Ansi Esd s8.1-2021符号
Ansi Esd s8.1-2021符号
Ansi Esd s8.1-2021符号
Revision of ANSI/ESD S8.1-2017
Electrostatic Discharge Association (ESDA) standards and publications are designed to serve the
CAUTION public interest by eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating
NOTICE the interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and
obtaining the proper product for his particular needs. The existence of such standards and
publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of the Association from
manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such standards and publications. Nor shall the
fact that a standard or publication that is published by the Association preclude its voluntary use by
non-members of the Association, whether the document is to be used either domestically or
internationally. Recommended standards and publications are adopted by the ESDA in accordance
with the ANSI Patent policy.
Interpretation of ESDA Standards: The interpretation of standards in-so-far as it may relate to a
specific product or manufacturer is a proper matter for the individual company concerned and cannot
be undertaken by any person acting for the ESDA. The ESDA Standards Chairman may make
comments limited to an explanation or clarification of the technical language or provisions in a
standard, but not related to its application to specific products and manufacturers. No other person is
authorized to comment on behalf of the ESDA on any ESDA Standard.
Published by:
ISBN: 1-58537-324-9
ANSI/ESD S8.1-2021
Many symbols have been used over time to designate susceptibility, protectability, and common
point ground. This document describes the three symbols that have been widely used since the
early 1990’s and have gained acceptance globally. The symbols have been used by military and
commercial organizations and appear in international standards related to electrostatic control.
This standard1 was originally designated EOS/ESD S8.1-1993 and approved on June 9, 1993.
ANSI/ESD S8.1-2001 was a reaffirmation of EOS/ESD S8.1-1993 and was approved on
September 9, 2001. ANSI/ESD S8.1-2007 was a reaffirmation of ANSI/ESD S8.1-2001 and was
approved on September 16, 2007. ANSI/ESD S8.1-2012 is a revision of ANSI/ESD S8.1-2007
and was approved on June 10, 2012. ANSI/ESD S8.1-2017 was a revision of ANSI/ESD S8.1-
2012 and was approved on December 7, 2016. ESD WIP8.1-2020 is a revision of ANSI/ESD
S8.1-2017 and was approved on November 11, 2020. ANSI/ESD S8.1-2021 was reviewed and
revised by EOS/ESD Association, Inc.’s Technical and Administrative Support Committee.
At the time ANSI/ESD S8.1-2021 was prepared, EOS/ESD Association, Inc.’s Technical and
Administrative Support Committee had the following members:
Terry Welsher
Dangelmayer Associates
ESD Association Standards (S): A precise statement of a set of requirements to be satisfied by a
material, product, system, or process that also specifies the procedures for determining whether each of the
requirements is satisfied.
ANSI/ESD S8.1-2021
ANSI/ESD S8.1-2021
Annex A (Informative): Bibliography .............................................................................................. 6
Annex B (Informative): Revision History for ANSI/ESD S8.1 ........................................................ 7
Figure 1A: ESD Susceptibility Symbol ............................................................................................ 2
Figure 1B: Size Constraints for ESD Susceptibility Symbol ............................................................ 2
Figure 1C: ESD Susceptibility Symbol with Component Classification ........................................... 3
Figure 2A: ESD Protective Symbol ................................................................................................. 4
Figure 2B: Size Constraint for ESD Protective Symbol .................................................................. 4
Figure 2C: ESD Protective Symbol with Identification .................................................................... 4
Figure 3A: ESD Common Point Ground ......................................................................................... 5
Figure 3B: Size Constraint ESD Common Point Ground ................................................................ 5
ANSI/ESD S8.1-2021
This document has ended. For more documents,
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