5CS4 Solution

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Part –A

Q1. What is pixel made of?

The word “pixel” means a picture element. Every photograph, in digital form, is made up of pixels.
They are the smallest unit of information that makes up a picture. Usually round or square, they
are typically arranged in a 2-dimensional grid.
Q2 What is scan conversion It is a process of representing graphics objects a collection of
The graphics objects are continuous. The pixels used are discrete. Each pixel can have either on or
off state. The circuitry of the video display device of the computer is capable of converting binary
values (0, 1) into a pixel on and pixel off information. 0 is represented by pixel off. 1 is represented
using pixel on. Using this ability graphics computer represent picture having discrete dots.
Advantage of developing algorithms for scan conversion are we can generate graphics objects at
a faster rate. Using algorithms memory can be used efficiently. Algorithms can develop a higher
level of graphical objects. Examples of objects which can be scan converted Point, Line, Sector,
Arc, Ellipse etc
Q3 Differentiate between plasma panel display and thin film electro luminous display
Plasma displays are bright, have a wide color gamut, and can be produced in fairly large sizes, up
to 262 cm (103 inches) diagonally Electroluminescence is the result of radiative recombination of
electrons and holes in a material (usually a semiconductor). lasma displays use as much power per
square meter as a CRT or an AMLCD television. EL devices have low power consumption when
compared with neon signs, and have a wide range of applications such as their use on advertising
boards and safety signs.
Q4 Define Random scan/raster scan display
Raster Scan In a raster scan system, the electron beam is swept across the screen, one row at a time
from top to bottom. As the electron beam moves across each row, the beam intensity is turned on
and off to create a pattern of illuminated spots. Picture definition is stored in memory area called
the Refresh Buffer or Frame Buffer. This memory area holds the set of intensity values for all the
screen points. Stored intensity values are then retrieved from the refresh buffer and “painted” on
the screen one row scanline. Scanline at a time as shown in the following illustration.

Random Scan /VectorScan In this technique, the electron beam is directed only to the part of the
screen where the picture is to be drawn rather than scanning from left to right and top to bottom as
in raster scan. It is also called vector display, stroke-writing display, or calligraphic display. Picture
definition is stored as a set of line-drawing commands in an area of memory referred to as the
refresh display file. To display a specified picture, the system cycles through the set of commands
in the display file, drawing each component line in turn. After all the line-drawing commands are
processed, the system cycles back to the first line command in the list. Random-scan displays are
designed to draw all the component lines of a picture 30 to 60 times each second.

Q5 Explain the merits and demerits of Penetration techniques.

The merits and demerits of the Penetration techniques are as follows:

 It is an inexpensive method.
 It has only four colors.
 The quality of the picture is not good when it is compared to other methods.
 It can display color scans in monitors.
Q6 Distinguish between Convex and Concave polynomial

A convex polygon is defined as a polygon with all its interior angles less than 180°. This means
that all the vertices of the polygon will point outwards, away from the interior of the shape. Think
of it as a 'bulging' polygon. Note that a triangle (3-gon) is always convex .
A concave polygon is defined as a polygon with one or more interior angles greater than
180°. It looks sort of like a vertex has been 'pushed in' towards the inside of the polygon. Note that
a triangle (3-gon) can never be concave. A concave polygon is the opposite of a convex polygon.
See Convex Polygon.
Q7 What is Translations
It is a transformation that used to reposition the object along the straight line path from one
coordinate location to another. It is rigid body transformation so we need to translate wholeobject.
We translate two dimensional point by adding translation distance 𝒕𝒙and 𝒕𝒚to the original
coordinate position (𝒙, 𝒚) to move at new position (𝒙 ′ , 𝒚 ′ )as:
𝒙 ′ = 𝒙+𝒕𝒙 & 𝒚 ′ = 𝒚 +𝒕𝒚
Translation distance pair (𝒕𝒙,) is called a Translation Vector or Shift Vector. We can represent it
into single matrix equation in column vector as;
𝑷′ = 𝑷 + 𝑻
𝒙 ′= [ 𝒙 ] + [𝒕 𝒙 𝒕𝒚 ]
𝒚’= [ 𝒚 ] + [𝒕 𝒙 𝒕𝒚 ]
We can also represent it in row vector form as:
𝑷′ = 𝑷 + 𝑻
[𝒙 ′ 𝒚 ′ ]=[𝒙 𝒚]+ [𝒕𝒙 𝒕𝒚]
Q8 Distinguish between uniform Scaling and differential scaling
In any computer graphics software, there are 2 scaling factors – sx and sy. Uniform scaling takes
place when both these factors are allocated with the same value. ... Differential scaling takes place
when separate values are assigned to the scaling factors, sx and sy and often used in design
Q9 List out various text clippings
Various techniques are used to provide text clipping in a computer graphics. It depends on the
methods used to generate characters and the requirements of a particular application. There are
three methods for text clipping which are listed below –
 All or none string clipping
 All or none character clipping
 Text clipping
The following figure shows all or none string clipping –

In all or none string clipping method, either we keep the entire string or we reject entire string
based on the clipping window. As shown in the above figure, STRING2 is entirely inside the
clipping window so we keep it and STRING1 being only partially inside the window, we reject.
The following figure shows all or none character clipping –

This clipping method is based on characters rather than entire string. In this method if the string is
entirely inside the clipping window, then we keep it. If it is partially outside the window, then –
 You reject only the portion of the string being outside
 If the character is on the boundary of the clipping window, then we discard that entire
character and keep the rest string.
The following figure shows text clipping –

This clipping method is based on characters rather than the entire string. In this method if the string
is entirely inside the clipping window, then we keep it. If it is partially outside the window, then
 You reject only the portion of string being outside.
 If the character is on the boundary of the clipping window, then we discard only that portion
of character that is outside of the clipping window.
Q10 Write all steps involved in 3D transformation
It is the movement of an object from one position to another position. Translation is done using
translation vectors. There are three vectors in 3D instead of two. . Three-dimensional
transformations are performed by transforming each vertex of the object. Steps involved in 3D
transformation are
 Modeling Transformation
 Projection Transformation
 Viewing Transformation
 Workstation Transformation

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