Endo - Pulp Diseases
Endo - Pulp Diseases
Endo - Pulp Diseases
D Acute pulpitis ( painful ) Chronic pulpitis (painless) Pulp undergo necrosis ass a sequel of
e acute or chronic pulpitis , as the
Occurs when the amount of irritation intensifies Chronic ulcerative pulpitis Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis ( pulp
f inflammation progress tissue
causing great increase in the interpulpal polyp)
pressure beyond the threshold limits of the Chronic inflammation of cariously Chronic inflammation of cariously continue to disintegrate until entire
sensory nerves causing variables degrees of exposed pulp characterized by exposed pulp characterized by ana pulp is necrotic .
pain. formation of abcess at the point over growth of granulomatous
of exposure leading to ulceration. tissue into the carious cavity
forming a polyp.
E - Incipient caries This response may arise at the end of acute phase or may develop from
t - Cervical erosion onset in case where the irritant is of low grade.
i - Occlusal attrition
o Usually seen secondry to acute
- Deep periodontal curettage pulpitis
o - Filling without insulation
g - Leaking restoration
y - Exposed dentinal tubules
a Normal No radiographic changes except No changes seen, except in some No changes seen, except in some No changes seen, except some cases
d Advanced stage :some widening in the cases there can be some widening cases there can be some widening there can be some widening in the
i periodontal membrane space in the periodontal membrane in the periodontal membrane periodontal membrane space.
o space. space.