Cidam Polgov Executive Department
Cidam Polgov Executive Department
Cidam Polgov Executive Department
Core Subject Description: This course introduces the students to the basic concepts and vital elements of politics and governance from a historical-
institutional perspective. In particular, it attempts to explain how the important features of our country’s political structures/institutions, processes, and
relationships developed across time. In the process, the course helps the learners gain a better appreciation of their rights and responsibilities as
individuals and as members of the larger sociopolitical community to strengthen their civic competence.
Culminating Performance Standard: Conduct a research for a draft proposal on a project on political engagement and youth empowerment
Power Standard: Implement an advocacy campaign that on political engagement and youth empowerment.
Performance Task: You are a speechwriter for a Philippine senator who is a known feminist. The public official is expected to deliver a speech before
university students and several luminaries regarding issues of women and feminism in Philippine society. The senator asked you to write about women
and their participation in Philippine politics. The senator will evaluate your output based on content and structure. The senator is given 30 minutes to
deliver the speech and entertain questions.
Literal Transfer Task: Learners should be able to relate utilize the concepts in actual experiences.