Patterns of Development

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Exemplification or Classification

When writing an essay or a paragraph, how do you support the main idea? Do you give examples,
or do you classify supporting ideas?

In what subjects are you usually asked to explain a general observation by giving examples or by
classifying things?

In the previous modules, you have learned some patterns of development in writing⎼⎼narration,
description, definition, and comparison and contrast. Now, you will know two more patterns of
development in writing:

 Exemplification
 Classification

Exemplification is one of the most common and effective ways to show or explain an idea or point
(e.g., observation, opinion, belief). In this pattern of development, the main idea is explained by
giving an extended example or a series of detailed examples.

Many writing assignments in various disciplines require the use of exemplification. Argumentative
and exemplification essays, feature articles, reviews, reports, and case studies often use examples
to prove a point.

Today, men and women of all ages undergo surgery to feel good about themselves. Three of the
most popular surgical procedures are liposuction, facelifts, and hair transplants. First, liposuction is
a quick fix for those who find good diet and exercise ineffective and time consuming. Next, surgical
facelifts promise men and women a younger and fresher look. Lastly, hair transplants are now
possible, especially for balding men. Thanks to medical advances, men can now avoid the harsh
reality of losing their hair by undergoing a long-lasting hair transplant procedure.

This paragraph expounds on the main idea, which is stated in the first sentence, through specific
examples. The examples, which are the surgical procedures and their purpose, support the main

Classification refers to sorting or arranging subjects (e.g., persons, places, things, ideas) into groups
or categories according to their common or shared characteristic. The subjects can be grouped in
many different ways depending on your purpose. With a purpose in mind, you can determine how
to group the subjects in your list. The group or category should have a single basis of classification.

Classification is commonly done in various disciplines. Classifying historical events by year, popular
TV shows by genre, diseases based on mode of transmission, cleaning products based on
manufacturer, and animals based on habitat are some examples of topics in different disciplines.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) are composed of the Philippine Army, the Philippine Air
Force, the Philippine Navy, and the Philippine Marine Corps. The Philippine Army, the main and
largest branch, is responsible for ground warfare. It was established on December 21, 1935, and it
has 86,000 active personnel. The Philippine Air Force is the aerial warfare service branch. It has
15,000 active personnel and a total of 126 aircraft. It has been active since July 1, 1947. The
Philippine Navy is the naval service branch. It was founded on May 20, 1898 and has a total of 101
ships and 24,000 active personnel. The Philippine Marine Corps conducts amphibious and
expeditionary warfare as well as special operation missions. It was established on November 2,
1950, and it has 8,300 active personnel.

This paragraph presents the four branches of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. It provides details
about each branch, such as function, date of establishment, and number of active personnel.

Using Exemplification and Classification

You can use both exemplification and classification in developing a paragraph. You can begin by
classifying some ideas and then explain each idea by giving examples.

Pollution of air, land, and water affects people’s health. Toxic gases, particulate matter (e.g., smoke,
soot, dust), and other hazardous air pollutants can contaminate the air. If breathed, the air causes
or exacerbates serious respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and lung
disease. Toxic wastes like chemicals, garbage, pesticides, and heavy metals make the land toxic.
If people are exposed to such land, they can develop skin problems, deformities, and certain types
of cancer. Chemicals, sewage, fertilizers, and other harmful substances can contaminate primary
water sources like the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and streams. Water from affected sources can
cause stomach illness, liver damage, certain types of cancer, and neurological problems in people.

The first sentence of the paragraph states the main idea, and the three types of pollution are its
subject. The sentences that follow provide support. They give examples of pollutants and the health
problems that those pollutants cause.

Key points

 Exemplification shows, proves, or explains a general idea or point by using examples.

 Classification refers to sorting or arranging subjects into groups or categories according to
their common or shared characteristic.
 The group or category should have a single basis of classification, and the grouping or
categorization must suit the purpose.
 You can use both exemplification and classification in developing a paragraph.
A persuasive paragraph intends to convince readers to do or believe in something. Many writing
genres such as critiques or reviews, reaction papers, editorials, proposals, advertisements, and
brochures make strong use of persuasive paragraphs to state opinions and to influence others.

Knowing how to write a persuasive paragraph allows you to express your personal conviction or
opinion about an issue or topic and make the readers agree with or adopt your conviction or opinion.
There are three common techniques that you can use in developing a persuasive paragraph:

 Using evidence
 Giving examples
 Attacking an opposing view

Using Evidence
You can use strong evidence such as facts and statistics, statements of expert authorities, and
research findings to create impact and establish credibility. Readers will more likely be convinced
to side with your position or agree with your opinion if it is backed up by verifiable evidence.

The Philippine government should take measures to decrease class sizes in public schools, as it is
one of the biggest problems in the Philippine education system. Class sizes have gone up to 75 or
80 students per class, and newspapers reported that of the 764 public schools in the metropolis, 82
percent had to resort to conducting classes in two shifts, one that starts as early as 6 a.m. and
another that ends as late as 6 p.m. The shortage of school classrooms and the large class sizes
have a massive effect on children’s education. According to the National Education Research and
Testing Center, only 68 percent of sixth-grade students were able to achieve a passing score in
science and mathematics, and secondary students fared even worse, with only barely 50 percent
of students passing the same subjects. If the government does not act on improving the class sizes
in public schools, we cannot expect public school students to fare better in their academics.

The given text makes use of evidence supporting the idea that the government should take
measures to decrease class sizes in public schools, as it is one of the problems in the Philippine
education system. Facts, statistics, and information from credible authorities helps support this

Giving Examples
Another technique to persuade readers is by giving examples. Providing examples can enhance
your idea or opinion and make it concrete. These examples can be based on observations or from
your own personal experience. When using examples, they must be concrete, relevant, and

I think our employees should be required to undergo a workplace sensitivity training. Disrespecting
coworkers based on appearance, gender, or beliefs can lead to loss of employees. For instance,
one of our best employees quit last week because of derogatory remarks regarding his faith. We
also had a major incident last month involving verbal aggression between two employees, which
ended with both parties resigning. If our employees are not made aware of their bad actions and
uncivil behavior toward others, there may be more cases like these.

This persuasive paragraph aims to influence the intended reader to recognize the need for
sensitivity training in their workplace (opinion). The use of actual examples regarding disrespect in
the workplace helps support the stated opinion.

Attacking an Opposing View

In this persuasive technique, you assert your opinion by attacking or criticizing someone or an
opposing idea. Belittling someone’s idea, dismissing the credibility of someone or an idea, and
making fun of someone’s idea are some forms of attack that can be used to strengthen your opinion.
However, this technique can insult or alienate the readers if excessively done.

Saying that Queen Elizabeth I of England is the greatest monarch who ever lived is simply
preposterous. People often depict her as wise and just. However, they seem to forget that her reign
reflected violations of human rights and social injustices. Her natural charisma may have won her
the love of the public, but her government was highly corrupt. Queen Elizabeth I is certainly far from
the idealized queen that many people continue to love.

This persuasive paragraph criticizes the people’s view of Queen Elizabeth I as the greatest monarch
of all time. People’s opinions about Queen Elizabeth I, which are contrary to what the writer thinks,
are portrayed as foolish or ridiculous.


A persuasive paragraph intends to convince readers to do or believe in something. There are three
common techniques that you can use in developing a persuasive paragraph: using
evidence, giving examples, and attacking an opposing view.

 Cut out/scan 5 articles from printed materials with different patterns of development. (no
using of internet)
 Underline the discourse markers used.
 Cite the sources of the texts.
 Paste/print article in a letter size bond paper (8.5x11)
 Submission on January 6, 2020

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