Composite Fish Culture For Gainful Employment
Composite Fish Culture For Gainful Employment
Composite Fish Culture For Gainful Employment
ISSN: 2278-778X
Composite fish culture for gainful employment
Sasmita Panda
Lecturer in Zoology, Jatni College, Jatni 752050, Odisha, India.
Abstract: Composite fish culture is a most popular technique to obtain maximum yield of fish from a
pond/reservoir. The technology involves employment of compatible and non-competing fish culture through
utilisation of different feeding zones of the pond or reservoir, resulting maximum production of fish per unit area
of water. It is accomplished in four steps i.e. Pre stocking, Stocking, Post stocking and harvesting.
Key words: Fish; Culture; Catla; Rohu; Mrigal; fertilization; manuring; Zooplankton; Omnivorous; Detritivorous.
In order to obtain maximum yield of fish from a lake mrigala, and the food in the mid water layers,
or reservoir, it is essential to culture fast growing especially decayed vegetable matter, epiphytes etc.
compatible species of different feeding habits. Fish can also be utilised.
production by old traditional methods gives a low
yield, but if several species are stocked together in Exotic carps: Hypopthalmichthys molitrix (silver
proper proportion in the same pond, so that all the carp).
available ecological niches are exploited, the Ctenopharyngodon idella (grass carp) and the Cyprinus
production increases several times Alikunhi et al., Krkošek et al., (2007); Manci, (2013); Manju lekshmi,
(1957); Avnimelech et al., (1994); EAFP (2002). This et al., (2014).
is known as composite fish culture or mixed farming
or polyculture. This is based on the principle that Fish species involved in composite fish culture
compatible species do not harm each other, instead Depending on the compatibility and type of feeding
they utilise in the most efficient manner, all available habits of the fishes, the following types of fishes of
food supply of the pond, for maximum production Indian as well as Exotic varieties have been identified
of fish yield. There is no competition between and recommended for culture in the composite fish
different species, on the other hand, they may have a culture technology: Morton, et al., (2008); Naylor, et
beneficial effect on the growth of others Håstein, al., (1998); Padhi, et al., (2015).
(2004). Mixed farming involves rational manuring
and fertilization of pond, as well as feeding the fish Species Feeding habit Feeding zone
with supplementary food consisting of oil cakes and Indian Major Carp
rice or wheat bran Jhingran (1987); Krkošek et al., Zoo plankton
Catla Surface feeder
(2007); Krkošek et al., (2006. In India, mixed fish feeder
culture is an old practice, and species like Catla catla Rohu Omnivorous Column feeder
(surface feeder), Labeo rohita (column feeder), and Mrigal Detritivorous Bottom feeder
Cirrhina mrigala or Labeo calbasu (the bottom feeders) Exotic carps
are generally stocked together in the same pond. Phytoplankton
Silver carp Surface feeder
According to Alikunhi (1957), catla, rohu and mrigal feeder
are stocked in the ratio of 3:3:4 to give good yield Surface, column
from the ponds. Culturing of a single species is not Grass carp Herbivorous and marginal
profitable as one does not get the most from that areas
particular water body. Therefore, a group of fishes Detritivorous/
Common carp Bottom feeder
are selected, each having different feeding habits Omnivorous
from others so that all the food available in the
different zones of the pond is used profitably. Potential
Stocking of the three Indian major carps (Catla, The area under tanks and ponds available for warm
Labeo, Cirrhina) in the same pond is an excellent fresh water aquaculture is estimated to be 2.41 million
example of the correct selection of species for the ha. In addition, 1.31 million ha of swamps, beels, etc.
maximum utilisation of the food from the different and low lying water logged area not good for
zones of the pond. Catla is the surface feeder and agriculture as also any land where there is copious
feeds mainly on the zooplankton and detritus. water supply can be converted for fish farming. Out
Bottom feeders like C. mrigala and L. calbasu can also of the total inland fish production of 4.7 lakh tonnes,
be cultured along with Catla, thereby utilising the around 80% is contributed by the culture sector. The
decayed vegetation, benthic animals, plants and average productivity from ponds at present is to the
epiphytic plankton from the bottom of the pond. tune of 2500 kg/ha/year. This shows the tremendous
Labeo rohita is a column feeder and can, therefore, be scope for fish culture in the country. Only 15 % of
included in the same pond along with Catla and C the potential area of tanks and ponds available is
*Corresponding Author:
Sasmita Panda,
Lecturer in Zoology,
Jatni College, Jatni,752050,
Odisha, India. 4593
Sasmita Panda, International Journal of Bioassays 5.6 (2016): 4593-4596
developed so far, showing immense possibilities for be calculated based on pH of the soil and water as
horizontal expansion of composite fish culture follows:
Jhingran, (1987); Krkošek, et al., (2007); Krkošek, Soil pH Lime (kg/ha)
(2006); Martins, et al., (2010); Morton, et al., (2004). 4.5-5.0 2,000
5.1-6.5 1,000
Technical Parameters 6.6-7.5 500
Technical parameters of composite fish culture 7.6-8.5 200
include site selection, items of development, pre and 8.6-9.5 Nil
post stocking operations, stocking density,
fertilisation, feeding etc. The pond is required to be filled with rain water or
water from other sources after liming in case it is a
A. Selection of Pond new pond.
The main criteria to be kept in mind while selecting
the pond is that the soil should be water retentive, iv) Fertilisation/ Manuring: Fertilization of the
adequate supply of water is assured and that the pond is an important means for intensifying fish
pond is not in a flood prone area. Derelict, semi culture by increasing the natural productivity of the
derelict or swampy ponds can be renovated for fish pond. The fertilisation schedule has to be prepared
culture by dewatering, desilting, repair of the after studying the quality of the pond soil. A
embankments and provision of inlet and outlet. The combination of both Organic and Inorganic
pond may be owned by the individual or taken on fertilisers may be used for best results. The fertiliser
lease in which case the lease period should be more programme has to be suitably modified depending
or coterminous with the repayment period. on the growth of the fish, available food reserve in
Construction of new ponds in ideal sites is the pond, physico chemical conditions of the pond
recommended keeping in view the above parameters. and climatic conditions. 4594
Sasmita Panda, International Journal of Bioassays 5.6 (2016): 4593-4596
Species combination 3-species 4-species 6-species stunning the growth of fish seed during first year,
(ratio) Species heavy stocking and multiple harvesting after the
Catla 4.0 3.0 1.5
Rohu 3.0 3.0 2.0 fishes attain a size of 500 gms., multiple stocking and
Mrigal 3.0 2.0 1.5 multiple harvesting, use of aerators, integrated fish
Silver Carp - - 1.5 farming with animal husbandry activities like dairy,
Grass Carp - - 1.5 poultry, piggery or duckery to get daily organic
Common Carp - 2.0 2.0
manuring to the pond thus increasing its fertility. It is
possible to increase the per hectare production of
Since the market demand for Indian major carps are
fish to 7 to 10 tonnes per ha per year by employing
very good especially that of Catla and Rohu, the
different methods as indicated above.
model is prepared based on the stocking of Indian
major carps alone in the stocking density mentioned
Subsidy is available for various items like
renovation/ repair of ponds, construction of new
3. Post stocking
ponds, first year inputs etc. under a centrally
i. Supplementary feeding
sponsored subsidy scheme implemented by majority
Fishes need much more food than what is available
of the State Governments through FFDA's for
naturally in the pond. Fishes can be fed with a
different categories of farmers and also from
mixture of rice bran and oilcakes in the ratio 4:1.
National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB)
Due to the high cost of Groundnut Oil Cake (GOC)
details of which may be obtained from concerned
farmers have tried using alternate sources like Cotton
Fisheries Departments or from the website of
seed oil cake which is comparatively cheaper than
NFDB www. respectively.
GOC. GOC and cotton seed oil cake can be mixed
in equal proportions and fed to the fish and is
Eligible Borrowers
reported to give almost the same growth rate as that
The following categories of borrowers are eligible to
of GOC. The feed should be placed on a feeding tray
avail credit.
or in feeding bags and lowered to the pond bottom
a) An Individual.
or it can be dispersed at the corners of the pond.
b) A company.
After some time, the fishes will get used to this type
c) A Partnership firm.
of feeding and aggregate at the same place at
d) A co-operative society.
particular time for regular feeding thereby reducing
e) A group of fish farmers.
the feed losses. The recommended feeding rate is 5 -
Training in fish farming is being provided by the
6 % of the body weight up to 500 gm size of fish and
FFDA's to the eligible borrowers and it is essential
then reduced to 3.5% of body weight from 500- 1000
that the borrower has prior knowledge of fish
gm size. The feeding is supplementary in nature.
farming before availability of bank loan.
ii. Manuring
i) Organic manuring may be done in monthly References
instalments @ 1000 kg/ha. 1. Alikunhi, K.H., and H. Chaudhuri. “Preliminary
ii) Inorganic fertilization may be done at monthly observations on hybridization of the common
intervals alternating with organic manuring. carp (Cyprinus carpio) with Indian carps” Proc. 46th
However, the monthly rate of fertilization will Indian Sci. Congr., Delhi (1957). Print.
depend on pond productivity and the growth of the
fishes. It should be ensured that excess fertilization 2. Avnimelech, Y., M. Kochva et al.,
does not take place which may result in “Development of controlled intensive
eutrophication. aquaculture systems with a limited water
exchange and adjusted carbon to nitrogen
iii. Harvesting ratio”. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture Bamidgeh
Harvesting is generally done at the end of 1st year, 46(3) (1994): 119-131.Print.
when the fishes attain average weight of 800 gm to
1.25 kg. With Proper management a production of 4 3. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish
to 5 tons/ha can be obtained in a year. Harvesting is Pathologists 22 (2) (2002): 117–125. Print.
done by partial dewatering and repeated netting. In
some cases, complete dewatering of ponds is 4. Håstein, T. "Animal welfare issues relating to
resorted to. Some farmers resort to partial harvesting aquaculture", Proceedings of the Global
also depending on the season and demand for fish. Conference on Animal Welfare: an OIE
Initiative , (2004):219–231. Print.
iv. Vertical expansion of fish culture
A number of measures are now being employed by 5. Jhingran, VG. “Introduction to
the entrepreneurs to increase the per hectare Aquaculture Nigerian Institute for Oceanography
production of fish. Important measures adopted are and Marine Research”, FAO, Rome (1987).
stocking of advanced fingerlings / yearlings by Print. 4595
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