Hidden Mysteries Suppressed Books Catalog PDF
Hidden Mysteries Suppressed Books Catalog PDF
Hidden Mysteries Suppressed Books Catalog PDF
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Enjoy your tour through some of the hard to find and unusual products we carry. We
strive to gather books on the �unofficial� suppressed books lists by governments
in the world. While we may not agree with all of them, we do maintain it is your
right to have access to them with the freedom to read what you choose, without
interference from hidden hands or shadow governments.
We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we
want. -- Tao Te Ching
Only the supremely wise and the abysmally ignorant do not change. -- Confucius
There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems
in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago. --
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Case of Tyler Kent by John N. Snow - As the code clerk of the American Embassy in
London, Tyler Kent learned of startling secret messages between Churchill and
Roosevelt that led to America s entrance into World War II and why. He was
impelled to expose the conspiracy and was jailed as a result. An account of the
case and implications involved. 64pp, 1982; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #230; $5.95
Caverns, Cauldrons & Concealed Creatures - CD by Michael Mott - Examines the
striking similarities between folklore, religious, mythic, new age, fictional, and
first-hand witness or historical accounts of cryptid & reptilian figures. There s
a definite link between electromagnetism and some types of underworld beings and
the connections between ghosts, UFOs & electro-magnetism are well-documented. But
there are still even greater underlying truths behind these mysteries A
Masterpiece of full color graphics.; 2000; <>Softcvr; 260pp, 5x8 ; #111; 21.95
<>Comb-bound; 8.5x11 ; #111m; 27.95 <>CD; #111d; 17.95 <>SET: Softbound & CD,
#111s; $35.95 Chaos in America: Surviving the Depression by John L. King -
Incisive Brilliantly analyzes the inevitability and consequences of debt
liquidation that few economists understand. Gilbert Haas, Chairman, Gilbert Haas &
Co; Has America gone from riches to rags? When the economic credit system
contracts, as it is now, old rules and belief systems are forced to change. A
cold, hard look at the tens of billions of dollars of contingent liabilities that
might become due and payable. 261pp, 2002; 5.5x8 ; Softcvr; #405; $16.95
Prefer to order by phone? Call us at 903-876-3256. Office hours are 8:30-5:00 CST.
You carry heaven and hell with you. -- Sri Ramana Maharshi
What we call "I" is just a swinging door which moves when we inhale and exhale. --
Shunryu Suzuki
Gaining enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon doesn�t
get wet; the water isn�t broken. Although its light is broad and great, the moon
is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. -- Dogen Zenji
Isn�t this the seduction of all wars? Turn on testosterone-addled teenage boys
with made-for-the-movies uniforms, place the god-like power of life-taking weapons
in their unwise hands, and point them toward an "enemy" they�d probably be happy
sharing a beer with if met in other circumstances -- William Thomas in Bringing
the War Home
The Heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe. - Joanna Macy
To Know and to act are one and the same. --Samurai Maxim
Longevity Solution: Compelling Proof That Royal Jelly Has the Power to Eliminate
Fatigue, Provide Greater Energy and Extend Life by Cass Ingram, M.D. - In ancient
times numerous conditions were regarded as curable, plus the cure was natural and
relatively nontoxic. The goal was always to cure disease. Imagine the power of
combining the wisdom of the ancients with the sophistication of modern science. It
s so simple!; 130pp, 2002; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #438; $12.95 Lost Book of Enki:
Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God by Zecharia Sitchin - The Earth
Chronicles provided humanity s side of the story - recorded on ancient clay
tablets and other Sumerian artifacts. Here, a different perspective through this
autobiographical account of Lord Enki, an Anunnaki god, the story of these ETs
arrival on Earth from the 12th planet Nibiru. The object of their colonization:
336pp, 2001; 6x9.25 ; Hardcover; #425; $24.00 Lost Chapter of the Acts of the
Apostles by E. Raymond Capt - The Sonnini Manuscript contains the account of Paul
s journey in Spain & Britain.The Bible remains silent on approximately six years
after his trial and acquittal in Rome and before his return to Rome to cast his
fate with his converts, Christian who were being put to death by the thousands
during the reign of Emperor Nero. It is written in the style of the Acts and reads
like a continuation.; 32pp, 1982; 5.5x8.5 ; Stapled; #295; $6.00 Lost Continent of
Mu, The: The Motherland of Man by James Churchward - In 1868, while with the
British Army in India, the author became friends with a high temple priest who
taught him how to decipher numerous stone tablets hidden for centuries in temple
vaults of Mu. Tracing legends, histories, and stone carvings from later
civilizations, Churchward shows they all contain references to a highly advanced,
earlier civilization.; 424pp, 1987; 8.5x5.5 ; Softcvr; #235; $24.95 Lost Journals
of Nikola Tesla: HAARP - Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 by Tim Swartz
Discredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made by business competitors and the
government to be nothing more than a kook. However, these same conspirators later
duplicated and stole many of Tesla�s most fabulous inventions which could soon
change the course of history. Softcvr; 150+ pp; 6 x 9; #16921; $14.95 Lost Keys of
Freemasonry by Manley P Hall Also known as The Secret of Hiram Abiff, this text
was written for the Mason and non-Mason alike. Mr. Hall, an honorary 33degree
Mason, reveals the profound aspects of this ancient Fraternity. The basic
symbolism of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge is explained and a chapter
entitled The Egyptian Initiate is especially enlightening.; 110pp, 1976; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #522; $12.95 The Lost Key of the Buddha: The Immortal, Book III by J.J.
Dewey - The Continuing Revelation of the Keys of Knowledge -This is the long-
awaited sequel to the Immortal series. Chapters include: Mystery of the Middle
Way, Fighting the Invisible, Oneness Principle, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path,
From Pisces to Aquarius, The Preparation, The Dark Lord, The Key Word,
Understanding the Key, The Pendulum and the Key. Even though it is third in a
series, it can be read as an independent entity. 343pp, 2004; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#650; $19.95
Lost Realms by Zecharia Sitchin - In the 16th century, Spanish conquerors came to
the New World in search of El Dorado, the fable city of gold. Instead they found
massive stone edifices constructed in the Earth s most inaccessible regions. great
monuments formed with impossible skill and unknown tools... intricate carvings
describing the events and topography of half a world away...secrets of pre-
Columbian Americas and giant gods who spawned the greatness of the Incans, Mayans,
& Aztecs; Anunnaki. Maps, diagrams, photos.; 298pp, 1996; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #206;
$7.99 The Lost Tomb of Viracocha: Unlocking the Secrets of the Peruvian Pyramids
by Maurice Cotterell Spiritual mysteries hidden within recently discovered Mochian
pyramids in Sipan reveal that ancient Inca sun-kings had the same solar science as
Lord Pacal of Mexico and Tutankhamun of Egypt. Inca mythology tells of a tall,
white leader who wandered along the coast performing miracles, a man they called
Viracocha Pachamac ("God of the World.") Centuries later another great miracle
worker, appeared, healing the sick and restoring sight to the blind. He, too, was
named Viracocha. Two 16-page color inserts and 143 b&w illustrations photos. 2003;
298pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #767; $20.00 The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar:
Solving the Oak Island Mystery by Steven Sora - A compelling argument connects the
lost treasure of the Knights Templar to a mysterious money pit on Oak Island, Nova
Scotia. When the Order was ruthlessly dissolved in 1307 by King Philip the Fair of
France it possessed immense wealth and political power, yet none of the treasure
has ever been found. It is rumored to contain spiritual artifacts retrieved during
the Crusades, and documents tracing the bloodlines of David and Jesus into the
royal bloodlines of Merovingian France. 304pp, 1999; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #732; $16.95
Lost World of Agharti: The Mystery of Vril Power by Alec MacLellan - For
centuries, people have sought a hidden subterranean kingdom linked to every
continent by a vast network of tunnels and passageways according to legend. The
inhabitants this utopia are said to have lived in seclusion for untold aeons,
guarding the secret Vril Power by which man and nature can be controlled. The
findings of the many explorers who have attempted to trace the course of the
tunnels leading to Agharti. Relates to the occult endeavours of the Nazis. 236pp,
1997; 5.25 x 7.5 ; Softcvr; #272; $12.95 Magdalene�s Lost Legacy: Symbolic Numbers
and the Sacred Union in Christianity by Margaret Starbird - The New Testament
contains wide use of gematria, a literary device that allows the sums of certain
phrases to produce sacred numbers. Exploring the hidden meanings behind these
numbers, Starbird reveals that the union between Jesus and his bride, Mary
Magdalene, formed a sacred partnership that was the cornerstone of the earliest
Christian community. The author also explains the true meaning of the 666
prophesied in the Book of Revelation. 176pp, 2003; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #734; $15.00
Mankind, Child of the Stars by Otto Binder & Max H. Flindt - Foreword by Erich Von
Daniken - Scientific evidence to prove that mankind could not possibly have
evolved naturally. Step by step clues explore the very real possibility that we
are direct descendants of ancient starmen who came from other planets to Earth
millions of years ago. Flindt was first to document mankind may be a hybrid from a
prehistoric union of terrestrial humanoids and starmen.; 252pp, 1999; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #144; $14.95
The UFO appears more and more to be one of the grimmest realities ever confronted
by the human race. -- From Gods of Eden
There are some unusual occult facts concerning Lady Liberty. First, she wears the
seven-rayed crown of the Pleiades. Is this by coincidence or by design? -- From
One Foot in Atlantis
All that we are is the result of what we have thought: It is founded on our
thoughts and is made up of our thoughts. - Dhammapada
The angry man will defeat himself in battle as well as in life. --Samurai Maxim
Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense: Strengthen Your Aura by DenniMelita
Denning & Osborne Phillips - Psychic well-being and psychic self-defense are two
sides of the same coin, just as are physical health and resistance to disease.
Every living thing is surrounded by an electromagnetic force field, or AURA, that
can provide the means to psychic selfdefense and to dynamic well-being. Explores
the world of very real psychic warfare of which we are all victims.; 239pp, 1987;
5.25x8 ; Hardcover; #496; $9.95 The Practical Magic of Numerology: A new approach
to this old-age science guiding you through your own journey by Beryl Saunders -
This book bridges the gap for the reader- enabling them to transform their Numbers
of Birth and their Names into a useful tool for everyday life. We are all
searching for freedom- freedom from whatever it is that constricts us. 80 pp,
2000, 6x9, Softback, #725, $7.95 Primary Perception: Biocommunication with plants,
living foods, and human cells by Cleve Baxter Experiments involving plants with
prayer, with music, with treated water, with cursing, with colored lights, etc.
have revealed just how sensitive they are. Experiments involving plants with
prayer, with music, with treated water, with cursing, with colored lights, etc.
have revealed just how sensitive they are. 168 pp, 2003, 5.5x9, Softback, #637,
$15.95 Problem of Increasing Human Energy and My Inventions by Nikola Tesla - Two
works by the genius Nikola Tesla, including his autobiography. Nikola Tesla was
born in Croatia (then part of Austria-Hungary) on July 9, 1856, and died January
7, 1943. He was the electrical engineer who invented the AC (alternating current)
induction motor, which made the universal transmission and distribution of
electricity possible. Softcvr; 5x8; 100+ pp; #16902; $10.99 Prometheus Rising:
Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves by Robert Anton Wilson - Imagine
trying to make sense of Timothy Leary s eight neurological circuits, G.I.
Gurdjieff s self-observations exercises, Alfred Korzybski s general semantics,
Aleister Crowley s magical theorems, and several disciplines of Yoga; Christian
Science, relativity, quantum mechanics, & other approaches to the world! Practical
techniques to break free of your reality tunnels. 285pp, 1993; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#459; $14.95 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Translated from the Russian
of NILUS by Victor E. Marsden The controversy surrounding this book has vehemently
raged since the day it was discovered . We neither dispute or credit the book. It
s your right to read it and determine whether its protocols are in use today. We
don t consider it objectionable, yet if any group, has enacted the protocols
outlined, then you must have access to know thy enemy. Marsden was a Russian
Correspondent of The Morning Post ; 299pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #147; $10.95 Prudent
Places USA by Stan & Holly Deyo - This remarkable CD-ROM is a "must-have" tool for
people wanting to find the wiser places to live in America during these
increasingly uncertain times. There are over 550 color maps divided into five main
categories as shown below. At least 70 of the maps are over 6 square feet each
when printed out. They allow you to choose your own combination of priorities from
the topics below.; 2003 1 CD-Rom - both Mac & PC; #718; $29.95
Send a catalog to a friend. Call us at 903-876-3256 or use the order form on the
back page of this catalog.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having
new eyes. - Marcel Proust
Sacred Steps by Kim Savino, Ph.D. - Not just a book It s an adventure. A Powerful
Book that is hard to put down. The story has a gentle, yet persuasive way about it
that invites the mind to stretch, to understand, and to explore further... Learn
to: Use Tools to Develop Your Focus & Connection, Find Structure in Your Life in
the Middle of Turmoil, Change the World by Changing Your Perceptions, and Much,
Much More!; 301pp, 2003; 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #552; $17.95 Sacred Symbols of Mu,
The by James Churchward - In this, the third book in the famous series, The origin
and original meanings of the world s religious symbols and their common source
-the ancient Continent of Mu. Mu, the Motherland, whose legacy is displayed in the
underlying unity of religious symbology shared by all later civilizations
(ancient, vanished and current).; 296pp, 1989; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #188; $16.95
Saharasia: The 4000 Bce Origins Of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare And Social
Violence, In The Deserts Of The Old World by James DeMeo, Ph.D. - The First
Geographical Cross-Cultural Anthropological, Archaeological and Historical Survey
of Human Family and Social Institutions and human behavior using Wilhelm Reich s
sex-economic discoveries. Migratory patterns, and where & how human tragedy began.
A breakthrough scientific study of human psychology and anthropology. Ancient
Humans Were Peaceful; Modern Violence is Avoidable. Index, maps, photos,
illustrations, bibliography, The Revolutionary Discovery of a Geographical Basis
to Human Behavior. 450pp, 1998; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #226; $34.00 Saint Germain on
Alchemy: Formulas for SelfTransformation by Elizabeth Claire Prophet -In the 18th
century, the Wonderman of Europe fulfilled the alchemist s dream of turning base
metal into gold. Now the ancient secrets of Saint Germain are revealed in order to
externalize the light within. Saint Germain reveals techniques to help transform
your life, your town, your planet. How you can harness spiritual energy, control
your emotions and get rid of anxiety. Mystical origins of America. 117-page
glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.; 493pp, 1988; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #285;
$7.95 Saint Germain s Prophecy for the New Millennium: Includes Dramatic
Prophecies from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Mother Mary by Elizabeth Claire
Prophet - What We Can Expect through 2025? Is there light at the end of the
tunnel? Reveals that the period we are entering is unique both in its opportunity
for spiritual and technological progress and in its potential for cataclysm. They
also reveal that prophecy is not set in stone. The insights and techniques
revealed in this book will help you shape the future you want.; 396pp, 1999; 4x7 ;
Softcvr; #362; $7.99
The buzzing seemed to make thoughts fall apart just before forming, like sand on a
vibrating metal plate, and I felt vaguely angry. On the third or fourth occurrence
of this, I noticed that in the wake of the buzzing sound, an unusual number of
fights could be heard breaking out all around me. From out on the streets, and
from adjoining buildings, and apartments, came the shouts and threats of people
overcome with anger. - From Mind Control, World Control
Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: Stay centered by
accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate. -- Chuang Tzu
As soon as initiates are allowed into the "tomb," a dark, windowless crypt in New
Haven with a roof that serves as a landing pad for the society�s private
helicopter, they are sworn to silence and told they must forever deny that they
are members of this organization. During initiation, which involves ritualistic
psychological conditioning, the juniors wrestle in mud and are physically beaten -
this stage of the ceremony represents their "death" to the world as they have
known it. They then lie naked in coffins, masturbate, and reveal to the society
their innermost sexual secrets. -- From Secrets of the Tomb
Spain�s complicity in the slave trade started with Columbus bringing slaves from
the New World to Spain. -- From Secret Societies of America�s Elite
Tales of Power By Carlos Castaneda - His legend and his power have grown
throughout two generations, in five astonishing volumes. In this landmark work,
the legendary don Juan concludes the instruction of Castaneda with his most
powerful and mysterious lessons in the sorcerer�s art. It is a dazzling series of
visions that are at once an initiation and a deeply moving farewell. 1991, 304 pp,
softbound, 5.25 x 8.25", $14.00 Tantra of the Great Liberation Translated by
Arthur Avalon - (Sir John Woodroffe) The Indian Tantras, which are numerous,
constitute the Scripture (Shastra) of the Kaliyuga, and as such are the voluminous
source of present and practical orthodox "Hinduism." To the Tantra we must
therefore look if we would understand aright both ritual, yoga, and sadhana of all
kinds, as also the general principles of which these practices are but the
objective expression. 1913, 302 pp, softbound, 5.25 x 8.25", #660, $14.00
Teleportation: A How-To Guide, From Star Trek To Tesla by Commander X -
Extraterrestrials have been feeding us clues regarding this interstellar mode of
transport. Commanderx insists it is possible for the us to learn the fundamentals
of teleportation. In detail, he describes his own work with the military in
developing the skills necessary to engage in spontaneous teleportation...skills
that could very well lead you along the path to personal gratification and
success.; 2001; 144pp, 7x10 ; Softcvr; #397; $14.95 Teleportation: Revealing
Government Research by Commander X - The public release of an Air Force
commissioned research paper about the possibilities of teleportation was met with
some brief attention from the press and scorn from the scientific community. 60
minute Audio CD and Book 75+ pp; 8x11; #16924; $19.95 Telos: The Call Goes Out
from The Hollow Earth and the Underground Cities by Diane Robbins Telepathic
Communication from Earth s Interior. Explore the rich family life of the people
from the Lost Continent of Lemuria, who ve been Underground for 12,000 years; and
who, due to their isolation, have created a civilization of peace and abundance,
with no sickness, aging or death. The Advanced Civilizations that live in peace
and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which is Hollow, and contains an Inner
Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in its pristine state.; 2000; 166pp,
6x9 ; Softcvr; #334; $15.00 Tempest & Exodus by Ralph Ellis - The dramatic
discovery of a large biblical quotation on an ancient Egyptian stele. The
quotation thus has fundamental implications for both history and theology because
it explains why the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant were constructed, why
the biblical exodus started, where Mt. Sinai was located, who the god of the
Israelites was - indeed, it even explains exactly who the Israelites really were
and thus why the Torah, Bible and Koran were written. 2002, 156 pp, softbound,
6.25 x 9.25", $16.00
So important were the new England rum distilleries to the slave trade that, when
the English parliament made a serious effort to collect a tax on molasses, the
Massachusetts merchants protested that such a tax would ruin the slave trade and
cause more than seven hundred ships to rot for lack of work. - From The South Was
Prefer to order by phone? Call us at 903-876-3256. Office hours are 8:30-5:00 CST.
Thoth, Architect of the Universe by Ralph Ellis - Finds verifiable proof that the
great henges and pyramids were complex monuments, built by a technical
civilization. The designer has specifically designed these monuments to mimic both
the layout of the Earth and its motions in space. The author has been diligent in
ensuring that each and every claim that is made in this respect is verifiable
using everyday science, these designs are real artifacts - they are not based on
speculation. 2002, 280 p, softbound, 5.5 x 8.5", $16.00 Thought Vibration - The
Secret of Success Thought-Force By William Walter Atkinson - The Universe is
governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from
the Ultimate there is but one Law. We are familiar with some of its
manifestations, but are almost totally ignorant of certain others. Still we are
learning a little more every day - the veil is being gradually lifted. Softcvr;
250 pp; #16816; $13.95 Threat, The: Revealing the Secret Agenda by Jacobs, Ph.D. -
A foremost academic expert on UFOs and abductions. Based on 700+ hypnotic-
regressions with abductees and a Roper survey of 6,000 adults, Reveals why the
aliens are here, what they want, and their frightening plans for earth. In a
direct, authoritative challenge to researchers who believe the abduction
phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually uplifting, Jacobs proves that
there is a far more disturbing and potentially dangerous plan underway, with
possible alien domination at its core.; 1999; 292pp, 8.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #190;
$18.95 Through Ancient Eyes by Neil Hague - Explores how art is a metaphysical
activity, while illustrating the art and soul connections that have existed since
ancient times. Drawing on a wealth of information, which includes prehistoric art
and prophecy, to the work of William Blake - this fascinating book unlocks ancient
wisdom that has inspired artists from all ages.; 2002; 286pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#403; $25.00 Tibetan Buddhism: With Its Mystic Cults, Symbolism and Mythology, and
in Its Relation to Indian Buddhism by L.A. Waddell - The historical, ritual, and
folk aspects of Lamaism are surveyed extensively in this source book. Stationed
for years with the Indian Army at Darjeeling, just over the border from Tibet
(which Europeans were forbidden to enter), he systematically studied the language
and culture of Tibet with the most authoritative lamaistic scholars. Several times
he risked his life by entering Tibet in disguise. originally published in 1895.;
1972; 573pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #276; $15.95
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that onours the servant and has forgotten the gift. --
Albert Einstein
What is known, however, is the ability to control people by the combined use of
drugs and psychological persuasion. An example of just this is the Sharon Tate and
the LaBianca murders conducted by Charles Manson�s "family." -- From The Medusa
There is a taint worse than all taints, and its name is ignorance. -- Dhammapada
It is not love that can fight such evil power but only a form of equally masterful
power ranged on the side of holiness. And this is not only true of a fallen world
but of the whole structure of cosmic consciousness. To win the spiritual battle on
the side of right, the devotees of spiritual love must be ready to accept power so
that they may perfect the world as they perfect themselves... -- From Kabbalah of
the Soul
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