Junior Getting More Payfor Giving Advance Increment GO

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Junior drawing more pay than the senior consequent on the drawal of
advance increment in the revised scale - Rectification of the anomaly
Orders - Issued.

Finance (Pay Cell) Department

G.O. Ms. No.320 Dated the 2nd April 1990
19th day of Panguni, Chukla,
Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2021.
1. G.O. Ms. No.555, Finance, dated 10.6.85.
2. G.O. Ms. No.859, Finance, dated 11.9.86.

In the G.O. second read above, orders were issued for the
rectification of the anomaly of a junior drawing more pay than the senior
arising consequent on the introduction of the Tamil Nadu Revised Scales
of Pay Rules 1985. The following instance has been brought to the notice
of Government for rectification.
2. On account of revision of pay scales from 1.10.84, the benefit in
the form of advance increments to a person with higher qualification
entering service after that date is more than similar benefit earned by a
person in the pre-revised scale with similar qualification, who entered
service prior to 1.10.84. The difference in pay is glaring in the case of any
two persons one earning the benefit of advance increment prior to 1.10.84
and the other after 1.10.84 resulting in junior drawing more pay than the
3. Representations have also been received for rectifying the
above anomaly.
4. The Government have carefully examined the representations.
As the anomaly of junior drawing more pay in the above case has arisen
consequent on the introduction of the Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of pay
rules 1985, the Government have decided to rectify such anomalies. They
accordingly direct that the pay of the senior who is drawing lesser Pay
than his junior as a result of the junior drawing advance increments for
higher qualification other than passing of Account Test, Language Test
etc. in the revised scale of pay ordered in the G.O .first read above and the
senior drawing the advance increment for the same reason in the
pre-revised scale as shown in the Illustration, be brought on par with that
of the Junior with effect from the date on which the junior is given such
higher pay. There shall be no change in the date of annual increment of the senior.
5. These orders shall take effect from 1.10.84.
6. The refixation of pay of seniors under this order shall be done by the
appointing authorities.
7. These orders shall also apply to the employees of local bodies and
teachers and non-teaching staff of aided educational institutions whose pay has been
revised as per G.O. Ms. No.555, Finance, dated 10.6.85.
Chief Secretary to Government.

Senior Junior
A Doctor 'M' who joined duty on 3.7.84 A Doctor 'N' who joined duty on 1.8.84
with P.G. Degree, got two advance without P.G. Degree got his pay fixed at
increments in the pre-revised scale of Rs.750/- in the pre revised scale of
pay of Rs.750-50- 1350 and his pay Rs.750-50-1350. His pay in the revised
fixed at Rs.850/- prior to 1.10.84. His scale of pay of Rs.1340-75-1715-90-
pay in the revised scale of pay of 2435 has been fixed at Rs.1340 on
Rs.1340-75-1715-90-2435 has been 1.10.84. He acquired P.G. Degree on
fixed at Rs.1340 (minimum) on 1.10.84. 12.10.84 and get two advance increments
in the revised scale raising his pay to
Rs.1490/- on 12.10.84.

The senior who was drawing higher pay in the pre-revised scale, happens to get
lesser pay after the junior earns the advance increments in the revised scale.
(True copy)
Finance (Pay Cell) Depar tment
L etter No. 19688/PC/92-2, Dated 22-1-93.


Sub: Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules 1985 - Junior drawing more pay than the Senior consequent
on the drawal of advance increment in the revised scale - rectification of the anomaly - Date of next
increment - Amendment - Issued.

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No. 320, Finance (PC) Department, Dated 2.4.90

2. Director of School Education, Lr.Rc.No.3237/L3/91, dated 23.1.92.


I am directed to invite your attention to the Government Order cited and to issue the following amendment
to the last sentence in para 4 of the Government Order cited.


For the last sentence in para 4 of the Government Order cited, the following shall be substituted:

For Enter

There shall be no change in the The date of next annual increment

date of annual increment of the to the Senior will be the date of
Senior. annual increment of the Junior.

Yours faithfully

for Deputy Secretary to Government.

Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 1978 and 1989-Junior Drawing more pay than senior due to drawal of
advance increment for higher qualification by the Senior in the pre-revised scale and the Junior in the revised scale
- Rectification of anomaly - Orders - Issued.
Finance (CMPC) Department
G.O. Ms. No.710 dated 23.8.1994.

1. G.O. Ms. No. 1363, Finance (Special) Department, dt. 7.10.72.
2. G.O. Ms. No. 1050, Finance (PC) Department, dated 5.10.78.
3. G.O. Ms. No. 555, Finance (PC) Department, dated 10.6.85.
4. G.O. Ms. No. 666, Finance (PC) Department, dated 27.6.89.
5. G.O. Ms. No. 320, Finance (PC) Department, dated 2.4.90


Based on the recommendations of the One Man Committee (1972), set up by the Government to rectify
the anomalies on the recommendation of the Second Tamil Nadu Pay Commission (1970), the Government in
their Order first read above, directed that the pay of Seniors who were drawing lesser pay than their Juniors with
similar qualification on account of the revision of scales of pay by the Tamil Nadu Second Pay Commission,
taking into Account the advance increment given for higher qualification, be brought on par with that of their
juniors with effect from the date on which their juniors are given such higher pay.

2. In the Government Order fifth read above, it has been ordered that the pay of a senior, who is drawing
lesser pay than his junior, as a result of the Junior drawing advance increment for higher qualification (other than
passing of Account test, Language Test, etc.,) in the revised scale of pay as per the Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of
Pay Rules, 1985 shall be brought on par with that of the junior with effect from the date on which the-junior is
given such higher pay. Further, if the senior had acquired higher' qualification after the revision of scales of pay by
the Tamil Nadu Fourth Pay Commission, i.e., prior to 1.6.88 and the Junior has acquired the same qualification
after 1.6:88 and if the junior gets more pay than the senior, this anomaly can be rectified as per Rule 6(2) of the
Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 1989. But the anomaly of Junior drawing more pay than the senior, due
to awal of advance increment for acquiring higher qualification by the senior, in the Second Pay Commission
scale of pay and the Junior in the Third Tamil Nadu Pay Commission's scales of pay has not been rectified.

3. Representations have been received from Service Associations that because of non-availability of the
provision for rectifying the anomaly of Junior getting more pay than the senior due to drawal of advance
increment for acquiring higher qualification in the Second Pay Commission scale of pay and the Junior in the
revised scale, 1978 (i.e., in the Third Pay Commission scale), such anomalies are still in existence. 4. Government
have examined the issue in detail. They consider that if the anomaly of Junior drawing more pay than the senior
due to drawal of advance increment for acquiring higher qualification alone (and not for passing of Account Test,
Language Test, etc.) by the Senior in the Second Tamil Nadu Pay Commission Scale, 1970 and Junior in the
Revised Scale, 1978, still continues to exist even after fixation of their pay in the Tamil Nadu Fifth Pay
Commission Scales of Pay, such anomaly can be rectified atleast in the! Tamil Nadu Fifth Pay Commission Scales
of pay. They accordingly direct that the anomaly of Junior drawing more pay than the senior due to drawal of
advance increment for acquiring higher qualification alone (and not for passing Account Test, Language Test, etc.)
by the Senior in the Tamil Nadu Second Pay Commission Scale of pay, i.e., prior to 1.4.78 and the Junior getting,
advance increment for acquiring the same qualification in the Tamil Nadu Third pay Commission Scale of Pay,
i.e., after 1.4.78, it continues to exist even after fixation of pay after 1.6.88 in the Tamil Nadu Fifth Pay
Commission Scales of pay, such anomaly be rectified by stepping up the pay of the senior on par with the pay of
the Junior from the date from which the Junior happens to get more pay in the Tamil Nadu Fifth Pay Commission
Scales of Pay (viz. Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 1989).

5. Government also direct that the pay of a senior who got advance increment for acquiring higher
qualification alone (and not for passing Account Test, Language Test, etc.) in the earlier Pay Commission scales
of pay, i.e., from 2.10.70 and drawing less pay compared to the pay of his Junior, who got advance increment for
the same qualification in the Fifth Pay Commission scales of pay, i.e., after 1.5.88, be stepped up on par with the
Pay of his Junior from the date from which the Junior gets more pay in the Tamil Nadu Fifth Pay Commission
Scale of Pay.

6. The date of next annual increment of the Senior shall be the date of next annual increment of the

7. The refixation of pay of seniors ordered in paragraphs 4 and 5 above shall be done under F.R.27 by the
appointing authorities concerned.

8. These orders shall also apply to employees of local bodies and teachers and non-teaching staff of
Aided educational institutions.

(By Order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government.

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