Internal Assessment I Answer Key

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List the disadvantages of DDA line drawing algorithm

1.  Floating point arithmetic in DDA algorithm is still time consuming.

 The algorithm is orientation dependent. Hence end point accuracy is poor.
Rounding-off in DDA is time consuming.
Define vanishing point with example
A vanishing point is where parallel lines that move off into the distance seem to converge.
2. It's an artifact of perspective. Example: if we stand on a road on a flat surface and look up
or down the road into the distance, the sides of the road appear to touch at the furthest
distance that we can see it. The vanishing point in this example is where the road is so far
away it appears to "vanish".
3. List a few Graphics Standards
Define aspect ratio
4. Aspect ratio is generally used to determine the relative horizontal and vertical sizes of
computer graphics. For example, if a computer graphic has an aspect ratio of 3:1, this
means the width of the graphic is three times of the height of the image
What is a basic behind midpoint circle algorithm
The objective of the algorithm is to find a path through the pixel grid using pixels which are
as close as possible to solutions of x2 + y2 = r2.
Define and Derive the decision parameter for bresenham line drawing algorithm


What is the use of digitizer?

7. A digitizer is a hardware device that receives analog information, such as sound or light,
and records it digitally and the information is stored in a file on a computing device. This
process is called digitization.For example, a digital camera is a digitizer.
Compare Bresenham’s and DDA line algorithm
Efficiency Low High
Calculations involved Complex Simple
Speed Comparatively less More
Operations used Multiplication and division Additions and subtraction
Define loading frame buffer
• Each screen pixel corresponds to a particular entry in a 2D array residing in
memory. This memory is called a frame buffer or a bit map.
• The number of rows in the frame buffer equals to the number of raster lines on the
display screen. The number of columns in this array equals to the number of pixels
on each raster line.
• Whenever we wish to display a pixel on the screen, a specific value is placed into
the corresponding memory location in the frame buffer array. This is known as
loading frame buffer.
Define the working principle of raster scan system
10. In a raster scan system, the electron beam is swept across the screen, one row at a time from
top to bottom. As the electron beam moves across each row, the beam intensity is turned on
and off to create a pattern of illuminated spots.
What are the line and curve attributes
The line and curve attributes include the current position, brush style, brush color, pen style,
pen color and transformation
12. Define the use error term in Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm
span value less than or equal to 0.5
Justify: Is Sutherland Cohen line clipping algorithm applicable to any type of window
No. The algorithm is only applicable to rectangular windows and not to any other convex
shaped window. In some cases, two points are inside the window and the line joining them
will never cross the window boundary, such shaped windows are referred as convex shaped
How to map a window to viewport
14. Window-to-Viewport mapping is the process of mapping or transforming a two-
dimensional, world-coordinate scene to device coordinates. In particular, objects inside the
world or clipping window are mapped to the viewport.
What is line clipping and list down the algorithm used to perform line clipping
The line clipping algorithms are:
1. Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm
2. Midpoint Subdivision Line Clipping Algorithm
3. Liang-Barsky Line Clipping Algorithm
In the algorithm, first of all, it is detected whether line lies inside the screen or it is outside
the screen.
16. Define the conditions under which a point is clipped against a standard clip window
Define viewport with an example
Viewport can be defines in the normalized coordinates a rectangular area on the display
17. device where the image of data appears. Graph takes up the entire display device and shows
it in only a portion. Example: Menus where we need a window onto some another menu,
cutting of at the edges.
What is the significance of the terms, ”Window and”, ”View port” in graphics
Window : The window defines a rectangular area in the world coordinates. The window can
be defined to be larger than, the same size as and smaller than the actual range of the data
values, thus depending on whether we want to show all of the data and only part of data.
Viewport: Viewport can be defines in the normalized coordinates a rectangular area on the
display device where the image of data appears. Graph takes up the entire display device
18. and shows it in only a portion.

Define the matrix representation of homogeneous translation

19. 1 0 tx
0 1 ty
What is composite transformation
20. A number of transformations or sequence of transformations can be combined into single
one called as composition. The resulting matrix is called as composite matrix. The process
of combining is called as concatenation.
21. What is point clipping
Point clipping is defined as to show/print points on our window which are in range of our
viewing pane, others points which are outside the range are discarded.
List out the types of clipping operations
Interior clipping removes the parts outside the given window Eg: Point clipping
Exterior clipping removes the parts inside the given window.
What is shearing
23. A transformation that slants the shape of an object is called the shear transformation. There
are two shear transformations X-Shear and Y-Shear. One shifts X coordinates values and
other shifts Y coordinate values.
What is the difference between reflection and shear transformation?
Reflection is the mirror image of original object. In other words, we can say that it is a
rotation operation with 180°. In reflection transformation, the size of the object does not
A transformation that slants the shape of an object is called the shear transformation. There
are two shear transformations X-Shear and Y-Shear. One shifts X coordinates values and
other shifts Y coordinate values.
1. Answer expected:Algorithm(5),Region1(5),Region2(3)

2. Answer expected:Algorithm(3),Derivation(5),Octant(5)

3. Algorithm (3), Derivation (5), Problem (5)

4. i ) Horizontal line (4 marks)

Matrix-2, Problem-2
ii)Vertical line (4 marks)
Matrix-2, Problem-2
b) Matrix-3, Problem-2
5. Matrix of four category-4, Problem-4, Graph-5

6. Basic Transformation-5, Reflection and shearing-8

7. Explain in detail about color models
RGB (1), YIQ (1), YUV (1), CMY (1), HSV (2), HLS (2)
8. Explain in detail about filled area primitives
Scan line conversion (2), Flood filling (2), Boundary filling (2), Inside outside test (2).
9. Explain in details about the following:
a) Light Sources (2)
b) Basic Illumination models (2)
c) Halftone (2)
d) Dithering (2)

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