5.What are the techniques for hazard identification? Explain HAZOP method in
6.What are the different ingredients of safety program to enhance the safety in
process industries? Mention steps of safety audit.
8.Give detail classification of fire and explosions with examples. Enlist the
different measures for prevention of fire and explosions.
9.What are the different pressure relief devices? Explain any two with neat
14.Discuss the evolution of safety science from 3-M theory to modern concept of loss
15.Discuss the safety consideration to be taken while designing the storage tank for explosive
material and volatile material.
16.Discuss the different types of safety permits.Discuss its content and validity.
21. What are the modes of entry of toxic chemicals into human body and
-Mention the different methods for risk prediction. Explain any one in detail.
to atmosphere. Write mathematical model for any one of them with its
-Define (1) Hazard (2) Risk (3) Accident (4) LFL (5) LD50. (6) Wages (7)
Average pay.
-Explain in brief Fault and Event Tree Analysis for Risk Prediction.
-In the case of a nuclear reactor accident, which dispersion model you
effluent dispersion?
-Discuss issues related to Health, Safety and Welfare of worker’s to be considered in Factory Act
-What is Safety audit? Who performs the safety audit? Discus method of doing safety audit in
continuous chemical process plant.
-Discus Pluff and Plume Model for dispersion. How it is useful in case of Toxic release?
IBR Act.
Audit is performed.
-Compare the applicability, characteristics and parameters of ‘Plum’ v/s. ‘Puff’ model of