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Hidden Mysteries Suppressed Books Catalog PDF

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Hidden Mysteries - Suppressed Books Catalog

TGS Services
Enjoy your tour through some of the hard to find and unusual products we carry. We
strive to gather books on the �unofficial� suppressed books lists by governments
in the world. While we may not agree with all of them, we do maintain it is your
right to have access to them with the freedom to read what you choose, without
interference from hidden hands or shadow governments.

For Freedom-Minded People Around the World.

and the truth shall set you free by David Icke Behind global events shaping the
future, a web of interconnected manipulation by the same few people, secret
societies and organisations controlling lives, wars, terrorist acts,
assassinations; drug markets & media machines. Every global negative event of the
20th Century and earlier, can be traced back to the same Global Elite, and some of
the names involved are very well known.; 1998; 514pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #21;
$24.95 6th and 7th Books of Moses Introduction by Paul Tice - It is believed these
magical books were translated from the ancient Hebrew. The Sixth Book of Moses is
also known as "Moses� Magical Spirit-Art". The Sixth Book contains Secret Seals
used in magical rituals. Each is presented, followed by a matching conjuration a
verbal spell summoning entities or energies beyond our reality that may respond
and help to achieve the goal of the summoner. The Seventh Book of Moses is a
larger section called "The Magic of the Israelites." Softcvr, 184 pp; #16825;
$16.95 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin - Startling evidence of the origins of
Earth and a superior race of beings that once inhabited our world, translated from
the ancient Sumerian texts. The product of thirty years of intensive research, the
first book in the Earth Chronicles series. Indisputable proof of humanity s ET
forefathers. 1978; 4x7 ; 448pp, Softcvr; #204; $7.99 The 72 Names of God:
Technology for the Soul by Yehuda Berg - The key to ridding yourself of
depression, stress, creative stagnation, anger, illness and other physical and
emotional problems. In fact, it is the oldest, most powerful tool known to man
when it comes to eliminating the garbage in your life. Indeed, The 72 Names of God
strikes at the DNA level of our soul.; #623 216 p; 2003; 8.5x8.5 inches; $19.95.
72 Names Meditation Cards - This convenient set of The 72 Names of God Cards was
created for you to carry and use whenever you need them, at any time and in any
situation you may face. 72 cards, 2.5x3.5 , #623C, $15.00 9-11 The Greatest Lie
Ever Sold (video/DVD) by Anthony J. Hilder - Only By "Exposing the Creators" of
the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, could we have prevented the creation
of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11! U.S. taxpayers "bought
the bomb." Worse still, most of America�s sheeple "BOUGHT THE LIE" that 19 angered
Arabs & Osama bin Laden carried out the greatest act of terror in U.S. history. 2+
hours; 2004; Video #760 or DVD #760d; $29.95 911 by Noam Chomsky -Interviews w/
Chomsky by a variety of interviewers during the first month following the attacks
of September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. These facts have
been completely removed from history. One has to practically scream them from the
rooftops. Says Chomsky. 2002; 126pp, 5x7 ; Softcvr; #415; $8.95 Access Denied For
Reasons of National Security By Cathy OBrien with Mark Phillips - From the authors
of the cult classic TRANCE Formation of America. With their lives and liberty on
the line, TRANCE was hurriedly condensed from courtroom testimony into a book form
and privately published by the authors in September 1995. ACCESS DENIED For
Reasons of National Security is the rest of their true life�s story, which
required 16 years for the authors to survive and 3 years for them to write. This
book is an amazing testament to the strength of the human spirit and one you will
never forget for as long as your thoughts remain free. Softcvr; 6x9 inches approx;
390 pp; #16788; $25.00 The Acid�Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health by Christopher
Vasey, N.D. - A practical diet plan for restoring the acid-alkaline balance your
body needs to experience optimum health. Explains how acidification of the body
contributes to disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, and ulcers.
Categorizes food according to its acidifying or alkalizing effect on the body,
rather than by chemical composition . Contains food tables to help readers design
the best diet for their health Paperback, 170 pages, 5 x 8 inches; #16913; $12.95
Action Attraction Integration: Using Numbers to Empower Your Life by Christopher
Power - A new system of working with numbers, which is revolutionary, accurate and
specific. It is profound, easy and practical. *Become aware of how you act and
attract *Create better relationships *Assess a child�s specific needs * Take your
performance in business and sport to new levels. The result of over 30 years of
research into the mystery of numbers and their impact on our daily lives..; 240pp,
2004; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #730; $23.95 The Adepts of Deceit: Behind Closed Doors
�Volume 1 By R. Sword - Without doubt, this book and the ensuing volumes will set
a benchmark for exposing the Agenda that is laid before us. The truth�s herein
will shock you, and may even terrify you. Do not be deceived into thinking that
conspiracies do not exist-they do; Jesus was conspired against, as was J.F.K, as
was Caesar. One thing you can be certain of after reading this great work is that
there is hope for us all who are willing to believe after presented with the
facts. Read the book and you will know. This book exists only to testify to TRUTH.
Softcvr, 600+pages illustrated; #16790; $29.95 Adepts of Deceit: Behind Closed
Doors - Volume 2 By R. Sword - How and by whom was this country financed by during
its first war? What type of debt did we get ourselves into right from the start?
Who do we owe for this favor ? Who owned America before it was America? If
everyone has a price then this country s soul was in bondage from the start. Not
pretty things to think about but true. Softcvr, 600+pages illustrated; #16804;
$29.95 Adepts of Deceit: Behind Closed Doors � Volumes 1 & 2 By R. Sword -
Ignorance is your greatest enemy. What you don�t know can kill you. No matter how
they have tried to keep these things hidden, Truth prevails. It just takes a
little time to get there but it will get there. #16805; $49.95 A Brief Enquiry
into the True Nature and Character of Our Federal Government by Abel Parker Upshur
The author of this volume was considered one of the ablest legal minds in the
United States. He studied law under William Wirt, the eminent author of the Life
of Patrick Henry, and his practiced profession with great success from 1810 to
1824. After an interval of retirement, he held a high judicial position as Judge
of the General Court of Virginia, from 1826 to 1841; at which time he entered Mr.
Tyler�s Cabinet as Secretary of the Navy. Perfect-bound, 5x8, 180pp, #16725; $6.95
Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews by Hennecke Kardel -
Presents events leading to and the people responsible for the World War II, the
Holocaust, the creation of the State of Israel and other historical events. It
also shows in great detail the reasons and explains how and why it was possible
for those events to happen. 1997; 156pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #530; $14.95 After the
Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path by Jack
Kornfield Drawing on experiences and insights of leaders within the Buddhist,
Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Sufi traditions, this book offers a uniquely
intimate and honest understanding of how the modern spiritual journey unfolds.
Through personal stories and traditional tales, how the enlightened heart
navigates the real world of family relationships, emotional pain, earning a
living, sickness, loss, and death. 2001; 336pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #663; $15.95
Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology by Marie-Louise von
Franz - C.G. Jung discovered in the holy technique of alchemy a parallel to the
psychological individuation process. Jung s longtime associate demystifies the
subject. An introduction to Jung�s detailed studies, and profusely illustrated,
what the alchemists were really looking for - emotional balance and wholeness.
280pp, 1981; 6x8.5 ; Softcvr; #544; $22.00 Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored by A.
Cockren - This rare book tells the story of alchemy so that most all can
understand. The cryptic language and symbolism commonly found is laid bare so we
can comprehend exactly what was meant and what was happening during the pursuit of
the alchemical elixir. Softcvr, 158 pages; #16832; $13.95 Alice in Wonderland: and
the World Trade Center Disaster by David Icke - Since that horrendous day of
September 11, 2001, the people of the world have been told the Big Lie. The
official story of what happened on 9/11 is a fantasy of untruth, manipulation,
contradiction and anomaly. There are infinite perspectives from which to view the
same events and all can be different, but equally true.; 514pp, 2002; 7x9.5 ;
Softcvr; #491; $29.95 Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence
Among Us by Jim Marrs - A comprehensive, shocking explanation that confirms the
reality of UFOs & the decades-long disinformation campaign. How and why aliens
manifest themselves in our midst. Marrs consults experts on all sides, reams of
government files, and sources deep in military intelligence. Compelling
speculation on why aliens are coming here and why our government doesn t want us
to know it; 1998; Mass Market ; 656pp, Softcvr; #170; $7.99 Alien Chronicles:
Compelling Evidence For Extraterrestrial Encounters In Art & Texts Since Ancient
Times by Matthew Hurley Using over 150 images, Matthew Hurley takes us on a
journey into the past, uncovering hidden details found in many texts and
historical artworks. From cave art of our indigenous ancestors, through to high
art of the Renaissance, a plenitude of evidence for strange beings , UFOs and
other historically recorded alien encounters . Color throughout. 2003, 168pp,
Hardcvr, 7.5x9.5 , #616, $35.00 Alien Implants: Shocking evidence that alien
implants are real... by Roger K Leir , M.D. - In this eye-opening book, Dr. Leir--
a true pioneer in this
extraordinary field-documents eight amazing stories of unknown objects being
removed from persons reporting alien abduction. The results are some of the most
astonishing finds of any UFO research to date. The question remains: Are we the
beneficiaries of implantation...or its victims? 240pp, 2000; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #681;
$6.99 Aliens and the American Tragedy by Ratibor-Ray Jurjevich, Ph.D. - Jewish
leaders (not Jewish people) act against Americans through their secret &
quasipublic organizations. Particularly virulent is the Jewish Masonic order of
the B nai B rith and subsidiaries and fronts: ADL, ACLU, American Jewish Congress,
many organizations. 163pp, 1991; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #138; $11.95

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
America s Secret Destiny: Spiritual Vision and the Founding of a Nation by Robert
Hieronimus, Ph.D The Great Seal, depicting a pyramid and an eye in a triangle, is
a blueprint of America s future as envisioned by our founding fathers. Traces the
influence of esoteric orders, as Rosicrucians and Masons, upon Franklin,
Jefferson, Washington, and other key figures. How a spiritual vision of America s
future was set forth in our most significant national documents and symbols.
145pp, 1989; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #531; $14.95 America s Secret Establishment:
Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony Sutton -The Skull & Bones
society of Yale and their plans for the NEW WORLD ORDER. The names spelled Power,
with a capital P. Why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war to
lose; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are
suppressed, why politicians lie. 305pp, 1986; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #36; $24.95
Anacalypsis By Godfrey Higgins - An Attempt To Draw Aside The Veil Of The Saitic
Isis Or An Inquiry Into Origin Of Languages, Nations And Religions. First
published 1863. This unique work shows Celtic Druids were Priests of Oriental
colonies, who emigrated from India, and were the Introducers of the first of
Cadmean System of Letters, and the Builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac, and other
Cyclopean works in Asia and Europe. 4 maps & numerous lithographic plates of
Druidical Monuments. 1392pp, 1863; 8.5x11 ; Combbound; #176; $69.00 The Ananga
Ranga By Kalyana Malla and The Kama Sutra By Vatsyayana Mallanaga Translator: Sir
Richard Burton (1883) - Two Books in One Volume Written around 1172 AD the Ananga
Ranga was specifically aimed at preventing the separation of husband and wife. The
Author Kalyana Malla says "The chief reason for the separation between the married
couple and the cause which drives the husband to the embraces of strange women,
and the wife to the embraces of strange men, is the want of varied pleasures, and
the monotony which follows possession." Softcvr, 350+ pp; #16864; $16.95 Ancient
Earth Mysteries - DVD By Jim Marrs- It has been reported that Saddam Hussein
believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the babylonian
monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods. It has also been reported that
amazing new archeological finds were discovered in Iraq in the late 1990�s. Could
these elements - which may provide the secrets of limitless non-polluting energy,
teleportation, longevity and even time and dimension travel be the true reason for
the U.S.�s recent and unprecedented invasion of Iraq? #16878; $19.95 Ancient Law
by Henry S. Maine - the growth of human ideas and origins of human society to
reveal some of the earliest ideas of mankind, and to point out the relation of
those ideas to later thought. Early society, begins with the group (the family),
not with the individual. Covered are: ancient codes; legal fictions; law of nature
and equity; the modern history of the law of nature; primitive society and ancient
law; the early history of testamentary succession; ancient and modern ideas on
wills and successions; the early history of property, contract, and delict and
crime. 228pp, 1861; 5.25x8.25 ; Softbound; #737; $15.95 The Ancient Secret of the
Flower of Life: Vol. 1 by Drunvalo Melchizedek - Once, all life in the universe
knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern. Then from a very high state of
consciousness we fell in darkness and forgot who we were. For thousands of years
the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world, and
encoded in the cells of all life. Explore the miracle of our existence through
geometry, science, ancient history and new discovery. 228pp, 1998; 8.5x10 ;
Softcvr; #737; $25.00 The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Vol. 2 By Drunvalo
Melchizedek - Proportions of the human body, nuances of human consciousness, sizes
and distances of the stars, planets and moons, even creations of humankind, all
reflect their origins in this beautiful and divine image. Through intricate,
detailed geometrical mapping, the seemingly simple design of the Flower of Life
contains the genesis of our entire third-dimensional existence. What we may expect
in the forthcoming dimensional shift; 380pp, 2000; 8.5x10 ; Softcvr; #738; $25.00
And God Created the Stars By Dr. Louis Turi This astrological masterpiece will
clarify how God works all through the universe. Dr. Turi explains your direct
destined relationship with God and the universe. "And God created the stars and
heavens as signs and seasons" so that you may live a more productive life. Magic
is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. This book is your first step to perceive
yourself and God in the same light as the stars. It is also provides new and
challenging insight to your understanding of God and the light. 380pp, 2004; 6x9 ;
Softbound; #723; $30.00 Angels Don t Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
by Nick Begich & Jeane Manning Named one of the most important books of 1996 by
Project Censored. The U.S. Government has a new ground-based Star Wars weapon in
remote Alaska. *Disrupt mental processes. *Jam global communications systems.
*Change weather patterns over large areas. *Interfere w/wildlife migration
patterns. *Negatively affect health. *Unnaturally impact Earth s upper atmosphere.
220pp, 1996; 5.5x8 ; Softcvr; #406; $14.95 Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll
Quigley, Ph.D. - The notion of conspiratorial influence on world events has gained
credence with both extremities of the American political spectrum, and to a degree
with the general public. Contained are crucial keys with which 20th century
political, economic and military events can be understood.; 366pp, 1981; 5.5x8 ;
Softcvr; #55; $18.95 Antigravity and the World Grid by David Hatcher Childress -
Discover the secrets of the world grid of power spots and vortex areas. Is Earth
surrounded by an electromagnetic grid network offering free energy? Includes:
Light Harmonics. The purpose of Ley Lines, Worldwide Anomalies, Coral Castle, Time
Travel, Gravity Control, How UFOs Use the Grid, Gov t Anti-Gravity Experiments,
Acoustic Levitation, Scalar Wave; 274pp, 1997; 7x10 ; Softcvr; #353; 14.95 Anti-
Gravity Handbook by David Hatcher Childress & Leonard G. Cramp - New expanded
compilation of material on Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer Propulsion,
UFOs, NASA Cover-ups and more. Highly illustrated with patents, technical
illustrations and photos. This revised and expanded edition has more material,
including photos of Area 51, Nevada, the government s secret testing facility.
This classic on weird science is back! 200pp, 1998; 7x10 ; Softcvr; #533; $14.95
Apocalypse of Baruch by R. H. Charles, Translator & Baruch - Translated from the
Syriac. The name Apocalypse is given to it because of the prophetic revelations
incorporated in this compilation by Baruch, the son of Neriah, who was directly
associated with the Prophet Jeremiah as his scribe. Recounts what befell him
immediately before and after the destruction of Jerusalem. . Long out of print,
but relevant to today, available for the wise and prudent. 176pp, 5x8 ; Hardcover;
#8; $13.95 Apocrypha - According to the book To Eliminate the Opiate (out of
print) by Rabbi Antelman, the Illuminati formed a committee entitled the Biblical
Destruction Group in 1776. This committee disbanded 50 years later in 1826 - the
Apocrypha, (fourteen books of the Bible) was removed from the King James Bible.
What is in there they did not want you to know and watch for? Fascinating
prophecies. 292pp, 5x8 ; Hardcvr; #9; $13.95 Apocryphal New Testament by William
Wake & Rev. Nathaniel Lardner - Gospels & Epistles, in the first four centuries
were more or less accredited to the apostles and their coadjutors, but were
finally excluded. Partial Contents: Gospel of the birth of Mary; Epistles of Jesus
Christ & Abgarus, King of Edessa; Nicodemus; Epistle of Paul apostle to the
Laodiceans; Epistles of Paul the apostle to Seneca; Acts of Paul & Thecla; Clement
to the Corinthians; Epistles of Ignatius; Epistle of Polycarp; Books of Hermas.;
246pp, 8x1.5 ; Softcvr; #501; $22.00 Apocryphal Revelations by Marie Hensley - A
work proving the omnipotence of God. It explains the origin of man and evil while
reconciling the scientific fact of evolution with the faith of a Christian. The
origin of evil is clearly and concisely explained. It substantiates Christianity,
Christian Science and all other religions and philosophies. It also shows how man
evolves from the animal and becomes not man, child of God, until endowed with a
soul. 1915, 138 p, 8.5 x 11", combbound, $15.00 The Arcadian Mystique: The Best of
Dagobert�s Revenge By Tracy R. Twyman - Since 1996, Dagobert s Revenge Magazine
has been a beacon to those seeking the light of the Holy Grail. Powerfully
written, exhaustively researched, and totally unique, Dagobert s Revenge was the
first and only magazine devoted to the emerging phenomenon of neoArcadian culture,
breaking ground on many modern occult subjects. And now, the best articles from
hardto-find back issues are available in one volume, as well as articles never
before printed. This is a treasure chest of invaluable arcane wisdom. Softcvr; 258
pp; 8x11; #16928; $24.95 Archko Volume: Documents that Claim Proof to the Life,
Death, and Resurrection of Christ By Drs. McIntosh and Twyman - This book is said
to contain the testimonies of Jesus contemporaries, especially his enemies,
concerning his arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. In a convincing series of
events outlined at the front of the book, we find how Rev. William D. Mahan was
able to procure translated copies from originals that were located in the Vatican
Library. This book provides an interesting new look into the personal life of
Jesus and the impact he had on those who had condemned him. This
volume has strengthened the faith of many Christians who find that these reports
ring true. It provides an interesting new look into the personal life of Jesus and
the impact he had on those who had condemned him. Softcvr; 248 pp; #16828; $20.95
Are We Alone in the Universe: The Stunning Film based on Zecharia Sitchin s book
Genesis Revisited by Zecharia Sitchin -6000-yr-old Sumerian stone tablets describe
cataclysmic events which gave our solar system its current configuration and an
additional planet, Nibiru, recorded home of our ancestors. Scientists have agreed
calculations tend to confirm the Sumerian story. 60 minutes, 2000; 1 VHS tape ;
VHS-NTSC Video; #449; $19.95

We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we
want. -- Tao Te Ching

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Art and Science of Personal Magnetism: The Secret of Mental Fascination by Theron
Q. Dumont - A belief in the existence of a personal power, influence, or
atmosphere, on the part of certain individuals, enables the possessor to attract,
influence, dominate or control others, has been held by the race from the earliest
days of written history. This book teaches how to exert a powerful, irresistible
influence upon the reason or will of another. 1913, 198 p, 8.5x11", comb-bound,
$18.00 The Art of Distillation By John French - Sir ! It is my ambition to let the
world know upon what score it is that I do especially honor men. It is not, Sir!,
as they are highborn heirs of the great potentates, for which most honor them (and
upon which account I also shall not deny them their due) but as they excell in
honesty and are friends to art. That poor philosophers should take no delight in
riches, and rich men should take delight in philosophy, is to me an argument, that
there is more delight, honor, and satisfaction in the one than in the enjoyment of
the other. Softcvr, 300+ pp, Illustrated; #16847; $14.95 Aryan Origin of the
Alphabet by L.A. Waddell Discloses the Sumero-Phoenecian parentage of our
alphabet, ancient and modern, fully supported by scientific data and charts.
Hitherto, the origin of our Alphabet, objects represented by its signs or letters
and its authors were unknown. Its authors have been assumed to be Semites by all
modern writers, the one mechanically repeating the other ; 88pp, 1927; 5x8 ;
Softcvr; #92; $8.95 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, The Suppressed Truth About
by Burke McCarty -In all the history of political assassination plots by the
enemies of freedom, nothing can exceed the cruel murder of Lincoln for cold
calculation, subtle cunning and cowardly execution. This classic book is
referenced by many excellent researchers, for example, Dr. Phelps in Vatican
Assassins and Tupper Saussy in Rulers of Evil . 100pp, 1924; 5x8 ; Hardcover; #13;
$13.95 Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena by Arthur E. Powell - This study of
our subtle body is based on the works of Theosophical authors and noted
clairvoyants, including H. P. Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Annie Besant. Seen
by clairvoyants as an aura of flashing colors. Contents: Composition and
structure, Colors, Chakras, Kundalini, Thought forms, Physical and sleep life,
Dreams, After-death life, Astral plane, Fourth dimension, Astral entities, Astral
death, Rebirth, Invisible helpers. 1926, 288 pages, 8.5 x 11", combbound; $20.00
Astro Vedica by Dean de Lucia -Vedic astrology is an ancient system handed down
from the demigod civilization of celestial beings described in the Vedic
literature, such as the Puranas. They generated humanity and gave the ancient
medicinal science, astrological science; spiritual knowledge; & subtle
technologies & mysticism, such as levitation & UFOs.; 314pp, 2001; 5x8 ; Softcvr;
#419; $17.95 Atlantis: Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation by Michael Tsarion
-For 50,000 years the Technocracy of Power has indulged in suppression and
slaughter in order to conceal the truth about human origins and purpose. What are
the consequences of ET involvement? Also solutions to the moral and social
predicaments that have beset humankind for millennia. Are you Homo Sapiens or Homo
Atlantis? Is 2012 really the end of our world? 290pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #513;
$29.95 Atlantis the Antidiluvian World By Ignatius Donnelly - 1st Published 1882,
This book is an attempt to demonstrate several distinct and novel propositions.
These are: That there once existed in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the mouth of
the Mediterranean Sea, a large island, which was the remnant of an Atlantic
continent, and known to the ancient world as Atlantis. That the description of
this island given by Plato is not, as has been long supposed, fable, but veritable
history. That Atlantis was the region where man first rose from a state of
barbarism to civilization. That it became, in the course of ages, a populous and
mighty nation, from whose overflowings the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the
Mississippi River, the Amazon, the Pacific coast of South America, the
Mediterranean, the west coast of Europe and Africa, the Baltic, the Black Sea, and
the Caspian were populated by civilized nations. Softcvr, 550+ pp; 8x 5; #16861;
$14.99 Atlantis: America and The Future by John Frederick Charles Fuller - Based
on an article written by the author and published in The National Review. In the
turmoil and materialism of the US, he sees the beginning of a new civilization
which is likely in grandeur and greatness to exceed anything yet known in the
civilizations of the Old World. Examines the forces which control the Americans,
or the gods of Atlantis as he refers to them, upon whose knees lies the future of
the New World, and possibly the Old. 1925, 118 p, 8.5 x 11", comb-bound, #719,
$9.95 Atlantis and the Power System of the Gods: Mercury Vortex Generators & the
Power System of Atlantis by David Hatcher Childress & Bill Clendenon - Was There A
World-Wide Power System In Ancient Times That Utilized Giant Crystal Towers?How
gyros with electrified gas�plasmas�can produce anti-gravity, monolithic granite
towers known as obelisks and MUCH more. 290pp, 2002; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #456; $15.95
Atlantis Conspiracy, The by William B. Stoecker Evidence that the world today is
slowly coming under the control of a group of conspirators whose secret
organization began some 12,000 years ago in legendary Atlantis. This book connects
the dots , showing the pattern behind UFOs, the paranormal, lost civilizations,
and sinister events such as the Kennedy assassination.; 186pp, 2000; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #506; $13.95 Atlantis in America by Lewis Spence - Evidence that Atlantis
was located in and around Central America. Compares Indian myths from Peru,
Brazil, Central America, North America and the Atlantean story from the great
philosopher, Plato. Many myths duplicate themselves, leading one to believe that
they had a common source. That source, according to Spence, was Atlantis. 1925,
290pp, 8.5x11 ; Comb-bound; #502; $18.00 Atlantis Rising: The Struggle of Darkness
and Light by Patricia Cori - The Sirian teachings help us integrate the knowledge
of Atlantis and the fear of the Late Days while empowering us with the truth and
free will choices that are ours to claim as 21st century residents of a cosmic
being about to ascend into the fourth dimension. We are asked to balance the
scales of darkness and light at this pivotal moment - a time that parallels the
Last Generation of Atlantis - for all humanity, our Earth and the Cosmos. 2001;
192 pages, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #688; $16.95 - Quantity limited Atlantis: Today and
Tomorrow - America and the Future - This rare little book is from noted historian
and esotericist Colonel J.F.C. Fuller. This copy was part of a published series
titled Today and Tommorrow. The copy we had was titled Atlantis: America and the
Future. This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no
other formatting to the original text was attempted. Softcvr, 5x 8, 100+ pp;
#16906; $10.99 Auschwitz: The Final Count by Vivian Byrd - The very name of the
infamous concentration camp in Poland has become synonymous with the period we
remember as the Holocaust. Actual historical data about Auschwitz that tells the
story of Auschwitz as it has never been told before. You will never look at the
Holocaust, or the history of World War II or the 20th Century-in the same way ever
again...; 113pp, 1999; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #68; $15.95 Awaken the Sleeping GIANT by
Al Kay - Delves into the morass of politics, reveals the powers behind ontrolling
world affairs, and explores global issues not broached by the mainstream media.
The information in this book affects each and every individual in the world.
Exposes secret societies, super-rich families, corporations, and individuals
conspiring to impose an Orwellian global order. Humanity is in their hands unless
we collectively stem the oppressive tide. 338pp, 2001; 5x8 ; Softcvr; #444; $17.95
AZTEC 2003 by Jim Marrs - In this exclusive production, Jim Marrs, author the best
seleling books, Crossfire, Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, Sisterhood of the Rose,
and PSI Spies, provides revealing proof about JFK assassination cover-up. An
overview account connecting modern secret societies and their control of
government to include UFO issues back to the origins of humankind as recounted in
the Sumerian tablets.; DVD; #16919; $16.95 Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss & Promise
Moffet - Now in its expanded, updated revised edition with a new index to make the
book easier to use, this is the original classic text (with more than 4 million
copies sold) that helped create the natural foods industry. It remains today one
of the major texts on herbs, natural diet and lifestyle and wholistic health.
936pp, 1939; 4 x 7 , Softcvr; #529; $9.95 Beasts, Men and Gods By Ferdinand
Ossendowski When one of the leading publicists in America, Dr. Albert Shaw of the
Review of Reviews, after reading the manuscript of Part I of this volume,
characterized the author as "The Robinson Crusoe of the Twentieth Century," he
touched the feature of the narrative which is at once most attractive and most
dangerous; for the succession of trying and thrilling experiences recorded seems
in places too highly colored to be real or, sometimes, even possible in this day
and generation. Softcvr; 294 pp; #16815; $14.95 Beating Cancer With Nutrition:
Combining The Best Of Science And Nature For Full Spectrum Healing In The 21st
Century by Drs. Patrick Quillin & Noreen Quillin - w/ free 72 min. audio CD, After
$37 billion in research in the 27 year "war on cancer", we have an increase in
incidence and death rate, while the 5 year survival is virtually unchanged. Proper
diet and supplements can substantially
bolster the body s ability to recover from cancer. 348pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Softcvr;
#297; 24.95 The Beatles & Vedic Astrology By Dean Dominic de Lucia - Vedic
astrology is an ancient system of astrology which was handed down to humanity from
the demigod civilization of celestial beings who are described in the Vedic
literature, such as the Puranas. The Puranas describe that these celestial beings
were not only responsible for generating humanity itself on our planet, but for
fostering the human race by means of knowledge. Even though humanity has largely
been cut off from its celestial progenitors and well-wishers, the astrological
science of the ancient Vedic civilization does remain intact, and the reader can
practically see it at work in the following interpretations of the horoscopes of
the well-known Beatles. 5x8, Softcvr, 91 pp; $8.95

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Becoming: Handbook for the New Paradigm Vol 3 by Benevolent Energies - A great
effort is now focused to influence how the individual and the global awareness
perceive the human experience. Mankind stands at the threshold, the decision point
of whether to accept what it is being told or to instead shrug off the programmed
suggestions and choose for itself a future that is in total contrast. 177pp, 4.5x7
; Softcvr; #563; $6.95 Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper - A former U. S.
Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden
from the public eye. This information has been kept in Top Secret government files
since the 1940s. In 1988 Bill decided to talk , due to events then taking place
worldwide, which he had seen plans for back in the early 70s. Mr. Cooper was
killed in a shootout in 2001. 500pp, 1991; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #161; $25.00 Best Enemy
Money Can Buy by Antony Sutton Using government and corporate documents, Sutton
clearly reveals that Soviet military technology is heavily dependent on U.S. and
allied gifts, peaceful trade and exchange programs. The U.S. has built, sold or
traded, or even given wiring and military trucks to tank and missile guidance
technology, computers - even the Space Shuttle. We spend $300 billion yearly
against an enemy we continue to keep in business. 234pp, 1986; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #83;
$16.95 Beyond Amalgam: The Hidden Health Hazard Posed by Jawbone Cavitations by
Dr. Susan Stockton - The role played by an often silent, hidden jawbone condition
in a wide variety of chronic health problems. This extremely prevalent, yet seldom
diagnosed condition is actually the result of standard dental treatment and should
be a cause for concern for everyone who has ever had a tooth extracted. 124pp,
1998; 5.5x8 ; Softcvr; #493; $12.95 Beyond Our Galaxy by David H. Lewis - Data
taken from the tomb of Gizeh s Pyramid, ancient records of Mayans & hidden Aztec
scrolls. Reveals Alien life on 6 other planets �origins, home bases, types of
craft, life styles & their purposes here and warnings. Among the many microfilm
clips taken in this buried tomb of ancient scrolls and recordings on metal discs,
there was the undisputed record that alien life does exist on six planets...
beyond our galaxy; 1980; Comb-bound: 8.5x11 ; 141pp, #2; $19.95 Softcover: 5x8
;195pp, #2a; $16.95 Beyond the Follies of Fundamentalism By Dorothy Leon � What is
Fundamentalism? In light of the 911 disaster, which was not caused by Islamic
teachings but by those who interpreted them in a fundamental manner, I would like
to address this distinction. According to the dictionary: FUNDAMENTAL is a term
derived from fundament, meaning to lay the foundation; groundwork; basis; primary.
#16802; $13.95 Bhagavad-Gita, The Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold � One of the most
well-known and important holy books of the world. In all of Indian literature none
is more quoted than this work, which is considered to be the main religious text
of Hinduism. The wisdom it conveys provides guidelines for daily living that have
been followed for centuries, including India�s greatest spiritual leader, Mahatmas
Gandhi. Of this book he said, I have read almost all the English translations of
it, and I regard Sir Edwin Arnold�s as the best. Softcvr, 111 pages; #16830;
$12.95 Buddhist Suttas: Major Scriptural Writings from Early Buddhism By T.W. Rhys
Davids - These seven scriptural writings are considered to be the most important
and oldest of the Buddhist religion. Originally written in the Pali language, they
date to the fourth and third centuries BC. This early date is what makes them so
important they form the very core of Buddhist teachings, sought after and studied
by monks and scholars for centuries. Softbound, 320 pages; #16831; $27.95 Bias: A
CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News by Bernard Goldberg - It s far
worse than you think. In this jaw-dropping expos , this Emmy Award-winning
journalist reveals a corporate news culture in which the close-mindedness is
breathtaking. Full of great one-liners and sad proof of how the news we are fed
are filtered through liberal bias, again either intentionally or not
intentionally. Goldberg proves that the facts can sometimes look quite different
from what we see on TV. 2002; Softcvr; 238pp ; 5.25x8 ; #407a; $13.95 Bible Code
by Michael Drosnin & Doron Vitsum - After 3,000 years a hidden code in the Bible
was broken by an Israeli mathematician, who presented the proof in a major science
journal, and it has been confirmed by mathematicians around the world. Now it s
been unlocked by computer. It foresaw both Kennedy assassinations, the Oklahoma
City bombing, the election of Bill Clinton, World War II, Watergate, the
Holocaust, Hiroshima, and more.; 1998; 264pp, Softcvr; 7.5x9.5 ; #195; $14.00
Bible Code II: The Countdown by Michael Drosnin The Bible code the ancient code
encrypted in the Bible that may reveal the future was made known to the world by
investigative reporter Drosnin. Now he reveals startling new predictions warning
that society may have only three years to stop the countdown to Armageddon.; 304
p; 2003; 7.25 x 9.25 inches; $15.00 Bible Fraud by Tony Bushby - 2000 yr-old
British coins, secret ciphers in the New Testament, cryptograms in Vatican art
treasures, concealed info in the Bible and hidden church records reveal unequalled
deception. More alarming is the church hierarchy of today admits the nature of the
info is factual, yet withholds it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Included are 35 photographs
and 3 bloodlines (family trees) supported by 869 references.; 2001; <>Hardcover;
272pp, 6.25x9.5 ; #356h; 29.95 <>Softcvr; 272pp, 6x9 ; #356; $22.50 Bible Hell,
The By J.W. Hanson, D.D. - The brief excursus on the word "Hell" contained in this
volume, aims to treat the subject in a popular style, and at the same time to
present all the important facts, so fully and comprehensively that any reader can
obtain in a few pages a birds-eye-view of "The Bible Hell." Softbound, 112 pp;
#16810; $10.95 Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions by T.W. Doane -
Special Reprint! (1882) a Comparison of the Old and New Testament Myths and
Miracles with Those of Heathen Nations of Antiquity Considering also Their Origin
and Meaning. Some of the contents: The Creation & Fall of Man; The Deluge; Tower
of Babel; Trial of Abraham�s Faith; The Exodus; Samson; Jonah; Miraculous Birth of
Christ Jesus; Slaughter of the Innocents; Crucifixion; etc. 8.5x11", comb-bound;
614 pp; #16330; $29.00 Big Picture, The by George Green -This lecture is a slide
and video production of the investigation and experiences of George Green and his
examination of UFOs, the implications, cover-ups by the government, further
investigation finally connecting with the Ets. Pictures of ETs, spacecraft and a
demonstration of thought/energy fields. Georg has an extensive background in the
Air Force, banking, real estate, insurance, and securities. The spirituality of
all, and how we are related. EXCELLENT presentation; 2001; 3.5 hrs. 2-tape set ;
VHS-NTSC Video; #430; $24.95 Biggest Secret, The by David Icke - Includes
background to the murder of Diana, Princess of Wales, and how the same bloodlines
have controlled the planet for thousands of years, how they created all the major
religions and suppressed the spiritual knowledge that will set humanity free.
Includes a devastating expose of the true origins of Christianity and the other
major religions. Every man, woman, and child on the planet is affected by this
information. 566pp, 1999; 7x9.5 ; Softcvr; #20; $29.95 Biography of Satan:
Exposing the Origins of the Devil By Kersey Graves - If the devil exists, where is
he? Is he really in a place called hell? If so, where is that? This well-
researched book exposes all the facts about the devil. Topics include the origins
of hell, where the Christian devil was borrowed from, why the church needed a bad
guy to represent evil, what the words devil and hell really meant in the Old
Testament. Softbound, 158 pp; #16827; $13.95 Biology, Chemical, & Nuclear Warfare:
Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones: The Power of Digital Medicine by Savely
Yurkovsky M.D. - Anthrax, smallpox, chemical weapons, SARS or nuclear disaster?
This author says "No sweat," whether conventional medical vaccines or antidotes
exist or not. He proposes his method that everyone, can master within minutes!
This method is natural, drug free and supported by hundreds of scientific studies,
medical experience and prominent scientists! This internationally known expert in
Integrative Medicine reveals some of the best kept secrets in science. 2003; 6x9 ;
280pp, Softcvr; #716; $25.95 Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human
Spirit by Joseph Chilton Pearce Pearce examines the current understanding of our
neural organization to address how we can transcend our current evolutionary
capacities and limitations. This latest research identifies our five neural
centers--or brains--and establishes that our fourth and most recently developed
brain is located in the head while the fifth is located in the heart. It is the
dynamic interaction of this head brain (intellect) and heart brain (intelligence),
of biology and spirit, that allows transcendence from one evolutionary place to
the next. 288pp, 6x9 ; Hardcvr; #627; $22.00 Black Giant by James M. Day - During
the Depression, tens of thousands streamed into East Texas engendering the biggest
oil boom in history, cutthroat wars between Big Oil and small independent oilmen,
bootleg or hot oil, martial law, and legalized price fixing when the price of oil
tumbled below 10 cents a barrel. 146pp, 1999; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #614; $14.95
Black Sun, The: Montauk Nazi-Tibetan Connection by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon -
After World War II, Allied commanders were stunned to discover the Nazi regime s
massive files on secret
societies, eugenics and other scientific pursuits that boggled the imagination.
Even more spectacular was an entire web of underground rocket and flying saucer
factories. A missing Nazi U-boat fleet may have escaped with Hitler. Behind was
the Order of the Black Sun, so feared it is now illegal to print their symbols and
insignia in Germany.; 614pp, 1997; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #127; $19.95

Only the supremely wise and the abysmally ignorant do not change. -- Confucius

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Blindsided: Planet X passes in 2003? by Mark Hazelwood - Planet X s approach is
causing seismic, volcanic, escalating solar flare activity and weather related
problems as the direct result of the electromagnetic gravitational interplay among
the planets. When X passes, Earth s rotation will pause, resulting in a pole
shift. Governments & the Vatican are preparing. Note: The timing is off - but the
info is startlingly canny. 2003; <>Softcvr; 182pp, 7x10 ; #422; 15.95 <>Video, 90
min. $19.95 Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed by
Sir Laurence Gardner - From royal and suppressed archives comes proof of the
descending heritage of Jesus in the West. In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence
Gardner casts penetrating new light upon the Grail Code of Service and the
venerated feminine element, abandoned by the Church in order to forge a male
dominated society. 453pp, 1997; 7x10 ; Softcvr; #728; $18.95 Bloodlines of the
Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier - A unique historical genealogical study, rich in
detail, providing a devastating expos of the people and families who are THE
movers and shakers of the United States and the entire world. Many names have been
purposely hidden from mainstream view. From international finance to war,
presidents and dictators alike pay heed to these people. They have plans for you.
Who are they? 622pp, 2002; 7x10 ; Softcvr; #495; $24.95 Blue Blood, True Blood:
Conflict & Creation, A Personal Story by Stewart Swerdlow - Just when you think
you have read it all...Swerdlow challenges you to stretch your intellectual with
stunning revelations of hidden history and its future implications. Based on his
intricate involvement. Stewart discusses the history of this galaxy, solar system,
and Earth as well as how the Illuminati began their plans for society and the
Earth. A fascinating account that will change your belief system forever!; 256pp,
2001; 6.25x9 ; Softcvr; #408; $25.00 Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple
Personality by Psychiatrists by Collin Ross, M.D. - BLUEBIRD is the cryptonym for
a CIA mind control program from 1951 to 1953. Other programs include ARTICHOKE,
MKULTRA, and MKSEARCH. The military and the CIA have been creating Manchurian
Candidates for operational use since the second world war. This fact is described
repeatedly by G.H. Estabrooks and in CIA documents on BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE
obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.; 406pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Softcvr;
#588; $27.95 Blueprint For a Better World by Dr. Brian Desborough -Seemingly
unrelated events, for example the 9/11 disaster are the result of a master plan
for transferring the wealth of the global populace into the hands of thirteen
interrelated family bloodlines. Presents the suppressed technologically advanced
methodology for providing the Global Village with abundant pure water and
pollution-free energy necessary for transforming planet Earth into a paradise, and
freeing us from the bonds of the present economy.; 2003; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #595;
$17.95 The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Robert O
Becker & Gary Selden - Becker, a pioneer in the field of regeneration and its
relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established
mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in
the long-discarded theory of the 18th century vitalists that electricity is vital
to the life process. Becker�s discoveries point to the day when human limbs,
spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged. 1985;
6x9 ; 364pp, Softcvr; #651; $14.95 Book of Destiny by Arthur Edward Waite - One of
the most notable and finest esoteric books written. Great Oracle of the Gods:
called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of
Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of
Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and
Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom;
Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams. 5x8; 270+ pp; #16899;
$16.99 Book of Jasher Translated by Flaccus Abinus Alcuinus of Britain - One of
the longest books removed from the government "authorized" Bibles. How many of
these books and manuscripts were denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and
shredded-and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand
years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Jasher has found its way back
into circulation. 5x8; 301 pp; #16286; $14.95 Book of Tephi by J.A. Goodchild -
Tea Tephi, the princess through whom the House of David could be carried, was
taken to Ireland by Jeremiah & Baruch, She married the King of Ireland, thus
joining both of Judah s twin sons; heirs in the royal line, the kings of Ireland,
Scotland and England to this day.; 106pp, 8.5x11 ; Comb-bound; #332; $11.95 Book
Your Church Doesn t Want You to Read by Tim C. Leedom (Editor) - A documented menu
of substantial archeological evidence, biblical critique and historical fact Dr.
Bob Beck, Physicist Book; Contributors: Steve Allen, Dan Barker, Edd Doerr, Dr. R.
Eisenman, Dr. Rocco Errico, Annie Gaylor, Dr. Stephan Hoeller, Thomas Jefferson,
Dr. Gerald Larue, Jordan Maxwell, Arthur Melville, Austin Miles, Alan Snow,
Sherwin Wine; <>Book: Softcvr; 446pp, 6x9 ; #227; 19.95 <>VHS-NTSC Video; 58 min,
#228; $19.95 Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
by Kenneth Goth - Psycopolitics: The art and science of asserting and maintaining
dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and
masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through mental healing.
Contains the address of Beria to the American students in the Lenin University
prior to 1936, and in training of Communist cadre. 25pp, 1936; 5.5x8.5 ;pp,
Staplebound; #278; $4.95 Breaking the Godspell by Neil Freer - Introduction by
Zecharia Sitchin. Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic
evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents
the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the
CreationistEvolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and
the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial
adolescence into stellar society. Softcvr; 151 pp; #16793; $15.95 Bridge to
Infinity, The by Bruce Cathie, Ph.D. - Exciting sequel to the Energy Grid, the
nature and uses of the web of pulsating energy that envelops the earth. Harmonics
of Greenwich, the pyramids, Stonehenge, Philadelphia Experiment, Tunguska,
explosion, giant pyramids of China, secrets of levitation, The George Adamski
flying saucer.; 205pp, 1997; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #354; $14.95 Brief by the Republic
of Texas by Texians - While referred to as a court case - it is a political
question, since no government court or international court has jurisdiction to
rule on it. The U.S. House of Reps has refused to bring this question to the floor
for over 140 yrs. The Republic of Texas has never ceased to exist since its
founding in 1836. It has a parallel existence, with the alleged STATE OF TEXAS, a
U.S. subsidiary, which has no lawful authority to exist.; 145pp, 2000; 5.5x8 ;
Softcvr; #455; $14.95 Brief by the Republic of Texas CD - 2500+ pages of evidences
and verification that are the sources for the case for the Republic of Texas
brief! All files are in PDF format! Easy to use Acrobat Reader is all that is
needed. Index files are in both HTML (Internet Explorer) and PDF (Acrobat). 1CD,
2001, #455d, 19.95 Brief by the Republic of Texas Book & CD Set - Save $ 5,
#455set, $29.95 A Brief Enquiry into the True Nature and Character of Our Federal
Government: a Review of Judge Story�s Commentaries on the Constitution of the
United States by Abel Parker Upshur - The author practiced his profession with
great success from 1810 to 1824. He was Judge of the General Court of Virginia,
from 1826 to 1841; entered Mr. Tyler�s Cabinet as Secretary of the Navy. In the
spring of 1843, became as Secretary of State. 180pp, 1800 s; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#710; $12.95 Bringers Of The Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara
Marciniak - Step forward as a member of the Family of Light; have the courage in
all the days you walk this planet to live that light and to share that light with
all you encounter. Compiled from 400+ hrs of channeling. The Pleiadians,
enlightened beings who ve come to help us discover a new stage of evolution, tell
how the original human was magnificent with twelve strands of DNA and twelve
chakra centers, and who our gods are.; 288pp, 1992; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #162; $14
.00 Bringing the War Home by William Thomas & Christopher Bird - From nighttime
missile attacks on American forces and frantic cries of gas, gas, gas! to the
dazed survivors of Baghdad bombing raids and the wreckageclogged Highway to Hell.
The Pentagon cover-up on Washington s complicity in supplying chemical &
biological weaponry to Iraq. Medical investigators searching for a mysterious
syndrome called Gulf War Illness. Successful treatments bring new hope to those
fflicted; 431pp, 2003; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #536; $19.95 British Edda: The Great Epic
Poem of the Ancient Britons on the Exploits of King Thor, Arthur or Adam by L.A.
Waddell - The inter-relationships of the many mythological, legendary and heroic
figures which from the antiquity were recorded by the Aryan people in their epic
sagas. L.A. Waddell was one of the foremost geniuses in research of the Aryan
race, the British races, the Phoenicians, and others. A master linguist in ancient
languages he provided a clearer understanding of the true ancient histories.
Controversial in his day among his colleagues, he remains a controversial enigma
to the �establishment�
historians of today. 414pp, 1929; 5.75x8.5 ; Hardcover; #90; $29.95

There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems
in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago. --
J. Robert Oppenheimer

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Brookhaven Connection by Wade Gordon & Peter Moon - Cloaked in secrecy, Brookhaven
National Laboratory is the premier nuclear research facility in the world. Located
on Long Island near the old Nazi compound at Yaphank, Brookhaven was selected for
clandestine research such as the Phoenix Project, Unified Field Theory & Time
Travel. Gordon, as a young boy was tutored by the head of the Phoenix Project and
introduced to Majestic-12..243pp, 2001; 5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #380; $19.95 The Cabinet
Secret By Stanislas Marie C sar Famin (1871) and The Perfumed Garden By Shaykh
Nefwazi, Translator: Sir Richard Burton (1886) (Two Books in One Volume) The
recollection of the past is the delight and the consolation of old age. In all
times the generation about to die out has declaimed against the morals of the
rising generation. This concordance of opinion having been transmitted from
century to century, it might be expected that as we go back towards the epoch of
the Creation we should, come to a golden age of virtue and purity. Softcvr; 490 +
pp; #16865; $17.95 Call Goes Out: Messages From The Earth s Cetaceans by Diane
Robbins - A series of messages channeled from cetaceans - whales and dolphins.
Spells out why they are here on Earth, how they work with ETs, and how we humans
are interfering with their mission. They make an impassioned plea to us. Readers
will have their eyes opened to the rich culture and family life of another
intelligent species on this planet.; 150pp, 1998; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #335; $12.95
Chemtrails: The Video by Clay Douglas, Narrator featuring interviews with Will
Thomas, Clifford Cornicorm, Len Horowitz, & Joyce Riley. Are you having more
colds, trouble breathing, allergies? There is 600% increase in asthma sufferers
over the last few years. A phenomenon taking place in the skies around the world
is being ignored by the mainstream media. Possible reasons for, & adverse
reactions to this massive program of spraying.; 2001; 2 hr., VHSNTSC Video; #260;
$24.95 Children of Mu, The by James Churchward Earthquakes destroyed Mu about
twelve thousand years ago, leaving only remnants of that great land such as Hawaii
and Tahiti. Churchward spent fifty years piecing together the story of the lost
civilization of Mu. This, his second book, tells of the colonial expansion of Mu
and the influence of the highly developed Mu culture on the rest of the world.;
267pp, 1988; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #191; $15.95 Children of the Law of One: & the
Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel - What if there were survivors of
Atlantis who remained isolated from the rest of the world? Could they be the
reason for stories & legends like Greek/Roman gods, Mt. Olympus, Shangri-la, and
more? The author spent 3 years in a secret monastery hidden deep in the Himalayas.
He recounts the source of legends, such as Shangri la . Their teachings, history,
and prophecy.; 382pp, 2000; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #382; $22.95 Children of the Matrix by
David Icke - We are born into a world controlled by unseen forces that have
plagued and manipulated humanity for thousands of years. You may look around and
think that what you see is real . But in truth you are living in an illusion �
designed to keep you in a mental, emotional, spiritual prison cell. Icke exposes
these forces, their methods of control and web of global manipulation,
orchestrated by hidden bloodlines, through which other-dimensional entities live
and operate unseen. The royal, political, and economic rulers of today are the
same as those who ruled as the kings and queens of ancient times. 459pp, 2000;
7x9.5 ; Softcvr; #152; $29.95 The Children of the Sun: A Study of the Egyptian
Settlement of the Pacific by W.J. Perry - A reprint of the rare 1923 book -- a
classic on the ancient Sun Kingdoms of Egypt and India and their voyages into
Indonesia and the Pacific circa 1500 BC--with 16 ancient maps! Perry traces the
origin of megalithic culture. Searching for gold, obsidian, and pearls, they
travelled across the Pacific to the American Southwest and Mexico. 360pp, 1923;
6x9; Softcvr; #743; $18.95 Chiropractic Made Simple: Working With The Controlling
Laws of Nature by Dr. John L. Reizer �This book sets out to explore the more
traditional subluxation-based approach to chiropractic care. Dr. Reizer, a
chiropractor for over 16 years and a faculty member at Sherman College of Straight
Chiropractic, writes about his observations and conclusions regarding America s
largest drugless healthcare profession.; 108pp, 2003; 5x8 ; Softcvr; #528; $15.95
Cholesterol Hoax, The: 101+ Lies by Sheldon Zerden -The diet-heart-cholesterol
dogma is a fiction. It has taken root in the American mind with the nourishment of
forces in the scientific world, fundraisers, government agencies, academia They
have placed profit above truth, and pride above integrity. Scientists know
reducing dietary cholesterol does not increase lifespan - people with the HIGHEST
cholesterol live the longest. - A diet for children endorsed by the Am. Heart Assn
would do serious harm to brain and mental development. etc.; 128pp, 1997; 5.5x8.5
; Softcvr; #237; $9.95 Christ Conspiracy, The: The Greatest Story Ever Told by S.
Acharya - Controversial, explosive, an enormous amount of startling evidence that
the religion of Christianity and Jesus Christ were created by members of various
secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire
under one state religion! Acharya S is an archeologist, historian, mythologist and
linguist. 256pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #153; $16.95 Christianity Unmasked by Dan Israel -
Explores the differences between what is taught from the pulpit versus the
teachings of Scripture. Examines the roots of Christianity and the cohesive
relationship between Church and State in contrast to Scripture. Excerpt: In an
earlier chapter, we identified the origin of the word Church as relating to the
pagan goddess Circe, whose task It was to enchant men and defile them. In this
chapter we wlll examine how that is accomplished and determine the allegiances of
the modern Church. 300pp, 1999; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #461; $22.00 Chronological
History of Money by Wickliffe B. Vennard, Sr. - Outlines the history of money back
to 800 B.C. Quick and useful reference guide. Excerpt: Today, the U.S. Rulers are
identified as Illuminati, Political Zionists, or International Bankers. The
Constitution does not provide for Advisers to Presidents, but the Hidden
Government provided three advisers, viz., Col. E. Mandell House, Bernard Baruch
and Sidney Weinberg. 60pp, 5.5x8.5 ;pp, Staplebound; #43; $4.95 Cities of the Deep
by David H. Lewis - The 7th book of the mysterious Lewis (early 80s}. Examines
hieroglyphics, Naval records, ancient manuscripts, and ship logs to propose
explanations for the Bermuda Triangle and disappearances. Softcvr: 187pp, 5.5x8.25
; #114a; 14.95 Comb-bound: 85pp, 8.5x11 ; #114; $17.95 Civilization Under Attack:
September 11, 2001 & Beyond Edited by Stephanie J. Clement, Ph.D. - An
astrological perspective. While the questions are many, the answers are few. *The
psychology of terrorism: how astrology can deepen our understanding *Putting
events on the world map: how astrologers predict world events *Astrological
analysis for key figures including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, and
Osama bin Laden *World Trade Center Attacks and the United States astrological
chart: how the chart for July 4, 1776 reflects recent events. 256pp; 2001; 6x9 ;
#750; $10.95 Cloak of the Illuminati: Secrets, Transformations Crossing the
Stargate. by William Henry - Thousands of years ago the stargate technology of the
gods was lost. Mayan Prophecy says it will return by 2012. This will bring the
birth of a new matrix and a new human. We are its elders. By 2012 a super human
will walk the earth. This figure will wear the Cloak of the Illuminati, a super
skin that combines four 21st century Power tools (genes, bits, neurons and atoms)
with an astounding supernatural power.; 214 p; 2003; 5.5x8.5 ; #622; $16.95 Coin s
Financial School by William H. Harvey - An indepth look at gold, silver and money.
Evaluate the merits of the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar
with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect
of the bullion basis. 252pp, 5.5x8 ; Softcvr; #46; $10.95

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. -- D.H. Lawrence

Case of Tyler Kent by John N. Snow - As the code clerk of the American Embassy in
London, Tyler Kent learned of startling secret messages between Churchill and
Roosevelt that led to America s entrance into World War II and why. He was
impelled to expose the conspiracy and was jailed as a result. An account of the
case and implications involved. 64pp, 1982; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #230; $5.95
Caverns, Cauldrons & Concealed Creatures - CD by Michael Mott - Examines the
striking similarities between folklore, religious, mythic, new age, fictional, and
first-hand witness or historical accounts of cryptid & reptilian figures. There s
a definite link between electromagnetism and some types of underworld beings and
the connections between ghosts, UFOs & electro-magnetism are well-documented. But
there are still even greater underlying truths behind these mysteries A
Masterpiece of full color graphics.; 2000; <>Softcvr; 260pp, 5x8 ; #111; 21.95
<>Comb-bound; 8.5x11 ; #111m; 27.95 <>CD; #111d; 17.95 <>SET: Softbound & CD,
#111s; $35.95 Chaos in America: Surviving the Depression by John L. King -
Incisive Brilliantly analyzes the inevitability and consequences of debt
liquidation that few economists understand. Gilbert Haas, Chairman, Gilbert Haas &
Co; Has America gone from riches to rags? When the economic credit system
contracts, as it is now, old rules and belief systems are forced to change. A
cold, hard look at the tens of billions of dollars of contingent liabilities that
might become due and payable. 261pp, 2002; 5.5x8 ; Softcvr; #405; $16.95

Prefer to order by phone? Call us at 903-876-3256. Office hours are 8:30-5:00 CST.

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876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Color Medicine: Secrets of Color/Vibrational Healing by Charles Klotsche - A new
dimension in holistic healing. A powerful technique for treating specific
imbalances and strengthening the immune system. Light energy is processed through
color filters and irradiated into the aura. By matching corresponding wavelengths
to the organs and systems of the body, it strengthens or sedates energy in the
distressed areas, creating a support system for the healing process. 114pp, 6x9 ;
Softcvr; #698; $10.95 The Coming Battle by M.W. Walbert - First published in 1899,
a history of the National Bank System of currency, including an account of the
first U.S. Bank. This book documents from Congressional records, newspaper reports
and writings by the founding fathers and others a chronology of events long
forgotten that shaped our fledgling nation from 1776 to 1899. Read about the
manipulation of our money and its supply, the intentional creation of recessions,
depressions and panics. The manipulation of the stock markets and demonetization
of silver. 368pp, 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #751; $16.95 Common Law, The By Oliver
Wendell Holmes, Jr The object of this book is to present a general view of the
Common Law. To accomplish the task, other tools are needed besides logic. It is
something to show that the consistency of a system requires a particular result,
but it is not all. The life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience.
The felt necessities of the time, the prevalent moral and political theories,
intuitions of public policy, avowed or unconscious, even the prejudices which
judges share with their fellow-men, have had a good deal more to do than the
syllogism in determining the rules by which men should be governed. Historical
Reprint - From 1881; Softcvr, 5x8, 329 pp; #16784; $15.95 Constipation: A New
Reading on the Subject by J. H. Tilden, M.D. - Too much stress cannot be placed on
the following truism: To those inclined to constipation, or the diathesis leading
to constipation, any depressing influence becomes a cause; hence, to be free from
man�s worst enemy means, in the first place, to have a rational health knowledge
to know that any enervating habit continually practiced leads to disease--and,
secondly, to have enough self-control to live the knowledge to be guided by it.
Softcvr; 180+ pp; #16844; $11.95 Complete Books of Charles Fort by Charles Fort
Features four complete works. All concern the bizarre phenomena unexplained by
traditional science: flying saucers, telekinesis, sudden showers of fish from the
sky, stigmata, poltergeists, and spontaneous combustion (to name a few).
Stimulating, bewildering, and intoxicating, this intellectual tour de force is a
must for lovers of science fiction as well as science facts.; 1126 p; 1975; 6x9
inches; $29.95 Conspirator s Hierarchy: Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman -
This former member of British M16 exposes the group ABOVE the laws of all
countries and controlling every aspect of politics, religion, commerce, industry,
banking, insurance, mining and even the DRUG TRADE to further WORLD DOMINATION.
Who they are, and what they ve planned for us. They ve been at war with the
American nation for over 50 yrs, and we, the people, are losing. Exactly how they
have us brainwashed.; 288pp, 1992; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #84; $16.95 Conspirators,
The: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider by Al Martin - WHAT IF a criminal cabal, a
de facto white-collar crime syndicate, took over the US Government and used its
systems and operations for its own profit? According to former gov t operative
whistleblower Al Martin, this is exactly what happened. Martin is the Man Who
Knows Too Much. A self-described fourth level player of Iran Contra, Martin has
first hand knowledge of the deals, high-level scams, frauds, and treasonous
activities of the US Shadow Government.; 374pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #280; $19.95
Constitution Explained by Harry Atwood - Few understand the U.S. Constitution.
Through faulty legislative enactments and devious court decisions, we irrevocably
depart from its spirit and provisions. This book will develop a better
understanding and stimulate a more affectionate regard for the sterling worth of
our beneficent heritage. It will inculcate a determination to guard against
dangerous departures from the wise plan of government provided by the
Constitution.; 232pp, 1927; 5x7 ; Hardcover; #14; $14.95 Constitutional History of
Secession By John Remington Graham - This comprehensive history traces the quest
for a peaceable and lawful revolution, from Britain�s Glorious Revolution to
Canada�s current situation, with a special emphasis on the constitutional
questions raised by the American Civil War. 6x9 hardback; 464 pp.; 10 illus. Notes
Index; #16875; $24.95 Controllers: The Hidden Rulers of Earth Identified by
Commander X - Exposed! *Secret Origins of Humankind, *Serpent Race, *Mind Control,
*UFO Power Elite. We are the property of an alien intelligence! Our planet is a
cosmic laboratory and we are but guinea pigs to those who have kept us prisoners
on Earth. Down through history, they have been known by different names: *Soulless
Ones, *Elders, *Dero, *Greys, *Illuminati, *Counterfeit Race.; 112pp, 1994; 8.5x11
; Softcvr; #464; $15.00 The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed One of the best
writings on the origins and evolution of Modern Zionism. From Bible writings to
Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati to Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White. The story
of the book itself --unusual circumstances in which it was written, and how the
manuscript, after being hidden for more than 20 years, came to light -- throws
light on a struggle of which the multitudes know nothing, relentlessly and
unceasing on the battleground for the human mind.. 1951; 594 pp., 6x9 ; Softcvr;
#77; $22.95 Cosmic Code by Zecharia Sitchin - Many thousands of years ago, a race
of extraordinary beings guided the evolution of life on earth, determining and
proof of their genius is in mysterious monoliths at Stonehenge, and a structure of
concentric stone circles in Israel s Golan Heights requiring sophisticated
astronomical knowledge. 340pp, 1998; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #244; $7.99 Cosmic Conspiracy:
Millennium Edition by Stan & Holly Deyo - An URGENT revelation concerning the
developing Alien/UFO situation. Flying saucer projects in England, America, Canada
and the USSR, weather warfare bans, a 4000-year history of the Illuminati ,
planetary alignments and solar energy variations, codes in Great Seal of America,
Biblical history & prophecies. 2 alien groups will be exposed, bad guys or lizards
& good guys. BOTH are deception. 256pp, 1998; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #432; $23.50 Cosmic
Forces of Mu - Vol 1 by James Churchward The fourth book in the famous MU series.
The sciences as they were taught in Mu. No matter, however infinitesimally small
or large, can make any change without the aid of a force. All forces known as
atomic forces are only secondary forces governed by some superior force which
moves the atoms and the atoms produce or convey another or secondary force. Over
60 plates and diagrams; 264pp, 2001; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #526; $17.95 Cosmic Forces
of Mu - Vol 2 by James Churchward the fifth book in the famous MU series. Traces
the birth of the Earth. The author writes: �I am now going to take you
back...millions upon millions of years before man first trod on the earth, and
aeons of time before history commenced to be written.� The Earth is only a tiny
twig on a big branch of an immense tree. Therefore she does not get her forces
direct from the Source. What she requires is portioned out to her...; 267pp, 1992;
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #527; $17.95 Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby - For ten years,
Jeremy Narby explored the Amazonian rain forests, the libraries of Europe, and
some of the world s most arcane scientific journals. Narby demonstrates that
indigenous and ancient peoples have known for millennia - and have even drawn -
the double helix structure, something Western science discovered only in 1953. He
also suggests that DNA and the life it codes for at the cellular level are minded.
; 257pp, 1999; 5.5x8 ; Softcvr; #310; $13.95 Cosmic Top Secret: America s Secret
UFO Program by William H. Hamilton, III - This retired Air Force Security Service
member who reported directly to the NSA, insists the reverse engineering of downed
alien craft has enabled technology hundreds of years beyond what the public knows
which even the President may not know about. An on going battle between various
ETs and the hall of horrors that can be found seven levels down at Area 5l where
humans are being grown in large tanks. 142pp, 1990; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #565; $39.95
Count Saint Germain: The Man Who Lives Forever by Arthur Crockett & Timothy
Beckley - He lived for more than 500 years! He learned the occult secrets of
alchemy & the formula that enables eternal youth. Toured in the fourteen hundreds
meeting with kings and queens and is said to have been at the signing of the
Constitution and into this century.; 128pp, 2002; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #475; $21.95
Courage to Be Who I Am by Mary MargarehtRose - Autobiography of a Sedona healer
and teacher; a life story about a shy little Jewish girl from California who
surprised herself by discovering her great healing gifts. Meet the Arcturians and
the Greys; meet The Golden Man and other beings both on the planet and in other
dimensions, who help Mary-Margareht in the healing room. 2002, 192pp, 5.5 x 8.5,
Softbound, #192, $20.95 Creature From Jekell Island: A Second Look At Federal
Reserve by Edward Griffin - The secrets of the international monetary system.
Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians
secrets are unveiled. A close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their
pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money.; 624pp,
1998; 6.5x9.5 ; Softcvr;
#400; $19.95 Cross-Examination by Malcolm Ross - A landmark Freedom of Expression
case. It progressed from the Court of Queen s Bench all the way to the Supreme
Court of Canada. It is presently under investigation by the Human Rights Committee
of the United Nations at Geneva, Switzerland. Are we indeed free? ; 272pp, 6x9 ;
Softcvr; #545; $24.95

Power of mind is infinite while brawn is limited. -- Koichi Tohei

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs - The basis of the Oliver
Stone blockbuster film J.F.K. . The big daddy of the conspiracy books on the JFK
assassination, and one that can t be taken lightly. A sheer tour de force that may
be the final word until 2039 when government files on the case can be unlocked.
Kirkus Reviews.; 620pp, 1990; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #171; $15.95 Culpeper s Complete
Herbal (Abridged/Unabridged) - Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) - These books were
extremely controversial and played a major role in the ultimate schism that
developed between formal medicine and the practice of herbalism. Part of the blame
for this lies in the fact that Culpeper was a believer in astrology, which led him
to write that the planets governed both diseases and the plants used to treat
them. But the controversy Culpeper provoked can also be attributed partly to the
self interest and narrow minded dogmatism of the era�s medical establishment.
Written in 1635; 5x8 inches - 600+ pp; Abridged $27.95; Unabridged $35.95 Cult of
the All-Seeing Eye by Keith Spenser - The symbols on our money and the Great Seal
of the United States. Also the UN and the Temple of Understanding. Masonic Symbols
in a $1 Bill: 13 Each: *leaves in olive branches, *bars and stripes in shield,
*feathers in tail, *arrows, *letters in E Pluribus Unum on ribbon, *stars in green
crest, *granite stones in Pyramid w/ Masonic All seeing eye completing it,
*letters in Annuit Coeptis, God has prospered ; 32 long feathers representing 32
degree in Masonry; 5.5x8.5 ; 64pp, Stapled; #49; $4.95 Cure is in the Cupboard,
The: Oregano for Better Health by Cass Ingram, M.D. -Oregano can help you regain
your health and then keep you healthy. This is what saved Dr. Ingram s life. Learn
how to use oregano and its essential oil for fighting infection and eliminating
pain. Combat skin disorders, injuries, wounds, and dental problems. Particularly
valuable for fungal infections. A medicine chest in a bottle. 170pp, 1996; 5.5x8.5
; Softcvr; #462; $19.95 Dare To Prepare by Holly Deyo - 2nd Edition! - Those who
choose to prepare have acknowledged, on some level, that things are changing all
around us rapidly. Sometimes it feels like it�s more than we can deal with. We get
overwhelmed thinking can I do this? Disasters don�t go away simply because we want
them to. In order to plan ahead, people must face this reality. THAT1S daring to
prepare. 8.5x11; 544 pp; #16896; $39.95 Davidian Massacre, The by Carol Moore � In
this startling expose, Carol Moore uncovers indisputable new evidence of the
government s flawed investigation of the obscure Davidian community. She also
reveals little known information on the government s refusal to consult local law
enforcement officials, their brutal paramilitary assault that killed six Davidians
on February 28, their harsh handling of the protracted siege, their ruthless gas
and tank attack that killed 76 Davidians on April 19, and their systematic cover-
up of the entire escapade. Paperback, 487 pp + 20 pp of graphics and photographs;
#16907; $8.95 David H. Lewis 7-Book Special by David H. Lewis -Set of Seven -
Softbound, 5x8 , Set; #7a; 89.95 <>Combbound, 8.5 x 11, Set, $99.95 Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown - In an exhilarating blend of relentless adventure, scholarly
intrigue, and cutting wit, symbologist Robert Langdon (first introduced in Dan
Brown s bestselling Angels & Demons) is the most original character to appear in
years. THE DA VINCI CODE heralds the arrival of a new breed of lightening-paced,
intelligent thriller, surprising at every twist, absorbing at every turn, and in
the end, unpredictable. right up to its astonishing conclusion. 2003, 464pp,
Hardcvr, 6.5x9.5", $24.95. Days Before Tomorrow by David H. Lewis -Although dated
in perspective (1979), a brief history of our past, and prophecies for the future.
Evidence that the decline of free world governments, collapse of the international
economy, depression years beginning in 1980, population enslavement, the fall of
the Apostate Religion and tthe holocaust years.; <>Softcvr; 316 pp, 5x8 ; #5a;
16.95 <>Comb-bound, 8.5x11 ; #5; $19.95 Dead Sea Scrolls Deception by Michael
Baigent & Richard Leigh - How a small coterie of orthodox biblical scholars gained
control over the Scrolls, allowing access to no outsiders and issuing a strict
consensus interpretation. With the help of independent scholars, historical
research, and careful analysis of available texts, reveals what was at stake.
Startling insights into early Christianity - insights that challenge the Church s
version of the facts. ; 268 pp, 1993; 6x9.5 ; Softcvr; #568; $14.00 Death in the
Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz - Latest
developments in population control & eugenics. Genetically engineered viruses and
bacteria, combined with exposures to chemicals, toxic metals, and electromagnetic
agents, a Star Wars like arsenal for global genocide auspiciously called public
health, national security, & freedom. ; 537 pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Hardcover; #348;
$29.95 Deeper Insights: Into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco
Wheeler - First time readers to this subject are encouraged to read The Illuminati
Formula Used to Create An Undetectable Total MindControlled Slave before
attempting to read this book. Part 1. How the control comes about by Fritz
Springmeier Part 2: How help comes about by Cisco Wheeler - Continuing with the
EXCELLENT expose of this subject, the depth and breadth of information in this
book is astounding; 616 pp, 8.5x11 ; Comb-bound; #220; $79.00 Deists Reply to the
Alleged Supernatural Evidences of Christianity by Lysaander Spooner Presented To
The Clergy Generally In Boston. Essay I.: The Deist�s Immortality ; Essay II.:
Man�s Accountability for His Belief; Essay III. Deist�s Reply to the Alleged
Supernatural Evidences of Christianity, Deists are led to believe in a future
existence... without it, our present one would seem to be without aim, end or
purpose. (1836) 181pp, 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #755; $11.95. Delicate Earth History
Science Planet X by Mark Hazelwood - Since writing Blindsided the discerning eye
brought forth about what to include in this work has become somewhat seasoned.
Delicate Earth is the resulting historical chronicle of how the subject has
progressed. Creating this book could be compared with producing a movie. The
researchers, authors, insider disclosures, interviewers, and scientists are the
stars of the book.. 217pp, 7x10 ; Comb-bound; #697; $15.95 Descent Into Slavery by
Des Griffin - Documented and detailed story of the International Bankers and their
involvement in the Illuminati plot to create a totalitarian One World Government.
In American scholarship, one figure towers above all the others: Des Griffin.
Reading Descent into Slavery - I quickly became fascinated not only by Mr. Griffin
s results but by the method of research by which he reached these results....
Professor Robert O Driscoll, University of Toronto; 324 pp, 5.5x8 ; Softcvr; #57;
$14.95 Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton
- Enter the Heart of the Spirit World. In Destiny of Souls, 67 people just like
you recall their life between lives through Dr. Newton s personal work in
spiritual hypnotherapy. Based on his groundbreaking research into the afterlife,
explore the meaning behind your own spiritual memories as you read the stories of
people in deep hypnosis. 2000, 408 pp, Softbound, 6x9, $14.95. Digest of the
Divine Law by Howard B. Rand L.L.B. Written by an attorney in 1943... From the
internal evidence in the Scriptures, the laws which govern jurisprudence, monetary
regulations, true standards of wealth, taxation, interest, debt and all aspects of
the moral and economic life of the individual, family and nation.; 248 pp, 5x8 ;
Hardcover; #15; $15.95 Dine: Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians, The By Aileen
O�Bryan - Sandoval, Hastin Tlo�tsi hee (Old Man Buffalo Grass), was the first of
the four chiefs of the Navaho People. I had known him for years. In late November
1928, he came to the Mesa Verde National Park, where I was then living, for the
purpose of having me record all that he knew about his people. You look at me," he
said, "and you see only an ugly old man, but within I am filled with great beauty.
I sit as on a mountaintop and I look into the future. I see my people and your
people living together. In time to come my people will have forgotten their early
way of life unless they learn it from white men�s books. So you must write down
all that I will tell you; and you must have it made into a book that coming
generations may know this truth." Softcvr; 394 pp; #16812; $14.95 Diplomacy By
Deception: An Account of the Treasonous Conduct by the Governments of Britain and
the United States by Dr. John Coleman Treasonous conduct by the British and
American governments: The hidden agendas of the UN, the Gulf War, Panama,
Yugoslavia, and Israel; also how the Rockefellers literally bought the leftovers
of the Nazi SS and created Interpol. Will forever alter your perception of the two
leading governments in Western civilization. 266 pp, 1994; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #85;
$16.95 Distribution of Wealth And The Sources of Taxation by Richard Jones (1831)
- The word Wealth presents itself to different minds with such variety of meaning,
that it will be best to begin by fixing on some conventional limit to the sense in
which the term shall be used. The definition of Mr. Malthus is, of the many which
have been proposed, perhaps the least objectionable and the most convenient.
Wealth, according to him, consists of those material objects which are necessary,
useful, or agreeable to mankind. 170 pp; Softbound; 5x8; #16789; $16.95 Divine
Encounters: Guide to Visions, Angels, and Other Emissaries by Zecharia Sitchin -
The Ultimate Human Experience.
The interaction between mankind and spiritual beings recorded in scriptures and
ancient texts, involving worship and devotion, eternity & mortality, love & sex,
jealousy & murder. Stating that prophetic dreams, visions, and UFO encounters are
related to spiritual intervention, theoretical study examines unusual and
supernatural occurrences throughout history.; 400 pp, 1996; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #182;

You carry heaven and hell with you. -- Sri Ramana Maharshi

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Divine Origin of the Craft of the Herbalist By E. A. Wallis Budge (1927) - This
remarkable book traces the history of herbs far back into antiquity, and shows
that the gods themselves were believed to be the original healers, not only by
revealing the knowledge of their healing properties to mankind but by creating the
sustaining herbs out of their own bodies. Combbound, 8.5x11, 96 pp; #16735; $10.95
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor s Revolutionary Research Into the Biology of
Near-Death and Mystical Experiences by Dr. Rick Strassman - A riveting inquiry
into the nature of the human mind by a clinical psychiatrist exploring the effects
of DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known, a natural drug used by
Amazonian Indians. DMT, a plant-derived chemical found in the psychedelic Amazon
brew, ayahuasca, is also manufactured by the human brain. A unique explanation for
alien abduction experiences.; 384 pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #409; $16.95 Doorway to
Hell: Disaster in Somalia by Craig Roberts & Ed Wheeler - The mission was to feed
the hungry, cure the sick, and bring peace to a country in anarchy. No formal
government or organized infrastructure existed in this fourth world country
governed by war lords and their armed bands of gunmen. Unfortunately, what should
have been a victory for the United Nations deteriorated into a humiliating defeat
of massive proportions.; 269 pp, 2002; 6x9 ; Hardcover; #548; $24.95 Dove the Rose
and the Sceptre: In Search of the Ark of the Covenant, The By Maree Moore - Is
there really an �Invisible Hand� guiding Earth�s Destiny? Who was responsible for
the codes in the Bible? What happened to the �Lost Tribes of Israel�? What does
the Bible foretell about the Sceptre of the Royal House of Judah, the �Overturns�,
the Stone of Destiny, and the future discovery of the Ark of the Covenant? Was a
particular prophecy of Nostradamus informing us of its location? Softcvr; 540+ pp;
9x6; #16853; $29.95 Dragons and Dragon Lore By Ernest Ingersoll - This rare and
fascinating book is filled with incredible information about he oldest
mythological story in the world -- that of the dragon. Similar stories exist
worldwide, in all cultures, of this elusive and powerful creature. The author
states that the dragon is connected with the powers and doings of the earliest
gods, and like them is vague, changeable and contradictory in its attributes,
maintaining from first to last only one definable characteristic -association with
and control of water. Softcvr; 202 pp; #16821; $17.95 Dragons of Eden:
Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence by Carl Sagan, Pulitzer
Prizewinning author - His vivid insight into the brain of man and beast, origins
of human intelligence, function of our most haunting legends amazing links to
recent discoveries. In some lost Eden where dragons ruled, the foundations of our
intelligence were laid... Carl Sagan takes us on a guided tour of that lost
land... Fascinating... Entertaining... Masterful. - St. Louis Post-Dispatch;
Illustrations and photos; 288 pp, 1986; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #174; $6.99 Dude, Where s
My Country? by Michael Moore - Moore is on a mission: Regime Change. The man who
slithered into the White House on tracks greased by his daddy s oil buddies is one
of many targets in this blistering follow-up to Stupid White Men, the
biggestselling nonfiction book of the year. Now no one is safe: corporate barons
who have bilked millions out of their employees savings, legislators who have
stripped away our civil liberties in the name of homeland security. ; 249 p; 2003;
6.25x9 ; $24.95 Dynamic Thought or the Law of Vibrant Energy By William Walker
Atkinson - This book is a marriage of the Ancient Occult Teachings to the latest
and most advanced conception of Modern Science. Partial Contents: Things as They
Are; The Universality of Life and Mind; Life and Mind Among the Atoms; The Paradox
of Science; Forces of Nature; Law of Attraction; Theory of Dynamic Thought; Law of
Vibrant Energy; Riddle of the Sphinx; Mystery of Mind; Finer Forces of the Mind;
Thought in Action. 1906 Combbound, 8.5x11, 232 pp; #16727; $19.00 Earth Mastery
666: Age of the Son by Karen Gross-Foster - The year 2000 officially ushered in A
Thousand Years of Turmoil which will rage furiously upon the planet and her
inhabitants over the next millennium. The recent tsunami which killed people from
all over the planet who were assembled to reap their collective destiny was but a
taste of the extreme weather events in store which will through catastrophic
nature forces alter our planet into her new composition. A new day is coming and
the masses are unprepared. Earth is firmly in the clutches of a dark vampiric
force which feeds upon the oblivious masses who in turn feed upon the secretions
and bodies of animals and other humans to satiate their lowly appetites. Softcvr,
5x8, 360+ pp; #16931; $14.95 Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library by
Barbara Marciniak - Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is
your duty and responsibility as humans to imagine and visualize a safe world. It
will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it. Pleiadians
call on us to restore and return value to the human being, and to recognize the
Goddess energies and power of blood as connections to our DNA and heritage; 288pp,
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #163; $14.00 Economic Pinch by Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. �
Congr. Lindbergh (father of aviator) pioneered in the investigation of the money
trusts and in exposing the inherent evils of Federal Reserve Banks. In this rare
reprint of his last published book, he outlines the plan for saving America from
the clutches of the money interests.; 249 pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #41; $7.95 Edgar
Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life by Kevin J Todeschi - The Book of
Life or the akashic records is the storehouse of all information for every soul
who has ever lived on earth. This major work provides examples of how we can tap
into our records our past lives, our present experiences, and our unfolding
futures and create that destiny. 1998,210 pages, softcvr, 5.5x8, $14.95 Edgar
Cayce: Story of Jesus - Edited by Jeffrey Furst In addition to his labors on
behalf of the physically afflicted, the world-renowned psychic, Edgar Cayce, gave
a series of 2,500 clairvoyant readings on spiritual matters, with reincarnation as
their central theme. This extraordinary book brings together the story of Jesus,
as found scattered through these readings, making these available for the first
time. Challenging and thought-provoking contribution of America s sleeping
prophet. 1987, 416 pages, Softbound, 4x7, $7.99 The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The
Papyrus of Ani - E.A. Wallis Budge - Unquestionably one of the most influential
books in all history. Embodying a ritual to be performed for the dead, with
detailed instructions for the behavior of the disembodied spirit in the Land of
the Gods, it served as the most important repository of religious authority for
some three thousand years. Chapters were carved on the pyramids of the ancient 5th
Dynasty, texts were written in papyrus, and selections were painted on mummy cases
well into the Christian Era. 1967, 377pp, Softbound, 7x9.5 , $12.95 Egyptian
Civilization: Its Sumerian Origin by L.A. Waddell - With regard to ancient Egypt,
two basic questions have puzzled researchers. Namely, the question of origin of
the Egyptian Civilization, and the question of the dates of its Kings and
Dynasties. The discovery was made that a great deal in the ancient Indian Epica
and Vedas regarding the early Aryans, hitherto considered fabulous is historic.
Scholarly, well researched. 227 pp, 1988; 5.75x9 ; Softcvr; #39; $15.95 Egyptian
Secrets - This strange book goes in and out of print with nearly every generation.
While appearing to be a book of long forgotten secrets and magic by its title, it
is really a catalog of old remedies used for ailments throughout the centuries. It
is not known how old the writing is or how old the remedies included are. It is
even disputed that Albertus Magnus (aka Saint Albert the Great) of the 13th
century is truly the author. This version is from an old book printed in the
United States under the title Egyptian Secrets. Softcvr, 5 x 8, 200+ pp; #16904;
$12.99 Eight Years� Wanderings in Ceylon (1845 - 1853) By Samuel White Baker -
Eight Years� wanderings in Ceylon have created a love for this beautiful island
which can only be equaled by my affection for Old England from which the
independence of a wild life, combined with an infatuation for rambling into every
unvisited nook and corner, sentenced me to a term of voluntary exile. Softcvr;
300+ pp; $12.95 Embracing the Rainbow: Handbook For The New Paradigm Vol. 2 by
Benevolent Energies - Isness is the focus to be sought by each individual
awareness. As each expands within the process of selfidentification, so does the
ability to allow the flow of Isness to move through their experience. The
vibratory rate of the planet and its humanity is low enough that this ability is
currently virtually inaccessible. 142 pp, 1999; 4.5x7 ; Softcvr; #562; $6.95
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola Nature, Accident or Intentional? by Dr. Leonard G.
Horowitz - Bizarre and horrifying facts about the biological weapons race of the
1960s and 1970s. Researchers developed countless immune ravaging viruses, and
experimented with antidote vaccines allegedly for defense and cancer prevention.
592 pp, 1996; 6.5x9.25 ; Hardcover; #239; $29.95 Emperor Wears No Clothes: The
Hemp Marijuana Conspiracy (The Original Hemp Bible) by Jack Herer - The best
selling Hemp book of all time, over 650,000 copies in print! Excerpt: You could
even be jailed in America for not growing cannabis during several periods of
shortage, e.g., in Virginia between 1763 and 1767. 11th edition with special Sept.
2000 epilogue,
290pp, completely updated, expanded and redesigned.; 330 pp, 1998; 8.5x11 ;
Softcvr; #541; $24.95 Empire of the City by E.C. Knuth -The colossal political and
financial organization centered in London, known as The city, operates as a super-
government of the world; no incident has occurred anywhere without its
participation in some form. Its pretentions are supported in the U.S. by the
secret International Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes One World
ideology which was launched about 1897. 105 pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #88; $10.95

What we call "I" is just a swinging door which moves when we inhale and exhale. --
Shunryu Suzuki

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon
- For millennia the seven stars of the Pleiades have twinkled, daring Mankind to
discover their secrets. Nichols was taken to the Pleiades and given a superb
scientific education. New concepts such as: the creation of alternate realities
through the use of twisters and spinners; mind control aspects of the Star Wars
defense system; implants; alien abductions and much more.; 242 pp, 1996; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #126; $19.95 Encounters with Qi: Exploring Chinese Medicine by David
Eisenberg, M.D., with Thomas Lee Wright - A sympathetic, yet objective appraisal
of the concept of Qi (chee), the vital energy which is the unifying principle of
Chinese medicine. Captivating, detailed encounters with physicians and patients,
mystics and the martial artists. "The most honest account of China�s medicine to
appear in a long time." - Ted Kaptchuk, author of "The Web That Has No Weaver".
1995, 260 p, Softcvr, 5.5x8.25, $13.95 Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla
Emery - For 20 years people have relied on these hundreds of recipes,
instructions, and morsels of invaluable practical advice on all aspects of growing
and preparing food. This definitive classic on food, gardening, and self-
sufficient living is a complete resource for living off the land with over 800
pages of collected wisdom. how to cultivate a garden, buy land, bake bread, raise
farm animals, make sausage, milk a goat, grow herbs, churn butter, catch a pig,
make soap, work with bees and more.; 864 pp, 2003; 8.25x10.75 ; Softcvr; #402;
$27.95 Enduring Laws of the Republic of Texas by C.W. Raines (1898) - see Sketch
of the Development of the Judicial System of Texas Energy Grid by Bruce Cathie,
Ph.D. - Gypsies reading the ley lines that crisscross England; Taoist priests
interpreting feng shui charts; Midwestern rainmakers dowsing the parched fields of
the American prairie what do they all have in common? A grid of energies runs
through the Earth according to specific geometric and mathematical principles.
Cathie developed extensive details regarding this grid, including usage by
classified gov t projects. 263 pp, 1997; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #233; $15.95 Energy
Medicine by Donna Eden & David Feinstein World-renowned healer Donna Eden is able
to literally see the body�s energy keypoints and meridians. She tells readers how
they, too, can visualize these energy systems, determine the causes of physical
and psychological problems based on the state of these energies, and devise highly
effective treatments to remedy specific ailments and injuries. This is the only
interactive guide that shows how you can work with energy to strengthen the
immune, circulatory, lymphatic, and respiratory systems; alleviate pain, emotional
stress, and depression; and improve memory and learning skills.. 2003, 378pp,
Softbound, 6x9.25 , $16.95 Energy Vampires: A Practical Guide for Psychic
SelfProtection by Dorothy Harbour -Our lives are a constant exchange of energy.
More often than not we are like molecules, randomly reacting and responding to
external energy forces that we are not aware of. One such force is the energy
vampire: individuals who take excessive amounts of energy without giving anything
in return, leaving us drained and ineffectual. A practical guide for how to
protect yourself, your business, and the people you care about from those who prey
on and consume the energy of others. 192 pp, 2002; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #597; $14.95
Enoch, The Books of by R. H. Charles, Translator & Laurence - Two complete
translations of Enoch 1 as well as one of Enoch 2: Secrets of Enoch Although among
the most banned, cursed, and hidden early books of the Biblical writings by the
church . The New Testament quotes these books over 100 times - but lost them for a
thousand years. Fragments were also found in the caves at Qumran and the Bible
mentions this book in more than one place. Once in the Book of Jude.; 310 pp, 5x8
; Softcvr; #12; $14.95 Enuma Elish : The Seven Tablets of Creation By L. W. King -
This is one of the oldest stories known to mankind, first written down by the
ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. It is receiving renewed interest from
modern researchers exploring the origins of mankind, the earth, and the solar
system. Softcvr; 429 pp; #16819; $38.95 Estrogen Alternative: Natural Hormone
Therapy with Botanical Progesterone - by Raquel Martin & Judi Gerstrung, D.C. -
Up-to-date info on how botanical progesterone therapy can provide safe, natural
relief for many of the problems women face from hormone deficiency, including PMS,
menstrual irregularity, miscarriages, uterine fibroids, infertility, depression,
and fibromyalgia. It is also effective in relieving hot flashes, insomnia, night
sweats, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms of menopause.; 274 pp, 2000; 6x9 ;
Softcvr; #593; $14.95 Etidorpha: Strange History of a Mysterious Being and an
Incredible Journey by John Uri Lloyd - This is a most fascinating work -
fictional, alchemical, of Freemasonry. Join this student and his Adept Guide on an
alchemical journey to the End of the Earth. One of the greatest classics on the
Hollow Earth.; Softcvr; #410; $24.95 Exploring Inner and Outer Space: A Scientist
s Perspective on Personal and Planetary Transformation - by Brian O Leary, An
autobiography of an astronaut who eventually found the knowledge and wisdom of
inner space even more rewarding and exciting than the explorations and phenomena
of outer space. It is also an appeal for a more open and extended inquiry into
some of the remaining mysteries of outer space, including indications of past and
present non-human intelligences, and also into the eternal mystery of the mind
within. It is timely and inspiring. $14.95 The F Zone: The Tax Revolt Has Begun by
Michael Hansel (video) - A dramatic story of a businessman who despite his
innocence, is financially ruined by the IRS. They levy his bank accounts and seize
his assets forcing him out of business. Dennis accepts help from a tax attorney,
but without adequate funds he must resort to her off record advice. She impart the
knowledge necessary to understand an injustice to the populace, change can occur
via the will of the people. An interesting and tumultuous climax. This is the
movie that was pulled from theaters within a few days of opening. 101min, 1998; 1
VHS video; #454; $29.95 Facts are Facts by Benjamin Freedman -This Jewish author
exposes the fraud that modern Jewry is descended from the biblical Judeans or
Hebrews, shows the origin is the Mongol Khazars who converted to Judaism. A
facsimile reproduction of the letter addressed to Dr. David Goldstein, LL.D. of
Boston, MA by its author Benjamin H. Freedman of New York City - dated October 10,
1954.; 5.5x8.5 ; 80pp, Staplebound; #93; $6.95 Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries by
W. Y. Evans-Wentz Reports of elfin creatures in Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and
Brittany. Firsthand testimony from living sources, recorded traditions of Celtic
literature and mythology, an examination of a variety of theories and religious
aspects - remarkably rational case for the reality of fairy life. Unabridged
republication of the classic 1911 edition. 544 p, Softcvr, 5.25x8.58", $18.95
Family of Light: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living by Barbara Marciniak - The
Pleiadians are back from the future to give us a broader perspective on the absurd
times we live in. The crucial test for us will be to shift from linear thinking to
a multidimensional perspective & expand our understanding of the frequency of love
the gateway to freeing ourselves.; 272pp, 1998; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #360; $15.00
Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla by David Hatcher Childress - Tesla planned to
transmit Free Energy through atmosphere, advanced concepts for AntiGravity, flying
disks, time travel, thought machines, ozone generators, electric submarines, more.
Supreme Court documents on his Wardenclyffe Tower. 351pp, 1993; 6x9 ; Softcvr;
#315; $16.95 Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric
Schlosser - To a degree Schlosser, a National Magazine Award-winning journalist,
charts the fast food industry s enormous impact on our health, landscape, economy,
politics and culture as he transforms the way America thinks about what it eats.
400pp, 2002; 5.25x8 ; Softcvr; #538; $13.95 Fed Up by Thomas D. Schauf CPT - THE
FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. The FED began with approximately 300
people, or banks, that became. They make up an international banking cartel of
wealth beyond comparison. The FED creates money from nothing, and loans it back to
us charging usury on our currency. The FED also buys government debt and charges
U.S. taxpayers usury. The ownership of the 12 Central Banks, a very well kept
secret, has been revealed.; 8.5x11 ; 14pp, Staplebound; #101; $1.75 Federal
Reserve: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Gary Allen - author of None Dare Call
It Conspiracy and The Rockefeller Files is the story in a nutshell of how the
Federal Reserve stole the wealth of the people of the United States. Gary Allen is
a graduate of Stanford U.; 5.5x8.5 ; 17pp, Staplebound; #323; $2.50 The Federal
Reserve Conspiracy by Antony Sutton - details hour by hour the events that led up
to passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - and the many decades of work and
secret planning that private bankers had invested to obtain their money monopoly.
5.5x8.5 ; 115pp, Softbound; #631; $11.00 Ferrar Fenton Bible by Ferrar Fenton,
Translator Translated directly from the original Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek
languages. Fenton was extremely careful to maintain the spirit and sense of the
original text. An edition of the Bible that is of inestimable value to sincere
students. From original plates. A rare translation and very hard to locate, going
in and out of print.; 1910; <>Hardcover; 1266pp, #104; 29.95
<>Leatherette; 1266pp, #105; $39.95

A human life is like a single letter in the alphabet. It can be meaningless. Or it

can be part of a great meaning.
-- Jewish Theological Seminary of America

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart -
Science has recently begun to prove what ancient myth and religion have always
espoused: There may be such a thing as a life force. Lynne McTaggart,
indefatigable investigative journalist, reveals a radical new biological paradigm
-that on our most fundamental level, the human mind and body are not distinct and
separate from their environment but a packet of pulsating power constantly
interacting with this vast energy sea. 268pp; 2003; 5x8; Softcvr, #771 $12.95
Finding Lost Atlantis Inside the Hollow Earth By Brinsley Le Poer Trench -
Originally published as Secret of the Ages in 1974. This is a rare reprint. There
at the center of the Earth, the Atlanteans still live in peace and tranquility
away from the war-like elements of the surface dwellers. Here are tales of polar
openings, hidden civilizations, strange underground bases, Admiral Byrds�
TopSecret discoveries at the North and South poles, the central sun, the Shaver
Mystery, and much more. Softcvr; 175 pp; 5x8; #16910; $21.95 Fingerprints Of The
Gods: The Evidence of Earth s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock - From the
mysterious sites of Tiahuanaco and Teotihuacan, to the enduring enigmatic Sphinx
and pyramids of Egypt, the grandiose Nazca lines of Peru to the stark primal
beauty of the Osireion at Abydos, this is a journey both around the globe and into
the heart of the true prehistoric origins of man. This book will force you to
revaluate your beliefs of the past.; 592pp, 1996; 5x8 ; Softcvr; #263; $16.95
Flatland: A romance of many dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott - With Illustrations by
the Author, A SQUARE (Edwin A. Abbott 1838-1926) - After more than a century,
Edwin Abbott s Flatland is still the best introduction to the method of analogy
used by virtually all mathematicians and physicists when describing the fourth
dimension.; 160pp, 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #421; $8.95 Forbidden Archaeology: The
Hidden History of the Human Race by Richard L. Thompson & Michael Cremo -
Suppressed, ignored, forgotten pieces of evidence, long hidden artifacts and
skeletal remains show that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of
years ago. The facts contradict the scientific establishment s dominant views of
human origins and antiquity. A challenge to rethink human origins and accepted
methods of science itself. The abridged version is The Hidden History of the Human
Race.; 960pp, 1994; 6.5x9.3 ; Softcvr; #247; $44.95 Forgery in Christianity: A
Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion by Joseph Wheless -
Fables and Mythology of the Bible and the Fallacies of Theology. Contents include:
Genesis of Christianity; Hebrew Scriptures; Patriarchs and Covenants of Yahveh;
Wonders of the Exodus; Ten Commandments and the Law; Hebrew-Heathen Religion, Sex
Worship and Idols; Pagan God And Gods Of Israel; Yahveh, Terrible God of Israel;
Holy Priests and Prophets of Yahveh; Prophecies of Jesus Christ; Inspired Harmony
of the Gospels; Sacred Doctrines of Christianity; Christian Plan of Salvation;
Revelations of the Hereafter. circa 1920; 460pp, 8.5x11 ; Combbound; #215; $33.00
Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President by J.H.
Hatfield - Since 2000, The most talked-about Bush biography. Two editions have
been successfully suppressed. On July 17, 2001, Hatfield took an overdose of
pills, ending his own life after what Mark Crispin Miller describes as ruination
at the hands of the Bush machine and a compliant corporate press. Key information
to not only the making of our current president, but also the machinery of
American politics.; 383 p; 2002; 6x9 inches; $16.50 Fourth Reich of the Rich: The
Missing Dimension in World Affairs by Des Griffin - Proof that international
communism is not a creation of the masses to overthrow the banking establishment
but rather a creation of the banking cabal to overthrow the masses. That
civilization is presently faced with its greatest crisis of the Ages is beyond
question. But why? These effects didn t just happen - they were caused. Something
brought them into existence and sustains them. 290pp, 1992; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#48; $14.95 Fragments of a Faith Forgotten: Some Short Sketches among the Gnostics
Mainly of the First Two Centuries by G.R.S. Mead, M.A. - A Contribution to the
Study of Christian Origins, 1900. An attempt to bring together all the existing
sources of information of the earliest Christian Philosophers. Combbound; 8.5x11;
632 pp; #16329; $36.00 Free-Energy Device Handbook: A Compilation of Patents &
Reports by David Hatcher Childress - A large-format compilation of various
patents, papers, descriptions and diagrams concerning free-energy devices and
systems. Magnetic motors and other over-unity devices. Cold fusion, N machines,
superconductors, Nikola Tesla, space-energy generators, Newman s Free-Energy
Motor, T. Townsend Brown, and more. Photos, diagrams, patents.; 292pp, 1995; 7x10
; Softcvr; #342; $16.95 Freedom Road by David Icke - David Icke begins in the
ancient world and ends with the transformation of Planet Earth in the countdown to
2012. Mysteries galore are unveiled - an incredible wealth of information across
countless subjects and shows how they seamlessly connect. ; 1999; 6 hr., 3 VHS-
NTSC Video Set; #35; $ 59.95 OR 3-DVD set, #35d; 59.95 From Prison to Paradise by
David Icke - Six hrs of incredible info before a sell out audience of 1200 in
Vancouver; BC, Canada. The presentation the Illuminati tried to stop - interviews
were cancelled immigration officials questioned his right to speak pressure was
applied on the venue to cancel and pies were even thrown by a rent-a-mob who
ludicrously and outrageously sought to dub him a racist. David was particularly
high energy and quick witted.; 2001; 6 hrs, 3 VHSNTSC Video Set or DVD; #112;
$59.95 Gem Stones in the Breastplate by E. Raymond Capt - The Breastplate worn by
the High Priest of Israel. Each gem is engraved with the name of a tribe of
Israel. These names are found written upon twelve gates of pearl (New Jerusalem)
in Revelation.; 48pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #290; $4.50 The Genesis Race: Our
Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species by Will Hart Earth was
visited by an ET race who bioengineered modern man in its image. They taught man
to construct the pyramids and left messages coded in them concerning impending
Earth changes at the end of the Mayan calendar The dominant architectural design
in Egypt, Sumeria, Peru, Mexico, and China was the pyramid. Humanity s development
has finally reached the point where the secret messages of these structures can be
de-coded.; 264 pp; 2003; 6x9 inches; $18.00 Genesis Revisited: Modern Science
Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge? by Zecharia Sitchin Space travel... Genetic
engineering.. These ultramodern advances were known to our forefathers millions of
yesterdays ago...as early as 3,000 B.C ! Sitchin reexamines the teachings of the
ancients in the light of mankind s latest scientific discoveries neverbefore-
revealed facts that challenge long-held, conventional beliefs about our planet and
our species.; 343pp, 1990; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #208; $7.99 Genius Frequency: An Owner s
Manual For The Cosmic Mind by John J. Falone - Genius is not the result of
environmental accidents or genetic mutations, or bestowed to a chosen few. Genius
is a Frequency of mind and body that permeates all space and matter. Like any
frequency, it can be tuned into, and utilized by the proper methods. The methods
and practical exercises.; 414pp, 2002; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #232; $19.50 Germany and
the Jews by Nesta Webster - A rare article republished by the famous historical
researcher Nesta H. Webster (Julian Sterne). An insightful look into the
relationships prior to World War 2, during the Great Depression. 8 pages
stapebound, 5.5x8.5, $2.75 Giza Death Star: The Paleophysics of the Great Pyramid
and the Military Complex at Giza by Joseph P. Farrell, Ph.D - Evidence of the use
of weapons of mass destruction in ancient times is one of the secrets of the Great
Pyramid of Giza. The chapters of this revelatory book include: � An Archaeology of
Mass Destruction � Thoth and Theories � The Machine Hypothesis � Pythagoras,
Plato, Planck, and the Pyramid � The Weapon Hypothesis � Encoded Harmonics of the
Planck Units in the Great Pyramid � High Frequency Direct Current Impulse
Technology and more; 294 pp; 2001; 5.5x8.5 inches; $16.95 Giza Genesis - The Best
Kept Secrets Book 1 By Howard Middleton-Jones and James M. Wilkie - Who actually
built the Pyramids of the Giza Palteau, andwhy? Is there really a Hall of Records
under the Giza Plateau? Are themythological figures of ancient Egypt - Osiris,
Isis, Aubis, Horus, andothers, actually the same characters represented in the Old
Testament? Two world-recognized experts on Ancient Egyptian Civilization and
Sites,bring forth some of the most startling revelations ever imparted in the
history of humankind. 2002, 6x9, Softcvr, 248 pp, $19.99 Giza Genesis � The Sphinx
Revealed Book 2 By Howard Middleton-Jones and James M Wilkie - As Earth approaches
the "end time", December 21, 2012, does the ancient blueprint of the Egyptian
Pyramids and Sphinx map a sacred message for humanity? Evidence that the Giza
plateau reveals a marker identifying the origins of its architects, provides a map
of the electro magnetic grids around our planet and beyond. December 21st 2012,
all three known grids will converge and cross, thus bringing earth into a central
alignment where Zero time will be realized. "We concluded there were three levels
of work, the third level of which is the revealing of man�s genetic code." 2003,
6x9 , Softcover, 302pp, #178a, $21.99 Giza Hall of Records � Disclosure DVD - In
this unique presentation, Howard Middleton-Jones and James M. Wilkie demonstrate
with unique graphics and
illustrations, how they unravelled the code to understand the location to the
entry point of the Hall of Records in Egypt. The DVD includes amazing testable
astronomical evidence, leaving the viewer with some equally incredible related
findings discovered while working on the layout of the Giza necropolis. 2003,
#178c, $19.95 Giza Genesis Set (Vol 1, Vol 2, DVD) Save on All Three - $52.55
Glimpses of Life Beyond Death By Tony Bushby There are few words more riveting,
even awe inspiring, than �life beyond death,� for they imply, excitingly, that the
dead live on to exist in some form of afterlife. Those words have mystery,
romance, and colour, and according to the historic evidence, millions of people
have glimpsed that afterlife in an astounding phenomenon called the Near-Death
Experience. Softcvr, 150+ pp; 8x 5 inches; $16.99

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Global Sciences Conference CD: February 2001 Real Video & Audio Files 9 Hrs Video
- 4 Hrs Audio Jon Rappaport:; Clifford Carnicom; Ted Gunderson; Derrel Sims; Eve
Lorgen, Stephen Lewis; Scott Thomas: Walter & Sheri Kaplanski:; Dr. John Zitco;
Joe Blakenship; Arizona Wilder; Brian Desborough, Susan Kingsley Rowe, Larry
Solarz, Barbara Nicholson, Wingmakers and more � CD MAC & PC; 2001; 1 CD ; CD;
#302; $29.95 Glory of the Stars by E. Raymond Capt - Psalm 19: 1-4 The Heavens
declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day unto day
uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge... How then can the stars
be made to speak, in a language everyone can understand? 144pp, 1976; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #294; $8.00 The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas: Meditations on the Mystical
Teachings by Tau Malachi - Of all the "lost" gospels of the early Christian Bible,
the Gospel of St. Thomas is the most well known. According to Tau Malachi, each
verse of this Holy Scripture is like an "endless well of Wisdom." Both intuitive
and interactive, the gnostic approach to faith is a sacred quest for greater
knowledge, understanding, and wisdom-a deeper penetration of the Mystery. This
path leads to a higher degree of the enlightenment experience or gnosis. Explores
the secrets of resurrection and ascension, the true role of St. Mary Magdalene in
the early church, and other mystical and magical teachings.. 2004, 365pp, 6x9 ;
Softbound; #740; $17.95 The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our
Future by Gregg Braden - What would it mean to discover an ancient language --a
literal message-hidden within the DNA of life itself? Linking Biblical alphabets
to the genetic code deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies, the "Language
of Life" may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. Learn how
the message in your DNA becomes the foundation to resolve conflict; offers a
method, and a reason to believe that peace is possible with families and between
nations. 2003, 289pp, 6x9 ; Softbound; #695; $24.95 God Games: What do you do
forever? by Neil Freer What to do after you get genetically enlightened. By
genetic enlightenment I mean what it s like once you have broken the godspell, the
effect of the ancient, subservient master-slave attitude that is the deepest dye
in the fabrics of both Eastern and Western culture, the result of having been
created as slave-animals by the Annunaki/ Nefilim, the transcultural gods (From
the tenth planet, Nibiru, in our solar system) known to the ancient
civilizations.; 312pp, 1999; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #579; $19.95 God Idea of the Ancients
or Sex in Religion by Eliza Burt Gamble - Nowhere is the influence of sex more
plainly manifested than in the formulation of religious conceptions and creeds.
This rather scholarly study examines all aspects of the influences on the various
gods and goddesses of the ages. 142pp, 8.5x11 ; Comb-bound; #30; $19.95 Gods Of
Eden, The by William Bramley - 7 years of intensive research, the sinister thread
that links humanity s dark events - from wars of the ancient pharaohs to the JFK
assassination. This remarkable, shocking and absolutely compelling work presents
disturbing evidence of ET visitors who conspire to dominate Humankind through
violence & chaos since the beginning of time. They Came Millions Of Years Ago To
Spread The Poison Of Hatred, War And Catastrophe... They Are With Us Still...
512pp, 1993; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #177; $6.99 Gold For Survival by Antony Sutton -
Remember, in the 50 s, when anyone could work, start a business or farm your land
with no hassles, kids went to school safely and learned? The technological
apparatus for New World Order is in place. The U.S. Government now can track
millions of Obviously it s getting ready for total control. It s come down to
Survival. 190pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #134; $12.95 Gold vs. Paper by Antony Sutton -
A Cartoon History of Inflation and the Money Power. Irreverent and at times
insulting. We have no apologies. We believe the time has come to pin back the ears
of the politicians, the bankers and their allies who are wrecking the lives of
decent citizens with their misguided monetary schemes. We believe gold to be the
future of the U.S.; 169pp, 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #132; $15.95 Gospel of Buddha By
Frank Carus - This booklet needs no preface for those who are familiar with the
sacred books of Buddhism, which have been made accessible to the Western world by
the indefatigable zeal and industry of scholars. To those not familiar with the
subject it may be stated that the bulk of its contents is derived from the old
Buddhist canon. Many passages, and indeed the most important ones, are literally
copied in translations from the original texts. Softcvr; 373 pp; #16813; $13.95
Government By Deception: Psychopolitics in Southern Africa by Jan Lamprecht -
African independence in the last forty years has not brought the many hoped-for
improvements in the lives of black people. South Africa is regarded as the super
power of Africa and the only nation on the continent to have attained First World
status. The political developments in South Africa and Zimbabwe might decide the
fate of Africa as a whole.; 312pp, 2001; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #399; $17.95 Grand
Orient Freemasonry Unmasked by George F. Dillon D.D.Msgr - Originally The War of
Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization - a lecture at Edinburgh in
1884. Atheism; its extension through Voltaire; use of Freemasonry and secret
societies; union and illuminism by Adam Weishaupt; under Nubius, Palmerston and
Mazzini; control over revolutionary organizations; oaths, signs, and passwords of
the three degrees; 173pp, 1950; 6.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #50; $12.95 Great Pyramid
Decoded by E. Raymond Capt In Egypt are over 80 pyramids, built over 1000 years,
between the 27th and 18th centuries B.C., decoded after 4500 yrs reveals geometric
construction scientific features astronomical designs and pre-dates recorded
knowledge by thousands of years. 96pp, 1978; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #289; $7.00 Great
Pyramid Proof of God by George Riffert - For those who wish to know what the Great
Pyramid contains but who are without the time, training or scientific turn of mind
to grasp the technical data in highly specialized books. One of the world s great
wonders God s Bible in Stone pertaining to events past, present and future as they
impinge upon the destiny of the Building Race. 226pp, 1932; 5.5x8.5 ; Hardcvr;
#17; $14.95 The Great Secret: Life s Meaning as Revealed through Ancient, Hidden
Traditions By Maurice Maeterlinck - The essential text for those seeking the
hidden origin of religion and the meaning of life itself. The author explored the
world�s hidden mysteries for many years until stumbling upon a startling insight.
This spiritual insight from long ago is revealed early in the book. He then
follows it with a complete history of what arose on that foundation how the secret
was carried to other ancient cultures around the world, then up into modern times.
Softcvr; 267 pp; $22.95 Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon Of The Conspiracy by Jerry
Smith - Funded by the Senate for seeing deep into the earth to find and target
enemy underground nuclear, chemical and biological research and launch facilities,
The Navy intends to irradiate the northern half of the planet with extremely low
frequency radiation at exactly the same frequency of the human brain. It can alter
the ionosphere, jam worldwide communications and manipulate weather.; 248pp, 1998;
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #243; $14.95 Handbook For the New Paradigm by Benevolent
Energies - The messages contained in this handbook are intended to lift mankind
from the entrapment of the victim consciousness that keeps the level of human
experience ensnared in fear and frustration. Humanity was intended to live in
abundance. This information, as well in the several subsequent volumes will lead
all that read it with an open mind to the discovery of the truth of who and what
they truly are. The end of the search for these answers is provided at last in
clarity and conciseness.; 192pp, 2001; 4.5x7 ; Softcvr; #561; $6.95 Harmonic
Conquest of Space by Bruce Cathie, Ph.D. Mathematics of the World Grid, Harmonics
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Harmonic Transmission and Receiving, Link Between Human
Brain Waves, Ionosphere and Gravity, Edgar Cayce: Harmonics of the Subconscious,
Harmonics of the Moon, Pyramids of Mars. Tables showing harmonic relations between
Earth s magnetic field, speed of light & acceleration.; 248pp, 1998; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #361; $16.95 Healer s Handbook: A Journey Into Hyperspace by Stewart
Swerdlow & Peter Moon - Secrets of creation through the principles of DNA, the
biological interface between spirit and matter. DNA is comprised of four proteins
corresponding to universal archetypal symbols. Change the symbols and change the
DNA and physical condition. Healing techniques, exercises to unlock DNA. Dream and
Hyperspace Dictionaries.; 148pp, 1999; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #130; $22.00 Healing
Codes For The Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz - Half the
population is in mortal danger. Codes, underlying creation and destruction � are
hidden in the King James Bible. Musical and electromagnetic frequencies. Latest
biological and electromagnetic weapons. Prions are like silicone biochips and may
be frequency receivers and transmitters to enslave, sicken & control populations.;
517pp, 1999; 6x9 ; Hardcover; #349; $26.95 Heart Frauds: Uncovering The Biggest
Health Scam In History by Charles T. McGee, M.D. - If your doctor recommends
getting an angiogram, coronary bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty, or taking
cholesterollowering drugs your best course may be to run out the door. Hundreds of
thousands of people each year are deceived in undergoing expensive treatments that
do no good and may even do a great deal of harm.
Given a choice of risky $20,000 surgery or simply taking a daily vitamin which
one would you choose? 190pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #451; $16.00

Gaining enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon doesn�t
get wet; the water isn�t broken. Although its light is broad and great, the moon
is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. -- Dogen Zenji

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt: The Secret Lineage of the Patriarch Joseph by Ahmed
Osman - A startling new theory that brings to life the biblical world of Joseph
and places it firmly in the lead-up to Ancient Egypt s most controversial period
of history. - Andrew Collins. .. single-handedly moves the goal post of biblical
scholarship. He successfully narrows the search for the historical Hebrew
patriarchs by giving us a novel and persuasive case for a secret lineage of the
patriarch Joseph. This is a must read for all alternative history buffs and
scholars alike. - Rand Flem-Ath. 166pp, 1987; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #703; $16.00 Hidden
Government by Col. J. Scott Creagh - A look at the Hidden Hand guided by the
Protocols & its effects concerning Zionism, antiSemitism, Palestine, money and
exports, the Press, Communism and Christianity. The contention of this book is
that the amazing things bewildering and shattering the world today, are not
haphazard or the result of coincidence, but are the outcome of a Master Plan of
human, or, as some may think, inhuman, agency.. 77pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #307;
$4.95 Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo & Richard L. Thompson -
See: Forbidden Archeology explanation. Evolutionary prejudices have acted as a
knowledge filter and the filtering, intentional or not, has left us with a
radically incomplete set of facts for building our ideas about human origins.
Deploying an unexpectedly great number of convincing facts, deeply illuminated
with critical analysis, the authors challenge us to rethink our understanding of
human origins. 352pp, 1999; 6.5x9 ; Softcvr; #248; $15.95 Hidden Messages in Water
by Masaru Emoto - Using high-speed photography, crystals formed in frozen water
reveal changes when thoughts are directed toward it. Music, visual images, words
written on paper, and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure.
Water from clear springs and water exposed to loving words shows brilliant,
complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while polluted water and water exposed
to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.
Emoto believes that since people are 70 percent water, and the Earth is 70 percent
water, we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing love and
goodwill.; 192pp, 2004; 4x7.5 ; Softcvr; #729; $16.95 Hidden Power Behind
Freemasonry by Lt. Col. Gordon Jack Mohr - This book is written from a Christian
perspective, but is an good resource on Freemasonry, nonetheless. ; 192pp, 2000;
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #69; $10.95 Highlights of Templar History By William Moseley
Brown - Includes the Knights Templar Constitution. The Knights Templar is a secret
society that has existed for many centuries. Few books have been written about
them from an insider s point of view. Softcvr; 127 pp; $13.95 Hiram Key, The:
Pharaohs, Freemasonry and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus by
Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas - When the authors, both Masons, set out to find
the origins of Freemasonry they had no idea that they would find themselves
unraveling the true story of Jesus and the original Jerusalem Church. As a
radically new picture of Jesus started to emerge, the authors came to the
startling conclusion that the key rituals of modern Freemasonry were practiced by
the early followers of Jesus as a means of initiation into their community. 400
pp, 2001; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #580; $18.95 Histories of Herodotus by Herodotus -
Written circa 500 B.C., the History of Herodotus is one of the most quoted tomes
in the study of ancient history. Learn the history of the Ancient worlds of
Atlantis, Troy, Egypt, Greece, Lydia, and many, many others. Over 2,300 names of
persons and places Indexed!! For the first time ever, now you can easily reference
the wisdom in The History of Herodotus.; 500 BC; 2 vol, 350+pp, 8.5x11 ; Comb-
bound; #31; $29.95 History and Power of Mind By Richard Ingalese The book may not
appeal to the orthodox religionist nor to the materialist; but may prove
interesting, if not enlightening, to the agnostic and to the investigator of
either psychic phenomena, or the phenomena of mental therapeutics. Softcvr; 5x8;
270+ pp; #16900; $13.95 History of Baalbek By Michel M. Alouf - The fame of the
ruins at Baalbek in Lebanon once drew many tourists. The Romans eventually built
magnificent temples over a massive multi-level platform considered to be one of
the only prediluvial sites that survived the flood. Here we find the amazing
1,000-plus ton stones as part of the original temple platform. The largest cranes
in the world would have difficulty lifting, let alone moving, these massive
limestone blocks. These stones and other aspects of this important site are
described in this handy reference guide. Softcvr; 160 pp; #16792; $15.95 The
History of the Common Law of England by by Matthew Hale - Concerning the
Distribution of the Law of England into Common Law, and Statute Law. And First,
concerning the Statute Law, or Acts of Parliament. For although all the Laws of
this Kingdom have some Monuments or Memorials thereof in Writing, yet all of them
have not their Original in Writing; for some of those Laws have obtain�d their
Force by immemorial Usage or Custom, and such Laws are properly call�d Leges non
Scriptae, or unwritten Laws or Customs.1713; 192pp, 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #757;
$13.95 History of Money Crimes or: Barbara Villiers by Alexander Del Mar - The
right to coin money and regulate its value was the exclusive prerogative of the
State. Early historical examples when this special privilege of government was
usurped. THE insidious crime of secretly or surreptitiously altering the monetary
laws of a State than which no more dastardly or fatal blow can be dealt at its
liberties is not a new one.; 160pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #44; $7.95 Hitler Files on
the Americas - From the 40 s - The Planned Takeover as obtained through U.S.
espionage and translated by Clark Foreman & Joan Raushenbush. Discovered in an old
Texas library, in 1995. All errors have been left in. The copy was typewritten
manuscripts on odd sized paper. Several pages from the front were missing, There
was no copyright, date, or publisher listed.; 40 s; 126pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #32;
$9.95 Hitler s Secret Backers by Sidney Warburg - deposited in the British Museum.
One of the most extraordinary historical documents of the 20th century. Cited by
von Papen, published in 1933 in Holland, after only a few days it was purged. One
of the three surviving copies found its way to England, translated into English
and It was suppressed again in 1982. All the errors in spelling, punctuation,
etc., are untouched . All emphasis was also in the original copy.; 186pp, 1933;
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #137; $6.95 Holes In Heaven?: Haarp And Advanced In Tesla
Technology by Martin Sheen - HAARP (High Frequency Active Aural Research Program)
is a radio transmitter, or ionospheric heater, operated by the Navy/Air Force &
Phillips Labs in Alaska. The military plans to focus a billion-watt pulsed radio
beam into the upper atmosphere. Some claim this could blow 30mile holes in the
upper atmosphere & disrupt of magnetic energies of Earth & ourselves.; 1998; 60
min. 1 VHS-NTSC Video tape or DVD; #450; $19.95 Hollow Earth Trilogy: Three Great
Classics on the Hollow Earth - The Hollow Earth by Dr. R. W. Bernard, The Smoky
God by Willis George Emerson & At the Earth s Core by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Once
again you can read from the Diaries of Admiral Byrd or the Story of Olaf Jansen or
the recounting of experiences of David Innes. � Bernard s book is excellent.;
1999; <>Comb-bound; 8.5x11 ; #26; $27.95 <>Softcvr; 380pp, 5.25x8.25 ; #26a;
$19.95 Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds - Could the
Planets Mercury, Venus and Earth Possibly be Hollow? by Jan Lamprecht Scientists
say all planets are solid. Could science be mistaken? This book is an in-depth
review of many papers from science journals of the highest repute. It contains
interviews with many top scientists in fields as diverse as seismology and
astronomy. Some religions maintain, to this day, that a vast Underworld exists
inside the Earth. The results of this study will send your mind reeling. Do we
live in a Solar System composed of Hollow Planets?; 596pp, 1999; 6x9 ; Softcvr;
#25; $29.95 Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish
Suffering - by Norman G. Finkelstein �The author contends that America s Jewish
leaders exploited the Holocaust. Disturbing and powerful. In a devastating new
postscript to this best-selling book, Norman G. Finkelstein documents the
Holocaust industry s scandalous cover-up of the blackmail of Swiss banks, and in a
new appendix demolishes an influential apologia for the Holocaust industry.;
160pp, 2001; 5x7.5 ; Softcvr; #258s; $13.00 Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
Today nearly everyone is familiar with holograms. Now, two of the world s most
eminent thinkers � U. of London physicists David Bohm, a former protege of
Einstein s, & Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram believe that the universe
itself may be a giant hologram, created, at least in part, by the human mind. This
would explain many puzzles of physics, as well as telepathy, out-ofbody and near
death experiences, lucid dreams, and even mystical experiences. 338pp, 1991; 5.5x8
; Softcvr; #539; $14.00 The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human
Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives by Stanislav Grof & Hal Zina Bennett -
A TURNING POINT IN PSYCHOLOGY AND HUMAN HISTORY. The psychiatrist whom many regard
as one of the most brilliant thinkers in psychology today takes readers on a
captivating expedition into the wonders of the human mind. Hailed as "the
successor to Jung and Freud", Stanislav Grof presents his revolutionary unified
model of human consciousness that explains our behavior, evolution, personality,
and the mind-body connection. 1993, 256 pp, softbound, 6x9", $16.00

Isn�t this the seduction of all wars? Turn on testosterone-addled teenage boys
with made-for-the-movies uniforms, place the god-like power of life-taking weapons
in their unwise hands, and point them toward an "enemy" they�d probably be happy
sharing a beer with if met in other circumstances -- William Thomas in Bringing
the War Home

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh - Is the traditional,
view of Christ incomplete? Is it possible that Christ did not die on the cross?
that Jesus was married, a father, and that his bloodline still exists? Parchments
found in the South of France a century ago reveal the very heart of the mystery of
the Holy Grail? Extraordinary provocative, meticulously researched, The link
between mysticism, occultism and the Freemasons & how they are cooperating for
years, to produce the New World Order and its man, Antichrist.; 476pp, 1983; 4x7 ;
Softcvr; #179; $7.95 How to Attain Success Through the Strength of Vibration by L.
Dow Balliett - A System of Numbers as taught by Pythagoras, Principles of
Vibration, The Trinity, What Your Name Means, Business, Choosing a Husband or
Wife, Pythagoras� Law of Opposites, Your Colors, Trees, Fruits, Guardian Angels,
Saints, the Strongest and Weakest Part of your Body, Gems You should Possess, Your
Birds, Composers Whose Music Has a Message for You, Symbols, etc. 1913, 112 p, 8.5
x 11", comb-bound, $14.00 How to Heal with Color by Ted Andrews - Now, color
therapy is placed within the grasp of the average individual. Anyone can learn to
facilitate and accelerate the healing process on all levels with the simple color
therapies. Color serves as a vibrational remedy that interacts with the human
energy system to stabilize physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions.
mass market, illus., bibl.; 224pp, 1992; 4.25x6.75 ; Softcvr; #509; $4.99 How to
Put the Subconscious Mind to Work by David V. Bush - The Fundamentals of Practical
Psychology - Partial Contents include: Unfriendly suggestion, Cure all, Organic &
functional diseases, Constructive suggestion, Autosuggestion, Seminegative
suggestion, Repetition, Healing children, How to give treatments, After healing,
Breathing, Keeping fit, Eating & mind, Rest, Work, service, hobby, Mental
indolence. 1924, 462 p, 8.5 x 11", comb-bound, $26.00 How to Turn Your Desires and
Ideals into Realities by Brown Landone, Desire, Ideals and Reality, The Spirit of
Matter, Desire Ideals and the Process of Becoming Realities, Idealizing Things,
Idealizing Means and Methods, Property Values Depend Upon Ideals and Idealization,
Making Desires of Positions and advancement Come true, The Healing of Incurable
Cases, Changing Character and Attaining Spiritual Consciousness. 1922, 160 p, 8.5
x 11", comb-bound, $15.00 I am me, I am free by David Icke - With humor and
powerful insight, Icke exposes the mental and emotional prisons which billions of
people build around themselves. How shallow and ridiculous are the fears, guilt s,
resentments and limitations which blight the lives of humankind, and he offers the
key to mental and emotional liberation.; 208pp, 1996; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #22;
$21.95 I Know All About You by Dr. Louis Turi - The Universal Mind and know all
you need to know about a friend, a lover, a family member and even your own self.
Following this simple technique will allow you to read a person almost immediately
and to a great extent with uncanny accuracy. Keep in mind that Nostradamus� rare
method of Divine Astrology or Astropsychology is used in this original method. Dr.
Turi�s style is unique and does not reflect the modern approach of mundane
astrology..; 232pp, 2004; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #724; $25.00 I Rode With Tupper by
Patrick Shannan - The IRS s persecution of this author, pianist, songwriter, and
passive resistor, F. Tupper Saussy. One talk show host, I would have to read fifty
books to get the information provided here. An emotional elevator trip. Little
known facts on the founding of our nation.; 228pp, 1992; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #340;
$10.95 If the Gods Had Meant Us to Vote, They Would Have Given Us Candidates by
Jim Hightower Takes on America�s money-soaked, corporatedriven, issue-avoiding,
made-for-television, snoozer of a political process and articulates the issues and
solutions that should be front and center in our nation. Leading the way with his
hilariously irreverent yet profoundly serious book is our name-naming, podium-
pounding, point-them-in-the-right-direction populist, Hightower himself. He whacks
conventional wisdom right upside the head. 354pp, 6.75x10 ; Hardbound; #721;
$25.00 $ 9.95 Illuminati Formula Used To Create: An Undetectable Total Mind
Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler - This book is dedicated to
the two million Americans and counting who have been programmed with Monarch-type
trauma-based mind control. Written to destroy trauma-based mind control before it
destroys the human race. It s time for this horrendous secret to end.... How
trauma-based mindcontrol is carried out. Ancient and more recent secrets will no
longer be secrets. SUPERB REFERENCE BOOK ; 468pp, 8.5x11 ; Comb-bound; #219;
$69.00 Illuminazi-911 Video: A Challenge For The Truth by Anthony J. Hilder - Who
s Really Behind the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center? Osama bin Laden or
Osama bin Bush? Who would benefit by uniting the world against the Arab nations?
Certainly not Islam. Israel? Or was it America s Illuminazi Elite? There s been a
greater assault on our Bill of Rights in the past 90 days than in the past 200
years. Who ll call for a police state? national ID cards to give us security? It
won t be Bin Laden. Are we watching the Naziazation of our true nation?; 90 min,
2001; 1 VHS ; VHS-NTSC Video; #414; $24.88 Illustrations Of Masonry, Freemasonry
Exposed by Capt. William Morgan - published after the author was kidnapped and
murdered by Freemasons from the town of Batavia, NY on Sept. 11, 1826 for reasons
concerning the contents of this book. 110pp, 1827; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #51; $7.95
Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed by Russell S. Bowen - This is
perhaps the most shocking book written this century about treason committed by the
highest leaders within the U.S. Government. This disturbing and thought provoking
expose, shows the truth about the drug running activities of the secret government
. You will learn about the unsavory past of George Bush and his family, and well
as the unscrupulous activities in which he has been involved.; 210pp, 2001;
5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #180; $12.95 Immortal, The by J.J. Dewey - Is John, the
author of the Apocalypse, the Apostle, the Beloved, still walking the earth as a
teacher of mysteries? One man s encounter will make a believer out of you. If you
enjoy books like the Celestine Prophecy, Conversations with God, Seth, Alice
Bailey, Bible mysteries, A Course in Miracles (ACIM), metaphysics or esoteric
philosophy, this is a must-read.; (This is Books 1 & 2 together, Book 3 is Lost
Keys to the Buddha.) 365pp, 1998; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #24; $19.95 Incredible Cities
of the Inner Earth by David H. Lewis Since the discovery of the openings at our
North and South Poles by the late Admiral Byrd, expeditions have been triggered
throughout the world to find more, in search for the cities of Utopia buried far
beneath Earth s exterior. This book is based on an expedition which began in mid
April of 1979 that took these explorers on a journey into the many tunnel
passages... eventually leading to the very outskirts of an active inner citiy.;
<>Softcvr; 5x8 ; #4a; $16.95 <> Comb-bound; 151pp, 8.5x11 ; #4; $19.95 Incredible
Technologies of the New World Order: UFOs - Tesla - Area 51 by Commander X - Is
There a Joint Alien-Military Plot to Control Humankind? Startling evidence of a
top-secret war against the people of Earth, time travel, beam weapons,
interdimensional manipulation. An insiders glimpse into the true capabilities of
the NWO and other conspiracies that will make you incredibly numb.; 160pp, 1997;
7x10 ; Softcvr; #386; $15.00 Indaba My Children: African Folk Tales by Vusamazulu
Credo Mutwa -As a young man, Mutwa, a Zulu from the South African province of
Natal, following in the footsteps of his grandfather, became a tribal historian.
In this book, he sets these legends down in writing. He begins with the creation
myth, when Ninavanhu-Ma, the Great Mother, created the human race. From there, an
intricate and vivid cultural tapestry populated by gods and mortals, cattle
herders and supreme kings, witch doctors, lovers, grave diggers, warriors, and
handmaidens. 720pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #708; $18.00 Indictment by Dorothy Stuart-
Russell -The title stands to remind us that historical facts are invariably
misrepresented in order to suit those in a position of power. Suppressed facts
regarding the Russian Revolution through the changes which took place under
Gorbachev. The role of the Jews in the 19th and 20th century European
revolutionary movements as well as the suppression of information in reference to
the Holocaust. 300pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #81; $8.95 Indigo Celebration: More
Message, Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children by Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
- So, what do you do with thousands of letters from parents and others about their
Indigo experiences? Well . . . you write another book! We wanted to celebrate
these kids how they think, how they act, and what they re bringing to our lives.
Indigo children are part of the positive transformation of the new millennium.;
224pp, 2001; 5.25x8.38 ; Softcvr; #473; $13.95 Indigo Children: The New Kids Have
Arrived by Lee Carroll & Jan Tober - A must for parents! Learn what it means to
have an Indigo Child and how to achieve balance in the minds of these precious new
lives. Are they smarter? System busters ? Why are they committing suicide and
killing each other? Why are so many of our best being diagnosed with ADD? In this
enlightening new book, readers get the answers to these questions, as well as
practical advice on parenting.; 249pp, 1999; 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #472; $13.95
Indo Sumeriean Seals Deciphered: Discovering Sumerians of Indus Valley as
Phoenicians, Barats, Goths & Famous Vedic Aryans - by L.A.
Waddell - A striking example of the invaluable practical use of these Indian Epic
king-lists in recovering the true and original form of the names and titles of
Sumerian kings is furnished by its preservation of the kings names of the First
Dynasty of the Phoenicians, which founded the Indus Valley colony and some of
whose seals are figured.; 170pp, 1925; 5.5x8 ; Hardcover; #91; $12.95

The Heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe. - Joanna Macy

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Infinite Love Is the Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion by David Icke - Why
the world is a virtual reality game that only exists because we believe it does.
Fantastic? Sure it is. But David Icke s information, presented in a way that
everyone can understand, is a life-changing exposure of both the illusion we
believe to be real and the way this illusion is generated and manipulated to
imprison us in a false reality. Icke explains how we live in a holographic
internet in that our brains are connected to a central computer that feeds us the
same collective reality that we decode from waveforms and electrical signals into
the holographic 3D world that we all think we see. 80 illustrations including
nearly 30 colour originals by Neil Hague; Softcvr, 6 x 9, 217 pp; #16933; $16.99
An Inquiry Into The Currency Principle by Thomas Tooke, Esq. F.R.S - The
Connection of the Currency with Prices, and the Expediency of a Separation of
Issue From Banking. Most writers of authority on Currency, held that the purposes
of mixed circulation of coin and paper were answered, as long as the coin was
perfect, and the paper constantly convertible into coin; that the only evils to be
guarded against, were the suspension of payment and insolvency of banks, a large
proportion of which blend promissory notes with their other business (the banking
principle), and is that upon which our system of currency is constructed and
conducted. But a new canon of currency has of late been promulgated by person of
no mean authority. 1844, 200pp, 5.25x8.25", Softcvr, $13.95 Inside the Shadow
Government: National Emergencies and the Cult of Secrecy by Harry Helms - The
Washington Post reported that a parallel "shadow government" was activated in
response to the September 11th attacks. This is an in-depth exploration of these
plans; for arrest - without probable cause or warrant of citizens by presidential
order and control of all media outlets. The rise of "executive orders," that let a
president bypass Congress. Photos, illustrations, maps, charts and appendices -
the complete text of gov t and military documents outlining plans for implementing
the shadow government in future emergencies. 2003, 240pp, 5.5x8.5", Softcover,
$12.95 Inventions, Researches And Writings Of Tesla by Thomas C. Martin & Nikola
Tesla - Published originally for The Electrical Engineer, this volume covers ten
years of Tesla s lectures, misc. articles, discussions and inventions through the
year 1894. Tesla was born in Croatia in 1856, emigrated to the U.S. in 1884. A
pioneer - in the field of high tension electricity, Tesla made many discoveries
and inventions of lasting value to the development of radio transmission and
electricity, one of the most famous of which was the power system at Niagra Falls.
He died in 1943.; 496pp, 6x9 ; Hardcover; #96; $19.95 Invisibility & Levitation: A
How To Guide To Personal Performance by Commander X - Former military operative
says the intelligence community has been able to perfect invisibility and the use
of Stealth technology. Such techniques were actually derived from psychic
abilities that are a part of psychic occult and religious lore. Cases of human
levitation aren t that rare. Members of various Secret Societies have long been
practicing both invisibility and levitation as a matter of daily routine. The
power of levitaiton is dormant in us all and needs but the proper catalyst to set
into motion. Examples and how-to s in a scientific framework.; 140pp, 1998; 7x10 ;
Softcvr; #388; $15.00 Iridiagnosis And Other Diagnostic Methods by Henry Lindlahr,
M.D. - Iridology is as yet a new science, and much remains to be discovered and to
be better explained. Many times we do not find a sign in the iris for the lesion
or diseased condition which we know to exist in the body. Softcvr; 400+ pp;
Illustrated; #16845; $19.95 Iron Curtain Over America by Col. John Beaty - The
history of the Khazar Empire and their war against the West since earliest times.
This book caused American Jewry to declare war against the author, a member of
Military Intelligence. Chapters: Teutonic Knights & Germany; Russia & the Khazars;
Khazars Join the Democratic Party; The Unnecessary War ; The Black Hood of
Censorship; The Foreign Policy of the Truman Administration; Does the National
Democratic Party Want War?; Cleaning the Augean Stables; American Can Still Be
Free; 280pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #73; $12.95 Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for
You: A Factual Guide to Medical Uses of Marijuana by Bill Zimmerman, Ph.D. Nancy
Crumpacker, M.D. and Rick Bayer, M.D. - Unbiased info about the medical uses of
marijuana. A practical guide for patients and caregivers interested in using
marijuana for cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, migraine,
arthritis, spinal cord injury, asthma, and many other disorders. Thousands of
patients, who might benefit from using marijuana, are unable to obtain this
information from their own doctors. 1998. 208pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #765; $12.95 The
Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy by Gregg Braden -
This dazzling, new interpretation of the key prophecy from the Dead Sea Scrolls
maintains that the tale of apocalypse and then peace is in fact giving humankind a
choice through the lost art of "active prayer". Seventeen hundred years ago, key
elements of our ancient heritage were lost, relegated to the esoteric traditions
of mystery schools and sacred orders. Among the most empowering of the forgotten
elements are references to a science with the power to bring everlasting healing
to our bodies and initiate an unprecedented era of peace and cooperation between
governments and nations. Braden turns to the Isaiah Scroll, perhaps the most
important of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1946, to offer insight into a
powerful form of ancient prayer. Illustrated 2001, 304 p, 5x8", Softcover, $14.95
It Doesn t Have to Be Like This by David Icke Out of print, Hidden Mysteries
located a limited quantity - The early grassroot movement of the Green Party -
before the party became corrupted - leaving it little more than just another
political party whose goals have appeared, in recent years, to be self-serving. A
rare find; 1990; 208pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #327; $12.95 Jacob s Pillar by E.
Raymond Capt - The Stone of Destiny traced. Cumulative evidence reveals the fate
of the stone upon which the patriarch Jacob rested his head when he dreamed of the
heavenly ladder. The stone that Jacob later anointed with oil and declared to be
God s House (Beht-El) did not remain lost in the wilderness of Luz; it continued
to play an important part in the destiny of Jacob s descendants. Throws new light
on the Bible. 1977, 96pp, staplebound, 5.5x8.5, #293, $6.00 Jasher, The Book of
Translated by R. H. Charles, One of the longest books removed from the government
authorized Bibles, some references to Jasher were forgotten. For example: Is not
this written in the Book of Jasher? Joshua 10:13; Behold, it is written in the
Book of Jasher. 2 Sam, Fascinating book: giants, serpents.... 1:18 301pp, 5x8 ;
Softcvr; #10; $14.95 Jesus: Last of the Great Pharaohs by Ralph Ellis There is
irrefutable evidence that the Biblical patriarchs were indeed pharaohs of Egypt,
that is why their story was so important that it has endured for so many thousands
of years. Startling new passages where the Biblical Jesus and Saul appear in the
historical record. The Bible is transformed into a story of a royal bloodline - a
tale that is verifiable at every stage by references from the historical texts.
2002, 340 pp, softbound, 6.25x9.25", $16.00 Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret
Teachings of the Original Christians by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy - Adds a new
element to the controversy surrounding the origins of the New Testament. Unlock
the secret of the Christian myth of Jesus and the Goddess, which tells of a
Goddess who falls from grace and is rescued through her union with a Godman. The
stories of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, they argue, can be traced directly to this
story. This astonishing book reexamines the ancient wisdom of the early Christians
and demonstrates its relevance to the world today. 2002, 336 p, 6x9", Softcover,
$14.95 Jews Must Live: Beyond the Facts by Samuel Roth Originally published 1934
(New York: Golden Hind Press), 319 pp. First reprint, 1964. This Jewish author
reveals a startling, inside Account of the Persecution of the World by Israel on
All the Frontiers of Civilization 163pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #139; $7.95 Joining
Club Fed by Nancy Tatum - This is not a law book. This is not even a how-to book.
All I know is that I ve been through a federal trial, conviction, and sentencing
in the last two years, along with my husband. I learned a lot of things. So, I
guess this is a Preparedness Manual of some sort. WAKE UP AMERICA! Every day
someone is convicted for a crime they did not commit. - Mrs. Chip Tatum Highly
recommended; 160pp, 1998; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #236; $11.95 Journey of Souls: Case
Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton, Ph.D. - This remarkable book
uncovers-for the first time-the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on
earth. The resulting narrative acts as a progressive "travel log" of the accounts
of twenty-nine people who were placed in a state of superconsciousness. While in
deep hypnosis, these subjects movingly describe what has happened to them between
their former reincarnations on earth. 1994; 278pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #664; $14.95
Jubilees, The Book of by R. H. Charles, Translator -An apocryphal book touching on
freedom, determinism, and responsibility, The Fall. The Law, Messiah, The
Messianic kingdom, Priesthood of Melchizedek, Jewish Calendar, Angelology,
Demonology, Judgment. 158pp, 5x8 ; Softcvr; #11; $11.95 Jumpin Jehovah: Exposing
the Atrocities of the Old Testament God By Paul Tice - Was Jehovah
a criminal? Was he psychotic? In the realm of the gods, was Jehovah just a
renegade punk gone wild? Once you read this book, your views on God will never be
the same. Jehovah is stripped bare of his fabricated benevolent godliness and we
discover an entity with no sense of ethics, forgiveness, or compassion. He
delighted in roasting people alive and tormenting his followers in a variety of
creative ways. Softcvr, 104 pp; #16823; $12.95 K2, Quest of the Gods: A sequel to
Thoth, Architect of the Universe by Ralph Ellis - Explains the design of the Great
Pyramid and it appears that its architect has specified a structure that contains
a curious blend of technology, lateral thinking and childish fun - and the exact
location of the legendary �Hall of Records� to within a few meters. 2002, 188 p,
softbound, 6x9", $16.00

To Know and to act are one and the same. --Samurai Maxim

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Kabbalah of the Soul: The Transformative Psychology and Practices of Jewish
Mysticism by Leonora Leet, Ph.D. - Throughout the history of the Jewish esoteric
tradition, humankind has been understood to play a pivotal role in the perfection
of the cosmos, uniting the finite with the infinite in the perfection of divine.
Reveals the transformative spiritual work by which the soul can reach ever higher
dimensions of consciousness.; 373 p; 2003; 6x9 inches; $18.95 Key of Solomon The
King, The by S. Liddell MacGregor Mather - One of the most famous of all magical
textbooks. Mathers was a 19th century magician and head of the Order of the Golden
Dawn. The ancient manuscripts that compose the book were found in the British
Museum and are believed to be the words and instructions of King Solomon. Softcvr;
130 pp; #16833; $12.95 Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza by Craig Roberts
- In 1987, former US Marine sniper Craig Roberts, a seasoned veteran of the
Vietnam war, stood for the first time at the 6th floor sniper s nest window of the
Texas Schoolbook Depository. As he looked down into what the US Government
maintains was the kill zone used by Lee Harvey Oswald, he immediately knew that
the Warren Commission s verdict that Oswald, acting alone, fired three shots in
5.6 seconds from a bolt-action rifle, killing John F. Kennedy was a lie.; 1994;
252pp, 6x8.5 ; Hardcover; #547; $12.95 King Solomon s Temple by E. Raymond Capt
Modern archaeologists have dug amid the ancient masonry of Mt. Moriah or Temple
Hill in Jerusalem, and searched for parallels and origins in contemporary
buildings in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Phoenicia. Their discoveries have revealed the
architectural skill and building power of Solomon and his successors. Not only has
the accuracy of the scriptures been confirmed, but we can visualize the buildings,
decorations and furnishings.; 96pp, 1979; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #296; $7.00 The
Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn by Diane Ravitch
- In this hard-hitting analysis, the nation�s leading historian of American
education explains the causes and consequences of the widespread censorship of any
potentially offensive language or images from textbooks. 2003, 272 pp, hardbound,
6.5x9.5, $24.00 Last Autopsy & Other Inimitable Tales, The by N. Zaenglein - We
seldom offer fiction. This is an exception, revealing a foundational truth in our
society, involving serial murder. How the search for truth liberates one man and
destroys another. Glen Hollow was a innocent town nestled in America s heartland.
Life had been slow, safe, and predictable till residents of a nearby county
started dying ; 183pp, 2002; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #146; $ 11.95 Last Days of the
Romanovs by Robert Wilton - The long-suppressed story of the Tsar Nicholas II and
his family, their murder by the Soviet secret police in July 1918. Includes newly
discovered facts that bring the story up to date. As head of the dynasty that had
ruled for 3 centuries, Nicholas II personified Russia as have few monarchs in
history. His murder on order of Lenin and Sverdlov was thus symbolic of the
Communist effort to obliterate Russia s rich heritage, and presaged the terrible
bloodletting of later years.; 200pp, 1993; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #75; $11.95 The Last
Hope of the Confederacy by John Tyler; State Finances of Texas During the
Reconstruction by E.T. Miller; Texas From the Fall of the Confederacy To the
Beginning of Reconstruction by Charles W. Ramsdell - In the last days of the
summer of 1863 Major John Tyler, son of an ex-President of the United States, and
at that time an aid on the staff of General Sterling Price, C. S. A., was making
the slow and toilsome journey from Arkadelphia, Arkansas, to Austin, Texas. This
had been a disastrous summer for the Confederacy..... 98pp; 1863; 5.25 x 8.25
$8.95 The Law of Intellectual Property by Lysander Spooner � An Essay On The Right
Of Authors And Inventors To A Perpetual Property In Their Ideas. "... the
principle of individual property... says that each man has an absolute dominion,
as against all other men, over the products and acquisitions of his own labor." ;
240pp; 1855; 5.5 x 8.5 $11.95 Laws by Plato (348 BC) - Plato founded a school of
philosophy known as the Academy. Plato concentrated his declining powers on
recording a code of laws which he hoped some Hellenic state might sanction. The
Laws were thought to have been in the process of publication at the time of his
death. Perfect-bound, 600+ pp; 8x5; #16859; $19.95 Laws of Manu (c. 1500 BCE)
Translated by G. Buhler and The Code of Hammurabi Translated by L.W. King - "The
Laws of Manu" is the English designation commonly applied to the "Manava Dharma-
sastra", a metrical Sanskrit compendium of ancient sacred laws and customs held in
the highest reverence by the orthodox adherents of Brahminism. The Brahmins
themselves credit the work with a divine origin and a remote antiquity. Its
reputed author is Manu, the mythical survivor of the Flood and father of the human
race. Softcvr; 420 pp; #16841; $13.95 Let the Games Begin by Ron Rendleman �
Johnny Zoe, ATF super marksman turned Patriot, dares to stand up to the New World
Order with nine other brave freedom fighters. This is his finest hour. For this he
was created. For this he is willing to die. (Fictiontionalized); 215 p; 2001; 5.5
x 8.5 ; $11.95 Letters from Lexington: Reflections on Propaganda by Noam Chomsky �
In a collection of letters written to Lies Of Our Times Magazine, Noam Chomsky
outlines the role of the media in justifying US Government and corporate actions.
The letters, written between 1990 and 1993, examine media coverage of events and
issues ranging from the Middle East peace process , the US invasion of Panama, the
Gulf War, the UN, the Soviet Union, terrorism and democracy to the coup in Haiti.
176 p; 1993; 5.5 x 8.5 inches; $10.95 Ley Lines & Earth Energies by David Cowan &
Anne Silk - Why do some places feel special? How did our ancestors use Earth
energy to map their sacred sites and burial grounds? How do ghosts and
poltergeists interact with Earth energy? How do ley lines work? How can Earth
spirals and black spots affect our health? This exploration shows how natural
forces affect our behavior, how they can be used to enhance our health and well
being, and ultimately, how they bring us closer to penetrating one of the deepest
mysteries being explored.; 408pp, 2003; 6.3x9.25 ; Softcvr; #585; $18.95 Lhasa and
Its Mysteries: With a Record of the British Tibetan Expedition of 1903-1904 by
L.A. Waddell For centuries, politically and geographically isolated, Tibet had
been an enigma to Westerners. But in the dawn of the 20th century, its seclusion
ended when British troops based in India were ordered to enter the Mystical Land
of the Grand Lama. political background, military clashes, immobilizing effects of
the Tibetan winter on troops, advance to Lhasa and role of the Dalai Lama,
Buddhist temples, oracles and sorcerers. 185 drawings and rare photographs, 17
appendixes, eight maps.; 530pp, 1905; 5.3x8.5 ; Softcvr; #277; $12.95 Lies Your
Ego Told You by Dian Nicholson - Having been for many years a victim of my own
faulty reasoning, handling myriad life situations with completely illogical
processes, and suffering deeply as a result, it finally dawned on me that there
must be a reason for all this. I decided that I needed to look at things
elementally: what were the elements involved in resolving problems? I had been
like a person trying to bake a cake without a recipe ; 95pp, 1997; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #590; $13.95 Life and Teaching of The Masters of The Far East by Baird T.
Spalding - A true TREASURE. There are Masters, or Elder Brothers, assisting and
guiding the destiny of mankind. Great Masters of the Himalayas, The Temple of
Silence , Astral projection, Healing Temple, levitation, nature of cosmic energy,
creation of the planets and the worlds, Mastery over death, The law of supply.
OUSTANDING, beautiful, remarkable, unique. Six volumes, 6 x9 , as a boxed set;
900+pp, 1996; 6x9, 6 vol. ; Set; #42; $49.95 Life of George Washington, The by
David Ramsay The FIRST biography of George Washington, published in 1807, Actively
involved in the politics of the time, the author was elected twice as a delegate
to the Continental Congress and served as chairman in a specially-appointed post.
Published eight years after George Washington s death, it has remained a
definitive reference on this most fascinating political figure. Ramsay writes with
authority and colour about George Washington and the dramas around him.; 350+pp,
1807; 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #103; $16.95 Life With A Cosmos Clearance by Daniel M.
Salter as told to Nancy Red Star - In May 2001, the Disclosure Project had
testimony from military, intelligence, government and corporate individuals,
involved with UFO projects over the last fifty years. We military witnesses showed
official documentation with our detailed testimony. We are getting old and dying,
and we want the truth to come out. Personally, I have told those on Capitol Hill
that I am being led to do it by the aliens themselves. They have been waiting on
the government, and if the government does not come forward with the truth, then
the aliens will take a more public role in disclosure. 2003; 190pp, 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #686; $19.95 Lifting the Veil by Jon Rappoport & David Icke - One of the
most incredible interviews ever on record with David Icke. Jon Rappoport a
professional writer and reporter interviews the most controversial speaker in the
world. Small book, small price, with a ton of information. Living your own truth
is the greatest form of rebellion. The more you express your uniqueness and live
your own truth and live your own life in the way you think is right, you are
actually creating billions of different realities instead of the one the few can
control.; 135pp, 4.5x7 ; Softcvr; #140; $6.95

A little unlearning goes a long way. -- Richard Kehl

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Light of Egypt Volume One: Science of the Soul and the Stars by Thomas H. Burgoyne
- This book is about the search for spiritual truth. According to the author, the
methods date back to ancient Egypt and Chaldea. It contains some of the most
effective spiritual instruction ever used. The author was wellschooled in wisdom
from around the world, often referring to Hermetic, Kabalistic, Theosophical, and
Buddhist principles. The book is divided into two parts: The Science of the Soul
and The Science of the Stars. Softcvr, 320 pp � illustrated; #16798; $24.95 The
Light of Egypt Volume Two: The Science of the Soul and the Stars by Thomas H.
Burgoyne - This book is about the attainment of spiritual truth. Volume Two
continues where Part One left off within the areas of the zodiac and astro-
theology. This is advanced information, written at a higher level than Volume One.
Softcvr, 224 pp � illustrated; #16799; $17.95 Lincoln Money Martyred by R.E.
Search - From the beginning, some of our American bankers are to be placed in the
class of Money Changers and played a part, consciously or unconsciously, in
perpetuating the banking system that has been fastened upon Americans, Lincoln s
monetary views had much to do with the tragic end of this great president. Lincoln
s struggle to create greenbacks , a new money that would free the United States
from the tyranny of the international bankers.; 153pp, 1935; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#27; $12.95 Liquid Conspiracy: JFK, LSD, the CIA, Area 51 & UFOs by George Piccard
- Reveals JFK�s LSD experiences with Mary Pinchot-Meyer. An ever expanding web of
CIA involvement, from underground bases with UFOs seen by JFK and Marilyn Monroe
(among others) to a vaster conspiracy affecting every agency from NASA to the
Justice Department. Focusing on the bizarre side of history, Liquid Conspiracy
takes the reader on a psychedelic tour de force. This is your government on
drugs !. Illustrated; 264pp, 1999; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #761; $14.95 The Living Energy
Universe: a fundamental discovery that transforms science & medicne by Gary E. R.
Schwartz Ph.D. & Linda G.S. Russek, Ph.D. - Everything Remembers And Is
Alive..From the subatomic to the cosmic, from cells and ideas to souls and God,
all dynamic systems have memory. Using the tools of science, University of Arizona
scientists Gary Schwartz and Linda Russek demonstrate that everything in the
universe is alive, eternal, and evolving. Their new model of life, the Universal
Living Memory theory, is reconfiguring the scientific landscape. Illustrated;
289pp, 1999; 6x9.25 ; Hardcvr; #772; $21.95 Living in the Matrix Another Way:
Numerology for a New Day by Ellis C. Taylor - The science of numbers, also called
numerology is off the ceiling, out of the musty cupboard and catapulted into
today. The mysteries of how and why numerology works is explained. How what we
recognise as our own private thoughts are perpetually and surreptitiously overlaid
to obscure our destiny and who we really are. Why it is that most people who talk
and write about the hidden evil that governs our world get away with it. Roman
letters and alphabets were introduced by designers engaged by secret schools under
the auspices of the Roman Church. Every one of them are occult designs and the
most cunning and potent agents of mass mind, and hence social control ever
devised. For instance letter a is pictured to represent the flaccid male genitalia
in profile; and the real value of letter G is 33. Could this explain its
significance to religious and masonic symbolism? Softcvr, 5 x 8, 77+ pp; #16929;

Longevity Solution: Compelling Proof That Royal Jelly Has the Power to Eliminate
Fatigue, Provide Greater Energy and Extend Life by Cass Ingram, M.D. - In ancient
times numerous conditions were regarded as curable, plus the cure was natural and
relatively nontoxic. The goal was always to cure disease. Imagine the power of
combining the wisdom of the ancients with the sophistication of modern science. It
s so simple!; 130pp, 2002; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #438; $12.95 Lost Book of Enki:
Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God by Zecharia Sitchin - The Earth
Chronicles provided humanity s side of the story - recorded on ancient clay
tablets and other Sumerian artifacts. Here, a different perspective through this
autobiographical account of Lord Enki, an Anunnaki god, the story of these ETs
arrival on Earth from the 12th planet Nibiru. The object of their colonization:
336pp, 2001; 6x9.25 ; Hardcover; #425; $24.00 Lost Chapter of the Acts of the
Apostles by E. Raymond Capt - The Sonnini Manuscript contains the account of Paul
s journey in Spain & Britain.The Bible remains silent on approximately six years
after his trial and acquittal in Rome and before his return to Rome to cast his
fate with his converts, Christian who were being put to death by the thousands
during the reign of Emperor Nero. It is written in the style of the Acts and reads
like a continuation.; 32pp, 1982; 5.5x8.5 ; Stapled; #295; $6.00 Lost Continent of
Mu, The: The Motherland of Man by James Churchward - In 1868, while with the
British Army in India, the author became friends with a high temple priest who
taught him how to decipher numerous stone tablets hidden for centuries in temple
vaults of Mu. Tracing legends, histories, and stone carvings from later
civilizations, Churchward shows they all contain references to a highly advanced,
earlier civilization.; 424pp, 1987; 8.5x5.5 ; Softcvr; #235; $24.95 Lost Journals
of Nikola Tesla: HAARP - Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 by Tim Swartz
Discredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made by business competitors and the
government to be nothing more than a kook. However, these same conspirators later
duplicated and stole many of Tesla�s most fabulous inventions which could soon
change the course of history. Softcvr; 150+ pp; 6 x 9; #16921; $14.95 Lost Keys of
Freemasonry by Manley P Hall Also known as The Secret of Hiram Abiff, this text
was written for the Mason and non-Mason alike. Mr. Hall, an honorary 33degree
Mason, reveals the profound aspects of this ancient Fraternity. The basic
symbolism of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge is explained and a chapter
entitled The Egyptian Initiate is especially enlightening.; 110pp, 1976; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #522; $12.95 The Lost Key of the Buddha: The Immortal, Book III by J.J.
Dewey - The Continuing Revelation of the Keys of Knowledge -This is the long-
awaited sequel to the Immortal series. Chapters include: Mystery of the Middle
Way, Fighting the Invisible, Oneness Principle, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path,
From Pisces to Aquarius, The Preparation, The Dark Lord, The Key Word,
Understanding the Key, The Pendulum and the Key. Even though it is third in a
series, it can be read as an independent entity. 343pp, 2004; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#650; $19.95

Lost Realms by Zecharia Sitchin - In the 16th century, Spanish conquerors came to
the New World in search of El Dorado, the fable city of gold. Instead they found
massive stone edifices constructed in the Earth s most inaccessible regions. great
monuments formed with impossible skill and unknown tools... intricate carvings
describing the events and topography of half a world away...secrets of pre-
Columbian Americas and giant gods who spawned the greatness of the Incans, Mayans,
& Aztecs; Anunnaki. Maps, diagrams, photos.; 298pp, 1996; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #206;
$7.99 The Lost Tomb of Viracocha: Unlocking the Secrets of the Peruvian Pyramids
by Maurice Cotterell Spiritual mysteries hidden within recently discovered Mochian
pyramids in Sipan reveal that ancient Inca sun-kings had the same solar science as
Lord Pacal of Mexico and Tutankhamun of Egypt. Inca mythology tells of a tall,
white leader who wandered along the coast performing miracles, a man they called
Viracocha Pachamac ("God of the World.") Centuries later another great miracle
worker, appeared, healing the sick and restoring sight to the blind. He, too, was
named Viracocha. Two 16-page color inserts and 143 b&w illustrations photos. 2003;
298pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #767; $20.00 The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar:
Solving the Oak Island Mystery by Steven Sora - A compelling argument connects the
lost treasure of the Knights Templar to a mysterious money pit on Oak Island, Nova
Scotia. When the Order was ruthlessly dissolved in 1307 by King Philip the Fair of
France it possessed immense wealth and political power, yet none of the treasure
has ever been found. It is rumored to contain spiritual artifacts retrieved during
the Crusades, and documents tracing the bloodlines of David and Jesus into the
royal bloodlines of Merovingian France. 304pp, 1999; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #732; $16.95
Lost World of Agharti: The Mystery of Vril Power by Alec MacLellan - For
centuries, people have sought a hidden subterranean kingdom linked to every
continent by a vast network of tunnels and passageways according to legend. The
inhabitants this utopia are said to have lived in seclusion for untold aeons,
guarding the secret Vril Power by which man and nature can be controlled. The
findings of the many explorers who have attempted to trace the course of the
tunnels leading to Agharti. Relates to the occult endeavours of the Nazis. 236pp,
1997; 5.25 x 7.5 ; Softcvr; #272; $12.95 Magdalene�s Lost Legacy: Symbolic Numbers
and the Sacred Union in Christianity by Margaret Starbird - The New Testament
contains wide use of gematria, a literary device that allows the sums of certain
phrases to produce sacred numbers. Exploring the hidden meanings behind these
numbers, Starbird reveals that the union between Jesus and his bride, Mary
Magdalene, formed a sacred partnership that was the cornerstone of the earliest
Christian community. The author also explains the true meaning of the 666
prophesied in the Book of Revelation. 176pp, 2003; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #734; $15.00
Mankind, Child of the Stars by Otto Binder & Max H. Flindt - Foreword by Erich Von
Daniken - Scientific evidence to prove that mankind could not possibly have
evolved naturally. Step by step clues explore the very real possibility that we
are direct descendants of ancient starmen who came from other planets to Earth
millions of years ago. Flindt was first to document mankind may be a hybrid from a
prehistoric union of terrestrial humanoids and starmen.; 252pp, 1999; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #144; $14.95

We think in generalities, but we live in detail. --Alfred North Whitehead

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
A Manual Of Parliamentary Practice: for the Use of the Senate of the United States
by Thomas Jefferson - As Vice-President of the US, Jefferson presided over the
Senate. To improve its procedures, he wrote this book. It was originally published
in 1800, updated in 1812, and is still considered part of the Senate rules today;
284pp, 1999; 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #144; $10.95 Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce
Story on Reincarnation By Gina Cerminara - Known as "The Miracle Man of Virginia
Beach", his successes astonished medical authorities -and the world. Dr. Cerminara
examines how the famed psychic penetrated the previous lives of his subjects and
performed cures and prophecies that made him a notable clairvoyant. Connecting
issues such as reincarnation, spiritual healing, past life regression, hypnosis,
karma and parapsychology. 1988, 291 pages, Softbound, 4x7, $6.99 Marijuana
Medicine: A World Tour of the Healing and Visionary Powers of Cannabis by
Christian Ratsch - Cannabis has accompanied the development of human culture from
its very beginnings and can be found in the healing traditions of cultures
throughout the world. Even today it is an important in many Asian, Latin American
curanderos and Brazilian, Nepalese, and Indian folk medicine. Modern research has
confirmed the effectiveness in treating asthma and glaucoma. Provides remedies and
recipes for those interested in how cannabis can be used to treat specific
conditions. 16-page color insert, 150 b & w photos and illustrations 224pp, 1998;
8x10 ; Softcvr; #731; $24.95 Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review Of The
Scientific Evidence by Lynn Zimmer, PhD. and John P. Morgan, M.D. - compiles 20 of
the most prevalent, persistent myths about marijuana and traces, step by step,
their basis in science and research. Many, despite questionable or nonexistent
evidence, have been presented as fact by the US government for many years. Lynn
Zimmer is Assoc. Professor of Sociology at Queens College, City Univ. of New York.
John P. Morgan is a physician, Professor of Pharmacology at City Univ. of New York
Medical School, and Adjunct Professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. 241pp,
1997; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #749; $13.95 Masters of the Mystical Rose: A History of the
Grail Family by Maree Moore - Just some of the men and women of history through
whom the Masters have worked Pythagorus, Merlin, King Arthur, Alexander the Great,
Sir Francis Bacon, Elizabeth I. Did Atlantis and Lemuria really exist? What was
the Grail? Who was the Teacher of Righteousness written about by the Essenes? What
is the true relevance of The Dead Sea Scrolls and why is there a cover up being
orchestrated even today? 44 stunning chapters in this immense book. 731 pages
reveal an amazing story. 731pp, 2000; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #535; $34.95 Medical Mafia:
How to Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth by Ghislaine
SaintPierre Lanctot, M.D. - Superb expose of the medical system and why
alternative methods are far more effective. The publication of the Medical Mafia
landed its author before the Medical Board. Banned for life from practicing
medicine, if that wasn t enough, she was to pay for the expenses incurred in
bringing her to trial. Highly recommended.; 262pp, 1995; 7x10 ; Softcvr; #19; $
19.95 Medusa File, The: Crimes and Coverups of the U.S. Government by Craig
Roberts - Operation Paperclip, CIA and military mind control experiments on US
civilians and US servicemen; what really happened to over 30,000 POWs and MIAs,
International assassinations, drug smuggling, money laundering, all orchestrated
of officials of the US government; Terrorism in the US: Roberts provides us with
the results of his ten year investigation regarding shocking but true stories
behind dozens of cases of crimes and coverups committed by individuals and groups
inside our own government.; 489pp, 1997; 6x8.5 ; Softcvr; #546; $24.95 Menace of
Privilege By Henry George Jr.What is the cause of the grave changes that are
coming over the American Republic - the extraordinary inequality in the
distribution of wealth manifested on every hand; the rise of class feeling; the
growth of aristocratic behaviors; the lapse from morals in business and private
relations among the very rich? Written in 1905; Softcvr, 440+pp; #16221; $19.95
Merovingian Mythos and the Mystery of Rennes-leChateau By Tracy R. Twyman - The
mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau has been cracked! The secret of the Grail has been
revealed! And the results are absolutely mind-boggling! Softcvr; 245 pp, 6x9;
#16927; $19.95 Messages From the Hollow Earth by Diane Robbins Hollow Earth. We
have heard of it from so many people now. But what difference does it make to our
lives? The inside is populated too ..Ahoy there! Populated? By whom? By a highly
evolved human race Our centuries of hardships have borne fruit. Slowly, but
steadily, we are beginning to awaken, with the silent, patient and loving help
from our spiritual guides in higher dimensions and from the ones beneath us -
inside the Hollow Earth.; 2003; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #594; $17.99 Messianic Legacy,
The by Michael Baigent & Henry Lincoln - Holy Blood, Holy Grail rocked the very
foundations of Christianity. Now four more years of research have uncovered
shocking new material - and its Earthshaking consequences. Was there more than one
Christ? Who really constituted Jesus following - and what were the real identities
of Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot? Who now has the ancient treasure of the Temple
of Jerusalem? What links the Vatican, the CIA, the KGB, the Mafia, Freemasonry,
and the Knights Templar? 448pp, 1989; 4.25x7.5 ; Softcvr; #581; $7.99 Middle Ages
Revisited by Alexander Del Mar How the Eastern Roman Empire exercised a powerful
influence upon the West until the fall of Constantinople. Chapters: Ancient
Astronomy, Astrology, and Religion; The Worship of Caesar; Defective Theories of
the Feudal System; The Sacerdotal Empire; Rise of the Medieval Empire, The Lost
Treaty of Seltz; The Guelf and Ghibelline Wars; The Sacerdotal Character of Gold;
Vassal Kings of England; Birth of the Independent Monarchy; <>Softcvr; 394pp,
5.5x8.5 ; #60; $13.95 Mind Control Out of Control by Cathy O Brien & Mark Phillips
- A live seminar from the Granada Forum. Mark and Cathy underscore the
insensitivity and involvement of our national leaders, judges, doctors, and others
in this nightmare inflicted upon millions in the U.S. Mark touches on the history
while Cathy unveils the horrors she and her family have been subjected to. Party
politics will mean nothing to you after you hear the who s who in US FEDERAL MIND
CONTROL.; 1998? VHS Video; #326; $19.95 Mind Control, World Control by Jim Keith -
A surprising amount of information on mind control technology. Various chapters in
this shocking book cover early CIA experiments such as Project MONARCH and
R.H.I.C.EDOM, the methodology and technology of implants, mind-controlled
assassinations and couriers, various famous mind control victims such as Sirhan
Sirhan, Patty Hearst and Candy Jones. Also Berserkers, Death Rays, HAARP, and how
mind control technology may be linked to some UFO activity and UFO abductions.
111pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #381; $14.95 Mind Controllers by Armen Victorian -
Experiments by the CIA and other agencies seeking new "non-lethal weapons."
Thousands of guinea pigs were harmed, including hospital patients, pregnant women,
children, prisoners and military vets. The Pentagon spent millions on ESP, remote
viewing, psychokinetics, LSD, telepathy and brainwashing. Using the FIOA, proof of
mind control assassins, drugs, covert remote viewing and his own experiences that
British secret service would rather we didn�t explore. 216pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #341;
$19.95 Mind Into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit by Fred Wolf, Ph.D. -
Reveals what Dr. Wolf calls the new alchemy-a melding of the ideas of the old
alchemists and the new scientists to reach a fuller understanding of mind and
matter. The process by which information of our minds transforms into the matter
of our physical world. An elegant book with short, stand-alone chapters, each w/
an alchemical symbol & its definition. Bibliography, Illustrated, Index; 176pp,
2001; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #143; $14.95 Mind Kontrol - the Proof - MK Ultra CD s �
information by the U.S. Government - Finally, here s the evidence! The US
Government s own documents revealing it s involvement in MIND CONTROL projects.
Invasion of privacy at the most private place on earth THE MIND! MKULTRA,
Artichoke, Bluebird, LSD, Truth Serums, Hypnosis and more! These documents were
acquired under the Freedom of Information Act, during a narrow window of their
being unclassified due to time limitations of law, but are reported to have been
reclassified by the current administration .; 2000; 1 CD; #301; $29.95 Mind
Magnet: How to Unify and Intensify Your Natural Faculties for Efficiency, Health
and Success by Paul Ellsworth - How to free yourself from a race habit millions of
years old, Develop a new master center and thus cure disease, and inharmony, A
three word key thought that will focus your thought upon a mighty truth and raise
you to a new level of master consciousness, Providing an inlet and outlet for
creative energy, How to heal your body and pocketbook, Warning signals of coming
inharmony, Rooting out ideals which cause disease, 1924, 160 p,8.5 x 11", comb-
bound, #722, $15.00 Mind Stalkers: UFO s, Implants & the Psychotronic Agenda of
the New World Order by Commander X - The CIA and KGB practice behavior
modification w/ drugs, hypnosis, ELF and more recently, computer chips placed in
the brains of dissidents. The Russians can subliminally implant thoughts, even
using telephones by impressing a coded message while negotiating. Maybe those who
claim to hear voices in their heads actually do.!; 150pp, 1999; 7x10 ; Softcvr;
#390; $14.95

The UFO appears more and more to be one of the grimmest realities ever confronted
by the human race. -- From Gods of Eden

There are some unusual occult facts concerning Lady Liberty. First, she wears the
seven-rayed crown of the Pleiades. Is this by coincidence or by design? -- From
One Foot in Atlantis

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing by
Joseph McMoneagle -Recruited for a top-secret military program, code name
STARGATE, for twenty years, McMoneagle has honed his intuitive psychic abilities
and refined the scientific protocols. Here he describes the development and
application of one s natural intuition through the proper use of these protocols.
He explains the inherent limitations of remote viewing, and demonstrates how its
proper use can unleash great intuitive resources within all of us.; 264pp, 1993;
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #571; $12.95 Miracle on Main St.: Saving Yourself and America
from Financial Ruin by Tupper Saussy - The reality is: if you don t like what s
happening, you can fix it - without cheating, newsletters, writing Washington,
getting involved in politics, organizing, or spending a penny unless you choose.
Even painful dream worlds are hard to leave. Many people actually prefer the
ideasphere to reality, denying their whole selves pleasures of incredible
intensity, pleasures and abilities truly undreamed of. ; 160pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#136; $8.95 Missing Links Discovered In Assyrian Tablets by E. Raymond Capt - Clay
cuneiform tablets found in the ruins of the Assyrian Royal Library of Ashurbanipal
in ancient Nineveh reveal the fate of the Israelites as they escaped and
disappeared into Europe; Contributing was the fact that the Assyrians called the
Israelites by other names during their captivity. These tablets form the Missing
Links that enable us to identify the modern-day descendants of the Lost Tribes of
Israel .; 1985; 256pp, <>Hardcvr, 5.5x8.5 ; #249; $16.95 <>Softcvr; 5.5x8.5 ;
#250; $11.95 Money, Currency, Coins, Banking and Law by Lysander Spooner -
Anthology of essays: 1. Gold And Silver As Standards Of Value; 2. A New System Of
Paper Currency; 3. Our Financiers: Their Ignorance, Usurpations, And Frauds; 4.
Our Mechanical Industry, As Affected By Our Present Currency System; 5. The Law Of
Prices; 6. Considerations For Bankers, And Holders Of United States Bonds; 7.
Constitutional Law, Relative To Credit, Currency, And Banking. 1834-1877; 323pp,
Softcvr; 5.5x8.5 ; #752; $15.95 Money Masters - Video Tape Set: How the
International Bankers Gained Control of America by William Still - Documentary
tracing the ruling political power structure, with roots in the manipulation and
accumulation of gold and other forms of money. Outstanding! ..best video yet on
the history of the Federal Reserve and the mysterious disappearance of America s
gold reserves. Fast-paced and riveting. - Larry Bates, former bank CEO, former
Chairman of the TN House Banking Committee; 3.5 hrs, 2 VHSNTSC Videos or DVD;
#448; $39.95 Montauk: The Alien Connection by Stewart Swerdlow & Peter Moon - An
autobiographical account from Swerdlow, born clairvoyant but haunted by strange
timespace scenarios. After alien abductions and government manipulations, Stewart
found Preston Nichols and discovered his own role in time travel experiments known
as the Montauk Project. Swerdlow ultimately discovered the highest common
denominator in the alien equation an interdimensional language which communicates
to all conscious beings.; 234pp, 1998; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #128; $19.95 Montauk
Book of the Dead, The by Peter Moon - A tale of the intrigue and power which hover
over the most sacred kernel of our existence: the secrets of life and death. Peter
Moon not only reveals fascinating details of his years aboard L. Ron Hubbard�s
mystery ship but gives the mjost candid and inside look ever at one of the most
controversial figures in recent history. At age 27, L. Ron Hubbard clinically
�died� only to discover that he could remote view. From this state of
consciousness, which would later be called �exterior,� he was able to access what
he termed the answers to all of the questions that had ever puzzled philosophers
or the minds of men. Softcvr, 6x9, 450+ pp; #16932; $22.00 Montauk Project:
Experiments in Time by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon - The Philadelphia Experiment
; of 1943, was an invisibility experiment conducted aboard the USS Eldridge
resulting in teleportation of the ship and crew. 40 years of research culminated
in bizarre experiments at Montauk Point that tapped the powers of creation and
manipulated time itself. The Montauk Project bridges the modalities of science
with the most esoteric techniques ever imagined and finally catapults us to the
threshold of the stars. 1st in the series.; 156pp, 1992; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #123;
$15.95 Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity by Preston Nichols & Peter
Moon - Unmasks the occult forces behind the science and technology used in the
Montauk Project: An ornate tapestry is revealed of the mysterious associations of
the Cameron clan with the genesis of American rocketry, the bizarre history of the
electronic transistor and the magick of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons and L. Ron
Hubbard. Unleashes a host of incredible characters and new information. A
startling scenario is depicted that reaches far beyond the scope of the first
book.; 249pp, 1994; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #124; $19.95 Montsegur and the Mystery of
the Cathars by Jean Markale - On March 16, 1244, over 200 Cathars were were burned
alive in their stronghold of Monts gur by Inquisition troops. Four high-ranking
Cathar perfecti had carried a great treasure out the night before. Hitler�s S.S.
believed this enormous treasure or weapon of awesome spiritual power lay hidden
near the ruins. *Traces their roots to the ancient Zoroastrian religion; *Why
they-who practiced vegetarianism, non-violence, and tolerance--were ruthlessly
persecuted by both the Church and the state: *Their secret pact with the Knights
Templar.*The nature of the treasure 312pp, 2003; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #733; $18.95
Morals and Dogma: of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by
Albert Pike - Ancient theosophic and philosophic speculations are not embodied as
part of the doctrines of the Rite; but because it is of interest and profit to
know what the Ancient Intellect thought upon these subjects, and because nothing
so conclusively proves the radical difference between our human and the animal
nature, as the capacity of the human mind to entertain such speculations in regard
to itself and the Deity. 861pp, early 1900 s; 8.5x11 ; Combound; #511; $59.00
Moses and Akhenaten by Ahmed Osman - A reinterpretation of biblical and Egyptian
history that shows Moses and the Pharaoh Akhenaten to be the same. Dramatic
archaeological & documentary evidence. A radical challenge to the origin of
Semitic religion. In a stunning retelling of the Exodus story, the events of his
life: brought up by Israelite relatives, ruled Egypt for seventeen years, angered
many of his subjects by replacing the Egyptian pantheon with worship of the Aten,
and was forced to abdicate the throne.; 280pp, 2002; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #596; $18.00
Mushrooms and Mankind: The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion
by James Arthur - Not only have plants supplied mankind with a never ending food-
source, but they have also served us in another way: an extremely important and
intricate one, to pharmacologically expand human consciousness into the mystical/
spiritual states. We have uncovered the natural link between man, consciousness,
and God.; 108pp, 2000; 5.5x8.25 ; Softcvr; #379; $12.95 Music of Time, The by
Preston Nichols & Peter Moon Carved into the annals of rock n roll history is a
legendary sound engineer who was affectionately known in the music industry as
Little Buddha . Preston reveals his hidden role in the recording industry, how
subliminals and mind control were used in rock n roll. His early work for Time
Records, Brookhaven Labs, his innovations in sound engineering, interfacing with
the likes of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and many more.; 244pp, 2000; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #122; $19.95 My Visit to Agharta by T. Lobsang Rampa - WHAT MADE RAMPA
DIFFERENT from other teachers, is in a simple, humble fashion, told of a more
peaceful, serene life style which had come to him after years of hardship in his
homeland. Rampa was able to survive due to his deep understanding and application
of cosmic laws he had learned from several sources, including masters of the
planet Venus, as well as beings from the Inner Earth.; 143pp, 2003; 8.5x11 ;
Softcvr; #578; $19.95 Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited: The Century s Greatest
Psychic Confronts One of the World s Oldest Mysteries - By Edgar Evans Cayce, Gail
Cayce Schwartzer, Douglas G Richards - The lost civilization of Atlantis is one of
the most enduring controversies of all time. Armed with visionary Edgar Cayce s
psychic clues and the latest findings from archaeology, geology, and anthropology,
three scholars have traveled the world in search of proof., 1997, 212 pp, softcvr,
4x7", $6.99 Mysteries of the Pyramid by David H. Lewis -During the 1970 s the son
of a Baptist minister found the entrance on the South side of Pyramid, which was
discovered more than 2000 years ago by Strabo, the famous Roman geographer. While
there, David Lewis took 2,700 microfilms of the contents of the secret room. The
expedition and early translations of the microfilms.; ?1978; <>Softcvr; 5x8 ;
208pp, #1a; $16.95 <>Combound, 154pp, #1; $19.95 Mystery of Francis Bacon by
William T. Smedley - Is there a mystery connected with the life of Francis Bacon?
The average student of history or literature will unhesitatingly reply in the
negative, perhaps qualifying his answer by adding:--Unless it be a mystery that a
man with such magnificent intellectual attainments could have fallen so low as to
prove a faithless friend to a generous benefactor in the hour of his trial, and,
upon being raised to one of the highest positions of honour and influence in the
State, to become a corrupt public servant and a receiver of bribes to pervert
justice. Softcvr; 250+ pp; #16846; $15.95 Mysticism and the New Physics by
Michael Talbot The exciting sequel to The Holographic Universe. Mystics have
always propounded the idea that the world is an illusion. Now quantum physics is
reinforcing this belief. Until recently, the empirical approach of physicists
taught us the world exists with or without human consciousness to observe it. The
new physics could radically change the way we view reality. As our constructs are
amended to this shift, we can anticipate monumental changes.; 185pp, 1993; 5x7 ;
Softcvr; #550; $13.99

To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand. -- Jos Ortega Y Gasset

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
42:1 And I saw the guardians of the keys of hell standing over against the gates
like great serpents, their faces like lamps that are gone out, their eyes like
darkened flames, and their teeth naked down to their breasts. -- From Secrets of
Enoch in the Books of Enoch Natural Cures for Headaches by Dr. Cass Ingram -
Proves the headache connection of toxic foods, food additives, and chemicals.
Also, learn the hormonal connection to migraines and how to reverse them. Discover
the role of structural imbalances, heavy metals, dental fillings, nutritional
deficiencies, chronic infections, drug toxicity, and much more and how to
naturally correct them. Learn the food allergy connection and how to stop it. The
cause of headaches can be found and reversed � without drugs. Softcvr; 5x8, 230+
pp; #16937; $19.95 Natural Cures for Killer Germs by Cass Ingram There are serious
epidemics occurring in this country and modern medicine is impotent in stopping
them. These epidemics could spread rapidly - overnight - developing into
uncontrollable contagion. Softcvr; 340+ pp; #16879; $19.95 Natural Healing: Self
Empowerment - When animals, humans included, live in nature, eating complete raw
foods, they suffer no diseases-but modern advanced man now dies by the thousands
from disease, and may pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for this privilege.
Perfect-bound, 100+ pp; 8x5; #16877; $19.95 Natural Value: Austrian School and
Theory of Value by Friedrich Wieser - First: goods which are to be had in
superfluity, and which any one may appropriate at will, no one will pay anything
for, be they ever so useful. In many places water, although indispensable to man,
is entirely without value. Of course this observation refers immediately only to
value in money, the so-called "exchange value," and it might be thought that it
was not true of value in the using of goods, the so-called "value-in-use." 1889;
Softcvr; 5x8; 390+ pp; #16787; $18.95 Negotiate with Feng Shui: Enhance Your
Skills in Diplomacy, Business and Relationships by Jose Armilla - Teaches you how
to sense and balance chi in your body and your environment. You can use feng shui
to analyze advantageous locations, select auspicious moments, and maximize
compatibility between the parties. "Learn how to sense positive and negative chi
in the body and in the environment "Discover the secret to picking auspicious
times and dates for important meetings "Learn how to feng shui your present house
as well as your dream house, including examples of positive and negative layouts
128pp, 2001; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #747; $12.95 Nameless War by Captain A.H.M. Ramsey
-Former member of His Majesty�s Scottish Guard, and finally a Member of
Parliament, was arrested and imprisoned for nearly three years under an Orwellian
law in England, without formal charges or a trial, because he had discovered and
was attempting to expose the orchestrators of WWII. Details of the British,
French, Russian and foiled (thanks to Mussolini and Hitler) Spanish Revolutions,
proving that the same �unseen hand� was behind all of the unrest and bloodshed
throughout the centuries with their Plan for World Dominion. When he began naming
the perpetrators, that was it: off to prison. When the war ended, he was released
from Brixton Prison and allowed to return to his seat in Parliament as though
nothing had happened. 128pp, 1952; 5.5x9.5 ; Softcvr; #231; $9.95 New Call - Today
Mankind stands witness upon the eve of a great world transition. An unprecedented
global metamorphosis is presently underway in preparation for a momentous leap in
consciousness which the whole planet is about to take. Softcvr; 125+ pp; 5x8;
#16916; $13.50 The Natural Economic Order by Silvio Gesell -"..a key to economic
problems and a challenge both to capitalism and to Marxian socialism. Gesell�s
theory of interest is in harmony with the teaching of the Koran and should be
welcomed in all Islamic countries. His plan for an interestfree economy is a solid
basis for constructive attempts to liberate man from the slavery of his own
illusions, from the tyranny of mistaken tradition, and from exploitation by his
fellowman." Mahmout Abu Saud, economic adviser, Moroccan Government: economic
expert, Arab League; external Professor of Law, Rabat University. 450+pp, 1918;
5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #770; $21.95 The New Encyclopedia of the Occult by John
Michael Greer - From Aarab Zereq to Zos Kia Cultus, this is the most comprehensive
guide to the history, philosophies, and personalities of Western occultism. The
New Encyclopedia of the Occult is an invaluable reference guide to magic, alchemy,
astrology, divination, Tarot, palmistry, and geomancy; magical orders such as the
Golden Dawn and Rosicrucians; and religions and spiritual traditions associated
with occultism such as Wicca, Thelema, Theosophy, and the modern Pagan movement.
555pp, 2004; 8x10 ; Softcvr; #739; $29.95 New Foods for Healing: Capture the
Powerful Cures of More Than 100 Common Foods by Selene Yeager - Yeager and the
editors of "Prevention" discuss the natural power of over 100 common foods that
can make people healthier, such as chili peppers for pain and garlic to fight
cancer. Going beyond the basics of fiber, minerals, and vitamins, this book
explains the latest research in phytonutrients, protective compounds found in
common foods. 786pp, 1999; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #736; $7.50 New Unhappy Lords by A.K.
Chesterson - How international financiers have backed military confrontations
destroying the sovereignty of numerous countries. An assault on patriotism
worldwide by New York bankers, the U.N. and Zionism. Ever more people are emerging
from lethargy which followed the war to find the old familiar world destroyed, the
once cherished values scorned, the signposts to what had seemed an assured
national future obliterated. 1990, 253pp, 1990; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #56; $10.95 No
Treason by Lysander Spooner - 5 essays and books in one volume: 1. No Treason; 2.
No Treason - The Constitution; 3. No Treason - The Constitution of no Authority.;
4. Vices Are Not Crimes - A Vindication Of Moral Libert; 5. Trial by Jury; It is a
maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent; that is,
without the intent to invade the person or property of another. 1834-1877; 361pp,
5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #753; $15.95 None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen - The
book that ROCKED the ESTABLISHMENT in the 1970 s, revealing the frauds, coverups,
and the conspiracies against the people and their freedom. Excerpt: In order to
understand the conspiracy (to usurp the constitutional right of governments to
coin money so as to force these governments to borrow money with usury
[interest]), it is necessary to have some rudimentary knowledge of banking and,
particularly, of international bankers ; 141pp, 1971; Softcvr; #343; $ 8.95
Nothing in This Book Is True, But It s Exactly How Things Are: The Esoteric
Meaning of the Monuments on Mars by Bob Frissell & Richard Grossinger - An account
of our planetary ascent into higher consciousness with a big screen view of the
Earth drama through the experience of Ascended Masters, Thoth, Babaji, and
Drunvalo Melchizedek. It touches deep chords of memory and intuition concerning
our future. Topics include pole shifts, other dimensions, Sacred Geometry, Prana
breath, secret government, healing, and cycles.; 244pp, 2002; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#504; $15.95 The Oahspe Bible: A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and His Angel
Embassadors by Dr. John Ballou Newbrough - This rare, and not commonly known book
was a channeled set of writings to a Dentist in the 1800�s, named Dr. Newbrough.
The amazing part are the revelations of scientific ideas, that were only to become
facts when later discovered with modern science and technology. OAHSPE purports to
be written at the command of God, who states the He is NOT the creator but is
simply the chief executive officer for planet Earth. One of the chapters or books
gives the keys to ancient languages. 2 volumes, 991pp, 1885; 8.5 x 11 ; Combbound;
#311; $55.00 Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies, Their Influence and Power in
World History by Michael Howard The occult influence of secret societies on
politics and statecraft through the centuries from ancient Egypt to the present
era, how they affected historical figures such as John Dee, Frederick the Great,
Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Helen Blavatsky, Rasputin, and Woodrow Wilson.
Groups as diverse as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Knights Templar affected
the course of the French and American revolutions as well as the overthrow of the
medieval order.; 198pp, 1989; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #165; $12.95 Occult Significance of
Blood by Rudolph Steiner With 15 Additional Lectures - Each one of you will
doubtless be aware that the title of this lecture is taken from Goethe�s Faust.
You all know that in this poem we are shown how Faust, the representative of the
highest human effort, enters into a pact with the evil powers, who on their side
are represented in the poem by Mephistopheles, the emissary of hell. You will
know, too, that Faust is to strike a bargain with Mephistopheles, the deed of
which must be signed with his own blood. Softcvr; 500 pp; #16840; $17.95 On
Mankind their Origin and Destiny by Arthur Dyott Thomson - This book is mentioned
in several of Manly P. Hall�s works, most notably Secret Teachings of All Ages.
�The origin and destiny of man are subjects which, though inseparably connected
with each other, are usually treated of as distinct. In ancient times this was not
the case. Theology was based upon such science as existed at that time, and
Science and Theology were consequently in harmony with each other. This harmony
has long ceased to exist.� 2 volumes, 838pp, 1889; 8.5x11 ; Comb-bound; #214;
$50.00 One Foot in Atlantis: The Secret Occult History of World War II & Its
Impact on New Age
Politics by William Henry & James Roderick - Is America The New Atlantis? What
Ancient relics did the Nazis search for? What did F.D.R. find when he searched for
the reincarnated Jesus in 1934? Drawing on archaeological, historical and occult
sources, Henry identifies the Atlantis myth as the thread linking all civilization
- and the startling conclusion that we are now facing a new Atlantean moment with
human civilization in the balance.; 240pp, 1998; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #574; $16.95

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship by Dr. John Coleman - Formerly titled
Socialism: The Road To Slavery . How the Socialists in Washington are more feared
than the Communists in Moscow. Why some Presidents adopted their program. While
our attention was focused on the evils of Communism in Moscow, the SOCIALISTS in
Washington were busy stealing America!! How this was, and is being accomplished.;
233pp, 1998; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #86; $16.95 Ong s Hat: The Beginning by Joseph
Matheny & Peter Moon - Quantum Conspiracy, Mysterious legends from an obscure
location in New Jersey. Beginning with physicists from Princeton U, pursuits in
the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, avantgarde experiments in
quantum consciousness. What began as an Islamic sect founded in the early 1900s
evolved over the century into a techno-tantric commune whose members managed to
escape this world into a pristine, parallel universe, a New Jersey Pine Barrens
devoid of inhabitants.;187pp, 2002; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #404; $19.95 Only One Sky to
Fly In: Embracing The Reptiles by Jacqueline Longstaff - The other side of the
story � tell about the evolution of the good . Not all of the reptiles are against
humans. There is now a breakaway group which is working for us . 250 pp, 2003,
5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #457; $17.95 Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Construction Plans,
Experimental Use, and Protection Against Toxic Energy by James DeMeo, Ph.D. -
foreword by Eva Reich, M.D., Based on the discoveries of Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Learn
to concentrate orgone (life) energy using readily available materials. These
experimental devices have shown to stimulate plant growth and human physiology in
controlled studies. In a court decision unique in American history, his books were
ordered burned by the U.S. Federal government in 1957. The Orgone energy blankets,
shooters, accumulators, bion-packs for atmospheric cleansing. Diagrams,
photographs, bibliography and resource guide.; 150pp, 1989; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#224; $12.95 Origin and Evolution of Religion by Albert Churchward - Includes:
Definitions; Religious Cult of the Totemic People; Magic and Fetishism; Hero Cult
and Mythology; Sacred Symbols; Stellar Cult; Great Pyramid of Ghizeh; Different
Phases of the Stellar Cult; Lunar Cult; Solar Cult; The Jews and Israelites;
Babylonian Cult; Buddhism; The Druids; Mohammedism; Cult of Christianity.
Profusely Illustrated; 504pp, 2000; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #199; $39.95 Origin and
Significance of the Great Pyramid by C. Staniland Wake - One of the most profound
mysteries of the world towers above the desert sands of Egypt the Great Pyramid.
Who built this amazing monument and why? When was the work completed? This book
assembles information from numerous sources, including spiritual, mathematical,
astronomical, astrological and religious areas. #16797; $13.95 Origin of
Understanding: Volume I of The Book of Origins by Michael Sandborn & Mark Sandborn
Now, for the first time in modern history the origin codes can be explained, and
the underlying structure and meaning of the entire universe can be understood. How
do the senses reveal the natural language? Through the unification. A color lacks
ultimate meaning without sound. A number lacks ultimate meaning without color. By
unifying the senses we are able to define each idea completely and perfectly as it
was naturally meant to be. Color illustrations throughout. 163pp, 8.5x11 ;
Softcvr; #521; $19.95 Orion Prophecy: Will the World Be Destroyed in 2012? by
Patrick Geryl -In the year 2012 the Earth awaits a super catastrophe. This
prediction stems from the Mayans and Egyptians descendants of the legendary
Atlantis. In 2012 Venus, Orion and others will take the same code-positions as in
9792 BC, the year of the previous cataclysm! For thousands of years sources have
told of a forgotten time capsule of ancient wisdom located in a mythical labyrinth
of secret chambers filled with artifacts and documents from the previous flood
this book gives a possible location.; 264pp, 2002; 6.3x9.25 ; Softcvr; #582; $
16.95 Osiris Complex: Case-Studies in Multiple Personality Disorder by Collin
Ross, M.D. Various case histories of multiple personality disorder. Understanding
of the relationship between childhood trauma and serious mental illness. The
imaging is so intense and subjectively compelling, and is reinforced so many times
by the ongoing trauma, that the created identities seem to take on a life of their
own, though they are all parts of one person. 296pp, 1994; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #300;
$22.95 Our Enemy the State by Albert Nock -first published in 1935 and reprinted
in 2001 - This is the gravest danger that today threatens civilization: State
intervention, the absorption of all spontaneous social effort by the State; that
is to say, of spontaneous historical action, which in the long-run sustains,
nourishes and impels human destinies. - Jose Ortega Y Gasset, 1922; 139pp, 1935;
Softcvr; #317; $9.95 Our Great Seal by E. Raymond Capt - Symbols of our Heritage
and our Destiny. Its symbolism reveals a deeply religious and supremely spiritual
truth incorporated in the Seal. Complete history of the designing up to the final
finished product. Glossary of heraldic terms is given in the description of the
Great Seal of the USA. Capt calls to our attention the significance of the devices
on the Seal embodied in the report: special chapter is devoted to the United
states in Bible Prophecy; 96pp, 1979; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #291; $8.00 Painful
Questions: An analysis of the September 11th Attack by Eric Hufschmid -Is the U.S.
Government so incompetent that the 9-11 attack merely appears to be a scam? Why is
the military hiding the video of Flight 77 as it crashes into the Pentagon? Why
didn t seismic stations pick up the crash of Flight 77 into the Pentagon? Painful
Questions presents compelling evidence that the attacks were a scam of immense
proportions. 100+ photos and graphics (most in color) � Extremely well done book.;
154pp, 2003; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #592; $19.95; Painful Deceptions: DVD or Video -
$15.95 Palestine Plot by B. Jenson - Written by a prominent Danish lawyer. A well
documented and chronological report on the rise of Zionism and the conquest of
Palestine. Hundreds of damaging admissions and revealing statements from Zionists,
anti-Zionists and disinterested parties. A must for true Middle East historians.;
150pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #79; $9.95 Palmistry Revealed: A simple guide to
unlocking the secrets of your hands by Paul Fenton-Smith - The ancient science of
palmistry has long fascinated those who seek to examine the past and discovered
what the future holds. For answers to the questions we all have about life- from
love, marriage and children to health, career and talents- we need look no further
than the palm of our hands, Over 100 illustrations as well as numerous real-life
examples to help you interpret your hands, and those of family and friends. 1997,
190pp, 7x9 ; Softcvr; #727; $10.95 Pawns in The Game by William Guy Carr - A
former British Naval officer describes the worldwide conspiracy of bankers, who
employ Communism as a battering ram. Includes atrocities of Bolsheviks and of
Spanish Communists. At age 12 the author was indoctrinated into Bolshevic ideology
by two missionaries who travelled on the same ship to the Orient in 1907. He didn
t swallow the bait and his investigations of all angles of the International
Conspiracy have taken him to nearly every country in the world.;219pp, 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #66; $13.95 Petra by E. Raymond Capt - The ancient city of the Edomites
that was lost for over a thousand years and only re-discovered in the 19th
Century. It is one of the most mysterious, fascinating and beautiful of all the
ancient Biblical sites. Nestled in a craggy canyon of red, pink, white, brown and
violet rock, the city is practically invisible from the air and impregnable from
the ground. Known in Scriptures as Selah , in the time of Abraham.; 128pp, 1987;
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #288; $8.00 Phil Schneider: His Final Message by Phil Schneider
& Al Bielek - Phil Schneider lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-
style execution in January 1996. Schneider was involved in building underground
bases. The highest security clearance ever to tell it like it is, one of 3 people
to survive the 1979 firefight between large Greys and U.S. intelligence & military
at the Dulce underground base. Bonus: One hour video from Ted Gunderson - The
Story of the Art Bell Lawsuit . CD ROM- Mac&PC; 1995; #160; $19.95 Philadelphia
Experiment CD by Alfred Bielek - Bielek has lead a life most would not choose.
While many might think time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects
are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege. Because those who
set the agenda wish to keep their activities secret, Al was robbed of his family,
his memories, and ultimately, his identity. And first time ever, Larry James,
gives the most comprehensive account ever recorded. It will shock and disturb most
people to learn what is going on. 24 hours of audio interviews and over 100 rare
photographs. Mac, IBM PC, & Unix compatible.; 2000; 1 CD ; CD; #113; $29.95
Philadelphia Experiment, The 3 Audio CD Set by Timothy Beckley - The Bizarre
Mystery of M.K. Jessup, the Allende Letters, and the Philadephia Experiment. In
October 1943, the U.S. Navy secretly accomplished the teleportaion of a warship
from Philadelphia to a dock near Norfold by successfully applying Einstein�s
Unified Field Theory. The experiment also caused the crew and officers of the ship
to become invisible, during which time they were sent to a time-space warp into
another dimension. #16925; $27.95 Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles: Exploring
the Strange Case of Alfred Bielek & Dr. M.K. Jessup by Commander X - Time Travel,
Teleportation, Alternative Energy, Anti-Gravity.
In 1943, a mega-ton destroyer was made invisible, teleported onto the blackness
of another dimension; while crew members were flung through time and space. The
few who returned went instantly insane. A survivor, Alfred Bielek, tells his
remarkable story of a career of brainwashing by the military, and how he came to
unlock the mysteries of his past. 137pp, 1994; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #557; $15.00

All that we are is the result of what we have thought: It is founded on our
thoughts and is made up of our thoughts. - Dhammapada

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Philadelphia Experiment Murder, The: Parallel Universes and the Physics of
Insanity by Alexandria Bruce & Peter Moon - It has long since been established by
science that parallel universes exist. The problem has been that no one knows how
to penetrate or experience them save for the testimony of those who have been
labeled insane. Prompted by a vigorous and thorough investigation of the
circumstances surrounding the murder of Phil Schneider, parallel worlds come into
focus though studying the nature of insanity itself. 256pp, 2001; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #129; $19.95 Phillip Dru: Administrator by Col. Edward Mandell House - A
Story of Tommorrow 19201935 - Written 1912. Disguised as a novel to dupe the
masses, the blueprint for the radical socialist revolution that enslaved the U.S.
during the Wilson and Roosevelt presidencies. Excerpts from Intimate Papers of
Col. House (1926) & Woodrow Wilson: 100pp, 1912; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #308; $14.95
Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolph Steiner With 11 Additional Lectures - Our age can
only accept truth from the depths of human nature. Of Schiller�s two well-known
paths, it is the second that will mostly be chosen at the present time: Truth seek
we both -Thou in the life without thee and around; I in the heart within. By both
can Truth alike be found. The healthy eye can through the world the great Creator
track; The healthy heart is but the glass which gives Creation back. Softcvr; 500
pp; #16839; $17.95 Phoenecian Origin of the Britons, Scots HB by L.A. Waddell -
Authoritative and well illustrated work representing the Phoenician theory on
British origins, supported by an imposing array of evidence. The lost history and
civilization of our own ancestors in Ancient Britain, as they are now disclosed to
have been a branch of the same great ruling race as the Sunworshipping Akhen-aten
( the predecessor and fatherin-law of Tut-ankh-amen) and the author of the
naturalistic New Egyptian art - the SyrioPhoenicians.; 476pp, 4x9 ; Hardcover;
#40h; $24.95 Pirates & The Lost Templar Fleet: The Secret Naval War Between the
Knights Templar & the Vatican by David Hatcher Childress - When the Templars were
disbanded by papal order in 1307, their massive fleet disappeared from its base at
La Rochelle. Childress maintains that a portion of the fleet became the first
pirates to fly the Skull and Crossbones � marauding the Mediterranean, and later
preying on the ships of the Vatican coming from the rich ports of the Americas as
the Pirates of the Caribbean.; 277 p; 2003; 5.5x8.5 inches; $16.95 Planet X: 2002
Global Wings Conference with Mark Hazelwood and James McCaney - This program is
over an hour and 45 minutes of so much information on Planet X you�ll want to
watch it over and over again! It captures both authors lectures and a shared
workshop at the conference.. In-depth astronomy and how to see the signs - in the
sky, weather, earth changes. Be INFORMED on this most important subject! 2002;
1.75 hr.; Video OR DVD; $19.95 Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of
Light by Barbara Hand Clow - Prepare for the "Cosmic Party". Astrologer and
spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow reveals the timing of the coming critical leap
in evolution at the end of the Mayan Calendar. She describes this transition into
the Age of Light; as a huge cosmic drama functioning simultaneously in nine
dimensions, with Earth as the chosen theater. The Pleiadian phenomenon continues!
303pp, 1995; 6x9 ; Softcover; #717; $15.00 Potatoes not Prozac: by Dr. Kathleen
DesMaisons Can t say no to fattening foods, alcohol or compulsive behaviors? You
re not lazy, self-indulgent or undisciplined; you may be one of millions of people
who are sugar sensitive. The vicious cycle can continue for years, leaving
sufferers overweight, fatigued, depressed and sometimes alcoholic. Now the tools
to attain maximum health and well-being.; 252pp, 1999; 6.3x9.3 ; Softcover; #704;
$13.00 Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont- It is of the utmost value to
learn how to concentrate. To make the greatest success of anything you must be
able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working on. The
person that is able to concentrate utilizes all constructive thoughts and shuts
out all destructive ones. The greatest man would accomplish nothing if he lacked
concentration. Softcvr; 214 pp; #16814; $12.95 Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual
Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle - What is the power of Now? The power of your
presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms. So deal with the past
on the level of the present. The more attention you give to the past, the more you
energize it, and the more likely you are to make a self out of it. Don t
misunderstand: attention is essential, but not to the past. Give attention to the
present; to your behavior, to your reactions, moods, thoughts, emotions, fears,
and desires in the present.; 208pp, 1999; 6.3x9.3 ; Hardcover; #558; $22.95 Power
of Subconscious Goal Setting by Dr. Louis Turi - Why your goals are a reflection
of your self-image; Why willpower doesn t work; How to combine your goals with
Subconscious Laws; The secret to wealth made simple; How to build a Murphy Proof
plan; The biggest reason why people fail to achieve their goals; The What, Why,
How Formula for life; How to create your own Success Dictionary; How to create
timelines that avoid self-sabotage; What a butterfly can teach you about success.
236pp, 2003; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #715; $ 19.95 Power of the Dragon by Scott Groves
- Based on the esoteric power of the nodes of the moon. Free of mathematical
jargon, divulges the secrets of what it means to be human. A soul�s past life
residue, its health, sins, virtues, strengths and weaknesses are stored on the
might Dragon�s Tail, while true fate and opportunities lie on the fiery Dragon�s
head. Understand how and why people like Princess Diana, Hitler, JFK Jr.,
Presidents, actors, artists, criminals, and scientists made history 424pp, 2004;
6x9 ; Softcvr; #725; $ 25.00 Practical Guide to Psychic Powers: Awaken Your Sixth
Sense by Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips Why Develop Your Psychic Powers?
Because you are missing out on so much without them! This book is a complete
Course teaching you step-by-step how to develop ESP, clairvoyance, telekinesis,
prophecy, divination, psychometry, dowsing, astral vision, and more!; 198pp, 2000;
6x8.5 ; Softcvr; #549; $ 9.95

The angry man will defeat himself in battle as well as in life. --Samurai Maxim
Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense: Strengthen Your Aura by DenniMelita
Denning & Osborne Phillips - Psychic well-being and psychic self-defense are two
sides of the same coin, just as are physical health and resistance to disease.
Every living thing is surrounded by an electromagnetic force field, or AURA, that
can provide the means to psychic selfdefense and to dynamic well-being. Explores
the world of very real psychic warfare of which we are all victims.; 239pp, 1987;
5.25x8 ; Hardcover; #496; $9.95 The Practical Magic of Numerology: A new approach
to this old-age science guiding you through your own journey by Beryl Saunders -
This book bridges the gap for the reader- enabling them to transform their Numbers
of Birth and their Names into a useful tool for everyday life. We are all
searching for freedom- freedom from whatever it is that constricts us. 80 pp,
2000, 6x9, Softback, #725, $7.95 Primary Perception: Biocommunication with plants,
living foods, and human cells by Cleve Baxter Experiments involving plants with
prayer, with music, with treated water, with cursing, with colored lights, etc.
have revealed just how sensitive they are. Experiments involving plants with
prayer, with music, with treated water, with cursing, with colored lights, etc.
have revealed just how sensitive they are. 168 pp, 2003, 5.5x9, Softback, #637,
$15.95 Problem of Increasing Human Energy and My Inventions by Nikola Tesla - Two
works by the genius Nikola Tesla, including his autobiography. Nikola Tesla was
born in Croatia (then part of Austria-Hungary) on July 9, 1856, and died January
7, 1943. He was the electrical engineer who invented the AC (alternating current)
induction motor, which made the universal transmission and distribution of
electricity possible. Softcvr; 5x8; 100+ pp; #16902; $10.99 Prometheus Rising:
Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves by Robert Anton Wilson - Imagine
trying to make sense of Timothy Leary s eight neurological circuits, G.I.
Gurdjieff s self-observations exercises, Alfred Korzybski s general semantics,
Aleister Crowley s magical theorems, and several disciplines of Yoga; Christian
Science, relativity, quantum mechanics, & other approaches to the world! Practical
techniques to break free of your reality tunnels. 285pp, 1993; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#459; $14.95 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Translated from the Russian
of NILUS by Victor E. Marsden The controversy surrounding this book has vehemently
raged since the day it was discovered . We neither dispute or credit the book. It
s your right to read it and determine whether its protocols are in use today. We
don t consider it objectionable, yet if any group, has enacted the protocols
outlined, then you must have access to know thy enemy. Marsden was a Russian
Correspondent of The Morning Post ; 299pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #147; $10.95 Prudent
Places USA by Stan & Holly Deyo - This remarkable CD-ROM is a "must-have" tool for
people wanting to find the wiser places to live in America during these
increasingly uncertain times. There are over 550 color maps divided into five main
categories as shown below. At least 70 of the maps are over 6 square feet each
when printed out. They allow you to choose your own combination of priorities from
the topics below.; 2003 1 CD-Rom - both Mac & PC; #718; $29.95

Send a catalog to a friend. Call us at 903-876-3256 or use the order form on the
back page of this catalog.

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
PSI Spies By Jim Marrs - Unravels the mystery behind the psychic phenomena known
as remote viewing. In lean journalistic style, Marrs uncovers the military program
that turned soldiers into psychic spies. Find out what happens when the psychic
soldiers use their abilities to unlock the mysteries behind UFO�s, time travel,
the assassination of JFK, and the Soviet plot to kill Ronald Reagan. Softcvr; 5x8;
190+ pp; #16936; $19.95 Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. by Alex Constantine -
The terrifying extent of electromagnetic and bioelemetric mind control
experimentation on humans. With Non-Lethal Technology , the Pentagon can transmit
voices, inflict pain, madness, even death, with the push of a button. The use of
cults as cover for arms sales, child abuse to create assassins with multiple
personality syndrome. Aspartame, and the dumbing of America.; 320pp, 1995; 5.5x8.5
; Softcvr; #426; $14.95 Psychic Self-Defense By Dion Fortune (1930) - It is with a
sense of the seriousness of the issues involved that I set myself to the task of
writing a book on psychic attack and the best methods of defence against it. The
undertaking is beset with pitfalls. It is hardly possible to give practical
information on the methods of psychic defence without at the same time giving
practical information on the methods of psychic attack. Perfect-bound, 285+ pp;
8x5; #16854; $11.95 Psychokinesiology: Doorway to the Unconscious Mind by
Alexander Holub -This bold and dynamic book reveals the key to communicating
directly with the unconscious (subconscious), of our psyche. Exploring different
facets of behavior allow the clear analysis of what is hidden within the deeper
elements of the mind and how these controlling patterns of behavior came to be.
Written primarily for professional therapist and counselor, new carefully
researched techniques can be incorporated easily into current therapy practice.;
265pp, 1999; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #234; $16.95 Pyramid of Fire: The Lost Aztec Codex
by John Major Jenkins and Martin Matz - The first translation of a previously
unknown Aztec codex and its initiatory teachings for 2012. Discloses the potential
for great spiritual awakening offered at the end of the Aztec calendar cycle.
#16914; $14.00 Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness by Preston
Nichols & Peter Moon Montauk Point and its select location for pyramids and time
travel experimentation. Awakens the consciousness of humanity to its ancient
history and origins through the discovery of pyramids at Montauk. Their placement
on sacred Native American ground opens the door to an unprecedented investigation
of the mystery schools of Earth and their connection to Egypt, Atlantis, Mars and
the star Sirius; Covert operations at Montauk including the development of new
psychotronic weapons.; 256pp, 1995; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #125; $19.95 Quantum
Healing: Exploring The Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine by Deepak Chopra, M.D. - An
extraordinary new approach to healing filled with the mystery and hope of
seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses. Dr.
Chopra, a respected endocrinologist, began his search when he saw patients
completely recover after being given only a few months to live. Now he has brought
together the research of Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics with
Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is controlled by a "network of
intelligence" grounded in quantum reality.; 263pp, 1989; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #668;
$15.95 Quest for the Inner Earth By Dorothy Leon - Like the old adage proclaims:
"Where there�s so much smoke, there must be some fire". There has certainly been a
lot of smoke concerning the "Inner Earth". As stated in Ecclesiastes 1:9: "There
is no new thing under the sun." The idea of an Inner Earth is not new. In addition
to ancient legends, myths, and folklore, it has been written about since the
printed word began. #16803; $14.95 Quest For Zero Point Energy: Engineering
Principles for Free Energy by Moray B. King Basic theory: there are fluctuations
of electrical energy within the fabric of space. By identifying the densest
energy; & using today s technology to balance the flow, we can have free energy.
Diagrams on free energy and anti-gravity. King is an internationally known
physicist on ZeroPoint Energy, Tesla & Quantum Physics.; 224pp, 2002; 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #428; $14.95 Re-Inheriting the Earth: Awakening to sustainable solutions
and greater truths by Brian O Leary Ph.D. - Noted visionary scientist � author
astronaut reveals the corruptions of and solutions for a global culture deeply
troubled by pollution, greed and suppression. Included are the latest developments
in new energy, oil politics, what underlies the California and global energy
crunch, and what choices we have for solving the crisis. 300pp, 2002, 5.5 x 8.5,
Softcover, $19.95 Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an
Unnecessary War by Thomas J. Dilorenzo Ph.D. - Demolished: the myth that the North
fought to end slavery Lincoln turned American history on its head by defining
secession as treason. Lincoln s spectacular lie : He invented the idea that the
federal Union created the states and waged war to prove himself right. Lincoln
transformed America into a consolidated empire, more and more despotic at home and
adventurous abroad.; 272pp, 2002; 5.8x8.5 ; Softcover; #542; $14.95 Recognition of
the Republic of Texas: The Movement for Independence by Ethel Zivley Ratiler _&_
Diplomatic Relations of Texas and the United States: 1839-1843 by Thomas Maitland
Marshall -Special Reprint - 2 books in one Volume!, During the first
administration of Houston the keynotes of Texan diplomatic relations with the
United States were recognition of her independence and annexation. 192pp;
Softcover, 5x8 ; #711; $14.95 Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself by Dr. Eric
Pearl - What does it mean when Dr. Pearl s patients report the miraculous
disappearance of afflictions such as cancers, AIDS-related diseases, and cerebal
palsy? And what does it mean when people who interact with Eric Pearl report a
sudden ability to access this healing energy not just for themselves, but for
others, too? 224 pages <>Hardcover, 6x9 ; #352; $ 23.95 <>Softcover, 6x9 ; #352s;
$14.95 Recognition of the Republic of Texas & Diplomatic Relations By Ethel Zivley
Ratiler and Thomas M. Marshall - When Texas in the fall of 1835 found herself at
war with Mexico, her first step, after putting the country in a state of defense,
was to cast about for aid. Two alternatives were presented to her: she might
either ally herself with the Mexican Liberals, who were also in rebellion against
the centralized government of Santa Anna; or she might declare independence, and
trust to the United States for assistance to sustain it. Perfect-bound; 5x8; 192
pp; #16726; $14.95 Red Fog Over America by William Guy Carr - The author of Pawns
in the Game further reveals that an international conspiracy, using One World
Government as a springboard, is in operation for the purpose of destroying our
national and religious institutions in America.- 290pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #71;
$13.95 Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market by
Eric Schlosser Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation, offers an unprecedented view
of the nexus of ingenuity, greed, high-mindedness, and hypocrisy that is American
culture. He reveals the vast and fascinating workings of the shadow economy by
focusing on marijuana, pornography, and illegal migrant workers.; 2003;
<>Hardcover; 320pp, 6.3x9.4 ; #572; 23.00 <> CD, 7cd Boxed Set ; #573; $39.95
Reflexology Manual: An Easy-to-Use Illustrated Guide to the Healing Zones of the
Hands and Feet by Pauline Wills -According to reflexology, the hands and feet are
microcosms of the body, containing points or zones that relate to individual
glands, nerves, muscles, and organs. Reflexology harnesses the body s healing
energy by stimulating specific pressure points, alleviating the energy blocks that
can cause pain or disability and restoring optimum health. Color photos illustrate
a full treatment step by step. 144pp, 1995; 8x11 ; Softcvr; #598; $19.95 The
Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce: Interdimensional Communication & Global
Transformation by Wynn Free - The parallels of channeler David Wilcock Edgar Cayce
include physical resemblance, astrological charts, personality traits, and
numerous other similarities. Wilcock also examines Cayce s many predictions about
global health issues and Earth changes, and gives guidance to those who want to
understand the significance of these changes now taking place. More importantly,
perhaps, is the information on the science of ascension, Ra material, economic
changes, and Earth changes as we approach the predicted time of great transition
360pp, 2003; 6x9 ; Softcvr; ; $18.95 Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook by Joseph
McMoneagle - Remote viewing is not simply using psychic ability, it uses
scientific protocol to develop and extend that ability. Ordinary people can learn
to do what psychics do. This book teaches you how to teach yourself. McMoneagle
was Remote Viewer #001 in the Army s Stargate program. He uses examples,
exercises, and anecdotes to share what he learned and how he learned it, and gives
you everything you need to begin developing your own abilities. 298pp, 2000;
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #394; $14.95 Report From Iron Mountain by U.S. Government &
Leonard C. Lewin - A book that shook the White House U.S. News & World Report
Quotes from the book: Another possible surrogate for the control of potential
enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern
technology and political processes, of slavery. ; "... conversion of the code of
military discipline to a euphemized form of enslavement would entail surprisingly
little revision; the logical first step would
be the adoption of some form of �universal� military service." 109pp, 5x7 ;
Softcvr; #319; $9.95 Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh & Babylon
by R. Campbell Thompson (1900) - Incredible research - a must book for any student
of astrology. This book includes the cunieform script and the translations. Comb-
bound, 340+ pp; 8.5x11, Illustrated; #16849; $19.95

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Reptilian Agenda, The by David Icke & Credo Mutwa 2 videos with the Zulu Sanusi or
Shaman, Credo Mutwa. Astonishing information which, until now, was only available
to the highest initiates of the African Shaman tradition. How a shapeshifting
reptilian race ( Chitauri to Africans) has controlled humanity for thousands of
years and how their bloodlines are in the positions of royal, political & economic
power today.; 1998; 3 VHS-NTSC Video Set or DVD; #109; $59.95 Republic of Texas
Coin 1 oz. coin by Republic of Texas - In 1836 the Republic of Texas legislature
authorized the government Treasury to mint coins of gold and silver. For unknown
reasons the coins were never minted. In 1999 the citizens of the Republic of Texas
movement minted their first silver coin. Beautifully mastered, numbered 2nd
edition coins are now available. Own this precious, never to be repeated series.
These come with a Bill of Sale, suitable for framing, guaranteeing the
authenticity of your coin.; 2001; 1 oz ; Softcover1; #23; $39.95 Respiratory
Solution: How to use natural cures to reverse respiratory ailments by Cass Ingram,
M.D. - Relief from asthma, bronchitis, mold, sinus attacks, allergies, sore
throats, colds and flu. Have you ever wondered how plants, such as the trees which
line a busy interstate highway, survive despite being constantly exposed to
pollutants? This may be the answer to chemtrails with natural, alternative
remedies.; 2003; 156pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #439; $14.95 Resurrection Tomb by E.
Raymond Capt - Analysis of Gordon s Garden Tomb. Identifies it, to the
satisfaction of the author, as the most probable site of the Tomb from which the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ took place. And, at the same time, reconciles what
seem to be discrepancies in the Gospel accounts of the events occurring on
Resurrection Day. Includes photos, diagrams and drawings.; 80pp, 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #287; $5.00 Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom by Mark Amaru Pinkham -
Early civilizations in Egypt, India, China, Peru, Mesopotamia, Britain, and
Americas were constructed and colonized by spiritual masters of the original
serpent. With names denoting snake or dragon (Naga, Lung, Djedhi, Amaru,
Quetzalcoatl, Adder) they came from Motherlands referred to as Atlantis, Pan, Old
Red Land of the Atlantic, and Lemuria, Mu, Rua, or Kumari Nadu in the Pacific.
366pp, 1998; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #240; $16.95 Return to Masada by Robert Makin - A
gripping account of the famous Battle of Masada, Interwoven with action-packed
visuals you will never forget, is a story that cries out to the soul for
understanding of unmitigated suffering and sacrifice for the sake of a Destiny
that supercedes all earthly combats. Can the power of an idea change the course of
history? 193pp, 5.5 x 8.5 , Softbound #373, $18.95 Revelations of a Mother Goddess
by David Icke & Arizona Wilder - Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, was
mind-programmed from birth to become one of the three most important female
conductors of Satanic rituals on the planet. Her programmer was Josef Mengele, the
notorious Nazi, Angel of Death . When he died, late 1980 s, her programming began
to break down. Her experiences with famous names will shock you.; 1999; 2 VHS-NTSC
Video Set or DVD; #67; $39.95 Rise of the House of Rothschild by Count Egon Caesar
Corti - An exhaustive account of the House of Rothschild between 1770-1830. The
House of Rothschild carefully guarded its more important business secrets. But
this was an advantage, for it left Count Corti free from political considerations
and uninfluenced by racial, national, and religious predilections or antipathies.
He began an independent historical research into the part played by this House in
the nineteenth century, which was far more important than commonly thought. 1928,
432pp, #685, 5.5x8.5 , Softbound, $18.95 Risking Being Alive: The Wisdom of NOW by
James Oldham, Yaro Starak & Tony Key - Risking Being Alive is a collection of
ideas, experiments and readings which introduce psychological tools that can be
used to increase the sharpness with which you see and relate to the world. Used
properly they will enable you to enrich your life and become master of your fate.
2003, 5.5x8.5 , 170 p, #659, Softbound, $19.95 Rockefeller File by Gary Allen -
Shocking, true story of the most powerful family in America. How the House of
Rockefeller became a political and financial dynasty. The New World Order it plans
to create & control. The original John D. hated competition and the free
enterprise system. He was a ruthless monopolist who bought political influence to
protect his economic empire. His descendants have carried his tactics worldwide.
By the author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy; 194pp, Softcvr; #221; $8.95
Rothschild Money Trust by George Armstrong - The rise of the Rothschilds and how
they used their power and immense wealth to influence world events. Preface: The
cardinal principles of the trust were secrecy, ...that the heirs and their heirs
should have only a communal interest in it, and that the estate as ..should be
governed by the eldest son of the eldest son unless a majority of the heirs
determined otherwise. 229pp, Softcvr; #47; $12.95 Rule By Secrecy: The Hidden
History That Connects the Trilateral Commissions, the Freemasons, and the Great
Pyramids by Jim Marrs - What secrets connect Egypt s Great Pyramids, Freemasons,
and the CFR? Examines the world s most closely guarded secrets, tracing the
history of clandestine societies and the power they have wielded - from ancient
times to today. Uncovers disturbing evidence that the real movers and shakers of
the world collude covertly to start and stop wars, manipulate stock markets,
maintain class distinctions, and even censor the news. Provocative and utterly
compelling.; 2001; 480pp, 5.25x8 ; Softcvr; #273; $14.95 Rulers of Evil: Useful
Knowledge About Governing Bodies by Tupper Saussy - The U.S. was conceived in
secrecy. The minutes of clandestine proceedings of the Continental Congress from
1774 to 1789 were destroyed relative to it. What was the actual purpose of the
Boston Tea Party? What do Congressional Medal of Honor winners have in common with
Cain? What connection do the American founding fathers have with ancient Rome? Who
is the Black Pope? Clear and unmistakable evidence of the Jesuit power.; 352pp,
2001; 6x9.25 ; Hardcover; #107; $26.95

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having
new eyes. - Marcel Proust

Sacred Steps by Kim Savino, Ph.D. - Not just a book It s an adventure. A Powerful
Book that is hard to put down. The story has a gentle, yet persuasive way about it
that invites the mind to stretch, to understand, and to explore further... Learn
to: Use Tools to Develop Your Focus & Connection, Find Structure in Your Life in
the Middle of Turmoil, Change the World by Changing Your Perceptions, and Much,
Much More!; 301pp, 2003; 5.25x8.25 ; Softcvr; #552; $17.95 Sacred Symbols of Mu,
The by James Churchward - In this, the third book in the famous series, The origin
and original meanings of the world s religious symbols and their common source
-the ancient Continent of Mu. Mu, the Motherland, whose legacy is displayed in the
underlying unity of religious symbology shared by all later civilizations
(ancient, vanished and current).; 296pp, 1989; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #188; $16.95
Saharasia: The 4000 Bce Origins Of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare And Social
Violence, In The Deserts Of The Old World by James DeMeo, Ph.D. - The First
Geographical Cross-Cultural Anthropological, Archaeological and Historical Survey
of Human Family and Social Institutions and human behavior using Wilhelm Reich s
sex-economic discoveries. Migratory patterns, and where & how human tragedy began.
A breakthrough scientific study of human psychology and anthropology. Ancient
Humans Were Peaceful; Modern Violence is Avoidable. Index, maps, photos,
illustrations, bibliography, The Revolutionary Discovery of a Geographical Basis
to Human Behavior. 450pp, 1998; 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #226; $34.00 Saint Germain on
Alchemy: Formulas for SelfTransformation by Elizabeth Claire Prophet -In the 18th
century, the Wonderman of Europe fulfilled the alchemist s dream of turning base
metal into gold. Now the ancient secrets of Saint Germain are revealed in order to
externalize the light within. Saint Germain reveals techniques to help transform
your life, your town, your planet. How you can harness spiritual energy, control
your emotions and get rid of anxiety. Mystical origins of America. 117-page
glossary of alchemical and spiritual terms.; 493pp, 1988; 4x7 ; Softcvr; #285;
$7.95 Saint Germain s Prophecy for the New Millennium: Includes Dramatic
Prophecies from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Mother Mary by Elizabeth Claire
Prophet - What We Can Expect through 2025? Is there light at the end of the
tunnel? Reveals that the period we are entering is unique both in its opportunity
for spiritual and technological progress and in its potential for cataclysm. They
also reveal that prophecy is not set in stone. The insights and techniques
revealed in this book will help you shape the future you want.; 396pp, 1999; 4x7 ;
Softcvr; #362; $7.99

The buzzing seemed to make thoughts fall apart just before forming, like sand on a
vibrating metal plate, and I felt vaguely angry. On the third or fourth occurrence
of this, I noticed that in the wake of the buzzing sound, an unusual number of
fights could be heard breaking out all around me. From out on the streets, and
from adjoining buildings, and apartments, came the shouts and threats of people
overcome with anger. - From Mind Control, World Control

Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: Stay centered by
accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate. -- Chuang Tzu

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment by Collin Ross, M.D. -The objective
reality of Satanic ritual abuse memories is a sociological and lawenforcement
question and cannot be answered by clinicians. None the less, clinicians treating
this population need guidelins that will encourage grounded, helpful therapeautic
interventions, free from the extremes of belief and skepticism. This book
endeavours to reduce the unproductive polarization of debate about Satanism; to
suggest specific research studies that are required; to correct key conceptual
errors in the field; and to describe the clinical reality of Satanic ritual abuse
cases.; 228pp, 1995; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #389; $17.95 Saurian Saga, The by Thomas Dodd
and Mary Peterson - In ancient times, when the world was still very new, not long
after the earth had cooled; the violence of global upheavals had eased. The world
was full of all manner of life and the existence of mankind became known by other
beings inhabiting the world. But man was still new to the world and his influence
weak. In this distant time, there were other more awesome beings and creatures
that had long struggled for evolution throughout those early ages. Down in the
deep shadows of what is now called Africa, a fantastic adventure came to pass. In
that faraway time and place, in the very beginnings of what we now call history, a
great conflict arose between two mighty creatures. These creatures emerged from
the very recesses of time. Once living as brothers, their existence had
deteriorated into a contest for superiority and ultimate power. Great and
sometimes foolish powers are well known today, but these ancient enemies did not
use bullets or bombs like we have in this time. Softbound, 5x8, 200+ pp; #16930;
$9.99 Say NO! to the New World Order by Gary Allen Since the end of World War II,
forty-three nations, representing nearly one-third the earth s surface, have
fallen to Communism. In every single instance, the U.S. State Department was a
willing and knowing accomplice to the betrayal. Why? As you will learn in this
book, it was planned that way, as a part of an elitist scheme to create a New
World Order.; 268pp, Softcvr; #344; $7.95 Science and Religion by Dr. Kasem
Khaleel - This new work, by an acclaimed author of 14 books in various fields
dealing with science and Islam, puts across a strong argument that the sciences
are divine in origin, and not secular. He argues successfully that humans are a
unique species unrelated to evolution, and that the enormous universe operates by
a specific plan, and never by chance. Discover the existence of a force, which
controls all. Discover how divine texts contain irrefutable scientific
facts.268pp, 2004; 5.5x8.5 , Softcvr; #657; $14.95 Science of Money, The by
Alexander Del Mar - This excellent book has been out of print now for quite some
time. It is with pride that TGS Publishing is able to scan the original book and
make it available to the public once again. As with all of Alexander Del Mar�s
book, the content is an excellent expos of what money is supposed to be, from a
period in time before our modern concepts have polluted the monetary systems that
were once based on real value. Alexander Del Mar was born in the city of New York,
August 9, 1836. After graduating at a Polytechnic, he was educated as a Civil and
Mining Engineer. In 1857 he formed the design of writing a history of the Precious
Metals. This led to the study of Money. Softcvr, 5 x 8, 250+ pp; #16934; $18.99
Science in The Name of God by Dr. Kasem Khaleel Is your history fact or fiction?
Copernicus: a plagiarist? DaVinci: scientist or fraud? The original universities:
divine or secular? The first modern hospitals: European or African? The first
diplomas: Christian or Islamic? Modern medicine: Western or Eastern? The real
origin of words such as algebra, arithmetic, zero, almanac, drug, zenith, and
dozens more 331pp, 2004; Softcvr; 5.5x8.5 , #658; $19.95 Second Coming of Science,
The: Brian O Leary � The real-life implications of avantgarde research are rarely
put in words. There are too few unifying terms and too few people willing to sort
through the scattered data. Brian O Leary deserves our thanks for this landmark,
state-of-the-art synthesis. He follows Einstein s dictum that explanations should
be as simple as possible but no simpler. $12.95 Secret Architecture of Our Nation
s Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C. by David Ovason & C.
Fred Kleinknecht - Today, there are more than twenty complete zodiacs in
Washington, D.C., each one pointing to an extraordinary mystery. Reveals why they
have been placed in such abundance in our nation s capital, their
interconnections, and how Washington, from foundation in 1791, was linked with the
meaning of certain stars, and with a hidden cosmological symbolism. 528pp, 2002;
5.25x8 ; Softcvr; #435; $15.95 Secret Behind Secret Societies, The: Liberation of
the Planet in the 21st Century by Jon Rappoport The way of the secret society is a
way of life. At its root, it is not grinning skulls and sputtering candles in dark
rooms. It is not that provincial. How organizations have carted off something very
vital in the middle of the night-and how to get it back. A cult may be doing good
in one sphere while destroying on another. Most religions are secret societies. An
invisible tradition which has existed for 10,000 years. A tradition which can free
us now from our personal limitations. 410pp, 1998; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #149; $24.95
Secret Don t Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery - From corrupt
therapists to unethical researchers to secret government agencies, From the author
s own painful experience with unethical hypnosis, this book is the product of over
a decade of research. A true encyclopedia in the field of hypnosis and mind-
control technologies, psychotherapy, trance phenomena, or related fields of law.;
Also as audio CD with the entire book read by the author. <>Softcover, 513pp,
1998; 9.25x11.25 ; #411; 27.95 <>CD, 2000, #603, $26.00 Secret Empire: Eisenhower,
the CIA, and the Hidden Story of America s Space Espionage by Philip Taubman -
During the early and most dangerous years of the cold war, a handful of Americans,
led by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, revolutionized spying and warfare.During
the 1950s, a small group of scientists and government officials rewrote the book
on airplane design. These exotic new machines changed surveillance from the White
House to the CIA.; 464pp, 2003; 6.5x9.5 ; Hardcover; #584; $27.00 The Secret in
the Bible: The lost history of the Giza Plateau and how Temple priests of the
Great Pyramid preserved the evidence of life beyond death By Tony Bushby, author
of the bestseller The Bible Fraud. Ancient Egyptian priests recorded that "gods of
the first time" revealed to them the nature of the afterlife and the keys of
mastering death. They guarded this with utmost secrecy revealing it only to
selected members of the Mystery Schools. In later times, high initiates secreted
the essence of the sacred secret into the Bible and developed a series of ciphers
that enabled them to unlock the hidden wisdom. How, what and why.. 348pp, 2003,
6x9, Softcvr; #700; $24.95 Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins & Christopher
C. Bird - Exploring the world of plants and its relation to mankind as revealed by
the latest discoveries of scientists, Remarkable information about plants as lie
detectors and plants as ecological sentinels; it describes their ability to adapt
to human wishes, their response to music, their curative powers, and their ability
to communicate with man. Suggest that the most far-reaching revolution of the
twentieth century one that could save or destroy the planet may come from the
bottom of your garden.; 416pp, 1989; 5.25x8 ; Softcvr; #564; $17.00 Secrets Of The
Matrix 3 DVD Set by David Icke Since 1990 David Icke has been on an amazing
journey of self and collective discover to establish the real power behind
apparently �random� world events like 9/11 and the �war on terrorism.� Here he
reveals that a network of interbreeding bloodlines manipulating through their web
of interconnecting secret societies have been pursuing an agenda for thousands of
years to impose a global centralised fascist state with total control and
surveillance of the population. #16891; $59.95 Secrets of The Skull And Bones
Revealed CD by Tim Beckley - Whistleblowing Expose. On this amazing 60 minute CD,
hear an actual member of Skull and Bones reveal the inner workings and motivations
of this secret society and its members who many believe are out to control the
world. #16922; $11.00 Secret Of The Zodiac by Julian Sterne - An exciting novel,
based on true facts and information, of intrigue and the struggle between the
unseen forces that work behind the scenes and the fighters for freedom in all
lands. The timeless vying for survival and supremacy among men. By Julian Sterne
(aka Nesta H. Webster); 320pp, Softcvr; #64; $8.95 Secret Powers Behind the
Revolution by Vicomte Leon de Poncins -The part played by Freemasonry and Judaism
in the world. We are actually witnessing an immense revolutionary movement - the
first manifestation was the French revolution of 1789. This movement, which, since
then, has spread all over the world, has a much deeper significance than is
generally supposed, and aims at the overthrow of civilization. The fate of
humanity is at stake. 260pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Hardcover; #53; $13.95

As soon as initiates are allowed into the "tomb," a dark, windowless crypt in New
Haven with a roof that serves as a landing pad for the society�s private
helicopter, they are sworn to silence and told they must forever deny that they
are members of this organization. During initiation, which involves ritualistic
psychological conditioning, the juniors wrestle in mud and are physically beaten -
this stage of the ceremony represents their "death" to the world as they have
known it. They then lie naked in coffins, masturbate, and reveal to the society
their innermost sexual secrets. -- From Secrets of the Tomb

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Secret Proceedings & Debates Of The Constitutional Convention Of 1787 by R. Yates
- pre-dates the James Madison notes. The Information laid before the legislature
of Maryland by Luther Martin, plus other historical documents, relative to the
Federal compact of the North American Union. A compilation no home or library
should be without. 1838; 328pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #58; $10.95 Secret Societies
and Subversive Movements by Nesta H. Webster - The organized movements against
civilization and Christianity as directed by the Secret Societies, and traces
their origins to the beginnings of the Christian era. The Scotsman: She reveals
enough to persuade a good many that there is something in her contention of the
existence of a great Occult Power, and that only a great national movement can
save us from destruction. ; 1924; 431pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #38; $16.95 Secret
Societies of America�s Elite: From the Knights Templar to Skull and Bones by
Steven Sora - The dark and critical role they play within the ruling families and
their influence on American democracy, current events, and world history. Reveals
the enormous influence secret societies still have on contemporary American life.
Shows how the secret Masonic cells that smuggled in the democratic ideals
inspiring the American Revolution also enabled the future elite of the new society
to build huge fortunes. 2003, 336 p, softback, 6 x 9", $20.00 Secret Teachings of
All Ages - Softcover: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic,
and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy by Manley P Hall & Augustus Knapp ...the
most beautiful and complete occult book ever published. Mythology, symbolism, &
magical practices. From Isis to... mystic Christianity, nearly every occult dogma
imaginable is represented. , Giant illustrations, some fold out 2-pages. In THREE
formats<>Softcover, 6x9 , 745 pp, b&w w/ 8 color page inserts, $24.95 <>Softcvr;
254 pp, 9x13 ; #211; $54.95 <>Hardcvr; 254pp, 8.3x13.25 ; #212; $69.95 Secret
Underground Lectures of Commander X DVD by COMMANDER X - Exclusive Presentation
Caught on video! The author of numerous alternative best sellers such as
Incredible Technologies of the New World Order; Invisibility and levitation, and
the Time Travel How-To-Guide, Commander X has kept a low profile, refusing to
reveal his true identity except to say that he is a retired intelligence officer
with close ties to the military and top-secret branches of the government. #16926;
$23.95 Secret Weapons: Two Sisters Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and
Sabotage by Cheryl & Lynn Hersha - They were America s covert ammunition, product
of a top secret program to train guerilla leaders, assassins and information
couriers. They began at age seven in the height of the Cold War. After learning to
endure some of the most sophisticated tortures they mastered martial arts, weapons
training & reconnaissance work. 2001; 434pp, 6x9 ; Hardcover; #131; $25.95 Secret
World Government: The Hidden Hand by Count Cherep-Spiridovich - The Unrevealed
History: 100 Historical Mysteries Explained. This Russian antiBolshevik Army Major
General sheds light on earlier stages of enslavement & destruction of Christianity
in the present day U.S. and the world. Count CherepSpiridovich springs from Norse
gentility. His remotest ancestor on record was prince Rurik, who being one of the
�Worthies� of his time, was in 862 called by the Slavic people to Novgorod, where
he founded the dynasty and gave Russia its name. 1926; 203pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#89; $12.95 Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles by
Freddy Silva - They appear at night, complex designs mysteriously imprinted on
fields of almost ripened grain. They leave the grain stalks in swirls, virtually
undamaged. They exhibit mathematical precision. They demonstrate principles of
geometry. They portray ancient religious symbols. Since the 1980s, some 10,000
crop circles have appeared, seemingly by magic, in England and 25 other countries.
Each year the count grows, and the designs get more intricate, even fantastic.
What is going on? Richly illustrated. 2002; 332pp, 7x9; Softcvr; #744; $19.95
Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project Haarp and Beyond by Gerry Vassilatos
Reveals the Death Ray technology that has been secretly researched and developed
since the turn of the century. Project Argus, Project Teak and Project Orange; EMP
experiments back in the 60s; why Raytheon has collected every patent relevant to
HAARPs; and much more pertinent information on hidden Cold War technology.; 2000;
250pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #569; $15.95 Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal
Reserve Runs the Country by William Greider -This groundbreaking bestseller
reveals for the first time how the mighty and mysterious Federal Reserve actually
operates and how it manipulated and transformed both America s economy and the
world s during eight crucial years. 1989; 800pp, 6x9.25 ; Softcvr; #589; $19.00
Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of
Power by Alexandra Robbins - An Expos of President George W. Bush�s Secret
Society. Robbins managed to get scores of Bonesmen to talk about what really
happens, and what influence the organization really wields. Who has been a member,
and what that membership has meant., inside the Tomb, and on to Skull and Bones�s
private island, secret initiation rites, and dissects their true impact on world
affairs. 2002, 240pp, softbound, 6x9 ; #694; $13.95 Seeds of Fire: China and the
Story Behind the Attack on America by Gordon Thomas America s and the West s
betrayal of children of China, Oval Office, CIA headquarters at Langley, and
private compounds of the leaders of China. By 2015 China will have nuclear
missiles targeted against the U.S.. From a CIA briefing never-before published.
The Inslaw largest global software theft in history, MK ULTRA, Robert Maxwell and
Los Alamos. 2001; 524pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #357; $25.95 Self-Aware Universe: How
Consciousness Creates the Material World by Amit Goswami - When we act in the
world we really are acting with causal power. This does not deny matter also has
causal potency, so there is upward causation-but in addition there is also
downward causation. It shows up in our creativity and acts of free will, or when
we make moral decisions. In those occasions we are actually witnessing causation
by consciousness. 1995, 336 pp, softbound, 6 x 9, #653, $15.95 Self Test Nutrition
Guide: How to Improve Your Health and Nutritional Status Through Personalized
Tests by Cass Ingram, M.D. Nutritional deficiency is not just in the Third World.
Americans believe they are immune to significant nutritional deficiencies,
perpetuated by the medical profession and dietitians. Dietary imbalances play a
greater role than any other factor in the genesis of ill health.; 326pp, 1993;
<>Hardcover; 6x9 ; #453; $29.95 <>Softcvr; 5.25x8.5 ; #453s; $16.95 Serpent and
Siva Worship and Mythology in Central America, Africa, & Asia and the Origin of
Serpent Worship (1877) by Hyde Clarke & C. Staniland Wake - Treatise on the
Serpent Cultus. Not only did the children of Israel burn incense to the symbolical
animal from Moses til Hezehiah, but Hamitic races " from Memphis to Babylon," and
all indeed at the far East and remote West, who accepted as sacred, "The Great
Dionysiak Myth." 1877, 54pp, Combbound, 8.5x11 ; #185; $9.95 Serpents of the Sky
Dragons of the Earth by F.W. Holiday - Holiday s lifelong investigations left him
with two stunning conclusions. First, there is strong evidence that the Loch Ness
Monster and its Irish and English counterparts do in fact exist. Secondly, man s
oldest religious beliefs make heavy use of the monster phenomena (the earth
dragons) & UFOs (the sky serpents). 1993; 247pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #447; $13.95
Seventh Sense, The: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a Psychic Spy for the
U.S. Military by Lynn Buchanan & Jim Marrs - Psychics have been trained by the
U.S. gov t for the last 25 years. Buchanan a member of the remote viewing task
force psychically did data collection in the Iranian hostage crisis, Chernobyl,
and the Gulf War. Secret missions, undercover operations, and terrorist hunting --
in the U.S. military. 2003; 320pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #566; $14.00 Sex, Drugs & Magick
by Robert Anton Wilson Originally published by Playboy Press, a scholarly
appraisal of both the historical and modern use (and misuse) of drugs in
conjunction with sex and occult practices. But don t let the word scholarly put
you off. Done in Wilson s inimitable style, this book is filled with humor,
cynicism, wonder and essential information for those who would pursue what can be
an immensely rewarding path, potholed with an array of social and physical
dangers.; 272pp, 1993; 5.5x8.25 ; Softcvr; #460; $16.95 Shavuot: The Energy of
Immortality - As Kabbalist Rav Berg explains in this extraordinary video Shavuot
is an opportunity to receive a supremely powerful form of spiritual energy, to
directly reconnect with the power of immortality received on Mount Sinai at the
time of the Ten Utterances. At Shavuot we can literally receive the power to
defeat death and what you can do to help this process take place. This is what the
Creator intended, and Shavuot is the time to make it happen! Approx 1 hr. Video.
$14.95 A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in the Dpt Vaccination May Be Hazardous to
Your Child�s Health by Harris L. Coulter, M.D.& Barbara Loe Fisher - Every week,
tens of thousands of children are injected with the DPT (diptheriapertussis-
tetanus) vaccine. The law requires it, and most children will get four DPT shots
before they are two years old. But what if it caused pain, swelling, screaming,
and high fever, and also shock, convulsions, brain damage, and even death? 1991,
6x9 ; 256pp, Softcvr; #766; $13.95 Sibylline Oracles Translated by Milton S. Terry
Pulished 1899 BC) - The Sibyls occupy a conspicuous place in the traditions and
history of ancient Greece and Rome. Their fame was spread abroad long before the
beginning of the Christian era. Heraclitus of Ephesus, five centuries before
Christ, compared himself to the Sibyl "who, speaking with inspired mouth, without
a smile, without ornament, and without perfume, penetrates through centuries by
the power of the gods." Perfect-bound; 300+ pp; 8x5; #16860; $13.99

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Signs And Symbols Of the Second Coming by Sean Casteel - Exposed at last is a
subject surrounded in mystery and controversy. Are we living in the time of
Biblical Prophecy? The Reign of the Anti-Christ? And the Battle of Armageddon?
Audio CD and 80+ pp book; 8 x 11; #16923; $19.00 Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars by
U.S. Government A copied reprint of the original Silent Weapons for Silent Wars
published as the Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905. Quote: It is
patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society
..without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human
life, i.e. slavery and genocide. ; 5.5x8.5 ; 56pp, Staplebound; #321; $5.95 Sirius
Mystery, The: New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago by Robert
Temple - Secret traditions of an African tribe contain detailed data on the star
Sirius which modern astronomers have only just discovered. Traces them 5,000 years
to the ancient Mediterranean cultures of Sumer and Egypt. Shows these
civilisations possessed great wealth and a knowledge of physics and astrophysics,
which they claimed was imported by visitors from Sirius. Publication in 1976
triggered a 15-year persecution by the KGB, CIA, NASA, and others. 80
illustrations. 56 photos. Bibliography, Index. 440pp, 1976; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #166;
$19.95 Sketch of the Development of the Judicial System of Texas by John C. Townes
(1898) & Enduring Laws of the Republic of Texas by C.W. Raines (1898) The
jurisprudence of Texas is in many respects different from any other country. It
results from the combination of Civil and Common law. England was a Common law
country. Spain held most rigidly to the ancient Roman or Civil law. The respective
characteristics of the English and Spanish peoples manifested themselves here and
the changes in the English Common law by the Anglo-Americans were much greater and
more fundamental than those wrought by the Spanish-Americans in the Spanish Civil
law. . Bibliography, Index. 114pp, 1898 5x8 ; Softcvr; #742; $9.95 Socialist
Network by Nesta H. Webster - Detailed and illuminating analysis of the origins
and the rise of the well connected secret movement that has spread over the entire
world since the times of the Jacobins. An in depth look at the socialist/communist
organizations involved by taking a leaf out of the enemy�s book . 163pp, 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #63; $12.95 Solomon, Falcon of Sheba: The Tomb and Image of the Queen of
Sheba Discovered by Ralph Ellis - The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and King David
cannot be found in the archaeological record. This omission has perplexed
theologians and historians alike for centuries, but Ralph Ellis has at last
rediscovered the lost tombs and sarcophagi of these legendary monarchs. But
beware! The new historical identities of these monarchs also alter our
understanding of numerous Biblical and secular events; in short, history was not
as we know it. 2002, 360 pp, softbound, 6.25 x 9.25", $20.00 Something in This
Book Is True: The Official Companion to Nothing in This Book Is True, But It s
Exactly How Things Are by Bob Frissell - A training manual for navigating a future
full of danger and hope. Earth changes, pole shifts, Indian yogis who change
bodies every few centuries, Hopi prophecies, the French military trying to blow up
the axis of Christconsciousness grid with 8 nuclear bombs, the sixth awakening
Mother Earth from her slumber since the last pole shift, the Greys still looking
for a way out on Mars, ascended masters, & Drunvalo Melchizedek. 2003; 236pp,
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #503; $15.95 Song of Freedom: My Journey from the Abyss by
Judith K. Moore - In this brave and groundbreaking work, Judith Moore shares her
shattering revelations of the reality of HIGH-LEVEL MIND CONTROL. Judith Moore
knew she had been brought up by loving parents. Before age 40 she had no memory of
childhood trauma. It wasn t until she joined an incest survivor s group to help
her adopted daughter that the memories began surfacing. Her search leads her into
terrifying, unknown territory and Illuminating discoveries about her own psyche
and that of today�s society as a whole. 2003; 364pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #553; $19.95
Soul Reflections: Many Lives, Many Journeys by Marilyn C. Barrick Ph.D. -The life,
feelings, desires and dreams of your soul. The energies of the sun and moon do
impact life on earth-for good and for ill. Spiritually and physically, the rays of
the sun are the solar energy of God. The energies of the moon are the reflective
light of the sun and that these energies exert enormous control over the tides and
the water element. And in our being the water element is associated with the
emotional body.; 2003; 348pp, 6x8.5 ; Softcvr; #554; $14.95 South Was Right!, The
by James Ronald Kennedy & Walter Donald Kennedy - Much of Civil War history is
untrue. There was no shining Northern force fighting a moral battle and no
oppressive Southern force fighting to preserve slavery. After the South declared
independence, the Union ruthlessly invaded, leaving Southerners no choice but to
defend themselves. A frightening, realistic picture of a captured people, their
struggle to preserve their heritage, and their right to exist as an independent
country and as a distinct culture.; 1994; 448pp, 6.5x9 ; Hardcover; #543; $22.95
Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form: of Intelligent Contact in the
Solar System by Joan D Arc - Ancient anthropomorphic artifacts on Mars and the
Moon are evidence of Game Wardens in our solar system. Also illustrates that the
Earth may be a controlled DNA repository for the ongoing creation & dissemination
of life, including humans. Bibliography, Illustrated, Index; 2000; 208pp, 5.5x8.25
; Softcvr; #469; $18.95 Speaking Out video by Jon Rappoport & David Icke - Special
series of interviews, made for television, one of the most comprehensive series of
interviews ever produced, delving into topics the elite of do not want you to hear
or even think about. Who are the global elite? How are they controlling the world?
What are psychological assassinations? Who were the Templars? Why are there wars?
2.5 hr, 1 VHSNTSC Video; #157; $19.95 Spear Of Destiny: The Occult Power Behind
the Spear which pierced the side of Christ by Trevor Ravenscroft - The Occult
Power Behind the Spear which pierced the side of Christ...and how Hitler inverted
the Force. The legend and its continuing fulfillment in the Roman Empire, Dark
Ages, and 20th century. A chain of men possessed the Spear, from Herod the Great
to Hitler, & how they sought to change the face of history with it.; 1987; 400pp,
6x9 ; Softcvr; #187; $12.95 Spiritual Laws and Lessons of the Universe by Lord
Michael, St. Germain, Sananda, and Druthea - For eons of time in your human
history, mankind has experienced and existed in blindness about his DIVINE
their ignorance and confusion, have asked themselves why GOD allows the seemingly
unending ruthless and merciless inhumanity...; 367pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #551; $16.95
Spiritual Universe: One Physicist s Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter and Self by
Fred Wolf, Ph.D. - Why do we believe in the soul? Does it actually exist? If so,
what is it? In a fascinating tour of Western and Eastern thought, Dr. Wolf
explains the views of the soul in the works of Plato, Aristotle, and St. Thomas;
the ancient Egyptians belief in the nine forms of the soul; the Qabalistic idea of
the soul acting in secret to bring spiritual order to a chaotic universe; and the
Buddhist vision of a nonsoul. (58 illustrations.); 1999; 325pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr;
#151; $17.95 Stairway to Heaven by Zecharia Sitchin - Since man first gazed
heavenward, he has pondered the mysteries of the universe, immortality, the
elusive afterlife. Combining archeological discoveries with ancient texts and
artifacts, the ancient Land of the Gods, provided astounding conclusions on the
Great Pyramids, Sphinx, monolithic platform at Ballbek, and other mysterious
monuments! illustrated with maps, diagrams, and photographs.; 1999; 336pp, 4x7 ;
Softcvr; #207; $7.99 Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness
- by Itzhak Bentov - This book offers a revolutionary perspective on human
consciousness and its limitless possibilities. Widely known and loved for his
clarity, humor, and imagination, Bentov throws new light on the familiar world of
phenomena, giving us a startling new view of ourselves in an expanded, conscious,
holistic universe. 208 p, softbound, 5.25 x 8.25", $12.95 Star Dreams: A Feature
Documentary Exploring the Mystery of the Crop Circles by Robert Nichol - A TV
Special showing the circles and presenting the top crop circle researchers.
Investigating the assumption of hoaxing, balls of light, sacred site connection,
media and people�s reactions, and outlining the basic understandings arrived at so
far. Images of the major crop circles, interviews with top researchers and a
narrative line dealing with the mysterious aspects of the phenomena.; 2004; 90
min.; VHS #665v $19.95 ; DVD #665 $21.95 Star Signs: The secret codes of the
Universe by Linda Goodman - Reveals, among several other metaphysical codes, a key
to wisdom previously understood by only a few initiated Masters, a secret hidden
for centuries in plain sight and unsuspected by the mundane intellect, long
blinded to the simplicity of truth. Lexigrams, a method of acquiring astonishing
insights into a person or a thing by using the letters of the name, title, or
phrase in a certain way.; 1993; 535pp, 4x7 ; Softcvr; #262; $7.99 Stargate
Conspiracy: The Truth about Extraterrestrial Life and the Mysteries of Ancient
Egypt by Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince Exposes the most insidious, disturbing - and
successful - mass manipulation of our times. Designed to bring us, hearts, minds
souls under the total control, this sinister programme has ruthlessly exploited
our Millennial craving for signs and wonders. At the heart of this conspiracy is
the belief that the ancient Egyptian gods are about to return through the stargate
between our world and theirs.; 2001; 448 pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #359; $15.00 State
Finances of Texas During the Reconstruction by E.T. Miller - See The Last Hope of
the Confederacy.

Spain�s complicity in the slave trade started with Columbus bringing slaves from
the New World to Spain. -- From Secret Societies of America�s Elite

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
State Secrets by Vicomte Leon de Poncins - A Documentation of the Secret
Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics - how Freemasons,
Zionists, Communists and their minions lead America toward total disaster. The
author has collected a unique selection of secret documents of State which unravel
the kernel of the hidden mainspring governing the political evolution of the West
from the time of the First World War.; 191pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #59; $9.95 State
Sovereignty by Edward A. Meany - This rare treatise was written by Missouri Judge
and was an open challenge to the lies being espoused by President Lincoln and the
socalled perpetual unionist of the day. Published on August 9, 1861 in the
Missouri Republican of St. Louis, this rare reprint is a must for all
secessionists of the twenty first century and Civil War historians. 40pp, 5.5x8.5
; Comb-bound; #701; $5.95 Stonehenge & Druidism by E. Raymond Capt Stonehenge,
standing in lonely majesty on England s Salisbury Plain arouses awe and curiosity.
It s purpose? Stonehenge stands today, one signpost identifing the Building Race
and bearing witness to the vigor of a national religion, already passed from the
primitive into the metaphysical stage, which embodied abstract ideas, astronomical
observations and a high code of ethics.; 96 pp, 1979; 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #292;
$7.00 Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria By W. ScottElliott - The general
scope of the subject before us will best be realized by considering the amount of
information that is obtainable about the various nations who compose our great
Fifth or Aryan Race. Softcvr; 206 pp; #16837; $14.95 Study in Pyramidology by E.
Raymond Capt - The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, an analysis of its historical
record, its construction details, interior passages, symbolism and relationship to
the Bible. One section probes its interior, and its remarkable coffin in the King
s Chamber, not to mention the discovery that the pyramid is the source for our
modern weights and measures. Nearly every page is accompanied by a drawing or
photograph placed to enable the reader to better understand.; 1923; 264 pages;
Softcvr; 5.5x8.5 ; #252; $11.95 Stupid White Men: ...and Other Sorry Excuses for
the State of the Nation! by Michael Moore - The government has been seized by a ne
er-do-well rich boy and his elderly henchmen... Our water is poisoned, the ozone s
in shreds, and the SUVs are advancing like a plague of locusts... Remember when
everything was looking up? And peace was breaking out? Moore sizes up the new
century and that big, ugly special-interest group laying waste to the world as we
know it:: stupid white men.; 304pp, 2002; 5.8x8.5 ; Hardcover; #423; $24.95
Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth by Tim Beckley - Is the earth hollow?*
Honeycombed with caverns inhabited by a mysterious race? * Are they friendly, or
do they have domination in mind? Here are strange and unexplainable legends of the
Wee People, the Dero, and long-haired Atlantean giants as encountered by cave
explorers and miners trapped far beneath the earth.; 1992; 160pp, 5.5x8.5 ;
Softcvr; #412; $15.95 A Summary of the Law of Contracts by C.C. Langdell - A
Selection of Cases. The cases are arranged in three chapters, entitled
respectively Mutual Consent, Consideration, and Conditional Contracts. Acceptance
of Offer, Bidding at Auction, Mutual Consent, Offer, and Revocation of Offer,
Concurrent Conditions, Conditions Precedent, Conditions Subsequent, Demand,
Dependent and Independent Covenants and Promises, Notice, and Performance of
Conditions, Debt and Unilateral and Bilateral Contracts.; 1880; 283pp, 5.25x8.25 ;
Softcvr; #763; $15.95

Where there is fear there is no religion. -- Gandhi

Super Market Remedies: Proven Home Remedies from Your Supermarket by Cass Ingram,
M.D. Reverse health problems with food, herbs, and spices. Learn about a juice
that reverses heart disease and cancer, a vegetable that eliminates depression, a
protein-rich food for boosting energy, a berry for improving poor vision, a fruit
which lowers cholesterol, a spice that kills germs, plus hundreds of others.
Discover foods which fight everyday ailments, stop pain, and save you money.;
1998; 323pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #463; $29.95 Surrender of an Empire by Nesta H.
Webster An examination of the events that brought about the decline of British
Imperialism. A brief history of the socialist movement, emphasizing the open,
visible organizations that were and are the socialist network.; 1926; 398pp,
5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #61; $14.95 Survival of the Remnant by David H. Lewis -Lewis
(Dated in its perspective) Many of the atrocities of governmental laws are now
forcing human survival. We must prepare for and fight for our survival during the
coming depression, the loss of religious rights, and human enslavement that will
eventually encroach all of us on the threshold of the prophecied, holocaustal
years. ; Softcvr; 5x8 ; #6a; 16.95 Comb-bound; 8.5x11 ; #6; $19.95 Survivors of
Atlantis - Explores scientific evidence from four cataclysmic events that led to
the development of civilization and the downfall of Atlantis. Softcvr; 260+ pp;
6x9; 8-page color insert and 35 B&W illustrations; #16911; $16.00 Synchronicity
and the Seventh Seal by Peter Moon where the crossroads of parallel universes meet
to reveal the core formula of reality. Told against the backdrop of King Solomon�s
underground catacombs, this book explores the pathway to the Unified Field through
the principle of synchronicity. In 1990, when Peter Moon opened the door to the
public investigation of the Montauk Project, he began to experience odd
synchronicities. Ultimately, this path leads to the revelation of the Seventh Seal
itself. 2004, 456pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softbound; #691; $29.95 Synchronized Universe, The
By Dr. Claude Swanson - A New Scientific Revolution is quietly underway... reveals
that the tapestry of modern science is showing a few tatters...There are many
things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes
phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are
now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific
theory. Softcvr, 11x8, 300+ pp; #16935; $19.95 Tales From The Time Loop by David
Icke - The most comprehensive book yet written about the global conspiracy now
unfolding around us. Icke has been warning for well over a decade of the plan for
a world fascist state, a global version of Nazi Germany, in which the people will
be prisoners of a Big Brother dictatorship founded on the suppression of the most
fundamental freedoms and total control and surveillance. Today there is a
gathering awareness that he was right. People are realizing that Big Brother is no
longer coming - he s here. Index.; 2003; 503pp, 6.75x8.25 ; Softcvr; #470; $29.95

Tales of Power By Carlos Castaneda - His legend and his power have grown
throughout two generations, in five astonishing volumes. In this landmark work,
the legendary don Juan concludes the instruction of Castaneda with his most
powerful and mysterious lessons in the sorcerer�s art. It is a dazzling series of
visions that are at once an initiation and a deeply moving farewell. 1991, 304 pp,
softbound, 5.25 x 8.25", $14.00 Tantra of the Great Liberation Translated by
Arthur Avalon - (Sir John Woodroffe) The Indian Tantras, which are numerous,
constitute the Scripture (Shastra) of the Kaliyuga, and as such are the voluminous
source of present and practical orthodox "Hinduism." To the Tantra we must
therefore look if we would understand aright both ritual, yoga, and sadhana of all
kinds, as also the general principles of which these practices are but the
objective expression. 1913, 302 pp, softbound, 5.25 x 8.25", #660, $14.00
Teleportation: A How-To Guide, From Star Trek To Tesla by Commander X -
Extraterrestrials have been feeding us clues regarding this interstellar mode of
transport. Commanderx insists it is possible for the us to learn the fundamentals
of teleportation. In detail, he describes his own work with the military in
developing the skills necessary to engage in spontaneous teleportation...skills
that could very well lead you along the path to personal gratification and
success.; 2001; 144pp, 7x10 ; Softcvr; #397; $14.95 Teleportation: Revealing
Government Research by Commander X - The public release of an Air Force
commissioned research paper about the possibilities of teleportation was met with
some brief attention from the press and scorn from the scientific community. 60
minute Audio CD and Book 75+ pp; 8x11; #16924; $19.95 Telos: The Call Goes Out
from The Hollow Earth and the Underground Cities by Diane Robbins Telepathic
Communication from Earth s Interior. Explore the rich family life of the people
from the Lost Continent of Lemuria, who ve been Underground for 12,000 years; and
who, due to their isolation, have created a civilization of peace and abundance,
with no sickness, aging or death. The Advanced Civilizations that live in peace
and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which is Hollow, and contains an Inner
Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in its pristine state.; 2000; 166pp,
6x9 ; Softcvr; #334; $15.00 Tempest & Exodus by Ralph Ellis - The dramatic
discovery of a large biblical quotation on an ancient Egyptian stele. The
quotation thus has fundamental implications for both history and theology because
it explains why the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant were constructed, why
the biblical exodus started, where Mt. Sinai was located, who the god of the
Israelites was - indeed, it even explains exactly who the Israelites really were
and thus why the Torah, Bible and Koran were written. 2002, 156 pp, softbound,
6.25 x 9.25", $16.00

So important were the new England rum distilleries to the slave trade that, when
the English parliament made a serious effort to collect a tax on molasses, the
Massachusetts merchants protested that such a tax would ruin the slave trade and
cause more than seven hundred ships to rot for lack of work. - From The South Was

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Templar Revelation, The: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ by Lynn
Picknett & Clive Prince - The mysterious world of the Freemasons, Cathars, Knights
Templar, and the occult. The motives and character of Christianity s founder, as
well as the actual roles of John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene. A secret history,
preserved through the centuries but encoded in works of art and even in the great
Gothic cathedrals of Europe, whose final chapter could shatter the foundation of
the Christian Church.; 1998; 432pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #197; $15.00 Templars and
the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven by James Wasserman - Occult scholar/secret
society member provides compelling evidence that the Templars transformed into an
occult society. Templar survivors have carried the secret teachings underground,
spawning Rosicrucianism & Masonry. Survivors, known as Nizari Ismailis, flourish
under the Aga Khan.; 2001; 320pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #377; $16.95 Temple and the
Lodge, The by Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh - From the authors of the
bestseller, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, comes a new book on the origins of
Freemasonry. Its mysterious beginnings in the fourteenth century through currents
of thought and political upheavals surrounding it in seventeenth-and eighteenth-
century Europe are charted. Compelling...sane and informed...Written with gripping
academic-detective style . Toronto Star. 36 black and white photographs.; 1991;
306pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #189; $13.95 Temple of Karnak: How Rogue Judges Have Been
Strangling Your Democracy by D.J. Connolly - Our founders intended the judicial
branch of government to be the weakest of the three departments, and they tried to
make that clear in the Constitution. Chronic abuse of judicial power makes a
mockery of our constitution. Our federal judiciary has been the longest, most
successful organized crime syndicate since the Vikings. Now lawless state judges
are also getting into the act. ; 250pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #202; Was $29.95. now
$17.76 The Terracotta Warriors: The Secret Codes of the Emperor�s Army by Maurice
Cotterell - Explains esoteric secrets of the sacred solar science encoded in the
massive army of terracotta warriors that guards the tomb of Chinese emperor Ch�in
Shi Huangdi. Decodes the farewell message of the first emperor of China concealed
more than 2,000 years ago in the 8,000 terracotta warriors that guard his tomb.
Spiritual principles of this sacred solar science and remarkable insights into
heaven, hell, and the immortality of the soul. 2004; 302pp, 6x9 ; Hardcvr; #768;
$25.00 Terrain is Everything by Susan Stockton, ph.D. - This book takes its name
from Louis Pasteur s death bed confession: The microbe is nothing. The terrain is
everything. Compares and contrasts the natural healing perspective and the medical
model, and expands upon the role played by the condition of the terrain in health
and disease. Topics include: nutrition, electromagnetic pollution, vaccinations,
the effect of light on health, lymphology and more.; 260pp, .5x8 ; Softcvr; #494;
$18.95 Tesla Papers: Nikola Tesla on Free Energy & Wireless Transmission of Power
by David Hatcher Childress & Nikola Tesla - Includes Tesla s rare article The
Problem of Increasing Human Energy with Special Reference to the Harnessing of the
Sun s Energy . This lengthy article, originally published in June 1900, was the
outline for Tesla s master blueprint for the world. Tesla s fantastic vision of
the future, including wireless power, anti-gravity, free energy and highly
advanced solar power. Papers, patents and material from the Colorado Springs Tesla
Symposiums.; 2000; 316pp, 8x10 ; Softcvr; #314; $16.95 Texan Arise: Republic of
Texas Past Present & Future by President Daniel Miller & Laurence Savage - The
whole world has heard about the Republic of Texas; if not in the news of recent
years then in tales, verses, and songs from Texas. The authors take a stark and
frank look at the recent history of the Republic of Texas movement. Failure marks
the movement�s efforts and in an about face -- a 180 degree change in direction --
the solutions for Texas were discovered and were in front of the loyal Texian
citizens all along. Softcvr; 170 pp; #16838; $13.95 Texas: An Informal Biography
by Owen P. White - Mr. White told his own story a few years ago in the
Autobiography of a Durable Sinner. Still unregenerated, he now gives us the story
of his native state, not a dry-as-dust and conventional history of that most
unconventional of states, but a story of the Texans the ones who made their state
great rather than the story of its politicians, who have sometimes succeeded in
making it ridiculous�. "Texas," says Mr. White, "is one of God�s greatest and most
gratifying experiments. 1940 s; 277pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcover; #615; $16.95 Texas
From the Fall of the Confederacy To the Beginning of Reconstruction by Charles W.
Ramsdell - See The Last Hope of the Confederacy. Textbook of the Universe: Genetic
Ascent to God by Steven Eric Romer -The universe is a language to be read. By
reading it, we acquire adaptability and motivation. The reason it is intelligible
is the development of our consciousness is part of the natural laws. Civilization,
religions, mythologies, evolutionary theory, physics, patterns of disease,
patterns of our cultures, and even the origin of life is explained perfectly by
this new emerging theory. 2003; 6x9 ; Softcvr; #556; $21.95 Thieves in High
Places: They ve Stolen Our Country And Its Time to Take It Back by Jim Hightower -
What kind of country do you want America to be? Not only for you, but for your
children and theirs? America is at an historic divide between rulers and rulees
and the rulees are restless. This is a clarion call to action. Hightower has
tapped into the thriving activist networks that are our country s grassroots
muscle, and tells their uplifting stories of retaking control of their
communities.; 280 p; 2003; 6.25x9.25 inches; $24.95 Thirteenth Tribe, The by
Arthur Koestler - The history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost
forgotten power in Europe, which in the Dark Ages converted to Judaism. Khazaria
was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that
the Khazars migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry Meticulously
detailed research. 258pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #135; $14.95

Prefer to order by phone? Call us at 903-876-3256. Office hours are 8:30-5:00 CST.
Thoth, Architect of the Universe by Ralph Ellis - Finds verifiable proof that the
great henges and pyramids were complex monuments, built by a technical
civilization. The designer has specifically designed these monuments to mimic both
the layout of the Earth and its motions in space. The author has been diligent in
ensuring that each and every claim that is made in this respect is verifiable
using everyday science, these designs are real artifacts - they are not based on
speculation. 2002, 280 p, softbound, 5.5 x 8.5", $16.00 Thought Vibration - The
Secret of Success Thought-Force By William Walter Atkinson - The Universe is
governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from
the Ultimate there is but one Law. We are familiar with some of its
manifestations, but are almost totally ignorant of certain others. Still we are
learning a little more every day - the veil is being gradually lifted. Softcvr;
250 pp; #16816; $13.95 Threat, The: Revealing the Secret Agenda by Jacobs, Ph.D. -
A foremost academic expert on UFOs and abductions. Based on 700+ hypnotic-
regressions with abductees and a Roper survey of 6,000 adults, Reveals why the
aliens are here, what they want, and their frightening plans for earth. In a
direct, authoritative challenge to researchers who believe the abduction
phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually uplifting, Jacobs proves that
there is a far more disturbing and potentially dangerous plan underway, with
possible alien domination at its core.; 1999; 292pp, 8.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #190;
$18.95 Through Ancient Eyes by Neil Hague - Explores how art is a metaphysical
activity, while illustrating the art and soul connections that have existed since
ancient times. Drawing on a wealth of information, which includes prehistoric art
and prophecy, to the work of William Blake - this fascinating book unlocks ancient
wisdom that has inspired artists from all ages.; 2002; 286pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#403; $25.00 Tibetan Buddhism: With Its Mystic Cults, Symbolism and Mythology, and
in Its Relation to Indian Buddhism by L.A. Waddell - The historical, ritual, and
folk aspects of Lamaism are surveyed extensively in this source book. Stationed
for years with the Indian Army at Darjeeling, just over the border from Tibet
(which Europeans were forbidden to enter), he systematically studied the language
and culture of Tibet with the most authoritative lamaistic scholars. Several times
he risked his life by entering Tibet in disguise. originally published in 1895.;
1972; 573pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #276; $15.95
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that onours the servant and has forgotten the gift. --
Albert Einstein

What is known, however, is the ability to control people by the combined use of
drugs and psychological persuasion. An example of just this is the Sharon Tate and
the LaBianca murders conducted by Charles Manson�s "family." -- From The Medusa

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Time and The Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs by Arguelles -
Presents a groundbreaking study that distinguishes the natural time of the cosmos
from the artificial mechanistic time under which we currently live. Reveals the
clear distinction between third-dimensional astronomical time and the fourth-
dimensional synchronic order of the Law of Time, which holds enormous potential
for the future of humanity.; 2002; 288pp, 8x10 ; Softcvr; #570; $20.00 Time
Travel: A How-To Guide by Commander X & Tim Schwartz - Time travel research is
being conducted right now in secret labs all over the world. These investigations
have uncovered some startling revelations on the nature of Time-Space and reality
as we know it. Startling revelations on the nature of Time-Space and reality as we
know it. People who mysteriously vanished, only to reappear months, even years
later with no memory of what had happened. Window Areas across the country that
may be natural doorways to other times and dimensions.; 2001; 224pp, 7x10 ;
Softcvr; #385; $14.95 Time Travel Handbook: A Manual of Practical Teleportation &
Time Travel by David Hatcher Childress - Takes readers beyond government
experiments in time travel, into the uncharted territory of the early time
travelers. Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi; the Wilson Brothers of EMI & the
Philadelphia Experiment; Claims of time traveling individuals, the unusual claim
that the pyramids on Mars were built in the future and sent back in time. Patents,
photos & schematics. Build your own time travel device!; 1999; 271pp, 7x10 ;
Softcvr; #378; $16.95 Time Travel in Einstein s Universe: The Physical
Possibilities of Travel Through Time by J. Richard Gott - Time travel in Newton s
universe was inconceivable, but in Einstein s universe it has become a
possibility. Now, a Princeton astrophysicist gives readers a guided tour of the
potential of traveling through time. Chapters include: Dreaming of Time Travel,
Time Travel to the Future, Time Travel to the Past, Time Travel and the Beginning
of the Universe, Report from the Future; 2002; 304pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #510;
$14.00 Today�s New Atlantis By William T. Samsel - A look at ancient Atlantis and
new information obtained by author that examines the importance and relevance of
Atlantis to America and the world situation today. It also examines universal
spiritual truths that unite people, the earth and all living things and presents
the author s answers for the problems we face. Softcvr; 320+ pp; #16888; $17.95
Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy, and Love Must Replace the Drugs,
Electroshock, And... by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. - Prozac, Ritalin, Xanax, Halcion,
Haldol, Lithium. These drugs and dozens are being prescribed across the country as
a quick antidote to depression, panic disorder, obsessivecompulsive disorder,
ADHD, PTSD, and other psychiatric problems. But at what cost? Searing expose,
asserting they are spreading an epidemic of long-term brain damage; & mental
illnesses like schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorder Potential damaging
side effects of psychiatric drugs & electroshock.; 1994; 464pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#413; $17.95 Traditions of Glastonbury by E. Raymond Capt - The silent years of
Jesus between 12 and 30 and the historical records concerning Joseph of Arimathea
the great uncle of Jesus as a provincial Roman Senator and metal merchant. Where
Jesus and his mother lived during those years. Fascinating. 24 pp of color photos;
1983; 136pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #286; $10.00 Tragedy & Hope: The History of the
World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley, Ph.D. - Definitive Work on the World s Power
Structure. To understand the mind that s shaping this world, read the book that
shapes his mind. A history of the world since 1900. Written by a leading member of
the CFR (and mentor of Slick Willie Clinton) who was more frank than liberal about
the modus operandi of the international conspiracy.; 1975; 1360pp, 6.5x9 ;
Hardcover; #54; $45.95 Tragic Era: The Revolution After Lincoln by Claude G Bowers
- Superb reprint of the Lost & Concealed history of the U.S. reconstruction era.
First published in 1929, shows how and when the people lost freedoms,
constitution. The federal courts in the South were established as MILITARY
districts, and remain so to this day. The Tragic Era is probably the best book on
that period.; 1929; 567pp, 5x8 ; Softcvr; #318; $27.95 Traitors and Treason by
Robert Pelton What s your traitor-treason I.Q.? Which Secretary of State was
identified as a Soviet agent? Who allowed the head of the American Communist Party
to have an office in the White House? Which President promoted a highly placed
Communist mole after the FBI had exposed the man? Traitors & Treason carefully
examines the reasons for, and the Americans behind, the fall of freedom and the
rise of tyranny throughout the world.; 2002; 437pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #516;
$20.95 Trance Formation of America by Cathy O Brien & Mark Phillips - documented
autobiography of a government mind control victim. In this infuriating, sickening
and lucid exploration into the painful, sexual world of an MK-Ultra slave, Cathy
writes with remarkable clarity and insight to reveal the cruel, murderous world of
mind control, exposing many famous people, particularly in the high-flying worlds
of politics and music.; Outstanding, unforgetable. 1995; 244pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr;
#116; $20.00 Trial of the Medical Mafia by Joachim Schafer - The physician who
stood up to the authorities and dared to expose info in her book, The Medical
Mafia, hidden from the public, which the establishment has tried to keep under
wraps. However, her trial only focused more public attention on some of their most
guarded secrets. The hearings and the testimony of witnesses who were not
heard...!; 1998; 237pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #159; $14.95 Trilaterals Over America
by Antony Sutton - The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by New York
banker David Rockefeller, then Chairman of the Chase Manhatten Bank, and Harvard
academic Zbignieuw Brzezinski, later to become National Security Assistant to
President Jimmy Carter. It is a transparent device to achieve a New World Order.
Paradoxically, the New World Order turns out to be a reflection of the old
traditional framework! ; 162pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #133; $10.95 Trillion by Mark
Kimmel - Years before he exited a successful venture capital career, Mark Kimmel
began to understand there was a larger purpose to life. As soon as he abandoned
his business paradigm, the mysteries of the larger truth began to unfold
themselves. Once you know, you can never go back to merely believing. What if you
found out the universe was both friendly and organized? you discovered you did
make a difference? you were asked to lead the way?; 362 pp; 2003; Hardcvr, 6x10 ;
$26.95 True Healing Art: Hygienic vs. Drug Medication (1862) By R.T. Trall, M.D. -
The soldiers of our camps and hospitals were dying off fast of typhoid fever,
pneumonia, measles, dysentery, etc., and quite unnecessarily. I knew that the
application of our system of hygienic medication would save most of their lives. I
was well advised that there were surgeons of our school in the army who gave no
drug medicines in these diseases, and who lost no patients. Perfect-bound, 100+
pages 8x5; #16857; $9.99 The Tutankhamun Prophecies: The Sacred Secret of the
Maya, Egyptians, and Freemasons by Maurice Cotterell - Revelation of the
Freemasons� connection to this ancient knowledge generated a firestorm of
controversy in Europe. The secrets encoded within the tomb of Tutankhamun revealed
that both ancient Egyptians and Maya possessed a sophisticated understanding of
the connections between solar patterns and human destiny allowed the Egyptians and
Maya to harness the energy generated by the sun to achieve spiritual enlightenment
and soul growth. 166 b & w illustrations plus two 16-page color inserts, 368pp;
2001; Softcvr, 6x10 ; $20.00 Twenty Two Goblins: from Sanskrit Translated by
Arthur W. Ryder - On the bank of the Godavari River is a kingdom called the
Abiding Kingdom. There lived the son of King Victory, the famous King Triple-
victory, mighty as the king of the gods. As this king sat in judgment, a monk
called Patience brought him every day one piece of fruit as an _expression of
homage. And the king took it and gave it each day to the treasurer who stood near.
Perfect-bound; 160+ pp, 8x5; #16858; $11.99 Twisted Scriptures - A book with such
an odd title may need an explanation, for no faithful Christian, including the
author of this book, believes that "Twisted" is one of the characteristics of the
holy Scriptures. The author is referring to the way some people treat the Bible.
They do not use it as much as they abuse it. The author likened the way some
people wrest the Scriptures to a sign in front of a machine shop that read, "All
manner of twisting and warping done here." Perfect-bound, 250+ pp; 8x5; #16855;
$12.95 Two Babylons or the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife By Rev. Alexander Hislop
- First published as a pamphlet in 1853 and greatly expanded in 1858. This
formidable enemy of the truth is particularly described in Revelation 12:3-"And
there appeared another wonder in heaven, a great red dragon." It is admitted on
all hands that this is the first grand enemy that in Gospel times assaulted the
Christian Church. Comb-bound; 8.5x11; 330 pp; #16529; $22.00 UFO Mysteries: A
Reporter Seeks the Truth by Curt Sutherly - Fifty Years of UFO Stories - Filled
with anecdotes and insider information, UFO occurrences in the United States and
Europe, from Kenneth Arnold�s 1947 sighting over Mt. Rainier to the wave of
triangular UFO sightings over the U.S. and Great Britain during the 1990s. Fifteen
rare photographs from a private collection, among them a previously unpublished
UFO photograph mailed anonymously to radio
station KYW in Cleveland, Ohio. 264pp; 2000; #748, Softcvr, 6x9 ; $12.95 Ultimate
Dictionary of Dream Language by Briceida Ryan - The Largest And Most Comprehensive
Dream Dictionary Ever Published.Over 25,000 Entries..Onethird of your life is
spent in the dream world where your subconscious is delivering messages in
symbolic language. While your body rests, your dreams are dealing with your fears,
frustrations and hopes. Your dreams are sending you messages about your past,
present and future that can help you in your waking hours. Learn what these dream
messages say about love, success, numbers and money. 2004; 757pp, 8.5x11 ;
Softcvr; #741; $35.00

There is a taint worse than all taints, and its name is ignorance. -- Dhammapada

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Ultimate Time Machine, The: A Remote Viewer s Perception of Time and Predictions
for the New Millennium by Joseph McMoneagle - former psychic spy for the U.S.
Army. An incredible vision of our future through the year 2075, he covers
population, aging, crime, technology, environmental issues, and more, including a
vision for the year 3000. Explores the questions that philosophers have for
centuries debated: Does time really exist? Do our actions today really affect our
future? Can we change the past? Do we slip between alternate realities?; 1998;
280pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #532; $12.95 Underground Alien Bases by Commander X
Aliens have established bases around the planet. An ancient tunnel system has
existed since Atlantis. Entrance ways can be found in many major cities. Bizarre
stories about bases at Dulce, New Mexico; Groom Lake, Nevada; The South and North
Pole; Mt. Shasta, California, as well as in the Andes. Here also are the first-
hand reports of individuals who have been abducted, and have survived genetic
experiments in these locations.; 1990; 126pp, 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #474; $17.95
Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? by Dr.
Richard Sauder - Working from government documents and corporate records, digs
below the surface of the military s supersecret underground! How corporate America
has worked with the Pentagon for decades. Locations, technology, designs for
bases, nuclear testing & underground bases, abductions, needles & implants; Is the
Military Involved in alien cattle mutilations? 50 page photo & map insert.; 1996;
201pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #518; $15.95 Underwater and Underground Bases:
Surprising Facts the Government Does Not Want You to Know! by Dr. Richard Sauder -
Evidence and paper trail for construction of huge, manned bases offshore, in mid-
ocean, deep beneath the sea floor! Big enough to dock submarines! Navy documents.
Clandestine underground facilities as well as the surprising location of one of
the CIAs own underground bases. New high speed rail magnetic-levitation (MagLev)
technology.; 2001; 256pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #519; $16.95 Universal Oneness
(Beyond Our Galaxy Part Two) by David H. Lewis -The infinite powers of the human
mind and our universal energy. Secrets of telekinesis, and to a degree, how it can
be accomplished by humans, delves into levitation, the power to read minds.
Secrets to the Seven Keys to the Kingdom, reincarnation, the master computer for
all universal power and its location.; <>Softcvr; 237pp, 5x8 ; #3a; $16.95 <>Comb-
bound; 149pp, 8.5x11 ; #3; $19.95 Universal Wealth: Shown To Be Easily Attainable
& Poverty: Its Illegal Causes And Legal Cure by Lysander Spooner - THE wealth of
the world is proportionate to the number of different things mankind possess,
rather than to the quantity of any one thing. Thus, if every human being had as
much wheat as he could eat, and had no other wealth, all would still be poor.
1879. Softcvr; 156pp, 5.25x8.25 ; #756; $9.95 Urantia Book - One of the most
enigmatic books in history. The book s message is that all human beings are one
family, the sons and daughters of one God, the Universal Father. It instructs on
the genesis, history, and destiny of mankind and on our relationship with God. The
view of science, philosophy, and religion is perhaps the clearest and most concise
integration of these subjects available ; 2097pp; 1998; 5.5x8.5 ; $19.95 Urban and
Wilderness Emergency Survival Guide by Robert Pelton - The Cadillac of survival
manuals. Sergeant Red Smith, U.S, Marine Corps survival instructor said: This guy
really knows his stuff. Best survival book I ve ever seen! Tom Dodge, Heartland
USA wrote: The perfect survival manual. Every person should keep one in their home
as well as one in their vehicle. Profusely illustrated and powerpacked with easy-
to-understand info on every aspect of basic survival, emergency medicine, edible
plants and medicinal plants.; 2002; 472pp, 8.5x11 ; Softcvr; #517; $24.95 Vedas,
The Translated by Ralph T.B. Griffith This is one of the oldest and most important
of the world�s holy books. It is primarily composed of hymns, poems, incantations
and rituals from ancient India. Not only is this the bible of the Hindu religion,
it also offers a unique snapshot of normal, everyday life in India as it occurred
over four thousand years ago. Softcvr; 159 pp; #16826; $14.95 Vibrational
Medicine: The #1 Handbook of SubtleEnergy Therapies by Benjamin Gerber, M.D.
Explores the science of etheric energies, based on Einstein s physics of energy. A
veritable encyclopedia of new and old healing practices in which concepts of
energy form the basis..... -Utne Reader; an encyclopedic treatment of energetic
healing, covering subtle-energy fields, acupuncture, Bach flower remedies,
homeopathy, radionics, crystal healing, electrotherapy, radiology, chakras,
meditation, and psychic healing.; 2001; 608pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #383; $18.00
Vindicator Scrolls by Stan & Holly Deyo - Convincingly Solves the Most Ancient of
Mysteries - sequel to The Cosmic Conspiracy. Extraordinary discoveries in
archeology and physics. Actual site of the Garden of Eden(since ratified by the
Jerusalem Temple Foundation in Israel). Location of the mythical, Atlantis. with
photographs and maps of the region (some in 3D). It IS the definitive work on
Atlantis and Eden (Aden). ; 1989; 254pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #433; $23.50 Virtual
Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America by Alex Constantine - A
comprehensive expose of the control the U.S. government exerts over citizens
minds. Analyzes specific examples of CIA misdeeds, from the various Post Office
massacres to the McMartin preschool. *Drug and mob connections to the Simpson
murder case *Integration of Nazis into the American Intelligence network after WW
II *The CIA experiments on children (what better age to start?) *The rise of
Timothy McVeigh from robot to bomber *Infestation of American media by CIA
operatives; 1997; 284pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #567; $14.95 Visconti Tarot Kit by Lo
Scarabeo - An absolutely stunning display of lavish gold foil and exquisite
Renaissance art captured on 78 bits of card stockpure magic and mystery!
Shimmering gold plays with and reflects light, seducing the intuition and
delighting the eye. Commissioned in 1450 by the Duke of Milan, attributed to
Bonifacio Bembo, this is a reproduction of the oldest extant Tarot deck, carefully
reconstructed by Atanas Alexandrov. The names (in five languages) and numbers
appear in black borders highlighting the gold. Timeless archetypal images..; 78
cards and 160pp softcvrbook, #745; $34.95 Vril: The Power of the Coming Race by
Edward Bulwer-Lytton - Vril is a mysterious energy used by Lytton s subterranean
race � refugees from the Deluge that submerged Atlantis � to power their advanced
civilization. Generations of occultists have mistaken this bit of business for
something other than fiction; and still more generations of science fiction
writers have recycled the novel s plot; 201 p; 5.5x8.5 inches; $19.95 Wall Street
And The Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton - The American Red Cross Mission to
Russia in 1917 contained more financiers than M.D. s. Its members seemed intent on
negotiating contracts with the Kerensky government, and the Bolsheviks, than in
caring for the victims. Some of America s leading bankers attempted to illegally
import Bolshevik gold. limited stock; 1981; 228pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #229; $22.95
Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler by Antony Sutton The cloak of falsehood,
deception, and duplicity for more than 30 years has protected one of the most
incredible secrets of World War II: the support from key Wall Street financiers
and other international bankers in subsidizing Hitler s rise to power. proves that
World War II was not only well planned, it was also extremely profitable - for a
select group of financial insiders.; 1976; 220pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #259; $22.95 War
Against Population , The: The Economics and Ideology of Population Control by
Jacqueline Kasun - Embodied in the false idea that humanity is multiplying at an
accelerating rate is mandated draconian control over families, churches, etc.
Shatters dogmas with a mountain of data the controllers refuse to confront. ;
1999; 285pp, 6x9 ; Hardcover; #267; $18.95 Wars of Gods and Men by Zecharia
Sitchin - Startling documentary evidence of the ET warlords who destroyed ancient
civilization when mortals and gods fought side by side. From ancient text,
religious documents and archaeological findings -the epic events of gods who once
set nation against nation, army against army, & man against man.; 1999; 4x7 ;
377pp, Softcvr; #203; $7.99 War on Freedom DVD by Jim Marrs - Were the nvasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq planned long before September 11, 2001? Why did many WTC
survivors mention bombs? Why has no one in government been fired or reprimanded
for failure to anticipate and prevent it? What connects the bin Laden and Bush
families? Laws rushed through that Congress never had a chance to read while under
a state of emergency have curtailed our freedoms. 1 DVD; 60 min $19.95 Water
Filter Plans by William Davis An engineer with a water filter company, Davis found
commercial filters DON T clean many contaminants. A filter that cannot clean river
water is a waste of money! He designed a system he says will clean most chemicals.
The hardware is at most discount stores and may already be in your home.; 1998;
8.5x11 ; 14pp, Softcvr; #97; $5.00 We�re All In This Together by Jess Miller -
Having suffered a murder attempt, ruined in a financial scam and a clinical
depression. Miller very nearly died. He learned countless lessons as he fought his
way back from the depths of Darkness. Our awareness of Stress, Tension, Loneliness
and Depression to be able to help yourself, a family member, a friend or a
colleague by recognizing and helping
to reverse such a slide. 143pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #99a; $12.95

Cowardice asks the question - is it safe? Expediency asks the question - is it

politic? Vanity asks the question - is it popular? But conscience asks the
question - is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that
is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is
right. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Wealth, Virtual Wealth & Debt by Prof. Frederick Soddy - World famous pioneer of
atomic power turns his scientific mind to the economic paradox. Example Chapter
title: The Riddle of the Sphinx: A Symbolism for representing Economic
Transactions. 320pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #45; $9.95 Weaver of the World: From
Navajo Apprenticeship to Sacred Geometry and Dreams: A Woman s Journey in Tapestry
by David Jongeward - Visionary dreams and ancient teachings woven into new
patterns of compelling beauty. Frank Waters, author of Book of the Hopi. Portrays
with deep sensitivity and perception - the creative, personal journey of master
tapestry weaver Carolyn Jongeward. (sacred geometry, fourth dimension.); 1991;
176pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #523; $12.95 Webs of Power by Erik Fortman - Are you
ready to wake up? Webs of Power succeeds in drawing from government documents,
whistleblower testimony, and great patriot authors. It will give you the
fundamentals for any political debate. Softcvr; 297 pp; #16801; $14.95 Webs of
Power (Volume 2) by Erik Fortman - A wealth of conspiracy and government facts - a
virtual compendium on the Elite Powers ruling the world today. Softcvr; 255 pp,
5x8; #16908; $15.95 Webs of Power Set (Vol 1 and 2) - Save on both books by
purchasing in a set. $26.95 The Wellness Revolution: How to Make a Fortune in the
Next Trillion Dollar Industry by A. Paul Zane Pilzer. - Pilzer�s insights will
empower you to the next level. Already a 200 billion-dollar business, with most of
its revenue coming from vitamin sales and health club memberships, the wellness
industry is just now taking off. In the next ten years, an additional $1 trillion
of the U.S. economy will be devoted to providing healthy people with products to
maintain their health. 2002. 256pp, 6x9 ; Softcvr; #707; $16.95 What Every
American Should Know About Mid East & Oil by James MacDonald Day -History and
politics of the Middle East - will help Americans decipher the latest diplomatic
delusions of their President, Congress and State Department, untangle the
rationale for Palestinian terrorist bombs in the West Bank and Israeli jets
strafing civilians in Lebanon; the truth about Hussein and the Iraq conflict
(Hussein was given carte blanche approval by our ambassador to go after Kuwait).
2001; 293pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #238; $16.95 What if Everything You Thought You
Knew About AIDS by Christine Maggiore & Kary Mullis - Over 250 references
.Deconstructs myths and fortifies scientific data with powerful accounts from HIV
positives who, like the author, defy the HIV=AIDS=Death paradigm by living in
wellness without pharmaceutical treatments and without fear of AIDS. This is vital
information for anyone who has tested HIV positive and important reading for
everyone who has ever lived or loved in fear.; 2000; 126pp, 7x8.4 ; Softcvr; #268;
$10.95 What the Hell am I Doing Here Anyway? by Ghislaine Saint-Pierre Lanctot,
M.D. - We thirst for freedom, yet all the while we are imprisoned by conditioned
beliefs and paralysed by fear. Freedom and restrictions do not go well together.
They are constantly at odds with one another. So, like sheep, we suffer, wear
ourselves out and eventually die. The time has come for us to take the leap, to
reawaken to our real nature, to acknowledge our innate divinity!; 2002; 266pp,
7x9.75 ; Softcvr; #436; $19.95 What Uncle Sam Really Wants by Noam Chomsky
Dissects US foreign policy with insights like : At exactly the moment it invaded
Panama...the Bush administration announced new high-technology sales to China
[and] plans...to lift a ban on loans to Iraq...Compared to Bush s buddies in
Baghdad and Beijing, Noriega looked like Mother Teresa. Among intellectual
luminaries of all eras, Chomsky placed eighth just behind Plato and Sigmund Freud.
Chicago Tribune.; 1992; 96pp, 4x7 ; Softcvr; #201; $8.50 What You Should Know
About the U.S. Constitution by Dr. John Coleman - Information not found in law
books nor taught at law schools. The Annals of Congress, the Congressional Globe
and the Congressional Record contain the most crucial evidence supporting the
Constitution. That also goes for most justices of the Supreme Court, says the
author. Some of the most priceless constitutional gems are found in these pages.;
312pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #316; $19.95 When Time Began by Zecharia Sitchin - The
Architects of Stonehenge: They came to Earth thousands of years ago. Under their
guidance, human civilization flourished advances in art, science and thought swept
through the inhabited world. Meticulously researched - revealing the indisputable
signature of ET god indelibly written in stone. Maps, diagrams, and photographs.;
1999; 416pp, 4x7 ; Softcvr; #205; $7.99 Who Brought the Slaves to America by ? -
an expose with insights into the trafficking of humans to the Americas. Little
known facts are brought forth from the hidden or concealed history of the U.S.
30pp, 5.5x8.5 ;pp, Staplebound; #322; $2.95 Who Financed Hitler: Rise To Power
1919-1933 by James & Suzanne Pool - Adolf Hitler did not come to power easily. He
began his political career in 1919 and did not become Chancellor until fourteen
years later in 1933. During this time it took a tremendous sum of money to support
the Nazi Party. Where it came from, who provided, and why, are the topics of this
book. Incredibly well documented resource -535 pages of incredible financial
history; 1978; 6x9 , Softcvr; #70; $17.95 Who Needs Headaches?: Why Suffer If You
Don t Have To by Cass Ingram, M.D. - People with headaches suffer excruciating
pain. They search arduously for help or relief � but is all this suffering and
strife really necessary? According to Dr. Igram, it isn t, and most of these
individuals can live a life free of pain". Innovative methods for treating and
curing most chronic headaches, particularly migraines. Dr. Igram does not claim
that all headaches will respond positively, but he does claim that most headaches
not due to serious, underlying disease can be alleviated or eliminated entirely.;
1991; 158pp, 5.5x8.5 ; Softcvr; #468; $13.95 Whole Food Bible: How to Select &
Prepare Safe, Healthful Foods by Chris Kilham & Igor Vilevich Zevin - Latest
findings on food additives, processing, & preservation methods are presented to
enabling consumers to minimize their exposure to the hazards existing in many
foods today. A handy guide for both the experienced and beginning cook with more
than 100 simple, healthy, and delicious recipes. Provides a ready source of up-to-
date information on all varieties of foods.; 1996; 259pp, 8x10 ; Softcvr; #586;
$19.95 Whole Food Facts: The Complete Reference Guide by Evelyn Roehl -The
familiar as well as the exotic in fruits and vegetables, dairy products, grains
and legumes, oils, and sweeteners are discussed in detail in this A-Z reference
guide no kitchen should be without. Information on selecting, preparing, and
storing whole foods. Comprehensive nutritional charts and a complete discussion of
diets, including vegetarian, macrobiotic, and the new USDArecommended diet.; 1996;
290pp, 8x10 ; Softcvr; #587; $19.95 William Cooper: Death of a Conspiracy Salesman
by Commander X - 11/5/01, Cooper, author of Behold A Pale Horse was killed by
sheriff deputies in a gunfire exchange. News of his death spread quickly as friend
and foe alike posted letters and tributes describing their encounters, often
confrontational, with an individual many consider the most controversial man in
modern American history. Called the most dangerous man on America s airwaves by a
U.S. President. His findings on: Illuminati, MJ12, WTC, NWO, UFOs & aliens, JFK s
death!; 2001; 100pp, 7x10 ; Softcvr; #395; $19.95 Wisdom of Kabbalah - Beginners
Course On Video For the first time, the Kabbalah One Basic Course is captured on
six exciting Videos. From the origins of the universe to the reasons why good and
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Do every act of your life as if it were your last. - Marcus Aurelius

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*as an eye wash *as a digestive tonic *as a mood enhancer *as a skin toner &
moisturizer *to give shakes, ice creams. sherbets, and juices all exotic taste -
12 fl oz/360 ml $ 16.99 Germ-a-Clenz: a blend of completely edible essential oils
with broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. You can use Germ-a-Clenz any place
dangerous germs may threaten. On food, countertops, cutting boards, in public
restrooms, airplane headrests, plants, and even around infants. Dr. Ingram
recommends people spray furnace and air conditioner filters to decrease mold and
viral transmission. - 4 fl oz - $ 14.99 Health-Bac: Healthy Bacteria Supplement -
There are actually more synergistic microbes in the body than cells. Health-Bac
replenishes four types: Lactobacillus acidophilus, salivarious, casei, and lacti
for optimal implantation. Plus, bifidobacteria, the naturally occurring bacteria
in mother�s milk, are included. Lactobacillus deficiency symptoms include
bloating, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, gas, incompletely digested food,
spastic colon, and chronic fungal infections.- 100 grams - 32.99 Herbal Bug-X:
edible insect repellent - Protect without toxic and dangerous pesticides.
Significantly reduce and repel the dangerous Aedes Aegypti Mosquito, known as the
West Nile Mosquito. In fact, Oreganol P73, one of the main ingredients, can melt
the envelope of the virus that causes Newcastle Disease. Oil of Bay Leaf, one of
its ingredients, was extensively used by herbalists during the Middle Ages to
neutralize the lethal effects of venomous bites. Oil of Lavender was used in
Biblical times to heal wounds. 4 fl oz - $ 14.99 Intesti-Clenz: IntestiClenz
contains spice extracts proven to strengthen and cleanse the digestive tract.
Stomach and intestines can greatly benefit from using wild and high mountain
edible essential oils of cumin, fennel and oregano with fine olive oil. Take it by
drops. - 1 fl. Oz/ 30 ml - 29.95 Juice of Oregano: In contrast to oil of oregano
Juice of Oregano is exceptionally rich in oxygen, because juice and oxygen mix.
Oxygen is the most critical nutrient, especially for the brain and other internal
organs. Helps to recapture your strength, Excellent physical and mental tonic,
Rich in safe, plant-derived oxygen, Improves digestion, metabolism, and
circulation - super rich in oxygen. Oxygen is the most critical nutrient,
especially for the brain and other internal organs. - 12 fl oz/360 ml -$16.99
Kidnee Clenz: So little is done to cleanse the urinary system, crucial for waste
excretion. The kidneys help expel toxic metals and synthetic chemicals. Kidnee
Clenz contains fennel oil, which has been used as a natural diuretic for thousands
of years. Fennel also helps support and cleanse the digestive tract. Also contains
juniper oil, another one of nature�s most useful kidney tonics. Oregano, a natural
antiseptic, and myrtle oil helps further support kidney function.- 1 fl oz/30 ml -
$39.99 LivaClenz: liver support system - Liver toxicity is endemic in North
America. Liver cancer is up over 400%, over the past decade Parasites are more
capable of attacking the liver if it is weakened and overloaded with toxins.
Mexican researchers found that oregano extract was superior to Flagyl in
destroying Giardia. Aids in destruction of pinworms and eggs. Cumin is a larvacide
& bay leaf oil kills parasitic eggs and worms. Contains spice oils from coriander,
bay, cumin, rosemary, & sale. - 1 fl oz/30 ml -$39.99 Nuke Protect�: Proprietary
Potassium iodide/selenium blend - specifically designed to help protect against
harmful radiation. Contains antioxidants. In addition to Potassium iodide,
includes selenium yeast, wild pacific kelp (rich in iodine, sea minerals and
chlorides) wild rosemary and St. John�s Wort (high antioxidant levels) Rhus
coriaria (anti-toxic flavonoids including malic, tannic and gallic acids, Vitamin
C). Black seed, to boost the immune system. - 90 caps -$29.99 Nutri-Sense: A
breakfast drink mix which is MUCH MORE THAN BREAKFAST. While other powders are
synthetically produced, Nutri-Sense is 100% from natural foods. Made of rice bran,
rice polish, crushed flax, and lecithin, it is the only unprocessed nutritional
drink mix available. Super-rich in natural nutrients such as thiamine, niacin,
PABA, pantothenic acid, potassium, magnesium, silica, and chromium. You can�t live
on vitamins and water, but you could survive on Nutri-Sense and water.- 400 grams
-$29.99 Oil of Oregano: mountain-grown, wild spice which is the same as the
ancient hyssop of the Bible. Possibly used by Moses for germ protection. This is
the most powerful and useful of all herbs. Made from a mountain-grown, wild spice
which is the same as the ancient hyssop of the Bible. Researchers found a one in
4,000 dilution of fresh wild oil of oregano sterilized septic water, the
destruction of Candida albicans in both test tubes and in animals without harm to
the tissues, the destruction of Staph. Powerful! - .45 fl oz/13.5 ml -$29.99 ALSO
Gelcaps: 60 capsules - $ 29.95 Oil of Rosemary: Rosemary is listed among the most
ancient of all medicinal herbs. For thousands of years it has been known
particularly for its ability to improve the function of the mind. Ancient texts
describe how extracts of rosemary stimulate the mind, enhance mood, boost studying
powers and improve memory. In fact, it is most famous as a memory aid. Yet, it was
also famous for combating disorders of the nerves as well as arthritis.- .45 fl
oz/13.5 ml -$24.99 Oil of Cumin: Increases the synthesis of a critical enzyme
called glutathione peroxidase. One study found that this anti-toxic action was
increased within the organs by up to 700%. Another found that oil of cumin
increased the liver�s output of bile by as much as 300%. Another found that cumin
preserves and enhances the function of the pancreas. Research shows significant
and potent actions against parasites, bacteria, and fungi. Furthermore, it is an
anti-toxin.- .45 fl oz/13.5 ml -$24.99

TGS Services / HiddenMysteries.com / 22241 Pinedale, Frankston, Texas 75763 / 903-

876-3256 / 2005 Issue
Oil of Cinnamon: The ancients relied more upon cinnamon as a medicine than a food.
It was so valuable Romans regarded bags of cinnamon as a sort of currency. A
summary of the properties of cinnamon in medical literature
includes:antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antioxidant, food preservative,
antispasm, digestive stimulant, circulatory, aid to sugar/glucose metabolism - .45
fl oz/13.5 ml -$21.99 Oil of Lavender: In ancient times, lavender was respected
even more for its medicinal properties than its scent. In ancient Persia and
Greece, used as a germ killer. In Medieval times, an antidote for psychological &
neurological disorders. Recent research it is an invaluable agent for damaged
skin. Researcher A. Bissas notes lavender is successfully used to combat insomnia,
tension, water retention, bad breath, sinus congestion, dandruff, and sluggish
circulation.- .45 fl oz/13.5 ml -$24.99 OregacynTM P73: In a recent article from
the London Times it was stated, "ever since penicillin was discovered. medical
science has been involved in a race against constantly mutating bacteria.
OregacynTM P73 is the first ever tested and researched respiratory health
supplement from the leaders in oregano-based products. In one in vitro study,
oregano oil was compared to the drugs streptomycin, vancomycin and penicillin and
was found to inhibit staphylococcus growth as effectively as pharmaceutical
antibiotics. [500 mg. 30 caps] OR [150 mg. 60 caps.] -$29.99 PainEEZ: A remarkable
formula containing powerful herb, spice, and root extracts. It is highly aromatic.
This is the only topical, as well as internal, pain-easing formula available.
PainEEZ is for the support of the structural system, muscles, bones, joints, and
skin. Essences of wild oregano and sage, plus allspice and its unique ingredient,
mountainous pineapple root. For supporting the musculoskeletal system. .45 fl
oz/13.5 ml -$39.99 Pomegranate Syrup: Mountain-grown fruit gain their richness
from the clean mountain air and the more direct contact with sunlight, which
enriches nutrient content and accelerates vitamin synthesis. In American getting
true mountain grown fruit is a rarity. The rich color of this syrup is a sign of
its nutritional value: pomegranates are an excellent source of natural flavonoids,
polyphenols, and organic acids. It also contains natural vitamin C.- 8 fl oz -
$7.95 Resvitanol: red sour grape - Grapes are incredibly powerful at preventing
and fighting disease. Resvitanol is a true, unprocessed grape product that is made
from the entire grape- the skin, seed, vine and leaf. In addition to destroying
pre-existing cancer cells, shown to �block the process of initiation and
progression,� of the disease. May exhibit effects similar to those of
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors. COX-2 inhibitors offset pain and inflammation
caused by the COX-2 enzyme. - 90 caps -$24.99 Royal Kick: Superior form of royal
jelly. Modern research shows royal jelly has powerful effects upon adrenal
function. Richest source of the critical B vitamin pantothenic acid, rare in most
foods. Symptoms of weak adrenals include exhaustion, nervousness, menstrual
difficulties, depression or anxiety, digestive disturbances, headaches, allergies,
inability to handle stress, chronic upper back pain, sweaty palms, cold
extremities, and cravings for salt and/or sugar.- 60 caps -$29.99 Thyrokelp: The
Natural Way to Support the Thyroid The thyroid gland controls the metabolism. In
fact, it controls the metabolism of every cell and organ. Thus, the ability of the
cells to function, as well as to detoxify poisons, is tied directly to normal
thyroid function.Thyrokelp is a combination of crude Northern Pacific kelp, rich
in natural iodine, sea minerals, and chlorides, which is what the thyroid gland
requires. Plus, ThyroKelp contains tyrosine, the key amino acid needed to make
thyroid hormone. - 90 caps -$24.99 Wild Date Molasses: If you like molasses, this
is one of the best! Why dates? Dates have been called the "fruit of heaven".
They�ve been used in Arabian countries for: *poison antidote, *chest pains, *liver
dysfunction, *intestinal worms, *malnutrition, *sterility in women, *bladder
stone, *expectorant of phlegm, *aphrodisiac, *purifier of blood, *diuretic, Dates
are significant in: Calcium, Iron, Thiamin, Magnesium, Protein, Phosphorus,
Niacin, Potassium, Pantothenic acid, Sodium, Vitamin B-6, Fiber, Zinc, Folate,
Ash, Copper, Manganese, Vitamin A, Selenium, Vitamin A, RE, Vitamin E - 8 fl oz -
$6.95 WILD Oregano Honey: Absolutely no heat is used in processing. Plus, the
honey is gathered by bees working in the hills and mountains of the Mediterranean
in regions where pesticides/herbicides are not used. This dark rich honey is
entirely unique compared to the commercial types. Its dark color is an indication
of its richness in nutrients. It is an excellent source of potassium, containing
some 700 mg per 100 grams. Plus, it is a good source of phosphorus, calcium, and
magnesium. this honey is a fine source of natural enzymes and phenolic acids. Do
not heat this honey; eat it only raw. - 8 oz - $14.99

It is not love that can fight such evil power but only a form of equally masterful
power ranged on the side of holiness. And this is not only true of a fallen world
but of the whole structure of cosmic consciousness. To win the spiritual battle on
the side of right, the devotees of spiritual love must be ready to accept power so
that they may perfect the world as they perfect themselves... -- From Kabbalah of
the Soul

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