December CG Meeting
December CG Meeting
December CG Meeting
A. Present
DSWD Field Office Cordillera Administrative Region, 40 North Drive, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Telephone (6374) 446 5961 | 661 0430 | (6302) 396 6580 Mobile (63917) 871 9893 | (63917) 872 0256 | (63919) 065 5365 to 68
A. Preliminaries
The meeting was called to order at 1:05pm facilitated by Ms. Fatima D. Florendo. This
was followed with a prayer led by Mr. Jason W. Uberto. Facilitator for this meeting
was Ms. Jamie Bambilla.
B. Meeting Proper
Before proceeding with the meeting proper, Ms. Fatima requested the representatives/proxies
to inform their focal persons of the result of the meeting.
Issue/Concern Update/Agreement
1. Updated Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Ms. Fatima informed the group that the
Program Briefer SWOs III were informed and reminded not to
omit/delete important matters from the
program briefer.
Presented below are the updates from the Regional Program Coordinator.
Moreover, agreements and recommendation related to the topic were noted.
DSWD Field Office Cordillera Administrative Region, 40 North Drive, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Telephone (6374) 446 5961 | 661 0430 | (6302) 396 6580 Mobile (63917) 871 9893 | (63917) 872 0256 | (63919) 065 5365 to 68
Issue / Concern Agreement / Recommendation
Updated Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Updating of Pantawid Pamilya MNE
Program Briefer Briefer for Orientation of New sets
of Local Chief Executives.
Powerpoint presentation which will
be provided to POOs. Mr.
Escalante stated that brochure is in
place and shall be shared to the
MNE Unit. Powerpoint
presentation and brochure must be
available prior to the conduct of
PAC meetings.
Pantawid Tarpaulin Standard template for Pantawid Mr. Escalante
Pamilya Taurpalin shall be
prepared to be utilized in the
conduct of activities. Mr. Escalante
to craft proposal.
Regional Spotcheck To include the checking of FDS MNE
modules provided to the Municipal
Links during spotcheck and to not
only focus on non-compliant
monitored children. Regional
Spotcheck is slated on September
at Mankayan, Benguet.
Office Restructuring/Setup To look into the office structure Ms. Liwanen
which includes staff from the
Convergence Unit. Mr. Yohanon
and Ms. Encarnacion to swap
places with Mr. Salazar and Ms.
Sabalo. Ms. Liwanen to look into
staff who be situated in the old
CBS office.
Newsletter To include topics on how to take Mr. Ladines
care of your ATM cards and how to
utilize them. Mr. Ladines to request
technical assistance from Mr.
Internet Load Reimbursement Mr. Colting to craft memorandum Mr. Colting and
for staff who are not utilizing Ms. Torwel
wireless broadband routers and for
the staff to return equipment to the
RPMO. Staff who shall return
wireless broadband routers shall
no longer be eligible to reimburse
internet load allowance. Ms.
Torwel to request for the
reallocation of excess internet load
allowance fund to representation
2nd Semester Travel Plan All travels must be planned RPMO Staff
accordingly. Supervisors must
ensure that the purpose of travel of
supervisee must be specific.
Justification for TEV Justifications must indicate specific All Pantawid Staff
reason for late submission of TEV.
DSWD Field Office Cordillera Administrative Region, 40 North Drive, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Telephone (6374) 446 5961 | 661 0430 | (6302) 396 6580 Mobile (63917) 871 9893 | (63917) 872 0256 | (63919) 065 5365 to 68
With no other matters raised for discussion, the meeting ended at 5:00pm.
Noted by:
SWO IV | OIC-Division Chief
Promotive Services Division
DSWD Field Office Cordillera Administrative Region, 40 North Drive, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Telephone (6374) 446 5961 | 661 0430 | (6302) 396 6580 Mobile (63917) 871 9893 | (63917) 872 0256 | (63919) 065 5365 to 68