Evolution-Classification-Mixed-Questions 1

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1. In the hierarchy of taxa, what is in a family?

A. A group of classes

B. A group of genera

C. A group of orders

D. A group of phyla
(Total 1 mark)

2. Pseudolarix amabilis produces seeds but not flowers. Physcomitrella patens has leaves but not
To which groups do they belong?

Pseudolarix amabilis Physcomitrella patens

A. coniferophyta filicinophyta
B. filicinophyta angiospermophyta
C. coniferophyta bryophyta
D. angiospermophyta coniferophyta
(Total 1 mark)

3. To which group do sponges belong?

A. Cnidaria

B. Filicinophyta

C. Porifera

D. Mollusca
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Biology 1
4. Which phylum does an animal belong to, if it has stinging tentacles and a mouth, but no anus?

A. Annelida

B. Cnidaria

C. Porifera

D. Platyhelminthes
(Total 1 mark)

5. Why has antibiotic resistance evolved in bacteria?

A. All bacteria reproduce very quickly.

B. Bacteria exposed to antibiotics developed a resistance to them.

C. Varieties of bacteria resistant to antibiotics reproduce faster than non-resistant varieties.

D. Bacteria showing resistance to antibiotics survive after antibiotics are used.

(Total 1 mark)

6. Which taxa do Zerynthia rumina and Zerynthia polyxena share?

A. They share the same class but not the same family.

B. They share the same species but not the same class.

C. They share the same class but not the same genus.

D. They share the same family but not the same species.
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Biology 2
7. What is the mechanism of natural selection?

A. Any individuals in a population can be selected entirely by chance.

B. After a change in the environment a species will evolve adaptations to the new

C. If an adaptation to the environment is useful, an individual will develop it and pass it on

to its offspring.

D. Variations amongst individuals of a population are selected by a changing environment.

(Total 1 mark)

8. Which of the following is a characteristic of platyhelminthes?

A. Many pairs of legs

B. Flat body

C. Hard exoskeleton

D. Presence of cnidocytes
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Biology 3
9. Which phylum does the plant below belong to?

A. Angiospermophyta

B. Bryophyta

C. Coniferophyta

D. Filicinophyta
(Total 1 mark)

10. Two different trees have been classified as Pinus pinea and Pinus nigra. Which of the following
statements is correct?

A. Both trees belong to the same class but a different genus.

B. Both trees belong to the same family and same genus.

C. The species name of both trees is Pinus.

D. The family names are pinea and nigra.

(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Biology 4
11. Which of the following are used as evidence for evolution?

I. Homologous structures
II. Selective breeding of domesticated animals
III. Overproduction of offspring

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

12. Which of the following will promote variation in a species?

I. Meiosis
II. Fertilization
III. Natural selection

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. I, II and III
(Total 1 mark)

13. Which process tends to reduce variety within a population?

A. Natural selection

B. Random fertilization

C. Independent assortment

D. Crossing over
(Total 1 mark)

IB Questionbank Biology 5
14. Triarthus was a trilobite that lived on Earth about 500 million years ago. The diagrams below
show its structure, viewed from above and below. The structure was discovered by studying
fossils of Triarthus.

[Source: R Fortrey, (2000), Trilobite!, page 62]

(a) There are many animals living on Earth today that belong to the same phylum as the
trilobites, but there are no living trilobites. Deduce, with a reason, the phylum to which
Triarthus belonged.




(b) Outline the evidence for evolution provided by fossils.





IB Questionbank Biology 6
(c) Some trilobites swam in clear, shallow water and had very large eyes. Suggest how
species with large eyes could evolve from species with smaller eyes.




(Total 6 marks)

15. The cladogram below shows how closely related a group of species of spiders are on the
Hawaiian island group. Two of the species have not been given a scientific name. Three pairs of
the spiders spin very similar webs. These are shown on the diagram. The island on which the
spider lives is also indicated.


T. laboriosa - Mainland - USA

T. hawaiensis - Hawai’i

- O’ahu

T. limu - O’ahu

“eurylike” - O’ahu

T. acuta - Maui

T. fliciphilia - Maui

T. stelarobusta - Maui

T. eurychasma - Maui

T. perkinsi - Hawai’i

[Source: T A Blackledge and R G Gillespie (November 2004), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101, (46),
pages 1622816233]

(a) Deduce whether spiders that spin similar webs or spiders that live on the same island are
more closely related.

IB Questionbank Biology 7




(b) Mitochondrial DNA from the spiders was analysed to produce the cladogram. Outline the
method of analysing the DNA to produce evidence for cladograms.






(c) Explain the evidence in the diagram for


(i) convergent evolution;



(ii) adaptive radiation.


(Total 8 marks)

IB Questionbank Biology 8
16. (a) Outline the properties of RNA that may have allowed it to play a role in the origin of life.





(b) Outline the evidence provided by DNA for the common ancestry of living organisms.





(c) The cladogram below shows the classification of species A to D. Deduce how similar
species A is to species B, C and D.




IB Questionbank Biology 9
(d) Suggest two reasons for using cladograms for the classification of organisms.



(Total 8 marks)

17. Explain the biochemical evidence provided by DNA and protein structures for the common
ancestry of living organisms.
















(Total 6 marks)

IB Questionbank Biology 10
18. There is evidence that body size of animals tends to increase over time. In this study, fossils and
living species from the genus Poseidonamicus, deep-sea ostracods, were used to test this
hypothesis. The numbers on the dotted line represent the number of different Poseidonamicus
species found either as fossils or living. For each time period, the average valve length of all
species studied is plotted. Valve length is an indication of total body size. The continuous line is
the estimated temperature of their deep-sea habitat.

[Adapted from Gene Hunt and Kaustuv Roy. 2006. “Climate change, body size evolution, and Cope’s Rule in deep-
sea ostracodes”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol 103, issue 5. Pp 1347–1352 (Figure 1).
Copyright 2006, National Academy of Sciences, USA.]

(a) Calculate the percentage increase in valve length between the species studied from 40
million years ago and the species from the present day.





IB Questionbank Biology 11
(b) Suggest two reasons for the increase in the number of species of Poseidonamicus over





(c) Evaluate the hypothesis that changes in size of Poseidonamicus are caused by changes in
sea temperature.






(Total 7 marks)

19. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.

(a) Plants are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms. Describe the different characteristics
of the bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta and angiospermophyta.

(b) Plants store carbohydrate in the form of starch. Explain the reasons for starch being
digested by the human digestive system.

(c) Compare the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

(Total 20 marks)

IB Questionbank Biology 12

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