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for the Development of an

Electrostatic Discharge Control
Program for –

Protection of Electrical and Electronic

Parts, Assemblies and Equipment
(Excluding Electrically Initiated
Explosive Devices)

Electrostatic Discharge Association
7900 Turin Road, Bldg 3, Ste 2
Rome, NY 13440-2069

An American National Standard

Approved August 4, 1999

ESD Association Standard for the Development of an

Electrostatic Discharge Control
Program for –

Protection of Electrical and Electronic

Parts, Assemblies and Equipment
(Excluding Electrically Initiated
Explosive Devices)

Approved May 16, 1999

ESD Association standards and publications are designed to serve the
public interest by eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers
Caution and purchasers, facilitating the interchangeability and improvement of
Notice products and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining the
proper product for his particular needs. The existence of such standards
and publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-
member of the Association from manufacturing or selling products not
conforming to such standards and publications. Nor shall the fact that a
standard or publication is published by the Association preclude its
voluntary use by non-members of the Association whether the document
is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended
standards and publications are adopted by the ESD Association in
accordance with the ANSI Patent policy.

Interpretation of ESD Association Standards: The interpretation of

standards in-so-far as it may relate to a specific product or manufacturer
is a proper matter for the individual company concern and cannot be
undertaken by any person acting for the ESD Association. The ESD
Association Standards Chairman may make comments limited to an
explanation or clarification of the technical language or provisions in a
standard, but not related to its application to specific products and
manufacturers. No other person is authorized to comment on behalf of
the ESD Association on any ESD Association Standard.

Published by:

Electrostatic Discharge Association

7900 Turin Road, Building 3, Suite 2
Rome, NY 13440-2069

Copyright © 1999 by ESD Association

All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in

an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 1-58537-006-1
(This foreword is not part of ANSI/ESD Association Standard S20.20-1999)


This standard covers the requirements necessary to design, establish, implement, and maintain an
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control Program for activities that: manufacture, process, assemble, install,
package, label, service, test, inspect or otherwise handle electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and
equipment susceptible to damage by electrostatic discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts Human
Body Model (HBM). When handling devices susceptible to less than 100 volts HBM, more stringent ESD
Control Program Technical Requirements may be required, including adjustment of program Technical
Element Recommended Ranges. This document covers the control program requirements and offers
guidance to protect and handle ESD sensitive (ESDS) items, based on the historical experience of both
military and commercial organizations. References include, ESD Association, US Military and ANSI
approved standards for material properties and test methods. The fundamental ESD control principles
that form the basis of this document follow:

A. All conductors in the environment, including personnel, must be bonded or electrically

connected and attached to a known ground or contrived ground (as on shipboard or on
aircraft). This attachment creates an equipotential balance between all items and personnel.
Electrostatic protection can be maintained at a potential above a “zero” voltage ground
potential as long as all items in the system are at the same potential.

B. Necessary non-conductors in the environment cannot lose their electrostatic charge by

attachment to ground. Ionization systems provide neutralization of charges on these
necessary non-conductive items (circuit board materials and some device packages are
examples of necessary non-conductors). Assessment of the ESD hazard created by
electrostatic charges on the necessary non-conductors in the work place is required to ensure
that appropriate actions are implemented, commensurate with risk.

C. Transportation of ESDS items outside an Electrostatic Protected Area (hereafter referred

to as “Protected Area”) requires enclosure in static protective materials, although the type of
material depends on the situation and destination. Inside a Protected Area, low charging and
static dissipative materials may provide adequate protection. Outside a Protected Area, low
charging and static discharge shielding materials are recommended. While these materials
are not discussed in the document, it is important to recognize the differences in their

Any relative motion and physical separation of materials or flow of solids, liquids, or particle-laden gases
can generate electrostatic charges. Common sources of ESD include personnel, items made from
common polymeric materials, and processing equipment. ESD can damage parts by direct contact with a
charged source or by electric fields emanating from charged objects that induce a charge on grounded or
capacitively coupled to ground sensitive items. It is possible to determine device and item susceptibility
by exposure to simulated electronic equivalent discharge circuits. The level of sensitivity determined by
test using these models may not necessarily relate to the level of sensitivity in a real life situation.
However, they are used to establish a baseline of susceptibility data for comparison of devices with
equivalent part numbers from different manufacturers. Three different models are used for
characterization of electronic components - Human Body Model (HBM), Machine Model (MM), and
Charged Device Model (CDM). It is important to recognize that these models, if used alone, are difficult to
apply in terms of specification setting activities. Examples of ESDS parts are microcircuits, discrete
semiconductors, thick and thin film resistors, hybrid devices and piezoelectric crystals.

Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of
use in improving this document should be addressed to:

ESD Association
7900 Turin Road, Bldg 3, Ste 2
Rome, NY 13440-2069

Committee Members:

Steve Gerken, Co-Chairman Dave Leeson, Co-Chairman David E. Swenson

USAF Motorola SSG 3M

Anthony Klinowski Garry McGuire Ronald J. Gibson

Boeing NASA (Hernandez Engineering) Celestica International

Thomas Mohler,
Raytheon Systems Corporation

Additional Contributing Individuals:

Ronald L. Johnson Robert Parr Joel Weidendorf

Intel Consultant Consultant

Donald E. Cross Sheryl Zayic Robert Cummings


Jeffrey Scanlon John T. Kinnear Jr. Ralph Myers


Table of Contents

1. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2. SCOPE................................................................................................................................................ 1
3. REFERENCED PUBLICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 1
4. DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................................................... 2
5. PERSONNEL SAFETY........................................................................................................................ 2
6. ESD CONTROL PROGRAM................................................................................................................ 2
6.0.1. ESD Control Program Requirements ......................................................................................... 2
6.0.2. ESD Control Program Guidance ................................................................................................ 3
6.0.3. Tailoring .................................................................................................................................... 3
6.1. ESD CONTROL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 3
6.1.1. ESD Control Program Plan ........................................................................................................ 3 ESD Control Program Plan Requirement ............................................................................................ 3 ESD Control Program Plan Guidance ................................................................................................. 3
6.1.2. Training Plan ............................................................................................................................. 3 Training Plan Requirement ................................................................................................................. 3 Training Plan Guidance ...................................................................................................................... 3
6.1.3. Compliance Verification Plan ..................................................................................................... 3 Compliance Verification Plan Requirement.......................................................................................... 3 Compliance Verification Plan Guidance............................................................................................... 4
6.2. ESD CONTROL PROGRAM PLAN TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 4
6.2.1. Grounding / Bonding Systems.................................................................................................... 4 Grounding / Bonding Systems Requirements ...................................................................................... 4 Grounding / Bonding Systems Guidance............................................................................................. 4
6.2.2. Personnel Grounding................................................................................................................. 4 Personnel Grounding Requirements ................................................................................................... 4 Personnel Grounding Guidance.......................................................................................................... 4
6.2.3. Protected Areas......................................................................................................................... 4 Protected Areas Requirement............................................................................................................. 4 Protected Areas Guidance.................................................................................................................. 5
6.2.4. Packaging ................................................................................................................................. 5 Packaging Requirements.................................................................................................................... 5 Packaging Guidance .......................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.5. Marking ..................................................................................................................................... 6 ESDS Assemblies and Equipment ...................................................................................................... 5 Packaging.......................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.6. Equipment ................................................................................................................................. 5 AC Powered Tools ............................................................................................................................. 5 Battery Powered and Pneumatic Hand Tools ...................................................................................... 6 Automated Handlers........................................................................................................................... 6
6.2.7. Handling .................................................................................................................................... 6 Handling Procedure Requirements ..................................................................................................... 6 Handling Procedure Guidance ............................................................................................................ 6
7. APPENDIX A - SENSITIVITY TESTING .............................................................................................. 9
7.1. ESD SENSITIVITY TESTING ................................................................................................................... 9
7.1.1. Human Body Model Sensitivity:.................................................................................................. 9
7.1.2. Machine Model Sensitivity:......................................................................................................... 9
7.1.3. Charged Device Model Sensitivity:............................................................................................. 9
7.2. ASSEMBLY, EQUIPMENT AND DESIGN HARDENING .................................................................................. 10
7.2.1. Assembly, Equipment and Design Hardening Guidance:.......................................................... 10
7.2.2. Direct Contact, Non-Operating Assembly, Body/Finger or Hand/Metal Tests: ........................... 10
7.2.3. Direct Contact Operating Equipment Hand/Metal Test: ............................................................ 10
7.2.4. Indirect Contact, Operating Equipment Furniture Model Test:................................................... 10

8. APPENDIX B - RELATED DOCUMENTS.......................................................................................... 11
8.1. MILITARY/U.S. GOVERNMENT: ............................................................................................................. 11
8.2. INDUSTRY STANDARDS: ....................................................................................................................... 11

Table of Tables
TABLE 1 ESD CONTROL PROGRAM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ........................................................ 7
TABLE 2 ESD SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST REFERENCES FOR DEVICES ...................................................................... 9

ANSI/ESD Association Standard ANSI/ESD-S20.20-1999

ESD Association Standard for the ANSI EOS/ESD S 3.1 EOS/ESD Association
Development of an Electrostatic Discharge Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic
Control Program for- Discharge Susceptible Items - Ionization1

ESD S 4.1 ESD Association Standard Test Method

PROTECTION OF ELECTRICAL for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge
AND ELECTRONIC PARTS, Susceptible Items - Worksurfaces - Resistive
EXPLOSIVE DEVICES) Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge
1. PURPOSE Susceptible Items - Worksurfaces - Charge
Dissipation Characteristics1
The purpose of this Standard is to provide
administrative and technical requirements, as well as ESD STM 5.1 ESD Association Standard for
guidance for establishing, implementing and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Sensitivity Testing -
maintaining an ESD Control Program (here after Human Body Model (HBM) Component Level1
referred to as the “Program”).
ESD STM 5.2 ESD Association Standard for
2. SCOPE Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Sensitivity Testing -
Machine Model (MM) Component Level1
This document applies to activities that:
manufacture, process, assemble, install, package, ESD DS 5.3.1 ESD Association Standard for
label, service, test, inspect or otherwise handle Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Sensitivity Testing -
electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and Charged Device Model (CDM) Component Level1
equipment susceptible to damage by electrostatic
discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts Human ANSI EOS/ESD S 6.1 EOS/ESD Association
Body Model. This document does not apply to Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic
electrically initiated explosive devices, flammable Discharge Susceptible Items - Grounding -
liquids and powders. Recommended Practice1
Unless otherwise specified, the following documents Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge
of the latest issue, revision or amendment, form a Susceptible Items - Resistive Characterization of
part of this standard to the extent specified herein. Materials - Floor Materials1

EOS/ESD ADV 1.0 EOS/ESD Association Glossary EOS/ESD S 8.1 EOS/ESD Association Standard for
of Terms
1 the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible
Items - Symbols - ESD Awareness1
ESD S1.1 ESD Association Standard Test Method
for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge ESD S 9.1 ESD Association Standard Test Method
Susceptible Items - Wrist Straps1 for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge
Susceptible Items - Footwear - Resistive
ESD ADV 2.0 ESD Association Advisory for the Characterization1
Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible
Items – Handbook1 ESD DSP 10.1 ESD Association Draft Standard for
Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible
ESD STM 2.1 ESD Association Standard Test Items – Automated Handling
Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge
Susceptible Items – Garments1 ANSI/EOS/ESD S 11.11 EOS/ESD Association
Standard for the Protection of Electrostatic
Discharge Susceptible Items - Surface Resistance
Measurement of Static Dissipative Planar Materials
ESD Association, 7900 Turin Road, Bldg 3, Ste 2,
Rome, NY 13440-2069, 315-339-6937


ESD DS 11.12 ESD Association Standard for the MIL-STD-883 Method 3015, Department of Defense,
Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Test Method Standard, Microcircuits, Electrostatic
Items - Volume Resistance Measurement of Static Discharge Sensitivity Classification2
Dissipative Planar Materials1
MIL-STD-2073-1 Department of Defense, Standard
ESD ADV 11.2 ESD Association Advisory for the Practice for Military Packaging2
Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible
Items - Triboelectric Charge Accumulation Testing1 MIL-PRF-19500 Performance Specification, General
Specification for Semiconductor Devices2
ANSI/ESD S 11.31 ESD Association Standard for
Evaluating the Performance of Electrostatic QML-19500 Qualified Manufacturers List of Products
Discharge Shielding Materials - Bags1 Qualified Under Military Specification MIL-PRF-
19500, General Specification for Semiconductor
ESD STM 12.1 ESD Association Standard Test Device2
Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge
Susceptible Items - Seating - Resistive MIL-PRF-38535 Performance Specification, General
Characterization1 Specification for Integrated Circuits (Microcircuits)
ESD DS 13.1 ESD Association Standard for
Measuring Electrical Potential from Soldering/ QML-38535 Qualified Manufacturers list of
Desoldering Hand Tools1 Advanced Microcircuits Qualified Under Military
Specification MIL-PRF-38535, General
ESD ADV 53.1 ESD Association Advisory for the Requirements for Microcircuits Manufacturing2
Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible
Items - ESD Protective Workstations1 VZAP, Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility Data3
ESD STM 97.1 ESD Association Standard Test
Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge The terms used in the body of this document are in
Susceptible Items - Floor Materials and Footwear - accordance with the definitions found in EOS/ESD
Resistance Measurement in combination with a Association Glossary of Terms, EOS/ESD ADV 1.0.
ESD STM 97.2 ESD Association Standard Test The Procedures and equipment described in this
Method for the Protection of Electrostatic Discharge document may expose personnel to hazardous
Susceptible Items - Floor Materials and Footwear - electrical conditions. Users of this document are
Voltage Measurement on a Person1 responsible for selecting equipment that complies
with applicable laws, regulatory codes and both
ANSI C63.16 "American National Standard Guide for
external and internal policy. Users are cautioned
Electrostatic Discharge Test Methodologies and
that this document cannot replace or supersede any
Criteria for Electronic Equipment"
requirements for personnel safety.
IEC 1000-4-2, "Electromagnetic Compatibility for
Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and other
Industrial Process Measurement and Control
safety protection should be considered wherever
Equipment, Part 2; Electrostatic Discharge
personnel might come into contact with electrical
IEEE STD C62.38, "IEEE Guide on ESD: ESD
Electrical hazard reduction practices should be
Withstand Capability Evaluation Methods (for
exercised and proper grounding instructions for
Electronic Equipment Subassemblies)"
equipment must be followed.
MIL-STD-750 Method 1020, Military Standard, Test 6. ESD CONTROL PROGRAM
Methods for Semiconductors Devices, Electrostatic
2 6.0.1. ESD Control Program Requirements
Discharge Sensitivity (ESDS) Classification
The Program shall include both Administrative and
Technical Requirements as described herein. The
Defense Printing Service Detachment Office, Bldg
4D (NPM-DODSSP), 700 Robbins Ave., IIT Research Institute, 201 Mill, Rome, NY 13440,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, 215-697-5164 315-336-2359


most sensitive level of the items to be handled in above a specified sensitivity level; identify
accordance with the Program shall be documented. organizational responsibilities for the tasks and
The Organization shall establish, document, activities; and list directive or supportive documents
implement, maintain and verify the compliance of used in the Program. The Plan should include a
the Program in accordance with the requirements of listing of the specific type of ESD protective
this document. materials and equipment used in the Program. A
major element in an effective Plan is the assessment
6.0.2. ESD Control Program Guidance
of the ESD susceptibility of parts, assemblies and
The primary objective of a Program is to provide equipment and their required protection levels. A
continuous ESD protection. Electrostatic control and common method for establishing ESD sensitivity
protection entails implementation of Program limits is to use one or more of the three ESD models
requirements during design, production, inspection, used for characterization of electronic items. These
test, storage, shipment, installation, use, are HBM, MM, and CDM (see Appendix A). The
maintenance, replacement and repair functions. selection of specific ESD control procedures or
6.0.3. Tailoring materials is at the option of the Plan preparer and
should be based on risk assessment and the
This document, or portions thereof, may not apply to established electrostatic discharge sensitivities of
all applications. Tailoring is accomplished by parts, assemblies, and equipment. The Plan should
evaluating the applicability of each requirement for ensure that the Organization and suppliers of ESD
the specific application. Upon completion of the sensitive items have established and implemented a
evaluation, requirements may be added, modified or Program in accordance with this document.
deleted. Tailoring decisions, including rationale,
shall be documented in the ESD Control Program 6.1.2. Training Plan
Plan (hereafter referred to as the “Plan”). Training Plan Requirement
6.1 ESD CONTROL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATIVE Initial and recurrent ESD awareness and prevention
REQUIREMENTS training shall be provided to all personnel who
6.1.1 ESD Control Program Plan handle or otherwise come into contact with any
ESDS items. The type and frequency of ESD ESD Control Program Plan Requirement training for personnel shall be defined in the Training
The Organization shall prepare an ESD Control Plan. The Training Plan shall document the
Program Plan that addresses each of the procedures for recording this training in personnel
requirements of the Program. Those requirements training records. Training methods and the use of
are: The Plan, Training, Compliance Verification and specific techniques are of the Organization’s option.
ESD Control Program Plan Technical Requirements. The option that is selected shall include an objective
The Plan is the principal document for implementing evaluation technique to ensure trainee
and verifying the Program. The goal is a fully comprehension and training adequacy.
implemented and integrated Program that conforms Training Plan Guidance
to internal quality system requirements. The Plan Recurrent ESD training for personnel is an integral
shall address the requirements as described herein part of the Program. ESD training includes initial
and shall apply to all applicable facets of the and recurrent training required to reinforce program
Organization’s work. The Plan shall contain the requirements and modifications based upon
specific requirements for the organization and be lessons-learned. New technologies and correction
evolutionary as technologies, processes or of deficiencies identified during reviews and audits
procedures change. If there is a contractual should also be part of the training process. The
requirement for device or assembly testing, options training requirements should be developed in
for determining ESD Sensitivity include QPL-19500, conjunction with the Organization’s handling
QML-38535, VZAP data or manufacturer’s data procedures for ESDS parts, assemblies and
sheets. Efforts to identify and eliminate defects, and equipment.
prevent their introduction, shall be a component of
the Plan to reduce the cost and risk associated with 6.1.3. Compliance Verification Plan
ESD damage. Compliance Verification Plan Requirement ESD Control Program Plan Guidance A Compliance Verification Plan shall be established
The Plan should describe the scope of the Program; to ensure the organization’s compliance with the
describe the tasks, activities, and procedures requirements of the Plan. Formal audits or
necessary to protect ESD sensitive items at or certifications shall be conducted in accordance with


a Compliance Verification Plan that identifies the electrical potential. As a minimum, ESDS items,
requirements to be verified, and the frequency at personnel and other related conductors shall be
which those verifications must occur. Test bonded or electrically interconnected.
equipment shall be selected to make measurements Grounding / Bonding Systems Guidance
of appropriate properties of the technical
In most cases, the third wire (green) AC equipment
requirements that are incorporated into the ESD
ground is the preferred choice for ground4. When
program plan.
the third wire AC equipment ground is not available Compliance Verification Plan Guidance or impractical to use, personnel should be bonded or
In addition to internal audits, external audits electrically connected to a conductive element of the
(Organization and supplier of ESDS items) should ESDS item using a wrist strap or other grounding
be performed to ensure compliance with planned system to ensure that all elements are at the same
requirements. Verifications should include routine electrical potential.
checks of the Technical Requirements in the Plan.
6.2.2. Personnel Grounding
The frequency of verification checks should be
based on the control item usage, its durability and Personnel Grounding Requirements
associated risk of failure. All personnel shall be bonded or electrically
6.2. ESD CONTROL PROGRAM PLAN connected to ground or contrived ground when
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS handling ESD sensitive items. When personnel are
seated at ESD protective workstations, they shall be
Table 1 identifies and describes key Technical connected to the common point ground via a wrist
Requirements used in the development of a strap system.
Program and Plan. Note that for each Technical
Requirement there are required or optional NOTE: The Organization must be aware of
implementing processes or methods (shown with an local safety laws and/or codes when
“R” or “O” in Table 1) from which to fulfill each grounding personnel while working with
Technical Requirement. In a case where there is a energized equipment.
required implementing process or method within the
Technical Requirements, the implementing process Personnel Grounding Guidance
or method shall be used. If there are additional The personnel grounding system in all cases
optional elements, they may or may not be includes the person, the control item(s) and
implemented in the Plan. If a Technical connection to ground. A log should be maintained
Requirement only contains optional elements, which verifies that personnel have tested their
(shown with an “O”) then at least one of the options personal grounding devices. Personnel should
must be implemented by the Plan. The Plan shall check constant monitoring devices (when used) to
include test methods, acceptance limits and periodic ensure that they are functional and operating before
testing intervals. Area 1 shown on Table 1 is ESDS products are handled. In addition, constant
intended to designate permanent ESD controlled monitoring devices should be functionally checked
areas such as manufacturing, production or periodically to ensure that they are operating as
distribution facilities. Area 2 shown on Table 1 is designed. ESD protective flooring, used with
intended to designate temporary ESD controlled approved footwear, may be used as an alternative to
areas such as field service or other remote locations the wrist strap system for standing operations.
that are not normally equipped as a Protected Area. Footwear includes foot grounders, shoes or booties.
Test methods used by the organization that differ When equipment ground or auxiliary ground
from the test method or reference in Table 1 shall be systems are not available, bonding or electrical
documented. Additional guidance may be obtained connections (contrived ground) may be used.
in ESD ADV 2.0 ESD Association Advisory for the
Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible 6.2.3. Protected Areas
Items – Handbook Protected Areas Requirement
6.2.1. Grounding / Bonding Systems Handling of ESDS parts, assemblies and equipment
without ESD protective covering or packaging shall Grounding / Bonding Systems be performed in a Protected Area. Caution signs
indicating the existence of the Protected Area shall
Grounding/Bonding Systems shall be used to ensure
that ESDS items, personnel and any other 4
The color of third wire equipment ground can vary
conductors (e.g. mobile equipment) are at the same with local, national or international electric codes.


be posted and clearly visible to personnel prior to Packaging Guidance

entry to the Protected Area. ESDS items shall be ESD protective packaging techniques vary widely.
packaged in ESD protective packaging while not in a Some of these types and techniques include low
Protected Area. Access to the Protected Area shall charge generating bags and wraps, air space,
be limited to personnel who have completed dissipative wrap, static shielding, conductive shunts
appropriate ESD training. Trained personnel shall and the use of EMI/RFI shielding. All or some of
escort untrained individuals while in a Protected these packaging types may be used in conjunction
Area. All nonessential insulators, such as those with one another to achieve a level of protection
made of plastics and paper (e.g. coffee cups, food commensurate with the item being protected. If the
wrappers and personal items) must be removed user does not know the sensitivity of the items being
from the workstation. Ionization or other charge used, static shielding packaging should be used.
mitigating techniques shall be used at the Materials include topically treated polyethylene
workstation to neutralize electrostatic fields on all sheets and film, specially coated corrugated cartons,
process essential insulators (e.g. ESDS device carbon-loaded plastics, metalized plastic film and
parts, device carriers and specialized tools) if the various foils. The objective of ESD protective
electrostatic field is considered a threat. packaging is to prevent a direct electrostatic Protected Areas Guidance discharge to the ESDS item contained within and
A Protected Area may be a single workstation (fixed allow for dissipation of charge from the exterior
or portable), laboratory, room, building or any other surface. In addition, the packaging should minimize
area with pre-designated boundaries that contains charging of the ESDS item in response to an
materials and equipment designed to limit external electrostatic field and triboelectrification.
electrostatic potentials. Humidity control may be a Users should be aware that some packaging
key element in an ESD control program. Propensity materials may be humidity dependent and may have
for charge generation and accumulation increases limited shelf life. They may also lose static shielding
with a reduction in humidity. properties by crumpling, puncturing and folding.
Packaging materials may outgas, contaminate or
All process essential insulators that have shed particles that may cause production-related
electrostatic fields that exceed 2,000 volts should be problems. It is important that the Organization
kept at a minimum distance of 12 inches from ESDS evaluate ESDS protective packaging materials for
items. 2,000 volts is a measure of the electrostatic process, storage and environmental compatibility.
field at the point of measurement and is not
necessarily directly related to the electrical potential 6.2.5. Marking
of the item. The accurate measurement of ESDS Assemblies and Equipment
electrostatic fields requires that the person making
ESDS assemblies and equipment containing ESDS
the measurement is familiar with the operation of the
parts and assemblies should be marked with an
measuring equipment. Most hand held meters
ESD caution symbol, (i.e., EOS/ESD S8.1). The
require that the reading be taken at a fixed distance
symbol should also be located on equipment in a
from the object. Equipment manufacturers typically
position readily visible to personnel. In addition, the
specify that the object being measured needs to
symbol should be located in a position readily visible
have certain minimum dimensions. Objects smaller
when an ESDS assembly is incorporated into its
than the minimum dimensions may not provide an
next higher assembly.
accurate reading. Additional guidance related to
Protected Areas may be obtained in ESD ADV 2.0. Packaging
ESD protective packaging should be marked in
6.2.4. Packaging
accordance with EOS/ESD S8.1 or MIL-STD-2073-1 Packaging Requirements for Military applications.
ESD protective packaging and package marking 6.2.6. Equipment
shall be in accordance with the contract, purchase
Further guidance regarding equipment can be found
order, drawing or other documentation. When the
in ESD-ADV-2.0.
contract, purchase order, drawing or other
documentation does not define ESD protective AC Powered Tools
packaging, the Organization shall define ESD The working part of AC powered tools should be
protective packaging requirements for ESDS items capable of providing a conductive path to ground.
within the Plan. Packaging shall be defined for all New powered hand tools such as soldering irons
material movement within Protected Areas, between
job sites and field service operations.


typically should have a tip to ground resistance of 6.2.7. Handling

less than 1.0 ohm. Handling Procedure Requirements
Note - This resistance may increase with ESD protective handling procedures shall be
use but should be less than 20.0 ohms for established, documented, and implemented.
verification purposes. Handling procedures are required for all areas Battery Powered and Pneumatic Hand where ESDS items are manually or machine
Tools processed. When outside their protective covering
or packaging, ESDS items shall be handled only in a
Battery powered and pneumatic hand tools while
Protected Area.
being held should have a resistance to ground of
less than 1 X 1012 ohms. Handling Procedure Guidance Automated Handlers Handling procedures should address all operations
and locations where ESDS items will be handled in
All conductive or static dissipative components of
protected and unprotected areas.
automated handling equipment should provide a
continuous conductive path to ground, whether
stationary or in motion. The equipment should
minimize charge generation of the ESDS items that
are handled. Where insulative materials are
necessary in the device path, they should be
designed to minimize electric fields and the charge
imparted to devices being handled.


Table 1- ESD Control Program Technical Requirements Summary

(See paragraph 6.2 for further guidance regarding alternate test methods.)
Reference Implementing Process Area Area Test Method, Recommended
Paragraph or Method 1 2 Standard or Range5
Mfg. Field Advisory
Grounding / 6.2.1 ANSI EOS/
Bonding ESD S 6.1
Equipment Ground R O ANSI EOS/ < 1.0 ohm
ESD S 6.1 AC Impedance
Auxiliary Ground O O ANSI EOS/ < 1.0 ohm
ESD S 6.1 AC Impedance
Equipotential Bonding O O ESD ADV 2.0 < 1.0 X 109 ohm6
Common Point Ground R O ANSI EOS/ < 1.0 ohm
ESD S 6.1 AC Impedance
Personnel 6.2.2
Wrist Strap System ESD S 1.1 < 35 X 106 ohm7
Seated Operations R R
Standing Operations O O
Flooring – Footwear O O ESD STM 97.1 < 35 X 106 ohm6
System or or
ESD STM 97.2
< 100 Volts6
Protected Area 6.2.3
Work Surface O O ESD S 4.1 < 1 X 109 ohm

ESD STM4.2 < 200 Volts6

Wrist Strap Cord O O ESD S 1.1 0.8 X 106 to
1.2 X 106 ohm
Footwear O O ESD S 9.1 < 1 X 109 ohm7
Flooring O O ANSI ESD S 7.1 < 1 X 109 ohm7
Seating O O ESD STM < 1 X 109 ohm7
Ionization (other than O O ANSI EOS/ESD < ±50 Volts
S 3.1 6
room systems) Voltage Offset
Ionization (room O O ANSI EOS/ESD < ±150 Volts
systems) S 3.1 Voltage Offset5
Shelving O O ESD ADV < 1 X 109 ohm7
Mobile Equipment O O < 1 X 109 ohm6
Continuous Monitors O O Manufacturer N/A

The values in the Recommended Range are obtained by using the Test Method, Standard or Advisory
provided in this table. See paragraph 6.2 for further guidance regarding alternate test methods.
This is a proposed value that has not been substantiated by any standard.
This value differs from the value in current standards. There is work in progress to harmonize the value.


Reference Implementing Area Area Recommended

Technical Test Method,
Paragraph Process or Method 1 2 Range5
Requirement Standard or
Mfg. Field
Signs R O N/A
6.2.4 ESDS Item Packaging R R See ESD Packaging N/A
6.2.6 Equipment ESD ADV 2.0 AC Powered Tools O O ESD DS 13.1 < 1.0 ohm6 Battery Powered and O O < 1 X 1012 ohms6
Pneumatic Hand Tools Automated Handlers O O ESD DSP 10.1
Garment O O ESD STM 2.1 1 X 105 to 1x1011
Protective Material O O ESD S8.1
Humidity O O N/A > 30% Rh < 70%6
ESD 6.2.4
Conductive O O EOS/ESD < 1 X 104 ohms
Dissipative O O EOS/ESD ≥ 1 X 104 to
S11.11 < 1 X 1011 ohms
ESD DS11.12
Shielding O O ESD S11.31 < 50 nJ6
Low Charging O O ESD ADV 11.2
Protective Material O O EOS/ESD S8.1

R-Required implementing process or method

O- Optional implementing process or method



7.1. ESD Sensitivity Testing
Technical literature and failure analysis data exist that indicates ESD failures are due to a complex series
of interrelated effects. Some of the factors that influence ESD sensitivity include the ESD current and
energy envelope, the rise time of the ESD event, device design, fabrication technology and device
package style. Energy sensitive devices are damaged by currents through the resistance of a bipolar
junction, protection resistor, or protection MOS transistor. Voltage sensitive devices are damaged when
the breakdown voltage is exceeded. ESD Sensitivity Testing of devices, whether performed using the
Charged Device Model (CDM), Machine Model (MM) or the Human Body Model (HBM), provide ESD
sensitivity levels for the comparison of one device to another using defined parameters. The ESD
sensitivity of the device (defined in volts), as determined by using any of the defined models, may not be
the actual failure voltage level in the manufacturing, process or user environment. Table 2 provides a
reference for various standards and test methods for ESD sensitivity testing.
7.1.1. Human Body Model Sensitivity:
A source of ESD damage is the charged human body, as modeled by HBM standards. This testing
model represents the discharge from the fingertip of a standing individual delivered to the conductive
leads of the device. It is modeled by a 100 pF capacitor discharged through a switching component and
1,500 ohm series resistor into the device under test. The discharge itself is a double exponential
waveform with a rise time of 2-10 nanoseconds and a pulse duration of approximately 150 nanoseconds.
The use of a 1,500 ohm series resistor means this model approximates a current source. All devices
should be considered as HBM sensitive. The HBM ESD sensitivity of devices may be determined by
testing the device using one of the referenced test methods. HBM sensitivities can be found in RAC
VZAP, Qualified Manufacturers, List of Products (QML-19500) or Qualified Manufacturer List (QML-
7.1.2. Machine Model Sensitivity:
A source of damage for the MM is a rapid transfer of energy from a charged conductor to the conductive
leads of the device. This ESD model is a 200 pF capacitor discharged through a 500 nH inductor directly
into the device with no series resistor. Due to the lack of a series current limiting resistor, this model
approximates a voltage source. In the real world this model represents a rapid discharge from items such
as, charged board assembly, charged cables, or the conduction arm of an automatic tester. The
discharge itself is a sinusoidal decaying waveform with a rise time of 5-8 nanoseconds and a period of
approximately 80 nanoseconds.
7.1.3. Charged Device Model Sensitivity:
A source of damage for the CDM is the rapid discharge of energy from a charged device. The ESD event
is totally device dependent, but its location relative to ground can influence the failure level in the real
world. The assumption for this test model is that the device itself has become charged and rapid
discharge occurs when the charged device’s conductive leads contact a metallic surface, which is at a
different potential. A major issue with the preparation of a CDM test standard is the availability of suitable
instrumentation to measure the discharge event. The waveform rise time is often less than 200
picoseconds. The entire event can take place in less than 2.0 nanoseconds. Although very short in
duration, current levels can reach several tens of amperes during discharge.

Table 2 - ESD Susceptibility Test References for Devices

ESD ESD Standards and Methods for Susceptibility Testing of
MODEL Devices
MIL-STD-883 Method 3015
MIL-STD-750 Method 1020


7.2. Assembly, Equipment and Design Hardening

7.2.1. Assembly, Equipment and Design Hardening Guidance:
Assemblies and equipment should have protective circuitry or techniques to meet the desired design
goals. Determining the ESD susceptibility of assemblies and equipment may be based on simulation
modeling, or actual testing. Table 3 provides a quick reference for various test methods associated with
assembly and equipment susceptibility testing.
7.2.2. Direct Contact, Non-Operating Assembly, Body/Finger or Hand/Metal Tests:
This model can be used to verify that assemblies will not be damaged during non-operating conditions by
direct contact to input, output and interface connections. This threat applies to all types of assemblies,
see Table 3.
7.2.3. Direct Contact Operating Equipment Hand/Metal Test:
This model can be used to verify that operating equipment will not be damaged (or non-recoverable faults
will not be injected) by direct contact to operator accessible points and exposed surface areas during the
normal maintenance process. This threat is limited to equipment subject to operator adjustments or
maintenance activities during operation, see Table 3.
7.2.4. Indirect Contact, Operating Equipment Furniture Model Test:
This model can be used to verify that operating equipment in a home or office environment will not be
damaged (or non-recoverable faults will not be injected) by indirect contact during normal activities
performed within the proximity of the equipment. This threat applies to all electronic equipment in a home
or office environment. See Table 3

Table 3 - ESD Susceptibility Test References for Assemblies and Equipment

ESD Assembly/Equipment Model ESD Test Standard or Method
Body/Finger HBM IEEE STD C62.38 (Sub-Assembly)
Hand/Metal HBM IEC 1000-4-2
ANSI C63.16 (Equipment)
Furniture Model ANSI C63.16 (Equipment)



The following documents are listed for further reference. Some documents may be canceled. However,
this listing provides a reference of documents reviewed during the preparation of this standard.
8.1. Military/U.S. Government:
FED-STD-101, "Federal Test Method Standard"

MIL-B-117, "Bags, Sleeves and Tubing--Interior Packaging"

MIL-PRF-81705, "Barrier Materials, Flexible, Electrostatic Free, Heat Sealable"

MIL-E-17555, "Electronic and Electrical Equipment, Accessories, and Provisioned Items (Repair
Parts): Packaging of"

MIL-HDBK-263, "Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook for Protection of Electrical and

Electronic Parts, Assemblies, and Equipment (Excluding Electrically-Initiated Explosive Devices)"

MIL-M-38510, "General Specification for Military Microcircuits"

MIL-P-82646, "Plastic Film, Conductive, Heat Sealable, Flexible"

MIL-PRF-87893, “Workstations, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control”

MIL-STD-129, "Marking for Shipment and Storage"

MIL-STD-1285, "Marking of Electrical and Electronic Parts"

MIL-STD-1686, "Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for Protection of Electrical and

Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices)"

MMA-1985-79, Revision 3, “Standard Test Method for Evaluating Triboelectric Charge

Generation and Decay”
8.2. Industry Standards:
ANSI/IEEE-STD-142, "IEEE Green Book (IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems)"

ANSI/EIA-625, "Requirements for Handling Electrostatic-Discharge-Sensitive (ESDS) Devices"

ANSI/EIA-541, “Packaging of Electronic Products for Shipment”

ANSI/EIA-583, “Packaging Material Standards for Moisture Sensitive Items”

ESD-ADV3.2, “Selection and Acceptance of Air Ionizers”

ESDSIL, "Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) ESD Sensitive Items List"

EIA-471, “Symbol and Label for Electrostatic Sensitive Devices”

IEC 61340-5-1, “Protection of Electronic Devices from Electrostatic Phenomena – General


EN 100015-1, “Basic Specification: Protection of Electrostatic Devices - Part 1 General



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