A Mathematical Model of Aluminum Depth Filtration PDF
A Mathematical Model of Aluminum Depth Filtration PDF
A Mathematical Model of Aluminum Depth Filtration PDF
This work presents a mathematical model to compute the efficiency of depth filtration of molten
aluminum using ceramic foam filters. In the model, the porous structure of foam filters was represented
by a unit cell that takes into account the convergent-divergent nature of the flow field. The steady,
two-dimensional. and fully developed flow field within the unit cell was obtained from the numerical
solution of the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations. The assessment of the proper assumptions
for the model was carried out by comparing the computed velocity field with that experimentally
determined for a physical model of the unit cell with scale 10:l and containing an aqueous solution
of CaC12. The measurements were done using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. The
efficiency and the coefficient of initial filtration for foam filters were obtained from the determination
of the particle limiting trajectory, resulting from a force balance on a spherical inclusion. This balance
included the buoyancy and the viscous drag forces. The last force took into consideration the wall
effect on the particle motion. The values of the computed initial filtration coefficient show an excellent
agreement with the corresponding measured ones reported for laboratory and plant tests for short-
term filtration. This comparison involves several combinations of particle sizes and downward fluid
superficial velocities. This model is further extended to study long-term filtration in the second part
of the article.
the distance from the bulk to the wall is short. The present
of 1.44, which is very close to that of glass (= 1.5) as
work reports a study of the initial filtration coefficient using
compared to that for water (= 1.33).
a particle trajectory model in which the basic ideas of Paya-
takes et al.["]are further developed. In our model, the com- 2. Particle image velocirnetry technique
plex structure of the porous medium of a ceramic foam filter The experimental arrangement for measuring the flow
is represented by a unit cell that resembles the convergent- velocity is schematically shown in Figure 2. It consisted
divergent characteristic of the flow field. The validity of basically of a charge coupled device (CCD) camera synchro-
this assumption was previously examined using permeability ni?ed to an intermittent laser head and a computer forming
measurements with water flowing through ceramic foam a PIV equipment. This technique allowed determination of
filter^.['^.'^] The obtained results agreed very well with per- velocity vectors by obtaining a picture formed by double
meability measurements. exposure images of tracer particles. This picture displayed
the tracers at sequential positions over the plane formed by
the thin sheet of laser light. A control u&t provided thk
11. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM necessary electronics to control the laser intensitv. An elec-
A photograph of a ceramic foam filter and the unit cell tronic device was built to synchronize the cameia with the
that represents its structure are shown in Figure 1. From the laser and generate laser pulse separations from 10 to 120
figure, it can be seen that the filter pores are interconnected ms, which were required to detect the displacement of the
4 4 -
Fig. I -Photograph of a ceramic foam filter and a schematic representation of the corresponding unit cell.
1 i . Basin cup
2. Glass spheres
Laser head
Laser sheet
CCD camera
Laser controller
Camera controller
. Computer
Fig. 2-Diagram of the experimental setup to measure the velocity field in the physical model of a unit cell.
Table I. Fluid Properties and Reynolds Numbers Used in of 21 V X 28 H interrogation regions to apply the autocorre-
the Physical Model of a 30 ppi Foam Filter lation method. Therefore, the analysis of each PIV frame
Density Viscosity Reynolds of the flow occuning through the sphere produced a map
Property (kg/m3) (Pa-s) Numbers containing 588 velocity vectors. Most of the velocity vectors
in each frame were the result of successful measurements,
Value 1450 0.014 13 and 67
indicating the flow structure within that region of the sphere.
However, a percentage of the measurements were erroneous
$ue to excessively large particle displacement variations,
particles moving at the low velocities found in the system i.e., large velocity gradients, andlor due to out of plane
under investigation, 0.1 to 10 mm/s. Every image was particle motion. Thus, data validation and interpolation were
acquired in digital form, using a frame processor board with canied out before the velocity information was used to inter-
a resolution of 768 V X 1024 H pixels, and stored in hard pret the physics of the fluid flow. Data validation allowed
disk. The measurements were performed over subregions removal of spurious vectors by comparing each vector with
of the domain to minimize errors associated to measuring other vectors close to it. A vector was accepted if its value,
velocities over regions with large velocity gradients. magnitude and direction, fell within some bounds, which
The image analysis was carried out using the VISIFLOW were defined by visual inspection of the vectors in the respec-
software,[16]which divided every obtained frame into a grid tive frame. The discarded vectors were replaced by new
- 97 [1 - erp (+)I
where 7 is a characteristic time given by the following
-2 I I I I I I
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Radial position r, (pn)
Fig. 6-Measured velocity profile at the inlet of the physical model when
a saturated CaCI2 solution flows for NRe = 67.
-4 1.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Radial position r, (pm)
A. Velocity Fields in the Physical Model (b)
As mentioned previously, measurements of the velocity Fig. 7-Graphical comparison between the measured and the computed
field in a physical model were carried out to characterize velocity profiles at ( a ) the equator of the sphere, z = 1.4 cm, and (6)the
the velocity field for flow conditions relevant to aluminum outlet of the sphere, z = 2.4cm, when CaC12(,, flows for NR, = 67.
filtration in ceramic foam filters. Figure 5 shows a typical
photograph of a double exposure image corresponding to
air bubbles suspended in a saturated CaC12solution flowing condition to compute the flow field inside the glass sphere.
through the physical model. The experimentally estimated Figures 7(a) and (b) show comparisons of the measured and
velocity vectors appear superimposed to the photograph. In tne computed velocity component profiles at axial positions
the figure, the white-spot pairs show air bubbles at two equal to z = 1.5 and 2.6 cm, respectively, which correspond
positions. These pair images were processed to obtain the to the equator and to the outlet of the sphere, respectively.
velocity field indicated by the arrows. The shown flow field The good agreement between these results indicates that the
corresponds to the lower section of the glass sphere for a model is able to represent accurately the flow field in a unit
NRe = 13. At the exit of the sphere, one can notice the cell. Figure 8 shows measured velocity profiles at z = 1.5
parabolic velocity profile. cm for two studied flow conditions. It is shown that an
The measured profiles of the axial and radial velocity increment in the flow rate led to an increase in the radial
components at the inlet of the domain are plotted in Figure velocity component. It should be mentioned that a recirculat-
6 for NRe= 67. These values were used as the inlet boundary ing flow was set, in the physical model, once the NRe was
.- 10-
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Radial position, r (pm) Radial position r, (prn)
Fig. 8-Measured velocity profiles at the equator of the sphere, 2 = 1.5 Fig. 9-Computed axial velocity profiles at the inlet of the first, second,
cm. for flow rates of a saturated CaCl?solution flowing at Reynolds number and third pores for the flow of molten aluminum through a unit cell of a
values of 13 and 67. 30 ppi foam filter for NRR, = 48.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 6 -L
Supemcial velocity, U, (rnmls) w