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Course Code Course Title L–P Credit

CSE701T Network Security 4–0 4

CSE702T Web Technologies 4–0 4

CSE703T Compiler Design 4–0 4

Elective –I 4–0 4

Elective –II 4–0 4

CSE713P Web Technologies Lab 0–2 1

CSE714P Compiler Design Lab 0–2 1

CSE715P Minor Project 0–4 2

CSE716P Industrial Training/ Seminar 0–2 2

Elective List

CSE704T Data Warehousing & Data Mining

CSE705T Multimedia Technology

CSE706T Expert System

CSE707T Machine Learning

CSE708T Mobile Computing

CSE709T XML and Web Services

CSE710T Advanced Computer Architecture

CSE711T Advanced DBMS

CSE712T Advanced Computer Networks

Total Credits 20-10 26

Optional Micro Controller Based System Design 0-6 3

Network Security
4 0
Unit I

Introduction to network security, Secure network services, Attacks, Security, Architecture,

Security Mechanism, Introduction to cryptography, Data Encryption Standard, Design and
analysis, IDEA(International Data Encryption),RC4

Unit II

Public Key Cryptography and Authentication, Approaches to Message, Authentication ,

Secure Hash Functions ,Message Authentication Codes ,Public-Key Cryptography Principles
,Public-Key Cryptography Algorithms

Unit III

Web Security Considerations , Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security Transport
Layer Security , HTTPS , Secure Shell (SSH)

Unit IV

Web security, Java, cookies, HTTP/HTTPS, Web objects, DNS security,

Smartcards/Biometrics, Privacy, Wireless security

Unit V

Firewall, The Need for Firewalls , Firewall Characteristics , Types of Firewalls , Firewall
Basing , Firewall Location and Configurations

1. William Stallings, “Cryptography And Network Security – Principles and Practices”,
Prentice Hall of India, Third Edition, 2003.
2. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
3. Bruce Schneier, “Applied Cryptography”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2001.
4. Charles B. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, “Security in Computing”, Third Edition,
Pearson Education, 2003.
5. Networking Essentials by Willium.S.Stallings
Web Technologies
L -P
Unit I
History of the Internet and World Wide Web – HTML protocols – HTTP, SMTP, POP3,
MIME, IMAP. HTML Common tags- List, Tables, images, forms, Frames; Cascading Style
JavaScript: Introduction, Documents, Documents, forms, Statements, functions, objects in
JavaScript, Events and Event Handling, Arrays, FORMS, Buttons, Checkboxes, Text fields
and Text areas.

Unit II
XML: Document type definition, XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML,
Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX, Overview of, XPath, XQuery, and XSLT. . Ajax–
Improving web page performance using Ajax, Programming in Ajax.

Unit III
Introduction to J2EE architecture : Single Tier Two Tier Three Tier N Tier .
J2EE Contianers : Container Types, Container Services
JAVA servlets: Introduction to Web Programming , Advantages of Servlets, Servlet
Lifecycle, Request Dispatching, Session Tracking

JAVA SERVER PAGES (JSP) & JSTL: JSP Architecture, JSP Objects , Custom Tags, JSP
Elements, Using tags of JSTL ,expression languages

Overview of MVC, Implementing Model-View-Controller, The Struts Model, Deploying
Action Servlet, ActionForm, ActionMapping and Action Errors, Relational Data.


1. Deitel and Deitel, Goldberg, “Internet and World Wide Web – How to Program”,
Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
2. Professional Jakarta Struts James Goodwill, Richard Hightower wrox publication
3. Mathew Eernisse, “Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications”, SitePoint, 2006.
4. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition By David Flanagan O'Reilly Media
5. Professional Java Server Programming J2EE edition Volume I,II Wrox publications
6. 'Beginning XML' by David Hunter and David Gibbons wrox publication
7. “Using HTML 4, XML and JAVA”, Eric Ladd, Jim O’ Donnel, Prentice Hall of
8. Web Programming, building internet applications, Chris Bates, WILEY Dreamtech
9. Programming world wide web-Sebesta, Pearson
10. Java for web with Servlets, JSP and EJB by Budi Kurniwan Techmedia publications
11. J2EE professional projects by Pallvai Jain and Shahdab siddiqi PHI
12. Head First JSP and servlets Kathy Sierra Bert Bates and Bryan Bashgm oreilly
13. Ivan Bayross , sharanam shah Java Server Programming , shroff Publishers
14. Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, SPD O’Reilly
4 0
Classification of grammars, Context free grammars, Deterministic finite state automata
(DFA) Non-DFA.

Scanners, Top down parsing, LL grammars, Bottom up parsing, Polish expression Operator,
Precedence grammar, IR grammars.

Comparison of parsing methods, Error handling. Symbol table handling techniques,
Organization for non-block and block structured Languages

Run time storage administration, Static and dynamic allocation, Intermediate forms of source
program, Polish N-tuple and syntax trees, Semantic analysis and code generation.

Code optimization, Folding, redundant sub-expression evaluation, Optimization within
Iterative loops.

1. Tremblay, et. al., “The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing”, McGraw Hil,
New York
2. A. Holub, “Compiler Design in C”, PHI
3. Aho, Ullman & Ravi Sethi, “Principles of Compiler Design”, Pearson Education
4. Andrew L. Appel, “Modern Compiler Implementation in C”, Delhi Foundation
5. Dick Grune et. Al., “Modern Compiler Design”, John Wiley and Sons
4- 0
Overview of decision support systems: Organizational need for strategic information,
Failures of past decision-support systems, operational versus decision-support systems, data
warehousing – the only viable solution, data warehouse defined. Data warehouse – The
building Blocks: Defining Features, data warehouses and data marts, overview of the
components, metadata in the data warehouse
Defining the business requirements: Dimensional analysis, information packages – a new
concept, requirements gathering methods, requirements definition: scope and content
Principles of dimensional modeling: Objectives, From Requirements to data design, the
STAR schema, STAR Schema Keys, Advantages of the STAR Schema,Dimensional
Modeling: Updates to the Dimension tables, miscellaneous dimensions, the snowflake
schema, aggregate fact tables, families of STARS

OLAP in the Data Warehouse: Demand for Online analytical processing, need for
multidimensional analysis, fast access and powerful calculations, limitations of other analysis
methods, OLAP is the answer, OLAP definitions and rules, OLAP characteristics, major
features and functions, general features, dimensional analysis, what are hypercubes? Drill-
down and roll-up, slice-and-dice or rotation, OLAP models, overview of variations, the
MOLAP model, the ROLAP model, ROLAP versus MOLAP, OLAP implementation

Data Mining Basics: What is Data Mining, Data Mining Defined, The knowledge discovery
process, OLAP versus data mining, data mining and the data warehouse, Major Data Mining
Techniques, Cluster detection, decision trees, memory-based reasoning, link analysis, neural

Genetic algorithms, moving into data mining, Data Mining Applications, Benefits of data
mining, applications in retail industry, applications in telecommunications industry,
applications in banking and finance.

1. Paul Raj Poonia, “Fundamentals of Data Warehousing”, John Wiley & Sons
2. Sam Anahony, “Data Warehousing in the real world: A practical guide for
building decision support systems”, John Wiley
3. Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith, “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”,
Tata McGraw Hill
4. W. H. Inmon, “Building the operational data store”, John Wiley
5. Kamber and Han, “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Hartcourt India P.
Multimedia Technology

L -P
4 -0
Introduction to Multimedia, Multimedia Information, Multimedia Objects, Multimedia in
business and work. Convergence of Computer, Communication and Entertainment products
Stages of Multimedia Projects
Multimedia hardware, Memory & storage devices, Communication devices, Multimedia
software's, presentation tools, tools for object generations, video, sound, image capturing,
authoring tools, card and page based authoring tools.
Multimedia Building Blocks
Text, Sound MIDI, Digital Audio, audio file formats, MIDI under windows environment
Audio & Video Capture.
Data Compression
Huffman Coding, Shannon Fano Algorithm, Huffman Algorithms, Adaptive Coding,
Arithmetic Coding Higher Order Modelling. Finite Context Modelling, Dictionary based
Compression, Sliding Window Compression, LZ77, LZW compression, Compression,
Compression ratio loss less & lossy compression.
Speech Compression & Synthesis
Digital Audio concepts, Sampling Variables, Loss less compression of sound, loss
compression & silence compression.
Multiple monitors, bitmaps, Vector drawing, lossy graphic compression, image file formatic
animations Images standards, JPEG Compression, Zig Zag Coding, Multimedia
Database.Content based retrieval for text and images,Video:Video representation, Colors,
Video Compression, MPEG standards, MHEG Standard Video Streaming on net, Video
Conferencing, Multimedia Broadcast Services, Indexing and retrieval of Video Database,
recent development in Multimedia.

1. Tay Vaughan “Multimedia, Making IT Work” Osborne McGraw Hill.
2. Buford “Multimedia Systems” Addison Wesley.
3. Agrawal & Tiwari “Multimedia Systems” Excel.
4. Mark Nelson “Data Compression Book” BPB.
5. David Hillman “Multimedia technology and Applications” Galgotia Publications.
6. Rosch “Multimedia Bible” Sams Publishing.
7. Sleinreitz “Multimedia System” Addison Wesley.
8. James E Skuman “Multimedia in Action” Vikas.
Expert Systems


Overview of AI and Expert System, Advantages and disadvantages of AI, Problem Solving,


The anatomy of an expert system, Computational complexity of expert systems, Knowledge

representation , Knowledge engineering; the expert system development process.


Design pattern: diagnosis and backward chaining, Expert System techniques, Relationship of
Expert Systems to other computer-related areas.


Neural Networks and Supervised and Unsupervised learning, Associative Networks.


Fuzzy Logic, Future directions in AI and Expert Systems.


1. Introduction to AI & Expert System – D. W. Patterson, Prentice hall of India

2. Principles of Artificial Intelligence& Expert Systems Development – David
W.Rolston, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Peter Jackson,” Introduction to Expert Systems”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007
Machine Learning
CSE 707T
Introduction: Basic concepts: Definition of learning systems, Goals and applications of
machine learning. Aspects of developing a learning system: training data, concept
representation, function approximation.
Types of Learning: Supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Overview of
classification: setup, training, test, validation dataset, over fitting.

Classification Families: linear discriminative, non-linear discriminative, decision trees,
probabilistic (conditional and generative), nearest neighbour.

Logistic regression, Perceptron, Exponential family, Generative learning algorithms,
Gaussian discriminant analysis, Naive Bayes, Support vector machines: Optimal hyper plane,
Kernels. Model selection and feature selection. Combining classifiers: Bagging, boosting
(The Ada boost algorithm), Evaluating and debugging learning algorithms, Classification

Unsupervised learning: Clustering. K-means. EM Algorithm. Mixture of Gaussians. Factor
analysis. PCA (Principal components analysis), ICA (Independent components analysis),
latent semantic indexing. Spectral clustering, Markov models Hidden Markov models

Reinforcement Learning and Control: MDPs. Bellman equations, Value iteration and policy
iteration, Linear quadratic regulation (LQR). LQG. Q-learning. Value function
approximation, Policy search. Reinforce. POMDPs.

Text Books:
1. Tom M Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill Education
2. Bishop, C. (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer-
3. Duda, Richard, Peter Hart, and David Stork. Pattern Classification. 2nd ed. New
York, NY: WileyInterscience,2000. ISBN: 9780471056690.
4. Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning .ISBN – 9781259096952, McGraw-Hill Series,
Edition – First
Reference Books:
1. Bishop, Christopher. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 1995. ISBN: 9780198538646.
2. Introduction to Machine Learning - Ethem Alpaydin, MIT Press, Prentice hall of

4 0
Unit – I
Introduction, issues in mobile computing, overview of wireless telephony: cellular concept,
GSM: air-interface, channel structure, location management: HLR-VLR, hierarchical,
handoffs, channel allocation in cellular systems, CDMA, GPRS.
Unit - II
Wireless Networking, Wireless LAN Overview: MAC issues, IEEE 802.11, Blue Tooth,
Wireless multiple access protocols, TCP over wireless, Wireless applications,
databroadcasting, Mobile IP, WAP: Architecture, protocol stack, application environment,
Unit – III
Data management issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive clustering for
mobile wireless networks, File system, Disconnected operations.
Unit - IV
Mobile Agents computing, security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in mobile
computing environment.
Unit – V
Ad Hoc networks, localization, MAC issues, Routing protocols, global state routing (GSR),
Destination sequenced distance vector routing (DSDV), Dynamic source routing (DSR), Ad
Hoc on demand distance vector routing (AODV), Temporary ordered routing algorithm
(TORA), QoS in Ad Hoc Networks, applications.
1. J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley.
2. A. Mehrotra , GSM System Engineering.
3. M. V. D. Heijden, M. Taylor, Understanding WAP, Artech House.
4. Charles Perkins, Mobile IP, Addison Wesley.
5. Charles Perkins, Ad hoc Networks, Addison Wesley
XML and Web Services

Role Of XML - XML and The Web - XML Language Basics - SOAP - Web Services -
Revolutions Of XML - Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).


XML - Name Spaces - Structuring With Schemas and DTD - Presentation Techniques -
Transformation - XML Infrastructure.


Overview Of SOAP - HTTP - XML-RPC - SOAP: Protocol - Message Structure -
Intermediaries - Actors - Design Patterns And Faults - SOAP With Attachments.


Overview - Architecture - Key Technologies - UDDI - WSDL - ebXML - SOAP And Web
Services In E-Com - Overview Of .NET And J2EE.


Security Overview - Canonicalization - XML Security Framework - XML Encryption - XML
Digital Signature - XKMS Structure - Guidelines For Signing XML Documents - XML In
Text Books:
1. Frank. P. Coyle, XML, Web Services And The Data Revolution, Pearson Education, 2002.
1. Ramesh Nagappan , Robert Skoczylas and Rima Patel Sriganesh, " Developing Java Web
Services", Wiley Publishing Inc., 2004.
2. Sandeep Chatterjee, James Webber, "Developing Enterprise Web Services", Pearson
Education, 2004.
3. McGovern, et al., "Java Web Services Architecture", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,2005.
Advanced Computer Architecture
Parallel Computer Models: The state of computing, Classification of parallel computers,
Multiprocessors and multicomputer, Multivector and SIMD computers.
Program and Network Properties:
Conditions of parallelism, Data and resource Dependences, Hardware and software
parallelism, Program partitioning and scheduling, Grain Size and latency, Program flow
mechanisms, Control flow versus data flow, Data flow Architecture, Demand driven
mechanisms, Comparisons of flow mechanisms
Linear pipeline processor, nonlinear pipeline processor, Instruction pipeline Design,
Mechanisms for instruction pipelining, Dynamic instruction scheduling, Branch Handling
techniques, branch prediction, Arithmetic Pipeline Design, Computer arithmetic principles,
Static Arithmetic pipeline, Multifunctional arithmetic pipelines
Arithmetic for Computers:
Signed and unsigned Numbers, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Floating
CPU Performance and Its factors, Evaluating performance of CPU.
Memory Hierarchy:
Introduction, The basics of Cache, Measuring and Improving of Cache Performance, Virtual
Memory, Common framework for memory hierarchies Case study of PIV and AMD opteron
memory hierarchies
Text Books:
1. Kai Hwang, “Advanced computer architecture”; TMH. 2000
2. D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessey, “Computer organization and design”, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2nd Ed.2002
Reference Books:
1. J.P.Hayes, “computer Architecture and organization”; MGH. 1998
2. Harvey G.Cragon,”Memory System and Pipelined processors”; Narosa Publication.
3. V.Rajaranam & C.S.R.Murthy, “Parallel computer”; PHI. 2002
4. R.K.Ghose, Rajan Moona & Phalguni Gupta, “Foundation of Parallel Processing”,
Narosa Publications,2003
5. Kai Hwang and Zu, “Scalable Parallel Computers Architecture”, MGH. 2001
6. Stalling W, “Computer Organisation & Architecture”, PHI. 2000
7. D.Sima, T.Fountain, P.Kasuk, “Advanced Computer Architecture-A Design space
Approach,”Addison Wesley, 1997.
8. M.J Flynn, “Computer Architecture, Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design”;
Narosa Publishing. 1998
9. D.A.Patterson, J.L.Hennessy, “Computer Architecture :A quantitative approach”;
Morgan Kauffmann feb, 2002.
10. Hwan and Briggs, “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”; MGH. 1999
Advanced DBMS
Concept of advanced database techniques, Impact of emerging database standards, Study of
DDBMS architecture, New developments in database technology,
Introduction of PL/SQL, PL/SQL Database Objects , Procedures, Functions, Packages,
Triggers, Programmatic SQL, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, and ODBC Standard. Parallel
Database Architecture, Data base System Structure, Storage Manager, Query Processor.
Introduction to the Relational Model ,Advanced SQL programming, Advanced Transaction
Processing, Relational model conformity and Integrity, Data Replication, Security
considerations, Relational Model of Data and RDBMS Implementation Techniques , Query
optimization, Integrity Constraint Over relations, Querying relational data and relational
Object Relational database concepts, Temporal database concepts, Mobile Databases, Object
based databases Complex data types, structured types and inheritance in SQL, object identity
and reference types in SQL, Structure of XML, Document Schema, Querying and
Transformation, API in XML, XML applications.
Postgre SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2 Universal Database, SQL standards, SQL1999, SQL: 2003,
Standards for interoperability and integration, XML related specifications, X-Query, X-Path,
Web Services, SOAP.
Text Books:
1. Data base System Concepts, Silberschatz, Korth, McGraw hill, V edition.
2. Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Pearson
Education, India.
Reference Books:
1. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw-
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri Navrate Pearson Education
3. S.R. Prabhu, “Object-Oriented Database Systems: Approaches and Architectures”,
Prentice-Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., Second edition, 2005.
4. SQL/ PL/SQL, The programming language of Oracle, Ivan Bayross, 4th Edition BPB
5. Rajesh Narang, “Object Oriented Interfaces and Databases”, Prentice-Hall of India,
Pvt. Ltd., 2004
Advanced Computer Networks
Network Layer:
ARP,RARP,ICMP,IPv4 Routing Principles, Routing and overview, DVR and LSR, the IGRP
and EIGRP, BGP, Routing Information Protocol (RIP), OSPF (IPv4 / IPv6).Multicasting in
IP Environments-Broadcasting, Multicasting, IGMP and Multicast Listener Discovery
The Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), Multicast OSPF (MOSPF),
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM).
Transport Layer: Transport layer overview, UDP, TCP (Flow Control, Error Control, and
Connection Establishment), TCP Protocol: TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno.
Optical Networking:
Introduction to Optical networking, its benefits and drawbacks, SONET layered architecture,
frame format, SONET network configuration, its advantages and benefits.
Quality of Service: Introducing QoS, Queue Analysis, QoS Mechanisms, Queue
Management algorithms, Resource Reservation, Diffserv and Intserv.
Overview of latest concepts:
TCP/IP Applications: VoIP, NFS, Telnet ,FTP,SMTP, SNMP, Finger, Whois and WWW, IP
v6 and Next Generation Networks, xAAS(PAAS,SAAS,HAAS) and Cloud Computing, Big
data, Elements of Social Network.
Text Books:
1. Douglas E. Comer, "Internet networking with TCP/IP", Pearson. TCP/IP, Vol. 2
2. B. A. Forouzan, "TCP/IP Protocol Suite", TMH, 2nd Ed., 2004.
Reference Books:
1. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 (The Protocols) by W. Richard Stevens, Pearson Education.
2. U. Black, "Computer Networks-Protocols, Standards and Interfaces", PHI, 1996.
3. W. Stallings, "Computer Communication Networks", PHI, 1999.
Web Technologies Lab
0 -2
1):- Create A Simple HTML Document.
a) Text inside paragraphs is displayed d) Center aligned heading
b) The use of line breaks e) Insert a horizontal rule
c) Heading tags f) Add a background color
2) With HTML how will you display images in a document?
3) How to insert a different types of images in HTML Document.
a) Background image d) Adjust images to different sizes
b) Aligning images e) Display an alternate text for an image
c) Let the image float f) Make a Hyperlink
4) Create a form which will have 2 textboxes,1 textarea,2 radio buttons, 5 Checkboxes ,1
Dropdown list, send and reset buttons.
5) Write a script for performing the validation for email field “femailid” of the form?
6) Write the code for validating a form text-field for only accepting zip-code and phone
number in the following format?
Zipcode: 100016
Phone no: 91-011-7268394
7) Create XML file that contains details of the books, name of the book, The ISBN of the
book, the first and last name of the author of the book and price of the book
8) Create an XML Schema to validate the data store about product. The product Details must
be stored in a consistence format. Restriction must be placed on the Kind of data that can
be saved in the data store to ensure consistency. The product details comprise the name of
the product, a brief description about it, the price of the product, and the quantity available
.The price must always be greater than Zero

9) Create attribute in an xml schema. A shop sells two categories of products, books and toys
The product details comprise the name of the product, a brief description, the price and
the quantity available. The price of the product always be greater than zero. In additions
to these details, you also need to store the category and productId.

10) Create an XSLT style sheet for formatting data.The book details that have to be displayed
are book ID,title,and rate of books. The book details must be displayed in the ascending
order of rate and bookID
11) Simple exercises to learn the concept of Servlets,JSP
12) Servlet-based implementation of Airline Reservation system
13) Implementation of Mail Server
14) Implementation of Quiz Server
15) Implementation of ATM
16) Implementation of Online Shopping System
17) Implementation of matrimonial System
18) Implementation of MVC design pattern using struts framework
Compiler Design Lab
CSE 714P
Lab experiments:

1. Design a Lexical analyzer for the given language.

2. Implement the lexical analyzer using JLex, flex or lex or other lexical analyzer
generating tools.
3. Design Predictive parser for the given language
4. Design LALR bottom up parser for the given language.
5. Convert the BNF rules into Yacc form and write code to generate abstract syntax tree.

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