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Asian J. Dairy & Food Res..




Ruchira Shukla* , Bhavesh Chaudhari and Gayatri Joshi
ASPEE Agribusiness Management Institute
Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari – 396 450, India
Received: 11-02-2013 Accepted: 19-12-2013
In order to understand the consumer demand for mango pulp and to help the mango pulp
processors compete more effectively in an increasingly competitive landscape , the present study
was undertaken in three districts of South Gujarat. Primary data was collected using personal interview
of 150 consumers and 45 retailers. It was found that the mango pulp has demand throughout the
year. The product is considered a delicacy and a specialty product offered on special occasions. The
preference was found to be very dispersed as it depends upon the availability of the brands at the
retail store. Major factors affecting the purchase decision by the consumers are taste, quality and
mango variety of mango pulp.

Key words: Brands, Consumer behavior, Preference.

INTRODUCTION it in local as well as national and international markets.

The market for mango pulp has been growing The growth of mangopulp industries will bring large
steadily since the 1990s and this trend is expected benefits to the people by way of employment and
to continue. India is the largest grower of the most income. (Xavier, 2008). In order to understand the
widely recognized variety of mango (Alphonso) used overall current market conditions , consumer demand
in pulp manufacturing. The country also dominates and consumer behaviour for mango pulp to help
the world market for mango pulp with over 113,000 the mango pulp processors compete more effectively
MT of production and a 67% share of world exports. in an increasingly competitive landscape, the present
The largest share of mango pulp (25%) goes to the study was undertaken during 2011.
Middle East, followed by Southeast Asia and North Objectives of the study:
America.The European Union buys relatively small 1) To understand the consumer behaviour of the
quantities, just 4% of world exports. Mango pulp is consumers with reference to mango pulp.
gaining in popularity in western markets simply by 2) To understand the consumers preference and
virtue of the fact that more and more consumers are factors affecting selection of mango pulp brands.
buying fresh mango fruit and are becoming familiar 3) To assess the level of consumer satisfaction and
with its taste. (Anonymous 2009) The world demand develop insights for mango pulp marketing.
for mango pulp is projected to grow by 8%. METERIALS AND METHODS
(Anonymous 2005). Three cities of South Gujarat Navsari,
South Gujarat is one of the important Valsad and Surat were selected for the study. Primary
clusters of mango pulp in the country with a number data was collected using personal interview of
of processing units in the region with a good consumers (households) and retailers. A sample of
backward linkage of Alphonso and Kesar variety of total 150 consumers (Households) was drawn from
mangoes. Mango pulp is an important value added Navsari,Surat and Valsad city with 50 consumers
product of mango. A number of processing units from each city. The family member responsible for
have been manufacturing mango pulp and marketing
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: shuklaiabm.nau@gmail.com
Vol. 33, No. 2, 2014 99
food related decision was interviewed. At the same education (24%). Majority (44.66%) consumers had
time 15 retailers from each city were selected annual income between 2 to 4 lakhs and 38.66 %
making a total sample size of 45 retailers. Two had annual income more than 4 Lakhs. Increasing
different Semi-structured Questionnaires were income are always accompanied by a change into
designed to collect information from the respondents. food basket (Gotait and Pradhan, 2006) (Table1.1).
The data pertains to the year 2011.Both quantitative Factors affecting consumers while selecting
and qualitative approaches were used for the data mango pulp brand according to retailers:
analysis. Statistical tools like mean, frequency, and According to retailers engaged in mango pulp sales,
percentage were used. Taste(78%) was found to be given highest
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION importance by the consumers followed by Quality
In order to understand the consumer (71%) and Mango variety(64%). 56% of the consumers
behavior and preference ,a survey of 150 consumers also gave importance to price while 49% and 47%
was carried out. Majority of the respondents were consumers also considered factors such as Brand and
housewives (36.66) while 34.66 % were engaged in Pack Size (Table 1). Contemporary consumers prefer
service, 16.66 % self employed, 2 % in agriculture to purchase the value-added processed products for
and 10 % had their own business. Majority of sampled various reasons viz; saving of time to cook food, less
households had a family size less than or equal to five storage space in small urban houses and better present-
which means small family. Majority of the respondents ability (Rosegrant et al, 2001).
were graduates (55.33%) and had secondary
Factors affecting purchase of mango pulp
TABLE 1.1 Profile of the consumers
according to consumers: Consumers were asked
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage to rank the various factors from 1 to 7 in order of
Occupation their importance in affecting purchase decision of
Housewife 55 36.66
mango pulp. From the above table it is evident that
Service 52 34.66
Self employed 25 16.66 highest rank was given to Taste(6.05) followed by
Agriculture 3 2 Quality(5.74), variety of mango pulp(4.68) ,packing
Business 15 10 si ze(3.21), brand(3.1), price(2.85) and
Family size freshness(2.78) in that order respectively. Price of
Less than or equal to 5 101 67.33
More than 5 49 32.66
mango pulp offered by various Brands is almost
Education same. Pack size is preferred as per requirement of
Illiterate 0 0 mango pulp and family size and occasion.
Primary 6 4 Abeyrathne et al ,(2006) and singh et al, (2008) also
Secondary 36 24
reported Taste and Quality to be the major factors
Graduation 83 55.33
PG 25 16.66 affecting the selection by the consumers.
Annual Household income M ain marketing season for mango pulp
Less than 1 Lakh 10 6.66
Between 1 to 2 Lakh 15 10
according to retailers: According to majority of
Between 2 to 4 Lakh 67 44.66 retailers (51%) main marketing season for mango
More than 4 Lakh 58 38.66 pulp is winters due to Diwali festival and marriages
Total 150 100 as well as other occasion during October and
TABLE 1: Factors affecting consumers selecting mango pulp according to retailers (N = 45)
Factors Navsari Valsad Surat No. of Total Percentage Rank
No. of Respondents No. of Respondents No. of Respondents Respondent
in Navsari in Valsad in Surat
Price 10 (66.66%) 9 (64.28%) 6 (40%) 25 56 % 4
Quality 13 (86.66%) 9 (64.28) 10 (66.66%) 32 71% 2
Taste 13 (86.66%) 10 (71.42%) 12 (80%) 35 78 % 1
Mango variety 12 (80%) 7 (50%) 10 (66.66%) 29 64 % 3
Brand 11 (73.33%) 8 (57.14%) 3 (6.66%) 22 49 % 5
Pack size 9 (60%) 8 (57.14%) 4 (26.66%) 21 47 % 6
Total 15 (100%) 15 (100%) 15 (100%) 45 100%
TABLE 2: Factors affecting purchase of mango pulp found to be very dispersed as it depends upon the
according to consumers (N= 150) availability of the brands at the retail store. The
Factors Total Score Mean score Rank preference also varied in different regions due to local
Taste 908 6.05 1 availability and presence of local brands in their
Quality 862 5.74 2 respective regions.
Variety of Mango pulp 703 4.68 3
Pack size 482 3.21 4 TABLE 5: Consumers most preferred Brand
Price 428 2.85 6 Brand No.of respondents Percentage
Brand 465 3.1 5
Freshness 418 2.78 7 Swad 33 22
Total 1050 Casilla 30 20
Hampa 3 2
November months. According to 40% retailers, Murohi 44 29
maximum selling of mango pulp takes place during Amidhara 14 9
Rasanand 2 1
summer season that is during fresh mango season Vadilal 4 3
which is interesting to note. 22 % told that there is a Vrindavan 6 4
demand of mango pulp during rainy season too, Desai bandhu 12 8
while 27% told that mango pulp is sold throughout
Occasions on which consumers make a
the year.
purchase of mango pulp: According to Retailers,
TABLE 3: Main marketing season for mango pulp according majority of consumers make a purchase of Mango
to retailers N = 45 pulp on the occasion of Diwali and other festivals
Main marketing season No. of Retailers Percentage like Holi, Rakshabandhan, Aloona festival, followed
Summer 18 40% by occasions, like birthday, Anniversary, family
Winter 23 51% functions or family pooja or on special parties, and
Rain 10 22% in Marriage season. Over all it can be said that the
Through out the year 12 27%
product is considered a delicacy and a speciality
Preferred variety of mango pulp: As shown in product offered on special days.
Table 4,Consumers most preferred variety of mango TABLE 6: Occasions of purchase according to consumers
pulp was found to be Kesar and Alphonso .Almost N= 150
equal preference was given to both the varieties of Occasions No. of Respondents Percentage
mango pulp. It suggests that these two variants are Festival 111 74
most popular variants in the region.Anonymous Picnic 6 4
(2006) reported Alphonso and Totapuri two main Parties 37 25
For Guest 100 67
variants primarily used for making mango pulp. Family function/special days 28 19
TABLE 4: Preferred Variety of Mango pulp
Majority (74%) of the consumers consume
Preferred Variety No. of Respondents Percentage
of Mango pulp
mango pulp in the festivals season. 66.66 %
Kesar 124 83
consumers also prefer to buy mango pulp for offering
Alphanso 125 83 it to the guests. 24.66% offered for Parties , 18.66%
Totapuri 4 2.6 for family functions ,4% for picnics etc. Abeyrathne
Rajapuri 6 4 et al ,(2006) also reported that sales of fruit juices
Consumers most preferred brand: Consumers and concentrates increase during the popular
were asked to state their most preferred brand of festivals.
mangopulp . From the study ,it came out that Preferred place of purchase: Majority (64.66 %)
consumers had high level of awareness and of consumers prefer to purchase mango pulp from
preference (29.33%) for Murohi mango pulp, which dairy shops. Sweet and farsan shops, are second
beside being a small scale unit is renowned for its most preferred points for purchase of mango pulp.
quality,taste and freshness of product. The second Almost equal preference is given by consumers to
and third most preferred brand were Swad(22%) superstores and kirana stores for purchase of
and Casilla(20%) respectively. The preference was mangopulp. While 4 % consumers prepared
Vol. 33, No. 2, 2014 101
mangopulp at home and preserved and pack it for Preferred pack size and Packing: Consumers most
use during the rest of the year. Abeyrathne (2006) preferred (91%) pack size was 850 gm tin pack.
reported that most consumers preferred to purchase Many consumers wanted a single use 450 gm
fruit products from ordinary retail shops. packing which was not available in the market.
TABLE 7: Preferred place of purchase 29 % consumers preferred 3.1 kg pack for parties
and family functions (Table 11).
Place of purchase No. of Respondents Percentage
Dairy 97 64.66 TABLE 11: Preferred pack size
Farsan/Sweet Shop 80 53.33 Preferred pack size No. of Respondents Percentage
Super store 73 48.66
850 gm 136 91
Kirana shop 74 49.33
3.1 Kg 44 29
Co-operative 17 3.33
Total 150 100
Prepared by Own 8 4
Majority of consumers preferred tin packing
Frequency of purchase: Majority consumers (78%) as it is most available and maintains hygiene and
consumed mango pulp on special occasions quality. 19 % consumers preferred plastic pouch
suggesting it a specialty product , 31% consumers packing which they considered more convenient.
said that they consumed mangopulp once a month While 9% consumers preferred bottle packing as
and 7% consumers were high frequency consumers made available by some local brands (Table 12).
purchasing once a week (Table 8). TABLE 12: Preferred Type of Packing
TABLE 8: Frequency of Purchase Preferred Packing No. of Respondents Percentage
Frequency of purchase No. of Respondents Percentage Tin packing 119 79
Once a week 11 7 Plastic packing 28 19
Once a month 47 31 Bottle packing 13 9
Stock at once in year 6 4
On special Occasions only 117 78
Consumers level of satisfaction from mango
pulp brand used: Consumers were asked to rate
For whom do you purchase:Table 9 shows that the satisfaction from their existing brand on 3 point
majority (79%) of consumers said that they buy scale. Consumers were highly satisfied with the taste
mango pulp for whole family while 74% consumers and quality of their preferred brands. While
bought it for offering it to guests(74% ) .21% consumers were moderately satisfied with the price
consumers said that they buy because children in and packaging of the product (Table 13).
the family like it. Quality parameters influencing consumers:
TABLE 9: For whom do you purchase Consumers consciousness towards the quality of
For whom do you purchase No. of Respondents Percentage mango pulp was also checked by asking the
Children 31 21 important quality parameters considered by
Family 119 79 consumers. The major quality factors considered by
Guest 111 74 consumers were quality of mango (44%),level of
preservatives(39%),hygiene(29%) and sugar
Preferred mode of consumption: Majority(79%)
content(29%).While quality certification was
of consumers consumed mango pulp as Ras-puri .It is
considered by only 6 % of consumers ,2% consumers
one of the main delicacies liked in Gujarat. 65%
also gave importance to other quality parameters like
consumers prepared milk shakes and 41% served it
expiry date and colour of the mango pulp (Table 14).
with ice cream to guests while others (39%) preferred
eating mango pulp with khaja (local snack) (Table 10). SUGGESTIONS
For mango pulp processors:
TABLE 10: Preferred mode of consumption
1. Small firms should improve their packaging to
How do you consume No. of Respondents Percentage
compete wi th the other brands in market.
As milk shake 97 65
With ice-cream 61 41 Companies should introduce mango pulp in small
Ras-Puri 119 79 packages like 250gm and 450gm packages since
Along with khajja 59 39 number of nuclear families is increasing.
TABLE 13: Consumers level of satisfaction from mango pulp brand used N = 107
Particulars Level of Satisfaction No. of Respondents Total score Mean score
Quality High 51 265 2.48
Moderate 56
Low 0
Taste High 73 287 2.68
Moderate 34
Low 0
Freshness High 25 227 2.12
Moderate 70
Low 12
Price High 6 180 1.68
Moderate 61
Low 40
Packing High 20 204 1.90
Moderate 57
Low 30

TABLE 14: Quality parameters influencing consumers Policy implications:

Quality parameters influencing consumers 1. Government should encouraging formation of
Parameters No. of Respondents Percentage small industries consortia or associations to
Sugar content 43 29 formulate collective marketing and sales promotion
Level of Preservatives 59 39 strategies for small units.
Quality of Mango 66 44
Hygiene maintained 43 29 2. The existing processing units should be
Quality certification 9 6 strengthened by providing access to information on
Any other 3 2 modern technology, packaging, markets, food laws
and hygiene requirements of different markets.
2. Firms should go for product diversification and 3. Small firms are poor in adopting the adequate
should introduce new products like ready to drink quality standards .This calls for the support and
products, mango slices, mango pieces with other fruit nurturing by government to help technology
pieces, mango jelly, mango role and other new upgradation and to adopt HACCP and other quality
products. certifications.
3. Mango pulp manufacturers should provide special 4. Government should promote the production of
promotion schemes for distribution chain and mango and other horticultural commodities in the
consumers during festivals and off season to increase region to promote the adequate supply of raw
the sales as consumers prefer purchase during special materials throughout the year for increasing capacity
occasions. utilization of the firms.
4. There is a good demand of mango pulp in CONCLUSION
domestic market and there is an opportunity for The production and marketing of mango pulp
manufactures to expand the domestic market has great potential and presents a good scope and
through campaigns and product diversification. opportunity in local and regional markets. The
mango pulp has demand throughout the year. The
For mango farmers: product is considered a delicacy and a specialty
5. Farmer should prefer growing Kesar and Alphonso product offered on special occasions. The preference
varieties of mango as it has more demand and was found to be very dispersed as it depends upon
provides good and assured price by mango pulp the availability of the brands at the retail store. The
processors. preference also varied in different regions due to local
6. Small farmers should form farmer groups and availability and presence of local brands in their
can go for value addition through mango pulp respective regions.The major factors affecting the
processing . purchase decision by the consumers are taste,quality
Vol. 33, No. 2, 2014 103
and mango variety.The demand can be tapped on improved packaging and hygiene standards and
sustainable basis by setting up proper marketing processing Kesar and Alphonso varieties of mango
network, maintaining taste and quality, using for mango pulp.

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