. The model
parameters are set to nominal values when the user enters specific
information about the motor (power, current, rated RPM). The model is
further “tuned” at startup when the drive injects specific signals into the
motor and measures the motor’s response. An “auto tune” process is
typically performed as one step in commissioning a flux vector drive.

Note that the “low/no” slip nature of flux vector control extends to all
types of motors. Even high-slip (NEMA D) motors operated by a flux
vector inverter algorithm will not slip.

2.4 Benefits of VSDs in Reciprocating

Rod Pump Applications
VSDs can provide significant benefits in reciprocating rod pumping
applications. Some of the benefits are provided below.

Soft Start
VSDs provide soft start capability that dramatically reduces inrush current
demand on the utility grid. When the motor is started at a low speed, much
less current is required to initiate rotation of the motor shaft. In cases
where a soft start unit is required by the utility, a VSD can be purchased
for only a small incremental capital outlay.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

Easy Adjustment of Pumping Rate

Obviously, the variable speed feature of a VSD allows the pumping rate to
be adjusted by simply changing the speed of the motor. VSDs provide
significant dynamic range in their output, typically 0 to 100 Hz or higher.
However, the practical speed range that can be used is reduced due to
limitations from pumping unit gearboxes, electric motors, and the sucker
rod string.

Reduced System Wear

A VSD can automatically change speed in response to downhole pump
conditions when used with a proper rod pump controller (RPC). In this
way, the wear caused by pump-off can be dramatically reduced. In order
to gain this benefit from a VSD, a sophisticated RPC (such as the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC) is required.

Quick Recovery from Downtime

After downtime is incurred due to power failure, well workover, or flow
line shut-in, a VSD can be used to temporarily increase production and to
pump down the well. Again, a sophisticated RPC is required to terminate
this temporary speed increase when the well reaches pumpoff. Otherwise,
a severe fluid pound condition might be incurred for an extended period.

Torque Control
Motors running across the line can produce excessive torque in gearboxes
when the pumping unit “loads up.” The torque-limiting features of a flux
vector VSD allow almost instantaneous (sub-millisecond) response to
increased load. A VSD that is properly configured can limit gearbox
torque to a level consistent with gearbox rating. In PCP (progressing
cavity pump) applications, the torque limiting features can dramatically
control situations that would normally result in rod string damage (rod
parts and over-torque of rod boxes).

Improved Power Factor

Electric motors are notorious for their poor power factor, specifically
when operated at less than full load. A VSD, however, presents a nearly
ideal power factor to the utility grid. The improved power factor frees up
capacity in the distribution grid and reduces power factor penalty charges
levied by the utility company.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

2.5 VSD Output Voltage

As mentioned earlier, a VSD attempts to maintain a constant ratio of
frequency to voltage, which is necessary for proper motor performance.
However, at very low frequencies and very high frequencies, the constant
V/f relationship cannot be maintained. Figure 2-14 depicts the actual V/f
relationship for a VSD operating a 460-volt, 60-Hz motor from 460-volt
input voltage.

Figure 2-14. Actual V/f relationship for a VSD operating a 460-volt/60-Hz Motor

For this data, the normal V/f ratio would equal 460 volts/60 Hz or 7.67
V/Hz. The dotted line represents the constant slope.

At low frequencies (in this example, less than 20 Hz), the VSD will
increase voltage above the constant trend (dashed line) to overcome the
voltage drop in the motor windings and to provide sufficient current to
generate torque at low motor speed.

At frequencies above the rated motor frequency, the constant V/f

relationship cannot be maintained because the VSD is not capable of
increasing voltage above the supply voltage level. Therefore, when
operating above rated motor frequency, the voltage delivered to the motor
remains constant. The available torque from the motor will be reduced
when operating above the rated speed.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

2.6 NEMA Motor Torque with VSD

Below you will find information about typical performance of NEMA B
and NEMA D motors and their performance with Flux Vector mode.
Information is also included about torque and power across the frequency
spectrum when a flux vector VSD is used.

2.6.1 NEMA Motors Across the Line

Figure 2-15 shows the typical torque-speed curves for NEMA B and
NEMA D motors running across the line.

Figure 2-15. Typical NEMA B and NEMA D Motor Performance

From the perspective of this plot, 100% speed is “synchronous” speed.

The motor-rated speed at full load written on the nameplate is always less
that 100%.

This plot shows that the 100% (motor rated) torque value is achieved by a
NEMA D motor at higher slip (lower percent speed) than the NEMA B
motor. Both motors are capable of generating far more torque than rated at
low speed. However, the NEMA D motor clearly provides greater torque
at zero speed. This feature makes the NEMA D motor (running “across the
line”) attractive for starting a pumping unit.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

2.6.2 NEMA Motors with Flux Vector Mode VSD

Figure 2-16 is equivalent to Figure 2-15, but the frequency range is
extended. Curves are also added to depict the torque-speed relationship of
both motors (NEMA B or NEMA D) if they were operated using a modern
PWM inverter with flux vector control. The dashed curve indicates the
maximum torque that the inverter and motor can continuously supply. The
dotted curve depicts the maximum torque that the motor and inverter can
deliver temporarily.

Figure 2-16. Typical NEMA B and NEMA D Motor Performance with Extended
Frequency Range

The duration of these temporary torque boosts depends on the amount of

boost (typically measured in amps). For instance, below rated motor
speed, the system can operate the motor at 150% of full load current for up
to 60 seconds and at 165% of full load current for 2 seconds. The drive
uses separate mathematical models to approximate motor heating and
inverter heating during overcurrent transients. If either mathematic model
indicates that an overheat condition is imminent, the inverter will take
itself offline and declare either a motor overload condition or an inverter
overload condition.

Note that the available VSD torque curves (on the diagram) are
independent of motor slip and/or type. The inverter will produce virtually
identical torque curves for either motor. The inverter’s internal motor
model compensates for motor slip. This is possible because the inverter is
“tuned” to the motor.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

Figure 2-16 shows that either motor running with a modern PWM inverter
can provide almost the same starting torque as a NEMA D motor across
the line. However, the “soft start” features inherent to an inverter result in
dramatically reduced torque demand versus an “across the line” start.
When the inverter receives a “run” command, it slowly ramps the motor
and load from zero rpm to the desired rpm. This ramping takes place over
a configurable length of time (typically from 5 seconds to 60 or more
seconds). The combination of “torque boost” and “ramping” action permit
the VSD to easily start the pumping unit.

Figure 2-16 also highlights an important feature of VSD applications.

When a VSD is used to drive a motor above the rated frequency, the motor
is being operated outside of its designed parameters. If the inverter power
rating is closely matched to the motor rating, the inverter will also begin to
“power limit” above rated motor frequency. The inverter can drive the
motor at the higher speed, but only if the load requires decreasing
(average) torque at higher speed. If the application requires increased or
constant torque at increased speed, the inverter will eventually fail to
accelerate the load. This phenomenon presents a practical limit to the “top
end” speed to a VSD-driven reciprocating rod pumping system. For some
applications, the limit may be only a couple of hertz above the rated motor
frequency. In other situations, the VSD might drive the motor to 140% of
rated motor frequency or higher.

2.7 Challenges Associated with VSDs in

Reciprocating Rod Pump
Although VSDs offer tremendous benefits in rod pumping applications,
they also present some unique challenges that need to be managed.

2.7.1 Harmonics
Earlier in this document, the “converter” or “front end” section of the
VSD was discussed. It was noted then that a six-pulse bridge is used to
convert three-phase AC input power to a pseudo-DC voltage. The design
of the input bridge causes the VSD to only draw current from the power
utility at the very peaks of each phase’s voltage cycle. This non-linear
loading on the supply induces alternating voltage and current waveforms
on the power supply lines. These waveforms possess different frequencies
from the fundamental (50 Hz/60 Hz) frequency of the power system.
Because these induced frequencies are always at multiples of the
fundamental frequency, they are referred to as harmonics. Figure 2-17
shows a severe case of current distortion due to harmonics.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 2-17. Plot Showing Severe Distortion Due to Harmonics

Harmonics distort the AC waveform on the power circuit and can stress
transformers and other distribution equipment. In many cases, VSD
operators can simply ignore the induced harmonics for the following

 The distribution system is typically already oversized to account for

poor power factors and high inrush currents associated with motors
running across the line.

 Harmonics are dampened by the transmission network.

 Harmonics from a number of VSDs can have a canceling effect.

If, however, the harmonics are transferred to the power utility network
with sufficient amplitude, the utility company can enforce clauses in the
service agreement that obligate customers to limit harmonic levels. For
more information about harmonics with six-pulse VSDs, see “Harmonics
Produced by Six-Pulse Inverters” on page 2-25.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

2.7.2 Regeneration
The mechanical loading of a typical reciprocating pumping unit is highly
cyclical. Torque loads measured at the gearbox fluctuate from positive to
negative within a pumping cycle. For part(s) of every stroke, the pumping
unit actually drives the motor, causing the motor to briefly act as a

When a pumping unit is connected to an across-the-line motor, the energy

generated is driven back onto the distribution network. However, when the
motor is connected to a VSD, this energy passes through the inverter
section and into the DC bus section of the VSD. Because the drive’s front
end (converter) is coupled to the line via a rectifier bridge, power cannot
pass from the DC bus back onto the utility grid.

When a motor attached to a VSD begins to act as a generator, this excess

energy must be dissipated by the VSD to protect its internal components.
If the energy is not dissipated properly, the drive will eventually take itself
offline and signal a bus overvoltage fault.

The customary means of dissipating regenerative energy in a commercial

VSD is to attach a large power resistor circuit to the DC bus and route
current to these power resistors during times when bus voltage is elevated.
The power resistor unit attached to the VSD is referred to as a dynamic
braking resistor (DBR).

Lufkin Automation supplies dynamic braking resistor packages (strongly

recommended) as optional equipment for reciprocating rod pump VSD
applications. These DBR packages include cooling fans and a thermal
protection circuit used to stop the drive if the DBR overheats. The DBR
packages are field-installed on top of the VSD cabinet.

The Lufkin Automation VSD unit also includes a feature called

Regenerative Torque Control (RTC) that can be enabled to address
regeneration. When the RTC feature is enabled, the unit is allowed to
increase rpm when the pumping unit is attempting to drive the motor. By
allowing the VSD to increase motor speed, regeneration can be either fully
or partially avoided. When the RTC is used, a conventional pumping unit
can be operated without using a DBR package. Depending on the unit size
and the degree of imbalance in the unit; however, this feature sometimes
causes an undesirable level of speed change within the stroke.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 2-23

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

2.7.3 PWM Waveform

Previous topics in this section discussed how a PWM VSD pulses voltage
to generate the pseudo-sine wave to the motor. Because the voltage is
pulsed into the motor with a VSD, the potential exists for the voltage in
the motor windings to overshoot rated motor voltage. Voltage overshoot
and its impact on motor insulation is made worse by long motor lead
lengths. The carrier frequency setting in the inverter also impacts this
phenomenon. Figure 2-18 illustrates these effects.

Figure 2-18. Voltage Overshoot Effects

This plot shows that operating a VSD/motor with long motor leads or high
carrier frequency can reduce motor lifetime by factors of from 10 to 100.

Lufkin Automation VSD installations use a 4-KHz carrier frequency to

minimize carrier frequency effects on motor windings. Lufkin Automation
also recommends that the VSD be installed so that motor leads do not
exceed 30 feet (9 meters) in length.

In addition, PWM inverters excite capacitive coupling between the motor

stator and rotor. This common-mode current travels to ground through the
motor bearings, inducing electric discharge machining (EDM) in the
bearings. EDM results in bearing fluting that eventually causes the motor
bearings to fail.

Special NEMA inverter duty class motors are available to address the
issues described above. These motors have enhanced motor winding
insulation and large bearing surfaces to allow long motor operating life in
a VSD application.

In cases where long motor leads are necessary, a special output filter can
be installed between the VSD and motor to reduce voltage overshoot
issues. Lufkin Automation can supply these optional filters.

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Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

2.7.4 EMI/RFI Noise

The high power switching characteristics of a PWM inverter produce a
great deal of high frequency noise. This noise can impact nearby
electronic equipment (through radiation) or equipment that is electrically
connected to the drive cabinet.

A VSD can generate radio frequency interference (RFI) in the 0.5 MHz to
1.7 MHz range. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is also generated in
the range of about 1.7 MHz to 30 MHz. This high-frequency noise is
produced on the output side of the drive (between the motor and the

The noise produced by the VSD is transferred to the electrical panel, the
utility supply through the main power conductors, and the grounding grid.
These signals are also radiated to nearby conductors.

The VSD in the Lufkin Automation panel is equipped with a factory-

installed EMI/RFI filter. This filter can be used on grounded electrical
systems. However, the filter must be disabled on ungrounded electrical
systems to avoid damage to the drive.

EMI/RFI noise produced by Lufkin Automation VSD systems is a serious

concern for Lufkin Automation in its design of the complete system. This
interference can influence all equipment that is connected to the drive
cabinet, including end devices like load cells, pressure transmitters, and
Hall-Effect position sensors. Therefore, great care should be taken to
strictly comply with recommended installation and grounding procedures
as provided by Lufkin Automation. Failure to comply with installation
instructions can result in unpredictable behavior of the pump control

When motor leads and pumping unit instrumentation cables (load cell,
Hall-Effect) are installed in a trench, Lufkin Automation highly
recommends that you use shielded cable and/or rigid conduit. These
materials will help minimize radiated transmission of high frequency

2.8 Harmonics Produced by Six-Pulse

It is well known that six-pulse drives (operating on a three-phase supply)
produce fairly high amplitude 5th and 7th harmonics, along with much
lower amplitude 11th, 13th, and some higher harmonics. This phenomenon
is a function of the converter section design that is common to all
commercial products in this class.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 2-25

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

The actual amplitude of the harmonic distortion is dependent on the load

applied to the drive. In stable-load applications (PCP, ESP), the harmonics
are also stable. In applications such as reciprocating beam pumping, the
cyclical nature of the equipment loading results in drastically time-
dependent harmonic distortion.

For a given load, virtually all standard six-pulse drives (regardless of

manufacturer) will produce the same level of harmonic distortion.

2.8.1 Reasons for Concerns about Harmonics

The basic problem/concern about harmonic currents is that they can move
through the electrical distribution system generating heat and straining
transformers. The net result is a stress on the power distribution grid that
is similar to that of inductive loads, such as motors running across the line.
Electrical distribution systems must be designed with excess capacity
beyond the expected load so that they can effectively operate under these
conditions (poor power factor and harmonics).

Harmonic distortion can also adversely impact sensitive solid-state

electronics (computers, televisions, radios) which are connected to the
same power grid and located within a reasonable distance of the source.
Another emerging concern is that harmonic distortion can disrupt signals
used to communicate with electrical utility grid automated metering and
monitoring equipment.

It is important to note that the power factor of the front end of a six-pulse
drive is very close to unity (typically about .95) as opposed to a power
factor of 0.7 or 0.8 for a loaded motor running across the line. Therefore,
switching a motor from running across the line to running off of a VSD
produces both benefits and drawbacks for the electrical distribution
system. Although the drive introduces harmonics, it brings power factor
closer to unity. It has been argued that — in general — these factors offset
one another in their impact on the distribution system. However, the actual
net difference would depend on the application.

One practical note about (voltage) harmonic distortion is that drives

located in close proximity to each other can interact and create some
operational difficulties for each other. If one of the drives is unloaded (not
driving a motor) the loaded drives can produce voltage distortion that
causes an over voltage condition in the unloaded drive, and the drive may
refuse to start.

Harmonic distortion will also cause heating and efficiency degradation in

adjacent across-the-line motors.

2-26 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

2.8.2 IEEE 519-1992

An international standard was developed to define permissible limits of
harmonic distortion from non-linear loads. This standard is not universally
enforced, but when limits on harmonics levels are contractually mandated,
this standard is typically used.

One important aspect if IEEE 519-1992 is that it defines harmonic levels

at the point of common coupling. In this respect, it allows the utility
customer to define or ignore harmonic levels within customer-owned

The impact of IEEE 519-1992 on oil operators is certainly not universal.

Within its own electrical distribution equipment, this standard only applies
if mandated by company policy. Depending on the relationship between
the oil operator and the utility company, IEEE 519-1992 standards may
not influence operational decisions.

2.8.3 Mitigation of Harmonics

Below are five methods to reduce harmonics.

The most common first level of harmonic mitigation is achieved by
including an inductor in either the DC filter circuit of the drive (DC link
reactor) or in line with the three-phase input (AC line reactor).

Industry literature differs on the relative benefits of these two approaches,

but it seems that the DC reactor has some advantages.

Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC units are equipped with a DC reactor
installed within the drive for power ranges up to 100 hp (74 kW). Units in
excess of 100 hp (74 kW) are equipped with an external line reactor.

Although these reactors reduce harmonic distortion significantly, they

usually do not bring the system into compliance with IEEE-519.

Passive Filters
Passive filters can be installed upstream of each drive to bring the
equipment into compliance with IEEE-519. Passive filters are large and
heavy (roughly 3 pounds per horsepower/1.36 kg per kW) arrangements of
inductors and capacitors that serve as filters (from the supply perspective).
These devices are carefully sized to match the fundamental frequency of
the supply system (50 Hz/60 Hz) and the drive current rating.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 2-27

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Lufkin Automation can supply passive filters (normally referred to as

harmonic filters) as optional equipment to the installation. These filters are
enclosed in a NEMA 3R cabinet that is separate from the drive, but is
typically installed adjacent to the drive enclosure and connected
immediately upstream of the drive in the power circuit. These filters
should be ordered based on the Amp rating of the control and the line
frequency being supplied to the VSD (50/60 Hz).

12-Pulse and 18-Pulse drives

By increasing the number of diodes in the input section of the drive, the
harmonic distortion can be dramatically reduced. Alternative designs use
phase shifting transformers and additional diodes in the input section of
the drive to reduce harmonic distortion. This approach adds considerable
cost to the drive and is, therefore, not widely used in low-power (less that
150 hp/110 kW) drives. The general industry thought is that below 150 hp
(110 kW), a six-pulse drive with harmonic filter is generally most cost
effective. Above 150 hp, the 12-pulse products start to exhibit some cost

Lufkin Automation does not supply a 12-pulse or 18-pulse drive because

our applications typically remain well below the point where these
products are cost effective.

Active Filters
Active filters monitor the line power in real time and actively correct for
harmonic distortion and/or power factor lead/lag. These filters should be
ordered based on the Amp rating of the control and the line frequency
being supplied to the VSD (50/60 Hz).

An example would be to include active power filters on individual legs of

its own electrical distribution system when the drive load on that leg
reaches a certain level. This approach would allow the user to leverage
capital (installing a single filter to address the harmonics of multiple
drives) rather than installing individual passive filters.

Lufkin Automation does not supply active filter equipment as this

equipment is more in the domain of “electrical distribution” products.
However, these filters are offered by several suppliers.

Active Front End Drives

A few manufacturers produce specialty active front end (AFE) drives.
These products are also known as “back-to-back” drives because their
architecture resembles two separate drives that share a common DC bus.

2-28 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 2: Description of the Lufkin VSD RPC System

AFE drives have been in production for many years and their use in the
oilfield is growing rapidly. Lufkin Automation offers an AFE drive,
known as the LWM REGEN controller. It meets IEEE 519-1992 for ultra-
low harmonic content and does not require any braking resistors. Contact
your Lufkin Automation representative for more information.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 2-29

Section 3

Technical Specifications

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC is an integrated system that consists
of a Lufkin Automation Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC packaged
prewired to a Toshiba variable speed drive (VSD). This section lists only
the pertinent specifications for the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
enclosure and the Toshiba VSD. The specifications for the Lufkin
Automation Lufkin Well Manager RPC and the end devices used with it
are provided in section 3, “Technical Specifications” of the Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).
Contact your Lufkin Automation representative for a copy of this user

The topics covered in this section include:

3.1  Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC ..................................................... 3-2 

3.1.1  Enclosure ............................................................................. 3-2 
3.1.2  Environmental Operating Range ......................................... 3-2 
3.1.3  Power ................................................................................... 3-2 
3.2  Dimensions and Weights ................................................................. 3-3 
3.2.1  VSD ..................................................................................... 3-3 
3.2.2  DBR ..................................................................................... 3-4 
3.3  Toshiba VSD 400-Volt Class .......................................................... 3-4 
3.3.1  Small/Medium Capacity Types ........................................... 3-5 
3.3.2  Large Capacity Types .......................................................... 3-6 
3.4  Toshiba VSD 600-Volt Class .......................................................... 3-6 
3.4.1  Small/Medium Capacity Types ........................................... 3-7 
3.4.2  Large Capacity Types .......................................................... 3-8 
3.5  Inverter Output Capacity ................................................................. 3-9 
3.6  Control Specifications ................................................................... 3-10 
3.7  Operational Specifications ............................................................ 3-11 
3.8  Protective Functions ...................................................................... 3-13 
3.9  Display Functions .......................................................................... 3-14 

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

3.10  Communication Functions............................................................. 3-15 

3.1 Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

3.1.1 Enclosure
Enclosure Type: NEMA 3R with convection-cooled
cabinet with forced-air–cooled frequency

3.1.2 Environmental Operating Range

Operating Temperature: -4° to +140° F (-20° to +60º C) (derated
above 122° F/50° C) at a rate of 2%
per °C.
-40° to +140° F (-40° to +60º C) with
optional heater kit
Humidity: 95% non-condensing.

3.1.3 Power
Primary Power: 380 to 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
500 to 690 VAC, 50/60 Hz.

3-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 3: Technical Specifications

3.2 Dimensions
3.2.1 VSD

460 V 600 V A1 A2 A3 B C Weight

Frame hp/kW Range hp/kW Range in/mm in/cm in/mm in/mm in/mm lb/kg
10 — 30 hp 10 — 30 hp 36 in 34 in 70 in 31 in 20 in
7.5 — 22 kW 7.5 — 22 kW 914 mm 864 mm 1778 mm 787 mm 508 mm
40 — 50 hp 24 in 46 in 70 in 34 in 24 in
2 NA
30 — 37 kW 610 mm 1168 mm 1178 mm 864 mm 864 mm
60 — 100 40 — 100 hp 24 in 46 in 70 in 34 in 24 in
45 — 75 kW 30 — 75 kW 610 mm 1168 mm 1178 mm 864 mm 864 mm
125 — 150 hp 18 in 52 in 70 in 38 in 26 in
4 NA
92 — 110 kW 457 mm 1321 mm 1178 mm 965 mm 660 mm

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

3.2.2 DBR

460 V 600 V A B C Weight

Frame hp/kW Range hp/kW Range in/mm in/mm in/mm lb/kg
10 — 50 hp 10 — 40 hp 20 in 39 in 12 in
7.5 — 37 kW 7.5 — 30 kW 508 mm 991 mm 305 mm
60 — 75 hp 50 — 60 hp 20 in 39 in 12 in
45 — 55 kW 37 — 45 kW 508 mm 991 mm 305 mm
60 — 75 hp HD
45 — 55 kW 75 — 150 hp 30 in 39 in 14 in
100 — 150 hp HD 55 — 110 kW 762 mm 991 mm 356 mm
75 — 110 kW

3.3 Toshiba VSD 400-Volt Class

All specifications listed below for the Toshiba VSD 400-Volt Class
models are provided by Toshiba Corporation.

3-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 3: Technical Specifications

3.3.1 Small/Medium Capacity Types

Applicable Motor
kW 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75
HP 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100
Type VFAS1
Form 4075PL 4110PL 4150PL 4185PL 4220PL 4300PL 4370PL 4450PL 4550PL 4750PL
Capacity 13 21 25 31 37 50 60 72 88 122
Output 17.6 27.7 33 41 48 66 79 94 116 160
Current (A) (17) (25) (32) (37) (38) (53) (60) (75) (93) (120)
Output Three-phase 380 V — 480 V (The maximum output voltage is equal to the input supply
Voltage voltage)
Current 150%-1 minute, 165%-2 sec.
Electrical Braking
Braking Built-in dynamic braking drive circuit
Braking An external braking resistor (option)
Power Supply
Three-phase 380 — 480 V–50/60 Hz
Allowable 3
Voltage + 10% — 15% Frequency ±5%
Protective 4
IP20 enclosed type (JEM1030) IP00 open type (JEM1030)
Cooling 3
Forced air-cooled
Cooling Fan
56 58 60 60 60 64 64 64 64 64
Noise (dBA)
Color RAL7016
EMC Filter Built-in
DC Reactor External DC reactor
Capacity is calculated at 440 V.
Rated output current when the PWM carrier frequency (parameter CF) is 4 kHz or less. The values between
parentheses refer to rated output currents when set to 12 kHz.
±10% when the inverter is used continuously (load of 100%).
Models 400 V-22 kW or more, do not have wiring port covers. They have large openings, but no space is available
to bend the external cables inside the unit.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

3.3.2 Large Capacity Types

Applicable Motor
Kw 90 110
HP 125 150
Type VFAS1
Form 4900PC 4110KPC
Output Capacity (KVA) 136 164
Output Current (A) 179 215
Output Voltage Three-phase 380 V — 480 V
(The maximum output voltage
is equal to the input supply
Overload Current Rating 150%-1minute, 165%-2 sec.
Electrical Braking
Dynamic Braking Circuit Built-in dynamic braking drive
External dynamic baking circuit
Dynamic braking resistor An external braking resistor
2 3
Three-phase 380—440 V-50Hz
Three-phase 380—440 V-60Hz
Allowable Fluctuation Voltage + 10%— 15%
Frequency ±5%
Protective Method IP00 Open type (JEM1030)
Cooling Method Forced air-cooled
Cooing Fan Noise (dBA) 61 72
Color RAL7016
EMC Filter Built-in
DC Reactor Attached AC line reactor
Capacity is calculated at 440 V.
An external power supply backup is available (Type CSP0027), which is optional.
±10% when the inverter is used continuously (load of 100%).
Models 400 V-22 kW or more, do not have wiring port covers. They have large openings, but no space is available to bend
the external cables inside the unit.
Three-phase 380 — 480 V-50/60 Hz for 4900PC.

3.4 Toshiba VSD 600-Volt Class

All specifications listed below for the Toshiba VSD 575-Volt Class
models are provided by Toshiba Corporation.

3-6 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 3: Technical Specifications

3.4.1 Small/Medium Capacity Types

Applicable Motor
kW 14.7 18.4 22.0 29.4 36.8 44.1 55.1 735.5
HP 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100
Type VFAS1
Form 6185PL 6220PL 6300PL 6370PL 6450PL 6550PL 6750PL 6900PL
Capacity 23 29 34 43 54 65 80 103
2 22 27 32 41 52 62 77 99
Current (A)
Output Three-phase 500 ~ 690 V-50/60 Hz (The maximum output voltage is
Voltage equal to the input supply voltage.)
Current 150%-1 minute, 165%-2 sec.
Electrical Braking
Braking Built-in dynamic braking drive circuit
Braking An external braking resistor (option)
Power Supply
Voltage- 3
Three-phase 500 ~ 690 V-50/60 Hz
Allowable 4
+ 10% - 15% Frequency ±5%
IP20 Enclosed Type
Forced Air-Cooled
Cooling Fan
Noise (dBA)
Color RAL7016
EMC Filter Built-in
DC Reactor Built-in DC reactor
Capacity is calculated at 600 V for the 575-V class.
Rated output current when the PWM carrier frequency (parameter CF) is 2.5 kHz.
An external power supply backup available (option) (Type: CPS002Z)
±10% when the inverter is used continuously (load of 100%).

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-7

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

3.4.2 Large Capacity Types

Applicable Motor
Kw 90 110
HP 125 150
Type VFAS1
Form 6110KPC 6132KPC
Output Capacity (KVA) 130 150
Output Current (A) 125 144
Three-phase 500V~690V
(The maximum output
Output Voltage
voltage is equal to the input
supply voltage.)
Overload Current Rating 150%-1minute, 165%-2 sec.
Electrical Braking
Built-in dynamic braking drive
Dynamic Braking Circuit
An external braking resistor
Dynamic braking resistor
Three-phase 500 ~ 690 V-
Voltage-Frequency 3
50/60 Hz
Voltage + 10% — 15%
Allowable Fluctuation
Frequency ±5%
Protective Method IP00 Open type
Cooling Method Forced air-cooled
Cooing Fan Noise (dBA) 73
Color RAL7016
EMC Filter Built-in
Reactor External AC reactor (option)
Capacity is calculated at 600 V for the 575-V class.
Rated output current when the PWM carrier frequency (parameter CF) is 2.5 kHz.
An external power supply backup available (option) (Type: CPS002Z)
±10% when the inverter is used continuously (load of 100%).
Inverters do not have wiring port covers. They have large openings, but there is no space to bend the external
cables inside the unit.
AC reactor (option): Mandatory for VFAS1-6110KPC and above.

3-8 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 3: Technical Specifications

3.5 Inverter Output Capacity

Related Output 400 V 600 V
Capacity (kW) Min Ω Frame Min Ω Frame
1.5 60 Ω A 12 Ω B
2.2 60 Ω A 12 Ω B
3.7/4.0 40 Ω B 12 Ω B
5.5 30 Ω C 12 Ω B
7.5 20 Ω C 12 Ω B
11 20 Ω D 12 Ω B
15 13.3 Ω E 12 Ω B
18.5 13.3 Ω E 12 Ω B
22 13.3 Ω F 12 Ω B
30 10 Ω G 12 Ω C
37 6.7 Ω G 8Ω C
45 5Ω I 8Ω C
55 5Ω I 5Ω C
75 3.3 Ω I 5Ω C
90 2.5 Ω J 4Ω D
110 1.9 Ω K 4Ω D

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-9

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

3.6 Control Specifications

Control System: Sinusoidal PWM control.
Output Voltage Main circuit voltage feedback control
Adjustment: (switchable between automatic
adjustment/fix/control off).
Output Frequency Setting between 0.01 to 500 Hz. Default
Range: maximum frequency is set to 0 to 90 Hz.
Maximum frequency adjustment (30 to
500 Hz).
Minimum Setting Steps 0.01 Hz: operation panel input (60 Hz
of Frequency: base).
0.03 Hz: analog input (60 Hz base, 11-
bit/0 to 10 VDC).
Frequency Accuracy: Analog input: ±0.2% of maximum output
frequency (at 25 ± 50º F/10º C).
Digital input: ±0.01% ±0.022 Hz of
output frequency.
Voltage/Frequency V/f constant, square reduction torque
Characteristics: control, automatic torque boost, vector
calculation control, base frequency
adjustment 1, 2, 3, and 4 (25 to 500 Hz),
V/f 5-point arbitrary setting, torque boost
adjustment (0 to 30%), start frequency
adjustment (0 to 10 Hz), stop frequency
adjustment (0 to 30 Hz).
Frequency Setting Signal: 3 k potentiometer (possible to connect
to 1 to 10 k–rated potentiometer).
0 to 10 VDC (input impedance Zin: 30
0 to VDC (Zin: 22 k).
4 to 20 mADC (Zin: 242 ).
Terminal Board Base Characteristic can be set arbitrarily by
Frequency two-point setting.
Compliant with six types of input, analog
input (PR, VI/II, RX, AI1, AI2), and pulse
input (AI1, AI2, pulse input optional).
Frequency Jump Three places. Setting of jump frequency
and width.
Upper and Lower Limit Upper limit: 0 to maximum frequency.
Frequencies: Lower limit: 0 to upper limit frequency.

3-10 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 3: Technical Specifications

PWM Carrier 200 V-45 kW or less, adjustable between

Frequency: 1.0 to 16 kHz for 400 V-75 kW or less.
200 V-55 kW or less, adjustable between
2.5 to 8 kHz for 400 V-90 kW or more.
PID Control: Adjustment of proportional gain, integral
time, differential time, and delay filter.
Torque Control: Voltage command input specification: DC
0 to 10 V.

3.7 Operational Specifications

Acceleration/ 0.01 to 6,000 sec. Selectable from among
Deceleration Time: acceleration/deceleration times 1, 2, 3,
and 4.
Automatic acceleration/deceleration
S-pattern acceleration/deceleration 1 and
2 pattern adjustable.
DC Braking: Adjustment of braking start frequency (0
to 120 Hz), braking (0 to 100%), and
braking time (0 to 20 sec.).
With emergency stop braking function
and motor shaft fix control function.
Forward Run/ Reverse With F-CC closed to forward run, with R-
Run1: CC closed to reverse run, with both closed
to reverse run.
With ST-CC opened to coast stop.
Emergency stop by panel operation or
terminal board.
Jog Run1: Jog mode, if selected, allows jog
operation from operation panel.
Jog run operation by terminal board is
possible by setting parameters.
Preset Speed Operation1: By changing the combination of
open/close between S1, S2, S3, RR/S4CC,
set frequency + 15-speed operation.
Selectable between
acceleration/deceleration time, torque
limit, and V/f by set frequency.
Sixteen-contact input terminals (of which eight are options) are programmable contact input terminals. They make it
possible to arbitrarily select from 136 types of signals.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-11

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Retry: Capable of restarting after a check of main

circuit elements in case the protective
function is activated.
Maximum of 10 times selectable
Waiting time adjustment (0 to 10 sec.).
Soft Stall: Automatic load reduction control at
overloading (default is OFF).
Cooling Fan ON/Off: Cooling fan will be stopped automatically
to assure long life when unnecessary.
Operation Panel Key Key prohibition selectable between STOP
Operation On/Off key only, MODE key only, etc.
Control: All key operations can be prohibited.
Regenerative Power Possible to keep motor running using its
Ride-through Control: regenerative energy in case of a
momentary power failure (default is
Auto-restart Feature: Possible to restart motor in coasting in
accordance with its speed and direction
(Default OFF).
Simplified Pattern Possible to select each eight patterns in
Operation: two groups from 15-speed operation
Maximum of 16 types of operation
Terminal board operation/repeat operation
Commercial Inverter Possible to switch operation by
Switching: commercial power source or inverter.
Light-load High-speed Increases operating efficiency of machine
Operation: by increasing rotational speed of motor
when operated under light load.
Drooping Function: When two or more inverters are used to
operate a single load, this function
prevents load from concentrating on one
inverter due to unbalance.
Override Function: External input signal adjustment is
possible to the operation frequency
command value.

3-12 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 3: Technical Specifications

3.8 Protective Functions

Protective Function: Stall prevention, current limit,
overcurrent, overvoltage, short circuit on
load side, ground fault on load side1,
undervoltage, momentary power failure
(15 ms or more), non-stop control at
momentary power failure, overload
protection, arm overload at starting,
overcurrent on load side at starting,
overcurrent and overload at dynamic
braking resistance, overheat, and
emergency stop.
Electronic Thermal Switchable between standard
Characteristic motor/constant torque VF motor,
adjustment of overload protection, and
stall-prevention level.
Reset Reset by 1a contact closed (or 1b contact
opened), or by operation panel, or power
source OFF/ON.
This function is also used to save and
clear trip records.
This function protects inverters from overcurrent due to output circuit ground fault.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-13

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

3.9 Display Functions

4-Digit and 7-Segment LED
Alarms: Stall prevention during operation,
overload limit, overload, undervoltage on
power source side, DC circuit
undervoltage, setting error, in retry, upper
limit, and lower limit.
Causes of Failures: Overcurrent, overvoltage, overheat, short
circuit on load side, ground fault on load
side, inverter overload, arm overcurrent at
starting, overcurrent on load side at
starting, CPU error, EEPROM error,
RAM error, ROM error, and
communication error.
The following are selectable: dynamic
braking resistor overcurrent/overload,
emergency stop, undervoltage, low
current, overtorque, motor overload, input
phase failure, and output phase failure.
Monitoring Function: Operation frequency, operation frequency
command, forward run/reverse run, output
current, DC voltage, output voltage,
compensated frequency, terminal board
input/output information, CPU version,
past trip history, cumulative operation
time, speed feedback, torque, torque
command, torque current , exiting current,
PID feedback value, motor overload
factor, inverter overload factor, PBR
overload factor, PBR load factor, input
power, output power, peak output current,
peak DC voltage, RR/S4 input, VI/II
input, RX input, AI1 input, AI2 input, FM
output, AM output, expansion I/O card
option CPU version, integral input power,
integral output power, communication
option reception counter, and
communication option abnormal counter.
Free Unit Display: Display of optional units other than output
frequency (motor speed, line speed, etc.),
current ampere/% switch, and voltage
volt/% switch.

3-14 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 3: Technical Specifications

Automatic Edit Function: Searches automatically for parameters that

are different from standard default setting
parameters. Easy to find changed
Linear Default Setting: User parameter settings can be saved as
default settings. Allows to reset
parameters to user-define parameter

Change Display: Displays main current capacitor charging.

3.10 Communication Functions

 RS-485 standard two-channel equipped (connector: modular 8P)

 CC-Link

 DeviceNet and PROFBUS-DP are optional

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 3-15

Section 4

Parts and Accessories

This section provides parts and accessories having all the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC components available. It also describes how to order
these parts and accessories from Lufkin Automation.

The topics covered in this section include:

4.1  Standard Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC Packages .................... 4-2 
4.2  Optional Surge Protection .............................................................. 4-3 
4.3  DBR Units for 400-Volt Class Lufkin Drives ................................ 4-4 
4.4  DBR Units for 600-Volt Class Lufkin Drives ................................ 4-5 
4.5  DBR Connection Kits..................................................................... 4-6 
4.6  Optional Automatic Bypass Units for 400-Volt Class VSD
Units ............................................................................................... 4-6 
4.7  Optional Mounting Legs ................................................................ 4-6 
4.8  Repair by Exchange Inverter Modules ........................................... 4-7 
4.9  Optional Line Reactors................................................................... 4-7 
4.10  Optional Harmonic Filters for 400-Volt Class Drives ................... 4-8 
4.11  Miscellaneous Replacement Parts .................................................. 4-9 
4.12  Documentation ............................................................................... 4-9 
4.13  How to Order Parts and Accessories .............................................. 4-9 

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 4-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Variable Speed Drive Rod Pump Control User

4.1 Standard Lufkin Well Manager VSD

RPC Packages
Part Description Part No.
Lufkin VSD 10 hp/7.5 kW 063.0010
Lufkin VSD 10 hp/7.4 kW, CW * 063.0011
Lufkin VSD 15 hp/11 kW 063.0015
Lufkin VSD 15 hp/11 kW, CW 063.0016
Lufkin VSD 25 hp/18.5 kW 063.0025
Lufkin VSD 25 hp/18.5 kW, CW 063.0026
Lufkin VSD 30 hp/22 kW 063.0030
Lufkin VSD 30 hp/22 kW, CW 063.0033
Lufkin VSD 40 hp/30 kW 063.0040
Lufkin VSD 40 hp/30 kW, CW 063.0044
Lufkin VSD 50 hp/37 kW 063.0050
Lufkin VSD 50 hp/37 kW, CW 063.0055
Lufkin VSD 60 hp/45 kW 063.0060
Lufkin VSD 60 hp/45 kW, CW 063.0066
Lufkin VSD 75 hp/55 kW 063.0075
Lufkin VSD 75 hp/55 kW, CW 063.0077
Lufkin VSD 100 hp/75 kW 063.0100
Lufkin VSD 100 hp/75 kW, CW 063.0101
Lufkin VSD 125 hp/92 kW 063.0125
Lufkin VSD 125 hp/92 kW, CW 063.0126
Lufkin VSD 150 hp/110 kW 063.0150
Lufkin VSD 150 hp/110 kW 063.0150
Lufkin VSD 150 hp/110 kW, CW 063.0155

* CW denotes a Cold Weather model with a heater for the LCD installed.
If ambient temperature is expected to fall below -20º C (-4º F), the CW
option should be ordered.

4-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 4: Parts and Accessories

4.2 Optional Surge Protection

Part Description Part No.
Surge Protector, Raycap STRIKESORB
Installed 25 hp/18.5 kW 530.4004
Surge Protector, Raycap STRIKESORB
Installed 30 hp/22 kW 530.4000
Surge Protector, Raycap STRIKESORB
Installed 40 — 50 hp/30 — 37 kW 530.4001
Surge Protector, Raycap STRIKESORB
Installed 60 — 75 hp/45 — 55 kW 530.4002
Surge Protector, Raycap STRIKESORB
Installed 100 hp/75 kW 530.4003
Surge Protector, Raycap STRIKESORB
Installed 150 hp/110 kW 530.4005

Surge protection is included in the standard package. The optional Raycap

STRIKESORB modules offer much more robust protection.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 4-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Variable Speed Drive Rod Pump Control User

4.3 DBR Units for 400-Volt Class Lufkin

Output Rating Minimum Standard Lufkin Resistor Unit
Lufkin Resistanc Resistanc Wattage
VSD RPC e e [Ohms] Rating
Number [hp] [kW] [Ohms] Part No. (±10%) [kW]
063.6010 10 7.5 20 060.0590 21.6 6.4
063.6015 15 11 20 060.0590 21.6 6.4
063.6025 25 18.5 13.3 060.0590 21.6 6.4
063.6030 30 22 13.3 060.0591 14.7 6.4
063.6040 40 30 10 060.0591 14.7 6.4
063.0050 50 37 6.7 060.0594 7.5 6.4
060.0592 6.0 6.4
063.0060 60 45 5
060.0700* 5.5 12.8
060.0592 6.0 6.4
063.0075 75 55 5
060.0700* 5.5 12.8
060.0593 12.8
063.0100 100 75 3.3 3.9
060.0701* 25.6
060.0593 12.8
063.0125 125 92 2.5 3.9
060.0701* 25.6
060.0593 12.8
063.0150 150 110 1.9 3.9
060.0701* 25.6

*Heavy duty ratings. For highly regenerative applications, Part No.

060.0700 can be optionally employed with 60-hp (45-kW) and 75-hp (55-
kW) units. Part No. 060.0701 for 100 hp (75Kw), 125 hp (92 kW), and
150 hp (110 kW).

4-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 4: Parts and Accessories

4.4 DBR Units for 600-Volt Class Lufkin

Output Rating Minimum Standard Lufkin Resistor Unit
Lufkin Resistanc Resistanc Wattage
VSD RPC e e [Ohms] Rating
Number [hp] [KW] [Ohms] Part No. (±10%) [kW]
063.6010 10 7.5 12.0 060.0591 14.7 6.4
063.6015 15 11 12.0 060.0591 14.7 6.4
063.6025 25 18.5 12.0 060.0591 14.7 6.4
063.6030 30 22 12.0 060.0591 14.7 6.4
063.6040 40 30 12.0 060.0591 14.7 6.4
063.6050 50 37 8.0 060.0595 8.9 6.4
063.6060 60 45 8.0 060.0595 8.9 6.4
060.0592 6.0 6.4
063.6075 75 55 5.0
060.0700* 5.5 12.8
060.0592 6.0 6.4
063.6100 100 75 5.0
060.0700* 5.5 12.8

*Heavy duty ratings. For highly regenerative applications, Part No.

060.0700 can be optionally employed with 75-hp (55-kW) and 100-hp
(75-kW) units.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 4-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Variable Speed Drive Rod Pump Control User

4.5 DBR Connection Kits

Part Description Part No.
460 V hp/kW 600 V hp/kW
10 — 40 hp

7.5 — 30 kW 530.0263
50 — 75 hp 10 — 100 hp
37 — 55 kW 7.5 — 75 kW 530.0262
60 — 75 HD/100 — 150 hp 75 HD — 100 HD
45 — 55 HD/75 — 110 kW 55 kW — 75 kW 530.0261

4.6 Optional Automatic Bypass Units for

400-Volt Class VSD Units
Part Description Part No.
Bypass NEMA 3R 15 hp/11 kW 460 V 062.5015
Bypass NEMA 3R 25 hp/18.5 kW 460 V 062.5025
Bypass NEMA 3R 30 hp/22 kW 460 V 062.5030
Bypass NEMA 3R 40 hp/29 kW 460 V 062.5040
Bypass NEMA 3R 50 hp/37 kW 460 V 062.5050
Bypass NEMA 3R 60 hp/45 kW 460 V 062.5060
Bypass NEMA 3R 75 hp/55 kW 460 V 062.5075
Bypass NEMA 3R 100 hp/75 kW 460 V 062.5100
Bypass NEMA 3R 125 hp/92 kW 460 V 062.5150
Bypass NEMA 3R 150 hp/110 kW 460 V 062.5150

4.7 Optional Mounting Legs

Part Description Part No.
Mounting Legs for 10 — 30 hp/7.5 — 22 kW Lufkin VSD 291.1030
Mounting Legs for 40 — 50 hp/30 — 37 kW Lufkin VSD 291.4050
Mounting Legs for 60 — 100 hp/45 — 75 kW Lufkin VSD 291.6000
Mounting Legs for 125 — 150 hp/92 — 110 kW Lufkin VSD Included

4-6 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 4: Parts and Accessories

4.8 Repair by Exchange Inverter Modules

Part Description Part No.
Inverter, 10 hp/7.5 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6010R
Inverter, 15 hp/ 11 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6015R
Inverter, 25 hp/18.5 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6025R
Inverter, 30 hp/22 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6030R
Inverter, 40 hp/30 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6040R
Inverter, 50 hp/37 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6050R
Inverter, 60 hp/45 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6060R
Inverter, 75 hp/55 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6075R
Inverter, 100 hp/75 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6100R
Inverter, 125 hp/92 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6125R
Inverter, 150 hp/110 kW VSD, (Exchange) 062.6150R

4.9 Optional Line Reactors

480 V/60 Hz
Output Rating Line Reactor Kits
Lufkin Part No. [hp] [kW] Low Z (3%) High Z (5%)
063.0010 10 7.5 530.1812 530.1793
063.0015 15 11 530.1813 530.1795
063.0025 25 18.5 530.1815 530.1797
063.0030 30 22 530.1816 530.1798
063.0040 40 30 530.1817 530.1799
063.0050 50 37 530.1818 530.1800
063.0060 60 45 530.1819 530.1801
063.0075 75 55 530.1820 530.1805
063.0100 100 75 530.1821 530.1802
063.0125 125 92 530.1822 Consult Lufkin
063.0150 150 110 530.1823 Consult Lufkin

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 4-7

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Variable Speed Drive Rod Pump Control User

4.10 Optional Harmonic Filters for 400-Volt

Class Drives
480V/60 Hz 400V/60 Hz
Output Rating Output Rating
Lufkin Part No. [hp] [kW] [hp] [kW] Lufkin Filter Option
063.0010 10 7.5 15 11 Consult Lufkin
063.0015 15 11 25 18.5 Consult Lufkin
063.0025 25 18.5 30 22 062.7036
063.0030 30 22 40 30 062.7039
063.0040 40 30 50 37 062.7041
063.0050 50 37 60 45 062.7043
063.0060 60 45 75 55 062.7045
063.0075 75 55 100 75 062.7047
063.0100 100 75 125 92 062.7049
063.0125 125 92 150 110 062.7065
063.0150 150 110 — — Consult Lufkin

Harmonic filter units will typically lower the current harmonics to less
than 8% THD. Note that harmonic filters are based off of supply voltage
and frequency. For supplies other than 400 — 480 V/60 Hz, contact your
local Lufkin Automation representative. Be sure to give voltage rating, hp
or kW rating and frequency.
Harmonic filter units are equipped with NEMA-3R enclosures, and are
ready for installation between the drive and power supply.

4-8 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 4: Parts and Accessories

4.11 Miscellaneous Replacement Parts

Part Description Part No.
Circuit Breaker, 25Hp, 460V 184.0140
Circuit Breaker, 30HP, 460V 184.0141
Circuit Breaker, 40HP, 460V 184.0142
Circuit Breaker, 50HP, 460V 184.0143
Circuit Breaker 60-75HP, 460V 184.0145
Circuit Breaker, 100-125HP, 460V 184.0146
Fuse, 30 A, Lufkin VSD 15 hp/11 kW 181.6030
Fuse, 50 A, Lufkin VSD 25 hp18 kW 181.6050
Fuse, 60 A, Lufkin VSD 30 hp/22 kW 181.6060
Fuse, 80 A, Lufkin VSD 40 hp/29 kW 181.6080
Fuse, 100 A, Lufkin VSD 50 hp/37 kW 181.6100
Fuse, 110 A, Lufkin VSD 60 hp/45 kW 181.6110
Fuse, 150 A, Lufkin VSD 75 hp/55 kW 181.6150
Fuse, 175 A, Lufkin VSD 100 hp/75 kW 181.6175
Fuse, 600 VAC, 1 8/10 Amp — 4 FU and 5 FU 181.0810
Fuse, 250 VAC, 2 Amp — 8 FU and 15 FU 181.6002
Fan, LFKA-1 Inverter VSD (30 — 100 hp/22 — 74 kW) 188.2398
Fan, LFKA-1 Inverter VSD (25 hp/18.5 kW) 188.2332
Power Supply, Lufkin VSD, 12 VDC 194.4512
Handle, External Lufkin VSD Disconnect
(10 — 60 hp/7.5 — 45 kW) 291.0062
Handle, External Lufkin VSD Disconnect
(75 — 150 hp/55 — 110 kW) 291.0063
H-O-A Switch, Lufkin VSD 184.9001
H-O-A Contact Block, Lufkin VSD 184.9002

4.12 Documentation
Part Description Part No.
Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual 099.5000
Lufkin Well Manager™ — Variable Speed Drive Rod Pump Control 099.5035
User Manual
Dynamic Braking Resistor Installation Guide 099.5031

4.13 How to Order Parts and Accessories

Call your local Lufkin Automation representative or contact the factory in
Houston directly at 281.495.1100.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 4-9

Section 5

Hardware Configuration

All hardware configuration switches and jumpers should be properly set

from the Lufkin Automation factory. The following information is
provided so that users can double-check, if desired. A number of switches
and jumpers on the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC electronic circuit
boards should be checked, and a few switches/jumpers on the Toshiba
inverter should also be checked. The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
hardware must be configured properly in order to obtain accurate input
data and have effective pump control.

The topics covered in this section include:

5.1  Lufkin Well Manager Hardware Configuration ............................. 5-2 

5.1.1  Battery Jumper Pins on Motherboard .................................. 5-2 
5.1.2  Expansion Boards ................................................................ 5-3 
5.2  Toshiba VF-AS1 Inverter Hardware Configuration....................... 5-4 
5.2.1  Drive Terminal I/O Connector Board.................................. 5-5 
5.2.2  EMI/RFI Grounding Capacitor............................................ 5-5 

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 5-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

5.1 Lufkin Well Manager Hardware

The only key configuration settings you need to check for VSD operation
are to ensure that the shorting jumper pin configuration is correct on the
motherboard for the backup battery, and that specific jumper and dip
switches on the expansion board are set correctly.

Additional hardware components of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

must be checked and possibly reconfigured, such as transmitters, the radio
communications port, and components on the expansion boards. For
information about configuring these components, refer to section 5,
“Hardware Configuration” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump
Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

5.1.1 Battery Jumper Pins on Motherboard

Many of the parameters programmed for VSD RPC control are stored on
RAM on the Lufkin Well Manager motherboard. This memory is
supported during power outages by a lithium battery located near the top
of the motherboard. A set of jumper pins located next to the battery must
be connected for the battery to be in circuit and functional. If the battery is
not functional, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC will loose
programming when primary power is turned off.

To check the shorting jumper configuration, open the outer door and the
inner keypad/display panel to view the electronic circuit boards. Look
downward from the top of the circuit board stack to view the green battery
between the motherboard and the expansion board. The battery jumper is
just above the end of the battery nearest the door hinge. Figure 5-1 shows
you where the jumper pins and battery are located.

If the jumper is not connected to the two pins, you need to temporarily
remove the expansion board to move the jumper so that the two pins are

5-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 5: Hardware Configuration

Battery jumper pins

Lithium battery

Figure 5-1. Mother Board Showing Lithium Battery and Battery Jumper Pins

5.1.2 Expansion Boards

For additional information about the expansion boards that are used to
complete the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system, refer to section 5,
“Hardware Configuration” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump
Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Expansion Board 520.5003

Earlier units used model 520.5003 expansion board and an RS485
communication expansion board (model 520.5012). Confirm that the
following jumpers/switches are in the designated position.

Expansion Board Setting

520.5003 Jumper position R7 on the JP1 header 6 must be set to
connect the two pins.
520.5012 Check that DP1 dip switches 1, 2, 5, and 8 are be set for
OFF. All others should be set for ON.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 5-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Expansion Board 520.5057

More recent production units use a model 520.5057 expansion board.
Confirm that the following settings have been made:

Switch Setting
SW 1 Switch 6 to the ON (right) position.
Other switches are not critical.
SW 2 Switch 6 to the OFF (left) position.
Other switches are not critical.
SW 5 Switches 3, 5, and 8 in the OFF (down)
All others to the ON position.
SW6 All switches in the OFF (down) position.
SW7 Switches 1, 3, and 5 to the ON (right) position.
Switches 2, 4, and 6 to the OFF (left) position.

Socket J2 should contain a 0 — 10 V module.

5.2 Toshiba VF-AS1 Inverter Hardware

To check the Toshiba VF-AS1 Inverter hardware jumper and switch
settings, the front cover of the inverter must be removed. The cover is
attached with six Phillips head screws positioned around the edge of the
inverter module.

For more information about cover removal and the location of the
configuration switches and jumpers, refer to the following pages in
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual E6581301:

 Pages A4 through A8 for location diagrams

 Pages A9 through A10 for control circuit terminal board cover removal

 Page A12 for a discussion about the grounding capacitor

The control circuit terminal board must be replaced after the switch
settings are checked, but the front cover of the inverter may remain off
until after direction of rotation is checked during the Quick-Start
programming process.

If the motor is turning the wrong direction when it is started for reference
revolution calibration, you will need to stop the drive with the H-O-A
switch and discontinue the Quick-Start process.

5-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 5: Hardware Configuration

Note: Remove all power from the unit and wait 20 minutes (or until the
LED on the drive goes dark) for the bus capacitors to discharge
before switching the motor leads, as described below.

Switch two of the motor power leads at the inverter output terminals
U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 to reverse motor rotation. All safety shields and
covers should then be reinstalled for normal operation.

5.2.1 Drive Terminal I/O Connector Board

The control circuit terminal board must be removed to view the
configuration switches. Refer to page A10 of the Toshiba VF-AS1
instruction manual E6581301 for terminal board removal, and page B9 for
the location of the switches.

Check the following settings:

Switch Setting
Switch to the right
SW1, SW3, and SW4
SW2 Switch to the left position.

5.2.2 EMI/RFI Grounding Capacitor

The capacitor must be disconnected (out of the circuit) or the amount of
capacitance should be reduced. Depending on inverter horsepower/KW
rating, a selector switch, switching bar, or switching screw is used to make
the grounding capacitor adjustment. Refer to pages A12 and A13 of the
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual E6581301.

Note: The 30-hp drive (400 V, 22 Kw) has two grounding capacitor
switches as shown on Page A13 of the Toshiba VF-AS1
instruction manual E6581301.

The built-in EMI/RFI filter reduces EMI and RFI noise produced by the
drive. This filter contains a capacitor that is connected to ground via a
switch. If the VSD is powered by an un-grounded electrical system, this
filter must be isolated from ground or damage to the drive will occur.
Lufkin Automation highly recommends that this filter always be
disconnected from ground except when it is systematically determined that
the electrical system is appropriately grounded. All units are shipped from
the factory with the filter disconnected from ground. For further
information about connecting the filter to ground, refer to section 1.3.3 of
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual E6581301 (supplied with the unit).

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 5-5

Section 6

Installing the Integrated Lufkin

Well Manager VSD RPC

This section covers the installation of an integrated Lufkin Well Manager

VSD RPC for a VSD RPC system. For additional information about
installing load and position sensors, telemetry equipment, and optional
control relays refer to the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control
User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

The topics covered in this section include:

6.1  Typical Installation .......................................................................... 6-1 

6.2  Site Selection ................................................................................... 6-2 
6.3  Installing the Integrated Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC ............. 6-3 

6.1 Typical Installation

A typical VSD RPC installation includes the following system

 Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

 Load cell

 Hall-Effect sensors for motor shaft and crank arm

 Telemetry system (optional)

 Dynamic braking resistor unit (optional)

Figure 6-1 shows an example of a typical Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 6-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 6-1. Typical Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC Installation

This manual only provides information for installing the integrated VSD
RPC unit. For information about installing the other system components,
such as the load cell, Hall-Effect sensors and the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC, refer to section 6, “Installing the System” of the Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No 099.5000).

6.2 Site Selection

When you select a site for installing the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC,
keep in mind the following conditions:

 Mount the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC in a location near the
pumping unit so that it is easily accessible to the operator.

 Keep the motor power leads as short as possible. AC power and motor
leads must be run in separate conduit from any other control/signal

Note: If local practice or specific circumstances require longer power

cable lengths, please consult Lufkin Automation for assistance
with your application.

 If the system includes optional radio data telemetry equipment, keep in

mind the radio signal path from the well to the base radio location. The
Yagi antenna for the local wellsite radio should not point directly at the
pumping unit structure when properly aligned with the base radio

6-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 6: Installing the Integrated Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

6.3 Installing the Integrated Lufkin Well

Manager VSD RPC
The integrated Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC unit can be very heavy,
particularly for larger horsepower sizes. Lifting equipment will be

A solid concrete base is needed to support the unit. Approximate unit

shipping weights are listed in the table below.

Weight Lufkin Automation

Description lb kg Part No.
10 hp/7.5 kW VSD RPC 300 136.1 063.0010
15 hp/11 kW VSD RPC 315 158.8 063.0015
25 hp/18.5 kW VSD RPC 325 147.4 063.0025
30 hp/22 kW VSD RPC 340 154.2 063.0030
40 hp/30 kW VSD RPC 420 190.5 063.0040
50 hp/37 kW VSD RPC 420 190.5 063.0050
60 hp/45 kW VSD RPC 450 204.1 063.0060
75 hp/55 kW VSD RPC 480 217.7 063.0075
100 hp/75 kW VSD RPC 500 226.8 063.0100
125 hp/92 kW VSD RPC 600 272.2 063.0125
150 hp/110 kW VSD RPC 650 294.8 063.0150

The part numbers are for the cabinets only and do not include the optional
mounting legs. All units can be mounted to a panel or on a pole, but this
type of mounting is typically only practical for units up to 50 hp (37 kW).
For information about the mounting legs available and their part numbers,
see “Optional Mounting Legs” in section 4, “Parts Lists.”

Figure 6-2 shows an example of a typical recommended concrete base


Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 6-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 6-2. Typical Recommended Concrete Base Design

Note: Optional mounting legs are available to raise the unit so that the
operator interface screens are at a convenient level. See section 4,
“Parts Lists” to order the correct legs.

Installation Procedure
Follow the steps below to properly mount the integrated Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC.

1. Excavate a trench to lay conduit from the site for the VSD RPC to
both the back of the pumping unit and to the primary power service

2. Lay conduit and stub it up so that the ends will come up in the
“notch” of the concrete base.

3. When the VSD RPC cabinet is set in place and bolted down, complete
the conduit installation to the bottom of the VSD RPC enclosure.

Note: Local codes may also require that a buried conduit for the load and
position (Hall-Effect transducers) be installed from the VSD RPC
unit to the Sampson post of the pumping unit.

6-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 6: Installing the Integrated Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC

4. After all electrical conduit is in place, level the site for the concrete
base using gravel or other suitable fill material, if necessary.

5. Set the concrete base in place, keeping in mind the required alignment
for the stubbed-up conduit.

6. Use appropriate lifting equipment to set the Lufkin Well Manager

VSD RPC in place. Carefully align the mounting stand holes with the
mounting bolts fixed in the concrete base.

7. Securely bolt the VSD RPC cabinet in place.

8. If an optional dynamic braking resistor (DBR) unit is to be added, set

it in place on top of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC enclosure.
You need to drill several 5/32-inch (4 mm) diameter holes in the side
of the VSD RPC cabinet near the top to secure the DBR unit in place.
Use a hold down strap (included with the DBR unit) to mark the
location of the holes. After the holes are drilled, align the hold down
straps in position and screw each in place with the hardware provided.
Refer to the Dynamic Braking Resistor Installation Guide (Part No.
099.5031) that is included with the DBR assembly.

9. If necessary, install the control relay kit that typically is provided to

shut down the drive in the event of braking resistor overheating. Drill
two 3/16-inch (2.2 mm) diameter holes in the side of the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC cabinet near the bottom to mount the din rail that
holds the relay. Refer to the installation procedure document (Part No.
010.0138 for the 12-VDC relay option or Part No. 010.0136 for the
120-VAC relay option) that is included with the relay kit.

10. Install the load cell and the Hall-Effect transducers for the motor shaft
(RPM) and the unit crank shaft (CSW).

For information about how to install the load cell and transducers,
refer to section 6, “Installing the System” of the Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual.

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC is now installed.

See section 7 “Wiring the VSD System,” for information about wiring the

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 6-5

Section 7

Wiring the VSD System

This section describes how to wire the various components making up the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system. Following the recommended
wiring guidelines is crucial for successful performance.

The topics covered in this section include:

7.1  Overview of VSD Components Wiring ......................................... 7-2 

7.2  Signal Wiring ................................................................................. 7-2 
7.2.1  Load Cell Cable ................................................................... 7-4 
7.2.2  Hall-Effect Sensor Cables ................................................... 7-4 
7.2.3  Shielded Cables ................................................................... 7-5 
7.3  Power Wiring ................................................................................. 7-5 
7.3.1  Primary Input Power............................................................ 7-6 
7.3.2  Motor Power and Ground Leads ......................................... 7-7 
7.3.3  System Grounding ............................................................... 7-9 
7.4  Dynamic Braking Resistor Wiring ............................................... 7-10 
7.4.1  Dynamic Braking Resistor Wiring .................................... 7-10 
7.4.2  External Safety Relay Connections ................................... 7-12 
7.5  Typical Wiring Diagrams ............................................................. 7-12 
7.6  Performing Power-Up Voltage Checks ........................................ 7-16 

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

7.1 Overview of VSD Components Wiring

This manual only covers the wring of three parts of the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC system.

 Signal wiring

 Power wiring

 System grounding

Other components of the system must be properly wired in order to obtain

complete and accurate performance from other optional components of the
VSD RPC system, such as load and position transducers, motor control
and fault relays, expansion boards, etc. For information about how to wire
these components, refer to section 7, “Wiring the System” of Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5500).

7.2 Signal Wiring

Typical system signal wiring includes running and terminating the cables
for the load cell and for the two Hall-Effect sensors. Optional transmitters
to monitor other wellhead process variables, such as tubing pressure
and/or casing pressure can also be included.

The terminal blocks for connecting the load cell and Hall-Effect sensor
cable leads are located on the lower right corner of the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC motherboard. To access the motherboard:

1. Open the small metal door located on the upper left of the front door
of the cabinet. The keypad is exposed, as shown in Figure 7-1.

7-2 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System

Latch to open panel to

access circuit boards

Figure 7-1. Latch for Opening Panel Containing Circuit Boards

2. Lift up on the latch located to the right of the keypad, and then pull the
panel outwards.

All circuit boards are attached to the other side of the panel as shown
in Figure 7-2. The motherboard is the bottom circuit board, which is
the one directly attached to the panel.

Field wiring

Figure 7-2. Panel with Attached Electronic Circuit Boards

A field wiring diagram is attached to the inside of the Lufkin Well

Manager VSD RPC front cover that has information about cable lead
connection. For additional information about routing signal cables and
terminating wires, refer to section 7, “Wiring the System” of the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5500).

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

7.2.1 Load Cell Cable

The load cell cable leads must be terminated at terminal strip TB3, which
is located on the RPC Analog Input Board. This small board is located on
the lower right corner of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
motherboard. The terminals leads on TB3 are labeled LD1 through LD5.
See Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3. TB3 on RPC Analog Input Board and Load Cell Wiring Diagram

7.2.2 Hall-Effect Sensor Cables

The two Hall-Effect sensor cables must be terminated at terminal strip
TB4, which is located on the motherboard along the bottom edge. See
Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4. TB4 on Motherboard and Hall-Effect Sensor Wiring Diagram

7-4 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System

7.2.3 Shielded Cables

Shielded cables must be used for the signal leads from the load cell and
the Hall-Effect sensors. Shields should be terminated only at the hinge
mounting screw on the lower right edge of the front panel where the
motherboard is mounted. It is where the factory-installed green wire that
connects the front panel to the system ground is located.

Hinge mounting
screw for shielded

Figure 7-5. Hinge Mounting Screw Located on

Front of Circuit Panel

The shield of each cable must be connected only at the controller end. The
transducer end of the shield should be left unconnected; otherwise a
ground loop could form causing erroneous signals.

7.3 Power Wiring

The topics below provide useful information for wiring:

 Primary input power (page 7-6)

 Power between the motor and Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
(page 7-7)

 System grounding (page 7-9)

The table below shows the recommended wire sizes for a maximum run
length of 100 feet (30 meters).

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Recommended Minimum Wire Gauges for

Power and Ground Leads (90C THHN or Equivalent)
hp/Kw Power Lead Size Ground Lead Size
380 V 480 V AWG mm AWG mm2
— 15 hp/11 kW 10 6 2 34
15 hp/11 kW 20 hp/15 kW 8 9 2 34
20 hp/15 kW 25 hp18 kW 8 9 2 34
25 hp/18.5 kW 30 hp/22 kW 8 9 2 34
30 hp/22 kW 40 hp/29 kW 6 14 2 34
40 hp/29 kW 50 hp/37 kW 4 22 2 34
50 hp/37 kW 60 hp/45 kW 3 27 2 34
60 hp/44 kW 75 hp/55 kW 2 34 2 34
75 hp/55 kW 100 hp/75 kW 1/0 54 1/0 54
100 hp/74 kW 125 hp/92 kW 3/0 85 3/0 85
125 hp/92 kW 150 hp/110 kW 4/0 108 4/0 108
150 hp/110 kW — 4/0 108 4/0 108

Recommended Minimum Wire Gauges for

Power and Ground Leads (90C THHN or Equivalent)
hp/Kw Power Lead Size Ground Lead Size
600V AWG mm AWG mm2
20hp/15kw 10 6 2 34
25 hp/18.5 kW 10 6 2 34
30 hp/22 kW 8 9 2 34
40 hp/29 kW 8 9 2 34
50 hp/37 kW 8 9 2 34
60 hp/44 kW 6 14 2 34
75 hp/55 kW 4 22 2 34
100 hp/74 kW 3 27 2 34
125 hp/92 kW 1 43 1 43

Note: For wire lengths longer than 100 feet (30 meters), increase wire
sizes by one gauge size.

7.3.1 Primary Input Power

Three-phase voltage in the range of 380 to 480 VAC, 50/60 Hz (or 600
VAC if it is a 600-volt unit) must be provided to the line side of the circuit
breaker in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC. The line side is the top
three connectors on the disconnect that are labeled R/L1, S/L2, and T/L3.
See Figure 7-6.

7-6 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System

Figure 7-6. Line Side of Circuit Breaker in VSD RPC

Wires from the power company interface (meter or service disconnect)

should be run in rigid metal conduit buried at suitable depth according to
local codes. The conduit should be run up into the bottom of the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC cabinet.

Pull a ground wire along with the three power wires. Dress the three
power wires up the side of the cabinet away from the inverter and connect
at the top of the circuit breaker.

You can remove the plastic safety shields covering the terminals by firmly
pulling straight up. Safety shields should be snapped back in place after
leads are terminated.

Dress the ground lead to the ground bus in the lower right corner of the
cabinet and terminate it in one of the ground lugs provided. Avoid making
sharp bends in the ground lead.

7.3.2 Motor Power and Ground Leads

Lufkin Automation recommends that you use the wire sizes for motor
leads listed in the power table on page 7-6.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-7

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Power Leads from Inverter to Motor

The power leads from the inverter to the motor should be no longer than
30 feet (9 meters), and they must be run in separate conduit from primary
power source leads and any signal cable leads. Long motor leads can
amplify VFD voltage fluctuations and cause premature motor failure.

Running Power Leads from Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to

Motor Junction Box
Three motor power leads must be run from the inverter output to the
junction box on the motor. These leads should be run in a combination of
rigid and flexible conduit, or an armored flexible cable can be used. Pull a
ground lead to ground the motor chassis in the conduit with the power
leads. For details about ground wire size and termination, see “System
Grounding” on page 7-9.

Terminating Power Leads from Motor Junction Box to Lufkin

Well Manager VSD RPC
Power leads are terminated in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC cabinet
on terminals at the bottom of the Toshiba inverter module labeled U/T1,
V/T2, and W/T3. See Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7. VSD RPC Power Leads from Toshiba Inverter

To access the power output terminals:

1. Remove the front cover from the inverter section. The cover is
fastened with Phillips head screws around the edge of the inverter

2. After the cover is off, remove the plastic safety shield on the lower
right to reveal the output terminals.

7-8 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System

3. Insert the power leads into the terminals, and then use an Allen hex
wrench to tighten the terminals.

Note: Do not replace the safety shield and the inverter cover at this time.
They will be replaced after motor rotation direction is determined
(and changed, if necessary), and after the position of the
configuration jumpers on the inverter are verified.

7.3.3 System Grounding

Proper earth grounding of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC is critical
to minimize transient voltages that can damage the control system
electronics and to prevent high frequency noise from interfering with the
signal inputs. For additional information about system grounding, ask your
Lufkin Automation representative for a copy of Technical Bulletin TB -
07-1019, Recommended Grounding Practices for LWM.

As a general rule, the larger and shorter the ground lead used, the better
the ground. It is best practice to avoid any sharp bends in a ground lead.

For the VSD RPC application, Lufkin Automation recommends that you
use the wellhead as the system ground electrode. The ground bus in the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC should be connected to the wellhead, and
all other parts of the system should in turn be connected to the VSD
ground bus.

For drives of size 75 HP and smaller, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
ground bus should be connected to the wellhead with an uninterrupted
length of stranded #2 AWG (34 mm2) green ground wire. For a 100-HP
drive, use a 1/0 AWG (54 mm2) ground, and for 125-HP and above, use a
4/0 AWG (108 mm2) ground wire.

Terminate the ground wire at the VSD ground bus with one of the lugs
provided and to the wellhead with an approved pipe ground clamp rated
for the wire size used (#2 AWG/34 mm2, #1/0/54 mm2, or #4/0/108 mm2).

The connection spot at the wellhead must be cleaned down to bare metal
before you install the clamp, and it must be sufficiently coated afterward
to prevent corrosion.

The ground bus in the VSD should be connected to the motor chassis with
an uninterrupted length of stranded green ground. Use the wire size listed
in the table on page 7-6.

The primary power source service ground should be terminated on the

VSD ground bus using one of the ground lugs provided.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-9

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

All signal cable shields should be terminated at the hinge mount screw on
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC front panel where the green ground
wire is connected (see Figure 7-5 on page 7-5).

The system is now grounded.

7.4 Dynamic Braking Resistor Wiring

When an optional dynamic braking resistor (DBR) unit is added to a VSD
RPC drive, it must be wired to the drive. It may also be necessary to wire
the DBR thermostat shutdown control relay.

7.4.1 Dynamic Braking Resistor Wiring

The wiring chamber on the DBR unit has a conduit knockout. Conduit
must be run from that wiring chamber to the lower part of the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC cabinet, either through the side of the cabinet or up
through the bottom of the cabinet. Pull two power wires, four control
wires, and a ground wire through the conduit. Use 16 AWG (2 mm2) for
control wiring. Power and ground conductor sizes should meet or exceed
the values provided in the table below.

hp Rating Conductor Size

400 V Drive 600 V Drive [AWG] [mm2]
10 — 50 — 8 9
60 — 75 10 — 100 6 14
60 — 75 HD*
75 — 100HD* 3 27
100 — 150
*HD — Heavy duty ratings

Note: For your convenience, DBR kits are available. See “DBR
Connection Kits” in section 4, “Parts and Accessories.”

All wiring should be 600-volt class and suitable for operation at 194º F
(90º C).

To access the DBR wiring chamber, remove the endplate where the black
model number tag is mounted. Refer to the wiring diagram on the back of
the cover plate for wire termination information. The ground wire should
be terminated at the ground stud on the upper right wall of the DBR
wiring chamber, and at the ground bus in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC cabinet.

7-10 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System

Terminals PA and PB are located along the bottom edge of the inverter
module in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC cabinet. You may need to
remove the front cover from the inverter to access the terminals. See
Figure 7-8 for a DBR wiring diagram.

Figure 7-8. DBR Wiring Diagram

As noted in Figure 7-8, auxiliary I/O point D07 must be configured. A

logic expression must also be written to use that digital input to shut down
the drive when the DBR thermostat opens on high temperature. For
information about configuring an auxiliary I/O point and writing the logic
expression, refer to “Configuring Auxiliary I/O” and “Logic Expressions”
in section 9, “Lufkin Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-11

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

7.4.2 External Safety Relay Connections

Five external safeties (Figure 7-9) can be connected to the terminal block
to provide shutdowns. These safeties can be used for vibration,
temperature, pressure, DBR overheat, etc. One normally open contact
(N.O.) is available along with four normally closed contacts (N.C.), and
all are isolated through a 12-VDC relay. These contact states are
duplicated onto the LWM at terminals TB4-8 through TB3-7. Only
safeties with dry contacts rated at a minimum of 12 VDC and 100 mA
should be used. No externally powered inputs are allowed.

Figure 7-9. External Safety Relay Connections

Be sure to remove the factory jumpers before installing these switches.

The jumper on terminals 1 and 2 can be utilized for additional safeties, but
they do not provide isolation to the controller.

An LWM digital output and a VSD digital output are also available on the
same terminal strip. Both outputs are programmable through the LWM.

7.5 Typical Wiring Diagrams

The following wiring diagrams are typical for VSD RPC installations.

7-12 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System

Figure 7-10. Typical Wiring Diagram with Dynamic Braking Resistor

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-13

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 7-11. Typical Power Wiring for VSD RPC with Bypass

7-14 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 7: Wiring the VSD System

Figure 7-12. Typical VSD RPC Internal Control Wiring with 520.5003
I/O Expansion

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02E 7-15

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

7.6 Performing Power-Up Voltage Checks

WARNING: Power-up voltage checks should only be performed by a
qualified technician who has experience working with
motor control boxes and their high-voltage circuits.

1. Place the H-O-A switch on the front of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC cabinet in the OFF position and close the circuit breaker switch
to the ON position applying power to the VSD RPC unit.

2. Measure the line-to-line RMS voltage at the bottom of the circuit

breaker to ensure that it is below 500 VAC (or 625 VAC for 600V
controls). The drive will not operate with voltages over 520 VAC/650

3. Verify that the 12-VDC power supply (located on the lower right
portion of the drive back panel) is set to 13.8 VDC. Output voltage of
the power supply can be measured at the terminals on the top edge of
the power supply.

4. Adjust output voltage if necessary.

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC unit is now ready for

5. See section 8, “Quick-Start Programming” for step-by-step

programming instructions.

7-16 Draft Revision 2.02E Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8

Quick-Start Programming

This section covers the use of the Quick-Start feature to program the VSD
functionality of the integrated Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC. For
information about programming other features of the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC that are not specifically related to the VSD
application, refer to the Lufkin Well Manager™ – Rod Pump Control User
Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

The topics covered in this section include:

8.1  Overview of the Quick Start Feature.............................................. 8-2 

8.1.1  Operator Interface Keypad Programming .......................... 8-2 
8.1.2  Parameter Programming Procedure ................................... 8-2 
8.1.3  Shorthand Access Method for Interface Menu
Selection ............................................................................. 8-3 
8.1.4  Changing Parameters When Motor is Running.................. 8-4 
8.2  Using the Quick-Start Feature ........................................................ 8-4 
8.2.1  Starting the Quick-Start Feature......................................... 8-4 
8.2.2  Resetting Parameters to Factory-Default Values ............... 8-5 
8.2.3  Setting Time and Date ........................................................ 8-6 
8.2.4  Configuring GOT and Peak Energy Management ............. 8-7 
8.2.5  Setting Communication Parameters ................................... 8-8 
8.2.6  Selecting and Configuring End Devices .......................... 8-10 
8.2.7  Configuring Rod Pump Control Parameters .................... 8-11 
8.2.8  Configuring Variable Speed Control Parameters ............. 8-13 
8.2.9  Configuring Linear Pump Cornering ............................... 8-24 
8.2.10  Configuring VSD Communications ................................. 8-25 
8.2.11  Initializing the VSD ......................................................... 8-27 
8.2.12  Configuring Drive Parameters ......................................... 8-29 
8.2.13  Configuring Drive Parameters ......................................... 8-36 
8.2.14  Configuring LWT/PIP Parameters ................................... 8-39 
8.2.15  Enabling/Disabling Control Functions ............................. 8-42 
8.2.16  Configuring Pumping Unit Parameters ............................ 8-44 

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

8.2.17  Configuring Rod String Parameters ................................. 8-46 

8.2.18  Starting and Stopping the Pump ....................................... 8-47 
8.2.19  Configuring Reference Revolutions ................................. 8-49 
8.2.20  Configuring Surface Dynagraph Control Parameters ...... 8-50 
8.2.21  Configuring Downhole Dynagraph Control Parameters .. 8-51 
8.2.22  Completing the Quick-Start Feature ................................ 8-52 
8.3  Programming Required for DBR Functions................................. 8-53 

8.1 Overview of the Quick Start Feature

The Quick-Start feature is designed to help you quickly enter the basic
programming parameters necessary to configure the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC and get it into operation. The Quick-Start feature has several
screens that you use to enter basic programming information. This feature
should be used on initial start-up programming, and it can be used later to
change specific parameters.

8.1.1 Operator Interface Keypad Programming

All programming parameter values
can be entered through the 20-key
operator interface keypad mounted in
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
enclosure. This operator interface
allows you at the wellsite to program
and calibrate the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC, and access and display current and historical data
instead of using the LWM Screen Terminal operator interface program that
runs on a laptop computer. For information about the keypad and how to
use it, see “Controller Operator Interface” in section 2, “Description of the
Lufkin VSD Rod Pump Controller System” of the Lufkin Well Manager™
— Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

8.1.2 Parameter Programming Procedure

Most screens use the same procedure to edit (program) control parameters.
The procedure involves displaying the screen you need, highlighting the
field with the parameter, entering the correct parameter value, saving the
value to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC, and then repeating the
process for the next parameter.

The procedure provided below is used for most screens.

1. Display the screen that has the parameters you want to edit.

8-2 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

2. Press <> or <> to highlight the field you want to edit.

3. Do one of the following:

 To enter numerical values, press <EDIT> and then press the

number keys. After you press a key, the next digit to the right
highlights. You can press <> to return to a digit to the left to
change it. After all numerical values are correct, press <ENTER>.

 To select field options, press <EDIT>, press <> or <> to view

the available options. When the option you want displays, press

The next field highlights.

4. Repeat step 3 for each field you want to edit.

Your parameter values are saved to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.

Note: When a procedure is unique to the screen or additional steps are

required, its procedure is provided after the screen description.

8.1.3 Shorthand Access Method for Interface Menu

An alternative approach to changing parameters after the initial start-up
with the Quick-Start feature is to directly access the programming screen
you need. A shorthand access method is provided for most screens
presented below to help you quickly select the desired menu option using
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC interface. For example, to display the
RPC Control Parameter screen you will see (MENU: 2/1/1/1).

To the right of many paragraphs, you may also find a box MENU
displaying “MENU” and below it numbers separated with a 2/1/1/1
forward slash (/). For example, the box to the right of this
paragraph represents the following:

1. From the MAIN Menu screen, select option 2. PROGRAM.

2. Select option 1. RPC APPLICATION.

3. Select option 1. RPC PARAMETERS.

4. Select option 1. CONTROL PARAMETERS.

The RPC Control Parameters screen displays.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

8.1.4 Changing Parameters When Motor is Running

When you change VSD-related parameter values on the keypad/display,
the parameters are often translated by the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
into the VSD. The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC writes the changes to
the VSD using the serial (RS-485) connection between Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC and the VSD.

Many parameters in the VSD cannot be changed when the VSD is running
the motor. If you change parameters using the keypad or MODBUS
interface (radio or laptop port) while the VSD is running, the Lufkin Well
Manager parameters will be changed, but the VSD’s associated
parameters will not change. Therefore, you should change VSD
parameters only when the VSD is not powering the motor. Exceptions to
this rule are Working Min Speed, Working Max Speed, and Hand
Speed. They can be changed while the motor is turning.

8.2 Using the Quick-Start Feature

Most screens contain several parameters that require you to enter values
specific to your site setup and the end devices installed. The need to
complete some tasks depends on the end devices and control method (such
as Downhole or VFD-Surface) you select.

Below many screen descriptions, you are directed to where in the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000)
you will find definitions and detailed descriptions about the screens,
fields, and parameter recommendations. Definitions and details for the
screens that are specifically related to the VSD application are included in
this section.

8.2.1 Starting the Quick-Start Feature

For the first several steps of the start-up programming, the
HAND/OFF/AUTO selector switch on the cabinet door should be placed
in the OFF position.

To start the Quick-Start feature, from the Main Menu screen, MENU
select 2. PROGRAM, and then select 2. RPC QUICK START 2/2
to display a Welcome to Lufkin Well Manager Quick-Start
Configuration screen similar to Figure 8-1.

8-4 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Figure 8-1. Welcome to Lufkin Well Manager Quick-Start

Configuration Screen

8.2.2 Resetting Parameters to Factory-Default Values

Lufkin Automation does not recommend that you reset the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC to the factory-default values on initial configuration.
When drives are assembled and tested at the factory, they are set up to
work with the VSD.

If the VSD was previously used, you may need to reset to the factory-
default values. Resetting ensures that any previous programming does not
cause problems. This operation is not required however, and it is not
recommended if the Quick-Start feature is used after initial programming
to change one or two specific parameters to optimize system performance.

WARNING: After you execute this operation, the user-defined

parameters cannot be easily restored. Each parameter must
be re-programmed one field at a time.

From this screen, use one of the following options:

 To reset the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to the factory-default

values, press <DELETE>.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

After you press <DELETE>, a message

appears asking you to verify that you want to
use the reset operation. By default, the
CANCEL option highlights. To initiate the reset operation, press <>
or <> to highlight OK, and then press <ENTER>. Be aware that if
you wait a few seconds without pressing <ENTER>, the message
disappears and the highlighted choice goes into effect. The reset-to-
default operation reboots the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC. After
the reboot routine completes, the Main Menu screen displays. Press
<2> <2> to return to the Welcome to Lufkin Well Manager Quick-Start
Configuration screen, and then press <NEXT> to continue the Quick-
Start process.

 To keep the present values stored in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC, press <NEXT> to continue with the Quick-Start process.
Alternatively, if you did press <DELETE> and you want to keep the
existing programmed values, highlight CANCEL, and then press

 To abort the Quick-Start process, press <EXIT> to display the Quick-

Start CFG End screen (Figure 8-34, page 8-52) and then press
<ENTER>. You are returned to the Main Menu screen.

8.2.3 Setting Time and Date

After you press <NEXT>, a Quick-Start CFG Clock Calendar screen
similar to Figure 8-2 displays. The current date and time must be set in
order for historical data to be accurate. The New Date field is
automatically highlighted prompting you to set the current date.

8-6 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Figure 8-2. CFG Clock Calendar Configuration Screen

At any time, you can go the Clock Calendar Configuration MENU

screen (MENU: 2/5/1) to change these values. For more 2/5/1
information about date and time configuration, refer to “Setting
the Controller Date and Time” in section 9, “Lufkin Parameter
Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User
Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

After you are finished configuring the current date and time, press
<NEXT> to display the next screen.

8.2.4 Configuring GOT and Peak Energy

After you press <NEXT>, a Quick-Start CFG Gauge Off Time/Peak
Energy Mgnt screen similar to Figure 8-3 displays. Gauge off time (GOT)
is the time of day that the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC updates all
daily historical data buffers. Peak Energy Management is a time period
during the day that you want the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to shut
down the pump because of contractual agreements with the electric power
provider to receive a more economical rate.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-7

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-3. CFG Gauge Off Time/Peak Energy Mgnt Screen

At any time, you can go the Gauge Off Time/Peak Energy Mgnt MENU
screen (MENU: 2/1/7) to change these values. For information 2/1/7
about these features and the parameters on this screen, refer to
“Setting Gauge Off Time and Peak Energy Management” in section 8,
“RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod
Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

8.2.5 Setting Communication Parameters

After you press <NEXT>, a Quick-Start Communication Port Config
screen similar to Figure 8-4 displays. This screen has the communication
parameters that you usually need to configure, such as RTU Address, data
transmission rate, keying properties, and handshake protocol.

Note: These parameters are not used for setting VSD communications.

8-8 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Figure 8-4. Communication Port Config Screen

If the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC is a stand-alone control unit and
not part of a SCADA system with a central computer and a data telemetry
network, skip this screen by pressing <NEXT>.

If the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC has a radio installed and is part of a
SCADA system, three parameters on this screen must be properly
programmed for radio communication to be possible.

 RTU Address — A unique identifier number that allows the central

computer to retrieve data from this particular Lufkin Well Manager
RPC. Coordinate with the central computer software configuration
group to ensure compatibility.

 Radio Port Baud Rate — The rate of data transmission when

communicating with a radio. This parameter must also match the
software settings in the central computer.

 Laptop Port Baud Rate — The rate of data transmission when

communicating with software in a laptop computer plugged into the
local DB9 Com Port on the front panel of the Lufkin Well Manager

 Expansion Comm. Mode — The expansion port communication

parameters must be set to the following values:

 Mode Option — RS485

 Key Up Delay — 0 ms

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-9

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

 Baud Rate — 19,200

 Key Up Time — 0 ms

 Key Down — 0 ms

 RTS/CTS — Disabled

Other parameters may require fine-tuning later to optimize radio MENU

communication efficiency. They can be configured using the 2/5/2/1
Communication Administration screen (MENU: 2/5/2/1). For
information about these parameters, refer to “Configuring Communication
Parameters” in section 9, “Lufkin Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

After you are finished configuring communication parameters, press

<NEXT> to display the next screen.

8.2.6 Selecting and Configuring End Devices

After you press <NEXT>, a Quick-Start CFG End Devices Parameters
screen similar to Figure 8-5 displays. You must tell the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC what type of load and position input devices are being
used at this installation.

Figure 8-5. Quick-Start CFG End Devices Parameters

8-10 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

The actual parameter fields displayed depends on the type of load and
position transducer specified. Many combinations are possible. For
information about all the fields, refer to “Configuring End Device
Parameters” in section 8, “RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

To select load and position input devices, follow the steps below.

1. With the Load Transducer Type field highlighted, press <EDIT>,

and then press <> or<>, to display the Calibrated 30000 option.

2. Press <ENTER> to complete the load cell type programming.

The recommended position transducer type for the Variable Speed Drive
application is the RPM/Crank-Beam option with the two Hall-Effect
sensors installed on the unit.

1. Press <> to highlight the Position Transducer Type field.

2. Press <EDIT> and then press <> or<> to scroll to the

RPM/Crank-Beam option.

3. Press <ENTER> to complete the position input selection.

At any time, you can go the End Devices Parameters screen MENU
(MENU: 2/1/2) to change these values. For details about the 2/1/2
other parameter fields presented, such as Full Load HP and Full
Load Speed, refer to “Configuring End Device Parameters” in section 8,
“RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod
Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Note: If you have a linear pumping unit, such as a Rotaflex, select

RPM/Crank-Linear as the Position Transducer Type option.

After you are finished selecting and configuring end devices, press
<NEXT> to display the next screen.

8.2.7 Configuring Rod Pump Control Parameters

After you press <NEXT>, a Quick-Start CFG RPC Control Parameter
screen similar to Figure 8-6 displays. You must select one of the two
Variable Speed Drive (VSD) options available.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-11

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Note: If the VSD/VFD options do not display, this feature is not

authorized. Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC units shipped during
and after the fourth quarter of 2009 with firmware version 6.0 and
higher have Security Authorization Module (#520.1080 or
#520.5600) that has a security feature added to prevent
unauthorized use of some of the Lufkin Well Manager control
features. Contact your Lufkin Automation representative for

Figure 8-6. CFG RPC Control Parameter Screen

The exact fields displayed on this screen depend on the type of load and
position transducers selected in the Quick-Start CFG End Devices
Parameters screen (Figure 8-5, page 8-10). For descriptions about the
control parameters, see “Configuring RPC Control Parameters” in section
8, “RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod
Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

For purposes of getting started, the Control Mode must be set to either
VFD-DH or VFD-SURF for the system to function as designed. It is
usually a good idea to either disable the low motor RPM malfunction or
lower the limit to a value of about 150 RPM. If you want to return to this
screen later and change control parameters (such as Downtime, Pump Off
Strokes Allowed, etc.), you can access the RPC Control Parameter screen
(MENU: 2/1/1/1).

8-12 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

To select a VSD option, follow the steps below.

1. Move the cursor to highlight the Control Mode field and then press

2. Press <> or<> to scroll to display either the VFD-DH (the

preferred downhole dynagraph card control mode) or VFD-SURF

 If the VFD-DH control mode is selected, make sure the pump

fillage setpoint is properly configured (MENU: 4/4 Downhole
Card). For information about setting this parameter, refer to
“Downhole Realtime Dynagraph Cards” in section 12, “Dynagraph
Cards” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User
Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

 If the VFD-SURF control mode is selected, make sure the pump

off setpoint is properly configured (MENU: 4/4: Surface Cards).
For information about setting this parameter, refer to “Surface
Realtime Dynagraph Cards” in section 12, “Dynagraph Cards” of
the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual
(Part No. 099.5000).

3. Press <ENTER> to complete the Control Mode field selection.

After the control parameter fields on this screen read as desired,

press<NEXT> to display the next screen.

At any time you can go to the RPC Control Parameter screen MENU
(MENU: 2/1/1/1) to reconfigure these parameters. 2/1/1/1

8.2.8 Configuring Variable Speed Control

The control method must first be set to VFD-Downhole (VFD-DH) or
VFD-Surface (VFD-SURF) before a Quick-Start VFD/VSD Parameters
screen similar to Figure 8-7 can be accessed. For more information, see
the topic above “Configuring Rod Pump Control Parameters” on page 8-

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-13

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-7. Quick-Start VFD/VSD Parameters Screen

For the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC application, the Lufkin LFKA-1
option must be selected as the drive type in the VFD Drive Type field.
This is the default selection and it should not be changed.

At any time you can go to the VFD/VSD Parameters screen MENU

(MENU: 2/1/6) and reconfigure VSD parameters. 2/1/6

Parameter Descriptions
Other parameters also have default values that will work well in most
installations. They are described below since they may need to be changed
to optimize system operation.

VFD Drive Type

This field is used to select the type of VSD being used. The Lufkin
LFKA-1 option must be selected.

Speed Output
This parameter is used to select the analog output channel to be used
on the auxiliary analog expansion board. The Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC hard codes this output as AO1 on the expansion board and
hardwires that analog output as the speed command input to the

8-14 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

The only functional option other than AO1 would be CONST–AO1.

Select this option to run the unit at a constant speed. If it is selected, an
additional field is provided to enter a value. The units for this value
correspond to the Maximum Speed and Minimum Speed fields.

This field appears when the

CONST–A01 option is selected

Maximum Speed

Note: The H-O-A switch must be set to OFF before you change this

This parameter associates the engineering value of maximum speed

with the maximum hardware analog output of 10 VDC. This value
should be selected to match the engineering unit maximum in the
drive. For example, if the drive scales the analog speed reference so
that 0 to 10 VDC input corresponds to 0 to 90 Hz, the maximum speed
in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC should be set at 90 Hz.

Note: When the unit is shipped from the factory, both the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC and the VSD included in the cabinet are
configured for minimum speed of 0 Hz and maximum speed of 90
Hz. Under normal circumstances, you should not change these
values. If you alter these values in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC, the LFKA-1 drive will also be updated to reflect the changes
so that the speed command remains synchronized. If you must
change these values, only change them when the motor is stopped.

Minimum Speed

Note: The H-O-A switch must be set to OFF before you change this

This parameter associates the engineering value of the minimum speed

with the minimum hardware analog output (0 VDC). This value should
be selected to match the engineering unit minimum in the drive. For
example, if the drive scales the analog speed reference so that 0 to 10
VDC input corresponds to 0 to 90 Hz, the minimum speed in the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC should be set at 0 Hz.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

This parameter is used in the decision making process to determine
whether the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC should speed up or slow
down the pumping unit. The units for this parameter are dependent on
whether the VFD-DH or VFD-SURF control mode is selected in the
VFD Drive Type field. The default is 5 percent (VFD-DH) or 5
inches (VFD-SURF). Speed changes only occur during the Pumping—
Normal Mode well state.

 VFD-DH — At the end of each stroke of the pumping unit, the

Lufkin Well Manager VFD RPC calculates the current pump
fillage. In VFD downhole control, the algorithm determines if the
current pump fillage falls outside the pump fillage setpoint plus-or-
minus deadband. In this case, the deadband is a percentage, related
to the percent pump fillage. This is shown in Figure 8-8. For
example, if the deadband is 5 percent, and the Pump Fillage
setpoint is 60%, the algorithm will speed up the pumping unit if the
Current Pump Fillage is greater than 65 percent, as shown in the
figure. It will not change the speed if the current pump fillage is
from 55 percent to 65 percent, since it falls inside the deadband. If
the current pump fillage is less than 55 percent, the controller will
consider that the well is pumped off and will slow down the
pumping unit.

Figure 8-8. Pump Card Illustrating Use of the Deadband


 VFD-SURF — If the control mode is programmed as VFD-SURF,

the deadband is in units of inches.

8-16 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

At the end of each pump stroke, the Lufkin Well Manager VFD
RPC calculates and analyzes a surface dynagraph card. The speed
control decision is dependent on the location of the POC setpoint
(refer to “Surface Realtime Dynagraph Cards” in section 12,
“Dynagraph Cards” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump
Control User Manual) (Part No. 099.5000). The speed control
decision is illustrated in Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-9. Surface Card Illustrating use of the Deadband


If a horizontal line is drawn through the POC setpoint, this line will
intersect the early part of the downstroke load trace. If the load
trace falls more than deadband inches to the right of the POC
setpoint when it crosses that line (as shown in Figure 8-9), the
algorithm will speed up the pumping unit. If the load trace falls
more than deadband inches to the left of the load trace, the
algorithm considers that the well is pumped off and slows down the
pumping unit. If the load trace falls within the deadband, the speed
is not changed.

The default value provided for deadband is suitable for most

applications. If you increase the size of the deadband, the drive will
change speed less often. Decreasing the deadband will cause speed
changes to occur more frequently.

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Speed Change Stroke Delay

This parameter has a default value of 1, which indicates that the
algorithm will make a decision to speed up or slow down immediately
after the fillage (VFD-DH) or the load (VFD-SURF) violates the
deadband for a single stroke.

A value of 2 indicates that the decision to change speed will be made

only after the fillage (VFD-DH) or the load (VFD-SURF) violates the
deadband for two consecutive strokes.

Valid values are 1 to 999.

Start Up Speed
This parameter tells the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC at what
initial speed to start the pumping unit. In general, starting at a slow
speed is best, unless the well conditions warrant starting at a faster
speed. The units for this parameter are % of full scale with full scale
equal to “Maximum Speed” minus “Minimum Speed.”

When default values are used, this speed is 90 Hz, so each percent
represents about 0.9 Hz.

Speed Increase Size

When the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC decides that it should
increase pumping unit speed, it will add the Speed Increase Size
value to the current speed output, and change the speed output
accordingly thereby speeding up the pumping unit. The units for this
parameter are % of full scale with a default of 5%. In this manner, the
algorithm changes speed in small steps until the pump fillage is within
the deadband setting. Smaller values result in a smaller step change in
speed in response to changing well conditions.

Speed Decrease Size

When the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC decides that it should
decrease pumping unit speed, it will subtract the Speed Decrease Size
value from the current speed output and change the analog output
accordingly thereby slowing the pumping unit. The units for this
parameter are percentage (%) of full scale with a default value of 5%.
Smaller values result in a smaller step change in speed in response to
changing well conditions.

8-18 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Working Peak Load Limiting

Setting this parameter to a value below the Peak Load Allowed limit
activates this safety feature. The units for this parameter are in pounds,
with a default value of 50,000 lbs. For more information, refer to
“Surface Realtime Dynagraph Cards” in section 12, “Dynagraph
Cards” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User
Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

If the peak load observed during a pumping unit cycle exceeds the
Working Peak Load Limiting value, the controller makes a decision
to slow the pumping unit by one step, reducing the current Speed
Output by the Speed Decrease Size. If the Working Peak Load
Limiting value is again exceeded on the following stroke, the unit will
be slowed again. In this fashion the speed will be adjusted slower until
the Working Peak Load Limit is no longer violated. Working Peak
Load violations override the pump fillage control decision. When this
limit is not violated, the algorithm returns to the normal speed change
decision process based on fillage.

Working Minimum Load Limiting

Setting this parameter to a value above the Minimum Load Allowed
activates this safety feature. The units for this parameter are in pounds,
and the default is 0 lbs. For more information, refer to “Surface
Realtime Dynagraph Cards” in section 12, “Dynagraph Cards” of the
Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No.

If the minimum load observed during a pumping unit cycle falls below
the Working Minimum Load Limiting value, the controller makes a
decision to slow the pumping unit by one step. If the Working
Minimum Load Limiting value is again exceeded on the following
stroke, the unit will be slowed again. In this fashion the speed will be
adjusted slower until the Working Minimum Load Limiting value is
no longer violated. When this limit is not violated, the algorithm
returns to the normal speed change decision process based on pump
fill percent.

Working Peak Speed

This parameter allows you to limit the maximum analog output from
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to a value less than the full output
voltage of 10 VDC. The units for this parameter are Hz with a default
of 60 Hz.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-19

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Users are sometimes confused about the distinction between

Maximum Speed and Working Peak Speed.

 Working Peak Speed limits the range that the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC will drive the VSD and motor during Automatic

 Maximum Speed represents the limit of operation in the VSD

(whether in Hand or Automatic mode).

Working Peak Speed must be less than or equal to Maximum Speed in

order to be meaningful.

Working Min Speed

This parameter allows you to set the minimum analog output from the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to a value greater than the minimum
output voltage (0 VDC). The units for this parameter are Hz with a
default of 30 Hz. Minimum pumping speed must be fast enough to
ensure proper unit gear box lubrication. For information about
minimum allowed pumping speeds and the low-speed lubricator
options available, contact your Lufkin Automation representative.

Users are sometimes confused about the distinction between Minimum

Speed and Working Min Speed.

 Working Min Speed limits the range that the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC will drive the VSD and motor during Automatic

 Minimum Speed represents the limit of operation in the VSD

(whether in Hand or Automatic mode).

Working Min Speed must be greater than or equal to Minimum Speed

in order to be meaningful.

Protection DT/Malfunction Control

This parameter allows you to select whether the pumping unit is to be
turned off in the event of a safety violation (such as Peak Load or
Malfunction setpoint) or switch to the programmed working minimum
speed and continue running. Available choices are VFD/VSD OFF

8-20 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

 If VFD/VSD OFF is chosen and a safety violation occurs, the

Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC turns off the drive and goes
through its programmed downtime. After the downtime elapses, the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC again attempts to operate the well
by turning on in its usual fashion and adjusting speed as necessary.
If the same safety violation occurs again, the well continues in its
downtime/retry routine until the Consecutive Allowed Limit is
exceeded for that safety violation. When the Consecutive Allowed
Limit is exceeded, the controller goes to a Malfunction state, and
user intervention is needed to reset the malfunction after isolating
and fixing the pumping equipment problem that caused the
shutdown. For further explanation about the Consecutive (Consec)
Allowed algorithm, refer to “Configuring RPC Control Parameters”
in section 8, “RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No.

 If RUN LOW SPEED is chosen and a safety violation occurs, the

Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC runs at the Working Minimum
Speed and starts the downtime timer. After the downtime elapses,
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC again attempts to operate the
well normally by going through the normal startup sequence
(starting unit, minimum pump strokes, followed by pumping
normal) and adjusts the speed as necessary. If the same safety
violation occurs again, the well will continue in its RUN LOW
SPEED downtime/retry routine until the Consecutive Allowed
Limit is exceeded for that safety violation, after which the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC goes to a Malfunction state. In the
Malfunction state, the unit will run at minimum speed until user
intervention corrects the problem and resets the malfunction. After
the malfunction is reset, the unit resumes normal operation and
speed up again. For further explanation about the Consecutive
(Consec) Allowed algorithm, refer to “Configuring RPC Control
Parameters” in section 8, “RPC Parameter Programming” of the
Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part
No. 099.5000).

VFD Stroke State Detection Option

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC can be programmed to provide a
digital output to the VSD inverter to tell the VSD when the pumping
unit is in the upstroke portion of the pumping cycle.

Note: This parameter has no effect when the drive type is set to LFKA-1.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-21

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

 The Single DO1 option turns on digital output DI/O 5 (terminal 9

of terminal strip TB5 on the motherboard) at the bottom of the
stroke and holds it On for the upstroke period. If the Disabled
option is selected, the digital output remains Off constantly.

Enable Disable Up/Down Stroke Speed

Note: The H-O-A switch must be set to OFF before you change this

When this option is enabled, two additional parameter fields are added
to the programming screen, as illustrated in Figure 8-10. These fields
allow you to program the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to switch to
a pre-set speed at the top of the stroke, plus or minus a programmed
percentage of full stroke.

Figure 8-10. Down Stroke Speed Change

The DownStroke Speed Change parameter is programmed in

percentage of surface stroke length. This parameter can be a negative
or a positive number.

 A negative number switches the drive to low speed before the top
of stroke.

 A positive number switches the drive to low speed after the top of
the stroke.

The Percent Speed Change parameter programs the desired

downstroke speed. This value is entered as a percent of the upstroke
speed. This parameter can be either “+” (plus) to increase downstroke
speed, or “-” (minus) to decrease downstroke speed. Neither sign on
the display screen indicates a “+”, or speed increase action.

The Percent Speed Change value defines the percentage of speed

change based on the upstroke speed. For instance, if upstroke speed is
50 Hz and the percent speed change is set to +10 percent, the
downstroke speed will be 50 Hz + (10% of 50 Hz), which equals 55
Hz. But if the upstroke speed was 30 Hz and the percentage is set to -
20%, the downstroke speed will be 24 Hz (30 – (20% of 30)).

8-22 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Note: The upstroke/downstroke speed change feature assumes that the

crank position switch is set at top of stroke. If the crank position
switch on your unit is set to bottom of stroke, this feature will
work in reverse (speed change will occur at bottom of stroke).

Regenerative Torque Control

Note: The H-O-A switch must be set to OFF before you change this

As discussed in the theory section of this manual, a beam pumping

unit has a tendency to overdrive the prime mover at certain points in
the pumping cycle due to counterbalance conditions and unit inertia.
This overdrive condition causes the motor to change from a motoring
state to a generating state and begin to return power to the drive
inverter section. The returned power causes the DC bus of the variable
speed drive to rise, possibly reaching a high enough level for the drive
to trip out on a high bus voltage. The Regenerative Torque Control
(RTC) feature of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC (when enabled)
automatically switches the VSD from Speed Control mode to Torque
Control mode when rising DC bus voltage is detected. In Torque
Control mode the drive will increase the speed signal to the inverter in
order to stay in a positive torque, or motoring, mode of operation. The
speed will increase up to the programmed maximum speed.

If well conditions are favorable, the RTC feature can eliminate the
need for dynamic braking resistors (DBR).

With certain types of pumping units and in situations where the unit is
not well balanced, RTC can cause undesirable behavior of the
pumping unit. In these cases, RTC should be disabled and a DBR
package will be required.

When DBRs are used, the RTC feature may still be enabled and the
working peak speed can be adjusted so that the torque control
operation can handle some of the regenerated energy, thereby
decreasing the energy that needs to be dissipated by the DBRs. For
more suggestions about the best way to handle regenerative energy in
your particular application, consult your Lufkin Automation

Select either the ENABLED or DISABLED option.

After the VSD control parameter fields on this screen read as desired,
press<NEXT> to display the next screen.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-23

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

8.2.9 Configuring Linear Pump Cornering

If you selected the RPM/Crank — Linear option in the Position
Transducer Type field in the Quick-Start CFG End Devices Parameters
screen (Figure 8-5 on page 8-10), a VFD — Linear Pump Cornering
screen similar to Figure 8-11 displays. If you selected the RPM/Crank-
Beam option, the VFD Communication Parameters screen (Figure 8-12)
displays. Go to “Configuring VSD Communications” on page 8-25.

Note: For information about how linear pump cornering works, see
Appendix A, “Rotaflex Cornering.”

Figure 8-11. VFD — Linear Pump Cornering Screen

The mechanical design of some linear pumping units introduces extra

stress in the unit structure and the rod string at the top and bottom of the
stroke where the change of direction is made. This stress limits the
pumping speed in strokes per minute (SPM) in many units. To allow faster
effective SPM operation, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC has a
“cornering” feature you can use to program a slower drive speed at the top
and bottom of the stroke, and it allows the drive to run at higher speeds
during the linear portion of the up and down strokes. The combination of
slower speed at the reversal points and faster speeds in the linear portions
of the pump cycle result in faster cycle times (higher SPM) with reduced
stress at the top and bottom of the stroke.

8-24 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Parameter Descriptions
The parameters on this screen are described below.

Enable/Disable Cornering Feature

Select ENABLE to activate this feature.

Pre Cornering Decel Position

This position is the point at which the drive will start to decelerate to
the programmed cornering speed. It is programmed as a percentage of
the linear portion of the stroke. Smaller values are recommended, but
not zero.

Post Cornering Accel Position

This position is the point in the cornering (or turnaround) portion of
the stroke at which the drive would begin to accelerate to the up/down
stroke determined by Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC control
algorithms. This value is programmed as a percentage of sprocket
radius, with a limited range of 0 to 80%. The 100% point is the apex of
the cornering (exact top/bottom of the stroke). The 0% point is the
point of transition from cornering to linear motion.

Cornering Speed (Hz)

Specify the speed at which you want the drive to run as it goes around
the corner at top and bottom of stroke. The acceleration and
deceleration parameters on the LFKA-1 Param 3 screen (Figure 8-22
on page 8-37) play a big role in the behavior of the cornering
algorithm. For optimum performance of the linear pumping unit, the
Accel Time and Decel Time rates may need to be adjusted. Be sure
that you do not set Accel Time to a very low value (less than 2
seconds) because a low value may cause excess torque during startup.

8.2.10 Configuring VSD Communications

After you press <NEXT>, a LFKA-1 Param 1 screen for VSD
communications similar to Figure 8-12 displays. The parameters on this
screen configure the communication channel between the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC and the Toshiba inverter.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-25

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-12. VFD Communication Parameters Screen

The default values MUST be used for all parameters with the possible
exception of the Alarm on Parameter Diff and # Failures Allowed
fields. Lufkin Automation recommends that you select the default NO
option. The YES option should only be turned on for troubleshooting

Note: The RTU address on this screen is the address of the Toshiba
inverter and must always be left at the default setting of 001. This
IS NOT the address for radio data communication between the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and the host computer SCADA

The # FAILURES ALLOWED parameter defines the number of

consecutive communications failures that are allowed between the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC and the VSD before an entry is made into the
alarm log indicting VSD communications errors. In some situations where
grounding impedance is high, communications errors between both
devices can occur frequently. This situation does not materially impact the
pump control operation, but it can fill up the alarm log with VSD
communications alarms. In such cases, other more important alarms may
get “scrolled out” of the alarm log buffer. If you experience frequent VSD
communications errors in your alarm log, and you cannot resolve this
situation with corrections to grounding, you can increase the parameter
value to a higher number in an effort to reduce the number of times this
alarm is created.

8-26 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

After the communications parameter fields on this screen read as desired,

press<NEXT> to display the next screen.

Note: To access this screen directly from the Main Menu screen, use
MENU: 2/1/6/NEXT.

8.2.11 Initializing the VSD

After you press<NEXT>, a second VFD Communications screen similar
to Figure 8-13 displays. During initial startup programming, the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC must be initialized.

Figure 8-13. VFD Communications Screen

When this screen is displayed, a message appears

asking if you want to initialize the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC. Press <> to highlight the
YES option, and then press <ENTER>.

A screen similar to Figure 8-14 displays as the initialization process


Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-27

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-14. Initialization Progress Screen

When the initialization process is completed, a screen similar to Figure

8-14 displays.

Figure 8-15. Initilization Progress Complete Screen

Press <NEXT> to continue.

If the initialization process fails, a screen similar to Figure 7.14 displays.

8-28 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Figure 8-16. Initialization Progress Fail Screen

Press <EXIT> to return to the VFD Communications screen (Figure 8-13)

and repeat the initialization operation. If the second attempt also fails, be
sure that the HOA is in the Off mode (VSD is not powering the motor).
Once the drive is off, try the initialize routine again. If this attempt fails,
contact your Lufkin Automation representative.

8.2.12 Configuring Drive Parameters

After you press <NEXT> an LFKA-1 Param 2 screen similar to Figure
8-17 appears for you to configure drive parameters.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-29

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-17. :LFKA-1 Param 2 Screen

Parameter Descriptions
The parameters on this screen are described below.

Drive Fault Input Type

The VSD will signal the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC in the event
of a drive fault. This parameter tells the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC the type of signal that will be input. The options are:

 COMM — The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC communicates

directly with the drive through an RS-485 data link. You must
select the default option.

 Pseudo DI3 — A relay contact from the drive connected to a

Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC pseudo discrete input on the I/O
expansion board. This contact is not used on the integrated Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC.

Drive Fault Delay Time

This parameter serves as a “debounce” for the drive fault input in case
the auxiliary input bounces through the On state because of noise. The
drive fault indication (serial or digital) must persist for the specified
time before an actual drive fault state is declared.

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Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

If the drive still asserts a drive fault state after the delay time passes,
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC will go to either a
Downtime/Drive Fault state or a Malfunction/Drive Fault state,
depending on how related parameters are set.

Drive Fault Consecutive Allowed

If this parameter is set to 0 (zero) or 1, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC will immediately declare a Malfunction state after a drive fault is
detected and the Drive Fault Delay Time elapses. If the consecutive
allowed limit is set greater than 1, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
will go to downtime, after which it will attempt to restart the drive.
After the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC detects more than the
consecutive allowed drive faults, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
declares a Malfunction/Drive Fault state, which will require user
intervention. The one exception to this depends on the setting
specified for the Enable/Disable Force Drive Bypass parameter,
which is explained below.
EPHI/EF1/EF2 Action
The EPHI (Input Phase Failure), and EF1 and EF2 (Ground Fault)
faults are of a critical enough nature that the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC allows them to be handled differently than other reported
 If the Ignore Consec option is selected, the system will shut down
as soon as the first report of either of these faults is received.

 If the Malfunction option is selected, the Lufkin Well Manager

VSD RPC will respond as described in the Drive Fault
Consecutive Allowed field explained above.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-31

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Downtime Drive Fault Duration

This is the time in minutes that the system will stay in an Off state
when a drive fault signal is received (see the description about the
Drive Fault Consecutive Allowed field above). This parameter has a
minimum allowed value of 10 minutes. If a value smaller than 10 is
entered an Invalid Entry dialog box will pop-up. Press <ENTER> to
acknowledge that message box and return to the programming screen.
Enable/Disable Force Drive Bypass
If an optional Lufkin Automation bypass assembly is included in the
system installation, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC can operate
the pumping unit across the line. By enabling this feature, the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC will run the pumping unit in bypass (across
the line; for example, 60 Hz) rather than declaring a Malfunction state
due to a drive fault after the Consecutive Allowed Drive Faults have

Automatic bypass is accomplished by activating a “force bypass relay”

tied to DI/O 8 on TB5. Contacts of this relay are wired in series with
the contacts of the “run relay” (connected to DI/O 2 on TB5) to engage
the line contactor. The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC still can
stop/start the pumping unit, but the variable speed functionality is

For more information about Lufkin Automation’s VSD bypass unit,

contact your Lufkin Automation representative.

Enable/Disable Rod Float Mitigator

The Rod Float Mitigator (RFM) is a powerful feature set for
dynamically operating a pumping unit to minimize or eliminate rod
float. Two types of rod float mitigation are possible (see the
description for the Rod Float Mitigator Type parameter below). If
rod float, or rod hangup is not a problem for this well, Lufkin
Automation suggests that you disable this parameter.

If this feature is enabled additional parameter fields are displayed as

shown in Figure 8-18 or Figure 8-19.

8-32 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Rod Float Load Threshold

Both programming screens have a field for rod float load threshold.
When the rod load drops below this threshold, the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC determines that it is likely that rod float is
occurring, and it activates the Rod Float Mitigator Type parameter
specified. This feature stays active until the load again rises above the
threshold. Lufkin Automation recommends a value of 200 — 300 lbs
(91 — 135 kg).

Rod Float Mitigator Type

Two options are available. The option selected changes the
programming screen presented.

 Downstroke Fixed Torq Limit — This option provides a fixed

torque level on the downstroke. When you select this option, the
programming screen changes to display fields for Rod Float Load
Threshold and Downstroke Fixed Torq. Limit, as illustrated in
Figure 8-18. Torque limit is the maximum amount of torque that the
drive will deliver to the motor during the downstroke once the
polished rod load falls below the Rod Float Load Threshold
value. Normal speed/torque control is restored when the polished
rod load rises above the threshold.

Figure 8-18. Fields Displayed When Torq Fixed Lmt Option is


 Preset Speed — This option reduces the speed to a preset speed

level when rod float is detected. When you select this option, a new
field called Rod Float Speed displays, as illustrated in Figure 8-19.
This value is the speed the pumping unit uses when the RFM
feature is activated by the current polished rod load falling below
the programmed Rod Float Load Threshold value. The response
time to this slower speed command is dependent on the deceleration
time programmed in the VFD and the response time of the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC analog output function.

Figure 8-19. Field Displayed When Preset Speed Option is Selected

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-33

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

DBR Installed
This field is used to query if dynamic braking resistors (DBRs) are
included as a part of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC system.
When you select Yes, additional data fields display, as illustrated in
Figure 8-20.

Figure 8-20. Dynamic Braking Resistor Parameter Fields

You can find the values for Dynamic Braking Resistance and
Allowable Continuous Braking Power from the Lufkin Automation
name plate on the dynamic braking assembly. These values are also
provided in the tables below for 400-Volt and 600-volt packages.

400 V DBR Instantaneous

Package Size Resistance Braking Power Rated Current Duty Cycle
10 21.6 Ω 6.4 kW 37 A 85%
15 21.6 Ω 6.4 kW 37 A 56%
20 21.6 Ω 6.4 kW 37 A 42%
25 21.6 Ω 6.4 kW 37 A 34%
30 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 54 A 28%
40 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 54 A 21%
50 7.5 Ω 6.4 kW 107 A 17%
60 6.0 Ω 6.4 kW 133 A 14%
60HD 5.5 Ω 12.8 kW 145 A 28%
75 6.0 Ω 6.4 kW 133 A 11%
75HD 5.5 Ω 12.8 kW 145 A 22%
100 3.9 Ω 12.8 kW 205 A 17%
100HD 3.9 Ω 25.6 kW 205 A 34%
125 3.9 Ω 12.8 kW 205 A 13%
125HD 3.9 Ω 25.6 kW 205 A 27%
150 3.9 Ω 12.8 kW 205 A 11%
150HD 3.9 Ω 25.6 kW 205 A 22%

8-34 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

600 V DBR Instantaneous

Package Size Resistance Braking Power Rated Current Duty Cycle
10 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 68 85%
15 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 68 56%
20 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 68 42%
25 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 68 34%
30 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 68 28%
40 14.7 Ω 6.4 kW 68 21%
50 8.9 Ω 6.4 kW 112 17%
60 8.9 Ω 6.4 kW 112 14%
75 6.0 Ω 6.4 kW 167 11%
75HD 5.5 Ω 12.8 kW 181 22%
100 6.0 Ω 6.4 kW 167 8%
100HD 5.5 Ω 12.8kW 181 17%

Enter the correct values for resistance and braking power in the
appropriate data fields.

If you want to use a different duty cycle instead of 10% to calculate

available braking power, follow the procedure below.

1. Press <> to highlight the Braking Power Calculator field and

press <ENTER> to access a screen similar to Figure 8-21.

Figure 8-21. Braking Power Calculator Screen

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-35

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Note: The VSD uses the values entered in this screen to control energy
transmitted to the DBR. If the VSD needs to dissipate more power
(watts) of energy than the DBR is rated to handle, the VSD will
trip with an OLR fault.

The standard DBR products provided by Lufkin Automation are

designed to dissipate a specific amount of power (watts) without
overheating. These standard units are all rated for 10% duty cycle
or more.

With discretion, these units can sometimes be applied at higher

duty cycles to dissipate more heat. However, indiscriminate setting
of the Duty Cycle field can lead to DBR damage. Never increase
the duty cycle above its rating unless you have a good
understanding of the implications. If your drive experiences
OLR trips on a regular basis, your Lufkin Automation
representative can provide guidance about options for eliminating
these faults.

2. Enter the correct values in Dynamic Breaking Resistance and

Rated Current fields from the table or nameplate.

3. Enter the desired value in the Duty Cycle field.

4. Highlight the CALCULATE & STORE field, and then press

<ENTER> to recalculate braking power at the new duty cycle.

You are returned to the LFKA-1 Param 2 screen (Figure 8-17).

Note: To access this screen directly from the Main Menu screen, use

When you are finished configuring drive parameters, press <NEXT> to


8.2.13 Configuring Drive Parameters

After you press <NEXT> an LFKA-1 Param 3 screen similar to Figure
8-22 appears for you to configure drive parameters. This screen contains a
combination of configuration parameter fields and action execute fields.

8-36 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Figure 8-22. LFKA-1 Param 3 Screen

Parameter Descriptions
The LFKA-1 parameters on this screen are described below.

Full Load Power

This is the nameplate horsepower rating of the prime mover that was
specified in the End Devices Parameter screen (Figure 8-5, page 8-10)
earlier during the Quick-Start programming.

The power rating of the motor must be entered in horsepower. If the

motor is rated in kilowatts (KW), convert kW to HP by multiplying the
kW value by 1.33.

Full Load Speed

This is the full load speed of the prime mover specified in the End
Devices Parameter screen earlier during Quick-Start programming.

Motor Nominal Current

This parameter configures the full rated load motor current. This
information is typically written on the motor nameplate.

Motor Nominal Voltage

This parameter configures the design operating voltage for the motor.
This information is typically written on the motor nameplate.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-37

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Motor Nominal Frequency

This parameter configures the nominal motor frequency. This value
should be written on the nameplate. The frequency is typically 60 Hz
in the US or 50 Hz in many international locations.

Motor Overload Protection Level

The value in this field is the current limit as a percentage of VSD

inverter capacity.

If you are using a motor with a lower power rating than the inverter,
this limit should almost always be less than 100%. The AUTO option
will calculate the correct percentage based on the nominal motor
values entered above. Lufkin Automation recommends that the AUTO
option always be used to calculate the motor overload protection level.

To execute the automatic calculation, highlight AUTO, and then press


Accel Time
This parameter sets the length of time for acceleration from 0 to 120
Hz. For instance, even if minimum frequency is set to zero, maximum
frequency is set to 90 Hz. Acceleration time is set to 10 seconds, and
the rate of the drive in acceleration mode will be 120 Hz/10 seconds or
12 Hz per second. This ramp rate will apply to all speed increase
operations, regardless of the speed increase amount.

Decel Time
This parameter sets the length of time for deceleration from 120 Hz to
0 Hz, similar to the way Accel Time behaves.

Pumping Hand Speed

This parameter is the speed, in strokes per minute, at which the drive
will run when the HAND/OFF/AUTO switch on the front panel of the
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC enclosure is switched to the HAND

Torque Limit Min Speed

This parameter is not functional in the LFKA-1 drive.

8-38 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Peak Torque Limit

This parameter configures the maximum allowable torque under any
operating conditions. For maximum gear box protection, enter the gear
box rating in thousands of inch pounds (K-in-lbs.). If this value is
reached, the VSD will slow its speed to reduce the possibility of
overtorquing the gearbox.

In the event of a severe overbalance/underbalance condition (shallow

rod part or initial startup of a new unit), you may need to increase this
value to allow the drive to provide enough torque to lift the
counterweights to a position suitable for field servicing. Enter the
gearbox torque value in this field.

Note: The default value for torque limiting is too large for most
applications. Failure to properly set the gearbox torque limiting
feature could cause equipment damage.

Action Fields

Reset Fault
Highlight this field and press <ENTER> to reset a VFD fault

Note: To access this screen directly from the Main Menu screen, use

When you are finished configuring the parameters, press <NEXT> to


8.2.14 Configuring LWT/PIP Parameters

All Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPCs use a patented algorithm that can
determine the pump fluid load by analyzing a downhole pump card. The
fluid load value is used along with user-defined parameter values for
casing and tubing pressures, pump plunger diameter, and
pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) properties for the produced fluid to
calculate pump intake pressure (PIP). The PIP feature offers another well
management tool for operators that do not aggressively pump wells and
therefore do not observe the dynagraph card typically associated with
pump-off or fluid pound.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-39

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

The Lufkin Well Test (LWT) feature is also included. The LWT algorithm
provides automated fluid volume adjustments for pump slippage, fluid
shrinkage, and tubing movement. This algorithm is an improvement over
the inferred production algorithm (IPA) feature.

For information about the PIP, LWT, and IPA theories and features, refer
to “Configuring LWT/PIP Parameters” in section 8, “RPC Parameter
Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User
Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Three programming screens are used to configure LWT and PIP.

At any time you can go to the LWT/PIP Parameters screens MENU

(MENU: 2/1/3) and change parameters. 2/1/3

LWT/PIP Screen 1/3 Data Field Descriptions

Figure 8-23 is an example of the first screen displayed.

Figure 8-23. LWT/PIP Parameters 1/3 Screen

Parameter Descriptions
Information about each data field is provided in “Configuring LWT/PIP
Parameters” in section 8, “RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

When data fields on this screen are programmed as desired, press

<NEXT> to display the third LWT/PIP Parameters screen.

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Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

LWT/PIP Screen 2/3 Data Field Descriptions

After you press <NEXT>, the second LWT/PIP Parameters screen (Figure
8-24) displays.

Figure 8-24. LWT/PIP Parameters 2/3 Screen

Parameter Descriptions
Information about each data field is provided in “Configuring LWT/PIP
Parameters” in section 8, “RPC Parameter Programming” in the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

When data fields on this screen are programmed as desired, press

<NEXT> to display the third LWT/PIP Parameters screen.

LWT/PIP Screen 3/3 Data Field Descriptions

After you press <NEXT>, the third LWT/PIP Parameters screen (Figure
8-25) displays.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-41

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-25. LWT/PIP Parameters 3/3 Screen

Parameter Descriptions
Information about each data field is in “Configuring LWT/PIP
Parameters” in section 8, “RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

When data fields on this screen are programmed as desired, press

<NEXT> to continue.

8.2.15 Enabling/Disabling Control Functions

After you press <NEXT>, a Quick-Start CFG Violation Enable/Disable
screen similar to Figure 8-26 displays. The exact fields presented depend
on the position transducer type and control method selected. For example,
if Analog Position Transducer and the Surface Control method were
selected, several fields such as No Crank, No RPM, Peak Torque, Low
Fluid Load, Pump Fillage Setpoint, Motor Power, and Belt Slippage
Detection are not offered.

8-42 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Figure 8-26. CFG Violation Enable/Disable Screen

Note: For most users, the defaults are adequate. Press <NEXT> to move
to the next screen in the Quick-Start process.

For more information about the enabling and disabling violations, refer to
“Enabling/Disabling Control Functions” in section 8, “RPC Parameter
Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User
Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Also, for a description about each of the control and malfunction features,
refer to “Control Capabilities of the Lufkin Well Manager RPC” in section
2, ” Description of the Lufkin Rod Pump Controller System” of the same

Based on the programmed control method, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC automatically enables the logical control and malfunction features.

When the desired features are enabled/disabled, press <NEXT> to access

the next screen in the Quick-Start process.

At any time you can go to the Violation Enable/Disable screen MENU

(MENU: 2/1/1/2) in order to enable/disable control functions. 2/1/1/2

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-43

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

8.2.16 Configuring Pumping Unit Parameters

When you press <NEXT>, the next screen displayed depends on the
combination selected for load transducer type, position transducer type,
and control method specified. The assumption is made at this point that
you selected a Calibrate Load Cell and the RPM/Crank-Beam position
input options, and that you have selected the VFD-DH control mode. For
example, the programming screen presented when you press <NEXT>
will be a Quick-Start CFG Pumping Unit Parameter screen similar to
Figure 8-27 if the RPM/Crank-Beam option for position transducer was
selected earlier in the Quick-Start process.

Figure 8-27. Quick-Start CFG Pumping Unit Parameter (Beam


At this point in the Quick-Start process, you can either select a pumping
unit from the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC database, or you can enter
pumping unit dimensions data manually.

 To use the selections from the data base feature of the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC, select 1. Database Search. The steps to perform
the database selection are discussed in “Configuring Beam Pumping
Unit Data” in section 8, “RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin
Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No.

8-44 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

 To enter pumping unit dimension data manually, highlight each

parameter field in turn, press <EDIT>, and then enter new data, or
press <> and <> to make a selection from the available options that
are presented. When a parameter field reads as desired, press
<ENTER> to complete the edit process for that field, and then move
the cursor to the next field.

Select 2. API Definition to display a screen defining the six API

dimensions required.

The A and C dimensions may vary from the manufacturers “nominal”

values for a given pumping unit installation. This will cause the actual
stroke length to vary from the manufacturers nominal values. The
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC can calculate stroke length from unit

After the data is correct in all fields, select 3. Calc. Stroke Length if you
want the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to calculate the surface stroke
length from the pumping unit dimensions just entered. If the calculated
stroke length is different than the measured stroke length, the values for
dimensions you can adjust A and C to get the calculated stroke length to
agree with the measured stroke length.

A CFG Pumping Unit Parameter screen similar to Figure 8-28 displays if

the RPM/Crank-Linear position transducer option was selected. This
pumping unit dimension screen is for a Rotaflex™ type of linear pumping
unit. For information about the Rotaflex pumping unit application, see
appendix F, “Linear Pumping Unit Application” of the Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-45

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-28. CFG Pumping Unit Parameter Screen

You can enter data in this parameter screen manually, or you can use the
database selection feature.

Critical! After the data is correct in all fields, you must select 3.
CALC. STROKE LENGTH to calculate the surface stroke
length from the pumping unit dimensions you entered. Next,
select 4. CALC OUTPUT RATIO to calculate the torque
output ratio based on the unit dimensions you entered.

After the required pumping unit dimensions are entered, press <NEXT>
to display the next screen. The screen presented depends on selections
made earlier in the Quick-Start process.

At any time you can go to the Pumping Unit Parameters screen MENU
(MENU: 2/1/4) and reconfigure the pumping unit parameters. 2/1/4

8.2.17 Configuring Rod String Parameters

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC requires rod string design data to
calculate the downhole pump card. Therefore, if either Downhole or VFD-
Downhole was selected as the control method, a CFG Rod Taper
Parameter screen similar to Figure 8-29 displays.

8-46 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Figure 8-29. CFG Rod Taper Parameter Screen

For details about entering rod string design information, refer to

“Configuring Rod Tapers for Downhole Control” in section 8, “RPC
Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump
Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

When data fields on this screen are programmed as desired, press

<NEXT> to continue.

At any time you can go to the Down Hole Rod Taper Parameter MENU
screen (MENU: 2/1/5) and reconfigure rod string tapers. 2/1/5

8.2.18 Starting and Stopping the Pump

The Start/Stop The Pump screen (Figure 8-30) prompts you to start the
pumping unit if it is shut down for any reason. The Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC must be in a run state and the pumping unit must be pumping
for the remaining Quick-Start programming. This screen displays even if
the system is already running. At this point in the start-up sequence switch
the H-O-A switch to the HAND position.

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-47

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 8-30. Start/Stop The Pump Screen

Press <ENTER> to place the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC in a run
well state and start the pumping unit. If the pumping unit does not start
pumping, check the position of the H-O-A switch to ensure that it is in the
AUTO position.

For a new installation, this will be the first time that the pumping unit has
been run after it is connected to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.
Observe the direction of rotation at this time. If the direction is not as
desired, turn the H-O-A switch to the OFF position to stop the pumping
unit, and then press <MENU> to abort the Quick-Start process. Turn off
all power to the drive and wait until the bus capacitors in the drive are
fully discharged. When it is safe to work with the power leads, switch any
two from the inverter output (terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3) to the
motor. Replace any safety covers/shields that were removed to change the
wiring, and then apply primary power to the system. Restart the Quick-
Start process, and then press <NEXT> to move rapidly through the
screens you already programmed until you return to the Start/Stop The
Pump screen. Continue with the procedure provided below.

Note: Units outfitted with a bypass contactor must be checked for correct
rotation in both inverter and bypass modes. To change the rotation
when running in bypass, swap input leads on the top of the
disconnect. To change rotation in inverter mode, swap leads on the
output side of the inverter.

8-48 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Once the pumping unit is pumping in the desired direction of rotation,

press <NEXT> to continue the Quick-Start process.

8.2.19 Configuring Reference Revolutions

If the RPM/Crank position transducer type was selected in the Quick-Start
CFG End Devices Parameters screen (Figure 8-5, page 8-10) a Quick-Start
Reference Revolution Calibration screen similar to Figure 8-31 displays.

Figure 8-31. Reference Revolution Calibration Screen

Notice that the Initiate Ref Rev Calibration field is highlighted. Press
<ENTER> to start the calibration procedure. Watch the Ref Rev
Calibration Status field to check progress of the automatic calibration
operation. When the operation is completed, the status field reads

For more information about reference revolution, refer to “Configuring

Reference Revolution Calibration” in section 8, “RPC Parameter
Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User
Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

After SUCCESSFUL displays, press <NEXT> to continue.

At any time you can go to the Reference Revolution Calibration MENU

screen (MENU: 2/3/3) and reconfigure reference revolutions. 2/3/3

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-49

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

8.2.20 Configuring Surface Dynagraph Control

After you press <NEXT>, a Surface Dynagraph Card screen similar to
Figure 8-32 displays. You can use this screen to set the Malfunction
setpoint (if those functions were enabled) and program the Peak Load
Allowed and Minimum Load Allowed limits. This surface dynagraph
screen is presented even when the VFD-DH Downhole Dynagraph
Control method is selected.

Figure 8-32. Surface Dynagraph Card Display Screen

The position of the malfunction setpoint is usually based on experience

with the well and pumping equipment. The dynamometer card created
immediately after the system is commissioned will not be indicative of
steady-state operation. You must carefully adjust the malfunction setpoint
so that this setting is not violated as the well pumps down. Setting the
malfunction setpoint incorrectly will cause unnecessary downtime.

Procedure for Changing Setpoint Values

The Load and Pos values for POC Setpt and Malf Setpt can be
programmed using the numerical keys as you do for all other fields This
method does allow you to make large coordinate changes quickly.

As an alternative you can make more-precise changes by holding down

the arrow keys (   ). To edit with the arrow keys:

8-50 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

1. Highlight POC Setpt or Malf Setpt with the cursor and press
<EDIT>. POC Setpoint will be placed in brackets indicting that the
Lufkin Well Manager RPC is in Edit mode.

2. Use the arrow keys to move the setpoint to the desired location. POC
is indicated with the “*”marker and Malf is indicated with the “”

3. When the setpoint is at the desired location, press <ENTER> to

complete the programming.

For additional information about programming control parameters from a

surface dynagraph card screen, refer to “Surface Realtime Dynagraph”
section 12, “Dynagraph Cards” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod
Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

When you are satisfied with the parameter values, press <NEXT> to

8.2.21 Configuring Downhole Dynagraph Control

If one of the downhole control methods was selected earlier in the Quick-
Start process, a Downhole Dynagraph Card display screen similar to
Figure 8-33 displays.

Figure 8-33. Downhole Dynagraph Card Display Screen

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Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

The two parameters of primary interest are:

 Pump Fillage – Set % — the control point about which the drive
speeds up and slows down.

 Fluid Load – Set — the lower limit for the value of fluid load
calculated each stroke by the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.

For further discussion about the variable speed control algorithm, see page
8-16 , and refer to “Configuring End Device Parameters” in section 8,
RPC Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod
Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

For descriptions about the other parameters that can be read and/or
programmed on a Downhole Dynagraph Card screen, refer to “Downhole
Realtime Dynagraph Cards” in section 12, “Dynagraph Cards” of the same
user manual.

When you are satisfied with the parameter values, press <NEXT> to
access a screen for completing the Quick-Start process.

8.2.22 Completing the Quick-Start Feature

The Lufkin Well Manager Quick-Start CFG End screen (Figure 8-34) is
used to complete the Quick-Start process.

Figure 8-34. Lufkin Well Manager Quick-Start CFG End Screen

8-52 Draft Revision 2.02-C Issue Date: 9/10/12

Section 8: Quick-Start Programming

Press <ENTER> to complete programming and exit Quick-Start. You are

returned to the Programming Menu screen.

If you want to return to the Main Menu screen, press <MENU>.

8.3 Programming Required for DBR

For installations that include a dynamic braking resistor (DBR) unit, two
additional programming steps are necessary. The control relay that is
included as part of the VSD provides an input to the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC motherboard that will stop the drive if the braking resistor
overheats. The two programming steps are:

 Configuring an Auxiliary Digital Input — an auxiliary digital input

point must be configured as indicated on the wiring diagram included
with the DBR unit and illustrated in the DBR wiring diagram. See
“Dynamic Braking Resistor Wiring” in section 7 “Wiring the VSD
System” of this manual. Refer to the “Auxiliary I/O Configuration”
instructions in section 9 “Lufkin Parameter Programming” of the
Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No.
099.5000) and configure Digital Input 03 as indicated on the drawing.

 Writing a Logic Expression — a logic expression must be written

using the configured Digital Input D03 to stop the drive if the DBR
overheats. Refer to “Logic Expressions” in section 9 “Lufkin Parameter
Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control
User Manual (Part No. 099.5000) and write a logic expression and
action statement as indicated on the DBR drawing.

Note that the DBR safety shutdown feature will work without this
programming. However this programming will allow the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC to properly detect the condition that causes the

Issue Date: 9/10/12 Draft Revision 2.02-C 8-53

Section 9

VSD Status Screens

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC has several status screens that
display information about current values for measured process variables,
alarms and alerts, and reminders for you about how control parameters are

This section explains the location and contents of only those screens that
are unique to the VSD application.

For an overview of the structure of the status screens, and detailed

information about all other status screens that are available in the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC, refer to section 10, “Status Screens” of the
Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No.

The topics covered in this section include:

9.1  RPC Status Screens ........................................................................ 9-2 

9.1.1  RPC Status Screen 1 ............................................................ 9-3 
9.1.2  RPC Status Screen 4 ............................................................ 9-3 
9.2  VSD Comm Diagnostics ................................................................ 9-8 
9.2.1  VSD Parameter Status ......................................................... 9-9 
9.2.2  VSD/Lufkin Parameter Compare ...................................... 9-10 
9.2.3  VSD Trip Log .................................................................... 9-12 
9.3  Security Authorization Features and Alarms ............................... 9-15 
9.3.1  Authorized Features........................................................... 9-16 
9.3.2  Feature Authorization Alarms ........................................... 9-17 

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

9.1 RPC Status Screens

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC status screens present a MENU
combination of current operating values and some historical data 1
about the primary rod pump control (RPC) function and VSD
activity. Normally only three status screens are available, but when a
Lufkin Well Manager is configured for VSD RPC application, a fourth
screen is available. To display the RPC Status screens, select 1. RPC
STATUS from the Main Menu screen.

The exact information presented on the status screens depends on the

load/position end devices used, control mode selected, and control
functions enabled.

Only fields pertaining to VSD status activity are described here.

Therefore, only one field in Status Screen 1 is discussed and all of Status
Screen 4. For information about the other fields in the RPC status screens,
refer to “RPC Parameters Status Screens “ in section 10, “Status Screens”
of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part
No. 099.5000).

Setting Status Screen as the Default Screen

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC normally automatically returns to
RPC Status Screen 1 when no keypad activity has occurred for eight
minutes. Therefore, most of the time the Lufkin Well Manager RPC
Parameters Status Screens VSD RPC displays this screen when you arrive
on site.

If a different screen is the default screen, and you want the RPC Status
screen used instead, use the Additional Configuration option
(MENU: 2/5/8) to change it. For more information about this feature, see
“Additional Configuration (Default Screen)” in section 9, “Lufkin
Parameter Programming” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump
Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Screen Navigation
You cannot edit any data on these screens, but when the status screens is
displaying, you can:

 Press <NEXT> to display the other RPC status screens.

 Press <MENU> or <EXIT> to display the Main Menu screen and then
access other screens in Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC (dynagraphs,
historical data, parameter configuration, etc.).

9-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

9.1.1 RPC Status Screen 1

For VSD applications, RPC Status Screen 1 (Figure 9-1) has an additional
field labeled VFD Current Speed located at the bottom of the screen. Its
value shows the most recent analog voltage output speed command from
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to the integrated VSD. The value is
updated once a second.

analog voltage
output speed

Figure 9-1. RPC Status Screen 1 with VFD Current Speed Field

The analog voltage output from the auxiliary I/O card is scaled in Hertz.
Scaling parameters for maximum and minimum speed are programmed on
the VFD/VSD Parameters screen (see “Configuring Variable Speed
Control Parameters” in section 8, “Quick-Start Programming”).

For descriptions about the other data fields on this screen, refer to “RPC
Status Screen 1” in section 10, “Status Screens” of the Lufkin Well
Manager™ — Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

9.1.2 RPC Status Screen 4

From the RPC Status Screen 1, press <NEXT> three times to pass through
the status screens 2 and 3 to display an RPC Status Screen 4 similar to
Figure 9-2.

Note: For information about RPC Status Screens 2 and 3, refer to “RPC
Status Screen 2” and “RPC Status Screen 3” in section 10, “Status
Screens” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control
User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Figure 9-2. RPC Status Screen 4

The values displayed in the fields are read from the VF-AS1 drive at the
memory location indicated in the brackets. Values are displayed in
decimal format in the units designated to their right.

RPC Status Screen 4 has three sub screens. They are accessed by pressing
the keys shown in the prompts at the bottom of the screen.

 <DELETE> displays last drive trip event data (page 9-6)

 <0> <1> displays the first drive status help screen (page 9-7)

 <0> <3> displays the second drive status help screen (page 9-8)

Data Field Descriptions for RPC Status Screen 4

Information about each data field is provided below.

Drive Status 1
The status word read from the Toshiba inverter memory. It is
formatted as a16-bit binary word and displayed as the hexadecimal
equivalent of that 16-bit word. Each of the 16 individual bits
represents a drive condition. If a bit is set high (value of 1), then that
condition exists.

9-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

The code number in brackets in the first column to the right is the
memory location in the Toshiba inverter. The hexadecimal number in
the next column to the right shows the present status. The hexadecimal
number in the far right column (when <DELETE> is pressed to toggle
it on) shows the status at the time of the last trip event. Consult the
help screen (see “Drive Status Help Screen 1” on page 9-7) for
information about the drive status word 1.
Present status Status at time of
Memory location last trip event

Drive Status 3
This is a second status word read from the Toshiba inverter. It is in the
same format and displayed the same as Drive Status 1. Consult the
help screen (see “Drive Status Help Screen 2” on page 9-8) for
information about the drive status word 1.

Output Frequency
The present output frequency of the Toshiba inverter in Hertz as read
from memory location [FD00].

Output Torque
The present torque output of the Toshiba inverter in % of motor-rated
torque as read from memory location [FD18].

Output Power
The present output power of the Toshiba inverter in kW as read from
memory location [FD30].

DC Bus Voltage
The present DC bus voltage in the Toshiba inverter in % of rated as
read from memory location [FD04]. For 400-volt class units, 100% is
equivalent to 400 VAC. For 400-volt class units, 100% is equivalent to
400 VAC. For 600-volt class units, 100% is 575 VAC.

Output Voltage
The present AC output voltage of the Toshiba inverter in % of rated as
read from memory location [FD05]. For 400-volt class units, 100% is
equivalent to 400 VAC.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Output Current
The present output amperage of the Toshiba inverter in % of the
inverter (not motor)-rated current from memory location [FD03].

Memory Address
The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC when used with a generic VSD
can read/write individual memory registers as directed by the user.
This field is included to remind you the memory location that was last
selected for a read/write operation. All register read/write functions in
the integrated Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC are pre-programmed,
and the generic read/write capability was eliminated. In this case, the
field is non-functional.

Formatted Elapsed kWH

The Toshiba drive calculates and accumulates kilowatt-hours of power
consumed. The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC reads that value from
the inverter and displays it here.

Last Drive Trip Event Data

Press <DELETE> to display two new fields (Trip Code and Digital
Status) that have data from the last drive trip and a column with data
values (for all fields) from the last trip event (see Figure 9-3).

Column with
values from
last trip event

Two new fields

about drive trip

Figure 9-3. Last Drive Trip Info Screen

Press <DELETE> again to toggle off these fields.

9-6 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

Data Field Descriptions for Last Drive Trip Info

Information about each data field is provided below.

Trip Code
A code read from memory location FE10 of the Toshiba inverter that
shows the cause of the last trip event. For additional information about
the specific meaning of a fault code and possible corrective actions,
refer to section 13 of the latest edition of the Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter
instruction manual E6581301.

Digital Status
A code read from memory location FE06 of the Toshiba inverter that
shows the status of each of the signal input terminals on the inverter.

Drive Status Help Screen 1

Press <0> and <1> simultaneously to display a definitions help screen
similar to Figure 9-4. This screen is for use primarily by trained
technicians with an intimate understanding of the Toshiba VF-AS1
inverter. The meaning of each bit of the 16-bit binary Status 1 word is
described. For additional information refer to the latest edition of the
Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter instruction manual E6581301.

Figure 9-4. Drive Status Reg Help Screen 1

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-7

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Drive Status Help Screen 2

Press <0> and <3> simultaneously to display a second definitions help
screen similar to Figure 9-5. This screen is for use primarily by trained
technicians with an intimate understanding of the Toshiba VF-AS1
inverter. The meaning of each bit of the 16-bit binary Status 3 word is
described. For additional information refer to the latest edition of the
Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter instruction manual E6581301.

Figure 9-5. Drive Status Reg Help Screen 2

9.2 VSD Comm Diagnostics

The VFD COMM Diagnostics Menu screen (Figure 9-6) is only MENU
of use when the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC is used with a 7/7
Toshiba VSD, and meaningless when used with a generic VSD.
When a Toshiba VSD is used, you can display the present VSD parameter
status, compare its parameter status to the values configured in the Lufkin
Well Manager RPC, and display the last 45 trip events. To access this
menu, from the Main Menu screen, select 7 OTHER STATUS, and then

9-8 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

Figure 9-6. VFD COMM Diagnostics Menu Screen

9.2.1 VSD Parameter Status

At any time you can view the status of the present parameter MENU
programming of the Toshiba VSD controlled by the Lufkin Well 7/7/1
Manager VSD RPC. Figure 9-7 is an example screen.

Note: This screen is only of value when a Toshiba VSD is being used.

Figure 9-7. VFD Drive Parameter Status Screen

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-9

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

When OK displays for the parameter, it is performing as configured. If a

numerical value is displayed, an error or discrepancy is occurring between
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and the Toshiba VSD. Use the legend
at the bottom of screen to determine the nature of the problem.

9.2.2 VSD/Lufkin Parameter Compare

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and the Toshiba VF-AS1 MENU
inverter both have a database of programmed control parameters. 7/7/2
From time to time, you may need to check that the two databases
are synchronized.

At any time you can compare the presently programmed operating

parameter values in the Toshiba VSD database with the parameter values
configured in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC. You can also change
the configuration parameters in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC, and
if necessary, write these values to the VSD. Additionally, if you prefer the
values in the VSD, you can write them to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC. Figure 9-8 is an example of the first screen displayed when you
access this option.

Note: This screen is only of value when a Toshiba VSD is being used.

Figure 9-8. VFD Drive Configuration Parameters Screen 1 of 2

Additional data is available on a second screen similar to Figure 9-9. To

toggle between screens, press <NEXT>.

9-10 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

Figure 9-9. VFD Drive Configuration Parameters Screen 2 of 2

Writing and Copying Parameters

You can edit any of the parameter values in the LWM CONFIG column
by following the steps below:

1. Press <> or <> to highlight the parameter you want to change.

2. Press <EDIT>.

3. Type in the new value.

4. Press <ENTER>.

The last two data fields on the second screen allow you to write the
existing parameter values from the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to the
VSD, or vice versa.

Note: The H-O-A switch needs to be set to the OFF position before you
try to copy Lufkin configuration data to the drive.

5. Do one of the following:

a. To write the values to the VSD, press <> or <> to highlight

Copy LWM CFG to Drive, and then press <ENTER>.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-11

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

b. To write the values to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC, press
<> or <> to highlight Copy Drive Cfg to LWM, and then press

A message appears with the YES option highlighted.

6. Do one of the following:

 To write the parameters, keep YES highlighted, and then press


 To cancel the write process, press <> or <> to highlight NO,

and then press <ENTER>.

WARNING: If you wait a few seconds without taking any action, the
message disappears and the previous values remain in

If you selected YES, the parameters in the LWM CONFIG and DRIVE
CONFIG columns are the same.

9.2.3 VSD Trip Log

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC can pull the recorded trip MENU
data for the last 45 trips stored in the Toshiba VSD. The VSD 7/7/3
has a block of memory registers that record VSD activity at the
time of the trip and the Lufkin Well Manager RPC can read these
registers. Figure 9-10 is the first screen that displays. It shows the first 15
trips. Three screens are available. Press <NEXT> to move between

Note: This screen is only supported when a Toshiba VSD is being used.

9-12 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

Figure 9-10. VSD Trip Log Screen

You can display descriptive details about any trip, such as its output
frequency and elapsed time of the trip. Press <> or <> to highlight the
trip you want to view, and then press <ENTER>. Figure 9-11 is an

Figure 9-11. VSD Trip Log Details Screen

When you are finished with the screen, press <EXIT> to return to the
VSD Trip Log screen.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-13

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Data Field Descriptions

Information about each data field is provided below.

Trip #
The log number of the selected trip event.

Trip Code
A code that corresponds to a reason for the trip event.

Displays the date and time when the trip occurred.

Displays the date and time when the trip cleared. This time can be
when the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC cleared the trip or when the
operator physically went out to clear the trip.

Output Frequency
The actual output frequency of the inverter at the time of the trip

Command Frequency
The commanded frequency from the controller at the time of the trip

Output Current
The inverter output current (in % of the inverter-rated current) at the
time of the trip event.

DC Bus Voltage
The inverter DC voltage (in % of the voltage supported by the
inverter) at the time of the trip event. For 400-volt class units, 100% is
equivalent to 400 VAC. For 600-volt class units, 100% is equivalent to
575 VAC.

Output Voltage
The inverter output voltage (in % of the voltage supported by the
inverter) at the time of the trip event. For 400-volt class units, 100% is
equivalent to 400 VAC. For 600-volt class units, 100% is equivalent to
575 VAC.

Elapsed Time
The cumulative run time of the inverter at the time of the trip event.

9-14 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

9.3 Security Authorization Features and

Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC systems shipped during and after the
fourth quarter of 2009 are equipped with a Security Authorization Module
and programmed with firmware version 6.0 or higher. This combination of
hardware and firmware prohibits unauthorized use of some features of the
Lufkin Well Manager. The protected features include:

 Variable Speed Drive

 Custody Transfer

 Deviated Well Analysis

Two new screens were added to display information regarding the status
of authorization and any authorization alarms that may be present.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-15

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

9.3.1 Authorized Features

You can display the Authorized Features screen (Figure 9-12) to MENU
show a list of features authorized by the programming in the 2/5/5/6
Security Authorization Module.

Figure 9-12. Authorized Features Screen

1. From the Main Menu screen, select 2. PROGRAM


2. Select 5. RTU LEVEL to display the RTU Level MENU screen.

3. Select 5. DIAGNOSTICS to display the Diagnostics Menu Screen.

4. Select 6. AUTHORIZED FEATURES to display the Authorized

Features screen.

On initial power up, the Security Authorization Module may take up to a

maximum of 5 minutes to communicate with the motherboard CPU to
authorize the programmed features. During the power up interval, the
Authorized Features screen is blank, except for the column headers for
Feature Description and Present State.

The Security Authorization Module cannot communicate with the

motherboard CPU if a laptop computer is plugged into the front panel
COM PORT and running the LWM Screen Terminal program.

9-16 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 9: VSD Status Screens

9.3.2 Feature Authorization Alarms

The Feature Authorization Alarms 10/10 screen (Figure 9-13) MENU
displays all features authorized by the Security Authorization 7/2
Module programming and the present state of that authorization.
To display this screen you must display the Alarm Log screen 1/10 and
then press <NEXT> nine times.

Figure 9-13. Feature Authorization Alarms Screen

The Features Description column lists the feature name authorized by the
Security Authorization Module.

The Present State column has the word ALARM if an alarm condition

If no authorization alarms exist, the columns in this screen are blank.

To access the Alarm Log screen 1/10, use the following steps:

1. From the Main Menu screen, select 7. OTHER STATUS to display

the Other Status Menu screen.

2. Select 2. ALARM STATUS to display the Alarm Log screen 1/10.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 9-17

Section 10

VSD Historical Data

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC has several screens that display
historical information about past performance of the measured process
variables, and alarms and alerts. This section explains the location and
contents of only those screens that are unique to the VSD application.

The topics covered in this section include:

10.1 24-Hour VSD Speed History........................................................ 10-2

10.2 60-Day Average Strokes per Minute ............................................ 10-3

All VSD historical data is accessed from the Historical Data Menu screen.
For an overview of all historical data features of the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC, and detailed information about each of the numerous other
historical data screens that are available in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC, refer to section 11, “Historical Data” of the Lufkin Well Manager™
— Rod Pump Control User Manual (Part No. 099.5000).

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 10-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

10.1 24-Hour VSD Speed History

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC maintains an historical MENU
record of the speed command output to the inverter. The Lufkin 3/1/2
Well Manager VSD RPC takes one sample point each minute.
The most recent 1,440 samples are saved in a memory buffer and
displayed as a plot on the 24 Hour VFD Speed screen (Figure 10-1). To
display this screen, select 1. RPC DATA from the Historical Data Menu
screen, and then select 2. 24 VFD SPEED.

Present time

Change values
in these fields
to rescale plot

Figure 10-1. 24 Hour VSD Speed Screen

This data represents activity for the previous 24-hour period, and is not
linked to gauge off time (GOT). It is a moving window of data from the
time that you start viewing the data and moving back in time.

The plot shows time as the x-axis. Time 0.0 (shown on the right of the
plot) is the present time. The further to the left you read, the earlier in time
the sample was recorded.

Each screen displays four hours of data. Press <NEXT> to display the
next four hours. After you display the screen with hours 20 through 24,
you can press <NEXT> again to return to the screen with the first four

10-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 10: VSD Historical Data

The automatic scaling feature of the plot accommodates the maximum and
minimum values recorded. This automatic scaling may make normal
operating values hard to track if one or more abnormally high or low
values were sampled in the 24-hour period. To rescale the plot to more
clearly show normal operation, press <DELETE> and then enter values in
the Peak and Minimum fields under Y-AXIS SCALE (lower right corner
of screen). Use the standard editing techniques to edit these values.

10.2 60-Day Average Strokes per Minute

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC calculates an average MENU
pumping speed for a day as defined by gauge off time (GOT) 3/1/3/2
and keeps a record of this daily average for the most recent 60
days. These values can be displayed as a plot on the 60 Day Average SPM
screen (Figure 10-2). To access this screen, select 1. RPC DATA from the
Historical Data Menu screen, select 3. PREVIOUS 60 DAYS, select 1. 60
DAY RUN DATA, and then select 2 60 DAY AVG STROKE SPEED.

Change values
in these fields
to rescale plot

Figure 10-2. 60 Day Average SPM Screen

The plot shows time as the x-axis and average strokes per minute as the

In addition to the plot, tabular data is listed in a column on the right edge
of the screen. The first 15 days of data are displayed. To display the other
sets for 15 days, press <NEXT>. When you have days 46 through 60
displayed, press <NEXT> again to display the first 15.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 10-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

You can rescale the plot by entering new peak and minimum values in the
Peak and Min fields under Y-AXIX SCALE (lower right corner of
screen.) Use the standard editing techniques to edit these values.

10-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11

System Diagnostics and


This section attempts to provide a field technician with sufficient

information to help determine which major component of the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC system needs to be replaced. It specifically deals with
field checks of the inverter operation. It does not attempt to help with
circuit board-level repairs.

The topics covered in this section include:

11.1  Inverter Troubleshooting .............................................................. 11-2 

11.2  VSD Trip Log............................................................................... 11-2 
11.3  Inverter Hardware Checks ............................................................ 11-2 
11.4  Other System Troubleshooting..................................................... 11-5 
11.4.1  Attempts to Initialize the VSD Fail ............................... 11-5 
11.4.2  Slow Drive Initialization ................................................ 11-5 
11.4.3  VSD Does Not Provide Enough Power to Move
Weights to Upward Position .......................................... 11-6 
11.4.4  Persistent OLR Drive Faults .......................................... 11-7 
11.4.5  Persistent OP Drive Faults ............................................. 11-8 
11.4.6  Persistent OL2 Drive Faults ......................................... 11-10 
11.4.7  Persistent OL1 Drive Faults ......................................... 11-10 
11.4.8  Persistent OC1, OC2, or OC3 Drive Faults ................. 11-10 
11.4.9  Unit Runs in Hand Mode but Not in Auto Mode ........ 11-11 
11.4.10  Unit runs at Improper Speed While in Auto Mode ...... 11-14 

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

For more detailed information about diagnostic tools and troubleshooting

of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and the end devices providing
signal inputs to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC, refer to section 20,
“Troubleshooting” of the Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control
User Manual (Part No. 099.5000). It explains the use of the following
diagnostic tools to isolated problems with the basic RPC function:

 Well state information on the RPC Status screens

 Historical load and dynagraph data

 Diagnostic screens at the RTU Level of the menu tree.

Section 20 also explains how to check inputs for load and position signal
to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.

11.1 Inverter Troubleshooting

Apparent inverter problems may be caused by programming errors, or
they may be the result of damage to inverter power components caused by
transient voltage surges.

11.2 VSD Trip Log

The VSD trip log can help you identify any programming errors. This log
is fully explained in section 9, “VSD Status Screens” under “VSD Trip
Log.” For a complete list of trip codes and possible causes, refer to pages
M1 through M8 of the Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter instruction manual

The VSD Comm Diagnostics screens explained in section 9 (under VSD

Comm Diagnostics”) may be useful to help identify and correct any
programming variances between the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and
the Toshiba inverter.

11.3 Inverter Hardware Checks

A good digital multi-meter (DMM) with a diode test function can be used
to check the inverter. If any of the following checks are not good, replace
the inverter with an exchange unit.

Blown primary power fuses generally indicate that a power component in

the inverter has failed. Before you replace fuses, run the following checks:

11-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

 Make sure that power to the drive is OFF and use proper lockout/tagout

 Verify that power is OFF by measuring the AC voltage between all

three of the load side (bottom) terminals of the service disconnect

 Use a voltmeter to make sure the DC bus capacitors are fully

discharged. Measure between terminals PA (+) and PC (negative) at the
bottom of the inverter. These terminals are behind the front cover, but
may be accessed with meter probes by coming up from the bottom of
the inverter module. DO NOT trust the Charge LED on the inverter.

 Visually inspect the transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS) for

signs of damage. Check for any blackening of the sight window.

 Check all VSD power and control wiring for loose or incorrectly placed

 Check for shorts to ground on power input and motor with DMM.

 Use the diode test setting on your DMM to test the main power
components according the table below. Record your readings for future

Component Meter Leads Normal Display Actual

Tested On Terminals Reading Reading
Positive Negative
Rectifier PA R / L1 OL
Checks PA S / L2 OL
PA T / L3 OL
1-25 HP 30-100 HP
400 V & 400 V &
600 V* 600V*
R / L1 PA .2 TO .6 V OL
S / L2 PA .2 TO .6 V OL
T / L3 PA 2 TO .6 V OL
R / L1 PC OL
S / L2 PC OL
T / L3 PC OL
PC R / L1 .2 TO .6 VOLT
PC S / L2 .2 TO .6 VOLT
PC T / L3 .2 TO .6 VOLT

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Component Meter Leads Normal Display Actual

Tested On Terminals Reading Reading
Positive Negative
IGBT Checks PA U / T1 OL
PA V / T2 OL
PA W / T3 OL
U / T1 PA .2 TO .6 VOLT
V / T2 PA .2 TO .6 VOLT
W / T3 PA .2 TO .6 VOLT
U / T1 PC OL
V / T2 PC OL
W / T3 PC OL
PC U / T1 .2 TO .6 VOLT
PC V / T2 .2 TO .6 VOLT
PC W / T3 .2 TO .6 VOLT
PC PB .2 TO .6 VOLT**

* 400-V drives under 30 HP have a standard diode bridge input, rather than the hybrid
SCR front end shown in Figure 11-1.

** 1—25 HP 400-V drives have a higher impedance on IGBT7 and may show OL,
impedance varies from ~40 kΩ to 1.2 MΩ.

Figure 11-1. Hybrid SCR Front End

Further detailed tests on drive unit components (for example, bus

capacitors, thermistor, soft charge resistor/inductor, snubber boards, and
DC link reactor) require teardown of the unit, and is not recommended in
the field. If you suspect a damaged drive, replacement is the best option.

11-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

11.4 Other System Troubleshooting

11.4.1 Attempts to Initialize the VSD Fail
Make sure that the H-O-A switch is in the OFF position when you attempt
to initialize.

If drive initialization fails immediately at the beginning of the process, the

cause could be:

 The cable between the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and the VSD is
damaged or improperly connected.

 The communications parameters are not set properly in the VF-AS1


 The VSD communications settings are not set properly in the Lufkin
Well Manger VSD RPC.

Check the communications LEDs on the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
expansion board. All three LEDs should blink rapidly. If only two are
blinking, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC is attempting to talk to the
drive, but the drive is not responding. Check the RS-485 serial cabling.
Check the VSD communications parameters in the Lufkin Well Manager
VSD RPC. Use the VSD keypad to make sure that parameters F802 and
F829 are both set to a value of 1.

If no communications LEDs are blinking, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD

RPC is not in the proper control mode. Repeat the Quick-Start
programming process to ensure that all control parameters are properly
set. For information about the Quick-Start process, see section 8, “Quick-
Start Programming.”

If initialization begins but fails during the process, a parameter was

improperly entered. Check all settings in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC, especially the motor nameplate values on the VSD parameter screen
3. For information about this screen, see “Configuring Drive Parameters”
in section 8, “Quick-Start Programming.”

11.4.2 Slow Drive Initialization

Check the VSD Communications Parameter screen (MENU: 2/1/6/NEXT)
and ensure that the Timeout parameter is set to no less than 45 msecs and
no more than 60 msecs.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

11.4.3 VSD Does Not Provide Enough Power to Move

Weights to Upward Position
This can occur after a shallow rod part when trying to position the
pumping unit in preparation for rig work. After a shallow rod part, the
pumping unit will be weight-heavy and a great deal of torque is required
to move the weights from the bottom position.

With an across-the-line motor, you can use the H-O-A switch to “bump”
the motor and swing the weights into the correct position, but this is not
possible with a VSD. One way to obtain extra torque out of the pumping
unit is to temporarily disable the torque limiting and motor current
overload. On the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC, display the LFKA-1
Param 3 screen (similar to Figure 11-2) and write down the present values
displayed in the Motor Overload Protection Level and Peak Torque
Limit fields. Change the value for Motor Overload Protection Level to
100% and Peak Torque Limit to 9999.

Note: To access this screen directly from the Main Menu screen, use

Change these

Figure 11-2. LFKA-1 Param 3 Screen

After you change the values, set the H-O-A to the HAND position to lift
the weights.

Be sure to return to the VSD LFK-1 Param 3 screen and change both
fields to their correct values.

11-6 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

11.4.4 Persistent OLR Drive Faults

The OLR (overload resistor) fault is an indication that the drive is
operating the dynamic braking resistor (DBR) package beyond its rated
power. This fault can occur if the mechanical motion of the unit is causing
excessive regeneration, which is a situation that typically occurs when the
pumping unit is significantly out of balance. Balance the pumping unit and
you can eliminate OLR VFD trips, as well as reduce electrical operating
costs. Note that Lufkin Mark II units typically exhibit the least amount of
regeneration if they are slightly weight-heavy.

Sometimes, line voltage can be so high that it causes the drive to send
current through the DBR almost continuously. In these cases, the drive
will experience frequent OLR faults. You need to ensure that the
overvoltage limit operating level of the drive is higher than the static DC
bus voltage level. With the H-O-A switch in the OFF position, check the
VFD Status screen (MENU: 1/NEXT/NEXT/NEXT) to read the DC bus
voltage (in percent). Then go to the VFD LFKA-1 Advanced Parameters
screen (MENU: 7/7, then 0+8). Select option 2 (READ ALL
PARAMETERS FROM VSD). After the read is completed, press
<NEXT> four times and look at parameter F626. If the value in the
LFKA-1 column is less than the static DC bus level, you need to increase
this value in the drive. To increase it, place the H-O-A switch in the OFF
position to stop the drive. Edit the value in the Lufkin column (LFKA-1
Advanced Parameter screen) to a value about 2% higher than the static DC
bus level. Then use the arrow keys to navigate to the “W” character in the
ACTION column and press <ENTER>. This action writes the new value
to the drive.

If you are using the upstroke/downstroke speed changing features or linear

pumping unit cornering features, the rapid decelerations that result from
these features can cause excessive regeneration. In these cases, you can
lengthen deceleration times in the VSD parameters screens to reduce
regenerative energy.

For information about upstroke/down stroke speed change, see

“Configuring Variable Speed Control Parameters.” For information about
linear pumping unit cornering, see “Linear Pump Cornering.” Both topics
are in section 8, “Quick-Start Programming.”

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-7

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Another option that you can use (with discretion) is adjust the DBR duty
cycle (Duty Cycle field) in the Barking Power Calculator screen (Figure
11-3). This adjustment allows the drive to disperse more energy in the
DBR without tripping on OLR. In cold climates, DBR units can be used at
slightly above 10% duty cycle. Indiscriminate use of this practice can
damage to the DBR unit. Additionally, Lufkin Automation can build
custom heavy-duty braking kits, or it can offer a regenerative controller
for heavy-duty braking conditions. Consult your Lufkin Automation
representative before adjusting the DRB duty cycle above 10%. For more
information about this field, see “Configuring Drive Parameters” in
section 8, “Quick-Start Programming.”

Figure 11-3. Braking Power Calculator Screen

11.4.5 Persistent OP Drive Faults

OP fault is the Toshiba code for overvoltage, and is an indication that the
drive’s DC bus is rising to abnormal levels. In almost all cases, this
situation occurs because the motor is generating regenerative energy faster
than the VSD can dissipate the energy. If you are not using a dynamic
braking resistor (DBR) package, the following options are available to
prevent an OP trip:

 Ensure that the downhole equipment is operating properly and that the
rod string is still intact (an OP trip can be an indication that a downhole
component has failed)

 Balance the pumping unit

11-8 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

 Increase the value in the Working Peak Speed field in the VFD/VSD
Parameters screen (MENU: 2/1/6)

 Install a DBR package

If a DBR package is already being used, the OP trip may indicate a severe
onset of regeneration. This situation can be caused by speed adjustments
during the stroke (upstroke/downstroke feature or linear pumping unit
cornering feature). One option is to lengthen deceleration times in the
Decel Time field (Figure 11-4) in the LFKA-1 Param 3 screen
(MENU: 2/1/6/NEXT/NEXT/NEXT) to reduce regenerative energy.

Change this
value to

Figure 11-4.. LFKA-1 Param 3 Screen

Another option is to install the next-larger DBR package size on the

pumping unit. Normally, DBR units should be sized according to the table
in section 4, “Parts” (see “Dynamic Resistor Ratings for 400-Volt Class
Lufkin Drives”). However, when a lower resistance DBR package is
installed, it can allow the pumping unit to dissipate regenerative energy
faster. Be careful when you use this technique so that you avoid
overloading the DBR transistor in the drive. Alternatively, you can request
a custom built heavy-duty DBR or Lufkin Automation’s REGEN
controller for heavy braking situations. Consult your Lufkin Automation
representative before you install any DBR package other than the one
recommended in table.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-9

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

11.4.6 Persistent OL2 Drive Faults

The OL2 fault indicates that the drive has determined that the mechanical
load is too large for the motor being driven. The VSD serves like a solid-
state motor overload protection relay. It calculates the heating impact of
the current that it injects into the motor. If the average load (RMS) on the
motor exceeds the motor-rated load (amps) for a period exceeding 10
seconds, the drive will trip on OL2.

OL2 faults indicate that equipment is improperly sized. You should

capture a dynamometer card from the well (either from the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC or using a portable dynamometer unit), and evaluate
the gearbox and motor load requirements. In some cases (depending on
desired operating speed and rated RPM of the motor), persistent OL2
faults can be eliminated by a sheave change. In other conditions, a higher
horsepower motor (and drive) may be required. This fault may also be an
indication that pumping unit gearbox torque capability is marginal for the

When the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC is in Auto mode, OL2 faults
clear after 10 minutes and the pumping unit will restart. This cycle
continues until you correct the underlying problem.

11.4.7 Persistent OL1 Drive Faults

The OL1 fault indicates that the mechanical load has caused the drive to
output excessive current (from the perspective of drive-rated current) for
an extended period of time. The fault is really an indication that the drive
is overheating. This condition is rare in 415-volt applications and almost
non-existent in 460-volt applications unless the drive is being used to
power a larger motor (40-HP drive with 50-HP motor, for example).

Persistent OL1 faults are in indication of improper equipment selection.

Consult your Lufkin Automation representative for assistance with your

11.4.8 Persistent OC1, OC2, or OC3 Drive Faults

OC1, OC2, or OC3 drive faults indicate that the mechanical load required
a very high instantaneous current that exceeded the safe current of the
drive. These conditions occur when the mechanical load suddenly changes
(rod part, pumping against closed valve, severe belt slip, etc.). The
condition is a mechanical load problem and you must correct the
mechanical loading situation that caused the fault. These faults can also
occur if the acceleration and/or deceleration times are set too low (below 3

11-10 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

11.4.9 Unit Runs in Hand Mode but Not in Auto Mode

This condition is sometimes an indication that the Lufkin Well Manager
main board is not communicating with the I/O expansion board. To check
for proper operation, use the Lufkin Well Manager keypad to navigate to
the Auxiliary I/O board Status screen (MENU: 7/1/1/5). The first board in
this screen should be indicated with status of Normal or Power On. If
you do not see this status, one of the Lufkin PCB boards may have a

Three components make Auto mode operation different from Hand mode

 Inverter terminal module configuration

 Run signal from Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to inverter

 Analog speed command signal from Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
to inverter

Inverter Configuration
Make sure that the RR/S4 switch on the terminal module is set to the RR
position. See Figure 11-5.

Set switch to RR position

Source: Toshiba VF-AS1 Instruction Manual E6581301

Figure 11-5. RR/SR Switch on Terminal Module

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-11

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Inverter Configuration
The following inverter configuration should have been performed by the
Initialize Inverter step of the Quick-Start programming feature (see
“Initializing the VSD” in section 8, “Quick-Start Programming”). Use the
table below to verify that all parameters are properly set.

Note: Stop the inverter before changing any of these parameters.

Parameter Value Remarks

CMOD 0 Enable input terminal commands.
FMOD 2 Enable voltage analog input for speed command.
F112 2 Sets the inverter F terminal to cause the motor to run in
forward direction.
F113 2 Sets the inverter R terminal to cause the motor to run in
forward direction.
F117 14 Sets the S3 terminal to cause the drive to run at preset
speed 3.
F210 0 Analog scaling.
F211 0 Analog scaling.
F212 100 Analog scaling.
F213/AuF2 Same as Max Speed on Lufkin parameters screen. This
value should default to 90 during VSD initialization with
default Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC settings.
F214 10 Analog scaling.
F215 30 Analog scaling.

Run Signal from Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to Inverter

The MO2 digital signal from the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC should
be connected (through the H-O-A switch) to the F terminal on the inverter.
The MO2 signal is output on the bottom of the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC motherboard at the DIO2 terminal.

Move the H-O-A switch and try to start the pumping unit from the Lufkin
Well Manager VSD RPC keypad. Measure the voltage on the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC motherboard and on the inverter terminal. You should
experience the behavior shown in the table below.

11-12 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

H-O-A Lufkin Motherboard Inverter F Terminal Voltage

Position DIO2 Voltage (VDC)
OFF Greater than 5 Volts Same value as DIO2 when
between DIO2 and measured from inverter F to
digital ground. inverter CC.
HAND Greater than 5 Volts Same value as DIO2 when
between DIO2 and measured from inverter F to
digital ground. inverter CC.
AUTO Less than 0.5 Volts Same value as DIO2 when
between DIO2 and measured from inverter F to
digital ground. inverter CC.

If you do not see this behavior, check for the following:

 Ensure electrical continuity (very low ohms) between Lufkin DIO2 and
inverter F terminal with the H-O-A switch set to the AUTO position. If
continuity does not exist, then wiring may be missing or broken

 Disconnect the wire from Lufkin DIO2 and insure that the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC signal is changing state properly at the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC motherboard terminal with no other connections.

 Ensure that continuity (very low ohms) exists between the Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC board digital ground and the inverter CC terminal.

 Disconnect the wire from the inverter F terminal and check to see that
the signal changes state as described in the table above. If the signal
changes state while disconnected from the inverter, change the inverter
terminal module.

Analog Speed Signal from Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to

The AO1 terminal on the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC expansion
board provides a voltage (between 0.0 and 10.0 volts) signal as a speed
command to the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC. Zero volts represents a
zero hertz speed command. Ten volts represents max speed command.
Max speed is defined in the Lufkin VFD/VSD Parameters screen
(MENU: 2/1/6) and is transferred by the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
into the inverter (parameter F213)

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-13

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

If you change the max speed value in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
while the inverter is running the motor, the inverter will not accept the
change and the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC values will be different
from the inverter values. This difference will cause the inverter to run at a
speed different than what the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC thinks the
inverter is running. Consider the following three tips to resolve the speed

 Use the H-O-A switch and the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC keypad
to attempt to run the pumping unit in Auto mode. Measure the voltage
across the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC expansion board AO1+ and
AO1- terminals.

 Measure the voltage across the inverter control module RR/S4 terminal
and CC. The voltages should be identical.

 If voltages are not identical, check the wiring between Lufkin Well
Manager VSD RPC expansion board and the inverter RR/S4 terminal.
Ensure that continuity exists between these terminals. Also ensure that
continuity exists between the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC
expansion board AO1- terminal and inverter terminal CC.

11.4.10 Unit runs at Improper Speed While in Auto

If the inverter is running in Auto mode at a different frequency than
indicated on the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC display, a scaling
problem most likely exists with the analog speed reference signal between
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and the VF-AS1 inverter.

The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC scales the 0-to-10–VDC signal
based on values you enter into the Minimum Speed and Maximum
Speed fields on the VSD parameters screen. When you change these
parameters, the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC sends commands to the
VF-AS1 drive (via the RS-485 serial link) to change parameters in the
drive to correspond to the values in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC.
The values in the VFAS1 drive and in the Lufkin Well Manager VSD
RPC must be synchronized in order for the drive to run at the commanded
frequency. The Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and VF-AS1 drive can
get out of synchronization if:

 Someone makes a change to the Minimum Speed or Maximum Speed

field values while the inverter is powering the motor. In this case, the
drive refuses to accept the serial communications command to change
the parameter because the drive will not allow these parameters to
change while it is powering the motor.

11-14 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Section 11: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

 A general problem exists with the serial communications between the

Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC and the VF-AS1 drive.

Procedure to Restore the Synchronization

Follow the steps below to restore the synchronization.

1. Stop the pumping unit by turning the H-O-A switch to the OFF

2. Use the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC keypad to navigate to the
VFD/VSD Parameters screen (MENU: 2/1/6).

3. Highlight the Working Minimum Speed field and change the value.

4. Highlight the Working Peak Speed field and change the value.

5. Resume operation by switching the H-O-A switch to the AUTO

position and use the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC keypad to start
the pumping unit.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 11-15

Appendix A

Rotaflex Cornering

This appendix provides details about the Rotaflex cornering feature that is
available in Lufkin Well Managers operating with firmware versions 5.29
and higher.

The topics covered in this appendix include:

A.1  Background ................................................................................... A-1 

A.1.1  Rotaflex Unit Designations ................................................ A-2 
A.1.2  Opportunities for Increased Production ............................. A-3 
A.1.3  Rotaflex Cornering Features............................................... A-3 
A.2  Cornering Parameter Descriptions ................................................ A-4 
A.3  Gearbox Torque Considerations.................................................... A-8 
A.4  Low Speed Operation .................................................................... A-8 

A.1 Background
Rotaflex units are designed to run at continuous 60 Hz with a six-pole
motor. The critical portion of the Rotaflex stroke is the “ends” or
“corners.” Speed in the corners should not exceed 60 Hz. From an
aesthetic standpoint, you may want to operate the unit at less than 60 Hz
in the corners.

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 A-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

A.1.1 Rotaflex Unit Designations

Stroke length and gearbox torque limit are determined by the model
number. Be sure you understand the Rotaflex model that you are using.
Markings on the unit itself can be misleading. For instance, a tag marked
“1150-500-366” may appear to be an API pumping unit designation, but it
is not. This tag would indicate a model 1150 unit and the Rotaflex
specifications would need to be consulted to determine proper gearbox
torque. The gearbox torque limit may be written on a tag on the actual

Figure A-1 is an example of the linear Pumping Unit Parameters screen

(MENU: 2/1/4) you may see. If the Rotaflex unit with which you are
working is not in the Lufkin Well Manager pumping unit database, be sure
to get the dimensions before you continue. The dimensions are critical for
proper operation. The distance between sprocket centers and sprocket
radius dimensions are all that you need to get started.


Figure A-1. Dimensions for a Linear Pumping Unit

After you enter the correct values for the two pumping unit dimensions, be
sure to calculate stroke length (press <3>) and calculate output ratio (press
<4>). Both functions must be performed in order to ensure proper

A-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Appendix A: Rotaflex Cornering

A.1.2 Opportunities for Increased Production

Although Rotaflex cornering speed should be limited to 60 Hz or less, the
speed during the upstroke and downstroke “straight line” portion of the
stroke can safely exceed 60 Hz. In addition, the downstroke speed can be
allowed to run higher than upstroke speed in an effort to obtain extra
production from the pumping unit.

A.1.3 Rotaflex Cornering Features

Lufkin Well Manager RPC firmware version 6.0 introduces features that
allow you to configure separate upstroke, downstroke, and cornering
speeds. This enhanced feature combines the existing upstroke/downstroke
speed change capability with new cornering configuration.

The table below and Figure A-2 describe the behavior of the enhanced
cornering features:

Commanded Speed
Approaching the Commanded Speed
Point Description Point Departing the Point
1 Approaching top corner Upstroke speed Cornering speed
2 Transition from Cornering speed Cornering speed
upstroke to downstroke
3 Exit top corner Cornering speed Downstroke speed
4 Approaching bottom Downstroke speed Cornering speed
5 Transition from Cornering speed Cornering speed
downstroke to upstroke
6 Exit bottom corner Cornering speed Upstroke speed

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 A-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Reduced speed

Reduced speed

Figure A-2. Rotaflex Speed Variation

A.2 Cornering Parameter Descriptions

As shown in Figure A-2, the system can be programmed to seek three
different speeds:

 Upstroke speed

 Downstroke speed

 Cornering speed

Upstroke speed and downstroke speed are controlled by the rod pump
control (pump fillage) algorithm (MENU: 2/1/6/).

Cornering speed is set as a specific frequency (Hz) value (see Figure A-3).
It should never be set above 60 Hz.

A-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Appendix A: Rotaflex Cornering

Cornering speed

Figure A-3. Upstroke/Downstroke and Cornering Speed


Although the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC makes command speed
changes immediately at specific points in the stroke, the VSD is
configured with “ramp” features that cause the speed of the motor and the
pumping unit to change more gradually. These “ramp rates” are controlled
by the VSD acceleration and deceleration parameters
(MENU: 2/1/6/NEXT/NEXT/NEXT) as shown in Figure A-4.


Figure A-4. Acceleration and Deceleration Parameters

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 A-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

Shortening acceleration times allows the pumping unit to ramp back up to

speed quicker in the straight portion of the stroke, which results in
increased overall strokes per minute (SPM).

The acceleration time should probably not be adjusted very much to

influence cornering and overall unit speed. Acceleration time is an
important parameter for pumping unit start-up. If you attempt to accelerate
the unit too quickly, an overtorque condition can occur.

Deceleration time can be adjusted toward the low side to increase overall
SPM. However, increasing deceleration time causes more regenerative
braking and can stress or overload the dynamic braking resistor (DBR).

The behavior of the Rotaflex unit will depend on a combination of the

following settings:

 Acceleration time

 Deceleration time

 Cornering speed (compared to upstroke/downstroke speeds)

 Positions in the stroke where speed transitions begin

The positions where the algorithm starts accelerating and decelerating are
controlled by the values specified in the Pre-Cornering Decel Position
% and Post-Cornering Accel Position % fields (MENU: 2/1/6/0+1) as
shown in Figure A-5.


Figure A-5. Cornering Position Parameters

A-6 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12

Appendix A: Rotaflex Cornering

The Pre-Cornering Decel Position % parameter is measured in percent

of the straight line portion of the stroke. Increasing this value causes the
pumping unit to start decelerating at a position that is farther away from
the corner. Decreasing this value to zero (0) causes the pumping unit to
begin deceleration at the very end of the straight line portion of the stroke.

The Post-Cornering Accel Position % parameter is measured in

percentage of the sprocket radius. Increasing this value causes the
pumping unit to start accelerating at a position closer to the
upstroke/downstroke of downstoke/upstroke transition. Note that the Post-
Cornering Accel Position % is clamped at 80%. If you enter a value
greater than 80%, the firmware algorithm will ignore the entry and use
80% instead.

The table below shows you the outcome each parameter has and
possible side effects they may create.

Parameter Desired Outcome Action to Take Possible Side Effect

Pre-Cornering Increased SPM Reduce the Unit may not reach
Decel Position value desired corner speed
(%) before rounding the
corner (not enough
deceleration time)
Pre-Cornering Begin decelerating Increase the Reduces SPM
Decel Position earlier in the stroke value
Post-Cornering Increased SPM Increase the Note: value is clamped
Accel Position value at 80%
Post-Cornering Hold cornering speed Decrease the Reduces SPM
Accel Position longer after making value
(%) stroke transition
Accel Time Increased SPM Reduce the Unit may have difficulty
value starting from a stop
due to high torque
Decel Time Increased SPM Reduce the Risk of stress/overload
value of DBR
Working Max Increased SPM Increase this None if the cornering
Speed value feature is enabled

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 A-7

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

A.3 Gearbox Torque Considerations

At some point, the accelerations required to meet the speed command
configurations may exceed gearbox torque requirements. Be sure to set the
gearbox torque limiting feature (see Figure A-6) correctly for the gearbox
of your Rotaflex (MENU: 2/1/6/NEXT/NEXT/NEXT).

Gearbox torque

Figure A-6. Gearbox Torque Limiting Parameter

Adjusting this parameter will cause the VSD to limit torque (and possibly
reduce ramp rates) to avoid overloading the gearbox.

Note that if you continue to adjust acceleration time and maximum speed
without achieving increased SPM, it may be because the system is limiting

A.4 Low Speed Operation

The algorithm is designed to use the proper speed in the corners,
regardless of overall SPM. If the pump fillage control algorithm is causing
the Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC to drive the motor at a lower
frequency than the cornering speed, the pumping unit will not increase
speed in the corners.

A-8 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12


24-hour VSD speed history, 10-2 converter section overview for

400-V DBR six-pulse PWM VSD, 2-10
ratings and part numbers, 4-4 cornering features for Rotaflex,
600-V DBR A-3
ratings and part numbers, 4-5 cornering parameter descriptions
60-day average daily SPM, 10-3 for Rotaflex programming, A-4
6-pulse PWM VSD. See customer technical support, 1-5
six-pulse PWM VSD date and time reset, 8-6
AC induction motor DBR
motor speed equation, 2-8 additional programming
operation principles, 2-7 requirements, 8-53
across the line NEMA motor cabinet dimensions, 3-4
torque, 2-19 connection kit part numbers for
active filters for reducing ordering, 4-6
harmonics, 2-28 programming parameters, 8-34
recommended wiring gauge, 7-10
automatic bypass unit part using to dissipate regenerative
numbers, 4-6 energy, 2-23
battery jumper pin configuration, wiring, 7-10
5-2 wiring diagram, 7-13
baud rate programming for DC bus/filter overview for
communications, 8-8 six-pulse PWM VSD
benefits of VSDs in RPC DC bus/filter section, 2-11
applications, 2-16 deadband programming, 8-16
bypass dimensions
contactor assembly overview, 2-6 DBR cabinet, 3-4
diagram for typical wiring, 7-14 VSD cabinet, 3-3
enable/disable force drive bypass, disabling/enabling control
8-32 functions, 8-42
part numbers for ordering, 4-6 downhole dynagraph control
checking power-up voltage, 7-16 programming, 8-51
circuit boards drive fault parameters
boards used, 2-5 configuration, 8-29
overview, 2-5
cold weather heater, 2-6 changing POC and Malf setpoint
communications parameter values, 8-50
programming, 8-8 configuring downhole control
configuring VSD RPC system parameters, 8-51
hardware. See hardware configuring surface control
parameters, 8-50
dynamic breaking resistor. See
control relay (external safety )
wiring, 7-12

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 Index-1

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

e-mail address for technical elimination challenges in VSD

support, 1-5 applications, 2-21
IEEE 519-1992 limits, 2-27
EMI/RFI methods for reducing, 2-27
grounding capacitor hardware overview of harmoinc filter units,
configuration, 5-5 2-7
noise impact on other equipment, problems and concerns, 2-26
2-25 reducing using AC line reactors,
enabling/disabling control 2-27
functions, 8-42 reducing using active filters, 2-28
enclosure assembly of Lufkin reducing using active front end
Well Manager VSD RPC, 2-3 (AFE) drives, 2-28
reducing using diodes, 2-28
end devices selection and reducing using passive filters, 2-27
configuration, 8-10 historical data
expansion boards 24-hour VSD speed, 10-2
diagram for 520.5003, 7-15 60-day daily average SPM, 10-3
jumper/switch configuration for hybrid bridge rectifier for
520.5003, 5-3
jumper/switch configuration for six-pulse PWM VSD, 2-10
520.5057, 5-4 IEEE 519-1992 limits of
external safety control relay harmonics, 2-27
wiring, 7-12 initializing VSD, 8-27
feature authorization alarm installation
features, 9-17 diagram of concrete base design,
flux vector mode for NEMA B drawing of typical system
and D motors, 2-20 installation, 6-1
gauge off time (GOT) integrated XE "Lufkin Well
programming, 8-7 Manager VSD RPC:approximate
gearbox torque considerations for weight of units" XE "technical
specifications:approximate weight
Rotaflex, A-8 of units" Lufkin Well Manager VSD
grounding system wiring, 7-9 RPC, 6-3
Hall-Effect sensors tips for best site selection, 6-2
cable wiring, 7-4 inverter basics for six-pulse
wiring shielded cables, 7-5
PWM VSD. See also six-pulse
hardware configuration PWM VSD
520.5003 expansion board, 5-3
520.5057 expansion board, 5-4 inverter basics overview for
battery jumper pins, 5-2 six-pulse PWM VSD, 2-9
EMI/RFI grounding capacitor, 5-5 inverter module part numbers,
to change when motor turning 4-7
wrong direction, 5-4 inverter motor control methods,
Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter terminal
I/O connector board, 5-5 2-14
where to find information for inverter section overview for
Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter, 5-4 six-pulse PWM VSD
harmonic filter part numbers for inverter section, 2-13
ordering, 4-8 jumper pin configuration
harmonics 520.5003 expansion board, 5-3
amplitudes produced by six-pulse 520.5057 expansion board, 5-4
inverters, 2-25 battery, 5-2

Index-2 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12


how to use, 8-2 operating environmental range

overview, 2-4 for Lufkin Well Manager VSD
linear pump cornering, 8-24 RPC, 3-2
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC operator interface
approximate weight of units, 6-3 shorthand access method for
circuit board overview, 2-5 selecting options, 1-4
enclosure assembly, 2-3
operator interface shorthand
enclosure specifications, 3-2
access method for selecting
environmental operating range, 3-2
hardware configuration, 5-1
options, 1-4, 8-3
keypad/display, 2-4 optional automatic bypass unit
option packages available, 2-6 part numbers, 4-6
parts and accessories, 4-1 optional line reactors part
power specifications, 3-2 numbers for ordering, 4-7
RPC status screens, 9-2 optional mounting legs part
status screens, 9-1
system installation, 6-1
numbers, 4-6
system overview, 2-2 optional packages available for
system wiring, 7-1 Lufkin Well Manager VSD
technical specifications, 3-2 RPC, 2-6
VSD drive theory overview, 2-7 optional surge protection part
Lufkin Well Test (SWT) numbers for ordering, 4-3
programming, 8-39 ordering parts, 4-9
Malf setpoint value changing, parts and accessories
8-50 400-V DBR, 4-4
maximum speed configuration, 600-V DBR, 4-5
8-15 DBR connection kits, 4-6
documentation, 4-9
methods for inverter motor fuses, 4-9
control, 2-14 harmonic filters, 4-8
minimum speed H-O-A switch, 4-9
configuration, 8-15 how to order parts, 4-9
definition, 8-20 inverter fans, 4-9
miscellaneous part numbers for inverter modules, 4-7
ordering, 4-9 miscellaneous parts, 4-9
optional automatic bypass units, 4-6
NEMA B and D motors optional line reactors, 4-7
accross the line, 2-19 optional mounting legs, 4-6
flux vector mode VSD, 2-20 optional surge protection, 4-3
VSD torque curves, 2-20 VSD RPC packages, 4-2
OL1 drive fault troubleshooting, pasive filter to reduce harmonics,
11-10 2-27
OL1, Ol2, or OL3 drive faults peak energy management
troubleshooting, 11-10 programming, 8-7
OL2 drive fault troubleshooting, POC setpoint value changing,
11-10 8-50
OLR drive fault troubleshooting, primary input power wiring, 7-6
11-7 programming. See also
OP drive fault troubleshooting, Quick-Start feature

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 Index-3

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

additional programming working peak and minimum speeds,

requirements for DBR functions, 8-19
8-53 pump intake pressure (PIP)
changing parameters when motor is programming, 8-39
running, 8-4
communications parameters, 8-8
pumping unit parameters
completing the programming programming, 8-44
process, 8-52 PWM
configuring pumping unit voltage overshoot effects, 2-24
parameters, 8-44 VSD inverter basics for six-pulse,
DBR parameters, 8-34 2-9
deadband, 8-16 Quick-Start feature. See also
downhole dynagraph control programming
parameters, 8-51 changing parameters when motor is
drive acceleration and deceleration running, 8-4
times, 8-38 completing the process, 8-52
drive fault parameters, 8-29 configuring rod string parameters,
drive parameters for motor and load, 8-46
8-36 how to use keypad/display, 8-2
enable/disable force drive bypass, overview, 8-2
8-32 resetting factory-default values, 8-5
enabling/disabling control functions, setting time and date, 8-6
8-42 starting, 8-4
end devices selection and
configuration, 8-10
reference revolution calibration,
gauge off time (GOT), 8-7 8-49
how to use keypad/display, 8-3 regenerative energy dissipation
linear pump cornering, 8-24 challenges, 2-23
Lufkin Well Test (SWT), 8-39 regenerative torque control
minimum and maximum speed
output, 8-14
overview, 2-23
peak energy management using
programming, 8-23
Quick-Start feature, 8-7
pump intake pressure (PIP), 8-39 resetting factory-default values,
reference revolutions, 8-49 8-5
rod float mitigation, 8-32 rod float mitigation, 8-32
rod string parameters, 8-46 rod string parameters
Rotaflex cornering features, A-8
programming, 8-46
RPC parameters, 8-11
speed increase and decrease size, Rotaflex
8-18 background details, A-1
starting/stopping unit, 8-47 configuring linear pump cornering,
start-up speed, 8-18 8-25
surface dynagraph control cornering features, A-3
parameters, 8-50 cornering parameter descriptions,
VFD-DH or VFD/SURF control A-4
mode, 8-16 entering dimension values, A-2
VSD communications, 8-25 gearbox torque considerations, A-8
VSD drive type, 8-14 unit designations, A-2
VSD initialization, 8-27 RPC parameter configuration,
VSD speed control parameters, 8-13 8-11
working peak and minimum load RPC status screens, 9-2
limiting, 8-19
RTU ad These parameteresdress
programming, 8-8

Index-4 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12


security authorization features, Toshiba VF-AS1 600 V large

9-16 capacity types, 3-8
Toshiba VF-AS1 600 V
shorthand access method for small/medium capacity types, 3-7
selecting options, 1-4, 8-3 Toshiba VF-AS1 communication
six-pulse PWM VSD functions, 3-15
challenges eliminating harmonics, Toshiba VF-AS1 control functions,
2-21 3-10
converter section, 2-10 Toshiba VF-AS1 display functions,
DC bus/filter section, 2-11 3-14
harmonics produced, 2-25 Toshiba VF-AS1 operational
hybrid bridge rectifier, 2-10
inverter control methods, 2-14 functions, 3-11
inverter section, 2-13 Toshiba VF-AS1 protective
overview of VSD inverter basics, functions, 3-13
2-9 VSD cabinet dimensions, 3-3
voltage overshoot effects, 2-24 technical support, 1-5
speed increase and decrease size time and date reset, 8-6
definitions, 8-18 torque curves for NEMA motors,
starting/stopping pumping unit, 2-20
8-47 Toshiba VF-AS1 inverter
start-up speed configuration, control specifications, 3-10
8-18 copying parameter values from
status screens Lufkin, 9-10
analog voltage output speed, 9-3 dislaying present parameter
drive values read from VF-AS1, 9-4 programming values, 9-9
last drive trip event data read from dispalying trip log data, 9-12
VF-AS1, 9-6 drive terminal I/O connector board,
RPC current operating values, 9-2 5-5
VSD parameter status of VF-AS1, EMI/RFI grounding capacitor, 5-5
9-9 inverter hardware checks for
VSD trip log from VF-AS1, 9-12 troubleshooting, 11-2
VSD/Lufkin parameter comparison, inverter troubleshooting using VSD
9-10 trip log for programming variances,
writing and copying parameters 11-2
between Lufkin and VF-AS1, 9-11 operational specifications, 3-11
surface dynagraph control overview, 2-5
part numbers for ordering, 4-7
programming, 8-50 specification for 400 V large
technical specifications capacity types, 3-6
approximate weight of units, 6-3 specification for 400 V
DBR cabinet dimensions, 3-4 small/medium capacity types, 3-5
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC specification for 600 V large
enclosure dimensions, 3-2 capacity types, 3-8
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC specification for 600-V
environmental operating range, 3-2 small/medium capacity types, 3-7
Lufkin Well Manager VSD RPC specifications for communication
power, 3-2 functions, 3-15
Toshiba VF-AS1 400 V large specifications for display functions,
capacity types, 3-6 3-14
Toshiba VF-AS1 400 V specifications for protective
small/medium capacity types, 3-5 functions, 3-13

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 Index-5

Lufkin Well Manager™ — Rod Pump Control Variable Speed Drive User

to correct when motor turning AC induction motor speed equation,

wrong direction, 5-4 2-8
troubleshooting for initialization AC motor operation principles, 2-7
failures, 11-5 beneifts of VSDs in RPC
troubleshooting for slow drive applications, 2-16
initialization, 11-5 six-pulse PWM VSD inverter
troubleshooting for unit running at basics, 2-9
imporper speed in Auto mode, VSD output voltage overview, 2-18
11-14 VSD initialization
where to find hardware during initial startup programming,
configuration information, 5-4 8-27
troubleshooting troubleshooting for initialization
AF-AS1 hardware checks, 11-2 failures, 11-5
not enough power for VSD to more troubleshooting for slow drive
weights upward, 11-6 initialization, 11-5
persistent OL1 drive faults, 11-10 VSD motor. See AC induction
persistent OL1, OK2, or OL3 drive motor
faults, 11-10
persistent OL2 drive faults, 11-10
VSD output voltage overview,
persistent OLR drive faults, 11-7 2-18
persistent OP drive faults, 11-8 VSD speed control parameters
unit runs at improper speed in Auto programming, 8-13
mode, 11-14 VSD speed history for past 24
unit runs in Hand by not Auto
mode, 11-11
hours, 10-2
VF-AS1 for programming VSD torque curves for NEMA
variances, 11-2 motors, 2-20
VSD initialization failures, 11-5 VSD trip log
VSD slow drive initialization, 11-5 displaying details about trips, 9-12
VFD-DH used for troubleshooting
configuring surface dynagraph programming variances, 11-2
control parameters, 8-51 wiring
definition, 8-16 DBR, 7-10
selecting as control mode, 8-13 diagram for DBR, 7-13
VFD-SURF diagram for expansion board
configuring surface dynagraph 520.5003, 7-15
control parameters, 8-50 diagram for typical power wiring
definition, 8-16 with bypass, 7-14
selecting as control mode, 8-13 external safety control relay, 7-12
VSD challenges Hall-Effect sensor cables, 7-4
dissipating regenerative energy, load cell cable, 7-4
2-23 motor power and ground leads, 7-7
eliminating harmonics, 2-21 power-up voltage checks, 7-16
EMI/RFI filter to reduce noise, 2-25 primary input power, 7-6
EMI/RFI noise impact on other shielded cables for load cell and
equipment, 2-25 Hall-Effect sensors, 7-5
regenerative torque control (RTC), signal wiring from Lufkin Well
2-23 Manager VSD RPC, 7-2
voltage overshoot effects, 2-24 system grounding, 7-9
VSD communications working minimum speed
configuration, 8-25 definition, 8-20
VSD drive theory working peak and minimum load
AC induction motor basics, 2-7 limiting definitions, 8-19

Index-6 Revision 2.02 Issue Date: 9/12/12


working peak speed definition, 8-19

Issue Date: 9/12/12 Revision 2.02 Index-7

Lufkin Automation
811 Willow Oak Drive
Missouri City, Texas 77489
Tel: 281.495.1100 Fax: 281.495.6333

Part No. 099.5035 Rev. 2.02 9/12

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