1981-G.O.Ms - No.1119 dt.20.05.1981 PDF
1981-G.O.Ms - No.1119 dt.20.05.1981 PDF
1981-G.O.Ms - No.1119 dt.20.05.1981 PDF
Read also:
3. From the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Letter No. 8301 / B2 / 77 dated 28.12.77.
4. Govt. Letter No. 157 / N-I / 78-5, dated 22.07.78.
5. From the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Letter No. Lr.No. 8301 / B2 /77 dated 02.09.78.
In the G.O. first read above, the Government have permitted the recruitment of
son / unmarried daughter and near relative of the Government servant who died in
harness without reference to Employment Exchange to all the posts when fall outside
the purview of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission subject to certain
2. In the G.O. second read above, the above concession was extended to
families of the deceased Government Servants who died in harness prior to 15-2-72
and the concession was made applicable for the posts within the purview of the Tamil
Nadu Public Service Commission also. It was also ordered therein that the
dependant of the deceased Government servant can be appointed in any department
if the qualifications of the applicant do not permit his / her appointment to a post in the
same department in which his parent or husband or wife served or if he / she
3. In the letter third and fifth read above, the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission has express its view that the subject of the Government is to provide
immediate means of livelihood when the bread-winner dies in harness and that it
would be move than sufficient if a close relevant of the deceased is provided with
commission has also held that it would however, be open to the candidate, who is
qualified for a higher post, to apply to it through normal course, The Commission is
also of the view that the orders issued in the G.O.Ms.No. 560, Labour and
Employment, dated 03.8.77 may result in the appointment or an individual possessing
a degree outside the normal course , as Deputy Collector or to similar posts. If a
graduates is appointed as Deputy Collector or Deputy Superintending of Police or to
similar posts and if another graduates is appointed only as Junior Assistant taking into
account the indigent circumstances of the family of the deceased, it would amount to
discrimination. The Commission has, therefore, requested the Government to
examine the matter in detail and issue suitable orders on the suggestion made by it.
the parent at the time of his / her death or in any other departments, in which such
posts exist, by way or illustration, if the dependants of the deceased Government
Servants possess B.E. or M.B.B.S. or B.Sc (Agri) Degree they may be appointed as
Assistant Engineer, Civil Assistant Surgeons and Deputy Agricultural Officers
respectively temporarily. Like wise Diploma holders will be appointed to the lowest
category in the concerned subordinate service. All such candidates subsequently
shall apply to the TNPSC in the normal channel and get selected for regular
appointment in the post. As regards the dependants of the deceased Government
servants who possess suitable requisite qualification other than technical
/professional they shall be appointed as Junior Assistant regularly without reference to
Employment Exchange subject to the concurrence of the Tamil Nadu Public Service
Commission being obtained under the latter of regulation 16(b) of the TNPSC
regulation 1954.
5) This order take effect from the issue of the Government order.
Secretary to Government,
Labour and Employment Department
The All Heads of Department.