4 IEJ April 2017 Issue
4 IEJ April 2017 Issue
4 IEJ April 2017 Issue
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Hello Commander
DV Bhagat
Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering
VOL. X & ISSUE No. 4 April 2017
Dr. B E Narkhede
The Editorial Board or Indian Institution of Industrial
Engineering will bear no responsibility for the publication or
Dr. K G K Nair
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April 2017
Raj Kumar Salvi & Dr. S. Jindal. In this paper, the authors have discussed a case study on application of
FMEA to enhance quality and efficiency of CNC machines.
The Sixth Paper of this issue “TEACHING LINEAR PROGRAMMING ” has been authored by
Dr. Utpal Kumar Bhattacharya. In this paper, the author has discussed how to teach linear
I express deep sense of gratitude to all those who have been involved directly and indirectly in bringing out
this issue in the present form. We are grateful to all the members of Editorial Board for giving useful
suggestions for improving the content of Journal. Our thanks are due to all reviewers for sparing their
valuable time for reviewing the manuscripts of these papers. The authors who have contributed their
papers to this issue deserve special thanks.
We expect to receive continued support from our esteemed readers, reviewers and authors.
Dr. BE Narkhede
April 2017
April 2017
accumulated from a huge number of people in a small period increase in the urban population is already putting
of time in an economical manner. Explanatory Factor tremendous pressure on existing infrastructure and thus
Analysis (EFA) has been used to reduce large number of requires the expansion of infrastructure to accommodate the
original factors into a smaller set of new composite migrating population. In the coming years, India needs 500
dimensions with a smallest loss of information to refine plus cities to fulfill the requirement of the population.
research framework of key success factors to smart cities in Therefore, this is the time to develop more sustainable cities
Indian context. The remainder of this paper contains. The and enhance the quality of life (www.rvo.nl). According to
review of connected literature is discussed in Section 2. India's Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi "cities in the past
Section 3 proposes the research method. The data analysis were built on river banks; they are now built along highways.
and results are presented in Section 4. Results along with the But in the future, they will be built based on availability of
managerial and practical implications of the research are optical fiber networks and next-generation infrastructure
discussed in Section 5. Lastly, Section 6 provides (www.makeinindia.com)." The urban developments have to
conclusions, limitations and the scope for next work.
be comprehensive including the development of social and
2. LITERATURE ANALYSIS economic infrastructure, physical, and institutional.
This section is aimed at evolution of smart city concept, Comprehensive development is important for the
status of smart cities in India and identification of possible improvement, and increase the quality of life which attracts
key success factors to develop smart cities. the peoples to invest in the city for the development. The
2.1 Smart City Concept National Democratic Alliance (NDA), Government has
In the year 1992 the concept of smart growth was aimed and positively focused on India's awareness towards the
suggested as an alternative example to uplifting the lifestyle urbanization which is essential and got the "smart city"
of people. The idea provides the development of the cities concept buzzing (Rav et al., 2016).About 830 crores rupees
which are compact in design as well as in land use and are were sanctioned by the Government of India for Smart Cities
walk-able from the urban cities. During this time urban cities in their 2014-15 budgets. On the ground level, development
were re-planned and designed and this concept has gained actions were affected by the insufficient resources and the
popularity in 1990s. But after some time this concept
government was planning to boost up the new financial paths
vanishes and an innovative idea “Intelligent cities”
to the program (www.makeinindia.com). Today, most cities
appeared. Intelligent cities are those cities which show how
would like to become smart but many city planners don't
information technology and data can help the cities in proper
really know how to achieve this objective (World Smart City
functioning. The idea of smart city follows the growth of
intelligent cities. During that time many of the courses has Forum, 2016). Hence, need of hour is to recognize and
emerged which comprises of 'intelligent' and 'smart' analyze key success factors related efficiently developing
enterprises like CISCO, Siemens and IBM. Many other smart cities in India. In this sense, an effort is made in this
technology companies like Microsoft and Hitachi worked on study, which is important in terms of: I) understanding the
the 'smart' technologies in context of cities. MIT have one of concept of smart cities globally, and to know the status of
the renowned laboratories has that worked on smart cities smart cities in India;
concept (Harrison and Donnelly, 2011; Townsend, 2014). In ii) listing the success factors in developing smart cities in
2008, after the economic crisis the concept of smart cities Indian context.
gained eminent importance. During that period there was 2.3 Key Success Factors to Develop Smart Cities
extreme loss in the finances as well as social welfare which Literature from 2011 to 2017 has been searched and reviewed
then requires support of the private sector for providing new using Google and Google Scholar search engines by
services/aids to develop the urban sector (Paroutis et al., providing various keywords like, Key Success Factors/Key
2014). In this sense, the model of smart city was developed, Enablers/Success Factors and Smart Cities etc. Although,
in which the city is considered as a system that involves literature was not sufficient in Indian context, literature has
constant flow of information across its various functions. been taken from other countries; and similar situation has
This model set a goal for the city which increases the been assumed for Indian context. Initially, 19 key success
performance in different sectors including transport and factors to develop smart cities identified from extensive
health care etc. (Steiner & Veel, 2014). IBM has officially literature support. Further, a committee of four experts (one
given trademark of 'Smarter Cities' in 2011. Smart cities are IT expert, one member from Road Transport and Highways
still an emerging project which consists of different areas ministry, two academicians) made to validate/add/delete any
like digital city and intelligent city (Hollands, 2008; factor. From the brainstorming session, one key success
Chourabi et al., 2012). factor namely 'Effective communication with other states and
2.2 Status of Smart Cities in India related agencies' was added. These identified 20 key success
According to the survey, every minute 30 to 35 Indians are factors to develop smart cities are listed in Table 1.
migrating from rural area to urban areas. The unprecedented
April 2017
Table 1: Key success factors to develop smart cities
S. No. Key s uccess factors to develop smart References
1 1. IT infrastructure Schaffers et al., 2011; Meshram et al.,
2 Technology centric reform Nam and Pardo, 2011; Bifulco et al., 2016
3 Citizen centric reforms Kuk and Janssen, 2011; Nam and Pardo,
2011; Bifulco et al., 2016
4 Transparency Lee et al., 2014; Solano et al., 2017
5 Service and application integration Lee et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2014; Albino
et al., 2015
6 Security and privacy Elmaghraby and Losavio, 2014; Perera et
al., 2014; Li et al., 2016
7 1. Digital education Neirotti et al., 2014; Anttiroiko et al.,
8 Quality of life Neirotti et al., 2014; Anttiroiko et al.,
9 Accessibility Piro et al., 2014; Zanella et al., 2014
Dameri, 2017
15 1. Use of effective and environmental Batty et al., 2012; Doll and Balaban, 2013;
friendly transportation methods (Metro Neirotti et al., 2014
rail, E- rickshaws etc.)
16 Effective utilization and management of Perera et al., 2014; Zanella et al., 2014;
waste Meshram et al., 2015
17 Arrangement of hospitals and education Nam and Pardo, 2011; Wu et al., 2017
institutes etc.
Further, a questionnaire based study has conducted to validate managers and policy makers to devise plans to monitor and
and analyze above identified key success factors to develop control these factors. Therefore, we felt the need of
smart cities. The proposed research methods have been categorization of these factors into several categories to have a
discussed in the next section. selective and focused control over them. In order to classify
them, we have used the factor analysis (a statistical technique to
explain variability). We used exploratory factor analysis with
Based on the analysis of the extent literature, we identified 20
principle component analysis method. Exploratory factor
key success factors for smart cities agenda. Since we identified
Analysis (EFA) involves statistical procedures, which provides
the large number of success factors, it become difficult for
high accuracy in situations, where each common factor is
April 2017
signified by numerous measured variables in the study. EFA can bureaucrats, construction industry leaders, academicians
recognize the primary interactions/correlations between involved in policy making on 100 smart cities in India. This
measured variables (after knowing the number/nature of study followed Dillman's (2000) five-point contact protocol: I) a
common factors). In this paper, we identified 20 items (key first introductory telephone call; ii) and iii) two waves of postal
success factors for smart cities agenda) and then applied EFA. surveys; iv) a fax reminder; v) a final telephone call to promote
their contribution. Due to the language diversity within India,
we used an English-language version for data collection. Finally
We collected the data on five point Likert scale. One represents
we received 42 usable responses. The results of EFA are
not important at all to 5 represent most important factor for the
provided in Table 2. There are five large positive eigenvalues
success of the development of smart cities in India. We have
found (1.81; 1.67; 1.49; 1.32 and 1.06), which collectively
selected a sample of 60 decision makers which includes
represented for 84.9 percent of the total variance explained.
Table 2: EFA result for success factors for smart cities agenda
Item People and Infrastructure Proper Transportation Good
communities use of Governance
Quality of life 0.75 0.08 0.11 0.06 0.12
Digital education 0.83 0.13 0.13 0.02 0.07
Accessibility 0.69 0.03 0.12 0.17 0.09
Citizen centric reforms 0.78 0.15 0.09 0.12 0.07
IT infrastructure 0.18 0.58 0.05 0.14 0.21
Security and privacy 0.04 0.68 0.17 0.15 0.21
Tackling/bridging 0.15 0.70 0.08 0.16 0.17
digital divides
Technology centric 0.06 0.75 0.14 0.21 0.01
Arrangement of 0.15 0.72 0.06 0.02 0.17
hospitals and education
institutes etc.
Rethinking city 0.17 0.74 0.03 0.05 0.08
infrastructure themes
Use of renewable 0.06 0.17 0.65 0.03 0.08
energy resources
Innovation use of open 0.14 0.08 0.72 0.09 0.05
Effective utilization 0.16 0.08 0.67 0.03 0.19
and management of
Special pu rpose 0.02 0.05 0.13 0.71 0.23
Use of effective and 0.04 0.08 0.21 0.68 0.14
environmental friendly
public transportation
methods (Metro rail,
E- rickshaws etc.)
Transparency 0.12 0.01 0.21 0.19 0.65
Service and application 0.18 0.05 0.21 0.15 0.69
Political commitment 0.19 0.02 0.12 0.08 0.72
and formal leadership
Legislations 0.15 0.05 0.18 0.06 0.75
Effective 0.02 0.07 0.12 0.21 0.67
communication with
other states and related
April 2017
April 2017
April 2017
worldcitiessummit.com.sg/media-releases/smart- 45) Suciu, G., Vulpe, A., Halunga, S., Fratu, O., Todoran, G.,
cities-essential-global-sustainability-and-urban- & Suciu, V. (2013, May). Smart cities built on resilient
efficiency. cloud computing and secure internet of things. In Control
34) Paroutis, S., Bennett, M., & Heracleous, L. (2014). A Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 2013 19th
strategic view on smart city technology: The case of IBM International Conference on (pp. 513-518). IEEE.
smarter cities during a recession. Technological 46) Townsend, A. M. (2013). Smart cities: Big data, civic
Forecasting and Social Change, 89, 262-272. hackers, and the quest for a new utopia. WW Norton &
35) Perera, C., Zaslavsky, A., Christen, P., & Georgakopoulos, Company, New York.
D. (2014). Sensing as a service model for smart cities 47) UN (2011) The state of world population 2011. United
supported by internet of things. Transactions on Emerging Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York.
Telecommunications Technologies, 25(1), 81-93. 48) Wiig, A. (2016). The empty rhetoric of the smart city: from
36) Perera, C., Zaslavsky, A., Christen, P., & Georgakopoulos, digital inclusion to economic promotion in Philadelphia.
D. (2014). Sensing as a service model for smart cities Urban Geography, 37(4), 535-553.
supported by internet of things. Transactions on Emerging 49) World Smart City Forum (2016). Smart Cities: essential
Telecommunications Technologies, 25(1), 81-93 for global sustainability and urban efficiency. A Report by
37) Piro, G., Cianci, I., Grieco, L. A., Boggia, G., & Camarda, World Smart City Forum. Online available at:
P. (2014). Information centric services in smart cities. h t t p : / / w w w. w o r l d c i t i e s s u m m i t . c o m . s g / m e d i a -
Journal of Systems and Software, 88, 169-188. releases/smart-cities-essential-globalsustainability-and-
38) Rav, S., Tomer, A., Bhatia, A. and Kane, J. (2016). Building urban-efficiency
smart cities in India. A Report by Brookings India and 50) Wu, Y., Zhang, W., Shen, J., Mo, Z., & Peng, Y. (2017).
Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. Online available Smart city with Chinese characteristics against the
at: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads background of big data: Idea, action and risk. Journal of
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39) Roche, S. (2014). Geographic Information Science I Why 51) Zanella, A., Bui, N., Castellani, A., Vangelista, L., & Zorzi,
does a smart city need to be spatially enabled?. Progress M. (2014). Internet of things for smart cities. IEEE Internet
in Human Geography, 38(5), 703-711. of Things Journal, 1(1), 22-32.
40) Schaffers, H., Komninos, N., Pallot, M., Trousse, B., AUTHORS
Nilsson, M., & Oliveira, A. (2011, May). Smart cities and Sachin K. Mangla, Assistant Professor, Department of
the future internet: Towards cooperation frameworks for Mechanical Engineering, Graphic Era University, Dehradun-
open innovation. In The Future Internet Assembly (pp. 248002, Uttarakhand, India.
431-446). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Email: sachinmangl@gmail.com
41) Schleicher, J. M., Vögler, M., Dustdar, S., & Inzinger, C. Sunil Luthra, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
(2016). Enabling a smart city application ecosystem: Engineering, Government Engineering College, Nilokheri-
requirements and architectural aspects. IEEE Internet 132117, Haryana, India
Computing, 20(2), 58-65. Email: sunilluthra1977@gmail.com
42) Shatkin, G. (2014). Contesting the Indian city: Global Suresh Jakhar, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow – 226
visions and the politics of the local. International Journal 013, India
of Urban and Regional Research, 38(1), 1-13. E-mail: suresh87jakhar@gmail.com
43) Singh, D., Tripathi, G., & Jara, A. J. (2014, March). A Yash Paul Singh Berwal, Director, Government Engineering
survey of Internet-of-Things: Future vision, architecture, College, Nilokheri -132117, Haryana, India
challenges and services. In Internet of things (WF-IoT), E-mail: ypsberwal@yahoo.com
2014 IEEE world forum on (pp. 287-292). IEEE.
44) Solano, S. E., Casado, P. P., & Ureba, S. F. (2017). Smart
Cities and Sustainable Development. A Case Study. In
Sustainable Smart Cities (pp. 65-77). Springer
International Publishing.
April 2017
April 2017
The literature review is summarized in the Table 1.
Table 1
Literature review on regression analysis
Author/year Title Publication Model Result
Swarupa L., (2013) “Regression Summer Internship Standard Managerial
Analysis of Report, Administrative deviation, practices have a
Operational Staff College of India, measurement significant effect ,
Efficiency Bella Vista, scale, Ranking Lesser capacity
Variables on Hyderabad method, units are on the
Management regression lower side, Low
Practices of analysis quality of coal
Thermal Power behind non-
Plants performance of the
Motghare V.S., Dr. “Plant Load International Journal Availability factor Plant load factor is
Cham R.K., (2015) Factor-Key of scientific research directly
Parameter for and management dependent on
Evaluation of (IJSRM) availability of any
Performance of power plant
Thermal Power
Behera S.,Dash A., Performanceanalys Proceedings Non-parametric Average technical
(2010)Management isofcoalfiredpower ofthe2010International Data Envelopment efficiency is
plantinIndia ConferenceonIndustria Analysis (DEA) 83.2% , 38 plants
lEngineering below the mean
andOperations level
Refenes, A.N., Stock Performance Neural Networks Neural networks Neural networks
Zapranis, A., Modelling Using can provide a
Francis, G. (1994) Neural Networks: reasonable
A Comparative explanation of
Study with their predictive
Regression Models behaviour and can
model their
environment more
convincingly than
regression models.
April 2017
M- Constant
April 2017
April 2017
After obtaining the data the regression analysis was performed using SPSS software are tabulated in Table4, 5, 6, 7. Table 4
using SPSS software. The results obtained from analysis by indicates the input method used for the variables.
TABLE 4 : Variables Entered/Removeda
Model Variables Variables Method
Entered Removed
Table 5 shows the summary of the Model. It shows the value Table 7 shows ththe coefficients of factors affecting loss of
of R, R square and Std. Error. generation.
TABLE 5: Model Summary Therefore the regression equation can be written as:
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the TABLE 6: ANOVAa
Square Estimate
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 1.000 1.000 1.000 .659
Regression 1367140.625 6 227856.771 524705.074 .000b
a. Predictors: (Constant), OMFACTOR, SYSTEMPROBLEM,
1 Residual 2.606 6 .434
The degree of correlation intensity is represented by an indicator a. Dependent Variable: Loss of generationb.
b. P r e d i c t o r s : ( C o n s t a n t ) , O M F A C T O R ,
called as the coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) and it
measures the proportion of variation in y that is explained by the LOW SYSTEM DEMAND, WET COAL PROBLEM,
variables. The more value of R2means the model is better. POOR COAL QUALITY
Motghare V.S., et al (2015). Y= M+AX1+BX2+CX3+DX4+EX5+FX6+GX7+HX8
Table 6 shows the ANOVA analysis.
April 2017
TABLE 7: Coefficients a
Table 7 shows the values of the coefficients of factors affecting 2. The supply of coal to be monitored regularly. For this a
loss of generation. separate section for coal accounting to be created. Also the
Therefore the regression equation can be written as: avenues to be explored for reduction of transportation costs
and also the problem of wet coal.
Loss of generation = 0.116+ 0.997* ANNUALOVERHAUL
+1.006*LOWSYSTEMDEMAND+ 3. Shift wise monitoring of operating controllable parameters
and merit order operation concept to be implemented. The
0 * WAT E R S H O RTA G E + 0 * C O A L S H O RTA G E training to operating staff is required for efficiency and
+0.1.006*POORCOALQUALITY performance.
+1.006WETCOALPROBLEM+0.709*SYSTEMPROBL 4. The results of monthly performance monitoring of the
M +0.999*O&MFACTOR. station should be discussed in a meeting taken by the Head of
Simplifying the equation we get, the plant and remedial action plan including action on urgent
Loss of generation = 0.116+ 0.997*ANNUALOVERHAUL financial issues, should be decided in the meeting.
+1.006*LOWSYSTEMDEMAND 5. Installation of reliable rotary gravimetric feeders to ensure
+0.1.006*POORCOALQUALITY+1.006WETCOALPRO the coal quantity feed into the mill and indirectly to boiler to
BLEM get an online assessment of boiler performance.Up gradation
of C&I system to replace the obsolete technology and
installation of more close loop controls toavoid manual
The regression analysis & SPSS software analysis resulted into interference.
an R square value of 1.000. The R2value which is generated is 6. Provision of computer software for performance monitoring,
acceptable. This shows that the factors considered for loss of maintenance planning and for simulation studies at the plant
generation are influencing & has a measurable impact on loss of site may be considered. Spare planning and inventory
generation. These factors therefore cannot be neglected & management tools to be incorporated to avoidthe delay in
certain measures should be taken to improve the performance of maintenance duration and non-availability of spares.
these factors so as to minimize loss of generation. This
regression equation can be used for deciding the factors on 7. Annual overhaul of units and auxiliaries should be done
which to focus, if we set the limit for the loss of generation. regularly based on the performance deterioration.
Similarly for particular loss of generation, we can decide factors Assessment to be made before and after to access the techno
to focus in order to improve plant performance. economical gain as far as possible. Activities to, be planned
as far as possible on account of system demands.
GENERATION 8. One of the major causes for the poor performance is the poor
Following are some suggestions for reducing loss of housekeeping which needs immediate attention and close
generation: monitoring by top management. It has already proven that
this will reduce the maintenance cost and increase the
1. Regular planned preventive maintenance as per manual availability.
should be carried out. For this Manufacturer's maintenance
manuals for different equipment's and operating guide lines 9. Power station should adopt ISO 9001:2015, ISO 2014, and
should be available in plant office. Review of the plan OHSAS 18000 & ISO 50001 energy management system.
should be taken regularly. Moreover,predictive and reliable They should also comply with requirements of regulatory
centred maintenance should be undertaken. bodies & statutory & legal requirements.
April 2017
APR. 302.4 77.4 224. 0 151.2 60.73 0 9.09 0 1.327 2.603 224.95
47 953 3 3
% 100 25.6 74.3 0 50 20.08 0 3.01 0 0.44 0.86 74.39
1 9
MAY 312.48 0 312. 0 156.24 156.2 0 0 0 0 0 312.48
48 4
% 100 0 100 0 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 100
JUL 312.48 115. 196. 0 156.24 4.48 0 14.265 0 0.228 21.36 196.58
9 58 7
% 100 37.0 62.9 0 50 1.43 0 4.57 0 0.07 6.84 62.91
9 1
AUG 312.48 111. 200. 0 156.24 5.15 0 14.426 5.949 0 18.80 200.57
91 57 5
% 100 35.8 64.1 0 50 1.65 0 4.62 1.9 0 6.02 64.19
1 9
SEP 302.4 121. 181. 151.2 0 2.583 0 15.111 0.614 0 11.49 181.00
395 005 7 5
% 100 40.1 59.8 50 0 0.85 0 5 0.2 0 3.8 59.86
4 6
OCT 312.48 98.0 214. 152.432 0 0.307 0 12.56 0 0.763 48.37 214.43
45 435 3 5
% 100 31.3 68.6 48.78 0 0.1 0 4.02 0 0.24 15.48 68.62
8 2
April 2017
April 2017
April 2017
April 2017
b) Fire extinguisher, display of location map, mock drill d) Functional process flow (for standardize activities) to be
needs to be maintained. drawn.
c) Provision of First aid box, suggestion portal, and e) KPIs for each function needs to be prepared
information/knowledge portal can be made. f) Risk Analysis Function and sub-function wise needs to
3) Display of- be carried out & controls over it needs to be ensured.
a) Vision, Mission, Policy, Objectives, Values. g) Project lessons after end of each project needs to
b) Achievements of the organizations. maintained & communicated amongst the organization.
4) Standardization of protocols/Procedures function 8) HR
wise/department wise needs to be maintained. a) Organization chart and department chart followed by
roles, responsibilities & authorities needs to be prepared.
5) For sales enquiry, call prioritization policy to be decided. b) Internal training needs assessment considering field
E.g. after many follow up calls and fresh call, which call to knowledge requirements, plan & related training records
be selected. needs to be carried out. Evaluation of Effectiveness of
6) Timely disposal of e-scrap as per applicable norms to be Training.
followed. Records of same with legal license (if any) needs c) Overall licensing of the organization can be reviewed.
to be maintained. d) Organisation code of conducts, HR procedures needs to
7) Project wise (work in hand) (for all dept.) monthly planning be shared with staff.
& achievements needs to be maintained. e) Performance monitoring needs to be reviewed & should
a) What activities are planned in next month/3 months be more objective.
needs to be maintained centrally and communicated to 4.5 SWOT Analysis
concerned interlinked departments. Management members carried out SWOT Analysis (Table 1)
b) Monthly plan of the project & clarity in communication through repeated brainstorming and the results of the same are as
of instructions needs to be evident. follows:
c) Project released planning (for next 3 months) to be
carried out and shared with interlinked departments.
Table 1- SWOT Analysis
April 2017
April 2017
Staff Management & Leadership
Team Work & Co -operation
Overall Rating
ES-Expectations Surpassed; E -
Excellent; VG-Very Good; ES E E MI
G- Good; F -Fair; MI -Must Improve;
NA-Not Acceptable
MIS Template
Work Targeted and Completed.
Analysis of delayed/ pending work.
Report on KPI
Resource or any other concern.
Improvement carried out in the month.
Improvements planned.
Plan & Target for next month
Things gone Right(TGR)/ Things gone Wrong (TGW)
Major Concerns & issues where management action is required.
Overall self-rating
*Expectations Surpassed *Excellent *Very Good
*Good *Fair *Must Improve *Not Acceptable
Based on these guide lines MIS system was regularized. MIS of One of the
departments is as given in Appendix 1:
4.9 Audit audit was conducted for the company and the report was
After completing the process of documentation and review an submitted.(Table 3)
Table 3- Process Improvement Audit
ABC Computer Pvt Ltd.
Auditor: JVD
Auditee: BH
Sr. No. Audit Findings Remarks
Name of the department net Dot is creating confusion .Proper realigning is needed to be
1 done. ERP & Services may be separated for b etter clarity for . Documentation to be updated Suggestion.
2 Similar clarity needs to be created between ERP & Quality. Suggestion.
Proper aligning of Job role clarity to be addressed in ERP function for Product Manager,
3 Improvement Point
Product analyst, Developer & Technical writer.
4 Skill sets to be defined for product head/ERP Head. Improvement Point
For a ddressing interdepartmental training, H.R needs to be kept in loop and training need
5 Improvement Point
identification and fulfillment to be addressed.
6 Competence matrix to be addressed designation wise instead of name wise. Improvement Point
April 2017
April 2017
K Customization To show Create PDI Details link in Purchase Receipt Employee A Completed
K Enhancement Buy Back of Item from Single Step Sale Invoice Employee A Completed
P Customization Required Supplier wise Item filter in SSPI Employee A Completed
A Enhancement SO to SI flow using PO, PR and PI. Employee B WIP
A Enhancement Parent Transaction filtering based on Process flow used Employee B Completed
by the customer
A Customization Token Clearing System Employee B WIP
B Bugs Add "Show Items With Zero Stock" check box in Stock Employee C Completed
Position Analytics Company/Branch, Sale Position
Analytics Report
K Bugs Add discount / quantity on sale POS screen Employee C Completed
D Customization Implementation support & development for Employee C WIP
including enhancement, customization, print, bugs, data
configuration, import , etc.
D Enhancement Finance enhancement with respect to Multi currency Employee C WIP
P Misc. ABC Computers. Ltd. Server TFS installation Employee C Completed
T Customization Delete Outward since created two inward for single Employee C Completed
outward. This is bug
R Enhancement Approval Process for Inter Branch Contra Employee D Completed
R Enhancement Provision to accept Advance Payment against sale Employee D WIP
Order in POS screen.
R Enhancement Reports: Sale In Sale Through, Inward & Outward Employee D Completed
Register, Vender wise Sale Purchase Register, Purchase
Register with GRN & PI Data.
R Issues Onsite Issue for Insp, Ven, Nya Employee D WIP
April 2017
Table 2-Analysis of Delayed/Pending Work
Product / Category Description Manager Remarks
A Enhancement Budget management report as per client AC Pending due to high
requirement priority print layouts
DI Customization Implementation support & development for BH
requirement including enhancement,
customization, print, bugs, data configuration,
import , etc.
DP Enhancement Finance enhancement with respect to Multi BH
R Enhancement Cover all Report to Dev Ex PHP Control MG
R Enhancement Print Footer, Header Repeat & Full Page Issue MG
R Enhancement IL Balance Updation on save Remove & Auto MG
Sync IL Balance table after day close process
/Mid night
April 2017
April 2017
April 2017
April 2017
4. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The weightage of the attributes is obtained using paired
To bring out different enablers to implementing the VMI in a comparision and normalization such that ∑ Xi=1 and Xi ≥ 0
holistic manner, an instrument for data collection was required. VMI implementation index is calculated by multiplying the
Based on literature and by guidance of the mentor six page mean of the attribute to the respective weightage of that enabler
instruments including a cover page was developed. The for each organization.
instrument i.e., questionnaire was categorized into two parts:
'personal information and company characteristics' and 5. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS
'enablers to VMI'. A total of 54 closed end questions were The results of the level of implementation of VMI are shown in
framed in the instrument, which were classified into 08 the Table 3. The table shows all the factors included, mean of
benefits. The contribution of each attribute was assessed on a these factors, weightage given to each factor and the VMI
five-point Likert scale that ranged from 1 = strongly Implementation Index is calculated. All 8 attributes are first
disagree,through 3 = almost agree, to 5 = strongly agree. A pilot prioritise before the weightage is calculated in the expert choice
survey among researchers and expert was conducted to ensure software. The priority given to the factors are based on the
the clarity of content, accuracy, and the ease of use. Their observation made during the visits and meetings held with the
feedback was used to modify the survey instrument. This organization heads. The result is calculated for six different
prepared questionnaire was being filled by departmental heads organization separately that is show in the Table 3.
to know more and taking their views about VMI on the scale of · In organization A, the weightage of communication attribute
5. Data collected from the questionnaire is analysed to priorities (0.29) is important than other attributes and VMI
on the basis of researcher's observation. The weightage to Implementation index of this organization is 3.82.
enablers are found using Expert choice software, where pair · In organization B, the weightage of reduction in labour
wise comparison is done among each attribute on that software attribute (0.25) is important than other attributes and VMI
to give different weightage to different attributes and then six Implementation index of this organization is 4.09.
organization has been compared on the scale of 5. · In organization C, the weightage of cost control attribute
Total eight attributes are used and mean has been calculated (0.32) is important than other attributes and VMI
from the questionnaire which is used for calculating the score. Implementation index of this organization is 3.46.
· In organization D, the weightage of communication attribute
Mean of attributes(M.O.A.):- (0.24) is important than other attributes and VMI
Sum of all the values obtained from the Implementation index of this organization is 3.99.
filled section in questionnaire · In organization E, the weightage of cost control attribute
Number of questions responded by the respondents (0.28) is important than other attributes and VMI
Implementation index of this organization is 3.58.
· In organization F, the weightage of trust attribute (0.26) is
important than other attributes and VMI Implementation
index of this organization is 3.82.
April 2017
Table: 3 VMI Implementation Index
Transportation 3.20 .057 .18 4.40 .229 1.0 3.00 .090 .27 4.00 .078 .28 3.80 .156 .57 3.60 .077 .27
Vendor 3.67 .087 .31 3.67 .072 .26 2.67 .049 .13 4.00 .075 .30 3.33 .078 .25 3.67 .079 .28
Technical 2.67 .029 .07 4.17 .141 .58 3.00 .078 .23 4.17 .139 .54 3.33 .081 .26 2.83 .032 .09
Cost control 4.00 .147 .58 3.25 .050 .16 3.75 .327 1.38 4.00 .083 .33 4.00 .286 1.12 3.75 .098 .36
Reduction in 3.80 .146 .55 4.40 .256 1.12 3.00 .076 .22 4.20 .194 .79 3.60 .149 .50 3.80 .119 .45
labour spend
Communicatio 4.14 .290 1.2 4.29 .135 .57 3.14 .132 .40 4.29 .241 1.03 3.86 .174 .66 4.00 .195 .78
Level of 3.50 .070 .24 2.75 .022 .06 2.25 .027 .06 2.75 .022 .06 2.50 .022 .05 3.75 .137 .51
Total 3.82 4.09 3.46 3.99 3.58 3.82
6. CONCLUSIONS transportation system. This study provides the comparison
The implementation of VMI in retail industry is a possible way among all six organizations and shows the scope of
to improve supply chain performance and access to desired improvement in all organizations. It should be noted that all six
product in a cost effective manner. But the application of VMI is organization need to improve in 'Inventory level'. This paper
not been used by the retail industry in the wide manner. And if provides a framework to the research community and present
VMI implementation is attempted then retail industries unable upto date literature for the study. Improvement is a slow and
to execute it properly. So the degree of implementation of VMI continuous process hence it may take long time.
need to be calculated which is called “VMI implementation
index”. In this study a questionnaire is prepared for the survey
The research suffers from some limitations that further study
in six different retail industry and this information is used to
could overcome. The first is that overall only six organizations
calculate 'VMI implementation index' with the help of Expert
participate in this type of survey. Secondly, the numbers of
Choice Software. This VMI index indicates the retail industry
interviewees were limited person interested to convey
their position how well they are implementing VMI. Since
information about the VMI. The third is that this study is limited
being a renowned retail industry they are willing to implement
to Indian context. Moreover number of surveyed organizations
it but there are certain difficulties they have to overcome. This
and interviewees could be increased in future research.
study provides a clear view to their difficulties and remedies for
these difficulties have been suggested in this study specifically REFERENCES
to each retail industry on the basis of score obtained by them in
1. Astrid , (2007) “Information exchange in vendor managed
VMI implementation index. The score of organization A is 3.82
inventory” International Journal of Physical Distribution
on the basis of attributes in the questionnaire. Similarly, the
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score of organization B, organization C, organization D,
organization E, and organization F are 4.09, 3.46, 3.99, 3.58, 2. Blatherwick, A.,(1989). Vendor managed inventory:
and 3.82 respectively. All these VMI index are found on the fashion fad or important supply chain strategy? Supply
scale of 5. On the basis of our result, we conclude that chain management
organization B is better based on stated attributes followed by
3. C. Das, S.K. Goyal, (1989) “A vendor 's View of the JIT
organisations D, A, F, E and C respectively for implementing
Manufacturing system” International Journal of
the VMI. Among six organisations B is most efficient and
Operations & Production Management, Volume: 9 Issue: 8,
effective due to better implementation of transportation system
and reduction in labour spend. Organization D is at second 4. Darya Monnigmann, (2011) “Optimization of a vendor
place and need to improve much in the attribute inventory level managed inventory supply chain with guaranteed stability
and they need to adopt inventory management models to and robustness” Int. J. Production Economics 131 (2011)
improve. Organization E and C are at bottom on the basis of 727–735
VMI index. Organization E has high scope of improvement in
5. Falasca Mauro, Kros John F, Nadler S. Scott, (2016) “
the attribute 'Trust'. Trust is an important aspect in the retail
Performance outcomes and success factors of
industry and need to improve by improving more in
industrialvendingsolutions” International Journal of
communication with the vendors and readjusting the things to
Operations & Production Management, Volume: 36 Issue:
be better in this aspect. The organization C needs to improve
more in attribute vendor performance matrix and therefore they
need to review their vendor performance and take actions 6. Frank P. Buffa, (1986) “Restocking Inventory in Groups: A
accordingly. Organizations A and F are in the middle and have Transport Inventory Case” International Journal of
equal index. Both organization have scope of improvement in Physical Distribution & Materials Management, Volume:
Technical capability and Transportation system which suggest 16 Issue: 3
to be more adaptive to current technologies and better
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7. Frederik Zachariassen, (2014) “Vendor managed management performance? Lessons learnt from the UK
inventory :Why you need to talk to your supplier” Journal blood supply chain”Supply Chain Management: An
of Industrial Engineering and Management International Journal, Volume: 17 Issue: 2
8. Hsu-Hua Lee, Brian H. Kleiner, (2001) “Inventory 16. Sohel Rana S.M., Osman Abdullah and Islam Mb. Aminul,
management in the women's retail clothing industry” (2015) “Retail Supply Chain and Vendor Managed
Management Research News, Volume: 24 Issue: 3/4 Inventory System” International Journal of Business and
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Supply chain enhancement through product and vendor
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Cotton, (2012) “ What drives perishable inventory
April 2017
April 2017
Table 1: Specification of CNC machines
Max. Max. Length No. of
Machine Name of Turning
turning turning between tools
No. CNC Lathe speed
length Dia. centers on
(mm) (mm) (mm) Turret
L-01 525.8 370.8 525.8 10 35-3500
Puma 10-HC
L-02 250 320 350 8 45-4300
L-03 440 380 550 8 35-3500
The traditional Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Step 1: Identification of components and associated functions
approach is a pro-active quality method for evaluating potential Step 2: Identification of failure modes
failure modes and their causes. It helps in prioritizing the failure Step 3: Identification of effects of the failure modes (Severity,
modes and recommend corrective measures for the avoidance S): The severity of the failure is estimated using an evaluation
of catastrophic failures and improvement of the quality of scales from 1-10 for machine downtime in hours shown in Table
product. 2.
Table 2: Criteria for ranking Severity (S)
Effect Severity Criteria Ranking
Hazardous without Very high severity ranking: Affects
warning operator, plant or maintenance personnel
High severity ranking: Affects operator,
Hazardous with warning 9
plant or maintenance personnel
Very high downtime Downtime of more than 8 hours. 8
High downtime Downtime of more than 4-7 hours. 7
Moderate downtime Downtime of more than 1-3 hours. 6
Low downtime Downtime of 30 minutes to 1 hour. 5
Downtime up to 30 minutes and no
Very low 4
defective parts
Process parameters variability exceeds
Minor effect 3
upper/lower control limits
Process parameters variability within
Very minor effect 2
upper/lower control limits
Process parameters variability within
No effect 1
upper/lower control limits
(Source: Degu and Moorthy, 2014)
Table 3: Criteria for Ranking Occurrence (O)
Probability of
Possible Failure Rates Criteria Ranking
Very high: Failure is MTBF of less than 1 hour. 10
almost inevitable MTBF of less than 2 to 10 hours. 9
MTBF of 11 to 100 hours. 8
High: Repeated failures
MTBF of 101 to 400 hours. 7
MTBF of 401 to 1000 hours. 6
Moderate: Occasional
MTBF of 1001 to 2000 hours. 5
MTBF of 2001 to 3000 hours. 4
Low: Relatively few MTBF of 3001 to 6000 hours. 3
failures MTBF of 6001 to 10,000 hours. 2
Remote: Failure unlikely MTBF greater than 10,000 hours. 1
(Source: Degu and Moorthy, 2014)
Step 4: Identification of cause of the failures (Occurrence, O): ranking levels resulting in a scale from 1 to 10. After deciding
The occurrence is based on knowledge of the failure mode and the Severity, Occurrence and Detection numbers, the RPN was
prioritizes for an evaluation scale as 1-10 for Mean Time calculated by multiplying Severity (S), Occurrence (E) and
between Failure (MTBF) in hours shown in Table 3. Detection (D) scores.
Step 5: Current Design Control (Detection, D): The use of R PN = S × O × D
evaluation scale is shown in Table 4. The small value of RPN is always better than the high value of
Step 6: Calculate Risk Priority Number (RPN): RPN is the RPN. According to the values of RPN, the failure mode was
indicator for the determination of proper corrective action on categorized and then proper remedial action was suggested for
the failure modes. The Severity, Occurrence and Detection are the CNC machine's failures with high level of risks.
April 2017
Table 4: Criteria for Ranking Detection (D)
Detection Detection by Design Controls Ranking
Absolute Very high remote chance a Machine controls will not or
uncertainty cannot detect potential cause of failure mode
Very remote chance a machinery/design control will
Very remote detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent 9
failure mode.
Remote chance a machinery/design control will detect a
Remote 8
potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
Very low chance a machinery/design control will detect
Very low a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure 7
Low chance a machinery/design control will detect a
Low potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 6
Machinery control will prevent an imminent failure.
Moderate chance a machinery/design control will detect
Moderate a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure 5
Moderately high chance a machinery/design control will
detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent 4
failure mode.
High chance a machinery/design control will detect a
High 3
potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.
Very high chance a machinery/design control will detect
Very high a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure 2
mode. Machinery controls not necessary.
Design control will almost certainly detect a potential
cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 1
Machinery controls not necessary.
(Source: Degu and Moorthy, 2014)
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS failure mode with lower frequency has lesser effect on the
For the present work CNC machine failure data were collected production process as compared to the failure modes with
from GG Valves Industry for a period of 1 year (from 11th July, higher frequency. The failures of which frequencies were more
2014 till 10th August, 2015). A number of failure modes were than 20% of the highest frequency were considered as major
obtained and their failure frequencies were calculated. It can be failures shown in Fig. 1 and rest were ignored considering these
seen that failures in some of the failure modes occur repeatedly as minor failure.
during a year while some of the failure modes are rare. The
April 2017
Table 5: Machine Downtime
S. No. Parts Description Failure Mode Downtime (Hours)
1 Turret head Alignment disordered 13-14
2 dismantling Play in coupling 11-12
3 Low pressure of coolant 5-6
Coolant tank
4 Improper work of pump 2-3
5 Feed Servo Parameter disordered 3-4
6 System Power fluctuated 5-5.5
7 Changing table turn slowly 3-3.5
Hydraulic system
8 Oil leaks from cylinder 3-3.5
From Table 6, it can be seen that the 'play-in coupling' failure detected moderately high, so ranking was 5. The calculated
mode of turret head has machine downtime of 11-12 hours, so RPN value is 225. This value is the highest RPN of all the
severity ranking was given 9; MTBF was calculated 1542 machine failures.
hours, so occurrence ranking was 5; and the failure was
The 'alignment disorder' failure mode of turret head has 'Improper work of coolant pump' has machine downtime of 2-3
machine downtime of 13-14 hours, so severity ranking was hours, so severity ranking was given 7; Mean Time Between
given 9; MTBF was calculated 778 hours, so occurrence Failure was calculated as 1848 hours, so occurrence ranking
ranking was 6; and the failure was detected moderately high so was 5; and the failure was detected moderately high, so ranking
ranking was 4. The calculated RPN value is 216. This value is was 4. The calculated RPN value is 140. This value is the third
the second highest RPN of all the machine failures. highest RPN of all the machine failures.
April 2017
Similarly, 'change table turns slowly' of hydraulic table has was almost certain with chance of control of the failure mode, so
machine downtime of 3-3.5 hours, so severity ranking was ranking was given 2. The calculated RPN value is 60. This value
given 6; Mean Time Between Failure was calculated 1707 is the lowest RPN of all the machine failures. The Risk Priority
hours, so occurrence ranking was 5; and the failure detection Numbers (RPN) for all modes are shown in Fig. 3.
April 2017
Table 7 presents a guide for the maintenance of the CNC Lathe. 6. CONCLUSION
There is no maintenance schedule available at GG Valves Pvt. The aim of present work is to synthesize the multidisciplinary
Ltd., Udaipur for maintaining the CNC machines. Therefore, nature of CNC machine failures from a performance perspective
maintenance schedule for the effective and efficient operation and highlight some of the more important aspects. The method
of the CNC machines are proposed. It is advised that this was presented for calculating Risk Priority Number based on
maintenance schedule is attached in the front cover of the FMEA, which can be used to prioritize failure modes of CNC
machine LOG BOOK so that it may refer to each time the machines. The principal approach that has been proposed
machine is operated. Based on the study, it is recommended that throughout this work is to increase production rate performance
the machines must be maintained annually or on completion of through the prioritization of the failures occurring in CNC
2000 hours by replacing rotary gear oil, fan filters on electrical machines.
cabinet, way oil filter and air regulator filter. With the failure Recommended Actions
modes analysis, the ranking can be developed to be used by the For the individual failures, industry needs to work on the certain
decision making managers for arranging the inspection and step that can reduce the amount of failure in machine
maintenance of the equipment properly. Optimization of components. The steps are:
maintenance resources can also be done to avoid the risk. a) Play-in coupling failure mode is the part of turret head and is
given the highest priority and it plays an important role in
the CNC machine. So, to avoid abrupt accident, bearings of
April 2017
high quality should be used along with the periodic 6. Salvi R.K., Agarwal C., Nandwana B.P. & Saloda M.A.,
maintenance schedule. (2016), “Implementation of Machinery Failure Mode and
b) Failure mode of hydraulic system can be checked by proper Effect Analysis for CNC Machines in Valve Manufacturing
monitoring of hydraulic chamber, supplying cleaned and Industry”, International Journal of Mechanical Handling
filtered hydraulic oil and periodic maintenance of chamber. and Automation, Vol. 1(1), 2016, pp 10-15.
c) The alignment disorder of turret head can be improvised by 7. Thakore R., Dave R. & Parsana T. (2015), “A Case Study:
providing less defective casting pieces. All casting pieces A Process FMEA Tool to Enhance Quality and Efficiency
should be tested through Ultra-sonic process which avoids of Bearing Manufacturing Industry”, Scholars Journal of
abrupt accidents. Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3(4B), 2015, pp 413-
The authors acknowledge the support by manufacturing 8. Wang X., Zhang Y. & Shen G. (2016), “An improved
industry GG Valves Pvt. Ltd. Udaipur, Rajasthan for carrying FMECA for feed system of CNC machining center based
out the study. on ICR and DEMATEL method”, The International
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2016, pp 43-54.
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Applications, Vol. 42, 2015, pp 4000–4015. tool selection with linguistic information”, Applied Soft
Computing, Vol. 42, 2016, pp 314-324.
2. Degu Y.M. & Moorthy R. S. (2014), “Implementation of
Machinery Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in Amhara 10. Yang Z., Xu B., Chen F., Hao Q., Zhu X. & Jia Y. (2010), “A
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Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 03(1), 2014, pp 57- machine tool using fuzzy theory”, International
63. Conference on Information and Automation, Vol. 32,
2010, pp 24-35.
3. Gupta G. & Mishra R.P. (2016), “A Failure Mode Effect
and Criticality Analysis of Conventional Milling Machine 11. Zhou Q. & Thai V.V. (2016), “Fuzzy and grey theories in
Using Fuzzy Logic: Case Study of RCM”, Quality and failure mode and effect analysis for tanker equipment
Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 06, 2016, pp failure prediction”, Safety Science, Vol. 83, 2016, pp
125-136. 74–79.
4. Li H., Chen F., Yang Z., Wang L. & Kan Y. (2016), “Failure AUTHORS
Mode Analysis on Machining Center Based on Possibility Raj Kumar Salvi, M.Tech Scholar (CAD/CAM), College of
Theory”, International Conference on Electrical Technology and Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of
Engineering and Automatic Control, Vol. 367, 2016, pp Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur-313 001, (Rajasthan)
627-636. E-mail: rajkumar.salvi@gmail.com
5. Salvi R.K., Agarwal C., Nandwana B.P. & Saloda M.A., Dr. S. Jindal, Udaipur Chamber and Professor, Department of
(2016), “Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for CNC Mechanical Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of
Machines Used In GG Valves Industry”, International Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur-313 001, (Rajasthan) I
Journal of Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Vol. 1(1), E-mail: sjindals@gmail.com / (Mob) 094141 64420
2016, pp 22-33.
April 2017
April 2017
Similarly sewing and packaging time constraints are 70 x1 Test Problem 3: Formulation
+60 x2 £ 84000, and 12 x1 +4 x2 £ 12000 respectively. Finally The Bank of West Asian is allocating a maximum of $ 200,000
the number of shirts and blouses to be manufactured must be for Personal and Car Loans during the next month. Bank charges
non-negative. 14% for Personal Loans and 12% for Car Loans. Both types of
So the final linear programming formulation is as given loans are repaid at the end of 1- year period. Experience shows
below that about 3% of personal loans and 2% of car loans are never
LPP: Maximize Z= 8 x1 + 12 x2 repaid, both as principal and interest. The bank usually allocates
Subject to at best twice as much to car loans as to personal loans. Formulate
the LPP so as to allocate the fund between the two loans and the
20 x1 + 60 x 2 £ 60000 net rate of return on all the loans.
70 x1 + 60 x 2 £ 84000 Formulations:x1= Personal loan amount in $, x2 = Car loan
12 x1 + 4 x 2 £ 12000 amount in $
Objective function formulation: Bank charges 14% for
x1 , x 2 ³ 0
personnel loans. Also 3% of personal loans are never repaid
Test Problem 2: Formulation back. Thus interest from personal loan is (0.14 (0.97)x1).
Modern equipment can advertise its products on local radio and Similarly interest from car loans is (0.12 ( 0.98)x2). Thus total
television (TV), The advertisement budget is limited to $ 10000 interest function is 0.14(0.97)x1+0.12 (0.98)x2. Thus the net
a month. Each minute of radio advertisement costs $15 and each profit is 0.14(0.97)x1+0.12 (0.98)x2-0.03x1-0.02x2. This net
minute of TV commercials cost $300. Modern equipment likes profit function is to be maximized.
to use radio advertisement at least twice as much as TV. In the Constraint formulation: Total allocation of loans is 200000.
meantime, it is not practical to use more than 400 minutes of
radio advertisement a month. Past experience shows that TV Thus x1+x2 £ 200000.
Advertisement is estimated to be 25 times more effective than Also bank usually allocates at least twice as much to car loans as
that of radio. to personal loans.
a) Determine the optimal allocation of the budget to radio and x2
x1 ³ 2.
TV advertisements. Thus
Formulation: Finally amount of personal and car loans must be non-negtive.
Let x1 = minutes of radio advertisement, x2 = minutes of TV Hence the final linear programing formulation is as given
advertisement. below.
Objective function formulation: TV advertisement is estimated LPP Maximum Z = 0.14 ( 0.97) x1+0.12 (0.98) x2 -0.03 -0.02
to be 25 times more effective than that of radio. Thus total
effectiveness function is (x1+25x2). This effectiveness function Subject to,
is to be maximized. x1 + x 2 £ 200000,
Constraint formulation: One minute of radio advertisement cost x1
$ 15. Thus x1 minutes of radio advertisement cost $ 15x1. ³ 2, x1 , x 2 ³ 0.
Similarly TV advertisement cost is $ 300x2. Hence total x1
advertisement cost function is (15x 1 +300x 2 ). This Test Problem 4: Formulation
advertisement cost function must be less than the amount of Levince grocery store sells two types of soft drinks: The brand
advertisement budget available per month. Thus the name A1 Cola and the cheaper store brand Levince Cola. The
advertisement budget constraint is 15x1+300x2£10000. margin of profit for A1 is about 5 cents per can and that of
Modern equipment likes to use radio advertisement at least Levince is 7 cents per can. On the average, the store sells no
twice as much as TV. Hence x1 ³ 2 more than 500 cans of both the colas a day. Although A1 is a
x2 1 recognized brand names customers tend to buy more levince,
Also it is not practical to use more than 400 minutes of radio because it is considerably cheaper. It is estimated that at least
advertisement per month. Thus x1 £ 400. 100 cans of A1 are sold and then Levince outsells A1 by a margin
of at least 2:1. Formulate the problem as a Linear Programming
Finally number of radio and TV advertisement minutes must be so as to find the number of cans per day of each brand that the
non-negative. Thus the complete LP formulation is store should carry to maximize profit.
LPP: Maximize Z= x1+ 25x2 Formulation:
Subject to Let x1 be the number of Levince Cola, x2 be the number of A1
15 x1 + 300 x 2 £ 10000,
Objective function formulation: One unit of Levince cola gives a
x1 2 profit of 7 cents. Thus x1 units of Levince cola cans give profit of
³ , 7x1 cents. Similarly profit from A1 cola is 5x2 cents. Thus the
x2 1
total profit function is (7x1 +5x2) cents. This profit function is to
x1 £ 400, be maximized.
x1 , x 2 ³ 0.
April 2017
Constraint formulation: Store sells no more than 500 cans of 2. Determination of the optimum solution from among all
both the colas a day. Thus x1 +x2 £500. feasible points in the solution space.
It is estimated that at least 100 cans of A1 are cold. Thus x2 £ 100. General solution algorithm can be demonstrated as follows.
Also Levince outsells A1 by a margin of atleast 2:1 . Thus Step-1:The non-negativity constraint will restrict the solution
x1 2 space area to the first quadrant.
£ Step-2: Consider the inequality constraints as equation. Plot the
x2 1
equation on the graph
Finally number of A1 cola cans and number of Levince cola Step3 : Shade the feasible region.
cans must be non-negative.
Step4: Choose the convenient value of Z (say=0) and plot the
Thus the final linear programming formulation is. objective function line.
LPPMax Z = 7 x1 + 5x2 Step 5-Find out the direction of the objective function in which it
maximizes and take the point at which the objective function is
s.t.x1 + x2 £ 500, x2 ³ 100, x1, x2 £ 0 maximum and beyond that it will go out of the feasible region.
Similarly for minimization case consider the decreasing
GRAPHICAL SOLUTION METHOD direction of Z and find out the extreme point at which it is
For two variable problems, we can easily demonstrate solution minimum.
and sensitivity analysis by graphical method. The graphical Step-6: Read the co-ordinates of the extreme points selected at
procedure includes two steps: step5 and find the MAX or MIN value of Z.
1. Determination of the solution space that defines all feasible Graphical representation of solution for test problem-1 is as
solutions of the model. given below (TORA output)Exhibit-.
January 2013 April 2017
3 ----(1) , or ----(2)
April 2017
January 2013
Feasibility range of sewing time constraint from the current level while guaranteeing that the optimal
Sewing time constraint: As long as the solution point C moves solution point will be given by the intersections of the lines
from D (0, 1000) to F (3000/4, 3000/4), as given in Exhibit-5, associated with M1 & M2. Similarly the associated general
the intersection point between cutting time and packaging time solution in terms of M2 (the sewing time resource constraint) is
constraint remain feasible. So the feasibility range for the as follows:
sewing time constraint is 60000 to 97500. Thus M2 can be X1 = + 1200
decreased by as much as 24000 minutes from the current level
of 84000 minutes or increased by as much as 13500 minutes X1 = M2+ 1400 where ³ M2 ³ 60000
DUEL PRICE model in which the limited resources represent the input and the
The duel price actually represents the unit worth of a resource. It value of the objective function summarizes the output. It is
gives the contributions to the objective function resulting from defined as the rate of change in the optimum objective value that
a unit increase or decrease in the availability of a resource. The results from making changes in the available amount of current
name dual price arose from the mathematical definition of the of resource.
dual problems in linear programming. Other less common If yi represent the worth per unit of resource I, the associated
names for the dual price include shadow price or simplex formula for computing this measure is
multipliers. LP model can be thought of as an input- output
Change in M1 from E to B
? ?0.12 60 $7.20
? ?
y2 =
If the activity's reduced cost per unit is positive, then the cost of output (unit profit) equals the input (unit cost of resources). Thus
the consumed resources per unit is higher than its profit per unit, for the test problem 1 both1x and 2xhave zero reduced cost
and the activity should not be undertaken. This means that the because both are positive in the optimum solution.
value of its associated variable in the optimum solution should Details of all dual prices, ranges of profits constants, reduced
be zero. Alternatively, an activity that is economically attractive costs are as given in Exhibit-6 (TORA output) below.
will have a zero reduced cost in the optimum solution,
signifying an equilibrium point has been reached at which the